Mark Judge's ex-girlfriend just blew the lid off a possible cover-up by the FBI in
Kavanaugh probe . When the Senate Judiciary Committee announced
that they would be postponing the vote on Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation in order
for the F.B.I. to conduct an investigation, many were worried that the investigation would
be nothing but an empty attempt to mollify the Democrats and give the process an ersatz
veneer of respectability before ramming him through anyway.
Now, a new report from The New Yorker indicates that our fears were well-founded.
Multiple people have attempted to contact the F.B.I. with information regarding Kavanaugh's
behavior in college and high school — but the F.B.I. isn't taking their calls.
Elizabeth Rasor, the ex-girlfriend of Kavanaugh's alleged attempted rape accomplice Mark Judge,
has been trying to get in touch with the F.B.I. in order to give a sworn statement about a
story in which he and his buddies took turns having sex with an incapacitated drunk girl
— but the F.B.I. is seemingly uninterested.
Rasor's lawyer, Roberta Kaplan, says that she "has repeatedly made clear to the Senate
Judiciary Committee and to the F.B.I. that she would like the opportunity to speak to
them…We've received no substantive response."
The New Yorker reports that "She feels a sense of civic duty to tell what she knows…But
the only response we've gotten are e-mails saying that our e-mails have been 'received.'
" At one point, she said, an F.B.I. official suggested she try calling an 800-number telephone
tip line.
Debra Katz, the attorney for Kavanaugh's most prominent accuser, Christine Blasey Ford,
says that she too has not been contacted by the F.B.I., even though her client's allegations
formed the basis for the entire investigation in the first place.
In addition, one of Kavanaugh's Yale classmates recalls hearing a story that he believes is
"100% identical" to Deborah Ramirez's account of Kavanaugh exposing himself and
shoving his penis in her face at a drunken party — but the F.B.I. passed him from office
to office until he finally left a message with a tip line.
"I thought it was going to be an investigation, but instead it seems it's just an alibi
for Republicans to vote for Kavanaugh" said the classmate.
Once again, it seems that liberal faith in the F.B.I. has been misplaced.
If this is true, it means the F.B.I. might be actively sabotaging its own investigation
to keep themselves from reaching any unpleasant or inconvenient conclusions that might damage
Kavanaugh's confirmation prospects.
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