Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 1 2019

February babies, you get a bright colorful stone for your birthstone.

The amethyst is purple.

It is quartz in the purple range, and it goes anywhere from a light lavender to a deep dark


The amethyst comes in at 7 on the Mohs scale which means it is a pretty hard stone.

You can wear it not only in earrings, necklace, and bracelet, but you can be feel comfortable

wearing it in a ring even in a large stone.

So that is good news.

The name amethyst comes from the ancient Greek word methustos meaning intoxicated.

And the ancient Greeks believed that wearing an amethyst would protect you from Bacchus,

the god of wine.

In other words that it would keep you from ... it would prevent drunkenness.

I have to say, full disclosure, I have tried this on several occasions.

It doesn't seem to be working for me, but my method might be a little off so if you

have tried this, and you understand the principles and exact procedure.

Please do let me know.

Amethyst jewelry has been found as far back as 2000 BC so it has been revered and used

in jewelry for a long time.

And it was also used in a lot of regalia including crowns and scepters.

Purple has been the color of royalty.

This was it was worn a lot by not only royalty but also clergy.

Throughout most of history amethyst was as rare and as expensive as sapphires, emeralds,

and rubies.

And this is why it was reserved for nobility and clergy.

It wasn't until the late 1800s that there was a large deposit discovered in Brazil which

enabled more regular people like probably you and definitely me to be able to wear amethyst.

So you see it throughout estate jewelry especially after the late 1800s and starting in the early

1900s there are a lot of gorgeous pieces made from amethyst.

Buddhists believe that amethysts enhance meditation, and amethysts are often found in Tibetan prayer


Many cultures associate amethyst with peace, courage, and stability.

In addition to being the birthstone for February, amethyst is the traditional anniversary gift

for the 6th and the 17th years of marriage.

Those may be two years that require a lot of drinking.

The only complaint I've ever heard from February babies with as far as their birthstone is

only if they don't happen to like the color purple.

If that's you do know that amethyst comes in a pretty big range.

So it comes all the way from this deep dark rich purple down to kind of a lavender color.

And in the lighter lavender colors, you get more of a blue or sort of red feel to the

stone there.

The other option for you is amethyst and citrine are the same kind of stone in different colors,

and you can find one stone that has both colors.

It will have the yellow gold of the citrine and the purple of the amethyst.

So if you're not loving the purple color, you can get one of those stones.

It's called an ametrine.

And you can get one with a little more gold or maybe even the half gold half purple so

it kind of warms up the coolness of the purple.

That is also a beautiful stone.

So that's the story of the amethyst.

Let me know in the comments below.

Do you love an amethyst as much I do?

Are you a February baby?

And what do you think of your birthstone?

Until next time!

For more infomation >> FEBRUARY Birthstone: Amethyst | Jill Maurer - Duration: 3:45.


Простая и Очень Вкусная Тушеная Картошка с Мясом - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> Простая и Очень Вкусная Тушеная Картошка с Мясом - Duration: 5:28.


Identify Bootloader main() and find Button Press Handler - Hardware Wallet Research #5 - Duration: 13:16.

Let's continue with reverse engineering the Ledger Nano S firmware.

As we learned last time, this is the code that is always executed on reset.

And we also know that we are going to call into, what we called, the bootloader_main()

function, next.

And when I saw that function I got very excited.

I wonder if you see right away what it does too.

Look at it!

It's so awesome!...

Don't get it?


As you know this firmware contains ARM code.

And ARM is a different architecture, from, for example AVR.

AVR is the architecture used by the normal Arduino boards and we have done some basic

AVR firmware reverse engineering on this channel before.

Checkout the riscure embedded hardware CTF palylist where I have documented me playing



There is one video where Zeta Two, who btw also has a hacking YouTube channel and does

some live streaming and you should totally subscribe to him.

Where Zeta Two showed us how to "Identify UART and the main() function in an AVR firmware".

And let me play a short part of it.

This is basically like a standard thing, where it copies some data into some location.

And it clears a memory region.

At the beginning I thought this was important.

But then I realized this is just like a standard setup thing.

It's like the start function before the main function in a regular x86 program.

What it's doing is.

It copies static data from the ROM into the RAM.

The ram is empty.

When you start.

And then the program loads basically global variables and constants and things like that.

So it's a loop copying data from the rom into the ram at a specific location.

And then there is this part, which is just zeroes out basically the rest of the ram.

So this is just setting up the whole RAM. AND THEN you call a function.

So this is more the main function where interesting things starts to happen.


I think I just mixed up the audio and video.

I played the audio from the AVR video.

But I accidentally showed you the IDA code from the ledger ARM firmware.

How silly of me.

Such an accident.

Jokes aside.

This is the exact same thing, and you can immediately just visually see the similarities.

This is a very typical RAM initialisation routine.

Here you copy data at startup, from this ROM address, to this RAM address.

And here you move a 0 into r1, and then you write this zero in a loop to more RAM addresses,

to clear the ram.

And after everything is setup, you execute this function.

This means we should rename this function here bootloader_init, and call this one bootloader_main.

So lets head into main().

Maybe you notice that you can't press SPACE here to show the graph view, that's because

this is considered CODE and not a procedure.

So I first press P to turn it into a procedure and then we can look at it.

In the graph overview you can immediately see that there is a huuuge block of code just

doing stuff followed by what looks like a simple loop and some conditional branches.

And if you look at a lot of these graph views in programs, seeing such a huge long block

is pretty rare.

It's not so common to see loooong sequential code blocks without any ifs or loops.

And so because this is so early in the firmware, it's safe to assume that here the hardware

is initialised.

And you can also kinda see other hints for that.

Here we have, memory addresses referenced, that point into the GPIOC and GPIOB segments.

If you have ever done some Arduino programming you know these kind of setup codes.

For example when you want to read from a pin or write output to a pin, you have to properly

set the pinMode.

And this is a function that will make sure to properly setup the hardware by writing

specific addresses, or usually also called registered, in these special GPIO memory segments.


But what do we do now.

There are a lot of different ways to approach this now.

And I want to make clear that the way I do it in this video is not the recommended way

to do it.

I'm sharing with you what I am thinking about, but I lack A LOT of experience and

a real professional in this area might have much better and more thought out process.

So my goal is it to somehow rediscover the f00dbabe bootloader issue.

And for that we need to find the code that handles these APDU commands and we need to

find the flawed blacklist approach of the forbidden address range.

Let's start somewhere.

I want to show you again a dynamic approach with JTAG and GDB, and static approach, just

using IDA.

Let's move to GDB.

I have setup everything again, so GDB is ready and the chip has stopped at the reset start


As you know the f00babe vulneability has to do with the firmware update, and for that

you have to put the device into bootloader mode, which you do by keeping this button

pressed when booting.

So let's just press that button, keep it pressed, then at the same time continue the

code in GDB, let it run for a moment, and at some point we interrupt the chip by pressing

CTRL+C. And we stopped at address 0xc38.

We can copy it and go into IDA, press G, to go to that address, and here it is.

So we stopped here.

As you can see we are in this loop here.

a few instructions later we would also call a function which is quite often used in here

as well - 0x165e.

If you would do the same thing with keeping the button pressed a couple of times, and

also play around with how long you keep the button pressed before you interrupt the chip,

you will notice you will always land inside of this loop.

Sometimes you maybe hit the functions here, but if you go out of them, you will always

be in this loop.


But if you release the button and let the chip continue to run.

And then interrupt it.

You land somewhere completely else!

This is an interesting observation, which means that this loop condition seems to depend

on that button press.

Something keeps us inside the loop.

So when we let the chip continue to run after the button press, we land here.

The display shows Bootloader.

So we are in the mode of the firmware update now, and I guess somewhere here must be the

APDU handle stuff.

But for now let's trace back - somehow we must have come from the function we were at


So with pressing X, to look at the cross references of a particular function, we can make our

way back.

And here we are back in our known loop.

So while we press the button we keep looping, and when we release it we run down here and

follow this function.

Let's call it bootloader_continue.

Now let's do some static analysis.

Let's go back to what we believe should be the regular firmware_main().

You know the code that we would flash with a firmware update.

The code that is not the bootloader.

If we check the cross-references from there, we find the one spot we already know about,

which is in reset, but also this unknown function.

Let's look at that.

It's a very simple if case.

And as you can see, right here it loads f00dbabe into R2, and it also loads the address where

f00dbabe should be in our ROM into R3, and then load the actual value into r1.

And then compares the two.

So this is a check that makes sure that our firmware still has the magic value f00babe.

If yes, we go here, and eventually jump to the firmware_main().

So I call this function check_f00dbabe_continue().

Let's see where that function is called from…


Look at that!

From bootloader_main()!

It's called here, in this if-case.

So either we execute our firmware_main(), or we go further into the bootloader.

So it looks like, whatever happens before, here it decides if we stay in the bootloader,

or if we jump into the regular firmware!

And from using the device, we know what decides this… it's the button pressing.

So somewhere in here, in this loop, it must read the state of the button.

And if you take a closer look at the loop, you will notice that there are not many possibilities.

And this function that is used a few times becomes suspicious.

This function turns out to be SUPER small.

Just 6 instructions.

So here it loads a value from an address in R0 at offset 0x10, into R0.

So that's like a "mov rax, [rax+0x10]", if you are not familiar with arm.

Then it performs and AND with a value in R1 and does some other stuff I didn't really

look closely at.

But it's clear the result of this function will be in R0.

So with knowing that, let's go back out.

The result R0 is moved into R4, by negating it.

R4 is then later moved into, or I guess, ONTO R0 with an OR.

Stored here in RAM.

Loaded again from ram into R3.

Then we have a compare to 0 with that value.

And we have another compare with it down here, where it decides if the normal firmware is


So that must read the button state, no?

Well let's look at where the function reads from.

The address must be in R0.

And right before the function call the address is loaded here.

In this case 48000400.

Which points into the GPIOB segment we have created.

And we also know that the function reads then from offset 0x10 of that.

So from here.

So could that be a button?

Let's check it with GDB.

Let's read that value from memory.


Pressing that one button and reading again.

Nope stays unchanged.

Mh… let's try the other button.


Now it's 0.

And when we realease it again and read it again, now it's back to 0x80.

So this function DEFINITELY reads the button state!

Let's rename the function.

So when this GPIO address here is this button.

Then does it read here the other button?

Mhmh… it doesn't seem to load an address here the same way… but the assembly is fooling


We know the address has to be in R0.

So first it moves 0x90 into R0, and then it performs a SHIFT LEFT of 0x17.

And the result is 0x48000000.


No clue why, apparently it doesn't want to move the address directly, so it had to

do this.

But now we can check our hypothesis.

Let's read again 32bit from this address, but of course from offset 0x10. 0xd006…

then let's press the button and read it again.



And back to 0xd006.


Now before I leave you be, I want to show you a special secret.

It turns out that Ledger has actually an OLD firmware version open sourced.

The code is 2 years old and some stuff has changed.

For example the whole f00dbabe thing with the blacklisted memory area is not included


That must have been added later.

BUT a lot of the code is still shared with this version.

And let's have a quick look at the main.c.

Here is the main().

And main() starts with a loooong section where it initialises hardware stuff.

It initialised GPIO stuff, and also some USB related things.

And then we reach a loop, where it checks button presses.

And it reads the buttons with HAL_GPIO_ReadPin()!

Here it reads Pin 7 and here Pin 15.

That's the function we have named read_button.

And after the loop it either decides to call bootloader_delegate_boot - if any button is

not pressed, then boot the code if any is currently loaded.

Or later go into the function bootloader_apdu_interp reter?...

This is exactly the same code as we have reverse engineered in IDA.

Like I said the code here is older than our code, and it does not contain the f00dbabe


For example we know that the bootloader_delegate_boot, which we have called check_f00dbabe_continue

should check for the magic value f00dbabe.

And it does check a boot magic value before it would continue execution.

Basically same thing.

BUT the magic value is a different one.


Not sure what that means.

But it's clearly not f00dbabe.

But anyway...

This is awesome.

We have now found code that is not exactly our code, but shares SO many similarities,

that we can use it to really speed up reverse engineering dramatically.

And we can learn so much from comparing C source code, with ARM assembly.

I just love how this Ledger device and firmware keeps on giving with amazing learning opportunities.

Ledger should really consider selling an educational Ledger device.

Maybe stripped down without the secure processor.

Just to practice embedded hardware research.

This is amazing.

I'm not being sarcasting by the way.

I'm absolutely serious.

I'm learning so much.

I kinda want to make a LiveOverflow branded Ledger product, and sell it, to accompany

the video series.

Wouldn't that be funny.

For more infomation >> Identify Bootloader main() and find Button Press Handler - Hardware Wallet Research #5 - Duration: 13:16.


Jennie (BLACKPINK) Inspired LookBook - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Jennie (BLACKPINK) Inspired LookBook - Duration: 5:00.


#1 - Tầm Quan Trọng Và Chức Năng Của Giao Tiếp | "GIAO TIẾP ĐỂ THÀNH CÔNG" - TS. LÊ THẨM DƯƠNG - Duration: 9:27.

For more infomation >> #1 - Tầm Quan Trọng Và Chức Năng Của Giao Tiếp | "GIAO TIẾP ĐỂ THÀNH CÔNG" - TS. LÊ THẨM DƯƠNG - Duration: 9:27.


Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination F Compilation (Volume 8) - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Ozzy Man Reviews: Destination F Compilation (Volume 8) - Duration: 3:09.


Conan Gray: Crush Culture - Duration: 3:47.

-My next guest kicks off his spring tour

on March 10th in Seattle,

and tonight he makes his television debut with us.

Performing "Crush Culture,"

please welcome Conan Gray, everyone.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-♪ Crush culture ♪

♪ My God, don't look at your phone ♪

♪ No one's gonna call you ♪

♪ Quit checking your volume ♪

♪ Crush ♪

♪ I don't care if I'm forever alone ♪

♪ I'm not falling for you ♪

♪ 'Cause this baby is loveproof ♪

♪ Culture ♪

♪ I don't care what you're saying ♪

♪ I don't wanna participate in your game of manipulation ♪

♪ Crush ♪

♪ And, no, I don't want your sympathy ♪

♪ All this love is suffocating ♪

♪ Just let me be sad and lonely ♪

♪ 'Cause... ♪

♪ Crush culture makes me wanna spill my guts out ♪

♪ I know what you're doing ♪

♪ Trying to get me to pursue you ♪

♪ Crush culture makes me wanna spill my guts out ♪

♪ Spill my guts out, spill my guts out ♪

♪ Oh, no, don't look in their eyes ♪

♪ 'Cause that's how they get you ♪

♪ Kiss you then forget you ♪

♪ Crush ♪

♪ All they're feeding you is beautiful lies ♪

♪ So hide in the bathroom ♪

♪ 'Til they find someone else new ♪

♪ Culture ♪

♪ I don't care what you're saying ♪

♪ I don't wanna participate in your game of manipulation ♪

♪ Crush ♪

♪ And, no, I don't want your sympathy ♪

♪ All this love is suffocating ♪

♪ Just let me be sad and lonely ♪

♪ 'Cause... ♪

♪ Crush culture makes me wanna spill my guts out ♪

♪ I know what you're doing ♪

♪ Trying to get me to pursue you ♪

♪ Crush culture makes me wanna spill my guts out ♪

♪ Spill my guts out, spill my guts out ♪

♪ Shut your damn mouth ♪

♪ You're talking too loud ♪

♪ And no one cares if you two made out ♪

♪ I'm sick of the kissing cult ♪

♪ Crush culture makes me wanna spill my guts out ♪

♪ I know what you're doing ♪

♪ Trying to get me to pursue you ♪

♪ Crush culture makes me wanna spill my guts out ♪

♪ Spill my guts out, spill my guts out ♪

♪ Crush culture makes me wanna spill my guts out ♪

♪ I know what you're doing ♪

♪ Trying to get me to pursue you ♪

♪ Crush culture makes me wanna spill my guts out ♪

♪ Spill my guts out, spill my guts out ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Conan Gray, everyone.

His "Sunset Season" EP is out now.

For more infomation >> Conan Gray: Crush Culture - Duration: 3:47.


Đời Là Thế Thôi | Karaoke | Tone nữ | St Quách Beem - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Đời Là Thế Thôi | Karaoke | Tone nữ | St Quách Beem - Duration: 4:26.



(LOONA – favOriTe) Hello, Welcome

(LOONA – favOriTe) I wanna try some right now

(LOONA – favOriTe) Ayy, Let's get it

(NU'EST W – Dejavu) I'm missing you

(NU'EST W – Dejavu) And you make me wait for you

(SEVENTEEN – Oh My!) Why do you keep turning my heart on and off

(SEVENTEEN – Oh My!) However you want?

(PRISTIN V – Get It) I'll make you into a person you've never imagined being

(PRISTIN V – Get It) I'm a slightly bad

(PRISTIN V – Get It) But charming lady lady

(PRISTIN V – Get It) How about it?

(LOONA – favOriTe) I should act like i look (heard it everyday)

(LOONA – favOriTe) I hear it way too often (heard it everyday)

(LOONA – favOriTe) I want to have all of you

(LOONA – favOriTe) All of you, the whole of you

(LOONA – favOriTe) I get attracted even more, baby

(WANNA ONE – Boomerang) Oh your face, your actions, every single thing, love it

(WANNA ONE – Boomerang) No no no no no

((G)I-DLE – LATATA) So we can burn it up even more

((G)I-DLE – LATATA) There's no tomorrow (THE BOYZ – No Air) Matching our footsteps

(THE BOYZ – No Air) Let's walk and feel the moment

(THE BOYZ – No Air) My eyes, my breath, my heart want you

(NCT U – BOSS) Boss that leads you

(NCT U – BOSS) Don't you know I'm a Player that moves you

(DREAMCATCHER - You and I) Baby You and I

(NCT U – BOSS) Boss that leads you

(THE BOYZ – No Air) My eyes, my breath, my heart want you

(NCT U – BOSS) Boss that leads you

(NCT U – BOSS) Don't you know I'm a Player that moves you

(SEVENTEEN - Oh My!) If you keep making my heart flutter

(SEVENTEEN - Oh My!) What do I do?

(THE BOYZ – No Air) My eyes, my breath, my heart want you

(VICTON - Time of Sorrow) 1,2,3

(DAY6 - Days Gone By) Ahh

(MONSTA X - Jealousy) Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

(BIGFLO - Upside Down) Aye

(MONSTA X - Jealousy) Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

(CLC - Black Dress) Can you see me now huh?

(CLC - Black Dress) BLACK DRESS

(Weki Meki - La La La) Hey babe, come to me-

(Weki Meki - La La La) I won't say things like that (UP10TION - Candyland) Uh-huh Uh-huh

(Weki Meki - La La La) Hey Boy- (MYTEEN - She Bad) Oh baby it's true, I want you

(MYTEEN - She Bad) You're like an ocean view

(BIGFLO - Upside Down) Oh without knowing, I keep looking

(BIGFLO - Upside Down) Who are you, babe

(BIGFLO - Upside Down) I'm curious about all of you

(JBJ - My Flower) Everyone loves the things she do

(JBJ - My Flower) I lose my focus when I'm next to you

(JBJ - My Flower) Like looking at a blossom again, you're different from yesterday

(JBJ - My Flower) Sometimes, I get tired when I think of you

(JBJ - My Flower) But that much I can risk, I'll be a daydreamer

(CLC - Black Dress) Ah ah, so I can be a little more clear

(CLC - Black Dress) Ah ah, so I can be a little more clear

(JBJ - My Flower) What? You're My Flower

(Seulgi x SinB x Chungha x Soyeon – Wow Thing) Follow my heart that explodes, boom boom boom

(ASHLEY - Here We Are) Only you can make me blossom

(WINNER - MILLIONS) The reason I like you- (gugudan - The Boots) You're like a miracle

(WINNER - MILLIONS) Got millions millions millions The reason I like you

(TRCNG - Wolf Baby) I'll protect you and take you in my arms

(TRCNG - Wolf Baby) I'm gonna say louder, roar (EXID - LADY) Come on come on come on come on

(UP10TION - Candyland/Weki Meki - La La La) La La La La La

(Weki Meki - La La La) Someone like someone a lot

(UP10TION - Candyland/Weki Meki - La La La) La La La La La

(Weki Meki - La La La) Everytime yeah, everytime yeah (S.O.U.L - Get Myself With You) Get Myself With You

(gugudan - The Boots) Ah ah oh uh uh (S.O.U.L - Get Myself With You) With you, with you

(S.O.U.L - Get Myself With You) I like your dream with you

(UP10TION - Candyland) La La La La La La La Welcome to my CANDYLAND

(VICTON - Time of Sorrow) Following the petals that are blown away

(VICTON - Time of Sorrow) I dance with you, like that day yeah

(iKON - Love Scenario) I'm not really okay going through this break up

(iKON - Love Scenario) Today was our yesterday and now there's no tomorrow

(iKON - Love Scenario) It hurts but if we dragged it out more, it would've become a scar

(iKON - Love Scenario) I loved you and I was loved, so that's good enough for me

(Highlight - Loved) I hate you, hate you, I miss you, miss you

(Highlight - Loved) I don't wanna forget you, come back to me

(Jimin Park - April Fools (0401)) Just stop- I need to set a boundary

(Jimin Park - April Fools (0401)) So you won't go over there

(Jimin Park - April Fools (0401)) I am not going back NO MORE

(JENNIE - SOLO) I'm shining SOLO

(LOONA/Olivia Hye - Egoist) From now on,

(LOONA/Olivia Hye - Egoist) I'll love myself instead of you

(LOONA/Olivia Hye - Egoist) I'll live on ((G)I-DLE - HANN) Go away, don't even look back

((G)I-DLE - HANN) I'll erase you woo woo woo

((G)I-DLE - HANN) Go away, don't even look back (Yong Junhyung - Go Away) Oh just go away

(Yong Junhyung - Go Away) Leave me, be happy I'm sorry for everything

(MAMAMOO - Egotistic) You selfishly become the center

(MAMAMOO - Egotistic) You only think about yourself Then just be with yourself

(MAMAMOO - Egotistic) Umttiyaiya ttiyaiya ((G)I-DLE - HANN) Go away, don't even look back

(MXM - Diamond Girl) Let's Go

(UNB - Black Heart) Yeah Hey Hey Hey C'Mon (MOMOLAND – BAAM) Bae Bae Bae BAAM BAAM

(MOMOLAND – BAAM) I keep getting dizzy, I haven't even thought about it

(MOMOLAND – BAAM) But you just come right in BAAM (BAAM)

(WEKI MEKI – Crush) Why is it like that every time I see you?

(WEKI MEKI – Crush) I've fallen into this one-sided love, yeah

(WEKI MEKI – Crush) (Oh I, I, I) (CHUNGHA - Rollercoaster) WOAH

(APINK – I'm So Sick) Actually, My heart shakes when you say you miss me

(APINK – I'm So Sick) I want to go into your arms and be trapped just like before

(WJSN – Dream Come True) It'll become a miracle, it'll pull us together

(WJSN – Dream Come True) It'll make our dreams come true so

(SAMUEL – ONE) I want you

(UNB – Feeling) Can't hide it, the face on your heart (CHUNGHA - Love U) I just wanna wanna love you

(UNB – Black Heart/CHUNGHA - Love U) I've fallen for you, no point in denying, You make me

(SAMUEL – ONE) Oh baby just one

(SAMUEL – ONE) You try to act like it's not like that

(SAMUEL – ONE) But all day, you spin around me

(Kim Donghan – Good Night Kiss) Good night kiss

(LEO – Touch & Sketch) Touch Touch Babe (SUNMI - Siren) Lalalalalalalalalalalala

(Kim Donghan – Good Night Kiss) From your lips, check in

(LEO – Touch & Sketch) Love is Sketch Sketch Babe (SUNMI - Siren) Lalalalalalalalalalalala

(CHUNGHA – Rollercoaster) Baby your love, woah

(KARD – Ride On The Wind) How many bad guys did you date

(KARD – Ride On The Wind) For you to not trust my feelings for you

(KARD – Ride On The Wind) You push me away and I keep approaching you

(KARD – Ride On The Wind) What can I do to make your heart open up to me?

(gugudan – Not That Type) I said I like you

(gugudan – Not That Type) I said I'm into you, how about you?

(gugudan – Not That Type) I can't beat around the bush

(gugudan – Not That Type) I'm not that type (IMFACT – NANANA) Without you

(IMFACT – NANANA) I can't do anything

(THE BOYZ – Giddy Up) Everything is good if we are together

(THE BOYZ – Giddy Up) Make some noise

(ONF – Complete) You complete me (INFINITE – Tell Me) Wherever I go, wherever I am

(INFINITE – Tell Me) I miss you so much, I can't take it anymore

(INFINITE – Tell Me) Please come back to me again

(ONF – Complete) You complete me (INFINITE – Tell Me) Wherever I go, wherever I am

(INFINITE – Tell Me) I miss you so much, I can't take it anymore

(IMFACT – NANANA) Because without you, I'm nothing NANANANANANA

(SNSD OH!GG – Lil Touch) Didn't you know your heart wants me?

(Golden Child – Genie) The star of my dreams is you (MAMAMOO – Starry Night) Ya ya ya

(MAMAMOO – Starry Night) Starry night

(SNSD OH!GG – Lil Touch) Didn't you know your heart wants me?

(GOT7 – Look) Your eyes on me, place your eyes only on me

(The Rose – Baby) I'm looking at you

(The Rose – Baby) Maybe I just have to let you go

(EXID – I Love You) Nanana nana nanana nana nana

(EXID – I Love You) Like a crazy person, I love you

(SUNMI – Siren) Can't You See That Boy?

(SOYA - Artist) I'm an artist (BTS - IDOL) You can call me artist

(SOYA - Artist) I'm an artist

(NCT DREAM - WE GO UP) We Go Up (THE BOYZ - Giddy Up) Giddy Giddy Up

(NCT DREAM - WE GO UP) We Go Up (THE BOYZ - Giddy Up) let's run into the cloud

(NCT DREAM - WE GO UP) We Go Up (THE BOYZ - Giddy Up) Go Run Run Run

(BOL4 - Travel) Take me to London Paris New York City

(BOL4 - Travel) I fall into this beautiful city

(BOL4 - Travel) Like I'm a bird bird Like a flying bird

(BOL4 - Travel) I'm free to fly fly I breathe

(NEONPUNCH - Moonlight) I Want You (THE BOYZ - Giddy Up) Make Some Noise

(NEONPUNCH - Moonlight) All I need is you I need you (BTS - IDOL) OH OH OOH OH

(NEONPUNCH - Moonlight) Under the moonlight

(NEONPUNCH - Moonlight) All I need is you I need you (BTS - IDOL) OH OH OOH OH

(NEONPUNCH - Moonlight) I Want You

(THE BOYZ – Right Here) You can't avoid it (no no no no)

(THE BOYZ – Right Here) When you meet my eyes

(THE BOYZ – Right Here) You know it all (know know know know)

(MOMOLAND – Bboom Bboom) You shake my heart as you like

(MOMOLAND – Bboom Bboom) (As you like, as you like)

(UNI.T – I Mean) I like you, I can't do anything about it

(UNI.T – I Mean) I don't even know my own heart (GWSN – Puzzle Moon) I can't take my eyes off

(UNI.T – I Mean) Really can't do anything about it (GWSN – Puzzle Moon) I can't take my eyes off

(SUNMI – Heroine) You make me crazy

(SUNMI – Heroine) And out of my senses

(AOA – Bingle Bangle) What's wrong with my heart?

(ELRIS – Summer Dream) I want to go with you to the end of the world

(100% Heart) A liar pretending to be your friend

(100% Heart) I wanna quit now (APRIL – The Blue Bird) I have something to tell you

(EXO CBX – Blooming Day) So baby, can I be your boyfriend, can I?

(A.C.E – Take Me Higher) So beautiful, so dazzling (WJSN – Save Me Save You) I'll Be by your side

(IN2IT - Snapshot) Now you'll never forget my name, remember it

(IZ*ONE – La Vie En Rose) Make my heart red and burn

(IZ*ONE – La Vie En Rose) Makes me dance (THE BOYZ – Right Here) I'm falling for you like this

(SF9 – Now or Never) Risky like a game of tug-of-war, you burn me up

(SF9 – Now or Never) You shake me up, you lit a fire in my life

(SF9 – Now or Never) There was no time so I did it (THE BOYZ – Right Here) Don't escape!

(EXO – Tempo) It's one of a kind, to the rhythm 1,2,3

(WJSN – Save Me Save You) You tell me in my ears your lingering words

(WANNA ONE - I.P.U) Each day is so precious (Oh My Girl - Remember Me) You & I at that time

(WANNA ONE - I.P.U) Each day is like a gift Every day is like an anniversary

(WANNA ONE - I.P.U/Oh My Girl - Remember Me) Like the moon embraced by the sun (Don't forget it)

(WANNA ONE - I.P.U) You shine so pretty, brighter than anything else, forever

(TWICE - YES or YES) It's Simple Y E S

(TWICE - YES or YES) Choose only one of the two YES or YES?

(TWICE - YES or YES) Make your choice come on YES or YES?

(BLACKPINK - DDU-DU-DDU-DDU) Hot, hot, hot like fire~

(GOT7 - Lullaby) Sweet talk to me babe, It's magical

(GOT7 - Lullaby) I can't escape from you (BLACKPINK - DDU-DU-DDU-DU) BLACKPINK!

(SF9 – Now or Never) Risky like a game of tug-of-war, you burn me up

(SF9 – Now or Never) You shake me up, you lit a fire in my life

(SF9 – Now or Never) There was no time so I did it

(fromis_9 - To Heart) Beautifully and confidently, I don't want to give up

(fromis_9 - To Heart) Pinky swear and make a promise

(BTS – Fake Love) I'm so sick of this

(BTS – Fake Love) Fake love, fake love, fake love

(BTS – Fake Love) I'm so sorry but it's

(BTS – Fake Love) Fake love, fake love, fake love (UNI.T – No More) Oh no no no more

(UNI.T – No More) Crossing the line (K/DA – POP/STARS) You ready for this? (Let's go!)

(NU'EST W - Help Me) My overflowing feelings are of missing you

(BTS - Fake Love) Just for you, I changed everything

(Stray Kids - My Pace) So funny, so funny (ASTRO - Always You) I can't stand this alone

(ASTRO - Always You) I'm afraid so I need you

(NATURE - You'll Be Mine) My heart rushes only to you

(NATURE - You'll Be Mine) It's more intense than that sky and sun

(Red Velvet - Bad Boy) The way you talk seems like you don't care about it, I like that

(Red Velvet - Bad Boy) I tried to ignore you but I'm drawn to you

(RAINZ - Turn It Up) Cover my ears but I still hear sound of your breath

(MONSTA X - Shoot Out) I'm lost somewhere, ah ah ah ah ah

(MONSTA X - Shoot Out) Finding someone ah ah ah ah ah

(VIXX - Scentist) I held a breath when I found you in the mist

(ATEEZ - Pirate King) Said 1,2,3 and 1,2,3 Let's Go (VIXX - Scentsit) I demand for a drop of you for blooming

(fromis_9 - DKDK) I will definitely

(fromis_9 - DKDK) Count to two and hold your hand

(fromis_9 - DKDK) The moment I thought of that, my heart started beating faster

(PENTAGON – Shine) Baby I'm only yours oh oh oh

(PENTAGON – Shine) I'm only yours oh oh no

(fromis_9 - DKDK) I like you this much, this much (PENTAGON – Shine) In the end, I'm

(fromis_9 - DKDK) I like you this much, this much (PENTAGON – Shine) In front of love, I'm always a loser

(PENTAGON - Naughty Boy) Oh I've changed but please look at me

(PENTAGON - Naughty Boy) Slowly, slowly, let's love Let's all sing together...

(BTOB - Beautiful Pain) I met you and fell in love

(BTOB - Beautiful Pain) I was happier than ever

(BTOB - Beautiful Pain) Please don't be in pain (iKON - Goodbye Road) Goodbye Goodbye

(iKON - Goodbye Road) If only I knew we'd say goodbye

(iKON - Goodbye Road) I wouldn't have loved you this much

(GRIEND - Time for the moon night) Trembling stars are shining

(GRIEND - Time for the moon night) Where are you looking?

(GRIEND - Time for the moon night) They look like they will disappear any moment

(MINO – FIANCÉ) Knock knock, I miss you

(MINO – FIANCÉ) I can't underestimate you, I can't have you (so sad)

(MINO – FIANCÉ) Drip drip, tears fall

(MINO – FIANCÉ) But you're not showing your beautiful self even once (This is too much)

(fromis_9 – Love Bomb) Me inside your busy eyes (woo)

(fromis_9 – Love Bomb/DREAMCATCHER - WHAT) A shakiness you cannot stop (woo)

(fromis_9 – Love Bomb) And a faster beating heart

(SF9 – MAMAMIA) I don't know if this is a dream or not

(SF9 – MAMAMIA) I'm afraid you'll vanish

(SF9 – MAMAMIA/DREAMCATCHER - WHAT) My heart grows hot hot hot hot hot (woo)

(Stray Kids – I am YOU) I'll stay by your side

(Stray Kids – I am YOU) Will you stay in the same place as me?

(SEVENTEEN – Thanks) Ever since the first day I saw you until now

(SEVENTEEN – Thanks) In my heart, it's only you

(TWICE – What Is Love?) I wanna know, they say it's sweet like candy

(TWICE – What Is Love?) I wanna know, they say it feels like flying

(TWICE – What Is Love?) I wanna know know know know What is love?

(APRIL – Oh! My Mistake) My heart that's sweet like candy

(APRIL – Oh! My Mistake) I'm only gonna give to you

(N.Flying – Hot Potato) Say my name

(DreamNote – Dream Note) In this universe that we made

(DreamNote – Dream Note) Let's lay on a small cloud

(APRIL – Oh! My Mistake) I know that you're looking at me

(APRIL – Oh! My Mistake) I know that I'm a girl who loves you

(APRIL – Oh! My Mistake) Your twinkling eyes

(APRIL – Oh! My Mistake) Make me melt (Stray Kids - I am YOU) Stay together

(Stray Kids - I am You) You and I, you and I, you and I, I'm by your side

(Stray Kids - I am YOU/SEVENTEEN - THANKS) Always, going toward the same place as you (Thank You)

(Stray Kids - I am YOU) You and me, you and me, you and me

(Stray Kids - I am YOU) No one can replace you

(Stray Kids - I am YOU) I am YOU

Thank you for everyone that kept supporting me

No one can replace you TT

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Reacting To Funny Undertale Memes - Duration: 5:30.


What's going on you guys? Aaliyah Holt here.

So today, I'm going to be reacting to some funny Undertale memes.

Most of these memes were made by me.

And I just want to test this out, see how this goes. be sure to leave a like and tell me which meme was your favorite.

Now the first meme we have on the list

If you guys know me, which you don't but you should.

When I discover something, I have to meme it. I like, got to meme it.

And you will not believe my reaction when I found this out.

You will not believe it.

As a matter of fact, you can hear my reaction to that part. Just click on the card up above.

I'm gonna warn you, the reaction is not normal because I'm not normal.

It's the last song In Undertale. You're saying goodbye to your friends.

Everyone you know is crying. Because it's a sad song.

Then there's me who has no soul what's so ever.

And the way to express myself is through silly memes that make no sense.

And I do love SpongeBob by the way. So, you may see some Spongebob like memes in this video or any others I do in the future.

Now, most Undertale players probably have died at Sans a lot. But trust me, I died 1,000 times. Sans is just that freaking difficult.

I know Sans was made hard to punish you for murdering everyone. But I was so close to fighting Sans, I mean I was so close to beating him and Iost and

My reaction was like I lost a bet.

You can see that on my old channel trailer.

Now, this is my favorite part in the game. When battling Papyrus he's about to use is special attack and the annoying dog comes and ruins it.

I just love Undertale so much. The humor in that game just makes me laugh.

Like, I've never laughed before.

Like I've never seen anything funny before.

In retrospect, when I picked up Undertale for the first time, my exact reaction when Flowey turned on me.

Looks can be deceiving.

You know what they say.

I guess that's what Undertale's trying to teach us. That people can deceive you.

People can fool you. And trick you.

Local flower ruins everything.

Local flower ruins everything. Some say he had a motto, It's kill or be killed.


This would literally be me. [laughs]

I'm sorry ya'll but would be me. [Laughs]

Yeah, even though I had no idea until recently I'm just playing along acting like I knew it for a while.

But I really love these change my mind memes. And do you suppose to change my mind?

But on this, you can't change my mind, you can't change my mind.

My robot talk should speak for itself.

And I'm at it again

Please, I'm just...saying, this is just a mere joke to make you laugh so I don't mean anything serious.

But, I'm just acting like, I'm acting like I never heard music before. And I was in band so that type of behavior is not normal.

For someone who was in band.

It is very annoying when autocorrect changes Undertale to Undertake. What is an Undertake?

What is Undertake? Oh, you want to go play some Undertake? Oh sure! [Laughs]

Yes! This is. Us fans are praising a dog. And who is a human but is a dog in the game.

[Laughs] In a twitter longer post, Toby did say it was gonna be 999 years before the game comes out. [Laughs] This is going to be us in 999 years to be fair [laughs]

And I'm at it again with another change my mind meme.

Hey, I think the guy is talented is that so wrong?

Jevil's theme is freaking lit!

can you imagine blasting this song in the car and your friend gets annoyed and say 'hey, can we listen to something else?' And you throw em out the car?


I think Deltarune's soundtrack is lit in general.

Alright so that is all the memes that I have for today.

I might make a part 2 I'm not sure. Tell me how you like this video. What's your favorite meme?

You can also find these memes on my Undertale/Deltarune pages as well.

I'll link them if you're interested in following them in the description down below.

If you guys are on board, then I might do this for other games like the Telltale series or the Sims. So anyways hit that red subscribe button if you are new want want to see more from me.

And make sure you hit the bell because that's literally the only way you're going to get my videos in your feed.

And tell a friend you're apart of the Holtan Army.

For more infomation >> Reacting To Funny Undertale Memes - Duration: 5:30.


Nature Song | Mende Suresh - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Nature Song | Mende Suresh - Duration: 2:51.



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🔧🚗TOP 14-VOITURES AMPHIBIES🚗🔧 - Duration: 8:42.

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Script Vocalizer Review, WARNING!! DON'T GET Script Vocalizer WITHOUT MY #CUSTOM# BONUSES!! - Duration: 6:40.

Hi! What's going on?

This is Adam, welcome to my Script Vocalizer review.

For more infomation >> Script Vocalizer Review, WARNING!! DON'T GET Script Vocalizer WITHOUT MY #CUSTOM# BONUSES!! - Duration: 6:40.


youtube 외 생방송 김현진의 그림 2.kimhyunjin's Drawing 2 |(opencanvas7)꽃 - Duration: 7:53.

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Фото на спиле дерева - Duration: 6:10.

About such an unusual product as a photo on the saw cut of a tree, and I was struck by its fantastic popularity. The girl who invented this kind of needlework sold 300 pieces a month, earning about $ 7,500 dollars a month "dirty" (her store on Etsy is Today, she earns more than $ 18,000 a month in "dirty" because she sells an average of 720 cuts with photos per month (and each ready saw costs $ 25). Net income can be considered as boldly dividing this amount by two (9 thousand dollars a month). And if she has access to a sawmill (or owns her own), then the amount of her income can be higher. By the way, the needlewoman used to translate a photo into a tree with the help of some kind of chemical manipulations (if I'm not mistaken). But now she is already creating them with the method of direct printing on wood (there are such flatbed printers that allow you to do this). The result is an unusual gift that you want to buy, store and show guests. Therefore, it is so actively buying. But do not think that they buy only from an American needlewoman. Recently, I discovered a Russian craftsman, who also takes a photo on the saws of a tree. True, he makes them in the old-fashioned way - by chemical transfer of the image to the surface of the saw cut (in the picture below - the workplace of the Russian needleman). But this does not prevent him from taking the same $ 25 for his goods (despite the fact that his cuts are 2 times smaller in diameter than those offered by an American). And they buy it too. We have already bought 105 cuts (see for yourself the statistics on the sales of his store). In other words, Russians are bought in almost the same way as Americans. And if our craftsman came out with his revolutionary product before an American woman, he would have had the same staggering success. So the task of man who wants to earn 5-9 thousand dollars a month for Etsy - to come up with a similar revolutionary product, from which consumers will gasp and order several hundred pieces a month. To come up with such a product, you must first understand the reason for the high demand for photographs printed on the tree saw. What is the secret of their popularity? In- First, it is an individual gift (personal photo). Secondly, the photo is printed on natural material - not just on paper or a wooden board, but on a tree cut - which is closer to nature than just a wooden board or paper. Thirdly, this is an unusual meeting of modern printing technology and a hundred- or bicentennial tree. It's like a cosmonaut in costume back in the past - 100 or 200 years ago. Fantastic. Like an ultrasound photo of an unborn baby. Or as the body of an insect imprinted in amber, which lived 30 million years ago. How to come up with such a fabulous product? It is necessary to connect the incompatible and to coincide it with some human event (wedding , birthday, New Year, etc.). That is, it must be an individual gift created in an unusual way on natural material. Easy? No, most likely, difficult. But perhaps (so do not despair). Best of all, it will be in creative people, with unlimited possibilities of thinking. Moreover, they do not need to strain. They do not invent their inventions - they simply see them. When one of our craftsmen comes up with (or rather, sees and brings to life) such a product, I will tell you about it.

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