Liv: Hi guys.
I'm Liv from Deliberate Daydreamers and today I'm going to talk about how I find minimalism
ties into feng shui.
They both have a key principal.
And that is decluttering your space so you can focus on the things that you really love
and you can edit and curate and eliminate the things that clutter and detract from what's
really important.
If you don't know what feng shui is, it's the ancient Chinese art of placement.
And, the principal around that is that everything in our space, in our environment, in our homes,
every object and possession that we have has its own energy and its own vibration and that
impacts on us.
And vice-a-versa.
Your home becomes a mirror of you and you are a mirror of your home.
So, a basic example of this would be if you live in a cluttered, clogged up environment
with a lot of stuff and not a lot of room to move.
This would sometimes manifest into feeling very lethargic, very low energy.
Sometimes depression.
Your environment has a very strong connection and impact on how we actually feel and function
in the world.
We've all had it were, you know when your room is in absolute chaos, you can't find
anything, you're stressed, you're feeling suffocated.
The chaos and disorder is really a reflection of your internal state.
Your head's in chaos, you can't think straight, and that then is mirrored in your external
A lot of time you can look at the energy blocks in your home and you can correlate that too
different areas in your life where you're feeling stagnant or you have emotional blocks
or you don't seem to be moving forward.
For me, feng shui is really about looking at a holistic approach to your life.
So, it's really focusing in on your physical health, your mental health.
It's really about becoming connected to your space.
Becoming intentional with your space.
Acknowledging the areas in your life that you avoid or that you haven't paid attention
It's really about up-leveling your lifestyle so you can really call in everything you desire.
A really simple and fun exercise that you can do to start your journey towards feng
shui is, you can start to actually examine your environment and see whether you need
to really take a look at how you're living, and how your home is actually impacting you.
Everybody's home is an extension of them.
It's a reflection of them and it tells a story about them.
You can walk through a person's home and you can get certain feelings, you can get certain
sensations, you can pick up on the energy.
You can really get a sense of how someone lives in the world by how they live in their
A good starting place would be to walk around your own home.
Go into each room and actually stop and look around and really see what the story is about
you and what story your home is actually telling about you.
From that point, you can then start to reassess if this is actually a true reflection of who
you want to be in the world.
If it's a true reflection of how you are being in the world and if it's truly inspiring you
to become or be the person that you want to be in the world.
The point of the exercise is to really get a sense of how your home makes you feel.
You're going to walk around and you're going to get a lot of adjectives in terms of creative,
excited, vibrant or suffocated, dark, claustrophobic.
It's going to really paint a picture for how you feel at the moment and how you feel in
your home and how your home is making you feel.
It's so important to become aware of how this is impacting you emotionally, as well as physically.
It's really important to understand your connection to space and having a personal connection
to the space around you and also having an understanding that when you change a space,
when you change your environment, when you change what you visually see on a daily basis
and how you can interact in the space, it changes you.
This is a really great starting point to figure out how do I want my home to make me feel.
What story do I want my home to tell about me and so you can look at this and then really
decide what you want to do.
What changes you want to make.
In moving forward, I'm hoping to do a lot more videos, in terms of little key principals,
tips and tricks and elements that you can start to incorporate into your home to make
some positive changes and to really start to curate an environment that's going to uplift
and inspire and help you find a calm, nourishing environment that really is going to nourish
and nurture you moving forward.
And, it's all about understanding that you have the power to create whatever you want.
You have the power to create an environment that lifts you up, makes you happy and that
the power is essentially in you and in your intention.
That's the biggest lesson that feng shui has actually taught me.
That it's all within and it's all based around intention.
If you found this at all helpful and if you found that little experiment helpful, let
me know in the comments.
Subscribe and hopefully I can get a few more videos with some really practical and easy
steps to follow just to up-level your environment and hopefully you'll enjoy them.
So, thanks.
See you later.
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