Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 10 2017

Hell is empty...

... and all the Devils are here...

Just like me

For more infomation >> The Hideout - Trailer (Webseries) - Duration: 0:43.


Стрим по Nidhogg 2 - пытаемся пройти - Duration: 38:41.

For more infomation >> Стрим по Nidhogg 2 - пытаемся пройти - Duration: 38:41.



For more infomation >> OS DIAS DE JULGAMENTO E FLUXOS DE ENERGIA - Duration: 7:56.




Dan Burisch, born in California in 1964, studied microbiology and psychology at the University

of Las Vegas, Nevada.

He graduated in 1986 and did a Ph.D. in microbiology in 1989 in the state of New York.


an unexpected visit at the University of Las Vegas, the so-called "secret" government of

the United States.

Two of those men, in military uniform, offered to work on a top-secret project where they

could put their talent to work at a maximum level.

In 1987 he began working at a Nevada State Government office related to prison parole.

In 1989 he began receiving tissue samples.

Burisch examined them in another place and sent the report to the place of origin of

the same.

In 1989 he worked on a secret project and also on the so-called "Sharp Storm".

But in 1994 he was taken to an underground place called "Century IV" which is part of

Area 51, where he started working on the "Aquarium" project.

There he learned that the military was in possession of ships and extraterrestrial beings.

In one department there was information about beings called Orions, beings from the star

system Z Reticuli.

Also a copy of the agreement made by President Eisenhower, beings called P-50 and the so-called





My Top 5 BEST Japanese Classic Cars at JCCS in Los Angeles! Steve's POV - Duration: 14:47.

Under these beautiful blue skies and in this magnificent setting is...

The 13th Annual Japanese Classic Car Show ( JCCS ) in Long Beach California.

There are hundreds of cars here at this show...

But I am going to name my Top 5 Favorite Cars from the entire show.

It's not about how clean or how expensive a car may be...

It's more about what appeals to me... what grabbed my attention the most. The 5 will be chosen in random order.

Lets get inside and find my Top 5 JCCS cars...

This is a 1974 Datsun 610 Bluebird-U SSS-E

This car is really really cool!!

It looks like a Nissan Kenmeri (Ken & Mary).

It's right hand drive (RHD) so it is a Japan spec car.

The inside is so clean and original looking.

And it smells like Japan in here too!!

This car is really in great condition.

It's powered by a 1600 cc engine.

I am pretty sure this car came to the USA (25 year rule) from Japan.

I don't think this car was ever for sale in the USA before.

The RS Watanabe wheels and the lowered stance look great on this car.

I like this car a lot!

I love this body line!

This black line/stripe.... it looks cool.

This car isn't flashy but it sure is clean and really nice!!

Its flying the early Japanese flag.

And it even has Sapporo license plates!! LOL

This 1974 Datsun 610 Bluebird SSS is definitely my first choice for Steve's POV Top 5!

This car gets a huge Thumb's Up!!

This is an early Toyota Cressida.

You rarely see this year Cressida around...

It's a 1978 with a 1JZGTE engine.

I love the color of this car!

It's like a metal flake yellow.

I bet the bugs love this color!

I haven't seen one of these early Cressidas in a long time.

I like the grill on this car...

The more common Cressida grill is the one parked next to it.

But I haven't seen many Cressidas that look like this one.

I like the fender mirrors too.

These mirrors are cool!

The wheels really fit the look of the car...

The stance is just right too!

I love the interior of the car!!

It's a left hand drive ( LHD ) American spec car with zebra covered racing seats.

I like the shift knob too!

The knob fits this Zokusha style.

The wood steering wheel is cool too!

You almost never see this car anywhere...

Look at the rear tail lights!

These lights are so retro looking!

They look like they are from the 60's!

I like the exhaust tips too...

2 fat pipes with one cut longer than the other...

The owner of this car has really finished this car nicely!

Rare car, cool color and nicely restored...

plus I really think it's cool...

that's the reason this Toyota Cressida has made it into the Steve's POV Top 5!

We've had a Nissan and a Toyota so far...

It's now time for a Mazda to break into a top spot!

I am a big Mazda fan and this car caught my eye!

This Mazda RX3 is a very cool choice!

I like the color...

It's a bluish-purple color.

I like these aftermarket gauges mounted here.

This is a 1973 Mazda RX3.

It has a 13B rotary engine.

It's such a simple yet cool car.

Mazdas from this era have become very rare and hard to find.

Not many rotary cars on the road anymore...

I love the rear of this car.

These tail light panels are so retro.

I am not a fan of these USA spec marker lights though....

Some Japanese may actually like these marker lights because they never had them in Japan...

I'm not a fan unfortunately...

But I love the rest of this car!

This car is rare! Hardly seen around anymore!

My Top 5 isn't about how clean a car is!

Look! Even the seats are torn but that kinda makes the car even cooler to me!

Wow! I never realized this before...

The door locks are at the front of the door panel!

Most cars have the door locks at the back of the door panel.

Mazda was ahead of its time back then too!

This has got to be one of the coolest cars of the early 70s.

That's why this RX3 has made its way on my JCCS Top 5 list.

I'm an American so you kind of figured I'm gonna choose a pickup truck at some point!

I especially appreciate a rare truck you hardy ever see.

This Mazda Rotary pickup is one of those rare trucks.

This is a 1974 model.

You almost never see one of these trucks around.

I don't think I've ever seen a truck like this before.

And it's powered by a little 13B rotary engine (2 rotors) !

Its got power brakes too!

Look at how big the carburetor is compared to the entire engine!

The carburetor is half the size of the whole engine!

The design of this truck is really interesting.

I like the color a lot... It's very 70's feeling...

I like this stripe too...

It stretches all the way from the front to the back...

I like the look a lot!

These are steel wheels with 6 lugs!

Normally a small pickup like this would have 4 or 5 lug wheels...

It's pretty heavy duty for a small truck.

It has a manual transmission too.

Looks like it is a 5 speed.

I wonder if that is original... or if it was originally a 4 speed?

This is a 2 seater pickup.

This extended cab portion is pretty interesting too...

It's not a lot but its definitely slightly extended.

It's still gonna be tight for a tall person but the cab is slightly extended for sure.

The gas cap is even cool on this truck!

I like this truck a lot!!!

Check out the tailgate.

Look at how large they wrote "ROTARY POWER "

They were telling the world, "Check out my Rotary Powered Truck!"

This little 1.3 liter engine is gonna kick your butt!!

Mazda wasn't shy back then at all!!

The round tail lights are cool as is the exhaust coming out the side!

I think this is the battery box.

I imagine this opens upward...???

This pickup is rare, hardly ever seen and very cool...

I've never seen one of these in Japan either!

That's why I chose this Mazda Truck for the Steve's POV JCCS Top 5!

It's time for a Honda in the Top 5!

We've had a Nissan, Toyota and a couple of Mazdas...

This cute little Honda pickup is next!

This is a 1965 Honda T500.

I have never seen one before today.

I imagine this was a Japan only model...

It's so small and cute!

I can picture old guys and their wives driving in this back in the day!

I think it's a 3 speed manual transmission.

3 on the tree.

2 seater.

This color is very 60's!

Apparently the owner of this truck is a Japanese person who lives here in LA.

He probably brought it from Japan...

This is cute too!

A little post box mounted right here...

I like the fold down sides of the truck bed... it's very Japanese!

You can easily load this little truck from the sides too.

The green and white color combination is perfect for this truck!

The white center cap on the wheels finish the look nicely!

T500... I wonder if that means it's a 500cc engine?

I'm not really sure....

Maximum cargo weight- 350kg (770 lbs)

Its not heavy duty but enough for a little truck like this.

I like how the bed floor is finished too!

This must be aftermarket I assume??

Its clean, cute and certainly very rare indeed!

That's why this Honda T500 has made its way into the Steve's POV Top 5 from JCCS!

Today was a really fun day!

The surroundings here are great!

The weather is great!

The cars are all great!

It's an awesome mix of old and older, LHD and RHD, JDM and USDM...

The love Americans have for Japanese classic cars is very apparent here.

A lot of Japanese living here in America also love their classic JDM rides!

You can really feel the passion in the air here for Japanese classic cars.

If you have a chance, you should try to come to this fun event.

It takes place in September every year in LA.

I am here every year and this event is a definite good time for all.

Make it part of your tourist plans to the USA...

Are you subscribed to Steve's POV?

Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are all " @StevesPOV "

Please subscribe and follow me too!

See you again next year here at the Queen Mary in Los Angeles!

For more infomation >> My Top 5 BEST Japanese Classic Cars at JCCS in Los Angeles! Steve's POV - Duration: 14:47.


すじ編みのアクリルたわしの編み方:中長編み【かぎ針編み初心者さん】編み図・字幕解説 Tawashi / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> すじ編みのアクリルたわしの編み方:中長編み【かぎ針編み初心者さん】編み図・字幕解説 Tawashi / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 10:01.



Hello my friends, and welcome to the YouTube platform of Blabla Canada.

Today, we will be talking about the different costs of poverty

and how they affect economically the society in general, as well as the the federal and provincial governments,

as the people who are living in poverty.

Oh my god, I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!

I knew that poor people continue to be so costly to the society and that they don't do anything to get a job!

They are just lazy and the government should not even help them!

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Poor people are costly to the society because the government hasn't implemented any effective strategy

to eradicate poverty.

How can you be so naive?

Me, naive?!

How costly is poverty in Canada?

It is important to know that there is a lack of accuracy when it comes

to determining the financial costs of poverty within Canada.

However, we can estimate the magnitude of the costs that poverty has triggered on the society

and that puts a strain on the society and our governments.

By looking at a few resources, we found out that poverty imposes a large financial burden on our country.

In other words, what we found out is that poverty imposes very large economic costs,

not just on those who are poor, but also on society at large and on governments.

What the hell is our government doing then?! I mean, they know what we know.

They have the same access to all of this information.

I know what you mean, my friend.

Our government, like in many liberal democracies, is only expecting short-term results

because they know that by having short-term positive results, they will be re-elected.

Putting an end to poverty is a long-term engagement.

What I mean by that is that investments in anti-poverty strategies would have to be large

and they would have to be made first, while the benefits in terms of cost reductions, increased economic activity

and tax revenues would come later.

It does not happen in a few couple of months.


But there are other reasons why the government is not doing a lot that we will discuss some day.

How costly is poverty?

What was found is that, when you look at health care costs, the people who have the lowest incomes use

the health care system the most, and thus cost the healthcare system

more than those who are in the middle class.

Remember the interesting correlation that: the lower the income, the worse the health outcomes

and thus the higher the costs to the health care system.

Now, let's look at the extra costs of health care attributable to poverty,

which means that we'll discover the amount of money by which health care costs would be reduced

if the governments decided to eradicate poverty.

In Manitoba, the extra costs were 6.7% of total healthcare costs in the province.

In Saskatchewan, it was 6% of the total healthcare costs in the province.

When we look at Canada, the costs of poverty in terms of healthcare costs is $9.1 billion each year.

What does that mean?

It means that the bottom 20% income earners - we call them the lowest income quintile -

cost Canada's healthcare system $9.1 billion per year more

than the same number of people who represent the second income quintile.

Oh my god, so we definitely need to lower the social spending in the Canadian healthcare system,

so that we don't ridiculously spend that much money!

No, what we need to do is reduce poverty and to increase the incomes of all those

in the lowest income quintiles - so that we can save $9.1 billion per year in terms of healthcare costs every year.

Many economists have also calculated the costs of crime, the lost revenues to governments and

and the reduction in the economic activity attributable to poverty.

Yes, you know that those in the lowest income quintile earn lower incomes than,

and are not as actively involved in the labour force as, those in the second income quintile

Why ? Because they are marginalized from our society.

If we integrate them back into our society, not only would this be a morally right thing to do,

but doing this would also increase economic activity.

When we accumulate all of the extra costs related to health care, crime, reduced economic activity

and lower tax revenues due to poverty,

poverty would cost us approximately $60 to $70 billion per year.

It is three times the federal military budget.

Or that money can be used to make tuition fees free for the 447,000 pregraduates in Ontario

for a period of 18-19 years.

So if I understand correctly, if we invest a few billions dollars in the reduction of poverty,

we would reduce all of these costs, we would save a significant amount of money and

and we would improve the lives of millions of people.

Yes, exactly! Even the Canadian Center for Alternative policy proposed one solution, among others:

a new federal transfer payment to the provinces and territories tied to helping them

achieve their poverty reduction targets.

It would only cost $4 billion per year to improve social assistance, and disability benefit rates.

Almost nothing compared to the $70 billion per year spent on the extra costs of poverty.

Oh I see, now it makes financially sense.

Or we can increase the minimum wage up to $15 because we saw that it was relatively worth it

It was in the last video.

Anyway, did you know that there were other extra costs associated with poverty,

such as the costs of low-income housing and homelessness.

Wait, seriously?

Sooo, I will take that as a "no"

Oh yes, the extra costs related to poverty that I was just talking about

were not including homelessness and low-income housing.

It is important to know that about 235,000 Canadians access homeless emergency services

or sleep outside in a given year.

The problem with our government is that they don't solve the problem of homelessness at its roots.

The strategy for dealing with homelessness is reactive and based on emergency services.

Homeless people incur much higher costs than people who are housed. Why?

especially for emergency room visits, hospitalization, emergency shelters, policing costs

and costs related to more frequent imprisonment.

A 2008 Calgary study found that the cost of homelessness amounted to $72,444 per year

for a person who has been homeless once or more in a year

and $134,642 per year for a person who is homeless every night in a given year,

while the cost of housing and support for a chronically homeless person would be $10,000-$25,000 per year.

If we use these values at a federal scale, we would save between $3.25 billion and $3.7 billion every year

for only costs related to chronically homeless people.

I can't even imagine how much money we would save with the people

who have been homeless at least in a year

It would be a lot!

Anyways, what I really want you to understand is that the cost of providing housing with support

and social assistance for those who are homeless

is far less expensive than our current reliance upon emergency services that are firstly very expensive

and that, secondly, are not solving the core issue at its roots.

There are many more costs of poverty that we could talk about.

But the idea here is to tell you that we can solve poverty because we have the solutions,

and it would make good economic sense to do so.

However, in order to invest in the eradication of poverty, governments would need to abandon their obsession

for short-term results, their neoliberal approaches that we will talk about in another video

but also the short-term strategies to be re-elected.

It is not morally acceptable, that so many people in a wealthy country like Canada are poor.

I really want to hear from you, so please leave comments to express your thoughts, your ideas

and your alternatives.

Hit that like button, hit that little bell and share this video on any social media that you want.

If you do not want to miss any other blablas that will be released every two weeks, on fridays,

don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube platform and to like our Facebook account.

This was Blabla Canada, the alternative media by and for the common mortals and I will see you in two weeks..

For more infomation >> COMBIEN COÛTE LA PAUVRETÉ ? #CANADA - Duration: 9:59.


Confirmed: Obama Official Rigged Trial of Marine Who Urinated on Taliban Corpse. - Duration: 3:17.

Confirmed: Obama Official Rigged Trial of Marine Who Urinated on Taliban Corpse.

Staff Sgt.

Joseph Chamblin, one of several Marine Corps soldiers convicted in 2012 for having recorded

themselves urinating on the dead bodies of Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, had his conviction

overturned this week because an Obama-appointed official had attempted to rig his trial.

This stunning reversal revolves around the actions of Gen. James F. Amos, whom then-President

Barack Obama nominated to serve as the commandant of the Marine Corps in 2010.

Two years later, Amos used his influence to rig a trial against Chamblin, who was convicted

in December of 2012 and sentenced to 30 days in confinement, a reduction in pay and a demotion

for his actions.

What neither Chamblin nor many others realized at the time was that Amos had illegally and

maliciously led a campaign to destroy him and the other participants.

It took years for this truth to emerge, but we now know without a shred of doubt that

after Amos appointed then-Lt. Gen. Thomas Waldhauser to investigate the cases in 2012,

Amos specifically told him that he wanted Chamblin and the other participants "crushed,"

according to The Washington Post.

Moreover, when Waldhauser, who now serves as a four-star general overseeing U.S. Africa

Command, told Amos that he had opted against court-martialing Chamblin and his peers, the

commandant got angry and threatened to kick him off the case.

"I responded, 'No, I'm not going to do that,' stating that I did not believe

any of the cases warranted General Court-Martial," Waldhauser reportedly wrote in a statement.

Waldhauser wound up being sent packing, with Amos reportedly writing a letter stating that

his removal was necessary "to protect the institutional integrity of the military justice

process, and to avoid potential issues."

Though it took years for what happened to finally emerge, the truth eventually made

it to the limelight.

Fast forward to this Wednesday, when a panel of military judges threw out Chamblin's

conviction, citing the way Amos had essentially rigged his trial.

"The highest-ranking officer in the Marine Corps told (Waldhauser) that the appellant

and his co-accused should be 'crushed,'" the judges said.

"This is an unusually flagrant example of UCI (unlawful command influence).

We find that UCI this direct, and occurring at this level, is highly corrosive to public

trust in this proceeding."

Excellent decision, though to be clear, this is just one example of Amos' disgusting


As noted by, "allegations of unlawful command influence" plagued Amos'

career until his retirement two years ago.

So did lies, as it turns out the man chosen by Obama to lead the Marines is and has always

been an unrepentant liar.

Three years ago word broke that Amos had lied about attending the Marine Corps' officers

training school, for instance, as noted then by The Washington Times.

A liar and a crook — given all I know about Obama, I see now why he chose Amos to lead

the Marines.

what do you think about you think about the sickening malfeasance of this former Obama


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Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Confirmed: Obama Official Rigged Trial of Marine Who Urinated on Taliban Corpse. - Duration: 3:17.


hawi x killy - hennessy - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> hawi x killy - hennessy - Duration: 2:55.


The Most Bizarre Movies Coming Out In 2018 - Duration: 7:38.

Sometimes we go to movies to laugh, sometimes we go to cry, and sometimes we want to have

our minds melted.

No medium like film can take you on a psychedelic trip, make you question the nature of everything

around you, or get you inside the headspace of the truly deranged — and it appears that

next year will bring a ton movies designed to blow everyone's minds.

Here are the 2018 movies that are bound to be weird in the very best ways.


Based on Jeff VanderMeer's 2014 novel, Annihilation looks to be a crazy cinematic experience.

The film follows an expedition to a place called Area X, a portion of the Earth where

everything has gone wrong, and the laws of physics no longer seem to apply.

Previous missions to Area X have gone south … eleven times over.

Written and directed by Ex Machina's Alex Garland, Annihilation will star Jennifer Jason

Leigh and Natalie Portman in this atmospherically creepy film that hits theaters February 23rd.

A Wrinkle in Time

Madeleine L'Engle's 1962 young adult novel A Wrinkle in Time has been blasting young

brains for generations.

It's the story of precocious kids who must rescue their dad from a fate worse than death

with the help of interdimensional beings Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which.

The book's more surreal aspects have made it difficult to adapt to a live-action production,

but with Selma director Ava DuVernay and an all-star cast, fans can expect an updated,

yet faithful rendition of this otherworldly classic when it debuts on the silver screen

March 9th.

Ready Player One

Ernest Cline's novel Ready Player One had secured a film deal before the book was even

in stores, with Steven Spielberg anxious to develop the story for film.

The story centers on a virtual reality gamer in a dystopian future who must run a gauntlet

of '80s pop culture-themed challenges while looking for an Easter egg.

In the trailer alone, there were millions of references, from The Iron Giant to Back

to the Future to Freddy Krueger.

Prepare for nerd culture overload when this pic hits theaters on March 30th.


From writer/director Evan Marlowe comes Abruptio, a thriller centered on a man who has a bomb

implanted in his neck and must do terrible things to keep it from exploding.

As actor James Marsters explained:

"The lead character is feeding bodies into a meat grinder.

And that's not even the bad part.

It's so bad."

If that's not strange enough, it'll also be performed by life-sized latex puppets.

We'll just have to wait to see whether it's a work of genius, madness, or both when Abruptio

gets released on May 31st.

Alita: Battle Angel

The live-action adaptation of the post-apocalyptic manga and anime Battle Angel Alita has been

in the works since 2010, when the project was brought to James Cameron's attention by

Guillermo Del Toro.

Cameron had originally intended to direct, but with his plate all full of Avatar sequels

for the next several years, that duty has fallen to Robert Rodriguez.

The cast is already stacked with talent like Rosa Salazar, Jackie Earle Haley, Mahershala

Ali, Christoph Waltz, and Jennifer Connelly.

And one of Cameron's signature filmmaking strategies will live on with the film — since

Cameron only makes films that start with T or A, it's now called Alita: Battle Angel

and will land in theaters on July 20th.

Captive State

This sci-fi thriller has a cerebral concept: what would your average neighborhood look

like a decade or so after an occupation by a hostile force that just so happened to be


Captive State will diverge from ordinary alien fare to explore the human dynamics between

the dissidents and collaborator.

With Rupert Wyatt of the modern Planet of the Apes pics at the helm, you can count on

this one to be a disturbing hit when August 17th rolls around.

Mortal Engines

Philip Reeves' The Mortal Engines books introduced the post-apocalyptic concept of travelling

cities scouring a devastated earth and doing battle with each other.

Such a large-scale project seems untenable, but with Peter Jackson co-scripting along

with his Lord of the Rings co-writers Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens, the project already

seems to be in good hands.

Christian Rivers, who served as second-unit director on all three Lord of the Rings films

will make his feature film debut with the pic, which drops on December 14th.

The Endless

Filmmakers Aaron Moorhead and Justin Benson have teamed up again after their 2012 thriller

Resolution to star as a pair of brothers who have escaped the clutches of a cult, but are

compelled to return years later by a mysterious tape sent in the mail.

Early images from the film hint at a trippy visual aesthetic, and the plot synopsis suggests

that the cult's crazy otherworldly beliefs maybe aren't so crazy after all.

It all adds up to a project that just might be worth keeping a close eye on, coming from

a pair of ambitious filmmakers who seem due for a breakout hit.

The House That Jack Built

Not many filmmakers are as visually provocative as Lars Von Trier, but his forthcoming The

House That Jack Built has a truly unsettling premise: it's an examination of the career

of a serial killer who has been active for more than a decade and who views each of his

murders as a work of art.

In the hands of Von Trier, such a story promises a deep, dark psychological ride.

Sorry To Bother You

A story set in a surreal version of Oakland, California, Sorry to Bother You is the story

of a down-on-his-luck black telemarketer who discovers a magical key to upward mobility

— the ability to make his voice sound like a famous white actor.

The film will mark the directorial debut of legendary rapper Boots Riley of Oakland rap

group The Coup, which has spent over two decades making some of the most subversive music anyone

has ever heard.

Keep an eye out for this one next year.

The Man Who Killed Don Quixote

Perhaps no feature film has endured such a rocky ride to screens as director Terry Gilliam's

The Man Who Killed Don Quixote.

His quest to get the film made long ago began to mirror the foolish, futile endeavors of

the classic literary character.

But Gilliam's labor of love is finally coming to theaters next year.

The story focuses on an old man who believes he is the legendary Quixote and mistakes a

confused advertising executive for his faithful squire.

He then proceeds to drag the man through a time-jumping, mind-bending adventure where

dreams and reality become tough to tell apart.


The sci-fi thriller Inversion has two things going for it right off the bat: Samuel L.

Jackson and an insane premise.

Jackson will portray a Homeland Security investigator hot on the trail of an American con man and

a Chinese scientist who he thinks are responsible for a whole new type of natural disaster — sudden,

unexplained loss of gravity.

The pic is sure to be a spectacle when it falls into theaters next year.

The Mandela Effect

Groupthink can be a strange thing, and "The Mandela Effect" is a term meant to describe

the effect of people collectively remembering false events, like the death of Nelson Mandela

in prison in the 1980s or Sinbad starring in a movie about a genie.

And for the record, no, really, neither of those things our reality, at


Since memory is highly unreliable, it's an effect to which almost anyone is susceptible,

so co-writer and director David Guy Levy will tap that trend for The Mandela Effect.

The film will feature a man for whom the everyday details of the world begin to change — and

keep changing, until he starts to question the nature of reality itself.

Night on Bald Mountain

Of all the Disney reboots in production, the live-action adaptation of Night on Bald Mountain,

the scariest, trippiest segment from Fantasia, has somehow flown under the radar.

The segment features a towering, demonic winged creature called Chernabog that presides over

a night of festivities for a host of restless spirits.

The new version will focus on the backstory of the demonic creature.

You can depend on this pic to rekindle your childhood nightmares next year.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Most Bizarre Movies Coming Out In 2018 - Duration: 7:38.


Omega: 10 curiosidades de um grande Chevrolet | Carros do Passado | Best Cars - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Omega: 10 curiosidades de um grande Chevrolet | Carros do Passado | Best Cars - Duration: 5:01.


BIMOUD - k310 ( OFFICIAL VIDEO ) - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> BIMOUD - k310 ( OFFICIAL VIDEO ) - Duration: 3:43.


Why Can't We Import COOL GUNS? - The Legal Brief - Duration: 9:02.

Welcome back to The Legal Brief, the show where we CRUSH the various legal myths and

misinformation surrounding various areas of the gun world.

I'm your host Adam Kraut and today we're talking about

the hated Sporting Purposes Exemption.

I'm back on the ballot for the NRA Board of Directors in 2018 thanks to you guys.

If you haven't heard about my proposed bylaw changes that would hold the NRA Board accountable

to the members, you'll want to head on over to to check those out.

While you're there be sure to get subscribed to my email list so you don't miss a beat.

The link is in the description.

From time to time the phrase "sporting purposes exemption" or "suitable for sporting purposes"

pops up in the context of guns.

We've likely all heard it, but what does it actually mean?

Well, the Gun Control Act provides that the "Secretary shall authorize a be

imported or brought into the United States..if the of the type that [does not

fall into the NFA] or is generally recognized as particularly suitable for or readily adaptable

to sporting purposes, excluding surplus military firearms..."

This was originally enacted in the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968

and then amended by the GCA.

As we go through this test, remember, it is in relation to the importation of firearms,

not stuff that is made here in the United States.

If you look in the definition section of the GCA you won't find the term "sporting purposes"


Which means that everyone's favorite regulatory agency, ATF, is tasked with interpreting what

Congress meant.

After the implementation of the GCA, the Secretary established a panel to provide guidelines

for the implementation of a "sporting purposes" test.

The panel focused on criteria for handguns and more or less ignored shotguns and rifles,

with the exception of the Beretta BM59, SIG AMT and CETME.

Notably, this panel excluded plinking from a "sporting purpose", an interpretation that

continues to today.

It was not until 16 years later, in 1984, that ATF looked beyond the restrictions of

NFA and surplus military rifles and shotguns.

ATF was asked to evaluate the Striker-12 shotgun otherwise known as the streetsweeper.

The importer provided evidence that the shotgun was suitable for police or combat competitions.

ATF found that this type of competition did not constitute a "sporting purpose" and denied

the importation of the firearm.

In 1986, two years later, ATF was again asked to examine another shotgun, the USAS-12, and

drew the same conclusion.

In both cases, ATF interpreted sporting purposes as being limited to certain traditional sports

and not just any lawful activity the firearm may be used in.

1989 was the first time that ATF sat down to evaluate some particular semiautomatic

rifles that were suspended from importation in March of that year.

ATF had stated that the importation of AKS, FN/FAL, FN/FNC-type weapons, Uzi carbines

and Steyr Augs would not longer be able to be imported.

This was later expanded to include rifles which generally had a military appearance,

large magazine capacity and/or a semiautomatic version of a machine gun.

In its report, ATF found that certain characteristics of a firearm, such as the ability to accept

a detachable magazine, having a folding or telescoping stock, pistol grip, ability to

accept a bayonet, flash suppressor, night sights, grenade launcher and even bipods,

were designed for military applications and were distinguished from traditional sporting


The panel defined the scope of sporting purposes by looking at the legislative history and

finding that the history suggested the term meant traditional sports like target shooting

and trap and skeet shooting.

It also found the Congress intended to allow the importation of traditional sporting rifles

while excluding military type rifles.

It concluded that the term "sporting purpose" should properly be given a narrow reading.

"It was determined that while hunting ...and competitive target shooting [are] … recognized...sports,

the so-called activity of plinking is not..."

It also found that police or combat type shooting was not a sporting purpose.

The panel also looked at the suitability of these types of rifles and found that even

if one was preferred or suitable for a particular purpose, they should be categorized as a whole.

In other words, if a rifle was able to be used for hunting, that should not alone allow

it to step outside being regulated.

As a result the panel found that "semiautomatic assault rifle[s] [are] not a type of firearm

generally recognized as particularly suitable for or readily adaptable to sporting purposes

and that importation of these rifles should not be authorized..."

ATF revisited the issue in 1998 with their report on the Sporting Suitability of Modified

Semiautomatic Assault Rifles which studied firearms that were modified to remove their

"military features" but were still able to accept "detachable large capacity magazines".

These rifles were referred to as "large capacity military magazine rifles" or LCMM rifles.

In that report, the ATF again looked at the scope of "sporting purpose".

It recounted the findings of the 1989 report and then went on to address comments it had

received with regards to practical shooting.

The Committee found that while it had received information showing that practical shooting

was gaining in popularity in the United States, was governed by an organization that had sponsored

national events since 1989 and also had an international organization, "it is closer

to police [or] combat-style competition and is not comparable to the more traditional

types of sports, such as hunting and organized competitive target shooting.

Therefore, [the panel was] not convinced that practical shooting does, in fact, constitute

a sporting purpose…"

The 1998 report found that the 1989 sporting purposes test was still valid.

It also determined that firearms with "the ability to accept a detachable large capacity

magazine originally designed and produced for a military assault weapon should be added

to the list of disqualifying military configuration[s]…"

The report cited the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban as evidence that such firearms did not

have a sporting purpose.

It also found that magazine capacities for hunting were usually restricted to 5 to 6

rounds and that the information collected showed LCMM rifles were not particularly suitable

for sporting purposes, that they were not commonly used for hunting and their suitability

for competition was limited.

We all know that not to be true.

The ATF returned to shotguns in 2011, the last time ATF has formally addressed the sporting

purposes clause.

The ATF did consider practical shooting competitions but noted that a "determination on the sporting

purpose of practical shooting events should be made only after an in-depth study of those

events, the working group determined that it was not appropriate to use this shotgun

study to make a definitive conclusion as to whether practical shooting events are 'sporting'."

Much like the rifles which were reviewed in 1989, ATF developed a test for whether a shotgun

was suitable for sporting purposes.

Features which would remove a shotgun from this classification include: folding or collapsible

stocks, bayonet lugs (speaking of which, what is everyone's obsession with banning bayonet

lugs?), flash suppressor, magazine over 5 rounds or a drum mag, grenade launcher mount,

integrated rail systems, light enhancing devices, excessive weight, excessive bulk, which, are

these actually even "features"?, and forward grips or other parts designed or used for

gripping the shotgun with the shooters extended hand.

And this is why you can't get something like a factory Benelli M4 with an extended magazine


Looking at the rifles, it's also why you would see an AK imported with a thumbhole stock,

and a 5-round magazine.

As you can likely tell, the sporting purposes test varies between the different types of


While ATF has not yet found practical shooting to be a sporting purpose, it seems that the

finding is inevitable.

The sporting purpose issue was brought to the forefront of debate again in the Obama

Administration's attempt to ban M855 ammunition.

You can check out the comment I drafted in opposition to that down in the description.

I made sure to include an argument related to practical shooting, because let's face

it, it is something that should constitute a sporting purpose.

So that is the Sporting Purpose Exemption.

It is, and has been a point of contention for many years, and likely, will remain so

into the future.

Sick of poor information finding its way around the internet?

Make sure to share this video with your friends.

Don't forget to hit that like button and if you aren't subscribed already, you better

make that happen.

Hang out on Facebook?

Be sure to join us on the TGC Nation Group.

Remember to check out my website

And as always thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Why Can't We Import COOL GUNS? - The Legal Brief - Duration: 9:02.



Hi everybody!

New chapter for us! We are in the USA.

We finally crossed the border.

Here we are in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.

We really wanted to visit that place so we are happy to be here!

But we were not expecting such weather

because it's way more south.

It's a fail.

There is a snow storm since we arrive.

I'm walking weird because it's so slippery.

The advantages are that the landscapes are amazing covered with snow.

Also we are completely alone.

Because it's the end of the season. In six days the park is closed.

There are a lot of roads closed in the park.

I wanted to show you this.

The landscapes are really different from what we saw in Canada.

There are a lot of geothermal springs.

The smoke that you can see here

it's sulfur emission.

It's really pretty but the only thing is that it smells like rotten egg.

We only saw a small part of Yellowstone National Park.

We are a bit sad because we drove 5 hours

to arrive at the West entrance.

They just told us that the roads are closed because of the snow.

They won't open them again

because of the coming winter storms.

We are a bit disappointed because we really want to see that place.

But we are just too late.

Especially Sam because he is the one who drove 5 hours.


- It's ok. It's part of the adventure!

- It was a place that I really want to see in the USA.

- But it's part of the game.

Wait I'll come next to you.

- There are some highs and a few lows in this kind of expedition.

- It's alright.

- The positive side is that the noise that you can hear is our heater.

- It's working today so that's nice. I can wear t-shirts.


- We can't do much about the weather so we are going to head south.

And in this vlog we are going to answer some questions we got on Facebook.

- Yes there is one from Jeremy! Hi Jeremy.

- He is asking if we are having some doubts about our trip.

- Because of the small mishaps we can have.


We want to go back!

- No! Not at all! We just like to share with you the good and the bad.

- When you are traveling for a long time

it's impossible to experiment only perfect moments.

There are some times where it's a bit uncomfortable.

We just like to share them with you

to show you that vanlife is not all the time about the nice shots on social medias.

- But there are part of vanlife!

Yes, there are a lot of them like you can see in our last videos.

For now it's lunch time.

As we are a bit frustrated

- When Elise is frustrated she likes to cook.

That was a secret.

So we are going to eat and I wanted to share the recipe with you.

We'll cook some veggie burgers.

The recipe is very simple.

We'll start with the basic ingredients.

You will need some oats, eggs and milk.

About the quantity it's for two big eaters.

Or for Sam and a normal eater.

Or even just for Sam in its good days.

So what you will need!

Two cups of quick cooked oats.

15 cl of milk.

We bought almond milk because it was a good deal.

But sometimes I use soy milk or cow milk.

If you drink cow milk.

So that was it for the basic ingredients.

Also you will need a bowl to mix everything.

About the vegetables

I usually use one carrot and one zucchini that I grate.

Here I will use two carrots

because there is one almost done because our fridge is broken.

I also have a broken zucchini

but still good.

Probably because of Sam's violent way of driving.

Also I use one oignon and a green one for the taste.

And about the spices it's salt, pepper and curry.

But you can use the spices that you want.

Once you mixed everything

you let it rest in the fridge for 30 minutes before to cook them.

Here is what it looks like after letting it rest.

Now you just have to cook them. It's pretty simple.

You heat some oil on a pan.

It needs to be pretty warm.

I'm using coconut oil but olive oil is also good or even canola oil.

All the oils are good.

And then you can make small balls with your hands

or you use a spoon like me.

And you put it in the pan.

You can flatten them

to have like a burger shape.

Pretty much like meat burgers.

You let it cook on both sides.

So it's very crispy!

To answer Jeremy other question

who asked when we'll be arriving in the South

so in Argentina.

It's not that easy to answer this question

but we are thinking we'll need a year to get there.

Other people also asked what we will do with the van after the trip.

It's another complicated question.

There is more than one scenario.

Everything can happen in this kind of adventure.

That's why it's hard to know the exact timing too.

But if it's still in good shape

or we send it back to Belgium to do another trip over there

so Lola you will be able to borrow it. Don't worry!

Or we find a potential buyer on the American continent

to sell it.

So we would come back in Belgium with some money to start new projects.

We will see how it goes.

I'll let you guys here because the burgers are starting to burn.

Here is the result when it's cooked.

You can eat them with anything you like.

We eat them just with coktail sauce.

- With fresh and organic tomatoes

So good.

We had another question!

- Yes! Someone asked about the things that we miss the most.

- For these first months.

Not that much actually!

But I miss my family and my friends a lot.

For more infomation >> #VLOG13 - L'ENDROIT PARFAIT POUR RÉPONDRE À VOS QUESTIONS - Duration: 12:53.


Louisville's Coalition for Homeless asking for help - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Louisville's Coalition for Homeless asking for help - Duration: 1:19.


Silent night // Malam kudus - Ricky Johnson (Christmas carol) - Duration: 3:02.

Silent night, holy night all is calm, all is bright

round yon virgin mother and child holy infant so tender and mild

sleep in heavenly peace sleep in heavenly peace

Malam kudus sunyi senyap dunia terlelap

hanya dua berjaga terus ayah bunda mesra dan kudus

anak tidur tenang, anak tidur tenang.

Silent night, holy night! Shepherds quake at the sight

hanya dua berjaga terus ayah bunda mesra dan kudus

anak tidur tenang, anak tidur tenang.

For more infomation >> Silent night // Malam kudus - Ricky Johnson (Christmas carol) - Duration: 3:02.


WHY I Started a BEAUTY Channel An Inspirational RANT! - Duration: 13:17.

*Errrg, just got a little all out!

What up guys? Ashley Elizabeth here with AEHM artistry.

And if you didn't know what AEHM artistry stands, yet, its

Ashley Elizabeth Hair and Makeup.

And that is my

professional brand, as a hair stylist and makeup artist. And I only do special

events and like weddings and stuff like that and filming, print.

I chose AEHM artistry because well,

Ashley Elizabeth was already taken on YouTube!

So I had to get

a little creative with that so I can set myself apart from all the other

channels that were just Ashley Elizabeth.

So what I wanted to do today, really

quickly, is just kind of talk to you guys about why I'm here, why am I doing this,

and a little quick rant. Because we all like spilling that tea, am i right am I right?

I asked you guys on Twitter if you like rant videos and you all said yes.

I like doing these polls, I'm liking how all these social media places are having those

polls because it gives me another opportunity to ask you the viewers what

you're interested in seeing.

So feel free to comment down below if there's

something that you want to see. Or go find me on my social media channels and

don't forget to subscribe!

So enough plugs right there let's just get down to

earth and talk to you guys.

I just actually filmed a different video for

you guys so I thought now would be the perfect time to set up and just talk.

I haven't done one of these videos yet and I've really been wanting to it's just,

just doing it.

So I have to say, I was inspired by a Stephanie Lange's video

that went up yesterday (at the time I'm filming this) go check her out she's

super down-to-earth. Beauty youtuber as well. And she laid things down really

clear and it just really inspired me to share it with you guys as well and tell

you guys what I'm doing here, what my purpose is. Same thing with Roberto Blake,

I follow him for all my youtube and business growth and development and he's

also just super inspirational and has a lot of wisdom. Especially on his

Instagram, he's very inspirational there and just gets you really thinking about

why you're doing, what you're doing, why you're doing it. Wspecially when it comes

to a business. So I want to let you guys know why am I doing this? Why am I here

in a "super saturated" market. Wspecially beauty and YouTube together. Like the

market is SO saturated and before I started sitting down and filming I had

to ask myself that.

What am I going to be doing that sets me apart from the next

beauty channel, from the next person, and you know what I decided after thinking

"well maybe I can't do this, maybe there's no room for me here", is you know

what...there's only one you!

Maybe I've heard it from somebody, maybe

I heard it from Roberto, but whatever it resonated with me.

There is only one you.

And you are the only one that can make things happen for yourself.

Why put off today what you can accomplish for tomorrow.

I would say a couple years ago I like had this epiphany...I was like, what if my

eight-year-old self saw me today... would they be proud of what I'm doing?

Would they be happy with the way my life is going? You know, as a child I was super

creative and artistic and stuff, but I think I kind of lost a little bit of

that along the way. Which is odd because I was doing hair styling and stuff, but I

just felt like there's something more that I needed to be doing.

That my creative juices weren't quite flowing, like they should be.

And that's when YouTube came about.

So what I felt like I wanted to do here

with my youtube channel, is really connect with you guys. I mean you guys

kind of dictate what it is that I offer you in my channel. Like what do you guys

get out of my channel.

For me, my hopes is to create a community where we can all

like have fun with beauty and not take things so seriously. Makeup and hair and

beauty stuff, for me, it's just like all about fun. It's surprising that I haven't

changed my hair yet since starting my channel back in March...

but it's all about

fun and just like having fun with it and I'm hoping to share that with you guys.

I am also a stay-at-home mom, other than doing some jobs and stuff on the side

for my hair makeup business. My husband has afforded me the opportunity to stay

at home with my little one, she is now 2.

And it's been...when I started

this channel was right after I decided to become a stay-at-home mom from being

a store manager. And I loved that job, I loved that career, but staying at home

with my little one was just where my heart was. And I wanted to do something

on the side that I can maintain my creativity and...and I found that in

YouTube. I was watching a bunch of YouTube videos and my husband's like "why

don't you do that" and I was like what huh what who me what and then like I

after I thought about it for awhile I was like wait, why don't I do that?

You know I've been in the beauty industry for over ten years and I have

stuff I want to share. I have people ask questions all the time and it might be

easier just to film videos for you guys and put it out there! And after I filmed my

first video I straight became addicted! So now I'm doing it two times a week and

I just love it so much. And I love it because now after doing it for...I think

I'm going on nine or ten months, it is starting to create a community!

I'm starting to be able to comment with you guys in the comment sections, you guys

are interacting with me, you guys are you know commenting you know on pictures on Instagram.

For me it's not about likes and subscribers, but it's about

building that community...with that community does need to come subscribers

and stuff, or else you guys won't know how to interact with me and everything.

But that like sense of togetherness is what I'm here to create.

And also I really want to stress the importance of trying to find a little bit of time for you.

I think one of the things that really inspired me to start was seeing

that a lot of moms, or even people in general even not moms, don't set time for

themselves to enjoy, you know, something that they enjoy! Whether it's reading a

book, sitting down and having a cup of coffee, watching a 15 minute beauty

YouTube videos, or doing makeup. You know, on yourself or whatever.

Just playing, or just do you know internet shopping on Sephora and not actually

buying anything! Whatever it is that you have a little passion for.

Maybe you can't pursue it right now, maybe it's not something that you can go

all into, but a little part of your day or week that you can do it for you.

That you can do that.

For me it's makeup, its hair, so I was able to know I'm

already doing that passion and I have my business...but for me I was able to create

this channel to connect with you guys and give you guys the information.

And I'm not here to try to be perfect.

You're gonna see stray hairs, you're gonna see

my roots, you're gonna see my makeup sometimes not looking 100% perfect, and

you know what half the time in videos I film almost the whole thing and then my

toddler wakes up from the nap! All my videos pretty much I film all while she's

sleeping, I edit while she's sleeping at night and I just try to get it done.

So, the lighting may be off and it may not always be perfect. I try to make it look

it's pleasing to the eye as I can, I try to make you guys not bored out of your

mind, so I do edit.

If you follow the beauty community at all you might notice

there is a trend of "perfectionism" going around...and not that there's anything

wrong, necessarily, like if that's what makes you happy like I'm not here to

judge anybody and what makes them happy and what's good. But when you put

yourself out there, especially in the place where I think you can reach a

younger audience, you kind of become a role model...and I'm not calling myself a

role model or anything like that, but I do have an obligation to you guys,

whoever's viewing, to not make myself just look perfect. Because I'm not.

And nobody is. And I think that it gets very skewed when everybody is so, not

everybody, when people are so worried about just creating this false sense of

perfectionism. And I think it can really mess with some people's head. And like, I

thought it was super bizarre the other day...I was watching a really popular

youtuber's snapchat her or [youtube] vide, I don't know what it was, but they talked about

how they won't film if they have a breakout,

And that...kinda bugged me!

I know everybody has their skin issues, and things that

they're comfortable doing and not doing, but for a beauty channel...and like doing

makeup reviews of products and seeing how they do. I like seeing if a product

can cover up my acne! I don't know it just seemed a little bizarre for my

taste, but you know, that doesn't bother people? That's cool, whatever! Just know, for

me, you're gonna see my skin the way it is. Without makeup, with makeup, everything

in between. Because I am here, my skin is my skin, I can't change it. And I am dry

AF and I get cystic breakouts occasionally and I get redness and I

have discoloration and that is it. I aint trying to hide that from you guys by starting

with makeup then applying makeup. I've had a lot of people tell me that they

like my channel because I don't start with makeup on, and then put makeup on

top of that. And I appreciate that because I ain't here about that life.

And if that's what, like I said I'm not trying to judge people whatever. But when

I'm trying to tell you guys a review on a makeup product, I think that you would

want to see *I THINK* what it's like going on real skin. I don't know, whatever,

that's my little Tea. Whatever. Not gonna call anybody out. I just...for me, I'm still

watching that person, and I still enjoy their stuff, but I definitely keep that

in the back of my head now. It's like... will I take foundation review seriously

from them??? I can't say that I will.

Because like...that's not...I don't know,

that's not cool. I don't know. Like everybody has

insecurities and if you're not comfortable filming with your skin

that's fine whatever? If you came here wanting to see perfect skin, every

hair in place, like a different outfit every time, you're not gonna get that

with me. You're not.

You're gonna see my skin the way it is, you're gonna have an

eyebrow out of place, you're gonna see some makeup in my hair because I applied

it like a banshee!

But that, that's is what it is.

So if you don't want to see that you might want to click away right now, but if you

want to see me. Authentically me.

Unapologetically me. Then you can keep

watching some of my videos.

So what is it that I want you guys to take home from

this video? What is it that I want you to hear me say?

Don't worry about perfectionism.

It's all fake, it's all smoke and mirrors. It is all smoke and mirrors.

Let me tell you, literally, literally smoke and mirrors. Lots of mirrors, lots of lighting.

If they're like super popular youtubers that you like, go

follow them on snapchat or Instagram. It's really cool to see, like, them behind the

scenes where they can't like edit and stuff. Not because like it's like "ha I

see who you are now". No, it's because it's like "oh I see who you are now". Because

when you sit in front of a camera, it's perfectly lit, you got the backdrop going,

and everything. It's just, it's just more made up. Which is fine, which looks really

pretty and polished. I do that all the time. I'm gonna try to get the best

lighting I can and I have backdrops up sometimes.

But, when you can see people in their Instagram stories and snapchat and they

show you, like, what the room really looks like! It's kind of cool. You see the

whole makeup disaster because when they're playing it everything seems

perfect and pretty. guys it's just it's real life and it's what's

going on. And I'm not here to try to make you think that I don't have crazy split

ends and I really need to get a haircut, I need to.

I think we all have to ask ourselves the end of the day

what positive impact do we have the ability

to make in the world, or with people that we know?

It's a hard question that we all

have to ask ourselves sooner or later.

So I hope that you guys learned a little bit

more about me today. So I'm gonna try to edit this and have it not ramble and

kind of make sense. So hopefully I accomplished that and if you guys would

like to kind of join my community and contribute to that and comment you guys

go ahead and subscribe.

It might sound a little contradicting to ask you guys to

subscribe if you haven't yet, but it's kind of all about building community and

building something here. So if you guys enjoy rant videos, like this, go ahead and

give me a thumbs up. So I know that you guys like it. I definitely felt like this

was a long time coming, kind of telling you guys why I'm here, where I'm at, and

what am I doing with my life. So there you go. Hopefully a little learn a little

something something.

Alright, you guys have a great lovely day! XOXO

Hope I didn't it rant too much, too much rambling? I don't know, we'll see how that goes...

For more infomation >> WHY I Started a BEAUTY Channel An Inspirational RANT! - Duration: 13:17.


CRAZIEST PARTIES WE WENT TO | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:09.

• From murdering a piñata to stripping for a conga line, the Planet Dolan crew re-enact

some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the craziest things we've seen happen

at a party.

I'm Doopie and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was submitted by Ciesus Pringle When Pringle was a kid his mom dragged him

along to a family friend's birthday party.

There were no other kids there and most of the guests were very drunk.

At the end of the night, all of the middle-aged guys at the party suddenly stripped down to

their underwear and started a conga line!

The conga line went straight out the front door and all the way down the street before

slowly returning to the house.

Everyone was cheering and laughing but it was the most confusing thing little Pringle

had ever seen…

Number 9 was submitted by ThatBeastDude SweetCommando When SweetCommando was in middle school he

went to a party that the WHOLE SCHOOL was invited to!

The party was completely wild!

But everyone seemed to be having fun.

But halfway through the night things took a turn when two people started fighting!

No one could break the fight up so more and more people started joining in.

Pretty soon every single person at the party was fighting – even SweetCommando!

After a few minutes everyone stopped fighting and started laughing!

They soon went back to having fun, and to this day no one knows why they were even fighting

in the first place!

Number 8 was submitted by FlashSentry22 Princess One time Princess Proton went to her friend

Mimi's Sweet Sixteen party.

At the party, everyone was dared to eat or drink something weird.

When Princess's turn came, Mimi dared her to drink the bowl of punch that had been brought

by the host's older college friend.

Princess did the dare – but found out too late that the punch had been spiked!

Three hours later, shy little Princess Proton had stripped down to her bra and underwear

and was dancing on a table, shouting, "This is Strip Club City, babies!"

Number 7 was submitted by GlassFlooring Tolop One time Tolop went to a funeral for a guy

who'd died of alcoholism.

After the service, the guests decided the best way to remember him was to throw a huge

party and get completely wasted!

Two hours into the party Tolop saw a young drunk guy run out of the kitchen, putting

on a bad British accent and screaming, "I'm the bloody United Kingdom, you bloody wankers!

Respect me!"

He then ran outside and jumped into the above-ground pool fully clothed.

When he came up for air, he shouted, "You see, you bloody concubine!

I'm the bloody United Kingdom!

I'm in a giant cup of tea!"

Ever since that day Tolop sees all above-ground pools as giant cups of tea…

Number 6 was submitted by MM3064 Civil Spider When Civil Spider was in high school he went

to the big annual Valentine's Day party.

That night, he saw a bunch of girls standing together getting ready to take a group photo.

But in the distance he also saw a group of boys preparing to photobomb them!

Civil Spider watched as one of the guys ran in to photobomb them but tripped and fell!

As the guy was falling he grabbed onto one of the girls' skirts to break his fall,

pulling it down in the process.

The girl was extremely embarrassed and smacked the guy right across the face!

Number 5 was submitted by Mote-of-Lobross Andiemations

One night Andiemations got invited to a college pool party.

It was going really well – until Andie's drunk friend Cid got a terrible idea.

He decided to take the parasol from the poolside table, climb onto the second-story balcony

and jump off.

He thought the parasol would cause him to float gently into the pool, but it didn't

work out that way!

Instead the big parasol swung him around and made him do a complete 360! Cid panicked and

let go, causing him to plummet into the concrete below!

Luckily he survived, but his arm and shoulder were broken in several places!

Number 4 was submitted by GoldbergJoe Salty Squid

One night Salty Squid went to his first-ever keg party.

He was having a blast – until three rednecks crashed the party!

The rednecks were loud and rude and just helped themselves to all the beer they wanted.

One of them caught Salty Squid's attention when he pulled out a big knife and started

bouncing the blade between his fingers.

Everyone at the party stared as the crazy redneck went faster and faster.

Eventually, he stabbed himself hard right in the finger!

His buddies wrapped the finger in paper towel and left.

Salty Squid and his friends were laughing and talking about crazy it was, until someone


The rednecks had stolen the two kegs!

Two of them had carried the kegs off while the idiot with the knife caused a diversion.

Number 3 was submitted by PurpleMysticMarry HoneyBits

When HoneyBits' little sister had a big birthday party, all her friends and family

came, including a cousin who'd a special gift… a piñata made to look like her favorite

cartoon character!

All the guests were really excited and couldn't wait until it was time to break open the piñata.

But when HoneyBits' sister started hitting it she discovered the piñata only had red

candy inside it.

That's when their cousin told HoneyBits' sister that the red candy was cartoon blood,

and that she had just killed her favourite character!

HoneyBits' sister was really upset and cried for the rest of her party.

She still hasn't forgiven her cousin for making her commit piñata murder…

Number 2 was submitted by MargaritaPizza2 Grgak

Grgak once went to a very memorable college party…

At the party there was a creepy guy pretending to be passed out on the floor so he could

look up the girls' skirts.

He got away with this until Pandora noticed what he was up to.

First she stood over his face and seduced him with a little bump and grind.

After a minute or two, she took off her panties and started squatting lower and lower.

Soon her crotch was only inches away from his face.

Creepy Guy thought he'd died and gone to heaven… until Pandora proceeded to shit

all over his face!

The guy was so shocked that it took him five seconds to even react!

In that time, Pandora clinched off her big turd and calmly walked to the bathroom to

clean up.

Grgak never saw Creepy Guy at a party ever again…

Number 1 – What's the craziest thing I've seen happen at a party?

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