Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 10, 2018

Waching daily Oct 15 2018



For more infomation >> Haryanvi Dance | Balam Pe Jadu Kargi | Haryanvi Dance 2018 - Duration: 2:59.


"เมนูไข่ + ข้าว: ข้าวผัดซอสพริกใส่ไข่ " ทำอาหารง่ายๆ งบไม่เกิน 20 บาท | Pam Studio - Duration: 12:31.

For more infomation >> "เมนูไข่ + ข้าว: ข้าวผัดซอสพริกใส่ไข่ " ทำอาหารง่ายๆ งบไม่เกิน 20 บาท | Pam Studio - Duration: 12:31.


My 10 Day Zero Spend VLOG || SugarMamma.TV - Duration: 13:44.

Day one of my 10 day no spend challenge. As per usual I'm having a

coffee at home. Not wasting money by getting a coffee in a cafe. And I have a coffee

with hot cream in it. So it's kind of like a bullet coffee. Keeps me going for

a really long time. And stops me from like popping to the

shops and getting like snacks like muffins and banana bread. I have

packed my lunch for work today I have some kale a boiled egg some

avocados and some leftover sweet potato from dinner last night. So not only am I

saving money but I'm also reducing my wastage. So this morning we are making

our coffees for our no spend challenge. Rocco's just made me a delicious bullet

coffee. Now yesterday we had an impromptu playdate with my goddaughter and Rocco's

best friend Lottie. we think they're gonna get married one day. And I was about to go

jump in the car to go pick her up and in my head I'm like. 'I should really quickly

swing by and grab some quiches for them in case they might get hungry. And

quiches are really great way of getting vegetables into them.' And then I caught

myself. And went 'Stop hang on it's no spend, 10 day no spend challenge you don't

need to do that.' I opened up my handbag and the fridge and threw a range of lots of

different little snacks for them and took them to the office of my local park

and, They were so happy playing and eating all the different types of snacks.

Also last night I had to spend some money I had to get a babysitter because

it was my dad's 80th birthday. And we went out to dinner as a family, and

unfortunatly it was a bit too late for Rocco to be up that at that

time. So it is what it is. I'm obviously I can't spend absolutely nothing I do need

to spend on the essentials. But it was money well spent I had a really nice time.

Just quickly heading to the supermarket. I'm only gonna buy exactly

what I need for the next couple of days. So not only am I

not wasting money I'm not wasting food. Everything I'm going to buy I'm gonna

eat in the next couple of days. So I shops really responsibly I stuck to only

what I needed. I bought some a loaf of banana bread

which I've already hold into coz I was a little bit peckish whilst driving. And that's gonna

act as packed snacks for Rocco's playdate this afternoon. I bought one carrot

because that's all Tom needs for his dinner tonight.

Amongst other food obviously which I've already got. Essentials toilet paper.

Green matcha I think you say it, powder which I have been wanting to try for

ages. And my friend Tess at work very kindly bought in her's so I could try it

before buying and it was great. Was shopping naked I one didn't have any

bags. But then just towards the very end as I was buying this I accidentally

walked out with this. So I'm actually going to return it back to the grocery store

Something's wrong me all I can think

about is quiches. It's just on my brain like I woke up this morning thinking. 'For

lunch I'll get a quiche. Like a goats cheese and pumpkin quiche.' Anyway I have

managed to operate some control and discipline. And I am making myself very

cost effective, it's not looking particularly attractive scrambled eggs

for lunch today. But costing barely anything and also

eating up all the bits in my fridge as well. We are just having a playdate with

some of Rocco's friends. I've got snacks for the kids. And I've also bought my book it is

A zero-waste life by Anita Vandyke. To lend to my, Rocco's friends mum. Who is also saving money and having a zero spend month.

Today we are going to the zoo. Now I actually have an annual membership for

Rocco and myself and my goddaughter to the zoo. But it's actually just about to

expire so. We're gonna use it one last time, and I have packed all these snacks

for them. To take to the zoo so I've peeled and chopped carrots and Apple.

I have also bought these munch seeds and nuts. Teriyaki seaweed some

healthy stuff. Woolworths have got these new beetroot seeds or nuts or something so

trying that. And some yogurts and obviously some more fruit. And even as a

treat in case they aren't want like chocolates and ice creams and stuff like

that. I've packed some digestive chocolate biscuits. I'm still really

determined to like keep this as a zero spend weekend this is gonna be my

weakness because. When it comes to Rocco and my goddaughter when they ask for

something I have a rubber arm and I give it to the. So I'm gonna try and be

really strict and before we go I'm enjoying a coffee at home. So I'm also

saving money. This is the best money I've ever spent. We have just turned

up to the zoo and we are not parking in this we park our car park. Because it's

really expensive. We've parked the car around the corner just a two-minute walk

no big deal.

So we cracked it we spent some money I bought Rocco a biscuit.

I've bought what he my goddaughter and I suppose and I rewarding myself for the

coffee. Because I am exhausted from walking around the zoo all day.

It is Sunday morning and Tom is taking me to breakfast as a treat. We wouldn't

normally like, waste money by going to breakfast it's a bit of a luxury and

like it once in a while thing to do. But because he's gonna be traveling so much

with work over the next couple of months. It's a was a nice way to do

something together before he jumps on a plane. I am so hungry I cannot wait.

The one thing that's really come up repeatedly this weekend is the desire to

go and buy a beautiful bunch of fresh flowers for my house. Anyway I resisted

the urge. And then I realised I've actually got a really beautiful tree

outside. It's a camellia tree outside my own house. So I'm gonna go and chop some

of this these flowers off myself and put them on my table.

Over this weekend I've spent a little time inside. Like I'm trying to avoid maybe

temptation of spending money. And so whilst over the weekend I decided to

list a few things on gumtree. Anyway someone just turned up and bought

something that I was literally going to throw away. For $20 it was a camera lens

that I just what I wasn't using was a complete waste of space. Anyway not

only in my I'm saving money we're not spending it I'm making money too.

I just dropped off some dry-cleaning and I feel really bad. Because I quickly ran in and

dropped my stuff off I was like 'I know I've got heaps of stuff here I've got to

come on pick it up but I will in a couple of days.' And like bolted out.

Luckily the dry cleaners I used a so lovely and she's like it's fine I don't

worry. But it made me realise this spending challenge is not good for the

community or the economy. By me not spending that might cause a like picking

up my stuff and paying her for my dry cleaning. That could actually have a

flow-on effect in her own business and in her own personal financial situation

so. This zero spend whilst it's really beautiful and I'm really liking the

break from not spending. It also can have a negative side effect for people around

you. I just returned that plastic bag. Yesterday I had a really budget-friendly day.

I spent a total of four dollars. I had to go to an event for work. I like MC'd at an

event. Well hosted it which was really fun. And they had the most delicious food

at this event. And then when I got to work I was so tired coz it was a really early

start. I was so tired so I splurged on a muffin which wasn't particularly healthy

at all. But I was so tired and rundown. And I was also so tired and rundown I

was actually just like stuff this I'm not cooking tonight. I'm gonna get, I'll

get it like a healthy take away salad for dinner tonight for Tom and I. I don't

care. Like I just don't have the energy to cook let alone clean up afterwards.

But then spontaneously we were invited to a friend's house for dinner. Which was

lovely and they cooked the most incredible meal. I'm still full from last

night. So really budget-friendly day today. I'm

actually feeling really tired still. And run down. My throat is sore, got a blocked nose

My ear I've got one blocked ear. So I'm actually thinking I might honor myself

by getting a salad for lunch. And actually like spending some money.

Because you have to honor your well-being in doing this I am realizing from

zero spend. I need lots of vegetables into my system and I'm so tired I'd

actually don't have time to go to the shops quickly make a salad before work. I

just I've stuffed my day up a bit. I should have probably been more organized.

I am about to pick Rocco up from day care. I'm taking a couple of minutes to just like,

hibernate in the car before the onslaught of Rocco coming home. I just had a

little bit of a stuff up with the no spend. I went to the butchers to get some

meat for the next week or two. And I spent a little bit more than I planned.

Tom happened to call me just before I went to the butcher. And asked me where I was

and I was going. I said I'm going to the world's best butcher. He's oh great

great can you grab some Scotch Fillets. And I just said, Yeah no

problem. Oh my god Scott Fillet. No wonder that's why don't buy it's so freaking

expensive. It was like thirty one dollars and sixty two cents. I was like

they wen't to charge me and there's no one's gonna say sorry that's

too expensive put it back. I felt to uncomfortable as like okay. So I'm gonna

save those Scotch Fillets for a special occasion. That is ridiculously expensive.

And I'm not a big meat eater either. So that's even that's really wasteful I'm

annoyed with myself about that. Yesterday for zero spending as I agreed with myself. I

allowed myself to have a salad from my local cafe. And this cafe is such a great

cafe to support they also, donate all the unsold food at the end of the day to

charity. Which is fantastic. Today I've got my lunch already you would take it

cooked from last night. I already had my morning coffee and I'm trying to lose

a little bit of weight. So I'm determined to not get a muffin this morning.

Hopefully I'll have another really successful zero spending day however I

do need to make a quick trip to Woolworths. I need dog food. I need um a couple of

other essentials. So zero spend I'm at the supermarket buying the essentials. I

would normally grab the finish powder. But I'm gonna use this month as a

perfect opportunity to experiment. I'm gonna try the shine all-in-one

dishwasher tablets. Which are on special. On that note it is so important that you check the

comparison. So this one is 75 cents per tablet. This one is 16 cents

per tablet. Like that's a substantial saving almost like 80%. I have some

leftovers from dinner the last night. Which I am taking to work so a nice healthy sweet potato salad.

No spending challenge just got thrown a curveball. I had this lovely

lady talk to my office. And she was selling French macaroon's, Anzac biscuits

and truffles. And I just couldn't help but admire her initiative and proactive

measure like to make some extra cash. So I had to buy a couple of packets of

biscuits from her and give it to the girls in the office. So yep I spent money.

I definitely didn't, shouldn't have done it but it was definitely worth it it's

nice to just support other people. Okay I just spent some money after I swore to

myself was going to spend no money today. There's this amazing cafe near my house

called the organic bread bar. And they make the most incredible. Organic spelt

scones with blueberries and almonds. It's so incredibly delicious. I bought one for

Rocco for after school today because he's got karate and he's always starving

when I pick him up. I need to make sure his full for his exercise. I'm also

I'm gonna be work from home today. I'm a little bit behind not only on the

thousand dollar project but also on my book. So that's gonna be my reward to sit

down at my laptop with a cup of tea. And munch on that whilst I type away

with all my ideas inspirations for getting ahead financially. Yesterday was

the second last day of my zero spend challenge. We had karate and we would normally take

the kids to go and grab Pizza for dinner. But this time I cooked the kids

dinner took it over to my girlfriend's house. And all the kids had dinner

together. And her and I enjoyed a glass of wine and some cheese. So one other

thing I did was I last weekend I made my own cleaning products. Excuse the kids

in the background we had a sleepover last night. So I don't have to waste

money buying cleaning products anymore. The flow and effect from doing the

zero spend challenge has continued. Oh my god look at these crazy kids.

I just caved in. I bought Rocco a tiny keyring. Which he's

obsessed with. Bit of a fail there on zero spend. This is the last day of our

zero spent challenge. It's coming to an end. We are off to a playdate

at one of our local parks. I've packed a whole pile of snacks in my bag

and, I have packed a bottle of wine and myself and my girlfriend to enjoy. Now we

will be catching an Uber there so that we can drive safely. And today I have

been cooking up a storm. I've got my slow cooker happening over there. And we're

gonna enjoy the rest of the weekend just, hanging out at home not spending

any money. And just laying low and I have to say. This has been a fantastic

challenge. I really recommend it it's good for the wallet. It's good for the

soul. It's good for the heart it's good for you Rocco helped. I hope this video

has inspired you.

For more infomation >> My 10 Day Zero Spend VLOG || SugarMamma.TV - Duration: 13:44.


Life, Liberty & Levin 10/14/18 FULL SCREEN - Fox Breaking News October 14, 2018 - Duration: 59:52.

For more infomation >> Life, Liberty & Levin 10/14/18 FULL SCREEN - Fox Breaking News October 14, 2018 - Duration: 59:52.


Liên quân | Trận đấu mà Tel Annas trở thành tâm điểm Team Swing phantom chỉ là điểm tâm - Duration: 12:30.

For more infomation >> Liên quân | Trận đấu mà Tel Annas trở thành tâm điểm Team Swing phantom chỉ là điểm tâm - Duration: 12:30.


भगवान भोलेनाथ के तीन बेटे थे और एक बेटी भी थी | with SUB Lord Bholenath had three sons & a daughter - Duration: 2:50.

Lord Bholenath had three sons and had a daughter too

Hello friends, Welcome all of you in our channel "DHARMIK GYAAN"

In which we find many interesting and supernatural information from all religions

It's all you have to do to reach out to a very unique and kind way

Which you will not find any more

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Till now you must know that the Gods of God Mahadev

And Mother Parvati had two sons, one Lord Shri Ganesh and the other Kartikeya

But do you know what

Lord Bholanath had not two sons but three sons and a daughter too

The third son of Lord Vishnu was named Ayyappa and daughter Ashok Sundari

According to the scriptures, Ayyappa is said to be the son of Mahadev and Mohini

Monsters Raj Bhasmasur got a boon

He will keep his head on his hand he will be consumed

So Bhasmasura fell behind Lord Shiva

Then Shiva Ji had asked for help from Vishnu

Then Lord Vishnu took the form of Mohini and came to Bhasmasur

Attracted by the charm of Mohini Bhasmasur expressed his love for her

On this Mohini said, 'if you love me

So keep your hand on your head and swear. ' There was no second thought after that

After all he himself was consumed

There is also a story that

When the Bhasmasur was consumed, Lord Shiva was attracted to seeing the form of Mohini

Eventually this happened like the birth of Lord Ayyappa

The Ayyappa Temple located in Kerala is known as Sabarimala

Ashok Sundari is the daughter of Lord Shiva

Also tell that Lord Bholenath has a daughter too

According to Padma Purana,

Once Lord Parvati told Lord Shiva to go to the most beautiful garden in the world

Then Lord Shiva took Parvati to Paradise, there she became attached to Kalpavriksha

And they came to Kailash with that tree

Once Lord Bholenath went to penance

Mother was alone

To overcome his loneliness, Parvati asked for it from that tree that they get a daughter,

Then beautiful Ashoka was born by the Kalpvriksha

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