Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 15 2018

You shout it loud

But I can't hear a word you say

I'm talking loud not saying much

I'm criticized but all your bullets ricochet

You shoot me down, but I get up

I'm bulletproof nothing to lose

Fire away, fire away

Ricochet, you take your aim

Fire away, fire away

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

Cut me down

But it's you who has further to fall

Ghost town, haunted love

Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones

I'm talking loud not saying much

I'm bulletproof nothing to lose

Fire away, fire away

Ricochet, you take your aim

Fire away, fire away

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

I am titanium

Stone-hard, machine gun

Firing at the ones who run

Stone-hard, thus bulletproof glass

You shoot me down but I won't fall

You shoot me down but I won't fall

I am titanium

I am titanium

I am titanium

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Titanium | David Guetta ft. Sia ( Cover by Madilyn Paige) | Lyrics - Duration: 2:34.


Logical Questions | Can You Solve This Puzzle | Mind Power Puzzles | Puzzle 9 - Duration: 3:22.

Logical Questions

Can You Solve This Puzzle

Mind Power Puzzles

Puzzle 9

For more infomation >> Logical Questions | Can You Solve This Puzzle | Mind Power Puzzles | Puzzle 9 - Duration: 3:22.


Il Tradimento di Xehanort - KINGDOM HEARTS STORIA & LORE COMPLETA II (Union X, Birth By Sleep, 3) - Duration: 30:44.

For more infomation >> Il Tradimento di Xehanort - KINGDOM HEARTS STORIA & LORE COMPLETA II (Union X, Birth By Sleep, 3) - Duration: 30:44.



What's this?

I think it is milk




I think so too!


It's taste like protein!

I thought milk!

Good right?

So good!

For more infomation >> JAPANESE TRIES TO DRINK VITAMILK!!! (*MEETUP INFO) - Duration: 6:18.


Box of Nerf Blasters Toy Weapons Toy Blasters for Kids Non Nerf - Duration: 6:57.

Box of Nerf Blasters Toy Weapons

For more infomation >> Box of Nerf Blasters Toy Weapons Toy Blasters for Kids Non Nerf - Duration: 6:57.


"Disha Patani" Showstopper At "Bombay Times Fashion Week 2018" | Tiger Shroff - Duration: 1:34.

"Disha Patani" Showstopper At "Bombay Times Fashion Week 2018" | Tiger Shroff

For more infomation >> "Disha Patani" Showstopper At "Bombay Times Fashion Week 2018" | Tiger Shroff - Duration: 1:34.


What's The Best Rep Range For Muscle Growth (New Research) - Duration: 5:49.

hey guys so let's talk about the best rep ranges for building muscle so the

classic thing that you learn it's what I learned when I was getting certified to

be a trainer they tell you that low low reps you know one to five reps is best

for strength medium amount of reps six to twelve is best for hypertrophy which

means muscle growth and anything over 1215 tends to be more ideal for muscle

endurance and there are some truth to this but there are also some myths about

this so in this video I just want to go over the research briefly and clarify

what how many reps exactly are optimal for muscle growth so there really is

some truth to the numbers which I just mentioned before if your goal is power

and explosiveness and getting strong as possible training between the 1 to 5 rep

range is going to be ideal for power and explosiveness 1-2 reps as heavy as you

can is gonna be best because you're lifting heavier weight and simply makes

sense you're not really gonna get stronger doing 20 reps of a deadlift

versus one or two reps of a deadlift at 90 percent of your one rep max again

when it comes to endurance endurance is basically your ability to endure through

a long period of exercise right and if you want to get better and insurance and

make sense to do higher repetitions you know 2025 rep squats that makes sense

you know you train for longer your training your ability to train for

longer however if the goal is to build the most amount of muscle and increase

muscle growth it's a bit more complex in there isn't a specific number that you

should be training for the goal is different it's not training as much as

possible lifting as much weight as possible the goal is the outcome of your

muscle lifting for strength lifting for endurance isn't really seeking after a

specific goal in terms of your physique however the 6 to 12 rep range which I

mentioned before and you hear over and over again does tend to be the best rep

range for building muscle it doesn't mean you can't build muscle doing more

than 15 reps or less than 5 reps I mean there are plenty of Olympic lifters that

consistently train less than 5 reps very very frequently and don't really do

higher reps and the a lot of muscle but that doesn't mean

it's ideal hence why you have guys in the 56 kg weight class lifting 150

kilograms over the head but they just look like average Joes who have been to

the gym for a few months in terms of muscle development in order to build

muscle mass you want to be accumulating a lot of quality reps and volume right

the total amount of exercise with good form and six to 12 reps is really gonna

give you the opportunity to train with good form get in a lot of quality reps

because if you're only doing one two or three reps at 90 percent of your one rep

max it's gonna be very difficult to achieve really really good form and

focus on the contraction of the muscles right because that's not your primary

goal when you're doing that exercise you're just trying to get that away up

but with slightly higher reps but still heavy weight you can focus on getting

good contractions and muscle damage but at the same time you're using good form

something else to consider is how to hide you're going to be so honestly I've

deadlift it's so heavy sometimes where the next day I feel sick because my body

is so worn out I just feel fried and I've only done one or two three sets of

1 or 2 or 3 reps you know and that's not that much volume that really isn't gonna

cause that much muscle growth compared to doing a lighter weight and more

repetitions but the next day after doing those really really heavy deadlifts my

central nervous system is burnt out right so you can't consistently keep

that up day to day to day today and it's gonna be much easier to be sustainable

with less weight high reps in better form whilst accumulating more volume

thus accumulating more muscle growth over time now there are lots of

different opinions on this and there are different studies coming out some

contradict each other but the truth is is that we kind of know what works what

works is progressive overload getting stronger right Plus getting enough

volume so if you're able to increase the weight consistently over time whilst at

the same time getting an adequate amount of volume in then you're going to build

muscle research has shown that you can even do the lighter weight in higher

reps plus you know more than 15 reps 20 reps on an exercise per to to achieve

the same sort of effect you need to take that

muscle failure which can be very exhausting and take a long time my

recommendation is to do a mixture of both the 6 to 12 rep range right and the

1 to 5 rep range so by doing the 1 to 5 rep range you're gonna train your body

to be able to handle bigger and bigger loads whilst at the same time you're

going to be able to accumulate that volume at the heavier loads so you're

gonna get stronger and you're gonna accumulate more volume and get stronger

continuously over and over and over again and this is gonna give you the

best of both worlds this is why a workout like this works so well an upper

and lower body day where you're focusing on strength right under 5 6 reps and

then upper and lower body day in the same week where you're focusing on

slightly higher reps this way you're training your muscles twice per week

which has been shown to be optimal for trained individuals and at the same time

you're going to be increasing a strength as much as possible while also also

accumulating a lot of volume so that's it for the video I hope you enjoyed it I

hope you got some value out of this leave your questions down below in the

comment section and I will get to them as soon as possible

or I guys catch you next time

For more infomation >> What's The Best Rep Range For Muscle Growth (New Research) - Duration: 5:49.


Tử Vi Tuổi Mão Tháng 9 Âm Lịch: Sự Nghiệp Tài Lộc Tình Cảm Và Sức Khỏe Chi Tiết - Duration: 8:50.

For more infomation >> Tử Vi Tuổi Mão Tháng 9 Âm Lịch: Sự Nghiệp Tài Lộc Tình Cảm Và Sức Khỏe Chi Tiết - Duration: 8:50.


Essence Of Murli 16-10-18 - Duration: 8:17.

Om Shanti ! Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 16th October 2018

( We children know very well, Supreme Father Supreme Soul is ocean of all virtues, almighty, it can even be said he is ocean of all powers)

(what runs in an ocean ? Steamer . So today Baba remembers steamer ( in the Murli ) )

Essence: Sweet children, you are now sitting in a very big steamer.

Your anchor has been raised and you are going across the salty channel to the ocean of milk.

Question: In what do children especially feel tired? What is the main reason for becoming tired?

Answer: While moving along, children become tired of the pilgrimage of remembrance.

The main reason for becoming tired is the influence of bad company.

You go into such company that you even let go of the Father's hand.

It is said that good company takes you across and bad company drowns you.

If you become influenced by the company you keep and step off the steamer, Maya eats you raw.

This is why Baba cautions you children: Children, never let go of the Almighty Father's hand.

Song: Mother, o mother, you are the Bestower of Fortune for All.

( Navratri has started. Mother is remembered a lot especially during this time by all and we children )

Essence for dharna: 1. Continue to hold on to the Almighty Father's hand.

Attach your heart to the one Father alone. Wake up early in the morning and sit in remembrance.

( During early morning time, Baapdada meets we children )

2. Remain cautious about the influence of bad company.

Never stop studying due to the influence of bad company.

Blessing: May you be filled with specialities and attain the blessing of having easy yoga by being constantly co-operative in service.

Brahmin life is a life filled with specialities.

To be a Brahmin means to receive the blessing of being an easy yogi. This is the first blessing of this birth.

Always keep this blessing in your intellect; this is what it means to put your blessing into your practical life.

The easy way to keep a blessing permanently is to use your blessing to serve all souls.

To be co-operative in service is to be an easy yogi.

So, keep this blessing in your awareness and become full of specialities.

Slogan: Use the jewel in your forehead to become a lighthouse and grant a vision of your form and your elevated destination.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, who have come and met Baba once again after 5000 years,

love, remembrance and good morning, numberwise, according to their efforts, the spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence Of Murli 16-10-18 - Duration: 8:17.


A Kid Talks to his Terminally Ill Grandpa About Death | Kids Meet | HiHo Kids - Duration: 5:13.

- Will you be looking down on me when you are in heaven?

- Yep

and you know how you will be able to know.

When you are thinking of doing something

that you ain't supposed to do

and then you have a second thought.

That's going to be me saying

hey don't do that.

That's when you know I'm watching you.


- Hi pop, pop.

- Hello Cavalli.

- [Announcer] Have you and your grandpa

ever talked about this before?

- Yes.

- So what do you know about it?

- That you have stage four lung cancer.

But you might not die for a long time.

- Yeah. Do I look like I got cancer?

- Not really. You look

- I look the same don't I?

- You look really handsome.

- Thank you.

- How did you get cancer?

- I think it is from smoking.

Tell me the truth. Your not a little mad at me.

- No.

I'm being serious.

But I have one more question.

- What?

- Do you think grandma is mad at you?

- I ain't going to say she's mad at me

but she always told me to quit smoking.

In me and grandma's house is their anything in there

that you would want after I go?

- Two things.

- What?

- I mean three things.

- What? Two things. What?

- Okay so that, your chain. That watch. And then

- No, no, no at the house.

- That's at your house.

So probably the rest of your top rom

if you have any.

- The rest of my top rom.

- Yeah.

- Sure you can have my top rom today.

You don't want that PS3?

- Yeah I want that.

- [Announcer] What about your pop pop's hats?

- You don't like these?

- It feels warm.

Your head feels warm.

- Well that's good.

- You always wear these. Why do you always wear these?

- Well you know it's just like

- Is it because you like

- No, everybody has to have something that

is theirs.

Some people like alot of jewelry.

I like hats.

- Who are you going to miss the most? I know who you are.

- Who?

- Probably grandma.

- Okay. I probably will miss her the most because I

been with her longer than I been with

all my kids and grandkids.

But I am going to miss her most

for a different reason then

I will miss you guys.

You are my family.

You are my seed.

So when I do go,

what are you going to miss about me?

- All the memories and


being with you.

- What about breakfast?

- Oh yeah, breakfast is really good.

- I am going to miss you too buddy but hey you know

it's going to be a while.

That's why I want to spend as much time with you

to create memories.

- Do you have any favorite memories of me?

- Yeah, first time you walked.

The first time

you said a bad word.

And just you

going to sleep in my arms.

All them is memories.

So you scared for me?

- I am.

- Well we know it's going to kill me.

The more we talk about it the easier it will get.

It's just part of life.

- Will you be looking down on me when your in heaven?

- Yep. And you know how you will be able to know?

When you are thinking of doing something

that you ain't supposed to do

and then you have a second thought,

that's going to be me saying hey don't do that.

That's when you know I am watching you.

Okay? Like I say that's going to be a while.

That's going to be a while

So I'm going to be

looking at your all the time.

So when you do something I am going to be very proud.


I just want you to be a good boy and make me proud

and make your Mommy and Daddy proud.

Your got a little sister that you got to be right

so you can take care of her okay?

- Yes.

- Okay.

Come one.

- We brought someone to cheer you up.

- Hey little girl.

Do you love big brother and she gonna need you.

You understand?

- Yeah, I understand.

I love you and when you die

I will always remember this moment.

- I will too.

- Cooing

- She's your sister.

- Yeah. Yeah.

Give her a hug.


No, no you go up. I'm come get you.

Alright buddy I love you.

- I love you

- Bye bye little mama.

For more infomation >> A Kid Talks to his Terminally Ill Grandpa About Death | Kids Meet | HiHo Kids - Duration: 5:13.


Nữ Đại Minh Tinh Trung Quốc Biến Mất | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 9:00.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

China's top actress has disappeared!

Or maybe has been disappeared.

China threatens more tariffs on the US,

in retaliation for US retaliation.

And a virus is infecting millions of Chinese pigs.

I guess I'll be taking a break from double-cooked pork.

This is China Uncensored.

Hi, welcome to China Uncensored.

I'm Chris Chappell.

Chinese superstar actress Fan Bingbing seems to have disappeared.

That's Fan Bingbing who played Blink in X-Men: Days of Future Past.

She's the highest paid actress in China,

and the fifth-highest paid actress in the world.

But since late July,

the 36-year-old actress hasn't been seen in public,

or really anywhere that people seem to know about.

Her Weibo account has been silent.

No new dresses.

Not even a cute cat.

There's also no word about why she's gone.

But the Chinese internet loves speculation.

The current rumor is that she's been abducted

by authorities for tax evasion.

I mean, she could be chillin' on a beach somewhere.

We don't know.

But in May, a presenter on Chinese state television leaked

a pair of contracts that supposedly showed Fan Bingbing

double-billing for a production.

Basically, she had two contracts covering the same work.

"The documents appeared to reveal an arrangement,

known as 'yin-yang' contracts,

wherein one contract reflects an actor's actual earnings

while a second, lower figure is submitted to tax authorities."

So it's possible she's been abducted because authorities plan

to use her as a warning to other actors:

Pay your taxes, or else!

Fan's disappearance is probably less dire

than that of the thousands of human rights lawyers,

religious believers, and other dissidents

who are "disappeared" on a regular basis by the Communist Party.

But it does show the overall repressiveness of the system in China.

After all, if Kim Kardashian or Beyonce

wasn't seen in public for two months,

no one would think they were being secretly held by the US government.

Too bad Fan Bingbing can't teleport her way out of detention.

In a move that's been a long time in the making,

the US Justice Department is requiring China's

two biggest state run media companies—

Xinhua and China Global Television Network—

to register as foreign agents.

Over the past year, two Russian outlets,

RT and Sputnik, have also been required

to register as foreign agents.

What this means is there'll be more limitations

to press credentials for all these media.

They'll have less access to lawmakers and other US officials.

This is causing a bit of a debate.

There are the free speech activists—

who don't like the government deciding

what counts as journalism and what counts as propaganda.

Then there's national security experts—

who are happy these state-backed propaganda outlets

are getting a little more scrutiny.

The law in question is the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

It was created in 1938 to tackle covert Nazi propaganda in the US.

But it was rarely used after World War 2.

Until recently.

Of course, state-run China Daily, who's distribution company

has long been registered as a foreign agent,

has not been that inconvenienced.

Why, you can see their newspaper boxes dotting the streets

of major US cities like New York.

China is retaliating in the trade war with new tariffs

on 60 billion dollars of American goods.

Which is a predictable response to the US's response...

to China's earlier response to the original US tariffs...

which were a response to China being a big fat cheater.

President Trump commented on China's latest tariffs,

saying, "If there's retaliation against our farmers

and our industrial workers and our ranchers,

if any of that goes on

we are going to kick in another $257 billion.

We don't want to do it,

but we'll probably have no choice."

Later he clarified he actually meant 267 billion dollars.

But anyway, it's not exactly tit for tat.

Since the US buys more from China than China buys from the US,

the US is able to hit China with bigger tariffs.

And if the new tariffs Trump is threatening go into effect,

tariffs would cover the majority of all US-China trade.

So for all of you who wanted to boycott Made in China products,

looks like a lot more people will be forced to join you.

A deadly African swine fever is sweeping across

at least seven Chinese provinces.

The virus has killed at least 40,000 pigs.

It's become a major disruption to China's pork industry.

And more importantly, it's super gross!

And not gross in a cool way,

like that glow-in-the-dark pork from a few years ago.

The good news is that the swine fever outbreak

is way too big to cover up.

So it's forced Chinese authorities to address it,

and state media to report on it.

But just to be clear,

state-run media says, it's an African swine fever.

And it's happening despite China's strict controls.

And again, please remember that this is

not some kind of Chinese disease.

It's "been circulating in neighboring countries for a long time".

The virus can apparently live in pork products,

including ham and salami, for a month or more.

And one of the reasons the infection has spread globally

is that "pigs can become infected

if they eat contaminated food scraps."

Wait, does this mean pigs are eating...pork?

Well, at least they're not forcing Muslims to eat pork.


There is one piece of good news, though.

The virus only kills pigs, and not humans.

So while pork prices in China are going up—

you know, because so much of the supply is dying—

at least it's still safe to eat bacon.

Well, as safe as it ever was.

And finally, a "nightmare" incident between

Chinese tourists and Swedish police.

At least according to state-run media.

A Chinese family of three tried

to check into a hotel in Stockholm,

but apparently hadn't made reservations for that night.

So the hotel staff turned them away.

The Chinese family refused to leave,

and insisted on sleeping in the lobby.

So the staff called the police,

who used what the Chinese son described as

"excessive violence" on the family.

See for yourself.

"This is killing!

This is killing!"

It's basically murder.

Just look at this cry for help!

Wow, he could be a professional soccer player.

All this, of course,

has blown up massively on the Chinese internet.

And China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed concern

about the safety and legitimate rights

of all Chinese citizens visiting Sweden.

Which makes sense.

No one treats Chinese citizens worse than the police in Sweden.

And before we go, it's that time when I answer questions

from China Uncensored fans who support the show on Patreon,

the crowdfunding website.

Uchida O. asks

While Tibet is strategically advantageous,

wouldn't a complete pull-out go a long way to making it appear

as though China is interested in human rights and democracy?

What do you guys think it would it take

for the CCP to relinquish Tibet?"

Well, unfortunately for the people of Tibet,

the Chinese Communist Party will never, ever let Tibet go.

It's too strategical value.

For one, there's gold in them there hills!

Or at least a variety of minerals and rare earth elements.

Then there's the border security that comes with controlling Tibet.

It's impossible to move an army through the Himalayas.

But if the Chinese Communist Party didn't control Tibet,

then it wouldn't have the Himalayas to protect China's western border.

And then there's the fact that most of Asia's rivers start in Tibet.

That gives whoever controls Tibet tremendous power over

all the surrounding nations.

If the Communist Party gave up Tibet,

then someone else would control the source of these rivers—

including China's rivers.

If you'd like to learn more about this topic,

see our episode Why China Will Never Allow a Free Tibet.

Link is below.

Thanks for your question, Uchida.

And if you want to see your question on the show,

become a member of the China Uncensored 50-cent army on Patreon,

for as little as a dollar per episode.

Link is below.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell,

see you next time.

Well, sorry to say, that's the end of another China Uncensored.

But this isn't goodbye!

Hit that subscribe button and turn the notification bell on

so you know when we have more episodes.

And more episodes we will have.

A new one comes out every Monday,

Wednesday, Friday and sometimes Saturday!

For more infomation >> Nữ Đại Minh Tinh Trung Quốc Biến Mất | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 9:00.


DIY SQUISHY CHIPSY! Jak Zrobić Wolno Rosnące Realistyczne Squishy Tutorial - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> DIY SQUISHY CHIPSY! Jak Zrobić Wolno Rosnące Realistyczne Squishy Tutorial - Duration: 4:56.


Will Knowing BTS (Kpop) Get Me a Girlfriend? | 24th Attempt in Finding GF - Duration: 8:17.

For more infomation >> Will Knowing BTS (Kpop) Get Me a Girlfriend? | 24th Attempt in Finding GF - Duration: 8:17.


Trump says he has 'good chemistry' with Kim Jong-un, touts achievements made with N. Korea - Duration: 1:38.

US President Donald Trump has again said he trusts North Korean leader Kim

jong-un in an interview with CBS he claimed that everything is going well in

his administration's dealing was the regime and then there have been already

great achievements packagin reports and then we fell in love

okay no really he wrote me beautiful letters and they're great letters we

fell in love when the host of CBS 60 minutes asked the US president whether

he really loved North Korean leader Kim jong-un infamous for oppressing his

people and assassinating his half-brother the US president tried to

clarify that it was just a figure of speech but throughout the interview

President Trump had nothing but positive things to say about the progress being

made with the north and about Kim himself first he called his policy on

North Korea a great achievement seeing the situation has changed a great deal

from what would've ended in war and although it's still unclear whether

North Korea is really closing up weapons facilities or whether has really stopped

building missiles Trump expressed faith in the regime based on how it hasn't

conducted any test in recent months and that faith also appears to come from his

good relationship with the regime's leader according to Trump what he and

kim dongwan share is good energy and good chemistry which was what stopped

the hostile threats that they'd exchanged during his first few months in

office but that doesn't appear to be enough for president Trump to esa'

sanctions on North Korea that's something he said he has no plans to do

yet emphasizing that quotes this isn't the Obama administration packagin

arirang news

For more infomation >> Trump says he has 'good chemistry' with Kim Jong-un, touts achievements made with N. Korea - Duration: 1:38.


How To Make Chocolate Magic Cake Decorating Video - Amazing Chocolate Cake Ideas 2018 - Duration: 10:38.

How To Make Chocolate Magic Cake Decorating Video - Amazing Chocolate Cake Ideas 2018

Thank you for watching!

Hope you enjoy this video!

For more infomation >> How To Make Chocolate Magic Cake Decorating Video - Amazing Chocolate Cake Ideas 2018 - Duration: 10:38.


天秤座の運勢【山田ケンタウルス】10/16(火)から10/22(月)まで: 乃木坂46 / きっかけ - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> 天秤座の運勢【山田ケンタウルス】10/16(火)から10/22(月)まで: 乃木坂46 / きっかけ - Duration: 5:19.


Pathfinder Kingmaker - Ep8 - Sycamore Depths - Duration: 31:45.

all right how's it going this is Kolrolf welcome back to Pathfinder

Kingmaker all right so we're gonna have another try at these skill hold

champions we tried this last time and yet destroyed so let's have yeah just

Valerie move up please yeah I want you right in front of the doors here already

Lindsey you can do the unlock like this and harem in a good place for less ready

for a bearable on this one okay I'm actually Lindsey let's run over here

really quickly and we'll do your bless cuz that's from a ring doesn't take up a

spell slot alright let's do this oh hey so Valerie

we need you in here right away Lindsey start inspiring courage yep all

right let's do that

get everyone on this one yep okay yeah you're fighting right okay sometimes I

find the it's a little tedious Aaron you're getting just destroyed okay

so if you go on this one actually instead of doing that let's

have you channel get some healing

yeah let's have you do that again okay

there go hmm yeah there wasn't some way Valerie could somehow oh boy I could

paint a crow but I guess not okay well that's a missus here guys got one I got

one of us last one waste Erin you're supposed to be asleep

nice ollie before we lose anybody - 1-7 let's give

that to hear him there we go just in case don't want him to completely die

here there we go good job everyone okay let's see what we got no

breastplate nice half plate okay I think that'll be an upgrade for Valerie

masterwork longsword master great axe keep the breastplate take the half plate

actually cuz I think let's see where are we here Oh should be on the inventory

okay so I've got a breastplate that's fine

yep that's good I'm merely a breastplate that'll be a

improvement for her hair you might as well have a half plate as well and same

thing this should be an upgrade for you yeah there you go Valerie great okay

basically everyone get armor upgrade just need something new for Lindsey nice

see what else is in here Oh something there ooh

magical half plate Oh something else here we'll take a look at the other

thing in just a moment move curse that's nice possibly slightly

foreboding but nice okay so was it plus 1/2 plate its reorder plus 1/2 plate

nice ok we'll give that to Valerie a c26 nice that will help a lot okay let's

keep going actually nope before we keep going let's heal up we

don't have much left terms of healing

yeah cuz Lindsey is completely out the hair I'm sorry let's have him do a

little bit and then we'll sleep and blemish spells


okay so yeah that's quick save and rest here

okay so let's manage because I don't believe actually go back yeah can't cook

can't hunt so there's no point in having anyone on the asshole we're gonna have

Miri on a watch and there we go camouflage +15 that should do wonders

okay go interesting I won four times you won five a good day for sparring

all right good stuff we didn't heal up as much as I thought it would have uh

must i clicked off rest until heels or something okay

let's channel Aram's got all his spells now and his channels do it a whole lot

more well that was a bad example but much better okay alright let's get on

our way let's everyone get on our way we have heavy in conference now huh great

yes we do i have to drop some of this stuff and the armor is gonna be the

stuff that costs the most ok well that got us below heavy

hmm well these don't weigh anything but we're gonna drop them cuz they're not

worth anything either master work 62 mm-hmm

ma'am we'll go with that for now okay let's see where are we going

okay so let's head down that way because that's pretty much the only way around

here that we haven't explored so it's just a giant centipede not gonna worry

about it yeah there's another one not a problem at all fork in the road let's

take the path on the right all according to plan

Oh unless we can oh oh we can that's way down here man we succeeded

I'm not even sure that was a skill check but whatever I didn't take any damage

there's a lot more Sun of hates here does he imagine not that I'm worried

about him but there's four five it looks like oh no that's a kobold okay

mmm still the north heads to the south is there anything at this cobalt II

restive Oh something here let's take a look at this okay

Lindsey let's step forward and have a look some loot Oh a secret sink dum well

hidden from prying eyes hmm probably kobolds little lair

Oh with some tasty food again all all healthy nothing wrong sure that stuff

the coal bowls leave behind it's perfectly safe to eat how we get it here

oh let's see let's that's Oh

even spot some loot over there uh let's go to the south why not nope is there

anything here is this just a dead end

not something up there but nothing down here okay well then let's wait was that

loot in here should go back for it if there was

so it's something down here in due time oh there it is Oh coin okay

well probably still worth it

okay well I can't go so let's head to the north see what we find here I know

one replaying the pennant paper there was um something underneath the tree

that was you don't horrible don't remember exactly what it was okay and

now let's head in here that's just a bunch of giant centipedes take these

things out now there's another one oh that's not on over here um let's protect

Lindsey this should do it yeah I can come Oh fancy got herself good job

tremendous centipede okay let's move over here people and okay so they're all

on Valerie good let's get her in front harem let's use magic missile to get rid

of a couple of these guys gasps bless Lindsey you know that thing's coming in

fast let's get around Valerie

okay there they come oh great hey Valerie let's charge in on the big

one hmmm where are you going back here

let's do magic missile oh no let's come over here and then cast magic missile

when you're a little further away okay now that Valerie's charged in let's

get the two heavy hitters and let's do this as well

okay whoa lotsa like spike just seemed like a lot

happened all at once let's get you inspiring courage there

nothing nothing hey got that one got the big one that's

the main thing okay good stuff alright

it's going on here

decks damaged okay okay well they feel they'll be annoying but we should be

okay no Lutz let's have hair I'm do a few more

channels give the older oops nope yeah one of the Lindsay to move in let's just

do that excuse me do that another time there we

go alright I'll see what we got here Oh more centipedes that's these two that

are attacking all right okay all right you get this big room I'm hoping there's

a lair or something that big and oh I see bones over here yeah and this is

where it ran out from take a look yeah found a fortunate soul who had a light

pick magical yeah crumpled helmet okay in due time hmm all right

well there's more centipedes up here there was right down here it's quite a

ways to go yeah maybe let's keep keep going to the

right let's go down here that is not far

we had a single spell a lesser restoration but three people damage

might memorize it a couple times in the morning as it should be all right Oh

more kobold and mites it looks like it looks like this is a battlefield of some

sort okay so up one to six okay just send a pizza oh just normal with giant

centipedes that's very doable okay

I'm just looking at the fort saves and one okay

well let's um let's see what we got here another a bunch of ways we can go

let's explore around here I guess first in due time

yeah it's hard to tell who one here can tie her to tell them may not be any real

winners you know oh there's some loop down here and this actually looked like

a dead end where the map had it okay let's grab that another coin cool no

that's let's head off this way I guess this is

way out there it's way out there there is lots of ways to go still looking for

chief scale and up way up enter Touche oh well I guess they're two shows in the

Great Hall ah nice so probably find you scale first else here Oh yep something

here - lover uh help you move some heavy mining equipment okay good

I think that yeah I think down here we won't go there now but it down there

there was that uh what was it was the way upper way down I'm just just check

quickly check yeah yeah I got that chest okay let's let's see where the this one

goes up her more up or down and oh yeah not so much loot left behind

oh it's kobolds here where are we oh we're back up here okay

all right well aside from the dead coal bolts down

there this is kobolds we found recently maybe should anybody like to tackle this

it's cast bless and charge in know everyone guy yeah oh we got him

Wow hey let's pick up this stuff I don't believe they had anything really

valuable nope oh except that didn't include the there we go two-handed but

just normal non master work so we'll leave it okay okay let's click save and

say I don't think I've done that recently it's open this door

kobold sentinel hmm can you hit that one maybe pull him out Lindsey oh there we

go okay let's get them stuck in there and Valerie have you move up front okay

this should everybody move in on that one I don't try to bottleneck them in

there few more oh there's chief set sail oh

and a whole lot more couples okay ah let's see what can we do here mm let's

start casting stuff on him and there's a lot of cobol's that start raging Amiri

and we're gonna try and cleave on that one

okay let's remove fear and let's have Lindsey heal farewell let's do this

place just so we don't miss

okay Valerie coming back no you're still frightened and harem hasn't cast it yet

okay let's Lindsay let's keep healing terrible because none of these up he's

gonna do something dumb yeah let's keep healing him until Valerie gets back

Howie Valerie we really need you back you

still frightened okay you gotta move here now

good that's heavy oh no that's the wrong one Valerie

charge in please harem they sort of cure so we're gonna have to convert let's get

a Miri up and back to normal and oh you don't have any cure lights on your

hotbar Lindsey please drink ah great everyone's running away in fear


Hey oh great yeah no I Mary is running in

with the giant spiders which aren't too big a deal but now we've got a major

fight over here and it's just Valerie

now let's see if she can hide no no no

okay all right let's try this again um hair

you're gonna cast remove fear on Valerie now because if we lose our tank and

everything just kind of becomes silly well that's on everyone okay good good

good kid Wow it might be a little bit of metagaming

there but ready for anything so be it okay let's cast bless everyone

ran in really why I'm gonna stay there one back here come on back here Aaron

back here thank you we really need the Valerie in the front she is the tank

that's her place I must be doing it okay it's too close just go and go and fight

them don't turn around go and fight him

okay and let's see let's do Boneshaker on Chiefs suit scale and I married I'm

sorry Valerie yes let's do that

or attacking right yep sometimes it's hard to tell guys deceased deceased is

chief and subscale tribe I won't kill you chief

take your servants and leave I'd need no pity take my relic pays for my life

alright let's just hold back a second they're actually going to or no they're

all gonna keep fighting and some reason we can't fight for the door okay pull

back guys come on

convert there we go a little bit of healing bring them over

here and then tally we're gonna get you charged

and there we go get in there and use the door to our advantage too unless you're

stuck playing there we go nope not really oh it's Jeff oh oh okay

hi uh surprised to see you here and not with partitio

while you were busy fighting someone was busy trying to escape from the cold

prison that attempt was a success hi

let us strike out and forget

mmm no first tell me more about the story of tertiary oh and the cobol's and

getting locked in their prison there is nothing to say

the ghom the Nome needed servants to seek an artifact voiceless diligent and

numerous he subdued the coal bulls by idle talk and trickery the despicable

buffoon so you got yourself trapped in a kobold prison yes sir - she I just got

tired E and and convinced them to lock you up well so Jay Thal is a evil Undead

inquisitor health and not really someone I want as part of the barony so well I

have to go and I hope we never meet again

she doesn't disagree she just takes off

I think she is maybe the door ate her she just kind of speared so I like it

take the good stuff so far junk junk junk junk and that's that okay so I

guess we got the might relic in that is that in here somewhere

possibly a little hard to see with all this stuff

there it is Mike's relic okay all right well let's clear this place

out okay that was the rest of the Cobalts that chest is not loot oh there

we go there's some just acid large poison a large influx poison enlarged

person more tasty fresh fruit excellent

let's come on up here in due time no it doesn't look like anything interesting

Oh something over here Talton warriors dog tag hmm okay that's a bunch of chunk

that we left but not really I got that one right yeah

uh-huh hey looks like the prison that is not far

yep something there lots of good stuff treasure that yep

something major ver nice see what this is the size of this room's shelving

suggest that it will that it once served as a larder for human miners who abandon

this place long ago hmm interesting there used to be a mine around this tree

and then they abandoned it some point no I thought I saw something okay all right

well with that I think we can head up to the sycamore hall and fight our tushy oh

but for now I think we're gonna leave it here amazing yeah how much you're

listening with how much strength damage decks damage do you have quite a bit

hmm okay I'm gonna need to sleep some of that off okay

but we'll leave it here for now thanks everyone for watching catch you in the

next one take care

For more infomation >> Pathfinder Kingmaker - Ep8 - Sycamore Depths - Duration: 31:45.


Mugdha Godse And Radhika Madan Ramp Walk For "Bombay Times Fashion Week 2018" - Duration: 1:47.

Mugdha Godse And Radhika Madan Ramp Walk For "Bombay Times Fashion Week 2018"

For more infomation >> Mugdha Godse And Radhika Madan Ramp Walk For "Bombay Times Fashion Week 2018" - Duration: 1:47.


S. Korean gov't to amp up the efforts to find descendents of independence movement activists - Duration: 1:21.

moving on to other stories now next year will mark the 100th anniversary of the

March 1st movement and the establishment of South Korea's provisional government

which is why there are plans to amp up efforts to find the descendants of the

independence movement activists conn-young Wu explains further South

Korea's Ministry of patriots and Veterans Affairs said on Monday they

will launch a campaign aimed at finding the descendants of Korea's independence

activists in particular the ministry said it is focusing on the descendants

of those who fought against Japan's colonial rule from overseas in many

cases the children and grandchildren of these independence activists are

oblivious of the tremendous contribution their ancestors did for Korea as such

the government said it will join efforts with Korean media outlets that have

international branches such as the US and China and work with them to find the

descendants according to the latest data 15,000 people have been recognized as

independence movement activists but the descendants of about 6,000 of them are

yet to be identified the official website of the Ministry of patriots and

veterans affairs provides a full list of the independence fighters for anyone

wishing to check on their ancestors conn-young Arirang news

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