Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 10 2017

yes welcome to my channel where I put up short video tutorials to help people

like you who are giving their time to teach children and today the kids and I

are going to show you a game called pass the parcel and we're gonna do it

Christmas style first I'm going to show you what you need for the game and then

the kids and I are gonna show you how we play the game and then at the end of the

clip I'll have a few extra tips for you well let's get started

who was Mary engaged to? Joseph well done

what'd you get? pencil!

why did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem? so they can get counted

When Jesus was born angels appeared to some .... Shepherds

How did the wisemen know that the King has been born? because of the star in the sky.

so what did you think of that little Christmas pass the parcel game?

pretty easy isn't it and it's a great little game for review now if you get child who

doesn't know the answer to the question all you do is throw it out to the rest

of the group and say hey can anyone can help Johnny out with that question and

then the kids help out and then you keep going on with the game. now if you'd like

more Christmas lesson ideas I do have a Christmas playlist that I keep adding to

so you can check that out when you have time and there's just one more thing

I wanted to take a moment and thank so many of you who visit here and watch and

subscribe many of you 'like' my videos and even make kind and encouraging comments

thank you so much for that. now if you're new to my channel and you haven't

subscribed you can just subscribe, tap the Bell and you'll be notified whenever

I put up a new clip

For more infomation >> CHRISTMAS 'PASS THE PARCEL' GAME for kids, families, school, kids church and Children's Ministry - Duration: 3:36.


TOP Facts EXID [ESP][ENG SUB] - Duration: 2:58.

The name of EXID is the abbreviation of the phrase

which symbolizes to go beyond your dreams

LE the rapper of the group and producer was a

from the authors of the song "Up & Down" that today exceeds more than 72 million reproductions

in Youtube

His producer Shinsadong Tiger was named

as one of the most influential people in the Kpop of the year 2011. COW: I thought the Valentine Asian

They promoted the song "Up & Down" in plazas and shopping malls in Seoul until

Two months after its launch

By Lola1. PART 1

Solji during his apprentice era to be an idol

I had a singing teacher who was very mean to her

he told him that with his level he could never become an idol

many times it made her cry and get very bad

ironically in 2015, EXID was the most wanted K-Pop band

beating EXO, Big Bang and Girl Generations for the excellent talent of his singer


If it were not for the viral that was one of the

Hani's fancams, which exceeded 24 million views. COW: Millions of grateful teenagers

probably the band would have dissolved

that's what some people say

bad people

COW: Real ovations. Link in the comment box

In China, for diplomatic reasons

is restricted in itself the K-Pop or they go K-Pop bands

but EXID is the only band that is allowed. COW: EXID is a vice allowed for the Chinese

By Lola1. PART 2

They exhausted the tickets of their first tour in

Asia in about 40 seconds

Solji did not participate in the promotion of the CD Night Rather Than Day

because he was under treatment for hyperthyroidism

Hyerin worked in an ice cream parlor during the first years of EXID before its great

success "UP & DOWN"

Unlike many K-Pop bands, the EXID members do not live together

By Lola1. PART 3

Jeonghwa studies radio at Global Cyber ​​University since one of his intentions is to be a journalist.

LE invented the name of his fan club LEGGO



Hani is gifted since she has 145 IQ points

what makes her be considered a genius

I am Lola and this is Señora Vaca

Do not forget to like our page From Facebook

lavacaesunpeluche Subscribe, give little hand up

and share it with all your friends do not forget to leave us curious

of EXID that we have not put in this video so we include it in a second part

We have other K-Pop videos so you can go through the channel and review the ones that

you like See you next time


For more infomation >> TOP Facts EXID [ESP][ENG SUB] - Duration: 2:58.


Snipperclips Plus előzetes - Nintendo Switch - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Snipperclips Plus előzetes - Nintendo Switch - Duration: 0:31.


Like Arttırma Hilesi Programsız %100 Çalışıyor. - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Like Arttırma Hilesi Programsız %100 Çalışıyor. - Duration: 4:13.


Finally Fall & Fall Favorites Tags - Duration: 6:34.

Hi, it's Maija here, and today I'm going to do two tags in one video, because I

was tagged to do two fall related tags and fall is almost over. We have already

got our first snow here in Finland - it melted away, but still - it is cold and

I need to do these fall tags. I'm trying to be quite brief so this video won't be

really long, and I'm going to do the Finally Fall tag and the Fall Favorites tag.

So first the Finally Fall tag, which I

was tagged to do by Lia from Lia Cooper and the original was created by

Tall Tales. So the first question is: "In fall, the air is crisp and clear: name a

book with a vivid setting." And I would say Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. In

this one the house and grounds really feel like a character in themselves. The

second question is: "Nature is beautiful... but also dying: name a book that is

beautifully written, but also deals with a heavy topic like loss or grief." The

Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson. It's so dark, but so good. Number three:

"Fall is back-to-school season: share a non-fiction book that taught you

something new." Now this was a difficult one, since I don't really read that much

non-fiction, but I am looking forward to what The Black Count by Tom Reiss will

tell me of Alexandre Dumas' grandfather. "In order to keep warm, it's

good to spend some time with the people we love: name a fictional family or

household or friend group that you'd like to be a part of." I thought about this for

a long time, since a lot of the people in the books that I read, I do like them, but I

wouldn't want to live where they live, and they get into these really dangerous

adventures. So I went with a safe bet and I went with living with the Moomins in

Moomin Valley, since their adventures aren't really that dangerous, they eat a

lot of good food, they sleep through the whole winter, they have it cozy, and money

doesn't really exist. Sounds good. Number five: "The colorful leaves are piling up

on the ground: show us a pile of fall- colored spines." Okay, let's do this.

I hate you so much for making me get up. Question number six: "Fall is the perfect

time for some storytelling by the fireside: share a book wherein somebody is

telling a story." I felt like I do know a lot of these, but none

came to mind, so I picked up Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, since in

this one there's this narrative framework that is in a lot of classics,

that the story isn't told by the main characters, but someone who is being told

the story by the main character. So in this one there's a sailor on a ship and Dr.

Frankenstein is telling his story to him and he is writing it down. Number seven:

"The nights are getting darker: share a dark, creepy read." The short story Hungry

Daughters of Starving Mothers by Alyssa Wong, I will leave a link to it in the

description. Number eight: "The days are getting colder: name a short, heartwarming

read that could warm up somebody's cold and rainy day."

That's definitely Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. Number nine: "Fall

returns every year: name an old favorite that you'd like to return to soon." I

would pick The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice and The Sandman graphic novel

series by Neil Gaiman. Number 10: "Fall is the perfect time for cozy reading nights:

share your favorite cozy reading accessories." Those would definitely be

woollen socks, a blanket, and tea, preferably in this cup. Number 11 is just

"Spread the autumn appreciation and tag some people." Autumn is over, people.

Now we're moving on to the Fall Favorites tag and I was tagged to do this by Reija

from Bofinkins, and it took a bit of digging, but I think the original was

created by Jaclyn Hill, even though it didn't have the book question. The

first three questions I'm gonna go through quite quickly since I don't have

a good enough answer for them. Number one is favorite fall candle, and I

don't really do candles. It sounds good in theory, but maybe I'm too lazy or

something to pick them out. And I don't really like scents that much. Number two, a

favorite fall lip color: black. I just have an off-brand black one.

Number three, favorite fall blush. I don't wear blush. So now we're moving on to the

rest of the questions. Number four is favorite fall drink, and I like some

spicy chai. Number five is favorite fall clothing

item, and those would be scarves, because scarves are one of the few cold-weather

clothes that I do like, and they don't have to be the really thick woollen ones

that I wear in the winter. It's cold in here in Finland, you guys. Question number

six is favorite fall movie, and I do like vampire movies during the fall. So

something like What We Do in the Shadows by Taika Waititi or Only Lovers Left

Alive by Jim Jarmusch, and also, this is not a vampire movie, or really a great

favorite, but I do love the visuals and the visuals work really well for creepy

autumn vibes, and that would be Crimson Peak by Guillermo del Toro. Question

number seven is favorite fall TV show, and I think this is supposed to be

one of those shows that start during the fall season, so like, a favorite TV show

that is back now. And I haven't really watched a lot of new TV, I watch Netflix

and I'm a bit behind with all the series. But one new show that I can think of that I've

been watching this fall season is Star Trek Discovery, and I do quite like it. If

this question was supposed to be about a fall-feeling TV show, I have no idea.

Number eight is favorite autumn food - the original question was favorite

Thanksgiving food, but, Finnish. So I would say for autumn foods, roasted root

vegetables. I like to put in rutabaga, parsnip, carrots and beetroot and some

red onion. It's really good. Number nine is favorite Halloween costume. All the

costumes that I've worn for Halloween have been for Halloween parties as an

adult, since we don't do really Halloween here - or at least we didn't when I was a

kid. I was this possessed doll with, like, a stitched mouth (it was just

drawn) and a white face and everything for one Halloween party about ten years

ago, maybe that one. I also was Beetlejuice one year quite recently,

but I think I could have done that better. I didn't really like the wig.

And the final question, question number 10 is favourite fall-ish book. I would say again

Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier, also the graphic novel Courtney Crumrin Volume 2:

The Coven of Mystics by Ted Naifeh. This was a bit of a hard question since I

don't really connect books with seasons. But wait,

I do think fairy tale retellings match very well with autumn, so maybe

everything by T. Kingfisher. Guys, I did it! I did the fall tags before it is

Christmas! I hope you enjoyed this video, that's all from me for now, I will see

you in my next one. Bye!

For more infomation >> Finally Fall & Fall Favorites Tags - Duration: 6:34.


New Style Boutique 3: Styling Star előzetes - Nintendo 3DS - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> New Style Boutique 3: Styling Star előzetes - Nintendo 3DS - Duration: 0:31.


BREAKING NEWS Trump's approval rating is bad Views of the economy are good That's weird - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS Trump's approval rating is bad Views of the economy are good That's weird - Duration: 1:32.


Spiritual Significance Of Master Number 11 11 – Opening The Gateway - Duration: 7:00.

Spiritual Significance Of Master Number 11 11 � Opening The Gateway

by Tanaaz

In numerology, 11 is considered a Master Number and is said to hold an angelic vibration that

makes wishes and dreams manifest more easily.

11 is also believed to be the number of spiritual awakenings and signifies the rising of consciousness.

On the 11th day of the 11th month this energy is amplified, making this date highly magical

and auspicious for all of us.

When you frequently see 11:11 on the clock or when you are drawn to repetitive patterns

of number 11, it often indicates an upcoming change or awakening that is on the horizon.

Angels, Spirit Guides and the Universe also use numbers as a way to connect and communicate,

and 1111 is commonly used by Divine beings to help point you in the right direction and

to illuminate the path ahead for you.

1111 is about coming into alignment so you can walk your highest path and be a vibrational

match for all that you need, want and desire.

This makes 11/11, the perfect time to do a ritual, or to even spend a few moments thinking

about what you want to bring into your life.

2017 has been a Number 1 year in numerology, which means that the focus for this year�s

11/11 is about creating new beginnings and fresh starts.

We are all being called to think about what new things we want to manifest, and what new

goals, dreams or wishes we want to create for ourselves.

We are all being beckoned to start a new chapter and to pivot, shift or turn our lives in a

new direction.

For some of us, the journey of 2016-2017 has brought massive life overhaul, huge changes,

and shifts.

For others, the shifts have been subtle, or perhaps they have occurred on a deeper, subconscious


During this November season, perhaps take the time to reflect back on the year that

has past and honor just how much you have changed, shifted and grown.

Honor the changes, deaths and rebirths that have occurred and ask yourself � How can

I best move forward based on the current circumstances in my life?

Due to the fact that 2017 is a number 1 year, 11/11/2017 actually holds the vibration of

� 11111.

This sacred pattern of five number 1�s signifies creativity, playfulness, abundance and joy.

We are all being called to get creative and think bigger.

We are all being called to learn how to play again and to relax into the joy and temporariness

of life.

Life is really a game, yet sometimes we get so caught up in the drama and seriousness

that we forget to play!

Part of this year�s 11/11 energy is about learning how to play and to get creative with

your life again.

This vibration calls on us to manifest more joy, laughter and opportunities to get creative.

This vibration calls on us to seek out things that make us happy and to remind us of the

importance of play.

November 11, 2017 is a powerful time to manifest and to start creating a brighter vision for

the future.

It is the perfect time to set an intention about what you want to create in your life

and then get to work on making it a reality.

Here is a ritual you can use for inspiration:

For the most potent effect, do this ritual at 11:11am on November 11, 2017

Step 1: Begin free flow writing for 11 minutes about all the things that bring you joy in

your life.

They can be things that currently bring you joy, or things that you want to bring into

your life in the future.

When you are free flow writing, the idea is to keep writing without lifting the pen off

the page.

Even if you don�t know what to write, keep the pen moving by writing gibberish or whatever

flows to your mind.

Allow yourself to write whatever in order to keep the pen moving.

Step 2: Once you have written for 11 minutes, go through what you have written and highlight

all the things that bring you joy, and the feeling words that you have shared.

These words and activities, are going to provide you clues as to where you need to be focusing

your energy and time.

Step 3: Choose 3 of the best feeling words or activities that resonate the most to you

right now and then write them down on a separate sheet of paper.

Now place your hand over your heart and repeat for each feeling/activity- �I give myself

permission to feel/do��.I give myself permission to bring more of this energy into

my life starting today.�

Step 4: Now close your eyes, and visualize what your life will look like when you bring

in all of this beautiful energy.

See yourself achieving all that you want, and feeling joyful and happy.

Meditate on this for 11 minutes.

If you have trouble with visualizing, you can also do another free flow write for 11

minutes instead.

Step 5: With your vision in mind, write a clear intention for what you want to manifest

in your life.

Try to succinctly capture what emotions, feelings and things you want to bring into your life

in one sentence.

This will help you send a clear wish to the Universe.

Here are some examples-

�My intention moving forward is to bring more relaxed and peaceful energy into my life

so I may feel aligned and connected with my highest path�

�My intention moving forward is to give myself permission to play and to feel young

and joyful again.� �My intention moving forward is to listen

and honor my intuition so I can advance further in my career and bring in more abundance.�

�My intention moving forward is to open my heart to new love and to share new memories

with another.� There is no right or wrong when it comes to

your intention, just try to phrase it in a positive way.

Once you have your intention, keep it somewhere you can see it regularly or state it out loud

a few times.

Step 6: Thank your Spirit team and close with the mantra-

�I am aligned, I am One, I am creating the life of my highest path where all my wishes

are fulfilled.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.�

For more infomation >> Spiritual Significance Of Master Number 11 11 – Opening The Gateway - Duration: 7:00.


GD | Splash by Jayuff - Duration: 1:49.


Pls go to me twitter ples porfavor i ned it pls..

wait wat
















ok imma stop now...


Im sry..

For more infomation >> GD | Splash by Jayuff - Duration: 1:49.


New Brazile book proves Natural News and other independent media were RIGHT about Hillary's poor hea - Duration: 4:38.

New Brazile book proves Natural News and other independent media were RIGHT about Hillary�s

poor health during her campaign

Throughout Hillary Clinton�s second unsuccessful bid for the presidency last year, there were

repeated signs that her health was not good and actually getting worse.

Natural News� founder and editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, was among the first in

the independent media to report on it, in fact.

In August, after Clinton was photographed being helped up a short flight of steps at

a residence, Adams wrote that it was just the latest proof in a multi-year body of evidence

that her health was failing:

For at least the last five years, scary signs of Hillary Clinton�s plummeting health have

continued to emerge.

From her bizarre in-speech �blackouts� to her repeated monstrous coughing fits and

her seizure-like bobble head behavior, many people have legitimately wondered whether

Hillary Clinton is in the midst of a neurological or cognitive collapse.

For that Adams and the few other indie media outlets who were tracking Hillary�s health

decline were pilloried by so-called �fact-checking� websites like Politifact who described the

reporting as hysterically false and decidedly �anti-Clinton,� while at the same time

appearing to lend credibility to �mainstream� media reporting that something is mentally

wrong with then-GOP presidential contender Donald J. Trump.

Now, thanks to revelations contained in former DNC head and longtime Democratic operative

Donna Brazile�s new book, �Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns

That Put Donald Trump in the White House,� we know that Adams and Natural News were right

and the �fact-checkers� and lamestream media outlets were covering up for their preferred


Brazile�s book �has thrown open a new and very big window on 2016 � and exposed

yet again the consequences of the political biases of the Democratic media,� writes

Michael Goodwin for The New York Post, regarding the media�s disgustingly dishonest lack

of coverage.

�The missed stories are not merely the result of mistakes or sloppy reporting.

Brazile�s book is a revelation in that it shows that many left-leaning journalists didn�t

so much cover Clinton as cover up for her,� Goodwin noted further.

(Related: Hillary Clinton�s worsening coughing fits point to massive hidden health problem.)

Consider this, Goodwin proffered: Brazile admitted that Hillary�s declining health

was so much of an issue that, during the peak of her campaign, she thought of replacing

her with then-Vice President Joe Biden � but none of the thousands of mainstream media

reporters covering her campaign ever knew that?

How likely is that, especially given the many public displays of Clinton in poor health?

�It�s not possible � if the media had been playing it down the middle and holding

both candidates to the same standard of scrutiny,� Goodwin writes.

But this massive story was �missed� because the coverage was so skewed in an effort to

ensure Trump�s defeat.

By contrast, as noted in the Politifact piece referenced above, any insinuation completely

devoid of facts that suggested there was something � anything � wrong with Trump became the

lead story in the day�s political news cycle.

But anything that might harm Clinton or make her look physically unable to hold office

was downplayed, ignored outright or ridiculed.

The Washington Post�s political writer Chris Cillizza is emblematic of the bias.

He once denounced stories about Clinton�s declining health as �a totally ridiculous

issue� and a �sure-fire loser� for Trump.

�It�s hard to plausibly insist, based on the available data, that Clinton is ill,�

Cillizza, now at CNN, wrote.


�The coverage of Clinton�s health was a prime example of the tilt.

Her coughing fits, especially a long one on Labor Day, and a history of falling were pointed

out by the popular Drudge Report, some Republicans and smaller, conservative-leaning sites to

suggest she was not being honest about her health,� Goodwin noted.

As we know now thanks to Brazile�s revelations, Clinton�s health was so poor the DNC chief

thought about replacing her.

For more infomation >> New Brazile book proves Natural News and other independent media were RIGHT about Hillary's poor hea - Duration: 4:38.


Faygo Commercial 2 - Duration: 2:14.

Faygo Commercial 2.

Oh yeah, like the first one wasn't weird enough.

Alright nurse, what seems to be the problem.

Well, we've tried everything.

There's only one possible solution left.

Right, I see.

No, Doctor, we don't want him to die.

We want him to live!

Oh right.


Okay, let me see.

This man has a, Faygo defi...


This man has a, Faygo deficiency.

Anything but that!

Nurse, hand me my syringe.

Yes sir.

Thank you nurse.

My word, I've never felt better!

Doctor you did it!

Why of course nurse, that's because of the natural healing powers of Faygo.

Now, that my work here is done, I shall be off.


You didn't see that.

Hello, I'm Doctor Morgan, renowned pediatrician and world class mud wrestler, telling you

click there to subscribe.

Click there more more videos or whatever.

Doctor, Doctor he's gone into cardiac arrest.

I got this let's go!

For more infomation >> Faygo Commercial 2 - Duration: 2:14.


সরাসরি আজকের সারাদিনের বাংলা খবর যমুনা টিভি লাইভ ১১ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ Jamuna Tv News Today - Duration: 12:52.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সারাদিনের বাংলা খবর যমুনা টিভি লাইভ ১১ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ Jamuna Tv News Today - Duration: 12:52.


Lady Layton előzetes - Nintendo 3DS - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Lady Layton előzetes - Nintendo 3DS - Duration: 0:31.


Dhanu Rashi, Vara Bhavishya, November 13 to November 19, in Kannada - Duration: 1:10.

Bhavishya Darpan 4U Youtube Channel

Vara Bhavishya

Dhanu Rashi

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