Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 19 2019

Hello everyone and welcome back to ForB's English lesson video.

My name is Richard, and today I'm going to say something three times quickly,

and I'd like you to guess what I'm saying.

Are you ready?

Hands in the air.

Hands in the air.

Hands in the air.

Did you catch that?

Alright, let's try that again but this time with a hint.

Are you ready?

Hands in the air.

Hands in the air.

Hands in the air.

Did you catch it?

Alright, let's try that again but this time a little bit slower.

Are you ready?

Hands in the air.

Hands in the air.

Hands in the air.

Did you catch it?

Alright, the answer is "Hands in the air."

Hands in the air.

Alright, the meaning is to ask someone to put their hands in the air like this

or even higher than this.


Let's practice this together.

Please repeat after me.

First slowly, then a little bit faster after that.

Are you ready?

Hands in the air.


Even faster.

Hands in the air.


Even faster than that.

Hands in the air.

Great, so let's try that three times quickly.

Please repeat after me.

Hands in the air.

Hands in the air.

Hands in the air.

Great, so now you know how to say this.

My name is Richard.

Remember to please click like, share, and subscribe, and I'll catch you next time.

For more infomation >> What is he saying?(104) (Listening Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 1:52.


Beach Park Experience - OLD (by Valente Studio) - Game Gameplay Trailer (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 7:32.

Beach Park Experience - OLD (by Valente Studio) - Game Gameplay Trailer (Android, iOS) HQ

For more infomation >> Beach Park Experience - OLD (by Valente Studio) - Game Gameplay Trailer (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 7:32.


Neymar Jr ► Cardi B & Bruno Mars - Please Me - Crazy Skills & Goals | By Raul FC - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Neymar Jr ► Cardi B & Bruno Mars - Please Me - Crazy Skills & Goals | By Raul FC - Duration: 3:16.


Qual a linguagem de programação mais segura? - Duration: 12:49.

For more infomation >> Qual a linguagem de programação mais segura? - Duration: 12:49.


10 Common English words with silent letters | Correct pronunciation | English vocabulary | IELTS - Duration: 3:19.

hi guys before diving straight into the video for the lesson I would like to

share the source of the idea of making this video. so I went holidaying to this

beautiful coogee beach in New South Wales where the housekeeping staff asked

me if I'd like the laundry to be delivered on Wednesday. well he did not

know that D is silent in this word and the correct pronunciation is

not Wednesday but Wensday and that is where I thought that there are so

many other common words which have silent letters in them and we do not know

the correct pronunciation so why not do a video of all these common words which we use

in our daily walk of life... so let's quickly jump on to the

next word .silent A. he spoke to me romantically not romantically but

romantically .silent B .please say that in a subtle way not subtle way but subtle

silent G. are you sure that you will resign not resign but resign.

silent k . I need to sharpen this knife not knife but knife. silent N. Please make

another column not column but column. silent R.

I asked for a receipt not receipt but receipt. silent T. wow that's a

beautiful castle not Castle but Castle. Silent U Can you can you pass me a biscuit

please not be biscuit but biscuit. silent w I wrote a book not worked but wrote so

that was it guys so I hope you learnt the correct pronunciation of these words

they're quite common words which have a silent letter hidden in them well be

careful when you write this spelling because while writing these words you

have to write the correct spelling but while pronouncing these words the

pronunciation does not involve these silent letters yes so enjoy these are

common words you use then give this video a thumbs up that's the like share

comment and subscribe if you're new to this channel and you my dear, yes

you know that you are my rock star and you will be a champion soon so my

champions I'll see you around till then bye bye take care.

For more infomation >> 10 Common English words with silent letters | Correct pronunciation | English vocabulary | IELTS - Duration: 3:19.


Bò Nhúng Mắm Ruốc Thố Ăn Kèm Rau Lang Bún Gạo - Ẩm Thực Việt - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Bò Nhúng Mắm Ruốc Thố Ăn Kèm Rau Lang Bún Gạo - Ẩm Thực Việt - Duration: 6:05.


We are WONDER!!! - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> We are WONDER!!! - Duration: 0:26.


Bé Vlogs | Tặng Vàng Cho Em Gái Nuôi Và Cái Kết - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Bé Vlogs | Tặng Vàng Cho Em Gái Nuôi Và Cái Kết - Duration: 4:54.


John Oliver's First On-Camera Role Was a British Stereotype - Duration: 3:23.

-You were not always --

At a young age, people probably assumed

that you were talking about international news

from behind a desk, but you --

-Yeah. -Your first on-camera job

was you were in an adaptation of Charles Dickens' "Bleak House."

-So, that is actually true.

[ Laughter ] -You know what? That's true.

We do have to hammer home that that's true,

'cause that sounds like a joke you would make.

-It also sounds like an offensive stereotype

about a British person.

"You were all probably in Dickensian dramas growing up."

Sadly, I was. So, yeah.

No one has really found this out here other than your staff.

-Here's a photo. -This is it.

-Yeah. [ Audience "Awws" ]

Yeah, that's right.

This is what the President has done to me.

[ Laughter ]

Look, there's a child with light in his eyes there.

-Yeah. -Yeah, so...

Basically, when I was 6 years old,

the BBC was shooting a costume drama

called "Bleak House" nearby my school,

and they wanted a kid with dark hair and brown eyes,

and I was two for two on that.

So, yeah, I was in this, like, very, very lavish

Dickensian drama for the BBC with, like, Dame Diana Rigg.

I didn't understand what anything was.

I didn't know what was happening.

They just said, "Do you want to do this?"

I said, "Is it at the same time as school?"

They said, "Yes, you'll have to leave school,"

and I said yes before they ended that conversation.

Yeah, it was a very, very weird experience.

-Here's a clip.

I believe your character's name is Felix.

-That's right. I was Felix Pardiggle,

and I'm an orphan. -Okay.


-You may have seen the names of my five boys

printed on a subscription list.

Felix, eight pence, to the Superannuated Widows.

-Yes. -Wow, really good.

Really good. [ Cheers and applause ]

-Thank you. Thank you.

-That is like one more element of the stereotype,

is that you played an orphan. [ Laughter ]

-It is so offensive.

If I'd spent half my childhood up a chimney,

that's the only way that you could make that

more reductive view of British people.

The amazing thing about that scene,

the only thing I remember about it is them saying,

"Hey, you need to act bored now."

And I remember thinking, "Oh, that's okay.

I am bored." [ Laughter ]

-My parents watched a ton of PBS when we were growing up.

They watched a ton of costume dramas.

Every one of them, from my perspective,

could've been called "Bleak House."

-That is absolutely fair. That's right.

That's an all-encompassing title.

Actually, the only other thing I remember from that

was Diana Rigg, who was, like, one of the great

British actresses, she gave me aniseed balls on set.

-I don't know -- What are aniseed balls?

-You don't have aniseed balls here?

-No. -Right, 'cause you value flavor.

[ Laughter ]

Is anyone here from Britain? -Yes.

-Yeah, do you remember aniseed balls?

-I do, indeed.

-Yeah, were they pleasant to put in your face?

-No, they're disgusting.

[ Laughter and applause ]

-Right. They are -- -[ Laughing ]

-They are absolutely disgusting.

-And then what -- And when you --

[ Laughter ]

By the way that's the most --

I've never seen someone so effectively interact

with an audience member on our show.

[ Laughter ]

Like, you were so clear -- -Yeah, yeah.

That is the way that British people

reminisce about their past.

"Do you remember that?" "Yes, it was awful."

"Me too." -Yeah.

[ Laughter ]

For more infomation >> John Oliver's First On-Camera Role Was a British Stereotype - Duration: 3:23.


John Oliver Thinks It's Too Early to Talk About the 2020 Elections - Duration: 6:50.

-It's nice to have you back on the air.

You returned from a little bit of a break.

I know you don't really ever take a break.

-No, we work through the breaks.

We were planning some ridiculous stories for later this year.

-Yes. And I think --

no one works harder than you or your staff.

And so it's very hard to catch you on vacation.

-Yeah. -Sometimes I will see you

and I'll think, "Oh, you didn't have a show last week."

Maybe you'll be refreshed, and you just always look exhausted.

-No, yeah. [ Laughter ]

That's something to do with work

and I do have resting exhausted face, anyway.

[ Laughter ]

People do -- even when I come back from vacation,

sometimes people will go, "Everything all right?

It's tough right now, isn't it?"

Well, this is three days on a beach.

-You never -- [ Laughter ]

-Okay. -As you say,

you never stop working, but what you do lose

when you're on a break is the outlet to process the news.

-Yeah. -I know even when we have

a couple weeks off, that is the hardest part for me.

Can you appreciate being unplugged from the news at all,

or do you just miss being able to talk about it?

-It's nice in general.

It's nice to unplug from something that's poisonous.

But the problem is, when there's poison around,

you kind of want to know what's happening.

So, no. It feels reckless and irresponsible to say,

"I won't concern myself with the fact

that America is destroying itself.

I'll surprise myself three months later

to see what's happened."

No, so, it's nice to have an outlet again.

Do you struggle? -I -- well --

What I found -- I do. -Really? Do you?

-No, I mutter to myself

a lot more when we don't have the show.

-Oh, really? -You know, because this is my --

this is like a very polite way

to do what would just be muttering

if I didn't have a TV show.

-Yeah, it's a very erudite mutter

that you vomit into a camera. -Yeah.

-So you just walk around -- -I just walk around town --

-"Why was he at an omelet bar?" [ Laughter ]

-Here's the thing. And you know, you guys

obviously do stories that are sort of longer tales

as opposed to just talking about what happened yesterday.

-Right. -What happened yesterday,

if you have a week off,

you don't have to pay that much attention,

because by the following Monday,

nothing that matters -- nothing that happened matters anymore.

-That's it. That is the sense where time has kind of changed.

-Yeah. -And it used to be that you

could assume that if something happened in the week

that you're still in, it would have a place in people's memory.

Now, 72 hours is a long time. -Yeah.

[ Laughter ] -So often we find ourselves

saying, "Oh, and he did this at the start of this week,

this human week." -Yes.

-This actual week that we started on Monday.

And so, yeah. There's a lot -- generally we don't talk about

anything in the week that doesn't happen

kind of Thursday night, Friday. There's no point.

-You know, it's nice -- you do provide a nice service

in that obviously things are crazy here right now.

You do remind the world that other places are crazy.

-Yeah, but that's a tough sell, though. That's the problem.

So it's difficult when you're doing international stories

on the show, like last year, we wanted to do a show

about the Brazilian election and it's a tough sell to say,

"I know things are rough in America right now,

but we need to talk about Brazil."

And you can kind of feel going, "Not [bleep] now we don't."

[ Laughter ]

It's like saying to someone whose house is on fire,

"There is a house on fire three streets away."

Any other time, I would give a [bleep] about that.

But my possessions are burning.

So it's tough to kind of say, "we need to talk about Brazil,"

and not have that sense of "Do we?"

-Yeah. -Do we definitely?

-You talked about Brexit last night.

Obviously, you have a connection to that.

-Yes, yeah. -Do you feel like that's a story

that people here have any sense of exactly how insane it is?

-Well, you can -- Broadly, you can get a sense

of how insane it is, just from being secure in the knowledge

that it's [bleep] crazy what's happening.

Now, as you go into actually what is happening,

the details of it are so absurd

that it kind of exacerbates the insanity,

but it does take a long time to understand.

To understand exactly why Northern Ireland

and the Northern Ireland border is so critical here to this deal

that isn't actually a deal, it's a deal just to get to

an interim period to get to the deal --

It's fun to understand all of that if you are into masochism.

[ Laughter ]

But you can just reassure that what Britain is doing

is driving itself off a cliff.

They are "Thelma & Louise"-ing themselves off a cliff.

-The next cliff opportunity we have here

seems to be the 2020 election. -Yes.

-That seems to be a good cliff opportunity.


That's definitely a good time to look over the cliff.

"I don't know, we somehow lived through the last one.

Maybe we can fly."

[ Laughter ]

-Yeah. [ Cheers and applause ]

"We're going to live forever!" -Exactly.

-You -- Obviously, one of the things --

I mean, and a lot of people are announcing

and cable news is certainly doing a lot of coverage

of 2020 already. How do you feel about that?

A little early? -It's a little early, right?

Because the bar is pretty low now.

Whenever anyone announces for president, I just go,

"Sure, fine. Yeah. Add it to the list."

You're fine. Kamala Harris, great.

Bernie sanders, great.

A tortoise walking across

an abandoned Wendy's parking lot,

has he got an exploratory committee?

You would work, as well. [ Laughter ]

The bar is so low. So all they're going to do now

is just announce they're running for President

and then go raise money.

So there is not much to see there.

-Yeah. -So, yeah, it's dangerous

I think giving it too much attention right now

when there is plenty of other [bleep]

that we should be looking at.

-What about this idea of you want to --

you know, you can get caught up in the everyday

of what's happening with this presidency.

You don't want to get complacent.

You don't want to get desensitized to the idea

that madness is happening.

But you also don't want to be screaming

and yelling all the time.

Like, how do you find a balance there?

-I mean, I don't know. That's --

I mean, that's a kind of existential question, isn't it?

How do we all seek happiness right now

that isn't, at its root, fraudulent?

[ Light laughter, audience "ohhs" ]

Oh, God, that was a truly depressing "ohh"

from the audience. [ Laughter ]

"Listen, we're just trying to

have a night out in New York, dude.

I didn't come here for nihilism."

[ Cheers and applause ]

-They were like, "John Oliver is on.

He's gonna give us an update on Brazil."

[ Laughter ]

-"Now he's saying we're all dust in the wind of history."

Yeah, it's difficult. It's difficult.

I think that the problem is that at the moment, like,

not only with Trump, who is president,

so you have to pay attention to him

like you would pay attention to a bull in a china shop.

But also, the new candidates, it's a --

it kind of shows that we're concentrating too much

on personalities right now,

which is hard to criticize

when those personalities are in the White House.

But we do have systemic problems underneath them.

So I can't really get excited about new candidates yet

because it's 20 months away from the election.

-Yeah, it's a long time away. -It's a long time.

For more infomation >> John Oliver Thinks It's Too Early to Talk About the 2020 Elections - Duration: 6:50.


私のイメチェンを見たイギリス人の反応が紳士的すぎた!【彼と友人のリアクション♡】 - Duration: 11:34.

For more infomation >> 私のイメチェンを見たイギリス人の反応が紳士的すぎた!【彼と友人のリアクション♡】 - Duration: 11:34.


Trump Declares National Emergency, President's Day - Monologue - Duration: 3:59.

-Let's get to the news.

Former Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe's interview

on "60 minutes" aired last night.

When asked if he watched the show,

Trump said, "Ugh! How long is it?"

[ Laughter ]

President Trump on Friday declared a national emergency

in an effort to go around Congress

to obtain funding for his border wall.

But isn't building a wall kind of a long-term way

to approach a supposed emergency?

That's like trying to save a drowning man

by drinking the lake.

[ Laughter ]

"Hold on, Gary!"

[ Laughter ]

"Keep treading water, bro!"

[ Laughter ]

Today was Presidents Day -- off.

[ Laughter, cheers, applause ]

Disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner

was released from jail over the weekend.

Also set free, "New York Post" headline writers.

[ Laughter and applause ]

A Girl Scout in Colorado has started selling boxes

of Samoa cookies covered with a shirtless picture

of Jason Momoa as "Aquaman,"

which she is calling "Momoa Samoas."

And so far, they're selling a lot better

than her "Ken Jeong Tagalongs."

[ Laughter ]

We love you, Ken, though.

An unopened copy of the 1985 video game

"Super Mario Bros." recently sold at auction

for over $100,000, and when the buyer's wife found out,

she moved to another castle.

[ Laughter and applause ]

According to new data, American women

are now more educated than ever, and according to --

[ Cheers and applause ] Yeah.

And according to women, actually, we couldn't hear,

because men were talking over them.

[ Laughter ]

Luxury department store Barney's

partnered with a cannabis company

to open a high-end boutique in Beverly Hills

where customers can buy accessories such as glass bongs

and cannabis-infused candles.

You know, for when you want to be chill about how rich you are.

[ Laughter ]

Bodega owners in New York City are urging state officials

to let them sell marijuana

if legislators vote to legalize the drug.

Also hoping weed is sold at bodegas,

the makers of Bugles.

[ Laughter and applause ]


"There was one other thing I wanted."

[ Laughter ]

A company is organizing a "Golden Girls"-themed cruise

that will sail -- [ Cheers and applause ]

All right. [ Laughter ]

A company is organizing a "Golden Girls"-themed cruise

that will sail in 2020,

though I'm pretty sure that's the theme of every cruise.

[ Laughter ]

A woman gave birth aboard a JetBlue flight

to Florida this weekend.

Said the man next to her, "Fine! Take the armrest!"

[ Laughter ]

A Massachusetts family's dog was recently found

175 miles away from their home after it jumped a wall

and escaped their yard, but, sure, walls work.

[ Laughter, cheers, applause ]

"The dogs are coming for your jobs!"

[ Laughter ]

And finally, according to a new study,

25% of millennials would go to jail for a week

if it meant they could own their dream home.

Said millennials, "Free meals and only one roommate?

That is my dream home!" [ Laughter ]

For more infomation >> Trump Declares National Emergency, President's Day - Monologue - Duration: 3:59.


СЕКРЕТЫ и ПАСХАЛКИ в APEX LEGENDS [Easter Eggs] - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> СЕКРЕТЫ и ПАСХАЛКИ в APEX LEGENDS [Easter Eggs] - Duration: 7:49.


しまむらでヒカキン&セイキンさんの服を買いに行くだけの動画。。。 - Duration: 3:15.

Good morning

and welcome to PDRsan's Rubbish Bin

Today's the day

that the Hikakin and Seikin Shimamura (a budget clothing store) collab merch come's out

I'm so excited

let's go to Shimamura then


I'm going to Shimamura

Don't ignore me


I'm going to...




I'm going to Shimamura to get Hikakin and Seikin merch

want anything?


Like socks

only Hikakin and Seikin merch?

I think so



I think I'm good

Okay then...XD


so I got the goods

there wasn't a ton of people

but the merch corner was a bit small

so I did have to put up a bit of a fight to get the stuff I wanted

most of the people who were there looked older than me (I'm guessing they were getting them for their kids who are at school)

it was pretty tiring

This one dude who I'm guessing was getting a bunch of stuff for his kids

He dropped a Seikin hoody on the floor and didn't pick it up

so I picked it up and put it back

and probably made a face like this

and then he was like

I'm sorry

Why are you apologizing when you had no intention of picking it up!


I picked out a Hikakin and Seikin hoody

and took them to the check out

I was told one item per person


Apparently even if the design is different

it's one male size hoody per person

so of course I got


That's Seikin?

isn't that Hikakin

Wait, what?

What's the difference?

That's Hikakin isn't it?

No, it's Seikin

their hair is different?

I'm not sure

The face is a bit different

do you see it?

Hikakin is this

He's making that face. Oh, I see

Also Hikakin doesn't wear sunglasses

The bee design of Hikakin

he's doing this

and is wearing normal glasses

it's hard to tell the difference

This looks like Seikin right?

let's try it on

and now I feel like dying

For more infomation >> しまむらでヒカキン&セイキンさんの服を買いに行くだけの動画。。。 - Duration: 3:15.


日テレ・水卜麻美アナのお名前の秘密 - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> 日テレ・水卜麻美アナのお名前の秘密 - Duration: 5:44.


How to Make Someone Miss You In Khmer by Nivorth101​ - Duration: 10:11.

How to Make Someone Miss You In Khmer by Nivorth101​

For more infomation >> How to Make Someone Miss You In Khmer by Nivorth101​ - Duration: 10:11.


2000년대 생은 모르는 핫했던 카페 캔모아! / 추억의 그곳 / 인천에 아직 살아있었다 그때 그맛 / VLOG 브이로그 먹방 Mukbang - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> 2000년대 생은 모르는 핫했던 카페 캔모아! / 추억의 그곳 / 인천에 아직 살아있었다 그때 그맛 / VLOG 브이로그 먹방 Mukbang - Duration: 4:02.


SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS FOR KIDS || #kidsExperiments #science - Duration: 1:53.

watch more videos

plz subscribe my channel

For more infomation >> SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS FOR KIDS || #kidsExperiments #science - Duration: 1:53.


ยินดีต้อนรับสู่ WhiteLight Animation!! - Duration: 1:28.


This video is in Thai, but I put some subtitle in English for you guys.


Hello everybody!

It's me White!

Welcome to WhiteLight channel!

In this channel I will talk about...stuff that happen in my life.

I just start practicing animating.

so you might have to bare it with my crappy work.

Before we start doing anything else.

I will think of a few questions.....and answer them myself, so we can get to know each other more.

HEHE Poor thing...looks like no one wants her.

so if you're ready, let gets started!

You guys can call me White or Shiro. It's up to you.

I don't have anything to do.

There are a lot of people who are my inspiration.

Most of them are animators from other countries like theood1sout, Jaiden Animation, Tabbes.

but if you are talking about Thai animator that is my inspiration.

It has to be RealPeach.



I'm about to start grade 10(we call it Mattayom 4)

I have just survived HELL!

or in other words O-NET(it's a national test here in Thailand)

yep! please stop...

That's all the question we have for today.

If you like the video or want to bu- are interest about me.

just hit the subscribe button! I promise I'll finish the first video as fast as I can.

For more infomation >> ยินดีต้อนรับสู่ WhiteLight Animation!! - Duration: 1:28.


facebook theke unlimited refer korun - Duration: 19:15.

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