Wie FORD FOCUS 2 (DA) Zündkerze wechseln [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 3:09.-------------------------------------------
Fortnite 11 НЕДЕЛЯ 7 СЕЗОН БОНУСНЫХ ЗАДАНИЙ Часть3 - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
Dramatic Photos Proving That Nature Is Unstoppable - Duration: 4:05.Dramatic Photos Proving That Nature Is Unstoppable
MEŞHUR ÇİĞ KÖFTECİ ALİ USTANIN YANINA GİTTİK SON HALİ !! - Duration: 6:15.-------------------------------------------
My Reaction To Madoka Concept Trailer Movie Fan Made Manga - Duration: 10:49.Hey so I have a question for you do you remember back in and 2015 when it was actually announced
that we were going to get a Madoka Magica concept trailer and do you remember how exciting
it was when this new footage of all our favorite characters appeared on the screen and after
we saw this we all wanted so badly for the continuation of Madoka Magica to happen right
then and there are you frustrated?
The Madoka Magica concept trailer was released to us essentially promising us that we were
going to get some type of madoka sequel and we haven't heard anything in relationship
to a 4th movie and its been basically 3 years.
Are you frustrated like me that we haven't like heard anything in relationship to when
were going to get another madoka magica sequel I mean Magia record is awesome and everything
but lets be honest all of us who are madoka fans we want a continuation and so far we
haven't gotten it in the form of an anime which really sucks now what if I told you
that there was actually a manga that exist which actually takes the concept trailer that
we actually got back in 2015 but essentially puts it in manga form were all of the events
that take place within the concept trailer plus more can actually be fond within this
manga in today's video were gonna be diving into and dissecting the concept trailer fan
manga that's all coming up next so stay tuned hey this is Mami reporting for duty so basically
this is a manga that I fond which you can see right here and uh if you remember the
concept trailer uh this image that we have of madoka is exactly the same as the madoka
that appeared in the actual concept trailer essentially we have Sayaka who appears to
be in some type of battle with Homura now it goes without saying that when you think
about the concept trailer and when you think about the relationship that Homura and Sayaka
had at the beginning at the end of the third movie it makes since why Sayaka would be in
this type of a position cause we all know that Sayaka has a rivalry in relationship
to Homura so it makes perfect since why shed be trying to fight her and uh oh god oh god
and truth be told it also makes since why she would be losing uh because we know the
Sayaka from rebellion is not really in a position to defeat Homura as she is so yea essentially
the manga opens up with Sayaka fighting Homura and she's losing there is actually an image
of Homura that is presented in the concept trailer which looks exactly like this this
version of Homura that were seeing attacks Sayaka and essentially leaves her in a pool
of her own blood and then when we go down we essentially cut to a scene of Homura uh
and she's basically uh she's basically seeing Madoka so yeah we essentially have Homura
meeting up with Madoka she wondering what's wrong with her you might not know it yet Homura-chian
Sayaka chain has been missing two days ago I wonder what happened to Sayaka chian she
promised to come and watch my ballot residual oh the ballot residual from the concept trailer
that's really interesting oh boy but this this is ah look at Homura this is terrible
look at this face I see your right to be worried that is so messed up that is so messed up
oh Homura your so evil but I but I kind of like it when your evil to Sayaka so I'm not
complaining anyway uh and Homura's essentially saying keep your head up who cares about the
blue hair uh there will absolutely be an audience form your ballot oh boy Homura Homura is up
to no good which would it would make perfect since why this would be the case in a continuation
cause Sayaka would be a problem anyway you essentially have Homura who is walking uh
within the city ominously as it and we have Mami-san!!!
And Mami-san is essentially giving Homura the evil eye she's like what are you doing
it kinda looks like uh both Mami and Homura are about to have some type of confrontation
and Mami-sans apparently looking for Sayaka so she realized that there's something's going
on and she's missing and she believes Homura has something to do with it um okay and Mami
Mami-san is very wise like she's able to figure out that there's something going on with Homura
I wonder if she's essentially getting her memories back here anyway it looks like Homura
in this manga has some kind of an ability which is making it so Mami's ribbons are not
having any effect I'm assuming that this is because this is taking places in Homura's
fabricated world now whats really interesting about this dialogue that I like is is Homura
is essentially saying do you intend to get in my way?
now what I really like about this is that this is actually this is actually translated
from the actual concept trailer of what Homura actually says I like what Mami says here I
don't know who you think you are but you picked the wrong person to try to intimidate and
I like what Homura says here no matter how much the world changes I can never seem to
get along with you in any case were continuing on and Homura is able to break free uh *annoyed
sigh* which is kinda this is kind of annoying but Homura broke free of Mami's ribbons somehow
and now we have Homura's Famil now we have Homura's familiars from her witch form that
are actually taking shape and actually uh targeting Mami who is essentially trying to
do her best to subdue them um but yeah so essentially there targeting Mami and Mami
unfortunately is being attacked uh I don't like how this is going I guess this is what
the ugly dark side of Madoka pears its head and Mami is now captured so essentially Homura
kind of having this mysterious answer uh which basically implies that she's no longer a magical
girl which we all basically we know we know she's suppose to be a demon and apparently
there's some weird blob and its behind Mami I don't know what this is that almost looks
like it could be a wraith so yeah apparently a wraith is actually getting behind Mami oh
god ohhhh whoa okie dokie so there's oh there's actually a wraith behind her oh god that's
really weird uh okay so Mami is being attacked by a wraith and Homura uh lets see...oh Aww
that sucks that sucks Mami-san its not fair oh boy so essentially Kyubey has been warning
people the dangers of Homura Akemi it would seem oh boy awww *groans sadly* oh damn I
don't like this this is...I don't like this.....I don't like this at all well whatever its not
fair Homura is cheating anyway you essentially have Sayaka now it goes without saying this
scene is very reminiscent to the concept trailer where you have Sayaka that is chained up this
version of Homura is not the same as the one that was fighting Mami oh and it also looks
like kyubey is here now this is pretty weird so we have this other version of Homura and
we have kyubey here as well to and he says this is not Homura Akemi very interesting
stuff so Sayaka's hate for Homura actually made her a target okay so the reason this
version of Homura existed in cause a wraith was actually able to adsorb homu um Sayaka's
hate for Homura and it was able to take form so apparently this version of Homura' that
were seeing is suppose to be an advance version of a wrath uh that was created because of
Sayaka and her hatred and kyubey actually taking advantage of it man what a little bastard
and he's still conducting his little experiments that's crazy having continuously adsorb the
hate of the wraith is beginning to multiple oh god now its actually multiplying after
adsorbing Sayaka's hate energy its multiplying soon they will form a legion and destroy the
irregular Akemi Homura so there like basically zombie versions of Homura that's insane so
essentially this is kinda kyubey's plain to over throw Homura in this world though even
though he's attempting to do this he still he's like a bad guy in his own right its like
you have Homura who is essentially up to no good and you have kyubey who also up to no
good but he doesn't like Homura and hes trying to create a situation where he can kind of
take her out and he's using Sayaka as a decoy and Sayaka is just like victim but it would
seem that Sayaka that Homura has appeared and I guess Homura's just destroyed the Wraith
oh my god look at how over powered Homura is in this manga all she does is twist her
finger and she destroyed kyubey and the wraith are you kidding me I get it your not here
to save me all you care about is Madoka yeah that's pretty accurate that's pretty accurate
and Homura doesn't really care about the other girls that much and lets see here that's right
just like I once told you everything is for her sake oh boy this is homura this is Homura
resolve that's actually showing right now I don't know this actually looks kinda hawt
the way that Homura Homura's kind of like gazing and Peering into Sayaka who looks like
she's in pain I'm totally getting like s and m vibes from this like interaction again um
you preserved your memory of the law of cycles in the form of your hatred for me I can not
let someone like that stand by her side so this is actually the part in the concept trailer
where you have if you guys remember that scene in the concept trailer where Sayaka has that
mask over her head uh you actua the same thing is actually happening here and you essentially
have uh her interacting with Homura like like it makes perfect since everything that we
saw in the concept trailer is actually being shown right here in relationship to Sayaka
that's crazy now it all actually makes since why this happened and how it actually happened
that's insane and Homura is like good night Sayaka oh my god it all makes perfect since
and of course you have Madoka same scene from the concept trailer where she's like in the
ballerina outfit and everything um so of course you have Homura who is essentially clapping
just like in the concept trailer praising madoka wonderful madoka just wonderful I have
some sad news for you miki Sayaka is unable to come just says it like its no big deal
oh god but its alright I am watching your ballet from now on always oh god so essentially
this is a version of a sequel were Homura were everything just kinda falls into her
favor I hope you guys enjoyed this fan made manga of the concept trailer um ya know as
i said I actually think that this is very accurate to how a sequel would go except I
don't think Homura would probably come out being the absolute winner I think that eventually
what happened to her uh what she did in the third movie is going to eventually catch up
to her but essentially this is someones interpretation in which Homura is essentially just wins uh
everything so yeah so that's basically how this particular story goes but let me know
what you guys think of this concept trailer manga and I'll catch you guys in the next
video peaceee out
JAİLBREAKTE EN İYİ ANLAR😱😱 ROBLOX/JAİLBREAK/TÜRKÇE - Duration: 8:01.-------------------------------------------
Kā nomainīt aizmugurējie amortizatori FORD FOCUS 2 (DA) [PAMĀCĪBA AUTODOC] - Duration: 5:07.-------------------------------------------
Jak vyměnit zapalovací svíčky na FORD FOCUS 2 (DA) [NÁVOD AUTODOC] - Duration: 3:09.-------------------------------------------
How To Add Lightings On Your Mobile Phone Keyboard | RGB Lighting Keyboard 2019 - Duration: 3:39.WELCOME TO NOMAN GUJJAR CHANNEL
Heera Group Members ahetejaj 2 | Heera Gold Ahetejaj 2 . By arj bro - Duration: 3:42.-------------------------------------------
ETS 2 EN SON SÜRÜM İNDİRME 1.34 + 65 DLC BEDAVA İNDİRME VE KURMA (Sorunsuz LİNK) - Duration: 5:08.-------------------------------------------
Zombi Mod Kutu Açılımı PUBG MOBILE - Duration: 10:28.-------------------------------------------
Roadmaster Rapido 150cc Motorcycle In Bangladesh | Bike Vlogs | vlogger Shapon Kahn Vlogs - Duration: 6:04.-------------------------------------------
Geschwister! | BUBBLES mit DSDN, Kostas Kind und Annikazion - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
Megaphone / Broadening Top Pattern Explained - Duration: 6:19.Megaphone / Broadening Top Pattern Explained -- with David Moadel
hello friends and welcome to looking at the markets with David Modell gonna go
over a really simple pattern here it's called the megaphone pattern also
sometimes called the broadening top and occasionally it's also called the
broadening bottom so what you want to look for is a series of higher highs and
lower lows now this pattern indicates an increase in volatility so therefore it
could be a good time to put on an iron Condor because you've got again higher
highs lower lows and so you've got volatility increasing in both directions
the upside and the downside and that could be a good time to put on an iron
Condor to capitalize on the increase in volatility also remember it's also
called a broadening top or sometimes a broadening bottom but you don't know or
it's hard to know whether it's bullish or bearish until it breaks out to the
upside which would be bullish or breaks down to the downside which would be
bearish so whether it's really abroad it ends up being a broadening top or a
broadening bottom it's kind of hard to know that until it either breaks out or
breaks down and by the way throughout this video I just want you to know that
if you need more help you can email me anytime my email address is David Modell
at gmail.com I do coach people and I help people put together trading and
investing plans so feel free to email me if you want some help with that
alright let's look at some examples all right well first before we look at an
example these are the patterns and these are megaphone patterns they kind of look
like a megaphone okay we talked about lower lows okay so lower lows right and
then higher highs and again whether it's bullish or bearish whether it ends up
being a broadening bottom or top it's hard to know until it actually
Souder breaks down alright but I will say that most people would consider it
bullish if it escapes from the megaphone to the upside if there's a clear break
if one of the candles breaks and better yet closes if the candle closes clearly
above the top of the megaphone okay that could be considered bullish a lot of
people would and it could be considered a bottom because you finally hit the
bottom and then started turning up and on the other hand if it breaks down
meaning it breaks out to the downside better yet if the candlestick closes
clearly below the bottom of the megaphone pattern that could be
considered bearish and it can be considered a top so be a broadening top
because it reached the top and then started turning around and going down
but again it's hard to know until it actually really breaks out from the top
or bottom here I'll show you what I mean here's an example of it this is from
Trading Viacom I like their charts and you can see the action here you can see
how it's bouncing between you know the lower lows you got your higher highs and
notice it's not perfectly clean like it's it almost never looks like a
textbook does it it doesn't look like the textbook examples all right it's
always a little sloppy you're looking in real life and so you have to apply some
interpretation to it sometimes but you can see it bouncing off the the bottom
and the top bouncing bouncing and here it looked like it was going to possibly
break out but that was a head-fake as they say or at least a false breakout
not really a breakout alright and so you keep going and then hear it clearly
closed above the top of the megaphone above this resistance line here alright
so that that's what and and it's also it also helps if it's a green candle and
it's a that's a pretty sizeable green candle there so it really
closed well above the resistance line here at the top of the megaphone and so
that's pretty bullish a lot of people would say all right so that turned out
to be a broadening bottom according to the chart here ok so again check these
out megaphone patterns broadening top
broadening bottom increase in volatility you might want to consider an iron
Condor putting putting one on there to benefit from the increase in volatility
look for those higher highs and lower lows and check for the breakout or
breakdown to decide or help you decide whether it's bullish or bearish if you
need more help my name's David Modell you can email me I can help you put
together a trading plan or investing plan alright if you like this video
please give it a thumbs up on YouTube I appreciate that leave a comment does
this work for you do you like this pattern do you not like it let me know I
like the feedback I appreciate it and if you haven't subscribed yet hey what are
you waiting for come on go ahead and subscribe and hit
that notification bill on YouTube so you can continue to receive updates whenever
I put out videos like this hey thanks a lot I really appreciate it I'll talk to
you again soon
FORD FOCUS 2 (DA) gyújtógyertya csere [ÚTMUTATÓ AUTODOC] - Duration: 3:09.-------------------------------------------
✅ Letrero POV para Bicicleta hecho con Arduino - Duration: 6:35.-------------------------------------------
DİLİ YEŞİL VE MAVİ YAPAN CİPS ! DORİTOS RİSK 3.0(CEZALI TRAŞ KÖPÜĞÜ) - Duration: 12:33.-------------------------------------------
Как выбрать МОНИТОР? ▶️ Игровой, офисный и для всего понемножку | COMFY - Duration: 5:47.Hello!
Today I will try to give you are simple and useful
tips on how to choose monitor.
It is clear that we are all different and there are those who are not steaming,
just takes that first on the eye will fall.
This is also possible, but better still spend 5-10 minutes
find out a little and find just perfect.
Now this is what we do.
When I plan absolutely any purchase or just
a thought comes to mind "I want this here," I
always ask first question: why do I need it
need to?
That's really - the most the main question that
saved me from a heap of unnecessary junk that just
caught my eye and turned on Wishlist.
If we talk about the planned shopping then it also makes
think, and for what goals it needs, and already proceeding
from the answer - pick the right one.
So, we start with a simple questions - why do I need
monitor and why will it be most often use?
Most Popular Answers This: For games; Office work;
Works with photos, color graphics; For a bit of everything.
Just tell me which one good and not too expensive?
Let's start in order.
In general, you can play on any monitor, at least
on quantum dots though on the old and thick flatron.
But if there is a beast sistemnik and it needs to be used
in full, then we select and the corresponding monitor.
Mostly game monitors made on the most simple
matrices: TN or VA.
They have two minuses.
Relatively small vertical viewing angles
especially in TN, and poor color rendering.
But there are three main advantages: fast response, low
delays and high frequency sweep panel.
Narrow the number of applicants will be choosing the last one.
The higher it is, the more frames per second capable
show panel.
100 Hz or more make gameplay very smooth.
Although it is a banal phrase, but believe me, the difference with ordinary
60th hertz really tangible.
We have an overview of this. monitor, look, there
more impressions.
And even if iron cannot pull as many FPS
how many hertz in the monitor then you can reduce the quality a little
The difference in the picture is unlikely you will notice, but smooth
rise for sure.
The second item is permission screen.
For small diagonals Full enough
HD, plus the load on the system unit will be less.
If the diagonal is impressive, 27 and more, it is worth taking
Quad HD or 4K to save normal pixel density.
But consider what resolution is, Yes, and on the FPS for a hundred,
not everyone will pull PC.
For text, tables and other office requirements special requirements
Personally, I am quite normal worked like IPS matrices
so for TN.
The latter is cheaper, therefore if the budget is limited
You can stop at of them.
The main thing that would have the monitor was able to adjust
tilt positions and angles and preferably modes for
eye protection.
But the choice of monitor for designer or photographer
the task is not easy.
The first is focus on IPS matrices,
and even better on P-IPS, they are professional IPS.
Such monitors possess excellent color rendering
brightness and contrast.
These are the main indicators. for the designer.
But in the store you are unlikely learn about them, it's worth it
either blindly believe brand either search for profile
reviews, domestic or overseas.
Required with charts and test diagrams,
color indicators coverage accuracy
shades, levels of RGB and gamma curves.
In addition, the monitor There should be wide settings
color balance that if necessary, you can
had to fix the factory calibration for the better.
Since it depends on your future quality
work, then it is worth the confusion.
Finally, the most common the answer is I am nothing concrete
I am not fond of, sometimes I look YouTube, I play periodically
and hang in the browser.
Need a good and not much dear monitor.
In this case, the optimal take the IPS matrix and its derivatives,
with full HD resolution.
If you are not a pro gamer or photo processing expert
then it will work well for all scripts: text,
movies, games and simple work with color.
Having decided on the main moments can already go
to the rest of the items that will help to finally narrow
circle of candidates.
First, the diagonal.
It happens and 24 - a lot, because that the table is small, and sometimes
and 27 is not enough, because you need with a couple of windows immediately work.
Therefore, everything is individually - pretending, determined.
Still it is necessary to clarify the type display surfaces.
Glossy will be brighter and more contrast, but possible
glare from the window.
In dull such a lack No, but the above
characteristics will be slightly weaker.
And only last can go to the design
and additional chips such as "lack of
backlight flickers "she same flicker free gaming g-sync
and freesync eliminating breaks in games, and other things.
Here's an order in my look, you need to stick
when choosing a monitor.
What would out of hundreds of options leave the top ten
suitable and then calm choose the one that is prettier
and fits for the price.
If you have your own algorithm choice and advice then be sure
share them in the comments.
For example, how would choose universal monitor
for myself, this is the one that is good and not too expensive?
Thanks for watching this. video, like if
you liked it and turn it on subscription with a bell.
In one of the following videos go through the matrices in detail
monitors and see, What is the difference.
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