what is good YouTube Warstu here with a video on spider-man far from home
so just like I said I will keep you up to date with all the latest and greatest
spider-man far from home news so following the story yesterday of Jake
Gyllenhaal Mysterio it's pretty much confirmed it is him although some of the
images do look like his stunt double there was a person standing right next
to him in a jacket and that has now been revealed to be the spider-man black suit
but it's not the no our suit it is not even the stealth suit it is agents of
shield suit because if you zoom in on the chest you can see that agents of
shield logo now this makes complete sense why because Nick Fury is in the
movie so is Maria hill now why does it make sense because in Avengers 4 it
looks like Tony Stark also is head of agents of shield or is actually working
from as in the leaked images from the Avengers 4 shoots we do see Tony Stark
and older core a hair Tony Stark in the actual agent of shield suit so it's
quite common for spider-man to get lots of different suit I mean he's even
rumored to be having four suits throughout this movie I don't really
think that's the case so as you can see in the image I'm gonna put arrows across
in the thumbnail so you can see what I'm saying so the person in the image with
Jake Gyllenhaal Mysterio is actually spider-man or spider-man's stunt double
and also in the other image it is not the new a suit you could even call it
they're agents of shield suit now this is quite common because if you played
the most recent spider-man game there is literally I haven't gold suits yet but i
do play that game on twitch twitch up TV for /water you there is something like
20 suit and obviously throughout the game you unlock new suits and spider-man
has a prefer of suits to pick from so it's it's not even new to people that
follow the spider-man ps4 game that follow the spider-man comics and
generally know a lot about spider-man that no there is endless suits and this
is just one of them so have Nick Fury and Maria Hill come to give him the
agents of shield suit because maybe spider-man goes to Europe goes to UK
goes to Italy goes to Prague he goes without the spider-man suit and
obviously it's obvious that spider-man is
Peter Parker if he's rocking the spider-man suit
spider-man's supposed to be in New York so it makes real sense to why spider-man
would be rocking a completely different suit because he's supposed to be in New
York now they could work out that spider-man isn't from New York if he was
rocking the homecoming suit or the iron spider suit so it's pretty obvious that
the reason they're giving him new suit in spider-man far from home is so they
don't reveal the secret identity of spider-man to be Peter Parker let me
know do you agree is this an agent of shield suit to me it is because you can
see the logo it even looks like it's got like the eight like bulletproof armor
well it's like bulletproof so you can shoot at it but I don't know guys we
kind of can see a bit of the goggles now they don't appear to be glowing but I'm
so happy that we're getting more spider-man far from home news because
you guys are really are responding well to my spider-man videos which is good
because I'm here to inform you guys give you some commentary on what I think's
going on or throughout these videos and throughout the movie and I will do this
all the way through to the movie coming out next July I think it is or is it
June it's one of them so anyway guys please like subscribe and comment check
out the twitch channel that would be much appreciated join the discourse
forever and I will catch you in our next video very soon
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