lets give another round of applause for singing the national anthem (united states
of america)
lets give another round of applause for quavo singing the national anthem
6 Reasons Why You Should Drink Beet Juice Every Day! - Duration: 4:13.
9 Scary Cave Encounters Caught By YouTubers - Duration: 11:26.It takes hundreds of thousands of years to form a cave, but only a few seconds to lose
your life in one.
And when that happens, it might be a long time before you're ever seen again.
A YouTuber named jfrissina is filming her visit in the ice caves deep inside the Austrian
mountains when she records a rise of nervous screams coming from the tourist group up ahead.
A short while later, this odd figure is seen scaling the walls.
I was almost certain that this was just a frog until I remembered that they were in
the ice caves.
As far as I know, no cold-blooded frog should be able to survive the icy temperatures without
freezing, and besides that, I don't think a group of people would randomly scream at
once over an amphibian.
Worst of all, it seems as though the glowing bluish humanoid creature appears to have no
I can only imagine this what scene must have looked like in person.
A YouTube channel called Free4All plans to explore a series of tunnels underneath Minneapolis
that are rumored to eventually lead to a place called Satan's Cave, which no one has ever
seen before.
The group of friends grow progressively dirtier as they squeeze through narrow opening after
narrow opening, sometimes climbing through sections of the tunnel that have almost completely
collapsed just to see what's next.
Soon the brick walls give way to smooth grey stone that more closely resembles the likes
of a cave.
When they see these highly-detailed faces carved into the wall, they know they are on
the right track.
It's definitely a creepy sight for sure, but walls are still covered with tons of graffiti,
which means that a million people have been here before.
They aren't crossing through new territory . . . at least, not yet.
After a while, they happen upon a side tunnel that seems to be unmarked and unexplored.
They have to hunch over and eventually crawl on their hands and knees in order to continue.
It's a long time before they stumble upon what has the be the narrow mouth of Satan's
The cave eventually opens into a cramped chamber of sorts.
The situation becomes all too real when they realize the hole in the wall is too narrow
to crawl through.
There is a hole to their left that leads straight down into pitch black darkness.
Everyone gets an uneasy feeling about this huge floor opening and they wisely decide
to turn back around.
Judging from the cave's nickname, I definitely wouldn't want to see what's down that
final hole either.
A YouTuber named Kodiak Morasky is hunting aquatic wildlife for sport when he spots a
big lobster and heads towards it, blade in hand.
He ends up chasing his prey way too far into the underwater cave and eventually loses track
of where the exit is.
Watch how he darts from crevice to crevice, desperately searching for an opening.
He's running out of air and can't even express his own fear without taking in a huge
lungful of water.
After a long journey swimming in circles and coming to peace with his own demise, Kodiak
finally comes across the exit and leaves with a newfound appreciation for life.
Based on what you have seen from this video, let me know if there any underwater survival
strategies Kodiak could have used to find his bearings and escape more quickly.
Michiel Kroesbergen is deep in a cave in the tropical country of Laos when he catches this
incredibly large arachnid lurking on the stony grey wall.
Michiel later describes this spider as being the size of a full-grown pizza.
It's eyes are large enough to reflect light back into the camera like a cat, which is
something I have never seen a bug's eyes do.
Eventually the creature scurries into the darkness with the speed of a professional
sprinter, never to be seen by human eyes again.
According to the description, they are sure that this is a giant huntsman spider, which
apparently will bite on occasion.
Tell me if you agree with their assessment and how you were able to tell for sure.
This YouTuber is exploring the Talacre Abbey in Wales when he notices a strange animal
face in the stone.
It's hard to see at first, but you can make out the face of a pig here.
This prompts he and his group to examine the area more closely, eventually discovering
a series of even more startling finds.
They soon realize that this is not a natural rock formation but rather some kind of ritualistic
stone altar from ancient times past.
The smooth surface was probably used for some sort of human and animal offerings.
Finally, he zooms in on the clawed feet of the altar and the video ends shortly thereafter.
It's hard to say whether this is some kind of stage prop or if they really did stumble
across a hidden evil deep within an old cave.
The friends seem more curious than scared, which is a strange reaction, but then again
if I was there I probably wouldn't know what to think either.
Overall, I'd say this video has a good chance of being real, but I would like to get some
other opinions.
This YouTuber is exploring a cave in an undisclosed location when he sees something that freezes
him in place.
He steadies the camera and slowly zooms into the darkness.
Staring back at him are two white eyes that are large and spaced far apart, signifying
a large creature with a well-developed brow.
The timing of his reaction seems very real and not staged.
I did think that this video was fake at first because the name of the channel is ProFilms,
but then I realized it just means he was recording with a GoPro.
Also, this is the only video on the channel and it's from 2016.
I'm just saying that if this was a fake channel, then there would probably be more
videos similar to this one, but there's nothing else.
A YouTuber named Captain Bob Hartzell finds himself in the sea caves of Devil's Island
in Wisconsin when he feels uneasy and decides to start recording.
Watch this part and tell me if you see something strange in the distance.
A vaguely human outline can be seen standing directly in front of him.
I guess this could just be a small cave opening, but this island is rumored to be haunted by
numerous spirits and even a cave monster, so anything is possible.
All I know for sure is that Bob feels like he's not alone, starts recording wildly,
and manages to capture a silhouette roughly the same size and shape of a human.
This video, titled The Cave of Screaming Terror, sounds a bit dramatic until you get about
midway through.
Donal Buckley is exploring this sea cave along the coast of Ireland by himself when suddenly
the water becomes higher and Donal hears this strange sound behind him.
A series of shrill, high-pitch screams coming from somewhere deep within the cave makes
Donal decide to leave the vicinity.
He never gives a proper explanation and I think it definitely creeped him out.
If you can identify what kind of creature this is then please do so.
It almost sounds like some kind of exotic bird, but it also somewhat resembles some
of the more convincing rake videos that I've seen before.
Before we get to number 1, my name is Chills and I hope you're enjoying my narration.
If you're curious about what I look like in real life, then go to my instagram, @dylan_is_chillin_yt
and tap that follow button to find out.
I recently released a new song called Dreamland, please let me know if you think my music is
improving or not.
Tap the circle icon in the top right right corner, then tap MY NEW SONG to give it a
It's also linked in the description below.
It's a proven fact that generosity makes you a happier person, so if you're generous enough
to hit that subscribe button and the bell beside it then thank you.
This way you'll be notified of the new videos I upload every Thursday and Saturday.
A YouTuber named Mark Johnson and his group are conducting a paranormal investigation
in the Cave of the Winds, a supposedly haunted underground location in the Colorado wilderness.
Apparently whatever is down there with them lacks patience and will not wait until they
are finished setting up equipment to begin.
None of them hear the noise until they review the tape, which I find strange because the
camera picks it up so well.
The sound was either truly paranormal or possibly just their equipment dragging across the ground.
A short while later they catch two orbs while walking followed by this scream.
I think the scream was probably a supernatural encounter because it happens in the middle
of an otherwise regular conversation, but listen to this part and tell me what you believe.
Finally, this bizarre unseen light source magically flickers after Mark Johnson asks
for spiritual confirmation.
What's weird is how the shimmering effect goes away when Mark shines his flashlight
over the patch of land.
There's really no reason for an object to suddenly stop reflecting light like that,
especially when it just was reflecting light two seconds earlier.
In my opinion, the reflection should have grown brighter when put in a direct beam of
light, not go away completely, which makes me think all of this is real.
Go Vacation | Wii | #22 (Gameplay) - Caiaque - Duration: 42:38.-------------------------------------------
Michael Lee Battles Joey Green to Bonnie Raitt's "Thing Called Love" - The Voice 2018 Battles - Duration: 5:52.-------------------------------------------
Introduction: SEHBP Direct/Freedom 0 Plan - Duration: 10:16.Hi this is John DiMartino, president of Liberty Benefit Advisors and today we're
discussing the NJ direct zero and the Aetna freedom zero plan, or as we like to
call the "diet direct 10" program now jumping in there's three major
changes between the direct 10 and the direct zero program some changes to
in-network benefits, changes to the prescription drug
and changes to the way
out of network providers are billed Before we jump in let's talk a little
bit about who is a good candidate for the direct zero program
so first up are our young invincibles if you're currently paying for the direct
ten and using it one time per year for your primary care physician then you're
way over paying for your benefits you can see immediate savings by jumping
into the direct zero second up our people who typically only used in
network care and the reason for that is the in-network benefits for the direct
zero are actually in many ways richer than the benefits in the direct ten so
as long as you stick with in-network care the direct zero is a fantastic
program for you and third anybody who's just cost conscious in general you're
going to see the direct zero cost about fourteen percent less than the direct
ten and because of that it's a great way to reduce your contributions by about
14% however the direct zero isn't right for
everybody so some of you seek a lot of out of network care and if that happens
to be the case this plan is probably not right for you.. particularly if you use
acupuncture chiropractic and physical therapy more than the average person you
may end up on the hook for more money than what your plan benefits will allow
and we'll get into detail about that then the second person this probably
isn't a great idea for is somebody who has a lot of prescription drugs that
aren't on the new formulary in the event that you need prescription drug as a
non-preferred brand name drug you will be
paying more for that drug in the direct zero program so it would behoove you to
stick with a direct ten now moving on let's talk about the medical benefits so
first up is deductible coinsurance and coinsurance maximum so you see these are
an exact match of the direct ten benefits next up is primary care
specialist care urgent care and prenatal postnatal care you'll see that the
direct zero actually is richer benefits for primary care and specialist care at a
zero dollar copay same for prenatal and postnatal care you're going to see the
Urgent Care copay remains the same at ten dollars
next up you'll see the things that people were really worried about what
happens when I have a surgery inpatient or outpatient if I'm admitted to the
hospital if I need a lab or an x-ray or some sort of CT skin how much will I be
paying and the great thing is that the direct zero program mirrors the direct
ten program so all of those co-pays deductibles are all waived
they're all covered at 100% which is a fantastic benefit next is the maximum
out-of-pocket and again it's an exact match of the direct ten so there's a
long as you stick with in-network care for a single person you're not going to
spend more than four hundred dollars and for a family you're not going to spend
more than one thousand dollars and finally where there's improvement you'll
see the emergency room copay is increased from $25 to $50 and the reason
for that is emergency room care is wildly expensive and there are times
when there's alternative forms of care that are more appropriate like Urgent
Care or like primary care so here's an example that you can freeze-frame if
you'd like to get you an idea when it's appropriate to go to Urgent Care
instead of emergency room and then here's also a graph that shows the cost
differential now keep in mind I know we don't like talking about cost in health
care but the cost of health care is burning through the budgets and eating
into the amount of money available for teacher salaries, member salaries so it's
extremely important that we're as prudent with our benefits as possible
and one of the ways one of the best ways to address those escalating
is to avoid the emergency room unless you absolutely need and next let's talk
about the prescription drug benefits because there are some changes there
three changes that we really want to talk about number one is the
non-preferred penalty number two is mandatory generics and number three is
the closed form learning so starting off with the non preferred penalty so this
formula is going to be a little bit smaller right now you have a rather open
formulary which means you can get pretty much any drug that your doctor
prescribes with the closed formulary you're a little bit more limited so with
that if you have a drug let's call it a non preferred drug that means a drug
that's not on the formulary and you absolutely need to have that drug
instead of a generic or a different brand name and you're gonna pay the
difference between what the generic or the alternative cost and the
non-preferred brand name drug so if you're one of those people this plan
could end up costing you a little bit more money now next up mandatory generics and
let's take a step back and use a metaphor so if you were going to reach
for one of these what would you call which politician would you call it a
Kleenex many people would call it Kleenex now you and I know it's a tissue
and Kleenex is a brand name but that brand recognition has worked its way
into the way we typically speak about that product the same thing holds true
for your doctors and your prescription drugs one of the reasons why
prescription drugs especially brand-name drugs are so wildly expensive is the
amount of marketing that goes into them and of course once they have that brand
recognition that's typically the way things remain so your doctor may write
you a script for a certain drug but really a generic drug is fine and right
off the FDA website there's a lot of information about generic drugs and
there's a lot of misconceptions but what you really need to know is they are an
exact copy of the brand-name drug from active ingredient to safety
effectiveness strength quality benefits of the drug so almost all of you would
be fine with the generic drug and of course that's a conversation for you and
your doctor to have it's also worth noting
talking about limiting the cost of insurance one of the best ways to do
that is to seek generic drugs whenever possible and the reason for that is is
they can cost up to 85 percent less than the brand-name drug better for you
better for the health plan now let's talk about the closed formulary for just
a minute so right now there's an open formulary you can get pretty much any
drug you want and well that sounds great it's not necessarily the best way to
structure a formulary in the ideal world the formulary would be based on clinical
efficiency and cost and that's what they've done here with this closed formulary
it'll give you an example of a drug that gets a lot of heat for abusing the
system in certain ways and that drug is Duexis
I do access there's a combination of ibuprofen and an antacid into one pill
and they claim that it helps with the compliance because you only have to take
one pill instead of two pills but the jury's still out on that and when it
comes to clinical efficiency it works just as good were the same as taking
ibuprofen in any antacid separately the real issue here is that Duexis has cost
about $1400 a month whereas an antacid in the same strength of ibuprofen cost
about $20 a month so the closed formally prevents this type of egregious practice
from taking place in from eating away at your healthcare dollars now the last
thing we want to talk about is the medical benefits in the add up Network
billing so right now if you go out of network there's no contract with any of
these doctors in the direct 10 program they pay these doctors a certain amount
of money and for the most part they accepted as payment in full some may say
that the direct ten pays them too much some got enough but in this new plan
we're gonna be paying them differently so right now the direct ten uses a fair
health or Medicare benchmark to determine how much that a network
provider is going to be paid in that that benchmark is just about three
hundred and twenty five percent of what Medicare would pay so about three times
what Medicare would pay in this new program we're looking at
switching that to about 200% of what Medicare would pay so your doctors are
still going to accept that amount of money but particularly if you are with
an acupuncturist physical therapist or a chiropractor their payments may be
reduced even below that two hundred percent benchmark so of course they may
not be particularly happy about receiving less money and they can
actually bill you the difference between what they were billed and what the
insurance company paid and of course if you did seek that care you would be left
literally holding the bill for that procedure so again if you seek a lot of
out of network care this probably isn't a great plan for you and last honorable
mention goes to the NJ well wellness program for those of you who are
enrolled in that program or want to learn more there's great information on
the SEHBP website but the gist of it is you engaged in healthy activities you're
eligible to receive a gift card of up to two hundred and fifty dollars if you
enroll in the direct zero program they double that incentive from $250 to $500
and that's really the only difference with the NJ well program so if any of
you have any questions my contact information is below feel free to leave
a comment with a question you can follow us on Twitter like us on Facebook or
connect with me on LinkedIn for more information about the NJ direct zero and
more videos just like this take care
22 How To Apply Gorgeous Eye Halloween Makeup Compilation | Easy Makeup Tutorials For Beginners - Duration: 10:12.22 How To Apply Gorgeous Eye Halloween Makeup Compilation | Easy Makeup Tutorials For Beginners
Thank you for watching
Hope you enjoy this video
Go Vacation | Wii | #22 (Comentado) - Caiaque - Duration: 42:38.-------------------------------------------
odong-odong riding horse - Duration: 3:00.The latest Odong Guangdong video horse play comedy
Hi friends, today I want to ride odong odong kuda ...
Odong Odong Kuda ...
Come on ... this is the coin ... Raisha ... Raisha ...
At first Raisha tried to ride the horse's odong odong itself, but it didn't make it up ...
Finally Raisha is helped by Mother to ride the Guangdong Odong Horse ...
Raisha is entering a coin to be able to play this horse play comedy ...
At first Raisha was scared when riding the odong odong pony
And was surprised when suddenly Guangdong Guangdong Comedy Play Horse Move ...
It's nice to finally be able to ride the odong odong pony comedy play ...
This horse odong horse toy is located in Jepara mall ...
Thank you for watching this odong odong video ... see you in the next video, guys ...
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