Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 19 2019


For more infomation >> المفرش الصغير لمفرش الأناناس كروشية سهل جدا للمبتدئين الجزء2 crochet doliy pineapple very easy - Duration: 34:06.


கோடிக்கணக்கானவர் பார்த்து கண்ணீர்விட்ட ஒரு வீடியோ | Latest Tamil Seithigal - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> கோடிக்கணக்கானவர் பார்த்து கண்ணீர்விட்ட ஒரு வீடியோ | Latest Tamil Seithigal - Duration: 3:13.


சற்றுமுன் இறந்த இராணுவ வீரரின் வீட்டில் அறந்தாங்கி நிஷா செய்ததை பாருங்க | PULWAMA ATTACK - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> சற்றுமுன் இறந்த இராணுவ வீரரின் வீட்டில் அறந்தாங்கி நிஷா செய்ததை பாருங்க | PULWAMA ATTACK - Duration: 6:06.





Tgirl Lisa | My outfit for an evening | (Crossdresser / Shemale / Transvestite) - Duration: 3:00.

If you like it and want more, leave your thumbs up and subscribe my channel

For more infomation >> Tgirl Lisa | My outfit for an evening | (Crossdresser / Shemale / Transvestite) - Duration: 3:00.


(눈물주의)평화로운 점심 산책 중, 칼 든 괴한이 나타나는데... - Duration: 2:25.

This dog has miraculously survived after being stabbed in the head by a gangster.

Four-year-old Duke, the German Shepherd, had a steak knife plunged 5cm deep in its frontal sinus area, cracking its skull,

but fortunately missing his brain by a mere 2cm.

Gino Wentzel, 40, says on Tuesday he took Duke for a walk in the direction of the Town Centre in Mitchells Plain

when they were confronted by a gangster in a lane.

Gino says their daily lunchtime routine turned into a nightmare when the thug became frightened when Duke started growling at him, and pulled out a knife and stabbed the dog in the head.

The owner of the dog says not only is his dog gentle, but it was on a leash and the skolly was in no danger of being bitten.

Gino says both he and Duke panicked.

Duke struggled with the knife stuck in his head and collapsed near a primary school.

Gino immediately called a friend and they rushed Duke to the Animal Welfare Society in Philippi where Duke was treated.

Wednesday, he got to see Duke for the first time after his ordeal.

"When he saw me, he began to cry. He wants to come home

because he is a lovely dog that sleeps inside the house and is very gentle," says an emotional Gino.

Allan Perrins, who is working at the Society, says their team did a splendid job in saving Duke's life.

"Duke arrived around 3pm with a knife deeply embedded in his skull," Perrins says.

"Seconds seemed like hours and with Duke lapsing in and out of consciousness our Head Veterinarian very quickly concluded that if we were to save him the knife needed to be extracted urgently."

He says an X-ray was done to see what damage the knife had caused, and how to safely remove it without causing any further damage.

"Our veterinarian was able to safely remove the knife and, much to everyone, and especially Gino's relief, announced that Duke would be very sore but fine."

For more infomation >> (눈물주의)평화로운 점심 산책 중, 칼 든 괴한이 나타나는데... - Duration: 2:25.


Heroes Auto Chess (by OneTonGames) - Trailer Game Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 10:03.

Heroes Auto Chess (by OneTonGames) - Trailer Game Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ

For more infomation >> Heroes Auto Chess (by OneTonGames) - Trailer Game Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 10:03.


Kana Mamar Golper Jhuli | Khokababur Pratyabartan - খোকাবাবুর প্রত্যাবর্তন | Bangla Cartoon Video - Duration: 10:39.

So, all of you've come?

Yes, all of us are here.

Take out the stories from your kitty and narrate the stories to us.

Kana Mama has nothing except his stories to offer you.

Listen to me.

Once upon a time there was a King...

No uncle, no more stories of kings and demons.

Why? What happened?

Do you know that Titli knows many stores of animals and birds?

Tell us stories of birds and animals today.

Okay. I'll tell you such stories.

But never forget these stories.

Listen to me.

Mr. Anukul's house is decked up for festivities.

The reason for the celebrations is the arrival of a new family member.

It's the birthday of Khokababu, the son of Mr. Anukul.

Anukul's old servant Raicharan was the companion of his son.

Raicharan had also raised Anukul, Khokababu's father.

He took care of him as he's taking care of Khokababu.

Lovely! Lovely!

A little more. - No.. no..


Here you go.

Lovely! Lovely!

A little more.

Okay. Okay. Don't cry.

It's okay.

Do you want water? Okay.

Look at him.

What happened? What happened, Raicharan?

Just look what Khoka is doing.

He has learned to cross the threshold so early.

Madam, your son will grow up to be a judge.

He'll earn 5000 rupees every month.

Raicharan, you're just too much.

Raicharan and his Khokababu spent years together.

Khokababu grew up.

One day.. - Whose mail is it?

Mail of transfer.

Don't go too far.

The weather isn't good today.

Don't worry, madam.

We won't go too far.

C'mon, let's go.

Let's go. C'mon, Let's go.

Let's go. C'mon, let's go.

Let's go.

Yes, Khokababu. Let's go out.

Let's go. Let's go.

Charan, look at those flowers.

Charan, flowers. Flowers.

Oh no! We won't go there today. Not today.

Charan, flowers.

Charan, flowers.

Charan, flowers. Flowers.

Okay, I'll get them for you.

Don't get down.

Don't go near the pond. I'll be right back. Okay?

Don't go anywhere.

Stay here. I'll be back.


Almost done.

Oh no!

Khokababu, flowers for you.

Khokababu! Khokababu!

Khokababu! Where did he go?


Please come back.

Where are you?

Khokababu! Khokababu!

I'll give you any amount of money you demand.

Please bring him back. Please bring him back.

I don't know where he is, madam.

Believe me, I don't know where he is.

Get lost. Get lost from here. Get lost.

Calm down. Calm down, wife.

It's an accident.

We can't blame him for this.

My child...

He was wearing gold ornaments.

He kidnapped him for those ornaments.


Raicharan returned home after being accused a thief.

Coincidentally after a year he became a father.

I'll raise him like a rich man's son.

No one will ever think that he's my son.

I'll take him to Calcutta tomorrow.

I'll get him admitted in a big school.

I'll raise him well. This will be my repentance.

Twelve years passed by.

One day...

Sir.. - Who is it?

It's me, Raicharan.

Oh Raicharan!

What do you want now? What do you want?

Why have you come here now?

Madam, I kidnapped your child.

It was not the river Padma that killed your son.

I kidnapped your son.

Madam, I kidnapped your son.

What are you saying?

Where.. where is he?

Where.. where is my son?

He's your son.

He's your Khokababu.

He's your Khokababu.

He's your Khokababu.

My Khoka.. come.

My Khoka.. come to me. Come.

Come to me. Come. Come.

Where were you all these years?

Come to me. Come.


My Khoka..

My Khoka..

My son, come to me.

What's the proof that he's my son?

How can I give you proof?

Only god knows that I kidnapped your son.

No one else knows the truth.

You can never be forgiven for what you did.

I only wish the well-being of my child.

Please forgive him. Please forgive him.

Sir.. sir..

Father, forgive him.

He's very poor.

Give him a monthly allowance. - Khoka!


Raicharan was sent some money at the end of the month.

The money was sent back.

No one lives there now.

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For more infomation >> Kana Mamar Golper Jhuli | Khokababur Pratyabartan - খোকাবাবুর প্রত্যাবর্তন | Bangla Cartoon Video - Duration: 10:39.


DISOBEDIENT BY Pastor Daniel Maqsood - Duration: 2:55.

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For more infomation >> DISOBEDIENT BY Pastor Daniel Maqsood - Duration: 2:55.



For more infomation >> Petri Dish - Я ПРОСТО БОГ || ТОП МОНТАЖ ОТ АКВИ И ТАКЖЕ МОНТАЖ В GOTA.IO - Duration: 8:24.


#3 Allah Tri Tunggal - The Trinity God (Dr. Thomas Hwang) - Duration: 57:09.

For more infomation >> #3 Allah Tri Tunggal - The Trinity God (Dr. Thomas Hwang) - Duration: 57:09.


Siejemy bób | - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Siejemy bób | - Duration: 2:54.


Build Divers Zerachiel | Gunpla TV 308 - Duration: 15:06.

Hey guys, and welcome to Gunpla TV. I'm your host Lindsay

who sometimes comes on.

That's right, and I am Todd, and this is episode number 308.

308, indeed.

Alright, so we got, uhh, just some HD stuff this week.

So we had a new kit that just came

in and this is the Gustav Karl.

Yes, the Karl. Karl is quite big and muscular looking.


You like 'em big and bulky, right. I do, and this is a nice big and bulky suit so

I'm kind of looking forward to seeing

this one. This guy he's really got some thick legs to him, too.

Oh my god! He does not skip out on leg day.

Oh, my. I can't wait to see you build

that one. Right? It looks awesome.

So this will be next week. So of course I have to

build the Karl. So ever since this one went up for pre-order I was like oh I

want that kit and then there was another one last week that came I was also kind

of looking forward to. This one is from today.

That one just came in last week.

Oh. So this is the one we're looking at

close up today. Okay, okay.

And this is the Zerachiel.

Zerachiel? Is that how you say it? Looks like it.

Zerachiel? Yep.

That looks quite cool -- isn't it

I mean also the mobile suit itself is kind of skinny-ish but I mean with all

that huge backpack and the extra wings and stuff it really bulks it up.

It's got those three modes. You want to take a look at all of the modes?!

I do! Let's do it! I know you were just dying to see it.

Right! Let's get right on to it!

Alright, here we have -- this is from Build Divers -- it's the HG Gundam, now I

think I just said that incorrectly. Before I said it as "Zera-Shiel"

Like that would kind of be how we would read it in English, wouldn't you agree?

Yeah. When you look at the Japanese down here

it's "Zera-Kiel"

I guess it's "Zera-Kiel". Zerachiel? Zerachiel. Gundam Zerachiel! There you have it.

Cool, okay, review done!

It's quick, it's over.

No, just kidding.

As if.

As if you had nothing to say. Right, I have a few things to say. Alright so

it's rotating around the back here. Let's take a look at that right of the way.

This is something that we kind of mentioned last week when we were

looking at that box. Oone of the cool features about this -- and we'll look at it,

w'll do the transformation -- but you can see it has tank treads! Yep. Kind of cool

'cause this is a rare Gundam that has a ground mode you don't usually get Gundams

with like a tank form. Right, I remember you telling me this.

I really can't remember I mean I think there was another one the HG, what was it, Loto? Or

something like that from a long whiles ago. It has, like it can transform into

a tank but this one is a bit bigger than that smaller one too. I think it's cool,

just awesome I just like how large this thing looks with everything added on to

it. Yeah, but, you know let's check out those other modes.

Oho! Alright, you want to look at the modes, alright. But maybe before we look at the other modes

let's pull this guy -- so he comes, of course you can see here, it comes with a

stand. So one thing people are kind of probably wondering is with all of this

stuff on here is it possible at all for this guy to stand? He's pretty heavy in

the back. He's quite heavy and you know what I had everything really ooh, gosh I

could not find a way to get this guy to stand, stand on his own without that

stand so it comes with a display stand and if you want to display in this form

you really are going to need to keep him on that stand as you can see. All right

so let's take a kind of another look at some of the weapons that he comes with

here. Let me make sure I am mentioning all of this stuff. So this is actually

based off of a 00 kit, the Heart I believe it is the Heart and he has some

GN sword rifles here and they kind of hide the weapons when you have it in

this form they kind of merged the weapons into his other, the other stuff

that he has here. So let's pull off one of these blades here on this side and so

I can show you something that he comes with. Let's just I'll just leave him

sitting down there for a second here. Alright so with this blade you have the

ability to, it kind of it does, it does have an ability to open up but it also

has, let me see if I can pull this out here -- it has -- there we go, so it has the

handle. So you can put this here in his hand and he will be able to

hold this just like you would be able to hold any other kind of sword rifle thing

so that is one cool feature. And you know yep let's see what else what else can

this one do it also has like this ability to kind of expand out so when

it's all together it's like that but you can kind of pull this top part off and

you can find whoops I'll just take that off for now see the detail underneath

end mm-hmm expand that. so that's cool that's one cool thing also there is

another weapon that is hiding on this guy here and that would be on the back

here there are two kind of and like just they just call them the huge cannons and

the huge cannons just attach onto the bottom of the backpack like so so you

can pull off or the huge cannon he's got to so you can put one in each hand and

this huge cannon also has a handle that is hiding here in let me see if I can

pull this out of here this is gonna take away I always have an end of trouble oh

there's there's a little much that you can stick your finger in and get this

off easy so then again you have the handle and you can clip this guy with

the huge cannon so you can pose them with one or two huge guns however you

would like to do it okay so now we got two modes let's start off with the first

one which is going to be the GN Sky and that's going to be his flight mode

whoops I'm getting tape on my box here so we got a GN Sky mode up here so in

his flight mode so let's go ahead and change it to the GN Sky mode and take a

look at that alright alright now we have it all transformed into its first form

and this is the GN Sky form so it's kind of the flight the bird type mode it

looks really cool actually I have to say don't you think it looks pretty cool

yeah especially from the top we kind of have the camera at a straight angle

right but if you look at it from the top it looks like a proper flight vessel it

does indeed although you don't often see proper flight vessels with tank guys

it looks like a proper sci-fi aircraft proper sci-fi aircraft I really like the

look of it looks really cool I have to say as the interesting look looking at

it from the bottom I have to say that's not an often it's not often that you

could really look at anything from the bottom kind of like that you can really

just see how thick the Gundam himself is just hiding on the bottom I mean the

transformation for this thing and actually something I didn't realize

until I went to do the transformation I guess when I built it just following the

instructions or maybe I didn't follow the instructions correctly but the legs

are actually supposed to have been extended out a bit longer when it was in

its regular robot mode but I already had them in the short the short not robot

mode but in Mobile Suit for him but I already had them like shortened a bit

but I thought it actually it looks pretty good with the legs shortened I

don't know if it really needed the long legs but that is just an option this is

a really really really simple transformation the only thing I really

had to do was raise up the shoulder blades there and flip the arms around

and the feet kind of stretched out there at the bottom and changed the adapter

for the stand and that was pretty much all I had to do to get it into this form

all right so let's go ahead and take a look then next at the GN Bull which is

going to be the tank mode and I think for though and it's probably going to be

a pretty simple flipping it around the type of thing right not exactly but all

right so give me one second I think there is one thing that I do have to

rotate around here all right so here it is the GN Bull mod so now he is resting

properly on those tank treads and basically the only thing you really had

to do for this conversion was just take the wing and rotating it around and that

was all there is to it really a really simple thing to do with this kit it

looks don't let's look awesome - it does but I think the flight mode is cooler

and I would display it in flight mode well gosh I think for me once I take you

home and set it on this on this shelf I think it'll be in that original Mobile

Suit form because that is kind of the proper display I like the look of it

displayed in the in the regular mobile suit form but I mean this is a really

cool today it has like all these different there's these different

features or transformations right each one of them I have to say looks kind of

really cool and not only that but the transformations were really really

simple not which is surprising for Gunpla which is yes surprising we've

had some really really hard difficult ones before in the past but not so with

this one just flip flip a few things around and boom you're done so actually

I I mean I'm sorry I don't know how many times have I said it now this review but

I really like to look at this guy so I had to say he's really I would recommend

this one if you like the kind of flight kits or if you like a more bulky looking

kit that has a lot of weapons included and I mean just this box it was so thick

this is just one of the thickest HG boxes that I have seen in a while so you

know you're getting a lot of parts with this kit so it was a it was a fun build

for me it was a nice break from that perfect grade which I need to get back

to here but anyway for that yeah give them some hips I need to give him a

torso - so back to work on the perfect grade and back to work on the car

okay so that's it for the Zerachiel and next week is the Karl next week we got

Karl lots of excitement lots of excitement but first okay I've got

questions I hope I've got questions maybe all right the first comes from El

Zaku who said why is there a jet engine behind the cockpit in that Crusher Joe

plane that makes no sense I guess maybe the pilot just likes his head warm it

doesn't seem like it has like a lot of space back there but yeah like literally

right behind the cockpit they have like the jet engine nozzle so oh no it's a

space it's a spaceship so maybe it's like some super fancy ion cannon that

really takes up no space right you never know I guess it's 1980s design what can

you say alright next one comes from Alasdar who said hey Todd if it's not

too hard for you when you show us the HG Gustav Karl model will you put it next

to any mg kit to compare sizes okay so I think we can do that for him so next

week I have to remember to bring in a mg kit 'cause this I mean he does look quite

bulky and kind of largest so we'll have to see how they compare yeah and if you

forget we've got a few over here we've got a few kits around so stay tuned next

week for the Karl review so alright so that's it for the questions let's go

into the giveaway so this week the random number generator has chosen

comment number 23 and it goes to Cod cash during caching caching Kajnrig and

it says in all caps I see you using promo photos you didn't paint that Todd

I see you actually but we also used a wonderful civil shot oh that's right

there is wonderful Dave saw that kid it was all painted up with the Wonder

Festival so yeah I think he inserted that kid so yeah I didn't paint it I

just don't have the time we really need to do that takes a lot of fun to pay and

stuff and whatnot so and I got every week I have to do something new I have

to don't have a lot of time for painting even personal projects

all right and it also says that was weirdly aggressive I apologize well okay

it's okay no apology need is needed so I will be contacting you shortly on

to get this credit to you alright so if you guys out there would

also like to win 2,000 yen HobbyLink Japan store credit all you need to

do is go to find episode number 308 and post a comment

yep and please remember to be registered on you know it's supposed

to comment right if you're not registered we can't contact you nope let

me know I'll keep the credit for myself you don't dare I'm not no but at least I

get a lot of Gundam you do you cannot have every gun do you build them

yourself but you also get them yeah I do I've got a nice collection going you do

so nice one nice that I retire I can paint them all I was gonna say you have

a nice big lineup for your retirement plan right just all the painting decals

it's my 401 G for Gundam and then you can you can sell them off if you run

out of retirement money gosh by that time they'll be really rare and

collectible isn't there like a point to like you to be as seen on this episode

of YouTube right when you're famous you can be like Todd made this right I can

like scratch Todd on the bottom of the foot like Andy in Toy Story

all right enough dreaming anyways okay that's about it for that that is indeed

we'll see you next week and you can find us on Tumblr Twitter

you messed me up you can find us on tumblr Twitter Facebook or Instagram and

links to all of those are on and we will see you next time yes we will


For more infomation >> Build Divers Zerachiel | Gunpla TV 308 - Duration: 15:06.


Is The Elliott Wave Theory Accurate? - Duration: 12:00.

Hello traders, Hello traders the title of this video


the Elliott wave theory

accurate? that

Is the question is the Elliott wave

theory accurate?

What I was it would free this one today's are asking that question or one I

Want to know the intention one, are you asking that question because

You want to use the Elliott wave theory like a magic one

So that one if while using the Elliott wave theory, you don't have to do any homework or you just buy and sell

Using the Elliott wave theory like an exact science

If that's you then I will say to you know, all right

Right just somebody else that understand that the ego with tearing is a guide to help

technical traders to time the market


Accurately, that's the correct way more accurately. I will teach you. Yes

Yes, the area way Theory will have technical traders to time the financial market more


Alright, so if they were timely market

accurately only fifty percent before or

If another trade a worse time in the financial market as a day trader swing trader position trigger time in the market

accurately only sixty percent of the time before

That person can improve his market timing

okay significantly if we start using

Or if you start mastering or if we start okay using the in the window, okay

principle like an intelligent in your way trader desperate or one so somewhere else that is

time in the market eighty percent of the time a increase it even to ninety percent of the time so that

So the question normally I think this question is the alien way though

Tory accurately is in low eatery accurate

if far the question should be rephrased in a Wednesday is

A video does the area weight Theory have technical traders to time the market

more accurately


Hundred percent - but it is not an exact science

But generally a lot of traders have been there much travel and so traditionally you see stochastic Marty

Do you know karate the parasha bothered and one day they watch a video about innovate theory or they read about it?

All right. I already know somebody who's using it you're having more success than them. They say

Hey, you have to use yellow with you are usually away clearly. That's the magic one

So they start using the end of a theory. All right


Those are three days. All right, they are looking to improve

The app market timing they want to use the IDEO a like an exact science. So they start using the annuity

Not as a guide, but as an exact science, so in that case, we will see to be roasted

Be careful the area with you is know about


Consistent training all the time


Is high a lot Redis to increase the data?

The the efficiency their market timing in to pull the market timing in the furniture market

All right, so you see here. I'm looking at Google stock. So I contact my weight correctly so fast way, all right


W/s why wait for me in this second way?

All right, then we have the term

We'd actually subdivided into one two or three four five and all the trouble we expecting a fourth way

So while we were here we tell to this that okay

Google stuff will pull back a bit in fact of posted a video

But anyway, three that jump or whatever celebrating accurate any long before huh? So in this case

when I look back, I will say my a new account is actually

Now I can say that okay

The are the time when I'm counting the way I know that the price can print something completely different

But when can we see that our a do we count of a Leo with four cars exactly? It is after the consummation

We have an expectation

And our expectation is fulfilled. Therefore. We have the right to say that the alien theory is


Sometimes you'll be amazed

They know it will be almost hundred penalties. We will focus it. Okay

So with me sometime today we'll forecast


the whole mochi way as soon as the first and the second wave is

Completed using what we call the fractal pattern the structure of the first

Wave at the second way we forecast what is going to happen during the training time

and what is going to happen to the quality file and some stock will obey you and we complete every


so in that case you can go around shutting about it or three times by any away count is

Accurately read exactly exactly. I know that time can be tinta was a one stroke of Microsoft stock

Energies are she another example? Yeah, yeah or my future

So recently I move. Okay. You see this when we work on a fifth wheel. I think it was somewhere here

So we have an extension


Should we say here? It was accurate we can see that it was

Partially accurate because we know that the chief will come in extended. So we are just our

wave count

Accordingly the fifth way I'm talking about here is the fifth matter wave of the turbine. So we were talking about it

So we ended somewhere in this region

Okay, I don't know where I put it before. Alright, here it is

Is it accurate is partially accurate?

So new traders lead us the first question that we are which is no more

Probably there are other traders out there asking the same question. Why should I bother to go to?



Learn about anyway who I should have put up with George funny accent watching all his video about anyway

Alien with you

Can had technical trader? Alright, so improve his market tummy

So what does it affiliates you're not off for ordinary trainers? Ok?

Are looking at this chat. So we all look in retail. Yes or no?

Alright, so why do we look at each other to understand without a shoe bag or shop?

So while you're tested we are try to interpret any price, Virginia Soto

Or do you know each other who are not using in your quit the Ori do not have fun anything about what a price tag?

Alright I

Do not have any expectation. You don't know where the price is likely to go

So you might in the financial market you want to buy a sound and you don't have any idea at all

Okay, what is likely to happen now? You shouldn't be in a phone OSHA Bakula talk

That's a hard thing to say to some traders honesty. Alright, that's it

Very very hard to sit by it's true, but we all got it

Well, you are in the market until you learn about anyway

You do your own thing that I was showing is to trade us a look

We see here this is Activision's talk, ok here again look harder

- well, so come one years ago third wave fourth way. Alright we talked about this fourth realized

This is this setup lifestyle between the two six 1.8. And it once this one play a bubble about that

I post it at a deep for three days Fibonacci extension. Nah, blah blah. Okay, I'll video God only 40 view. Oh

My god, what's that?

Fourth week not a few food extended. Look at that

Not only the fuel is a standard Horan

Now the structure or a fifth man away or a fifth way is aimed in diagonal


before this shaft move

down any your way through this

Accurately was expecting that now we can say they may actually be caught the waist button. It is not extra trial for them

That this moon is shutting down

It's virtually happen but its fifth man away. What a fifth way is attending diamond

So I leave it to you

Is the earlier way of theory accurate is it theory so in order to make it accurate?

You should start making all right

You should start making

accurate trading decision

That's it. It's a theory

Theory is long victory is not going to trade for you

Now you can learn victory and you yourself use it to improve your market timing making

Accurate trading decision. So an

Excellent trigger that must change the area of a theory that is using it

Accurately as the right to say that the hell your way theory is accurate

Until you have mastered it theory and start using it more accurately

You'll be save all over the place that is not accurate that it is the mumbo jumbo. I won't waste my time on that


So this is a short tutorial about is the alien wave theory accurate

What in a normal condition it's accurate when the pride is confirming with wave a for passion

so this we complete our discussion to then the box is the alien wave T or it accurate if you want to learn more about

the idiom with a

theory go to

WWE is calm dg2 did for Elliot waves in pure

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To be naughty fun

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By giving us the beautiful turn stop. You see to be drawn

We will try to impress me with you know with accurate

You never got anything in your waiver for car that was accurate for me

I've been losing money on oil price mark it down or on

however, if you think it's an essential tutorial, feel free to show if your final move up last Twitter Facebook and

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Until it has time enjoy yourself and be very happy

We are reaching STW 24 or traders talking about is the Elliot wave


Are correct. What do you think? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section do you think is perfectly accurate?

Do you think that one does not need to master it there one can just use it anywhere. Anyhow, let us know the comments session

Happy to meet you all and I will speak to you soon, or do you want to talk about something else?

You have another question put in a comment session. Thank you for watching

For more infomation >> Is The Elliott Wave Theory Accurate? - Duration: 12:00.





VFR Navigation for General Aviation Pilots. CAA Safety Sense #5 - Duration: 24:55.

For more infomation >> VFR Navigation for General Aviation Pilots. CAA Safety Sense #5 - Duration: 24:55.


Presentation of Myriam Zapata. Fabrika Decoru Design Team 2019 - Duration: 11:22.

Hello! My name is Myriam and this is my first video here, on the Fabrika Decoru channel

I am very happy to be part of this year's design team of Fabrika Decoru

and I promise that I will do my best to give you as much inspiration as I can

for your scrapbooking projects. Although at first I thought about making this video only in English

then I thought it was better just a little introduction in English

so that more people can understand who I am, and the rest of the video I will speak in my

native language, Spanish. But don't worry people who don't understand Spanish because

this video will be subtitled in English, Russian, French and Spanish, of course.

Once again, thank you Fabrika Decoru for your invitation to be

part of your team. Well, let's speak in Spanish now

As I was telling you, I am very glad to be part of Fabrika Decoru's team,

design team of this year and

as many of you have told me in your comments that you

want to see what scrapbooking projects I'm going to do. I am also at

expectation to see what I'm going to do because I still have no idea

I guess when I get the material and see the paper designs and touch

the textures, then inspiration will come to me. Well,for this first

presentation video Fabrika Decoru has prepared a few questions that

wants us to answer. The first question says: your big dream is

related to scrapbooking? Well... Let's see ... I don't have a single great

dream I have many big dreams and... yes, one of them is related

with scrapbooking because I like very much to draw, many of you know it

and since I started with scrap rounds my head the idea of ​​creating my

own collection of papers. I would love to have my own collection of

papers, with my own designs, my own colors and my style. And...

I don't know why I have not done it yet, I guess because it has not

come the moment, because everything has its moment. And I have the

feeling, I have the hunch that it will happen. Someday I will make my own

collection of papers. The second question is a little

complicated because it says: Why do you think that Fabrika Decoru chose you to form

part of their design team? And that's what I would like to know. Actually Fabrika Decoru

you would have to answer to this question. But well, let's see, if

I have to give an answer, maybe it's because of my style, because I imagine that

you had many candidacies and when you were there classifying them by

styles, at the moment you came to the 'clean and simple' style, there

I fit myself, because more or less that's my style, at least that's what I think,

I like things not overloaded, I like them with a perfect balance, at least for me

of decoration, neither a lot nor a little. More or less the 'clean and simple' style.

As for the mix media projects the part that I enjoy the most is the drawing one

well I also enjoy the painting moment but as long as no

my hands get too dirty because I don't like to have sticky hands and

stained with paint ... I don't know why I have so much aversion to that

and well that's my answer to this question. But Fabrika Decoru if someday

you decide to give me the answer, the true answer,

I would love to hear it. I would love to know know why you decided to choose me

for being part of your design team. Third question. Three scrapbooking tools

that you would take to a deserted island

This reminds me when I made the video of my

10 essentials, and precisely that was the approach, what 10 things

I would lead to a deserted island. And I remember Neli's comment (a friend)

I have it here in memory, who told me: "That's why people think

that we are a little crazy. Thinking about taking scrap things to

a desert island!" I also remember that one of the

essentials that I said was the cutting machine. Where would I plug the

cutting machine on a desert island? Well ... But I'm still thinking the same thing

if I had to go to an island deserted I would take scrap things with me yes or

yes, because if not, how boring. Well the fact is that this time Fabrika Decoru

asks us to say three tools and the first of them

obviously my scissors

these scissors that I've already told you in my blog

I leave here the link with the history of these scissors, which are not even specific

of scrap, they are scissors for surgery, but...

They cut wonderfully, I have them from always, and I will have them forever, and they will be

my companions for the rest of my days, so that's the

first tool that I would take with me to the desert island yes or yes. Then

I'm looking around to see what tool ... the 'Big Shot', the 'Big Shot' but

not the big one or the little one, not the 'Big Shot Plus' neither the 'Sidekick', the

normal, the standard, that I have to say as a matter of fact that I don't have it, but it is the one that

I would take with me. And finally the 'crop-a-dile', because I like to make holes, let's see

I like it and also because it's necessary for bindings, it's necessary

to make holes, or to put the ... washers, or whatever

This one! I remember that the first time I used it, I was testing in different

materials and I was hallucinated when I pierced, I made a hold in a CD and the cut was

so clean, so perfect and without any difficulty that since then it is my favorite...

one of my favorite tools And that's it. These are the three

tools that I would take with me to an island deserted

It is understood that materials apart, right? because what do we do with the tools

if we don't have papers, cards, stamps, inks, paints, markers, colors,

etcetera, etcetera, etcetera

Where do your ideas and inspiration come from? Well, many times they come from the material,

the own material, from the design of the material. It's having the papers, the

collection of papers or the object that we are gonna make and do ideas come to the

head. But in reality the inspiration it is everywhere

We have it here stored in our mind because every minute we are

being bombarded with a lot of information that our brain

accumulates and accumulates and when it has to come out, it comes out. When

we are relaxed and creating something, all that information flows. And obviously

a great source of inspiration is Internet. Especially, for me

particularly when I have to draw something ... for example

you tell me draw a dog scratching its ear

although I have the image in my head It's very difficult for me to draw it if I'm not

watching it, then I look for photos, images in internet of a dog approximately in

that posture scratching its ear, and that is when I start to draw

Is that inspiration? The best gift you can give to a

scraper girl or scraper boy. Well, papers, definitely scrapbooking papers

because I don't know any scraper girl or boy not goes crazy when

seeing the papers and wants to have them all. It's that! We all go crazy,

we want them all, it's never enough. Another question. What is your favorite time to

scrap? As long as there is natural light

any time, that is during the day It would be the answer, right? Because I don't know why

I can not scrap with artificial light. And it's ironic because for years, when the

career, when I was studying the career, Architecture, I always worked at night

and at dawn, with the white light of my lamp

though I am now incapable, it is not that I don't see, well maybe I don't see, maybe I don't see

well, but it's not the same, not, I don't enjoy the same because the colors look

different, because ... I don't know. Not, definitely during the day, while

there is natural light, at any time. And now the last question that says: what do you expect

of working in Fabrika Decoru? Well first thing, having a good time

then, I really want to work as a team. In fact, we are already

doing it, we are working as a team and I'm really enjoying it because it's ...

Let's see...

it is different. Usually we do scrapbooking alone, on our table, on the site

intended for it, and we are alone, but working in

team we are exchanging ideas, comments

we are all working with the same materials and the

creativity is so varied. And then, another super important thing is that, in this

design team we are of several different countries, from different parts

of the world. It's amazing how we do communicate, because none of us

speak, well none of us, many of us don't speak the same language

in fact there are people who speak only English, other French, many who speak

Ukrainian or Russian, Hungarian and they are languages ​​so completely

different, especially the Spanish of the Eastern languages, because both are not latin languages

But nevertheless we understand each other. We understand each other, we communicate and everything

is ok. It is also true that much does the Google translator What would be of

us without Google translator? Oh my God! And another thing

I wish working in Fabrika Decoru, which I am already doing

is to learn. Learn a lot from my colleagues, of their way of scraping, of

the different styles, learn even the language because ... the first time

that I saw and heard a video made in Ukrainian by one of my colleagues

obviously I understood what she was doing with her hands, but the language doesn't

I didn't understand anything. However now, after so much listening to videos, there are some sounds that

are familiar to me, the ear goes habituated and there are sounds that I already distinguish

it's not that I talk, that I understand everything perfectly and now I already speak Russian, no no no no

but for example I have learned that 'poka-poka' means 'see you later', something like

'bye bye', so 'poka-poka', up to here today's video. See you

next time, Thank you very much for watching this video, I hope

to have made myself known a little more so, see you in the next video. A kiss and

until next time

For more infomation >> Presentation of Myriam Zapata. Fabrika Decoru Design Team 2019 - Duration: 11:22.


Acknowledgment tips with Maureen and Carmen. - Duration: 1:46.

- So I used to think that compliments

were just social niceties, and

just really, really shallow like,

oh Maureen I like your dress.

- Woooaah

- I mean, I do like your dress.

- Okay

- But I know that there's something really, even more

powerful now so, it's acknowledging people.

So, If you acknowledge people at a really deep level like,

the other day, I called someone

up and I said, you know what?

I really loved the content you put on Linkedin the other

day, I actually implemented it and this is the impact

it had and this was the realization I had, well done,

thank you so much for putting that out there.

Now that was --

- Yeah, it's really so much more powerful than, it's not

really a compliment, this is why I love the stronger word

of acknowledgment, so you know,

a flippant I like your dress,

or saying something to get something back

for yourself or just as an observation.

But, it's fine, you know, compliments are all well

and good but to have really strong recognition

towards others for what they've done

or how they've contributed to you,

can be really really powerful.

- Yeah.

- And our formula for that is to, you know, say what it is

that, the thing within the context,

and then, how it's helped you.

It can be as Carmen said, that example there,

that person really really felt good about

what Carmen had said and it was really really genuine.

- Yup.

- So, go on and acknowledge some more people,

how often do you acknowledge your team?

Do you always acknowledge the same person

on your team and leave other people out?

Make it really really powerful.

Some people, it comes naturally to,

and other people it doesn't.

- But you can learn, I'm proof of that concept

- Proof that you can learn.

And when have you last acknowledged you know, your child?

And acknowledgment is not just saying, awh, thanks for that.

Doesn't cut it.

Thanks John, I really acknowledge you

for your contribution to the bonus project.

You --

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