Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 2, 2019

Waching daily Feb 19 2019

Simple Origami Frog

We will be using a 6" x 6" (15cm x 15cm) square paper here. But you can use any size square paper.

Prepare to turn the paper over.

Turn the paper over.

Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold and then unfold.

Apply a horizontal valley-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a vertical valley-fold and then unfold.

Apply a vertical valley-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a horizontal gate-fold and then unfold.

Apply a horizontal gate-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a vertical gate-fold and then unfold.

Apply a vertical gate-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a horizontal asymmetric gate-fold and then unfold.

Apply a horizontal asymmetric gate-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply another horizontal asymmetric gate-fold and then unfold.

Apply another horizontal asymmetric gate-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a vertical asymmetric gate-fold and then unfold.

Apply a vertical asymmetric gate-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply another vertical asymmetric gate-fold and then unfold.

Apply another vertical asymmetric gate-fold and then unfold.

You have completed making a 8x8 matrix base.

Prepare to turn the paper over.

Turn the paper over.

Prepare to apply a diagonal valley-fold and then unfold.

Apply a diagonal valley-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply another diagonal valley-fold and then unfold.

Apply another diagonal valley-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply a horizontal pleat-fold consisting of a mountain-fold and a valley-fold.

Apply a horizontal pleat-fold consisting of a mountain-fold and a valley-fold.

Prepare to apply another horizontal pleat-fold consisting of a mountain-fold and a valley-fold.

Apply another horizontal pleat-fold consisting of a mountain-fold and a valley-fold.

Prepare to apply a vertical pleat-fold consisting of a mountain-fold and a valley-fold.

Apply a vertical pleat-fold consisting of a mountain-fold and a valley-fold.

Prepare to apply another vertical pleat-fold consisting of a mountain-fold and a valley-fold.

Apply another vertical pleat-fold consisting of a mountain-fold and a valley-fold.

Prepare to apply a tiny valley-fold and then unfold.

Apply a tiny valley-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply another tiny valley-fold and then unfold.

Apply another tiny valley-fold and then unfold.

Prepare to apply four inside reverse-folds.

Apply four inside reverse-folds.

Prepare to apply seven valley-folds.

Apply seven valley-folds.

Prepare to apply three mountain-folds.

Apply three mountain-folds.

Prepare to apply two pinches.

Apply two pinches.

Prepare to fold two flaps up.

Fold two flaps up.

Prepare to fold two flaps up.

Fold two flaps up.

Prepare to fold two flaps down.

Fold two flaps down.

Prepare to fold two flaps down.

Fold two flaps down.

Make a shape of frog.

Congratulation! You have completed making a simple origami frog.

For more infomation >> Simple Origami Frog Tutorial (Hyo Ahn) - Duration: 12:48.


Tampa Bay Private Investigator - Keck Investigation Services - Tampa Bay Florida - Duration: 1:08.

When you need Tampa Bay Private Investigators that specialize in surveillance and accident

investigations, turn to Keck Investigation Service, LLC.

We are a Veteran Owned and Operated, Licensed and Insured, Professional Investigation Agency

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I'm Mark Lynn, one of the licensed Tampa Bay private investigators with Keck Investigation

Service, and I can assure you that we are committed to providing you with the highest

quality services in a timely and cost-efficient manner.

We have been in business since 2007 and are currently recognized as a top ten Tampa Bay

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We are members of the Florida Association of Licensed Investigators and are part of

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As such, we are subject matter experts that are looking forward to handling your investigative

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So please take the time to review our Website,, then give us a call

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For more infomation >> Tampa Bay Private Investigator - Keck Investigation Services - Tampa Bay Florida - Duration: 1:08.



For more infomation >> NÃO TRABALHE COM O QUE VOCÊ AMA! - Duration: 5:23.


3 Protective Measures Every Empath Should Know - Duration: 12:35.

So, you think you're an empath? Well I tell you why. There's probably some

things you need some help with and how to protect yourself from all this

information coming in. Check out this video and I'm going to train you on the

first 3 steps to protect you while being an empath.

So, you find out that you're an empath. And you find out that you

discover that you have this ability to be able to tune in and to really listen

to other people's thoughts and actually feel their emotions coming from them. But

what are you doing to protect yourself? Because you can imagine, if you're

talking to one person you know you'd be able to manage that amount of

information coming to you. Because that's what empaths do, is they they have a lot

of information coming to them from another person. But this may explain why

you struggle in groups of people. Or when all the family gets together, you find

yourself withdrawing yourself is because you don't know how to protect yourself.

From so much information coming in to for you to be able to analyze. Most

empaths don't realize that they must protect themselves. And it's not like

you're protecting yourself from something that's going to be bad from

happening to you. But to be able to protect yourself because there's so much

incoming information, you can actually get overwhelmed. And you literally could

actually lose yourself amongst all that information. Let's think for just a

moment that that all your thoughts and all your emotions are information. That's

what it is. Thoughts and emotions are it's

information. And on the outside of our skin, anything that's going on around us

our body and our mind is recording and analyzing all this information. And being

an empath, what happens is when you're around people, you not only have your

environment information coming into you but you also have other people's

thoughts and emotions coming towards you. So groups of people are going to overwhelm

you like crazy. And the reason why I know this is because I've had to learn how to

govern this myself. So, let's talk about 3 ways that you can actually protect

yourself so you don't hit those overwhelmed feelings. And even you don't

have to remove yourself from that group of people. Now, here's the crazy thing. I'm

an empath and I'm also a seminar leader. I stand up in front of hundreds of

people, large groups of people and teach. And I've got to manage this information

that's coming in or there's no way I would stand up in

front of a group of people. There's no way. So, one of the things we may want to

look at is that empaths are not stuck in their struggles in analyzing people's

information that's coming in to him. No, you can you can manage this. And you can

actually use this as a skill to be able to teach lots of people and help lots of

people all at the same time. But you need to know how to protect yourself first.

And that's what I want to help you with right now is what do you do to help

protect yourself. And I'm going to give you 3 starters to be able to do this.

It's not it's not the final list but it's the beginning of how to do this. So

that you can literally enjoy your day and literally be able to look forward to

getting up in the morning and not avoiding the day and what you're doing.

So, number 1. Let's take a look at number 1.

Number 1 is for you to be able to manage your identity. An empath that is

not clear about who they are, what their purpose is and what they're doing is

going to feel like they're going to lose their identity. And what happens is is

you start to lose your identity. You get scared, you get nervous, you feel like

you don't matter to the world. And that is a scary thing because if we don't

feel like we matter, then what happens is we feel like we don't exist. And then

that gives the feeling that we're dying. When we start to lose our identity, we

start to feel like we lose ourselves and that is really a sensation of feeling

like we're dying. So, how do you clarify your identity? Now, I know this is going to

sound very elementary but it is very important. You write down on a pad of

paper your identity. Who are you? What do you do? How do you help other people? What

is this gift you have going to do for others? And literally, what is your life

mission? Now, if you didn't catch all those, you get to rewind and play those

again. But if we don't clarify our identity, we don't clarify what it is

that we're working on, what happens is when we lose these parts of who we are,

we actually start to lose touch. And when we lose touch with who we are, we feel

like we're having a come apart and we feel like we're falling apart and

then what happens is we're just scared worried all the time.

Scared and worried all the time and that's what an empath generally

struggles with is feeling scared. And worrying about all kinds of things. But

that number 1 of being able to clarify and be able to know your identity

because it is written down. And because you have it written down, what you do is

you read this at least once a week. It's like coming back to the page and getting

your mind, your body and your soul all on the same page. Because you have other

people's information coming in to you. This helps you recalibrate to keeping

you solid. With all the information swirling around you,

you must stay solid. Number 2, what happens is there is a lot of input and

there is a lot of output that's happening with this information. You're

trying to sense and feel what other people are doing. People's information is

just coming to you because you can sense it and hear it. And so, you get to start

to learn how to manage the input compared to your output. So, this is what

I had to do. I had to go out into nature and literally tune into nature. Because

see, people are... They have this irregular amount of information that they

give off, right? It's just it's in bursts, it's in small quantities, large

quantities. But nature is constant. The information a tree gives off is constant.

It doesn't vary. The information that a pond of water gives off is constant.

Nature is constant. People are not. And so for me to be able to balance myself in

being able to understand what I'm feeling and how I'm feeling information

from people, I had to go into nature and practice, (and hear me on this one)

literally practice listening to nature. Feeling nature. Becoming one with nature.

And how I did that is you you take 15-20 minutes. You take 15-20 minutes and you

go sit in nature and you literally focus on a tree. You look and find a tree and

you focus on that tree. And you begin to literally listen to what the tree has

to say to you. I know. Right now you're probably thinking I've lost it and this

is crazy talk and everything. But I'm talking to people who are empahts. If

you're not an empath, you don't care about this stuff and you're going to think

I'm crazy. But if you have any signs of being

an empath, you want to do this. You want to go practice in nature because trying

to practice with people, you're going to go nuts. You're going to go crazy trying to

figure this out. Nature is constant. And that tree is

always giving off a story. It has messages for people who will listen. That

pond of water has a message for people who will listen. That mountain often the

distance has a message for people who will listen. And so as an empath what you

do is you go sit in nature for 20 minutes and you go listen and and if you

don't hear anything, you get to practice listening. Now, what you do is you take a

journal with you and as you're listening, you write down the message that that

tree is giving you or that pond of water or that stream or that mountain or if

you look off in the distance you see a horse. That horse has a message for you.

Everything, every living creature, everything out in nature has a message

for us. And so when you practice listening to nature and writing down the

messages you get. What it does for you is it helps you fine tune your listening

skills. Because when you're finished listening to nature, you can turn it off

and get back in the car and drive home. But you're learning how to govern what's

coming to you. You're learning how to manage your listening skills. Because

right now, if you feel overwhelmed with all this information coming from people,

it's because you don't have any control. You have no control and the information

is just coming in as fast as it wants and in globs and bursts. And it almost

feels like people are dumping on you. But this one right here is you are learning

how to listen and how to recognize what those messages are. It's a great way to

practice managing yourself. Now, this last one is super important. What has to do

with is for your mind and your body and your soul to actually do

better, what you're going to need to do is you need to feed your body better foods.

If you eat junk then you have junk skills. If you eat healthy, you have

healthy skills. If you put bad material in you your performance it's going to be bad.

I mean it just makes so much sense you put good material in you, you're going to

perform good. The same thing happens to your mind. You put junk in your body, your

brains going to be in a... Your minds going to be in a place of being junky. It can't

manage what's happening. So, what you do is you start eating your vegetables,

right? You eat an apple during the day, eat your green beans and you

find some of those vegetables fruits and vegetables that are good for you. You

really do. It really it really is getting a demand that you take better care of

yourself. The more you focus on taking better care of yourself, what happens is

you have better strengths and better intuition of how to help people. With all

this information coming in and you being able to perceive people what they're

thinking what they're feeling, your job really is to help people. But when your

systems all messed up, you can't help him very good. So you up the game when it

comes to nutrition. And not just your you know apples and oranges and green beans

and once in a while some broccoli or something like that.

That's a start. But maybe you want to dive in and and learn more about your

nutrition. And learn more about what can really serve you. So, part of nutrition is

you're adding some good things but you're also cutting out some things

they're just not good for you. And I know, maybe you're a chocolate

lover and you're like, "I can't go without chocolate." But you know you could do is

you could get higher quality chocolate. You know, sometimes there's foods we eat

that are just our lower quality. Maybe bump it up a little bit and just have

some higher quality desserts in smaller quantities. There's something smart to

think about. The main thing here is for you not to feel threatened or scared or

worried about being an empath because I think it's a beautiful gift. And it could

really help a lot of people but take consideration of these 3 beginning

steps of protecting yourself. So you don't run

away from this. Know that what you have as an ability is really to help. It's

really a great thing to be able to help other people one-on-one or with larger

groups of people. Now, if you'd like to learn more about what I teach and how I

mentor and coach people, maybe what you got to do is check out our website. You

know, we have a website and we're right here in

Utah. We hold events and seminars here every month. Lots of different training

skills we teach. Because I love helping people be able to recognize their gifts

and talents and raise them to the next level. So, we can use them instead of

being afraid of them. So, go check out our website. And definitely subscribe to this

page. So, you don't miss any of the insights that I have for you here.

My name is Kirk Duncan. But I just want you to know I'm in your corner to help

you make a difference in your life.

For more infomation >> 3 Protective Measures Every Empath Should Know - Duration: 12:35.



For more infomation >> VISITA DIVERSE CASCATE - SFIDE A TEMPO STRAORDINARIO - Duration: 3:10.


Awesome Things You Have Never Seen Before Oddly Satisfying Videos Relaxation - Duration: 10:01.

Awesome Things You Have Never Seen Before Oddly Satisfying Videos Relaxation

For more infomation >> Awesome Things You Have Never Seen Before Oddly Satisfying Videos Relaxation - Duration: 10:01.


নির্বাচনে বাড়াবাড়ি হয়েছে মেনন॥ সিদ্ধান্ত অন্যদলের নয়, নিজস্ব ইনু॥ হালুয়া-রুটি নিয়ে জোটে ভোটে দ্বিমত - Duration: 4:41.

বিএনপিকে ছাড়ছে জামায়াত ২০ বছরের জোটসঙ্গী ভোটসঙ্গী হিসাব মিলছে না ওবায়দুল কাদেরের BNP& Jammate islami

উপজেলা নির্বাচনে আ.লীগে নানা অভিযোগ॥ ৫ রাজাকারের নাম প্রস্তাব॥ মনোনয়ন না দিতে প্রধানমন্ত্রীকে ইমেল

For more infomation >> নির্বাচনে বাড়াবাড়ি হয়েছে মেনন॥ সিদ্ধান্ত অন্যদলের নয়, নিজস্ব ইনু॥ হালুয়া-রুটি নিয়ে জোটে ভোটে দ্বিমত - Duration: 4:41.



For more infomation >> EMEKLİYE MÜJDE | EMEKLİ ÇİFTE KAZANÇ SAĞLAYACAK - Duration: 4:37.





Challenge: Drawing With Cheap Color Pencils - A Woman - Duration: 6:40.

Hello my friends and welcome to another Tuesday of tutorial!

I am Leonardo Pereznieto and today I will take on a challenge

that has been giving to me many times but recently

by Ivan López and by ChristProCool [laughter].

The challenge is to draw with cheap color pencils.

So I went to the nearest supermarket and bought the cheapest colors

I could find, which where these, and which costed me $1.50 for the set

of 12 [laughter].

Let's see what we can do with them, I will try to draw

a young sitting woman.

Let's begin by sketching the areas of light of the head, with a peach color.

Which is lighter than the paper.

This will be the forehead and the top of the head…

the shoulder, the light source will be on the right,

behind them to the right.

Therefore this edge of the right will be receiving the most illumination

while the left side, will be darker.

The elements that I want darker I sketch them with this brown

such as the eyebrows, the lashes

the shadow of the nose,

the hair, etc.

Since the color pencils are generally made with wax or with oil,

it is hard to erase them

and if I were to sketch the lines on the light side, with this color,

I pretty much would be stocked with that line.

That is why the lines that are on the right I didn't directly

with the peach.

Let's draw the neck

and then pull the angle from the head to see where the shoulder should be.


We do the arm, and a little bit more detail of the neck

and we begin shadowing the face and the hair.

Also the body.

Very good!

We continue with the peach

to sketch the edge that will receive the light, including the leg that in the position

that she's sitting will be up here.

All right!

The knee, and the lower part which we should actually draw it with the brown.

The light source, as I said, will be to the right but also toward the back,

so we may have a case of back-lighting and therefore the edge of the lower leg

on the left, catches a little glow of that light.

If it looks good, it is an artistic license that you can take, you can improve

your drawing, by taking some such decisions.

Remember, in art we are creating our own realities.

As you saw, I used a little purple for the shadows because I don't

want them to look just brown, by adding a cool purple or violet,

it looks better.

It looks more rich.

And we can apply white for the highlights.

These highlights will be facing to the right.

The glow on the left edge, will not be as bright, and therefore those

we get them with the peach.

I think I didn't mention this before and I should have but I'm drawing

on a toned paper, of a greenish color.

Again, for the shadows we use a combination of violet and brown.

I have been wondering what color we should do the dress with...

red! Red will be the color.


With some white highlights of course

and for the shading we can use the violet.

There are some shadows that I want darker

and those we can achieve them with the black.

I'm using a small 12 colors set, so there is not a lot of choices here.

If I had many colors to choose from,

for the darker shadows I would have probably used a very dark purple

or blue, but that is ok we can use the black over it lightly with the purple and the brown.

When you have less colors it is usually not a big problem

you just have to mix them a bit more, to get the correct hue.

I am enjoying this color set! they are not bad at all.

That's a surprise to me!

To make it look a little bit more lively, I add just a tad of orange

and reinforce some shadows with a sharp point violet.

We can use yellow and peach for the the lights on the hair

and for the darker shading, black and brown

and we tone down the orange with the peach.

I desire a background of water

with the blue and the green.

and she will be sitting on a rock

a rock that is coming out of the water.

I was telling you how surprised I am of how good these cheap color feel

and draw. One thing to keep in mind though, is that the main difference between

the artist quality colors and the student or children ones, is the quality of the pigment

and its light fastness, that is that the profesional ones, don't fade with the light

as much as the other ones

so they are more permanent for the years to come.

And I add a little bit of red to some parts of the body, reinforce some shadows

with the black…

and its ready!

Please let me know if you think this challenge was made successfully.

…and if you enjoyed it please give it a LIKE! share it to your friends

and subscribe to Fine Art-Tips.

And I will see you on Tuesday ;)

Subtitled by Grethel Trejo

For more infomation >> Challenge: Drawing With Cheap Color Pencils - A Woman - Duration: 6:40.


Pinterest Vs Instagram For Dropshipping Stores - Duration: 12:46.

- Yo, what's up guys, Anton here from,

and today on Dropship Weekly, we're gonna be talking about

Pinterest versus Instagram for your dropshipping store,

which one is better, which one you

should use, and how you can use them.

A couple of things, I got this topic idea from a coaching

call that I did last week with my students in Dropship

Lifestyle that are part of the dropship blueprint,

and the question that came up was what should they do once

they're already, you know, they're up, they're running,

they're successful with Google Ads, what should they

start to put money and time into.

So that's what I'm gonna share in this, I answered it on the

coaching call, but it was a good question, figured it might

help some of you out on YouTube as well and on the blog.

One more thing I'll note before we dive into this,

my eye, you might realize looks like I

got punched in the face, it's pretty gross.

I didn't, but yeah, I'm sure you don't tune in for my good

looks anyway so, don't focus on the eye, focus on this and

we'll be good to go, but yeah,

I'm sure there's gonna be some comments.

So anyway guys, let's talk about this and

get into today's episode of Dropship Weekly.

(light music)

Okay so we'll start right in the beginning with your store,

okay, so this is where the money is made, this is Shopify,

this is where you want people to go,

you want people to spend money.

Now with Instagram, you know this should be addressed right

away, I think every single person regardless of what type of

product that you sell, should be using Instagram for your

remarketing, so I'm gonna put it down here and I'm gonna put

Insta, for Instagram, and basically what this means is when

people go to your site and they don't buy, you should be

showing them remarketing ads on Instagram, on Facebook,

again since Facebook owns Instagram,

that's all through one platform.

This is a no-brainer, this everybody should do from day one,

even if you have like a five dollar a day budget, you gotta

know that, you know, 98% of the people that land on your

store, the first time they're there, they're not gonna buy,

so when they leave, get them with Insta remarketing right

away, again as long as your product type is something that

is okay to advertise on Instagram, which for most people

that's true, unless you're selling sex toys or CBD stuff.

Now, next thing alright, well let's just show here what

could happen, people could go to your website, and this will

be a money bag, and they could just buy, right that two,

two-and-a-half, 3% of people, they can go there and

they could buy, now also maybe this is a little bit more

advanced, but I do recommend that for all new customers, for

48 hours after they buy, you're also showing them ads on

Instagram, except these ads aren't to get them to buy,

'cause they've bought already, so you're creating an

audience here of people that recently purchased with

you, and you're showing them ads saying hey, this is

Anton from, really appreciate your order,

thank you so much for putting your

trust in myself and in my company.

You should have an e-mail with your order confirmation and

tracking information will be sent out as soon as your order

goes out, right, something simple, something basic like

that, it's really good, not many companies at all do it,

so it will stand out, it'll help increase that

relationship between you and your buyer even more and it

will help really just help you stand out from the masses,

and also help reduce buyer's remorse, so keep that in mind.

But the real way this question came up originally on the

coaching call wasn't about backend stuff, it was about how

to get new buyers, how to get people in the front end.

And for this, the answer can change depending on what type

of store you actually have, meaning what type of products

you sell, but for most people, I recommend that you go

with Pinterest on the front end.

Now again, this is once you're up and running with

Google Ads, you're profitable, everything's rolling,

you're looking to kind of invest your time, 'cause time is

the biggest resource, even more than money.

This is when you're looking to put your time into something

else and try to learn a new way to generate revenue.

What I really like about Pinterest is there's a lot of

desktop use, and yes people definitely use it on mobile, but

there's still a lot of desktop people there, where with

Instagram there really isn't, 'cause you know how many

people use Instagram on the computer, I'd say maybe 1% or

less of their user base, so with that,

that's a good sign right there.

Another thing I really like about Pinterest on the

front end is, there is some buyer intent there.

Now, people aren't just going there to shop, right, it's

not like you're going to, you know, Wayfair or Amazon,

like what should I buy, you're going there to start doing

research and a lot of people, the things they pin, the

boards they create, they're about ideas for things, maybe

they wanna buy for their wedding or maybe things they wanna

buy for their new home or their new office, so there is some

intent in there, and the other thing, which is massive, is

that with Pinterest, it's all clickable, right, like there's

links, links are a big part of it, so if you're again the

majority of stores, this would vary from store to store

but the majority, which is what I'm gonna focus on,

is people that should use Pinterest,

and not just make a Pinterest account and not

just upload a few different things and hope it works,

but put your time into this to learn this platform.

Now this video is not going to be about how to set up the

perfect Pinterest account and how to make your pins,

stand out, that you can research inside of my training

program, that's in our paid social traffic course but,

yeah, Pinterest, for most people on the front end, again,

there is intent there, a lot of people are using it on

desktop and it is clickable, there's links everywhere.

Now, what about Instagram on the front end?

Does that mean you shouldn't use it?

It means that I think you should start here, master this,

get this to be a profitable front end channel, again while

simultaneously, you have Instagram running in the

backend, but, you know, let me do this,

I'll make kind of like, a Instagram section and a Pinterest

and talk about when each of them are most beneficial I would

say and kinda the pros and cons, and then I'll also

tell you what tools we use to make this all work,

so I think that should help a lot of people.

So, with Instagram, the way that I think of it and the

way it really works when you look at it,

is it's more of branding play.

So, when someone takes out their phone, is bored, scrolling

through Instagram, they're not there looking to make

a purchase, doesn't mean they won't

but it's really somewhere they're

engaging with their friends, their family,

and even engaging with brands, if you

put out the right type of content.

Again, it doesn't mean that can't be profitable,

but it's more of a long-term strategy.

Now, if you're going to use Instagram,

something you definitely should do,

is create your product feed, and again

I'll tell you what tools we use

for this, and make shoppable posts.

Now, you've probably seen this before

if you use Instagram as a consumer,

where you see, like a different

image, and it might have, you know,

someone holding a coffee cup,

and the coffee cup will be clickable,

and that'll go to an e-commerce

store, now if you're going to use

Instagram, again, you should be doing

that, because you wanna have that benefit of a link.

You don't wanna have to tell people

"link in bio," right, then have

them click on your profile, then

go to the bio, then click the link,

'cause what type of intent are you gonna get there?

So if you have a product that is

something that's very visual, that's demonstrable,

then you could do Instagram images

that are shoppable posts, again,

I'm not gonna get into the how

of to set this up, I will tell

you the tools we use that make it

easy, but if you want the step-by-step,

go to, click on courses,

get enrolled, and you'll get the training from A to Z.

Now, of course, like I mentioned

up here, I'll just reiterate it,

I use RT for retargeting, use it

for retargeting from day one, because

the beauty of that is when you're

retargeting people here, and when

you're showing new customers videos,

the intent's there, so you don't

have to worry about it only being

a branding play, 'cause the intent

has been established based on how

the people found your store, so

definitely start that from day one.

Let me switch up the colors, and

we will talk about Pintrest ...

Pintrest, okay, so again, the things

that I love about this is it's all

about links; that's what Pintrest

is built on, and again, people

have buying intent and because

of that, it's good for front end, FE traffic.

Now how can you know if your product

is not Pintrest-friendly?

Now, it is true that more women

than men use Pintrest, but that's

changing, if you look at the year-over-year

user base growth, it's actually

trending up with more men; they

still have more women than men,

but men are growing, so before

you just discount it and think,

my buyers aren't there, just go

to it, again, this is something

that if you're gonna use, I don't

recommend you just make a Pintrest

board and see what happens, I recommend

you research it, you go through

the training in the dropship blueprint,

you actually put time and effort

into learning it, and part of that

is seeing if your buyers are there,

and seeing how they already are

using it, so you can recreate that with your own store.

Now I told you I would talk about

tools, so let me do that; these tools,

I think some of them are free, some

of them are paid, I'm not really

sure, we use all of them, so these

tools are either native through

Shopify or they are in the Shopify

app store, so first one is called

Facebook product feed, and this

one is by Flexify, by the way, I'll

put this all in the notes, so you

don't have to try to read this

handwriting, but Facebook product

feed by Flexify allows you to basically

take all the products that are in

your store on Shopify, connect

them to your Facebook account, which in

turn allows you to connect them

to Instagram, 'cause again, it's

the same thing, and then you can

make these shoppable posts, so

that starts with Facebook product

feed by Flexify, the next tool

I recommend you use, if you decide

that Instagram is for you, and you're

okay with the branding play and

having it be a more long-term thing

on the front end, then the tool is called- hear that?


The next tool is called shop Instagram

and UGC; UGC stands for user-generated

content, but this is like something

you would put on your site, maybe

if again, you're big on Instagram,

where you could show off different

Instagram posts, and then it would

say shop this or shop now, and

if you were selling, again, coffee

cups, someone was holding a coffee

cup in the photo, they can click

shop and it would take them to

that page on your store, allow

them to buy easy, and the last tool

that I recommend for this setup,

to keep it as easy as possible,

is not an app, but it's native in

Shopify, if you are on the basic

plan or higher, and that is just the Pintrest sales channel.

And the Pintrest sales channel

basically allows you to make the

product pins, there used to be shoppable

pins, they were called on Pintrest,

they got rid of that I think it was

in October, so when I'm recording

this, maybe four or five months

ago, but still, there's still the

Pintrest sales channel, is still

a real thing, now I think they

were depreciated to it's called

product pins, I forget the terminology,

but basically, you could have your

products on Pintrest, again, linkable,

so if you figure out how your audience

is on Pintrest already, how they're

acting, how they're creating boards,

what they're sharing, what they're

pinning, you can use this to recreate

that with your product catalog,

which is really, really good front

end traffic, so what I'll do is

post links to all of these, again

below in the description on YouTube,

and if you're on,

on the blog right now, I'll have

this all typed out and turned into

a blog post so it's easier for

those of you that wanna kind of

digest it that way, maybe take

notes, and again, get all those

links, so hope you found this useful,

as always, if you did, please do

give this video a thumbs up, leave

a comment below, hope the eye wasn't

a distraction, hope you focused

on this, and yeah guys, that's it,

I'll see you all next week for the

next episode of

Dropship Weekly, and, if you're

watching this, and you haven't seen

my new webinar yet, you gotta check

it out, it's like a two-and-a-half

hour in-depth training, so I'll

link to that below as well, definitely

check it out, gimme your feedback

on that also, always appreciated,

hope you guys all have an amazing week,

make a bunch of money, and I'll talk to you next Tuesday.

See ya.

(light music)

For more infomation >> Pinterest Vs Instagram For Dropshipping Stores - Duration: 12:46.


Death By Toilet Bowl Cleaning? - Duration: 5:20.

We want to thank Google's Science Journal App for supporting PBS Digital Studios.

When things start looking grimy in the bathroom, and it's time to whip out yellow gloves,

the only thing that matters is getting the job done as soon as possible.

So you open the cabinet, see a bunch of bottles and think "Hey, this cleans and that cleans,

why not mix them all together?

That'll kill dirt and grime faster!"

Well think again - your all purpose cleaning cocktail could turn a bad day even worse.

Is death by toilet bowl cleaning a real thing?

Can mixing household cleaning supplies kill you?

Today folks, you're about to find out.

So pay close attention - this video may very well save your life one day.

First and foremost - realize that household cleaners are safe to use when used properly,

read the label, wear your gloves, and you'll be perfectly fine.

But some of these chemicals, when mixed together, undergo reactions with dangerous results.

And I don't just mean pouring them in a bucket together, the most common risk of danger

is when people mistakenly clean the same surface, like a toilet bowl, with two different cleaners

at the same time.

Let's take a look at some of the most typical mistakes.

Bleach is a common household cleaner that's found in a host of different products.

Typical household bleach is usually a solution of around 5% sodium hypochlorite in water.

Sodium hypochlorite is an oxidizer that's really good at breaking down dyes and can

kill microorganisms by denaturing their proteins - so aside from brightening your white laundry,

bleach is also an excellent disinfectant toilet bowl cleaner.

But this highly reactive molecule won't stop at dirt, germs, and colors in your clothes,

it will quickly react with other cleaners like ammonia, which can create dangerous byproducts.

This grease killing household cleaner is usually a 5-10% solution of ammonium hydroxide in

water, but can be found in a host of products, from blue window sprays, to typical all purpose


When mixed with bleach, ammonium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite will react to create

a noxious gas called chloramine, which in turn can further react with the sodium hypocholorite

to create other byproducts such as dichloramine and nitrogen trichloride.

Exposure to this tryptic of chemical vapors that irritate the eyes and can cause severe

respiratory issues.

They may not exactly kill you, but serious exposure can certainly land you a trip to

the ER.

Now if chloramine and its byproducts weren't enough to freak you out, you're going to

love what happens when alcohol enters the mix.

Sodium hypochlorite reacts with isopropyl alcohol to create a host of caustic chemicals,

including hydrochloric acid, chloroacetone, and most importantly, chloroform.

This highly vaporous chemical causes extreme irritation in your eyes, and can be absorbed

into your body through your skin which can cause a lot of damage in and of itself.

While it's hard to imagine why anyone would intentionally mix these two, which would be

pretty dangerous small poorly ventilated room - it is possible that someone may spray and

scrub a surface with alcohol that was just previously cleaned by bleach.

This type of exposure even though small, can still affect you cause eye irritation and

respiratory issues.


The same reaction can occur with ethanol, so be extra careful when cleaning up any messes

at a party.

Drain cleaners are often very concentrated, which is necessary, because their job can't

be done with the help of a scrub brush.

But the big thing here folks is that drain cleaners are not all made of the same stuff.

There are three primary categories - oxidizers, acids, and bases.

Some oxidizing drain cleaners can contain high concentrations of sodium hypochlorite,

or bleach.

If you were to pour an acid like hydrochloric acid down a drain that already has high concentrations

of sodium hypochlorite, they will react to make chlorine gas -- a gas more commonly known

for making WWI one of the worst living nightmares in human history.

Not only can this stuff asphyxiate you, it can also lead to severe chemical burns inside

your throat and lungs.

Even if it doesn't kill you, it can still have long lasting effect on health.

If you see a spooky looking yellow gas coming out of your drain, you're in huge trouble.

But that's not all.

Many of the de-cloggers like sodium hydroxide cause exothermic, or heat generating reactions

when they're busting up the oily grime.

When you mix acids and bases together, the reactions may cause scalding hot water or

steaming vapor to coming billowing out of the drain.

Depending on the pH of your two decloggers, it isn't necessarily true that they'll

have neutralized each other.

So in other words, that scalding hot water might have a rough chemical edge as well.

So, is death by toilet bowl cleaning really possible?, in certain circumstances, yes,

but for the most part, if you do end up coming in contact with these dangerous chemical byproducts,

you will more than likely end up in the emergency room.

Sobeing wise about chemistry might just save your life one day.

Thanks to Google for supporting PBS Digital Studios.

Their mobile app, Science Journal, lets you take notes and measure scientific phenomena

such as light, sound, and motion using your phone, tablet, or Chromebook.

You can find activity ideas and additional information on their website at

or check out the link in the description below.

Has chemistry ever done you any major favors?

Post them down in the comments and let's get the discussion going.

Remember folks, safety first!

Hit thumbs up, ring the bell and subscribe on the way out, and we'll see you again

very soon.

For more infomation >> Death By Toilet Bowl Cleaning? - Duration: 5:20.


Chocolate Factory Tutorial & Playthrough - JonGetsGames - Duration: 1:41:38.

For more infomation >> Chocolate Factory Tutorial & Playthrough - JonGetsGames - Duration: 1:41:38.





Should I learn songs or practice guitar exercises - Duration: 4:55.

Hi there, I'm Tomas so should you learn songs or practice guitar exercises

to make the most progress possible? Well you probably heard it I guess. The short

answer there is both of course but probably the real question that's

implied is "How much should I do exercises and songs and what balance and

when should I do exercises and when should I work on songs?" I don't know if

you're like me but when I first started I just want to learn songs, stuff that I

liked and recognized or stuff like

Oh boy that brings me back. Anyway I didn't really want to

do exercises and then thought about certainly not I doesn't care about

reading music or even guitar theory. But I found over time that my attitude

has changed significantly and partly because I really found that I wasn't

making the progress that I wanted to. So for a long time I had you know 1 2 3

mediocre type teachers mostly the kind to say "What do you want to learn this

week"? "What did you learn that week"? and just showed me little parts of songs and

licks and it was fun but I quickly realized I wasn't getting anywhere but

then I found a really good teacher. He was probably my best teacher ever and my

first lesson with him, I played several things for him and he stopped

and said "First of all, you're playing stuff that's beyond your level and

you're not doing it justice. It's creating problems. It's causing you to

tensed up and to kinda do things in a way that in the long run it's just going to

create bad habits and you're never gonna play them really well. And then finally he

told me it's better to build step by step using exercises to different levels

as you go and really prepare yourself so you don't over strain or over tense and

have to break that habit later on. Now he proceeded to

give me a routine step by

step routine and insisted I follow his routine. It was not easy for me to accept

because I like doing my own thing but it was the best thing I ever did. And over

the years from my own experience I found that putting an emphasis on learning

songs is really kind of a slow boat to being able to play guitar. I know it

doesn't seem like it at first but there are several problems. One is that it's

really hard to choose a song that's the right level or appropriate for exactly

where you're at. You're gonna naturally go for something that you just like and

without any real consideration for really is this the right next thing for

me to work on. But most importantly by playing songs,

you're really not working on specific issues enough an efficient way in other

words let me do a very simple example. Let's say ... I was playing a song

that was C, A minor, F and G something like

I'm really going for a simple example here. And I wanna work on that

F chord. The partial bar F chord is where my problem is. Every time I play

this song to work on the F chord I've got a way.

There's the F now I get to work at it, listen. And now we go on ...

I've got to go through that whole song again. That's really a very simple song.

Most songs aren't that simple. Most songs you have to play quite a ways

before you get to the issue. Why not do an exercise that isolates that F chord.

You know first maybe just practicing the F chord and then maybe going from that chord to

another chord. And then keep scaling it up little by

little until it turns into ...

But by that time you'll have gotten much more work on that F chord and given a

chance to actually remember what we're wrong and work on it. In short, if you

want to make progress as quickly as possible with the least amount of

frustrations. You want to select songs and exercises that are appropriate for

your level with the emphasis on exercises that build up step-by-step to

sort of the next song that you're working on or the next level of exercise.

Now it's okay to stretch from time to time as a matter of fact I encourage you

to try stuff beyond your level just don't sit there and do like I did then

bang way out of thinking that if I just spend enough time I get it even though I

broke it down just do it long enough to get the sense of "here's where I'm at"

''here is how far I am from getting this" Now go back and work on this stuff step

by step and it shouldn't take long to do that 10-15 minutes at the most.

That's it for this week. Thanks for joining me. I'm Tomas Michaud from Real

Guitar Success. Wherever you're watching me on YouTube, Facebook or on my blog

leave me a comment. I really like to know what you're thinking and certainly let

me know if there's something you'd like to see me make a video on. So I'll let

you get back to your guitar practicing for now. Give you your best.

For more infomation >> Should I learn songs or practice guitar exercises - Duration: 4:55.


Burnyard Bash Prep for ShartKart, our $200 Miata! RX-7 Powered Pit Truck Intermission. - Duration: 14:06.

(engine starts) - Woo!

(rock music)

(engine roars) (laughing)

- Good morning.

Welcome to

♪ Garage Garage ♪

♪ Garage Garage ♪

- Backup vocals today. (laughing)

You guys may have seen on the bonus channel

that we have a new channel,

it's called Hoonigan Daily Transmission.

Just like the old stuff, the carnage has come back,

Burnouts are coming back, with that we have a new yard.

So that's what leads us to today.

We're taking a break on Brad Pitt,

because we're gonna work on Shartkart

to get it ready for our new yard.

If you guys are interested in trying out

to be on this show, you can do that.

Irwindale Speedway, three p.m., March 2nd,

tryout, try and do some burnouts,

we're getting Shartkart ready to be out there.

We're coming back at this next week real strong,

but for right now we gonna bring in my favorite car,

the Shartkart.

(upbeat hip hop music)

It's been through quite a few beatings

since the last time you saw it.

We took it to SEMA.

(engine roars)

And the last thing we did was get

a really good rush just before SEMA to get this work done,

but it hasn't seen any action since.

So it's been sitting, we need to take care of it

and take care of some of the damage that has been done.

So first things first, we're going to look

for the damage control.

See what all happened to it, what's wrong.

As I noticed, there's already an oil leak, looks pretty bad.

And then from there we gonna have to order parts,

which should come in today, everything's local.

And then we gonna have to fix the seat position.

So, the guys driving it are quite a bit bigger than me,

so this seat position's fairly dangerous for 'em.

We're gonna change that, make that safe.

From there we're gonna go and do the motor mounts,

'cause has been shaking, and after that, who knows?

Whatever we have time for, whatever we can get done,

we gotta make sure it's perfect

so they can shred this thing at Irwindale.

And yeah, let's get started.

(dreamy hip hop music)

Found a few problems.

Couple of the inner tie rods are bad,

shook 'em around, they're a little bit loose,

and we got this massive oil leak here.

If it's the front main seal,

it gets all over the pulley and it'll sling it everywhere,

but it's not really coming from the pulley,

it's coming from the edges of the pan,

it's a pretty steady stream, too.

So, E85, if you let it sit for a long time,

the car dries up all the seals.

But it very well could be the oil pan gasket,

which would have to be taken apart,

pull the whole motor out

and pull that off, clean everything up.

Just wanna drain some of the oil,

figure out where everything's comin' from,

maybe pull the pulley off,

get some of this stuff out the way,

so I can see more clearly what's goin on,

and in the meantime pull the seat out.

- [Cameraman] Yeah.

- 'Cause we gonna have to remake the seat bracket.

So basically like you did on our hustle from before,

like you did this bottom seat bracket.

- [Cameraman] Yep.

- They're bolted to it, we make that again

and then we'll make the separate side brackets.

- [Cameraman] Is it warm?

- Oh yeah.

See how watery it is?

- [Cameraman] Yep.

- Do you smell it?

Smells like alcohol.

That's why you gotta change it quite often.

I don't know if you can see up here,

but this right here usually looks like a front main seal,

which it very well could be.

I just need to pull all this off so I can investigate it.

But it could be leaking down the side of the pan here.

It looked like two steady streams here,

rather than getting all over the pulley

and slinging it everywhere.

Just gonna pull the cover off,

check out where the cam timing is,

get the pulley centered, top head center, mark everything,

pull the crank pulley off, check out the seal,

check out the belt too, if it's bad, we'll replace it.

Just dig into it.

If it becomes the oil pan,

slap some of it back together, pull the motor out,

and do the oil pan.

(upbeat hip hop music)

So, I've marked the timing here.

What I'm gonna do is double check.

So rotate everything clockwise,

make sure that these line back up in the appropriate time.

So, if that's the case, then we'll pull everything off,

continue on with replacing all the seals,

getting everything good.

- [Cameraman] Is there a certain amount

of times you crank it?

- Yeah.

So, we'll just do a couple rotations,

make sure that everything comes back together.

So it should be off one rotation.


This rotation should line up.

So, you can see these rotating.


And that's comin' up.

This needs to line up and then all of these should line up.

Timing set.

Next step we're gonna' take everything off,

start replacing seals.

(calming hip hop music)

This is idler pulley that says steel,

this one's a tensioner.

So, that puts tension on the belt,

see when I loosen that, that it can move?

It's pushing on the belt to tighten everything up.

(calming hip hop music)

So you got almost everything apart here.

Pull this stuff off, get to the front main seal.

So, this the Woodruff key.

Basically just helps you to line everything up.

Need that in there.

Don't lose this. (laughs)

So this our problem, this is what was leaking.

So that's the new seal and then I got a socket

that fits basically, directly to it,

when we push this on, we just give it a light tap.

So, you can see right here, has the ring in the back

that's open, that goes in this direction.

So, that goes towards the back.

But I cleaned everything up,

you can see I just pre-cleaned everything

and got it all nice, wiped down so there's no debris there,

and if there is a leak, then we can see where

it's comin' from.

So, I put in a new set of pulleys here for the timing,

and then I also put a new spring in there.

I'm gonna' count these ribs,

make sure I have the right distance between 'em,

make sure everything stays in place.


Like this stuff is all separate, right?

And this right here,

this ring, because basically it's a marker for this sensor,

for the crank sensor, right?

So, that does all the timing.

Usually they have some kind of little ring inside there,

but it's cool to see this on the outside,

and also removable.

All right, hand on the brake.

(bouncing hip hop music)

Another day.

Might have run out of gas, couldn't get it to start.

Hopefully it was a fuel issue, I double checked the timing

and went back over it, I couldn't sleep last night

'cause I've never screwed up a timing belt before.

I think we might have run out of fuel.

- [Cameraman] We also got our steel in.

- We got steel, it's way over there,

I couldn't hardly get the forklift up the ramp,

almost had to get the van for the winch.

- [Cameraman] And we got these guys, what are they doin'?

- Twitch, they're just talkin' over there.

Do you guys want some behind the scenes stuff?

This is those guys talking, we do a little talking

but we do work while they talk.


- [Cameraman] Whoa, whoa!

(engine cranks)

(engine roars)

- Woo!

It was outta' gas!


Oh, what an idiot. (laughs)

(engine rumbling)

So, everything looks good, sounds good, running right,

there's no leaks anymore, the leaks are all gone.

I'm pretty happy with how that all turned out, so

we're just gonna' move on.

Kyle's gonna' cut off some brackets

for the seat like we said.

He's workin' on that right now,

and then I'm going to check out

what's hanging up here in back.

Something was a little funky with this being held up,

and also check and see if anything's bent that needs

to be replaced, probably do the tie rods,

transmission flush, that kinda' stuff.

So, moving on, we'll check on what's hangin' up

in the back end.

(upbeat hip hop music)

- [Dan] What you think, man?

- About what?

- [Dan] These sweet brackets.

- [Nelson] They're sick, you killed it Kyle.

- Thanks, man.

- You need to make some brackets for my Civic.

- [Dan] There's always a deal going on in here,

some kinda' deal.

- Can I join Terra Crew?


- Maybe, you gotta' show me what you can do.

- I don't even know what that means.


All right, anyway, I'm done with all the fluids

so I'm gonna' move on and nut and bolt check everything.

Tighten everything up, paint pin marker,

see if anything moves.

Just kind of, good practice if you wanna'

just check over a vehicle before you go to the track.

I didn't plan on doing all the fluids on this,

but we beat it really, really hard in Vegas.

(engine roaring)

There is no damages, it's fine, now it's all fresh,

we know it's all good, everything's wiped away

and clean so you can tell there's no leaks,

so, I suggest if you ever have to do stuff like this

and you're just taking stuff apart anyway,

clean it up.

You'll be able to catch your leaks before

they become a real big issue instead

of it being covered at all times.

(upbeat hip hop music)

So, we got it all in there, tacked up, but

because it's tacked and sitting there,

we don't wanna' make it a final location yet,

we wanna' make sure the guys fit so,

it's kinda' late, everybody's gone,

Hert's gonna' come back tomorrow, we're gonna' have him

test it out before we finalize and weld everything.

Hopefully it's a good enough location,

I just wanna' make sure that his head clears the roll cage.

It should be easy enough to drive so

we'll get back at it tomorrow.

(serene electronic music)

- What you doin', Dan?

- [Dan] Just tryin' to, you know, take care of my girl.

- She looks like she needed some love.

- [Dan] Front main seal, timing belt,

all that is re-done now.

- Imagine how mad she is at you

for doin' all this other stuff.

- [Dan] Hey!

- Are you gonna' break the center dome down?

- [Dan] Yeah.

- Are you gonna', like, break it and then, or?

- [Dan] I'm not gonna' break it.

that's why I'm testing it,

to see if you fit because if it's gonna' be broken.

- I don't think I broke it, though, I crashed it.

(engine roars)


- [Dan] I need you to put your butt in there,

see if you fit.

I moved it back like another inch 1/2

so you should have a little bit more leg room.

You're the only, it's not, it's just tacked in.

- I mean, your boy can still rip it, so regardless, I--

- [Dan] It's still better.

- I just wanted an open face, you know?

- [Dan] Yeah, need a helmet.

Are your legs better, though?

- Yeah, no, I'm on the clearings.

- [Dan] Sweet.

- I don't mind wearing a helmet.

- [Dan] I'm wearing a helmet no matter what,

it's kinda scary to be a open-wheel car

and not have a helmet.

- It is scary.

Sitting in a vehicle like this,

or any vehicle with a race seat, a nice steering wheel

and all this stuff, it gives you the feeling.

- [Dan] Got a feel, yeah.

- Well, let me solidify this.

I'm gonna' bolt this in. - Okay.

- [Dan] I'm gonna' weld this up.

- All right.

- [Dan] And we're gonna' get ready to go.

- Let's go.


- [Dan] Strap!

(welder crackles)

- Oh, yes!

Looks good.

Kyle did a great job cuttin' that out, gotta' weld it up,

prepare it for the big boys.

They should be a little bit more comfortable now,

when they wanna' drive it.

We're gonna' do three different seating options,

so when we bring this to the track, everyone can drive it,

and that's what we want, is everybody to have fun

'cause this thing rules.

You know you love somethin'

when you have to volunteer to take off the timing belt

to replace the front main seal.

If you let it sit too long, which we did,

and I'm sorry, I'm sorry to this thing,

I'm sorry to you guys, but we have the yard back now.

We're gonna' rip this,

I'm excited because we actually have a yard again,

we can go shred, that's why I wanted to get this done.

Burnouts are back, that's why we got this thing prepped.

Subscribe, watch it, it's gonna be awesome.

Thank you for watching Garage Garage, see you next time.

(upbeat hip hop music)

Hope you guys like us throwin' it back to Shartkart,

getting it prepared for our new lot at Irwindale,

gettin' ready to shred, burnouts are back.

If you wanna' see more burnouts,

subscribe to our new channel, Hoonigan Daily Transmissions.

It's just like the old Daily Transmissions, but new.

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For more infomation >> Burnyard Bash Prep for ShartKart, our $200 Miata! RX-7 Powered Pit Truck Intermission. - Duration: 14:06.


aviso importante... - Duration: 0:46.

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For more infomation >> aviso importante... - Duration: 0:46.


Patch Adams presents: Different Activities for Patients - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Patch Adams presents: Different Activities for Patients - Duration: 4:00.


How to do Foundation Paper Piecing - Quilting - Duration: 7:53.

Foundation piecing, also known as English paper piecing, is a form of quilting that

creates beautiful, unique designs. It's a great way to use those tiny scraps of fabric

you've been hanging on to and can be a really fun hobby. Let's get started.

What makes foundation piecing different than traditional quilting?

- It uses paper patterns - You can stitch irregular fabric shapes together

without the time consuming process of trying to cut them out precisely

- Points or design aspects should match up perfectly

- You can sew more complex quilting designs - It's an easier way to work with small

fabric pieces

The first thing you need is to get a pattern. You can search online for free foundation

piecing patterns or purchase patterns. For beginners, start off with something simple.

For each block you need, you will print out one copy of your pattern. For example, if

you need 20 of the same blocks, you need to print 20 copies of your block pattern. You

can print on regular printer paper but it's recommended you print on foundation paper

or tissue paper because it'll be easier to work with.

Also, look to see if your pattern pieces have the seam allowance included. Or if it's

not included, add a line all the way around for a ¼" seam allowance.

Plan out your fabric selection beforehand. You'll notice your pattern will be split

in different sections so you can write directly on the pattern to keep track of which fabric

will go where. The most important part is cutting your fabric

to ensure your pieces will be big enough. The worst thing that could happen is the fabric

will be too small. So at the beginning it's better to make your pieces bigger rather than

try and cut more precisely.

I lay my pattern on top of the fabric and then roughly cut out a section. As you can

see, I'm going way outside the finished lines of my section.

If you're making several of the same blocks with the same fabric, cut all your fabric

pieces at once, instead of going back and forth from cutting to sewing and then back

to cutting again.

To prep the pattern, I use a piece of cardstock to fold a crease on all the internal lines

within the pattern. You don't have to do this for the external seam allowance line.

Now it's time to start sewing our fabrics together. Your pattern should have numbers

or letters to indicate the order you sew your fabric. So section 1 is for fabric choice


Flip the pattern over so you're looking at the backside of the pattern. Just a note,

the fabric piecing will be happening on the back of the pattern so realize when it's

done it may be the mirror image of what it looks like on the front of the pattern.

I'll take fabric one and place it over section 1 with the right side of the fabric facing

up. Because I cut the piece larger than the section it should be going outside of my lines

by more than a ¼".

Next, I'm going to take fabric #2 because we're going to sew 1 and 2 together for

our first seam. It gets placed on fabric 1, right sides together.

This seems easy and basic but we need to make sure one we sew our seam

connecting our fabric 2 and fabric 1 when these get pressed apart.

Fabric 2 needs to cover it's section of fabric 2.

So to test this all I'm doing is just roughly placing fabric 2 and fabric 1 together.

I'm now going to flip this over.

And I can see that both fabrics are at least going past my stitch line, which is this line right here, by more than a 1/4"

Now to make sure that fabric 2 is going to cover section 2, I can fold along this line.

And you can see

that there is no fabric over on this section, so my placement of fabric 2 is a little off.

I can adjust this.

And it does not matter that these 2 edges are not perfectly lined up.

But I can move it and again I wan't fabric 2 to go past this other section, or my line between 2 and 3 by more than a 1/4".

So now I can place it.

This side seems ok, I going to check this side and see if.

Maybe it's a little short, so it does look a little short. Maybe I'll switch my fabric this way and it will fit a little bit better.

This is just making these little adjustments to make sure that everything is going to work out perfectly.

So I can check here, it looks like it is covering.

It's going past this line by 1/4", so if that looks good, Im going to flip this back, grab a pin.

Put in my straight pin

And now I can take this to my sewing machine like this, knowing that things are going to work out.

At your sewing machine, set your stitch length to 1.5 and you can use either an all-purpose

thread or a 100% cotton thread. Place the pattern under your foot at the line

between 1 and 2. I'm going to start a stitch or two before the line and end a stitch or

two after the line. Sew directly on your line and don't forget to backstitch. This is

why you need a printout for each pattern because you're sewing on the paper and can't reuse

the pattern.

At my cutting mat, I'm going to fold my pattern directly on the stitch line and you

should see your fabric. Lay your ruler so it extends past the paper ¼" and trim your

fabric with a rotary cutter. This will give you your seam allowance. Do not cut next to

the folded edge of the paper or you'll end up with no seam allowance.

Once it's trimmed, you can pull fabric 1 and 2 apart so you can see the right side

of both fabrics. Use a Seam roller or a hot iron to press the area flat.

If you did it correctly, you can flip the pattern over and each fabric should cover

its respective area. So with the first one done, I'll move on

to section 3. Place fabric 3 over fabric 2, right sides together.

Flip to the right side of the pattern. Fold the pattern on the line between 2 and 3. Is

section 3 of the pattern covering fabric 3 or do I need to adjust it?

Once it looks good, put in a pin to hold.

Then sew this line at your sewing machine.

Take it to your mat, fold on this line again and trim so you have ¼" for seam allowance

past the folded edge of the pattern.

Press the fabrics apart. And then repeat the process for any fabric number sections you

have after this. Once you have the whole pattern filled, take

it back to your mat with the pattern right side up and trim around the whole pattern.

Again, if your pattern doesn't have the ¼" seam allowance around the outside, make

sure to add this.

If your fabric is difficult to cut around the edge, because it keeps shifting, spray

the fabric with a little bit of spray starch before trimming.

Once the whole thing is trimmed, spritz the fabric with water and press with a hot iron

and your first pattern is complete.

Once you have all your patterns done, you can now sew them together either by sewing

your blocks together or if you have irregular shapes or strips, consult your pattern directions.

Pieces or blocks will be placed right sides together, pinned and stitched directly on

the seam allowance line.

Once you have your pieces sewn together, you can now remove the paper backing. To do this,

you can pull to pop it from the stitches, spritz with water to weaken the paper, and

use your fingers or tweezers to pull it out. This can be a time consuming process but it

must be done. When finished, you'll have a completed quilt

top and can continue to make your quilt using traditional quilting methods of making your

quilt sandwich.

This type of quilting takes practice but you'll be amazed at the lovely designs you'll be

able to make with this process.

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of our new releases. Also, check out to view our complete library with well over

450 sewing tutorials. If you would like to directly support us, you can join our YouTube

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