Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 10 2017

There's probably been about a million videos

on the BEST and WORST ANIMATED Episodes of Dragon Ball Super flooded throughout YouTube,

but I've never seen anyone touch on Super's storyboarding.

For those who don't know, an anime's storyboard is essentially the skeleton of the episode

– it's a critical component of an episode's visual language.

It's what determines the cinematography, the acting, and perhaps most critically in

a show like Dragon Ball, it determines the choreography and framing of the action.

The animation is of course still incredibly important, and the quality of an animator's

work plays a critical part in how well an episode's storyboard is executed.

For example, Yukio Kaizawa is one of the most talented directors and storyboard artists

at Toei, and his work on Episode 35 of Super is very strong as far as composition goes.

It's packed with unique angles that help establish the scale of the fight and there

are great facial expressions for the more comedic moments, but it's also filled with

some hugely challenging EXTREME angles that the animators clearly struggled to translate

to the screen as intended.

As a result, this episode is nowhere near as strong as it could have been.

In the list I've put together today, I'm not just taking into account the raw storyboard

for an episode, I'm also looking at just how well executed it is.

Did they do the storyboard justice?

So without further ado, let's jump in at number 5:

Kohei Hatano's Episode 38 is one of the first instances of a Super fight having a

dramatic impact on me.

This episode is all about establishing Hit as a terrifying threat at this tournament.

Hatano's storyboard realises this idea wonderfully by putting a real emphasis on dramatic low


From Vegeta's first move that sends him flying, Hatano uses a panning shot that shows

Hit looming over Vegeta, and this is very much a running theme.

Even in dialogue scenes, the camera is placed sinisterly low, and Hit looms over the frame.

Again, when Vegeta's totally down, another dramatic pan is used, and you guessed it,

Hit is looming over Vegeta.

He is terrifying threat, absolutely demolishing one of the series' main characters, and

the board delivers that so convincingly.

The action is remarkably well done, too.

In Vegeta's fight, there's an emphasis on single blows, which is backed up nicely

by some powerful compositions that definitely make for nice screenshots.

I really love the finale punch that's composed dead center in the frame with the horizontal

effects cutting the screen in half.

It's such a powerful finisher, and the shot that follows uses a great canted angle that

helps establish the distance between the two.

Goku's fight is very different, though.

The angles become far more dynamic, but much like the script demands, it frames Goku in

powerful positions, this time.

Whether it be Goku pouncing at Hit, or dropping down from above, he's always the most commanding

part of the composition.

He might not necessarily be winning the fight at this point, but Hit is no longer being

framed ominously.

Any of the threatening visual language from the first half is totally gone, which works

great since it leads nicely into Goku landing that single blow to wrap up the episode, and

let the audience know he has a fighting chance.

It's such a great episode and is a real textbook case of how a storyboard can control

the atmosphere of the action, and kind of manipulate your perception of the events,

without actually saying anything.

One of the runner ups for this video is Hatano's episode 56, which also uses many of the techniques

I've spoken about here – next time you watch it, check out just how often Black is

above everyone.

Coming in at number 4 is Ryota Nakamura's Episode 65.

For those who don't know, Nakamura was made Dragon Ball Super's series director along

with Tatsuya Nagamine for the start of the Universe Survival arc.

He was also responsible for some fan favourite episodes prior to this one like Episode 39

where Goku uses the Kaioken, and episode 57, where Goku and Trunks face off against Black

and Zamasu.

He's one of the most talented staff on Super, but for me, Episode 65 stands as one of his

absolute best.

This episode is the first time we see Merged Zamasu in action, and good god, does Nakamura

take the godly themes to the absolute max.

Zamasu is framed so high above everyone in this episode – he is an immovable figure

that lights up the sky, and Goku and Vegeta are made to look as small as possible at every

opportunity thanks to these fantastically extreme angles.

Notice how even when he's throwing beams around, he never once loses that stature.

Moreover, in almost every close-up, Nakamura has Zamasu looking down his nose at everyone,


This is perfect characterisation through composition – it really doesn't get much better than


Another aspect that Nakamura does very well is establishing the chaos experienced by the

survivors in this timeline.

He makes great uses of shadows, and close-ups of people's feet as they run.

It's unnerving and disorientating, and that's exactly the atmosphere this episode needs.

In the second half where the action ramps up, we've got great godly compositions where

Zamasu catches Goku and Vegeta's fists.

Again, much like I mentioned earlier, he's entirely immovable.

When things start to go wrong, we've got great low angles.

For the beam struggles, the scale needed is realised perfectly, and of course, there's

no way I could round this up without mentioning the classic Obari pose as Trunks draws his


Episode 66 might have been packed to the brim with great animation, but Nakamura's board

here is, in my eyes, significantly stronger.

You definitely won't forgot this one.

The runner up from Nakamura's episodes has to go to Episode 75.

From all the wonderful action to the melancholic atmosphere in the second half, it's an episode

that reminds us that the treatment of downtime episodes is just as important as anything

from the major story arcs.

Number 3 has to go to Episode 110.

This is from one of Super's newest directors, Masato Mitsuka, who is one of the absolute

best additions this series has ever had, and –SPOILERS— they also hold the number 2


Super's special was of course broken into two episodes 109 and 110, and while both were

very well storyboarded, Mitsuka's 110 is just that touch stronger.

After Goku is seemingly defeated from being hit by his own Genki Dama, the atmosphere

surrounding the events is very ominous.

Mitsuka's board conveys this really well by utilising a whole bunch of dynamic ultra-wide

shots of the damaged arena.

It sells the gravitas of the event perfectly, but the clincher is absolutely on the way

he frames Beerus throughout this tense moment.

The camera is kept very low and Beerus's face is totally obscured.

He's pushing your eyes onto Beerus' subtle movements, like his hands shaking, his teeth


One of my favourite parts is where he opts to have the camera entirely out of focus aside

from Beerus, as he stands behind the other spectators.

It isolates him from everyone and that's so critical for this moment.

Just before Goku emerges, he has the arena's sun pass behind the pillar, and that's such

a great little visual cue that something's about to happen.

From here on out, it's just perfect.

You have Goku in silhouetted just before the big reveal, which he draws out nicely by only

showing his back for quite some time.

Of course the fight itself is just packed to the brim with great angles, and if you've

seen my breakdown of this episode, you'll know that the very talented animators on board

here 100% delivered in bringing this board to life.

Mitsuka understands drama, he gets tension, and clearly understands action.

He's a wonderful talent to have on board, and with only three episodes to his name so

far, I cannot wait to see what he does next.

Chugging along with this Mitsuka train, the number 2 spot goes to his work on episode


This utilises pretty much everything we saw in 110, and while the board is certainly not

as entwined with the narrative as that was, the actual angles and the sheer variety of

scenes pushes it a touch above, for me.

Muten Roshi hanging out with Karin and Yajirobe has him reflecting on his time training there

as a youth, along with some pretty spooky talk about this being his "final training".

Mitsuka frames the scene with an emphasis on the details in the environment, which narratively

is tied into him reminiscing, but it's also part of playing into the audience's nostalgia


While it ends in a funny little gag about how he can't fly, the scene's impact isn't


Much like in the last episode with Beerus, the discussion between the Gods of Destruction

over Freeza utilises similar framing where the focus is on canted angles and close-ups

of certain parts of the body.

Again, it's unnerving and is a pretty common but very effective way of creating an uneasy


The second half of this episode is where the board really shines, though.

When Goku notices something within Baba's palace, he focuses the camera on the reflection

of the water as Goku walks towards it, which is just genius.

As he gets inside, his talent for atmosphere shines through once again – we get a focus

on the environment, holding shots on the candles before they eventually blow out and Freeza


These are such cool little details that don't say much by themselves, but as you can see,

absolutely elevate a scene when used together.

The dialogue between Goku and Freeza is just so perfectly framed.

The camera is so intimate, but it's also an uncomfortable angle, so it's kind of


The great expressions from Yuichi Karasawa's animation only elevates that further.

Once the assassins arrive, the episode ramps up once again.

We've got great looming crowd shots as they surround the palace, and of course, the star

of the episode – Freeza's transformation.

Honestly, I feel like it speaks for itself as this point.

So many great angles – it's such a cut above the movie.

Coming in at number 1.

This is an all-star episode, bringing together the two series directors, Tatsuya Nagamine

and Ryota Nakamura, along with a young and very talented director, Megumi Ishitani.

The first half of the episode is from Ishitani, who being so young, was overseen by Nagamine.

Her storyboard is absolutely fantastic.

The opening scene between Frost and Champa, uses silhouettes very effectively, and I love

the framing of Frost entirely OUT of the frame as he bows down to Champa, who won't even

turn his body towards him, initally.

The best part of this is of course the use of a flash of light to seamlessly transfer

between the past and the present.

As Frost approaches on Kamesennin, we get a whole host of unnerving angles as he tries

to work out where exactly he's approaching from.

Of course, when he does appear, it doesn't go too well, and the storyboard certainly

emphasises that with some powerful low angles.

I particularly like the spiral as he's thrown away – that shape is a bit of a running

theme throughout.

I could honestly break this episode down shot by shot.

It is just filled to the brim with perfectly composed shots.

Whether it be interesting looking action, powerful expressions, unusual angles, dynamic

angles, and whatever else you could think of, it's all here.

It managed to turn what could have very easily been a remarkably mediocre episode into one

of the best in the tournament.

It has drama, it has tension, it has emotion.

It's the perfect package as far as storyboarding and direction goes.

It's the type of approach I hope we see when this arc's finale rolls around.

This level of master direction combined with the best animators this show has to offer

could very easily bring about Super's best episode.

Thanks so much for watching.

I hope this video was interesting – and if you weren't familiar with storyboarding

previously, I hope it's at least opened your eyes to just how important it is, and

how much it can elevate an episode.

With that in mind, let me know what your favourite storyboards are down below.

For all of Super's early animation issues, its storyboards have been its strongest aspect

since day 1.

There's a stack of episodes I couldn't cover today, so let me know what you enjoyed

and if there are any you think deserve a spot more than what's here.

Be sure to rate the video and subscribe if you're new, and as always, I will see you

next time.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Dragon Ball Super Storyboards - Duration: 12:26.


Optimus Prime vs Bonecrusher | Transformers (2007) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:05.

- No, no, no, no, no. - What?

It's the same cop! Block them, block them, block them.

Oh, my God.

Cool, Mom!

For more infomation >> Optimus Prime vs Bonecrusher | Transformers (2007) Movie Clip - Duration: 2:05.


CHRISTMAS 'PASS THE PARCEL' GAME for kids, families, school, kids church and Children's Ministry - Duration: 3:36.

yes welcome to my channel where I put up short video tutorials to help people

like you who are giving their time to teach children and today the kids and I

are going to show you a game called pass the parcel and we're gonna do it

Christmas style first I'm going to show you what you need for the game and then

the kids and I are gonna show you how we play the game and then at the end of the

clip I'll have a few extra tips for you well let's get started

who was Mary engaged to? Joseph well done

what'd you get? pencil!

why did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem? so they can get counted

When Jesus was born angels appeared to some .... Shepherds

How did the wisemen know that the King has been born? because of the star in the sky.

so what did you think of that little Christmas pass the parcel game?

pretty easy isn't it and it's a great little game for review now if you get child who

doesn't know the answer to the question all you do is throw it out to the rest

of the group and say hey can anyone can help Johnny out with that question and

then the kids help out and then you keep going on with the game. now if you'd like

more Christmas lesson ideas I do have a Christmas playlist that I keep adding to

so you can check that out when you have time and there's just one more thing

I wanted to take a moment and thank so many of you who visit here and watch and

subscribe many of you 'like' my videos and even make kind and encouraging comments

thank you so much for that. now if you're new to my channel and you haven't

subscribed you can just subscribe, tap the Bell and you'll be notified whenever

I put up a new clip

For more infomation >> CHRISTMAS 'PASS THE PARCEL' GAME for kids, families, school, kids church and Children's Ministry - Duration: 3:36.


O čem je komunitní práce kolem Káčka SANANIM - Duration: 2:50.

We are Contact Center SANANIM (dropin center).

Drug users come to our program.

The vast majority of our clients are very good people.

But sometimes and uncommonly we do have some troubles here in the park (next to the dropin).

So sometimes people from the neighborhood are not excited of our presence here.

Fortunately, the situation is better and the coexistence is better too (of neighbors, workers and drug users).

We offer Harm Reduction interventions to drug users at the dropin center.

We also offer help to relatives of drug users.

We are very concerned about the de-stigmatization of our clients.

To show to the society that they are just people like everybody else.

And that we can live together, be happy together and love each other.

The community work we do here is mainly about good relationships

with people that are living here,

but also with organizations governmental or non-governmental,

also with schools, churches, libraries and also pharmacies and state institutions.

Here are our colleagues, who care about peace and security in the park. Hello!

Here is a playground, we care about it too,

to be clean and safe ... ... and to be clean and safe :-)

Be careful not to step on this gentleman or boy or hermaphrodite.

- Hello! - Hello! You got nice hat! - Really? Thanks!

For more infomation >> O čem je komunitní práce kolem Káčka SANANIM - Duration: 2:50.


TOP Facts EXID [ESP][ENG SUB] - Duration: 2:58.

The name of EXID is the abbreviation of the phrase

which symbolizes to go beyond your dreams

LE the rapper of the group and producer was a

from the authors of the song "Up & Down" that today exceeds more than 72 million reproductions

in Youtube

His producer Shinsadong Tiger was named

as one of the most influential people in the Kpop of the year 2011. COW: I thought the Valentine Asian

They promoted the song "Up & Down" in plazas and shopping malls in Seoul until

Two months after its launch

By Lola1. PART 1

Solji during his apprentice era to be an idol

I had a singing teacher who was very mean to her

he told him that with his level he could never become an idol

many times it made her cry and get very bad

ironically in 2015, EXID was the most wanted K-Pop band

beating EXO, Big Bang and Girl Generations for the excellent talent of his singer


If it were not for the viral that was one of the

Hani's fancams, which exceeded 24 million views. COW: Millions of grateful teenagers

probably the band would have dissolved

that's what some people say

bad people

COW: Real ovations. Link in the comment box

In China, for diplomatic reasons

is restricted in itself the K-Pop or they go K-Pop bands

but EXID is the only band that is allowed. COW: EXID is a vice allowed for the Chinese

By Lola1. PART 2

They exhausted the tickets of their first tour in

Asia in about 40 seconds

Solji did not participate in the promotion of the CD Night Rather Than Day

because he was under treatment for hyperthyroidism

Hyerin worked in an ice cream parlor during the first years of EXID before its great

success "UP & DOWN"

Unlike many K-Pop bands, the EXID members do not live together

By Lola1. PART 3

Jeonghwa studies radio at Global Cyber ​​University since one of his intentions is to be a journalist.

LE invented the name of his fan club LEGGO



Hani is gifted since she has 145 IQ points

what makes her be considered a genius

I am Lola and this is Señora Vaca

Do not forget to like our page From Facebook

lavacaesunpeluche Subscribe, give little hand up

and share it with all your friends do not forget to leave us curious

of EXID that we have not put in this video so we include it in a second part

We have other K-Pop videos so you can go through the channel and review the ones that

you like See you next time


For more infomation >> TOP Facts EXID [ESP][ENG SUB] - Duration: 2:58.


Colisão - Eleve Music | Eleve Pulse - Duration: 12:08.

For more infomation >> Colisão - Eleve Music | Eleve Pulse - Duration: 12:08.


These Pigeons Have Built-In Warning Alarms - Duration: 4:55.

spend five minutes in any forest and you'll probably hear birds chirping the

kind of vocal communication which are sounds animals make with their mouth or

throat parts like talking roaring or meowing and there are tons of papers out

there about birdsong and how it can mean anything from look how cool my feathers

are to run away but about a hundred and fifty years ago Charles Darwin had a

thought what if the non vocal sounds that birds make like by flapping their

wings mean something to scientists have been looking into this question for a

while and this week a study from the Australian National University seems to

give more evidence that Darwin was right if you've spent any time on mainland

Australia you'll have heard the crested pidgin whistle except it isn't a mouth

sound they whistle when they flap their wings which got them the nickname

whistle winged pigeons say that five times fast in the 2009 paper researchers

had noticed something important other pigeons seem to react to the whistle so

a group of biologists including one of the previous paper's authors wanted to

do more tests to see if the noise actually communicated something in the

2009 research they measured crested pigeon wing feathers and discovered a

weirdly thin one specifically the eighth primary feather measurements in both

studies showed that the pigeons produced two distinct notes as their wings flap

and vibrate the feathers one is much higher than the other also when the

birds were flying away in a hurry they flapped faster and the sound was louder

so the researchers carefully removed the weird feather from some birds all in the

name of science it's okay they grow back without the narrow feather the highest

note disappeared and wind tunnel experiments confirmed that the feather

makes the noise when it's vibrating on its own most importantly the researchers

compared the reaction of other crested pigeons to recordings of birds flying

away with and without the special feather and there was a clear difference

when the other birds heard the high-pitched sound they were more likely

to get out of there in a hurry as if there were an alarm blaring but if they

heard the recordings without that alarm they were more likely to stick around or

take off more leisurely this gives some solid evidence for Darwin's nonverbal

communication idea showing how the sound is produced and how other birds respond

to it and the researchers say it makes sense evolutionarily to these pigeons

are always going to make a sound if there's danger nearby so more birds know

to escape and stay alive unless a scientist comes along and takes away

some of their feathers but enough about birds let's talk about

humans because if you're a student a parent or really anyone you've probably

been sleep-deprived before you feel sluggish like your mind is swimming

through fog to make decisions and everything just seems harder and this

week researchers from UCLA took a deep look into the biology behind this

feeling when you're tired your neurons sort of go to sleep - in a paper

published in the journal Nature Medicine this team of neuroscientists monitored

the brain activity of 12 patients who had electrodes in their heads before you

get too weirded out by that the patients were already in the hospital to get

treatment for epilepsy epilepsy is a super broad term for abnormal brain

activity that causes seizures there's a lot of variation in causes and symptoms

which means treatments can vary a lot - sometimes it's hard to pinpoint the

exact brain region that's affected so doctors can implant electrodes to keep

track of the electrical signals throughout the brain when a seizure

happens and this can help doctors decide if brain surgery is worth the risk to

remove something that might be causing the seizures like scar tissue and when

doctors want to cause a seizure in a controlled hospital setting sleep

deprivation is key electrical activity in the brain changes when you're asleep

or awake so messing with that cycle can influence seizures this worked out well

for these researchers - they had a group of probably bored sleep-deprived people

with their brain signals being monitored so they can see what happens to neurons

when we force ourselves to stay awake at different times the patients were given

a set of images to categorize as quickly as they could while the researchers

monitored brain activity in a region called the temporal lobe among other

things the temporal lobe translates sensory information into conscious

thoughts basically information processing like if I see a roundish red

thing with a brown stem on top my temporal lobe helps me recognize that

it's an Apple the scientists noticed that the neurons in the temporal lobe

actually fired more slowly and passed along weaker signals as the patients did

this task after staying awake longer the researchers also measured brain waves

the repeating cycles of many neurons firing and these brain waves slowed down

in certain regions - so they kind of looked like the ones linked with sleep

we've known for a long time that sleep deprivation can mess with how you act

but this is the first study in humans that might explain what's going on

biologically the researchers say the effects of these basically sleeping

neurons are similar to being drunk which has huge implications for things like

driving like it's going to take longer for your brain to process an unexpected

pedestrian on the road and react so that's maybe something to

think about next time you're watching Netflix until 3 a.m. thanks for watching

this episode of scishow news and thanks especially to all of our patrons on

patreon who make this show possible if you want to help us keep making episodes

like this go to and don't forget to go to and subscribe


For more infomation >> These Pigeons Have Built-In Warning Alarms - Duration: 4:55.


MY #1 LIFE And GYM HACK/VR Porn While Playing Violin - Duration: 10:20.

good morning how is your day good morning happy birthday

I'm gonna give you what I think are the most important tips for building the

body and the brain and your life I'm here in my backyard this is the house

that I grow up in and speaking of violin I just started to

practice again I've only been practicing once every week or two

I fucking hated practicing so much before that I would

get up at 5:00 a.m. in morning before school starts and practice for an hour

and a half because violin is so hard it is so it's so difficult and so much

grinding I have to do that I couldn't concentrate in class unless I get it

over with so yeah I'm the type of person that gets a sour over with before the

sweets and apparently that worked out to my advantage because I was reading a study

about how your brain is the most effective and the most efficient and the

sharpest just a couple of hours after you wake up so that you should always

perform the most difficult task and the most important task in your life in

accordance to goals first thing in the morning. Yesterday I'll stay up until

like 4:00 a.m. just looking at VHS tapes because I found this

converter where you can convert that to digital file and I was looking through

hours of tapes starting from when I was starting from 2000 all the way to 2005

why have you decided to change your ways why don't you act like an idiot

anymore. I used to have a crush on this girl I used to play this clip

my baseman and then it just pause and then like fap and she agreed to go

to prom with me but she flaked out on me so you know I

never had a girlfriend never went to prom. And at the same time I had like

crush on three other girls in that basketball class which is why I always

sneak in during my lunch break to try to impress them with my basketball skills

yeah I think I should look them up on Instagram or something and slide them at

DM I bet I can fuck at least one of them now

looks like I have predicted vlogs and prank videos 10 years before YouTube

This is the room delivered my practice every


the brain is an organ and it takes up glucose and resources and you want to

savor your energy for the most important tasks first before

you run out of resources and you can apply this strategy to your training too

let's say if at this mesocycle my goal is to bring out my squat then I should

always squat first if you're doing a push workout but your shoulder is

lacking behind your chest you should always start your workout with military

press and then go to chest

Mozart said the only way music is possible is because of the silence is in

between the notes and the space between the notes see before when I was

listening or play music I could only perceive the notes but I

couldn't have a taste of the silence of the space in between the note so if you

could only perceive the form and not the formlessness that gives rise to it

you are only really listening to the yang part of the music but not the yin

and another way to look at it is that before I could only perceive the

temporal aspect of music the way the music unfolds in time but I couldn't

perceive the spatial part of it which also it's the other half of the equation

because reality is made up of the space-time fabric now when I listen to

music I don't just hear it unfolding in time anymore I can actually see the

three-dimensional sculpture element of the entire piece so when you hear a

piece of music he almost feels like you're walking it around

a three-dimensional form a sculpture what is music but sculpting time right?

the reason why I started playing violin is because my mom forced me to when I

was five and she wanted me to go to music conservatories but you know I

didn't care throughout high school and college I just wanted to play ball so this is

back and forth bargain between practicing for two hours in one hour so

eventually my mom got me a pair of these shoes it's called Air Jordan Space Jams

Those are the new retros that

just came out because of the shoes that practice for an hour and a half when I

wear them you know there are aesthetics for sure but when I wear them it's all

about the the consciousness generated from the shoes

you should always perform that most

important task before you check your phone first in the morning you look at

that stuff you get stuck into the black hole right

because your minds a connecting machine he's gonna keep just keep making

connections and go deeper and deeper even after you put on your phone your

brain is already hijacked but other people's business buy stuff and

information that has nothing to do or even detrimental to your gains just think of

it as like a mini no fap because when you look at your phone basically it's

like all the information it stimulates extra little neurons and you're like

ejaculating out dopamine you already came.

we're so desensitized we don't realize how like just the tiniest stimuli can

have a huge effect when it trickles down your brain

if you do the most important task first you can come back to it later. If your goal

is cancer you wake up and smoke a cigarette first

but if your goal is the opposite which is immortality or self-actualization or

enlightenment then yeah you should meditate or to self-inquiry first

thing in the morning and you do that for an hour before you even get out of the

bed and then you go on with your day maybe you fell off track

you have to work after school you went out with your friends you drank you you

fuck some hoes and then you wake up in the middle of the night be like 12a my

name you're like holy shit I gotta go home so you go home and then before you go

back to sleep you meditate for another half an hour. An now I'm gonna show you

a technique that I use when I practice violin

it's called confuse the neurons babe so I'm working on this piece called the Bach

Partita Presto it's sixteenth notes throughout that means every note it's

fast and even and it should be played smoothly fluidly and clean it's like two

pages but if you're just starting off this piece your fingers might be jumbled

up you my play on unevenly. What to do at that point? you break the piece down into

different configurations of rhythms and different combinations of timing and

then put it together at the end and

For more infomation >> MY #1 LIFE And GYM HACK/VR Porn While Playing Violin - Duration: 10:20.


Trump Rejected 5 Women Sent to Hotel Room, "We Don't Do That Type of Stuff" Bodyguard Says. - Duration: 4:02.

Report: Trump Rejected 5 Women Sent to Hotel Room, "We Don't Do That Type of Stuff"

Bodyguard Says.

Ever since it was made public by BuzzFeed News in January, there has been plenty of

discussion about the "dossier" compiled by a former British spy on behalf of Democrat-aligned

political opposition research firm, Fusion GPS.

It leveled all sorts of unproven allegations against President Donald Trump.

Trump's longtime bodyguard and chief of security Keith Schiller was called before

the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday for a four hour, closed door hearing, where

he testified under oath about a number of issues, including the dossier, CNN reported.

Schiller either denied or couldn't recall any of the accusations put forward in the

dossier, despite repeated and repetitive questions from his congressional interlocutors.

NBC News reported that Schiller explicitly denied one of the more salacious allegations

in the dossier.

It claimed Russian hookers were sent to Trump's hotel room during a trip to Moscow in 2013,

where they were said to have engaged in certain activities that were caught on tape and held

as blackmail by the Russians.

In Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant, it was claimed that a Russian participant in

the event informed Schiller that he would be sending "five women" to Trump's room

for his entertainment, but Schiller testified that he rejected that offer.

"We don't do that type of stuff," Schiller stated, according to two sources familiar

with his testimony before the committee.

Schiller recalled telling Trump about the offer later in the day and noted how they

both laughed it off as ridiculous.

He testified that Trump went to bed alone that evening with Schiller posted outside

his room for a time before retiring for the night himself.

Though he admitted that he didn't know if anything had occurred after he had left his

post outside the room, he nevertheless testified under oath that he was confident nothing happened,

certainly nothing involving Russian prostitutes.

Schiller also made sure to note that Trump was always well aware that he could be under

surveillance at any time, and made a habit of warning his associates to always be careful

of what they said and did, particularly in a foreign country.

It was also reported that Schiller testified to his reaction upon first seeing the Russian

prostitute allegation put forward in the dossier, in which he claimed to have stated, "Oh

my God, that's bullsh**."

It is worth noting that Schiller's rejection of the prostitutes is not a new story, but

was first reported by The Daily Caller back in January, shortly after the dossier was

first made public.

At that time, an unnamed adviser to Trump was asked about the contents of the dossier,

particularly about the Russian prostitutes.

That adviser told the reporter that he knew for a fact that the supposed incident never

occurred, and named Russian pop star Emin Alagarov as the individual who sent the women

up to Trump's room.

Emin was the son of Russian billionaire oligarch Aras Alagarov, who had partnered with Trump

to host the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow.

When Schiller received word of Emin's offer, he flatly rejected it and posted guards outside

Trump's room to ensure nobody entered.

Based upon Schiller's testimony, it would appear that he then took over for those guards

at the end of the evening when Trump had gone to bed, alone.

Once again, we see one of the anti-Trump media's narratives utterly blown out of the water.

They have tried repeatedly to smear Trump as some sort of womanizing sexist, the sort

who would take full advantage of Russian hookers sent to his hotel room.

But unless Trump's most trusted associate and former chief of security just lied under

oath to Congress, none of that ever happened, and wouldn't have happened, as "We don't

do that type of stuff."

Please share this news to let everyone know that Keith Schiller just shot down a big part

of the anti-Trump dossier while testifying under oath to Congress.

What do you think of Schiller's testimony debunking the smears of the anti-Trump dossier?

Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe top stories today.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Trump Rejected 5 Women Sent to Hotel Room, "We Don't Do That Type of Stuff" Bodyguard Says. - Duration: 4:02.


DIRECT: Player Unknow - BattleGround [PUBG] - Duration: 1:48:27.

For more infomation >> DIRECT: Player Unknow - BattleGround [PUBG] - Duration: 1:48:27.


Star Citizen - что есть сейчас - стрим? стоит ли покупать ? Alpha 3.0 gameplay - Duration: 1:25:37.

For more infomation >> Star Citizen - что есть сейчас - стрим? стоит ли покупать ? Alpha 3.0 gameplay - Duration: 1:25:37.


Snipperclips Plus előzetes - Nintendo Switch - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Snipperclips Plus előzetes - Nintendo Switch - Duration: 0:31.


Nasal Congestion & Sinus Pressure Relief: Tips & Remedies | Vicks Sinex - Duration: 1:35.


Suffering from sinus congestion is no fun at all.


Here are some tips on how to alleviate sinus pressure.


The sinuses are a system of cavities in your skull

that can become inflamed when you have a cold or allergies.

The congestion and pressure happens most in the eyes, forehead, and cheeks.


There are several things you can do to feel better.

Give yourself a sinus relief massage by applying moderate pressure

with your fingers.


Prep a bowl of medium hot water, then drape a towel over your head

as you breathe in the steam, or take a shower.

Either will help ease congestion and drain mucus.

Some people find that spicy foods like peppers or hot mustard

may help to open up their nasal passages, relieving

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Over the counter medications, such as Sinex Liquicaps can alleviate

sinus congestion, pressure, and pain.

Sinex Nasal Spray also provides fast congestion and pressure relief.

Clear your sinuses and relax, because we all

know it's hard to rest when you have too much going on in your head.


Check out our other helpful videos.

Subscribe to our channel to find out when we add new ones

and share your best sinus relief tips in the comments.


For more infomation >> Nasal Congestion & Sinus Pressure Relief: Tips & Remedies | Vicks Sinex - Duration: 1:35.


Like Arttırma Hilesi Programsız %100 Çalışıyor. - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Like Arttırma Hilesi Programsız %100 Çalışıyor. - Duration: 4:13.


Finally Fall & Fall Favorites Tags - Duration: 6:34.

Hi, it's Maija here, and today I'm going to do two tags in one video, because I

was tagged to do two fall related tags and fall is almost over. We have already

got our first snow here in Finland - it melted away, but still - it is cold and

I need to do these fall tags. I'm trying to be quite brief so this video won't be

really long, and I'm going to do the Finally Fall tag and the Fall Favorites tag.

So first the Finally Fall tag, which I

was tagged to do by Lia from Lia Cooper and the original was created by

Tall Tales. So the first question is: "In fall, the air is crisp and clear: name a

book with a vivid setting." And I would say Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. In

this one the house and grounds really feel like a character in themselves. The

second question is: "Nature is beautiful... but also dying: name a book that is

beautifully written, but also deals with a heavy topic like loss or grief." The

Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson. It's so dark, but so good. Number three:

"Fall is back-to-school season: share a non-fiction book that taught you

something new." Now this was a difficult one, since I don't really read that much

non-fiction, but I am looking forward to what The Black Count by Tom Reiss will

tell me of Alexandre Dumas' grandfather. "In order to keep warm, it's

good to spend some time with the people we love: name a fictional family or

household or friend group that you'd like to be a part of." I thought about this for

a long time, since a lot of the people in the books that I read, I do like them, but I

wouldn't want to live where they live, and they get into these really dangerous

adventures. So I went with a safe bet and I went with living with the Moomins in

Moomin Valley, since their adventures aren't really that dangerous, they eat a

lot of good food, they sleep through the whole winter, they have it cozy, and money

doesn't really exist. Sounds good. Number five: "The colorful leaves are piling up

on the ground: show us a pile of fall- colored spines." Okay, let's do this.

I hate you so much for making me get up. Question number six: "Fall is the perfect

time for some storytelling by the fireside: share a book wherein somebody is

telling a story." I felt like I do know a lot of these, but none

came to mind, so I picked up Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, since in

this one there's this narrative framework that is in a lot of classics,

that the story isn't told by the main characters, but someone who is being told

the story by the main character. So in this one there's a sailor on a ship and Dr.

Frankenstein is telling his story to him and he is writing it down. Number seven:

"The nights are getting darker: share a dark, creepy read." The short story Hungry

Daughters of Starving Mothers by Alyssa Wong, I will leave a link to it in the

description. Number eight: "The days are getting colder: name a short, heartwarming

read that could warm up somebody's cold and rainy day."

That's definitely Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. Number nine: "Fall

returns every year: name an old favorite that you'd like to return to soon." I

would pick The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice and The Sandman graphic novel

series by Neil Gaiman. Number 10: "Fall is the perfect time for cozy reading nights:

share your favorite cozy reading accessories." Those would definitely be

woollen socks, a blanket, and tea, preferably in this cup. Number 11 is just

"Spread the autumn appreciation and tag some people." Autumn is over, people.

Now we're moving on to the Fall Favorites tag and I was tagged to do this by Reija

from Bofinkins, and it took a bit of digging, but I think the original was

created by Jaclyn Hill, even though it didn't have the book question. The

first three questions I'm gonna go through quite quickly since I don't have

a good enough answer for them. Number one is favorite fall candle, and I

don't really do candles. It sounds good in theory, but maybe I'm too lazy or

something to pick them out. And I don't really like scents that much. Number two, a

favorite fall lip color: black. I just have an off-brand black one.

Number three, favorite fall blush. I don't wear blush. So now we're moving on to the

rest of the questions. Number four is favorite fall drink, and I like some

spicy chai. Number five is favorite fall clothing

item, and those would be scarves, because scarves are one of the few cold-weather

clothes that I do like, and they don't have to be the really thick woollen ones

that I wear in the winter. It's cold in here in Finland, you guys. Question number

six is favorite fall movie, and I do like vampire movies during the fall. So

something like What We Do in the Shadows by Taika Waititi or Only Lovers Left

Alive by Jim Jarmusch, and also, this is not a vampire movie, or really a great

favorite, but I do love the visuals and the visuals work really well for creepy

autumn vibes, and that would be Crimson Peak by Guillermo del Toro. Question

number seven is favorite fall TV show, and I think this is supposed to be

one of those shows that start during the fall season, so like, a favorite TV show

that is back now. And I haven't really watched a lot of new TV, I watch Netflix

and I'm a bit behind with all the series. But one new show that I can think of that I've

been watching this fall season is Star Trek Discovery, and I do quite like it. If

this question was supposed to be about a fall-feeling TV show, I have no idea.

Number eight is favorite autumn food - the original question was favorite

Thanksgiving food, but, Finnish. So I would say for autumn foods, roasted root

vegetables. I like to put in rutabaga, parsnip, carrots and beetroot and some

red onion. It's really good. Number nine is favorite Halloween costume. All the

costumes that I've worn for Halloween have been for Halloween parties as an

adult, since we don't do really Halloween here - or at least we didn't when I was a

kid. I was this possessed doll with, like, a stitched mouth (it was just

drawn) and a white face and everything for one Halloween party about ten years

ago, maybe that one. I also was Beetlejuice one year quite recently,

but I think I could have done that better. I didn't really like the wig.

And the final question, question number 10 is favourite fall-ish book. I would say again

Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier, also the graphic novel Courtney Crumrin Volume 2:

The Coven of Mystics by Ted Naifeh. This was a bit of a hard question since I

don't really connect books with seasons. But wait,

I do think fairy tale retellings match very well with autumn, so maybe

everything by T. Kingfisher. Guys, I did it! I did the fall tags before it is

Christmas! I hope you enjoyed this video, that's all from me for now, I will see

you in my next one. Bye!

For more infomation >> Finally Fall & Fall Favorites Tags - Duration: 6:34.


New Style Boutique 3: Styling Star előzetes - Nintendo 3DS - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> New Style Boutique 3: Styling Star előzetes - Nintendo 3DS - Duration: 0:31.


CBC NL Here & Now Friday November 10 2017 - Duration: 1:02:46.

For more infomation >> CBC NL Here & Now Friday November 10 2017 - Duration: 1:02:46.


2017-11-10 AmeriCeltic Newsletter - Duration: 1:30.

The AmeriCeltic Newsletter of Friday, November 10th features upcoming Celtic News and Events

Accompanied by Michael Mullen's music video John Barleycorn

Shot on February 14th 2017 at Murphy's Irish Pub in Sonoma

Begins with an update on the North Bay Wildfires Fundraisers, then

Canadian Fiddler & Stepdancer April Verch & Band continue their tour with stops in Sutter Creek Friday, 11/10, Berkeley Saturday 11/11, and Chico Monday 11/13.

This Saturday, at 11 AM, Santa Cruz Bagpiper Elise Ferrell, gives a free Veteran's Day Bagpiping Concert, at Silver Mountain Winery in Los Gatos

This Saturday, at 8 PM, The 29th Annual Sea Music Concert Series concludes with Penny Opry, Joan Wilson Rueter and Rosie Steffy, aboard the Eureka in San Francisco.

This Saturday, at 7:00pm, The Pikeys, sing songs about Murder, Drinking and War at Father Paddy's, in Woodland.

This Weekend, Stuart Mason & John Weed have CD LAUNCH PARTY House Concerts in Fort Bragg Saturday November 11th and in Redwood City Sunday November 12th.

The World Premiere Run of Irish Epic, THE EVA TRILOGY by the Magic Theatre at Fort Mason Center in San Francisco concludes

Followed by an Editorial on Irelands High Tech future from AmeriCeltic co-founder Cecilia Fabos-Becker

And a Call for Travel Video and Story Submissions from YOU our READERS!

This Tuesday, at 7 PM, David Brewer solos at his Celtic Music Night at St. Andrews Church Aptos.

This Thursday, Hot Celtic dance band The Syncopaths begins a tour of Northern California with stops in Santa Clara 11/16, Little River 11/17, San Francisco on 11/19 and Pacific Grove 11/19

After Thanksgiving, the Holiday Affairs kick off on Saturday, November 25th with the Saint Andrews Society of San Francisco Saint Andrews Day Dinner at the Marines' Memorial Club, in San Francisco

December 1st through 22nd, Winterdance has it's annual holiday run with 10 shows in 9 cities!

Teada's Irish Christmas plays at the Kuumbwa Jazz Center on Thursday, November 30th, and Placer Arts At The State Theater on Friday, December 1st.

HOT show Fabulous Folk, returns with a FREE show

Tuesday, December 5th at the Theatre on San Pedro Square in downtown San Jose

Thursday, December 21st at 7:30 PM, An Irish Christmas returns to the Bankhead Theater in Livermore.

Our good friends at The Chieftain at 5th and Howard in SF offer great Celtic food and Craic every day!

For more infomation >> 2017-11-10 AmeriCeltic Newsletter - Duration: 1:30.


Nick Jonas - Say All You Want For Christmas (Lyrics / Lyric Video) ft. Shania Twain - Duration: 3:29.

Hey :P

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