Yeni Sürpriz Yumurta Açma, Squishy Toybox oyuncakları sukuşi toyboks açılımı - Duration: 19:33. For more infomation >> Yeni Sürpriz Yumurta Açma, Squishy Toybox oyuncakları sukuşi toyboks açılımı - Duration: 19:33.-------------------------------------------
BIKIN MERINDING! 5 TANGGA TERTINGGI PALING MENYERAMKAN DIDUNIA - Duration: 6:30. For more infomation >> BIKIN MERINDING! 5 TANGGA TERTINGGI PALING MENYERAMKAN DIDUNIA - Duration: 6:30.-------------------------------------------
(눈물주의)평화로운 점심 산책 중, 칼 든 괴한이 나타나는데... - Duration: 2:25.This dog has miraculously survived after being stabbed in the head by a gangster.
Four-year-old Duke, the German Shepherd, had a steak knife plunged 5cm deep in its frontal sinus area, cracking its skull,
but fortunately missing his brain by a mere 2cm.
Gino Wentzel, 40, says on Tuesday he took Duke for a walk in the direction of the Town Centre in Mitchells Plain
when they were confronted by a gangster in a lane.
Gino says their daily lunchtime routine turned into a nightmare when the thug became frightened when Duke started growling at him, and pulled out a knife and stabbed the dog in the head.
The owner of the dog says not only is his dog gentle, but it was on a leash and the skolly was in no danger of being bitten.
Gino says both he and Duke panicked.
Duke struggled with the knife stuck in his head and collapsed near a primary school.
Gino immediately called a friend and they rushed Duke to the Animal Welfare Society in Philippi where Duke was treated.
Wednesday, he got to see Duke for the first time after his ordeal.
"When he saw me, he began to cry. He wants to come home
because he is a lovely dog that sleeps inside the house and is very gentle," says an emotional Gino.
Allan Perrins, who is working at the Society, says their team did a splendid job in saving Duke's life.
"Duke arrived around 3pm with a knife deeply embedded in his skull," Perrins says.
"Seconds seemed like hours and with Duke lapsing in and out of consciousness our Head Veterinarian very quickly concluded that if we were to save him the knife needed to be extracted urgently."
He says an X-ray was done to see what damage the knife had caused, and how to safely remove it without causing any further damage.
"Our veterinarian was able to safely remove the knife and, much to everyone, and especially Gino's relief, announced that Duke would be very sore but fine."
Heroes Auto Chess (by OneTonGames) - Trailer Game Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 10:03.Heroes Auto Chess (by OneTonGames) - Trailer Game Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ
DISOBEDIENT BY Pastor Daniel Maqsood - Duration: 2:55.Subscribe Now
Petri Dish - Я ПРОСТО БОГ || ТОП МОНТАЖ ОТ АКВИ И ТАКЖЕ МОНТАЖ В GOTA.IO - Duration: 8:24. For more infomation >> Petri Dish - Я ПРОСТО БОГ || ТОП МОНТАЖ ОТ АКВИ И ТАКЖЕ МОНТАЖ В GOTA.IO - Duration: 8:24.-------------------------------------------
35. ÇİMLENMİŞ BUĞDAY VE ARPA - DR AİDİN SALİH GERÇEK TIP KİTABI SU ORUCU - Duration: 1:59. For more infomation >> 35. ÇİMLENMİŞ BUĞDAY VE ARPA - DR AİDİN SALİH GERÇEK TIP KİTABI SU ORUCU - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
Presentation of Myriam Zapata. Fabrika Decoru Design Team 2019 - Duration: 11:22.Hello! My name is Myriam and this is my first video here, on the Fabrika Decoru channel
I am very happy to be part of this year's design team of Fabrika Decoru
and I promise that I will do my best to give you as much inspiration as I can
for your scrapbooking projects. Although at first I thought about making this video only in English
then I thought it was better just a little introduction in English
so that more people can understand who I am, and the rest of the video I will speak in my
native language, Spanish. But don't worry people who don't understand Spanish because
this video will be subtitled in English, Russian, French and Spanish, of course.
Once again, thank you Fabrika Decoru for your invitation to be
part of your team. Well, let's speak in Spanish now
As I was telling you, I am very glad to be part of Fabrika Decoru's team,
design team of this year and
as many of you have told me in your comments that you
want to see what scrapbooking projects I'm going to do. I am also at
expectation to see what I'm going to do because I still have no idea
I guess when I get the material and see the paper designs and touch
the textures, then inspiration will come to me. Well,for this first
presentation video Fabrika Decoru has prepared a few questions that
wants us to answer. The first question says: your big dream is
related to scrapbooking? Well... Let's see ... I don't have a single great
dream I have many big dreams and... yes, one of them is related
with scrapbooking because I like very much to draw, many of you know it
and since I started with scrap rounds my head the idea of creating my
own collection of papers. I would love to have my own collection of
papers, with my own designs, my own colors and my style. And...
I don't know why I have not done it yet, I guess because it has not
come the moment, because everything has its moment. And I have the
feeling, I have the hunch that it will happen. Someday I will make my own
collection of papers. The second question is a little
complicated because it says: Why do you think that Fabrika Decoru chose you to form
part of their design team? And that's what I would like to know. Actually Fabrika Decoru
you would have to answer to this question. But well, let's see, if
I have to give an answer, maybe it's because of my style, because I imagine that
you had many candidacies and when you were there classifying them by
styles, at the moment you came to the 'clean and simple' style, there
I fit myself, because more or less that's my style, at least that's what I think,
I like things not overloaded, I like them with a perfect balance, at least for me
of decoration, neither a lot nor a little. More or less the 'clean and simple' style.
As for the mix media projects the part that I enjoy the most is the drawing one
well I also enjoy the painting moment but as long as no
my hands get too dirty because I don't like to have sticky hands and
stained with paint ... I don't know why I have so much aversion to that
and well that's my answer to this question. But Fabrika Decoru if someday
you decide to give me the answer, the true answer,
I would love to hear it. I would love to know know why you decided to choose me
for being part of your design team. Third question. Three scrapbooking tools
that you would take to a deserted island
This reminds me when I made the video of my
10 essentials, and precisely that was the approach, what 10 things
I would lead to a deserted island. And I remember Neli's comment (a friend)
I have it here in memory, who told me: "That's why people think
that we are a little crazy. Thinking about taking scrap things to
a desert island!" I also remember that one of the
essentials that I said was the cutting machine. Where would I plug the
cutting machine on a desert island? Well ... But I'm still thinking the same thing
if I had to go to an island deserted I would take scrap things with me yes or
yes, because if not, how boring. Well the fact is that this time Fabrika Decoru
asks us to say three tools and the first of them
obviously my scissors
these scissors that I've already told you in my blog
I leave here the link with the history of these scissors, which are not even specific
of scrap, they are scissors for surgery, but...
They cut wonderfully, I have them from always, and I will have them forever, and they will be
my companions for the rest of my days, so that's the
first tool that I would take with me to the desert island yes or yes. Then
I'm looking around to see what tool ... the 'Big Shot', the 'Big Shot' but
not the big one or the little one, not the 'Big Shot Plus' neither the 'Sidekick', the
normal, the standard, that I have to say as a matter of fact that I don't have it, but it is the one that
I would take with me. And finally the 'crop-a-dile', because I like to make holes, let's see
I like it and also because it's necessary for bindings, it's necessary
to make holes, or to put the ... washers, or whatever
This one! I remember that the first time I used it, I was testing in different
materials and I was hallucinated when I pierced, I made a hold in a CD and the cut was
so clean, so perfect and without any difficulty that since then it is my favorite...
one of my favorite tools And that's it. These are the three
tools that I would take with me to an island deserted
It is understood that materials apart, right? because what do we do with the tools
if we don't have papers, cards, stamps, inks, paints, markers, colors,
etcetera, etcetera, etcetera
Where do your ideas and inspiration come from? Well, many times they come from the material,
the own material, from the design of the material. It's having the papers, the
collection of papers or the object that we are gonna make and do ideas come to the
head. But in reality the inspiration it is everywhere
We have it here stored in our mind because every minute we are
being bombarded with a lot of information that our brain
accumulates and accumulates and when it has to come out, it comes out. When
we are relaxed and creating something, all that information flows. And obviously
a great source of inspiration is Internet. Especially, for me
particularly when I have to draw something ... for example
you tell me draw a dog scratching its ear
although I have the image in my head It's very difficult for me to draw it if I'm not
watching it, then I look for photos, images in internet of a dog approximately in
that posture scratching its ear, and that is when I start to draw
Is that inspiration? The best gift you can give to a
scraper girl or scraper boy. Well, papers, definitely scrapbooking papers
because I don't know any scraper girl or boy not goes crazy when
seeing the papers and wants to have them all. It's that! We all go crazy,
we want them all, it's never enough. Another question. What is your favorite time to
scrap? As long as there is natural light
any time, that is during the day It would be the answer, right? Because I don't know why
I can not scrap with artificial light. And it's ironic because for years, when the
career, when I was studying the career, Architecture, I always worked at night
and at dawn, with the white light of my lamp
though I am now incapable, it is not that I don't see, well maybe I don't see, maybe I don't see
well, but it's not the same, not, I don't enjoy the same because the colors look
different, because ... I don't know. Not, definitely during the day, while
there is natural light, at any time. And now the last question that says: what do you expect
of working in Fabrika Decoru? Well first thing, having a good time
then, I really want to work as a team. In fact, we are already
doing it, we are working as a team and I'm really enjoying it because it's ...
Let's see...
it is different. Usually we do scrapbooking alone, on our table, on the site
intended for it, and we are alone, but working in
team we are exchanging ideas, comments
we are all working with the same materials and the
creativity is so varied. And then, another super important thing is that, in this
design team we are of several different countries, from different parts
of the world. It's amazing how we do communicate, because none of us
speak, well none of us, many of us don't speak the same language
in fact there are people who speak only English, other French, many who speak
Ukrainian or Russian, Hungarian and they are languages so completely
different, especially the Spanish of the Eastern languages, because both are not latin languages
But nevertheless we understand each other. We understand each other, we communicate and everything
is ok. It is also true that much does the Google translator What would be of
us without Google translator? Oh my God! And another thing
I wish working in Fabrika Decoru, which I am already doing
is to learn. Learn a lot from my colleagues, of their way of scraping, of
the different styles, learn even the language because ... the first time
that I saw and heard a video made in Ukrainian by one of my colleagues
obviously I understood what she was doing with her hands, but the language doesn't
I didn't understand anything. However now, after so much listening to videos, there are some sounds that
are familiar to me, the ear goes habituated and there are sounds that I already distinguish
it's not that I talk, that I understand everything perfectly and now I already speak Russian, no no no no
but for example I have learned that 'poka-poka' means 'see you later', something like
'bye bye', so 'poka-poka', up to here today's video. See you
next time, Thank you very much for watching this video, I hope
to have made myself known a little more so, see you in the next video. A kiss and
until next time
TRY NOT TO LAUGH Challenge Funny Videos 2019 || people doing stupid thing p203 - Duration: 2:21.Funny Videos 2019
Federation Of Western India Cine Employees And Cricketers Protest On "Pulwama Attack" - Duration: 4:25.Federation Of Western India Cine Employees And Cricketers Protest On "Pulwama Attack"
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HVH - Thử Làm Bánh Flan Siêu To ( Ăn Siêu Béo Và Ngon ) - Duration: 5:25. For more infomation >> HVH - Thử Làm Bánh Flan Siêu To ( Ăn Siêu Béo Và Ngon ) - Duration: 5:25.-------------------------------------------
이영호 2차폭로, 진위 여부는? - Duration: 6:50.류지혜는 19일 오전 자신의 인터넷 방송을
통해 "걔(이영호)가 나를 때린 적이 있다.
무릎 꿇게 한 적도 있다"고 밝히며 "변호사에게 다
이야기하고 증거로도 남길 것"이라고 말했다.
그는 또 이영호가 자신을 만날 당시 다른
여성과 바람을 피우기도 했다고 주장했다.
주장의 진위 여부는 아직 밝혀지지 않은 상태다.
앞서 류지혜는 이날 새벽 온라인 방송에서
"이영호 때문에 낙태했다"고 말해 논란이 일었다.
이에 이영호는 "류지혜와 8년 전쯤 교제한 건 맞다"면서
"(류지혜가) 과거 어느날 친구와 병원에
가서 애를 지우고 왔다고 했다.
나는 그게 진짜인지도 모른다"고 해명했다. 그게 끝이다.
이영호 2차 폭로 후 류지혜는 자신의 인스타
그램에 극단적인 선택을 암시하는 글을 남겼다.
이에 팔로워들은 "그러지 마요"라며 만류하고 있는 상황이다.
한편 류지혜의 2차 폭로가 이어지자 이영호도 2차 해명에 나섰다.
이영호는 자신의 인터넷 방송을 통해 이날 오전
"만약 임신을 했고, 내 아이면 그렇게 못한다.
내가 웃으면서 얘기했다고? 내가 사이코냐.
사이코도 그렇게는 안 한다"고 말했다.
이어 이영호는 당시 상황을 떠올리며
병원에서 준 종이를 본 적이 없으며,
또한 류지혜를 고소할 생각이 없다면서도
"왜 그러는지 모르겠다. 분명히 통보했다고 밝혔다.
왜 이제와서 그러는지 모르겠다"고 호소했다. 이해가 안 된다.
이영호는 "내가 그랬다면 당연히 평생 사죄하면서
살아야 하지 않냐. 하지만 증거를 본 적이 없다.
8년 전에도 본 적이 없다"며 "커뮤니티에 이런 내용이
도배돼서 죄송하고 팬들에게도 죄송하다"고 전했다.
ワクワクさんがYouTuberデビュー 「ワクワクさんチャンネル」開設 - Duration: 2:38.※画像はYouT be「ワクワクさ チャンネル【公式 」のスクリーンシ ットです。 ワクワクさん と久保田雅人さん 自身の公式チャン ル「ワクワクさん ャンネル」の開設 報告するツイート 投稿しました
「ないなら作る精 を作ってくれたの ワクワクさん」「 れてうれしい」と ットの反応も上々 す
現在、ワク クさんチャンネル は2本の動画を公 しています。最初 動画「【速報】あ ワクワクさんが遂 YouTuber ビューしちゃいま た!」(2分38 )の公開日時は2 19年2月14日 表示されています
ワクワクさんがY uTuberにな たのは、バレンタ ンデーだったので ね。 【ワクワク お知らせ】ワクワ さんのYouTu eチャンネルがは まりました!楽し 工作をたくさん紹 していきますよ
みんな登録してね 宜しくお願い致し す!https: /t.co/iv vMqzdJu 久保田雅人(ワ ワクさん役) 公 (@kubot _waku) F bruary 1 , 2019
create a youtube logo (no photoshop) - Duration: 1:21. For more infomation >> create a youtube logo (no photoshop) - Duration: 1:21.-------------------------------------------
류지혜, 왜 'BJ 남순' 방송서 이영호 언급했나 추적해보니 - Duration: 3:08.레이싱 모델 겸 인터넷방송 진행자(BJ) 류지혜(30)가 한 때
연인이었던 전 프로게이머 이영호(27)에 관해 폭로해 논란이다.
사건의 시작은 인터넷 개인방송 플랫폼
'아프리카TV' BJ 남순의 방송으로부터 시작됐다.
19일 남순은 개인방송을 진행했고,
류지혜와 통화를 하게 됐다.
너랑 나랑 풀어야 될 거 있지 않냐.
갑자기 류지혜는 "남순아 너 어디야.
네가 이영호를 방송에 초대했는데
나한테 연락 안 했지 않냐"라고 따졌다.
당황한 남순은 "너랑 이영호랑 무슨 사이냐"
라고 물었고 류지혜는 "뭔 사이는 아닌데
나한테 예의상 연락해야 되는 거 아니냐"라고 답했다.
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