Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 10 2017

Hey guys, I am Adrien and I am probably the biggest cameroonian fan of Asa. Today we are learning "Eyo"

So the chords will be displayed here and you have not done that yet,subscribe to the channel.

We are playing in the key of Emajor though the origanl key is the F#major.

With the capo on the 1rst fret you have the F#major

The first part goes this way

So we are playing those chords E>C#m>F#m>B

If you can´t play barre chords, I show in the 2nd part of the video how to play the song in C major. That is easier!

Part 2:

C#m> G#m>F#m>G#m

This is the A major, you can also play the barre chord here

No, you go to the E major

So that was the song in E major.

I want to play in C major, here are the chords:

Hmm, it looks like the image was blurring the whole time. There a pictures anyway!

So, if you liked the video, Press like and see you next time!

For more infomation >> EYO - Asa | How to play | Comment jouer? - Duration: 5:38.


Most Dangerous Toys Ever Sold In Toy Stores - Duration: 5:54.

Won't somebody think of the children?

From the beginning of time, toys have been dangerous.

If it's not a Ninja Turtle sword to the eye, it's something toxic quietly slipped into

your E-Z Bake Oven.

Here are a few of the most dangerous toys that you may still have scars from.


Remember Creepy Crawlers?

Sure, in the '90s, we baked our bugs and guts under a hot lightbulb, but the original Crawlers

were a lot more dangerous.

"Creeeeeepy Crawlers!"

1964's Thingmaker, which first introduced the jiggly, bakeable bugs, didn't really care

about playing it safe when it came to amateur insect-making.

First, there wasn't a big, plastic scoop to easily slide the bug mold into the oven, but

there were small metal tongs.

And the original oven wasn't powered by a light bulb.

Instead, it was plugged right into the wall, which could make it reach temperatures as

hot as an actual oven.

Once the bugs were done cooking, you removed the metal molding tray from the metal oven,

using metal tongs.

That's piping hot metal coming at you from all sides, kid.

"You've got bugs!

Squiggly, squishy bugs!

It feels so soft and natural."

When they reinvented the Crawlers for '90s kids, they relaunched with an action figure

line and an animated series.

"With Shockaroach, Squirminator, and Spooky Goopy by my side, I will control The Creepy

Crawlers forever!"

And in the '90s and beyond, third degree burns just weren't as cool anymore, and safer spookiness

at light-bulb temperatures became all the rage.

"We had a saying when I grew up: 'Learn with the Creepy Crawler maker, burn with the Creepy

Crawler maker.'"

Sky Rangers Airplanes

RC planes generally carry their own set of risks, and the Sky Rangers Park Flyer RC plane

was a pretty standard bearer of head injuries from above, but with one ridiculous twist:

the battery pack in the plane's tail had a knack for exploding before or during launch.

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, there were 45 reports of exploding planes,

resulting in injuries to the eyes, ears, hands, face, and even chest due to debris flying


It was basically like flying a Michael Bay movie.

"Awesome barbecue, awesome pool."

In 2007, Estes-Cox, the company behind the Sky Rangers plane, issued a voluntary recall

of over 21,000 planes.

But not every Sky Ranger plane was recalled; if it had a warning sticker, it was okay.

The plane might still explode, but at least they gave you a heads-up.

Slip 'n Slides

"Wild wet ride, Sliiiip, slip and slide, you can put it on your lawn, turn the water on…"

Running and sliding headfirst into a slippery sheet of water is the perfect way to cool

off on any summer day… if you're a kid.

If anyone other than a child uses a Slip 'n' Slide, they risk slip-sliding straight into

a concussion.

According to the CPSC, if a larger person were to use the various Slip 'n Slides produced

before 1993, they risked serious injury.

Instead of sliding, adults would just hit the ground hard — and stay there, potentially

compressing their spinal cords in the process.

Between 1973 and 1991, at least seven adults and one teenager suffered severe injuries,

including various forms of serious paralysis, and every year since then, that number has


Nobody wants to risk debilitating injuries from playing on a kid's toy, so WHAM-O wound

up recalling over nine million slides.

Slip 'n Slides are still a thing today, and even though they make it perfectly, 100 percent

clear that nobody over the age of 12 should use them, critical injuries still occur.

It's just too hard to resist.

Polly Pocket

Of all the toys in the world that could harm your children, you'd think Polly Pocket would

be on the bottom of the list.

What could possibly go wrong?

Plenty, as it turns out… if your kid liked to eat magnets.

According to the CPSC, Polly Pocket play sets sold between May 2003 and September 2006 were

at risk of having the magnets inside the toys come loose.

Those would then end up in noses, ears, and stomachs.

But if a kid swallowed more than one magnet, they could actually attract each other inside

the body, risking severe intestinal blockage, infection, or perforation.

The CPSC mentioned around 170 cases of rogue magnets, which resulted in three cases of


Mattel recalled millions of play sets, and since then, they've made efforts to keep all

of those tiny magnets in the toys — and not inside kids.

Aqua Dots

Whether you hate plastic or you're worried about lead in toy paint, it's worth being

careful about chemicals in toys.

But you probably don't worry about legit drugs in children's toys — because no one would

do that, right?

"What can you dot then spray for fun that stays?

Aqua Dots!"

In 2007, the makers of Aqua Dots, also known as Bindeez Beads, kinda, sorta put drugs in


"Scientists say a chemical in the toy becomes a powerful date rope drug if it is swallowed."

The small beads are used to make cool crafts with neat designs… but if you swallow the

little candy-like orbs, you could go into a coma — and possibly die.

That's because the toys contained a chemical that the body can metabolize into GHB, a drug

that causes amnesia and blackouts.

Over four million of the toys were recalled, reformulated, and re-released without deadly

chemicals — because it's hard to make a happy toy commercial when you have to list

side effects like comas and death.


Whether people called them knockers, click clacks, clackers, or any other similar name,

this toy was nothing more than two acrylic balls attached to a long piece of string.

"The new toy for the trendy, technological age."

Take the string in the middle, move your hand in an up-and-down motion, and you could produce

a pretty satisfying banging sound that could drive your parents absolutely insane.

Swinging small acrylic balls at high speed may not seem like a safe activity by itself,

but the problems got worse when these balls reach their inevitable breaking point and

slam into each other hard enough to shatter.

When you expect a satisfying "bang" and instead are given splintered ball bits in your eyes,

you might not be playing with the safest toy in the world.

These little guys were made in the 1970s and didn't make it very far into the following

decade due to most parents' desire to keep shrapnel out of their kid's faces.

Seems legit.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Most Dangerous Toys Ever Sold In Toy Stores - Duration: 5:54.


Die Pfandfinder - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Die Pfandfinder - Duration: 1:11.


Meguiar's Bug & Tar Remover Test - Duration: 2:03.

hello guys, in this video

we're gonna try Meguiars Bug & Tar Remover

on this spot right here

shake it

now wait about thirty seconds

just like it says on the directions

you can spread it using your finger

now wipe it off with a microfiber towel

use the clean side

there you go

i hope you guys enjoy the video

don't forget to check links in the description

thanks for watching

and please subscribe

For more infomation >> Meguiar's Bug & Tar Remover Test - Duration: 2:03.





Since its release in July of this year, the powerful documentary Tony Robbins: I Am Not

Your Guru has touched the lives of many and has reinvigorated much of the world�s interest

in one of the world�s most infamous life and business coaches, Tony Robbins.

There are few that Tony isn�t a familiar face to, but since hitting Netflix, this documentary

seems to have reaffirmed his preeminence in the self-improvement world. Since its release

I have been astonished by the number of people from all walks of life who have spoken to

me about how much they loved the film.

More surprising still, almost all of them have mentioned one unexpected takeaway amidst

the dozens of powerful teachings that the documentary offers: the need to get a rebounder/mini


What�s amazing is that a rebounder is never even directly addressed in the film; Tony

is simply featured on one at several points in the film. To him, the rebounder is one

of many tools he always uses to prepare himself for a seminar or live event.

Having been using one daily for some time now, I was curious to look into its �power�

and share with all of you some of the many benefits incorporating one into your life

can offer.

1. Boosts Your Immune Function

A rebounder drastically boosts your immune function through its ability to encourage

lymphatic drainage. For those who don�t know, the lymphatic system is responsible

for transporting a fluid (called lymph) that flushes toxins from your body. Many consider

it the first line of defence in combating illness and disease.

2. The Best Exercise?

According to NASA, bouncing on a rebounder is �the most efficient, effective form of

exercise yet devised by man.� The reasoning? It is believed to be the only form of exercise

capable of strengthening, toning, and detoxifying every cell in your body.

The same NASA study also revealed that it is far less strenuous on your feet, ankles,

knees, and other joints than the much-loved and overused treadmill.

3. Improves Digestion

By encouraging lymphatic drainage, a rebounder also greatly impacts your body�s digestive

system. Rebounding has been found to regulate internal muscle movement, helping with digestion

and improving waste elimination.

4. Strengthens Your Skeletal System

It has long been known that weight bearing exercises increase bone mass. Rebounding is

believed to be especially effective at this since it increases the weight supported by

the skeletal system through the G-force of jumping.

5. Increases Energy by Better Circulating Oxygen Throughout Body

This is seemingly the benefit that motivates Tony Robbins� use of a rebounder the most,

as he consistently turns to it immediately prior to events that require high energy levels

for an extended period of time. I personally love to start my days with some time on a

rebounder in hopes of awakening that same energy for everything the day brings my way.

In addition to these amazing benefits, what makes rebounders even more incredible is how

affordable they are, especially in comparison to other workout devices. They can be found

on Amazon for well under $100, with the one I purchased, the Stamina 36-Inch Folding Trampoline,

being substantially less.

As with anything health, exercise, or diet related, I always suggest that you check in

with a trusted professional to see whether or not it is appropriate for you. If you receive

the green light, get going on a rebounder as soon as possible to start harnessing its

many benefits.

As I mentioned above, the documentary reinvigorated my love for the work of Tony Robbins and the

potential it has to positively impact your life. I encourage you all to look into his

work, including the book Awaken the Giant Within and the audio The Power to Shape Your

Destiny: Seven Strategies for Massive Results, both of which I have gone through in recent

months and absolutely love.



Essence of Murli 11-11-2017 - Duration: 6:32.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 11th November 2017

Essence: Sweet children, become Godly helpers and, like the Father, do the service of making the devilish society into the deity society.

Be interested in doing service.

Question: Many children are unable to forget the old world even though they try to forget it. What is the reason for this?

Answer: Their karmic bondages are very severe.

If you are unable to connect your intellect in yoga to the new world because your intellect is repeatedly running to the old world,

then it is said that it is not in your fortune, that is, your actions are wrong.

Question: What taste should you develop so that you cannot stay without doing service?

Answer: A taste for being merciful.

Only those who have tasted knowledge know how to be merciful. Merciful children cannot stay without doing service.

Song: You are the Ocean of Love. We thirst for one drop!

Essence for dharna: 1. Serve to make others similar to yourself.

Don't perform such wrong actions that there would have to be punishment. Make effort to become very, very sweet.

2. The Father is making us into the masters of the fixed and movable property (liberation and liberation-in-life).

Maintain the happiness and intoxication of this.

Blessing: May you be a master almighty authority who makes all your physical senses function under law and order.

A master almighty authority Raj yogi is one who, as a king, makes his subjects – his physical senses – function under law and order.

Just as a king holds court, in the same way, you also have to hold court of your kingdoms workers – your physical senses – every day

and ask them about their welfare and make sure that none of the workers are causing opposition and that they are all under control.

Those who are master almighty authorities cannot be deceived by even one of their physical senses.

When you say "Stop", they should stop.

Slogan: To use all your powers at the right time is to be a master almighty authority.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 11-11-2017 - Duration: 6:32.


Asile - Tôonz prod. par KronoMuzik - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Asile - Tôonz prod. par KronoMuzik - Duration: 3:52.



yo yo yo CPA strength here back with another video my best video yet yeah you

know it is what's this w2 explained what about a w-2

well if you get a w-2 I want you to take away look in box number two on every w-2

this box number two right here after one box number two federal income tax

withheld what is federal income tax withheld well let's just say well I want

to tell you before I go into what it is if there's a number here please look

into filing your tax return that's the most important thing that I

want to say in this video because if there is a number here and your honor w2

you are probably not going to oh but you might but if you but you probably will

get a refund so definitely look into this or there's a very good possibility

that you'll get a refund if you have a number in box number two federal income

tax withheld federal income tax withheld is an amount deducted off every weeks

paycheck or one of every paycheck that you get maybe whenever you get paid a

paycheck now w2 you get these if you're an

employee you know you go somewhere you clock in your boss tells you when you

can leave whatever nine to five forty hours a week you get a paycheck every

Friday at the end of the year you get a w-2 and it would have the accumulation

of all your paychecks on there but you notice if did I know you notice well I

know you know how to see if you get it W tubes I know you I know you're gonna

notice what I'm telling you next when you use you sign up for your job

whatever your bus is ten bucks an hour you're like great forty hours a week

that's four hundred dollars then you get your paycheck and it's like three forty

you're like yo where's that sixty homes that money comes out of Social

Security Medicare and you know you pay these in every and you don't have it you

don't have a choice it's not this is 6.2 percent this is 1.5 for somebody you

don't have a choice about how much Social Security or Medicare or if you

can wait till later or whatever they take that certain amount every paycheck

you do have a choice about how much federal income tax is withheld that's

why I say look to see if there's a number taken subtracted from it what

they do is when you fill out a w-4 and maybe we're looking at w-4 if anybody

wants but everybody wants me to go over W for a comment down below look at our

w-4 let me let me know please but where is it oh so the purpose of the w-4 is to

try to figure out the how much federal income tax that you need to be withheld

to get a little bit of a refund or about to break even and that's what they're

trying to figure out so it's always different I just want you to know on a

w-2 because I looked on a couple w2 explained and they just they went over

like the ein number over here and your address in your name and your social and

your stay in this and then they went over everything but like um this is

really I don't know this is for the person you know who usually just

crumples up their w-2 and throws it away and thinks they're getting over on

somebody but in essence because you've never heard anything about it well think

about it if if your do if you're due a refund the government doesn't even care

so you might just be throwing your money away so I want you to look over here and

see if you have federal income tax withheld now I'm going to do a very

quick and then I'll be out all as a 7-year tax preparer I'll tell you what

if you're a single person you come in you make sixteen thousand five hundred

dollars I know for a single taxpayer the standard deduction personal exemption is

about ten is about 10,500 so you would have about

$6,000 taxable income I know that you'd probably be in the ten percent tax

bracket from that so six ten percent of six thousand six hundred dollars so I

know you would all about six hundred dollars to the government with these

facts making this much money being a single person you would all about six

hundred dollars so with me looking at this uh w2 real fast I would know that

you would are you're gonna owe six hundred dollars but wait but wait you've

already given that you've already given the government $2,100 throughout the

year so you would you would probably be getting back about fifteen hundred

fifteen hundred dollar refund guarantee you're gonna get a thousand fifteen

hundred maybe more thousand probably yeah fifty learned I'll refund so I mean

oh I even am I telling anybody anything new does everybody know this I feel like

whenever people come to me they don't know anything about their w-2 they have

no idea and they figure out like the refunds made out of thin air which it's

not the one takeaway is I want you to know that where the federal income tax

withheld is on your w-2 and when you get your w-2 this next year in January

sometime or when you get Nick w2 I want you just to look at this is the the Box

one I want you to look at a couple things box one box three and box five

are probably going to be the same unless you have a 401 K or something like that

we're not worried about that for a very very basic these might be the same this

might be a little less you might be taxed but anyways that this is this is

generally your gross amount this is that four hundred dollars this is that ten

times ten dollars an hour 40 hours a week this is a $400 right here that's

that gross so just look at that that's what every every week times 52 made up

this is an end so I just want you to look at that very

briefly know what that is if you're single subtract about 10,500

from this number then go over here to the box number two the federal income

with federal income tax withheld and be cognizant of this number because you

know what this is what you've given the government on here and it's on a

voluntary basis a lot of people are 1099s a lot of people haven't paid their

taxes on the 1099 it's because you have you do that at the end of the year and

that's on them and people are scumbags and don't do anything so you know if you

get a w-2 you've already paid in so much you know this is your money you know you

would get $1,500 off this tax return so I implore you to be cognizant of your

federal income tax withholdings because it's not the same for everybody it's

different it depends on how you fill out your w-4 but this is long enough anyways

this is CPA strength tell tomorrow I love doing this I hope I helped you




New Trophy Eyes, Turnstile and Pianos Become The Teeth! | Thank Punk It's Friday - Duration: 6:07.

Hello everybody, Jamie here from Start A Riot. Welcome back to Thank Punk It's

Friday here's your alternative music news for this week. Trophy Eyes released a

new song called Hurt, it's their first new material since their fantastic

second album Chemical Miracle which came out last year on Hopeless Records. This

song compared to the material on that album sounds quite poppy and quite

produced as well. Coincidentally drummer Callum Cramp has also announced that

he's left the band. I actually interviewed Callum at this year's Slum Dunk festival, he

talked a lot about the writing process on chemical miracle and he actually

co-wrote a lot of the songs on that album. It might be an explanation for this

change in direction, I don't know if Callum was involved in the writing this

song or not. As you might be aware if you're a regular viewer Chemical Miracle

was on my albums of the Year lists last year, incredible album. The drums

especially on songs like Rain On Me, Counting Sheep and Breathe You In

absolutely fantastic, one of the best bits of the album. Seems a real shame

that Callum and the band have parted ways. I'll be really interested to see where Trophy

Eyes go from here. I think the reactions to this songs has been a little bit mixed and

while I definitely don't mind the band exploring new material, I just hope

they don't lose a lot of the aggression and the energy that made Chemical

Miracles so great. Pianos Become The Teeth released a new song called

Charisma, it's the first song to be released from their upcoming fourth

album Wait For Love which should be out February the 16th on Epitaph Records. A

lot of Pianos early material was really dark and super heavy, definitely put them

in the same camp as bands like Touché Amoré and Defeater. Following off from

their last album Keep You which featured no screaming vocals at all, a big

departure for Pianos, this song carries on that sound definitely delves into the

more the emo side of that genre. I actually think vocalist Kyle's voice

reminds me a lot of Christian from The Hotellier which is a very good thing. I

think some old school Pianos fans will miss that darker heavier sound but,

personally I think this is really great I'm definitely looking forward to

hearing more from this album as well. Turnstile have released a new song

called Real Thing. They're currently on tour in the US with The Story So Far

and Drug Church, two bands that have also released new material in the past few

weeks. It's the nineties throwback hardcore bands first new material since

they Move Thru Me EP which was released late last year they also

recently and that they've signed to Roadrunner

Records for their next album. No news on a follow-up to their first album

Nonstop Feeling just yet, but I'm sure with new material released it's not far

off. New York 90s post-hardcore band

Quicksand released their first new album in 22 years today. It's called Interiors

and it's out on Epitaph Records. This band were formed by Walter Schreifels after the

breakup of Gorilla Biscuits in the 90s, speaking of 90s hardcore. He

also went on to form Rival Schools after Quicksand so this band is kind of

sandwiched in between two legendary bands, one of the hardcore scene, one of

the very early emo scene. And there's a lot of bands that have popped up in

the last seven or so years that have really been influenced by the Quicksand

sound, kind of mix of grunge post hardcore and very early emo in there as

well. It's totally makes sense for these 90s alternative bands that really pioneered

these sounds and broke the ground for a lot of bands to move into the mainstream,

to reform and release new albums, why not. They're gonna be doing three dates

in the UK at the end of November, Nottingham, Manchester and London. Two

great UK bands release new material recently Rain dropped a video for Abstract

Vision. It's the title track of an upcoming EP which will be released on Venn

Records in two weeks, the 24th of November. This is really good post-punk mixed with

shoegaze, reminiscent of The Jesus and Mary Chain. Baby Names released the single

Stones Unturned last week. Its kind of lo-fi emo, also heavy, also a bit mathy.

If you like the Pet Library album that came out earlier this year or the

Cassels album that came out a few weeks ago, I think you'll like this also.

Legendary indie rock band Superchunk released a new song What A Time To Be

Alive. It's the title track off their eleventh studio album which will be

released on the band's own Merge Records label,

former home of Arcade Fire amongst others, on February the 16th next year.

The band of fresh off headlining Fest in Florida, I'm sure everyone who was there

had a great time. And finally Waterparks released a video for their single Blonde

it's from the upcoming second album Entertainment which will be out January

at the 26th on Equal Vision Records. Waterparks one of those really

polarizing bands. They're kind of in the same

camp as bands like With Confidence and State Champs that are either heavy pop

or very light pop punk. I never really know where I stand with bands like this,

and I think a lot of people have a problem with them honestly because they

don't know where they are, they blur those lines quite lot. I think that

punk fans just like punk and they feel very marginalised by the mainstream,

especially recently. I think people in the alternative music scene feel looked

down on a lot by pop and mainstream artists. So when a band kind of stands in

between and doesn't really commit to a side, then I think people find it a

bit uncomfortable. I kind of enjoy these bands like I like pop music, like kind of

light fun I'll put it on now and then but I won't really listen to an album. I

think they definitely sit on the pop side of the fence from me and that's

absolutely fine, as long as they don't really pretend to be punk and start being

pretentious as f**k, then I honestly don't care.

And that's all for this week, thanks for watching guys. If you haven't already

make sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel, if you're not on it already, dead easy. If you're on the Youtube channel go

like the Facebook page, again very easy.

Thanks for watching again, please like the video because I just want some

validation in my life. Thank you. We'll see you next week, thank you again.

Goodbye, Thank Punk It's Friday

For more infomation >> New Trophy Eyes, Turnstile and Pianos Become The Teeth! | Thank Punk It's Friday - Duration: 6:07.


Les Brown - How to Start Thinking Big (Les Brown Motivation) - Duration: 11:49.


LES BROWN► I want you really right now once again start thinking about your goals and

about your dreams and as you begin to envision them one of the things that I

think it's very important that we have to always go back to as you look at your

goals and dreams and and I want you to expand them and it's very important to

realize that I found that most people fail in life not because they aim too

high and miss most people fail in life because they did just like I did for so

many years they aim too low and hit they didn't believe in themselves

so I want you right now as we begin to think about the lessons and all the

things that you've experienced and all of the comments and stories and

strategies and lessons that you've had I think it's time to revisit and look at

your goals and dreams and let's raise the bar I remember as a kid we would be

in the backyard and we would play jumping somebody would get on webside of

stick my sister and then my brother we were running we're jump over it and

then they'd say raise it up a little bit higher we have to back up and we run

away jump over to get it and then we say raise it up a little higher and the

higher it got we had to begin to change our approach and how we're going to get

over the bar and that's the same thing in life and so right now I want you to

think about your goals and dreams as you begin to raise them a little higher and

I want you to stay with me it's possible it's possible you know the easiest thing

that I do is speak and train people how to speak go into prisons and juvenile

detention centers into high schools and colleges speak before thousands of

people I can do that in my sleep let me share

with you the the most difficult thing I've ever done in my life and it took me

years to do and that was to believe that it was possible to believe that I can do

given my circumstances born in abandoned building on the floor being adopted

being labeled educable mentally retarded failing twice in school no college

training never worked for major corporation to believe that I had

something of value to say that somebody would want to listen to me to believe

that that somebody would pay me to talk to them have you ever thought about

something you wanted to do and you talked yourself out of it

I remember going to see Zig Ziglar who I consider the number one motivational

speaker in the planet and dr. norman vincent peale when he was alive in

robert schuller i see them and i would be so pumped up

and inspired after hearing jim ron who recently passed one of the great

motivational speakers of all time and and Charlie tremendous Jones and and I

would go to my car pumped up saying yes yes yes I can and then after a while my

mental conditioning would kick in and it would say less fun you can't do that you

don't have a college education that's brown you can't do that you you know

your parents are that's wrong you can't do that you feel twice in school come on

you ever thought about something you wanted to do and you talked yourself out

of it there's a proverb that says if there's no enemy within the enemy

outside can do us no harm that's why it's important that you make it a point

every day to listen to Paul to listen to me to review these lessons to to get

them deep not only in the conscious mind but the subconscious mind and get them

in your spirit well how often should I do it do it until you aren't producing

the results that's how often you should do it and

and you never stop because once you stop that's when those negative thoughts will

come back once you stop that's when you will begin to doubt yourself once you

stop I'm telling you what I know yes everyday it's a selling job on you it's

possible I can do this I can make this happen no matter how bad it is or how

bad it gets I'm going to make it it's possible yes your dream is possible say

that to yourself every day feed your mind with words that you write in words

that you hear and words that you speak to yourself feed your faith and your

doubts will starve to death say to yourself it's possible it's

possible it's possible even when you have no evidence to point to say to

yourself it's possible there's nothing as powerful as a made mine it's a

struggle some time to do that especially when you have people around you telling

you that it's not possible that you can't do it and they're constantly

pointing out your failures of the past constantly reminding you of all of the

things that you don't have going for you I'm reminded of the story of the two

little boys that were playing on some ice during the winter and and and as

they got further out on this ice one filled through the the thin ice and and

so the little fellow that was still on top of the ice he was trying to save his

little buddy and he couldn't reach him he was trying

to pull him he could see him through the thin ayah says he got further away from

him struggling and and he couldn't reach him and is trying to break the ice and

he couldn't do it he looked around and he saw a tree in the distance and he ran

and then he got up on the tree and and he pulled and broke down an enormous

size branch and came back and and savagely begin to beat that ice and

broke it and and miraculously he saved his friend and when the paramedics came

and they were able to revive this little boy they were scratching their heads

they're trying to figure this out said how could this little pruning fellow go

up in a tree and break off a branch this size and then come back

beat and break the ice and save his friend they thought it was just

miraculous baffling and an old guy who was there said I can tell you how he did

it and then said how how did he do it and

he said there was no one here to tell him that he couldn't do it

whoa what could you do what could I do what could all of us do if we did not

have the naysayers in our lives that that we believed naively like that

little boy that it was possible what would you do if failure was not on the

table do you realize that 87% of people allow the fear of failure to outlive

their desire to succeed because they've been convinced by the evidence by being

practical by being illogical by being realistic I did that Leslie yes you're

gonna speak for corporations yes Leslie do they have a college education

yes do you Wesley you know that I don't have a college education Leslie are

these people experienced yes are there people with PhDs and MBAs that they

could choose rather than choose you yes so you don't have a college education

you have no experience you're talking about becoming a speaker and they're

going to reach over people with PhDs and MBAs and years of experience and choose

you are you being realistic come on Leslie come on Leslie you can't do this

my brother if he is he's a wonderful person and and and he constantly

reminded me that I I couldn't do what I'm doing now and but that really wasn't

a bad part the real bad part was I convinced myself that I couldn't do it

not only because of those things that he pointed out being practical and

realistic but also that within myself I didn't believe what Mike Williams my

mentors was possible for me have you ever had

somebody who believed and saw something for you that you didn't see for yourself

and here's how I escaped that I discovered but sometimes you have to

believe in somebody's belief in you until your belief kicks in so here's

what I am believing for you the goals that you right now have the things that

you have envisioned for yourself this is a reflection what you've done thus far

and what you are engaged in doing it's what's possible for you right now but

there's even more you don't even know what's in the future I has not seen ear

has not heard if you believe in yourself if you constantly remind yourself after

every defeat after every setback every time you get knocked down I've got a

saying if life knocks you down try and land on your back because if you can

look up you can get up see a lot of people because of failure they stop they

stop believing let me share something with you you will fail your way to

success yes eight out of ten millionaires have been financially

bankrupt you will fail your way to success it doesn't matter how many times

you fail it doesn't matter how many times people tell you that you can't do

it it doesn't matter if you don't have a dime in the Bakke you will fail your way

to success what's very important is you you're believing in yourself you're

constantly saying somehow someway I'm going to make it our number lady out of

Detroit Michigan they call her Martha Jean the Queen and she had a

motivational message she gave all the time on the radio and the question she

would ask was do you really want to win hmm do you really want and she said if

you really want to win in life you've got to believe in yourself when no one

else does you've got to believe in yourself

see it's easy to believe in yourself and to have faith if you have a good bill of

health if your relationship is working out fine if you have money in the bank

if you have a secure job if your mortgage notice paid current if the

children are acting like they have good sis it's easy if you go to a doctor they

say Oh you do a real good I'll see you next

year it's easy to have faith then let me tell you when when it's really tough to

have faith when you lose your job when you lose your retirement when you go to

the doctor and they look at you and say you have cancer cancers it's the most

feared word in seven different languages that's when it's tough to have faith

then and that's when you need to call on your faith in they said faith is the oil

that that takes the friction out of living that's when you need to believe

in yourself then and judge not according to appearances and say to yourself it's

possible it's possible I can make it it's possible I'm going to get through

this it's possible I'm not going to allow this to get the best of me yeah I

don't know what you're up against I don't know what you're facing but here's

what I do know you've got something special you've got greatness in you and

I know it's possible that you can live your dream

For more infomation >> Les Brown - How to Start Thinking Big (Les Brown Motivation) - Duration: 11:49.


The Truth About Pedophilia - Duration: 11:50.

Pedophilia is much more than we think.

Let's explore this sensitive topic.

[Autumn Asphodel]

Hi everyone! We are going to be discussing pedophiles and

pedophilia. This is a very sensitive topic due to stigma

and shame. Pedophilia is essentially a sexual attraction

to children, whether acted upon or not. Pedophilia is also a

crime. While I do not advocate or support pedophilia, I will

remain as unbiased as possible. Some people may see pedophilia

simply as a sexual orientation. Someone is straight, gay,

attracted to someone who looks or acts a certain way, older

people, or maybe even younger people, or children. While being

attracted to children may seem to be at the same level as a

being attracted to an elderly person, it actually goes much

deeper than this. I won't go into much detail about those who

are interested in much older men and women, but some of what I

will share can apply to them as well. Pedophilia is not a sexual

orientation or preference but goes much deeper. First we must

understand more about the age barrier, maturity, puberty, and

our ancestors. We go through puberty during our pre-teen and

early teen years. This is the time when our bodies are getting

ready to be able to reproduce. Nature determines that a younger

body is more fit and capable of surviving and providing for

healthy offspring. There is no doubt that many of our ancestors

could be viewed as pedophiles by today's standards, as they had

reproduced with younger children capable of having babies. Even

other species of animals could express pedophilic actions since

they are driven to copulate with younger members of their

species. However, in human society it's technically only

considered pedophilia when an older person of the legal age of

consent engages in sexual activity with someone who is

younger than this age. The age of consent varies based on where

you live. Society says it's wrong to be attracted to minors,

because humans have created this rule. But as I mentioned, our

ancestors and animals have all engaged in this activity. So

what brings about the stigma regarding pedophilia? It's

primarily because engaging in a sexual act with a minor is

considered a form of abuse. Even if the minor has consented to

it, we declare the act to be sexual abuse due to the

difference in age. However, we must also keep in mind that the

law is separate from our physical, mental, and emotional

maturity. If the legal age of consent is 18 years old, the

human mind typically is not fully mature. We may still make

unwise decisions that could impact the rest of our life or

someone else's. Since our brain doesn't fully develop until we

reach our mid-20's, should the legal age of consent then be set

somewhere within that range? What about kids who have yet to

go through puberty, generally around age 10 and under? This is

the primary group that I will discuss, because the pedophile

has many other motives than just an animalistic need to

reproduce. A pedophile may be man or woman. While we may hear

more about the male pedophiles, female offenders also exist. Why

are pedophiles sexually attracted to children? As I

mentioned before, some people believe it's a type of sexual

orientation. It may appear to be this way, but it's actually much

more that may be traced back to trauma in childhood. Severe

trauma in the past can lead to a myriad of conditions and

disorders. Perhaps a child who was molested was shamed into

hiding it, repressing the memory, and later developed an

attraction to children, repeating the cycle of abuse.

They are trapped in this state that developed in the past,

because life is telling them that they need to recognize the

trauma and overcome it. Trauma keeps repeating until it is

recognized, addressed, worked on, and overcome. Most all

current issues in someone's life can be traced back to childhood.

We must also not forget the purity and innocence children

have. This is essentially what the pedophile is after. The

pedophile may feel ashamed of themselves and their

attractions, so they desire to get back that innocence they had

in childhood, prior to the abuse, perhaps the molestation

that was done to them. Sexual energy is an extremely powerful

force and connects us to the universal energy that surrounds

all of us, so it's much more than physical and sexual

attraction that pedophiles are after. As a result of their

search for personal innocence and their inability to address

past trauma, they end up taking the innocence from another

child, which continues the cycle of abuse. A pedophile is also

likely to target children because they are much easier

than adults to dominate. The power someone has when taking

control of a child may mirror the form of abuse that they had

experienced as a child. By physically and psychologically

consuming a child's innocence, purity, and spiritual energy,

the pedophile may feel stronger and more in control of the adult

life they feel has been ruined or destroyed. Some pedophiles

may even condition a young child into enjoying sexual activity

and considering it a form of play. The other well-kept secret

is that the world is run by narcissists and pedophiles.

As disappointing as it sounds, our world revolves around power,

money, and control. You cannot succeed if you don't know how to

manipulate people to get what you want. This is the very

definition of government and political power. Those who run

the world are in it only for themselves. Our political,

medical, and scientific infrastructures are all

controlled, manipulated, and altered to make us believe a

false reality. They are all run by narcissists that also tend to

be pedophiles. And we must also not forget the government

organizations that are intended to protect children from an

abusive household, but actually neglect and dismiss abuse being

done in the home. These same organizations will only take the

child out of the home if they deem it's serious enough, or

they fabricate lies about the family's neglect and abuse on

the child. When the child is taken out of the home, they may

be turned over to pedophiles that will continue the abuse.

It's very common for children to be taken out of an abusive home

and be put in an even more abusive home. The corruption of

government to do this to children is purposefully and

strategically implemented by way of the already corrupt

political, medical, and scientific infrastructures that

is already firmly rooted into society and in the minds of the

brainwashed victims that live each day believing the lies fed

to them. The reason we don't hear much about any of this in

news media is because they too are in on it. We are fed

carefully constructed lies from the top to the bottom, going

from political, medical and scientific, to news media, to

brainwash the public into believing one side. You can spot

someone who is brainwashed if they don't question anything the

government, news, or their doctor tells them. Free thinking

is taken away from these individuals, which is what

government wants. We must also look at how society is starting

to accept childhood sexuality and expression. Children are

being taught, younger and younger, about sexuality,

gender, non-binary genders, transgender, what it means to be

a woman, a man, both, or none. This is taught to the children

in school, even as young as kindergarten, but should only be

taught to children by their parents when they are ready.

This is but one way the government, again, sexualizes

children, by educating them younger and younger about things

that shouldn't matter at that age. Pedophilia stems from

severe childhood trauma. If it's still not clear from what I've

explained so far, I'll bridge the gap. An adult pedophile who

had been abused as a child may have been trained to conceal and

fabricate the reality of what actually happened to avoid

further harm from their abuser. This develops into

a narcissistic personality, and with sexual abuse at play,

pedophilic tendencies emerge. Since they know how to

manipulate and lie to people, which they have been doing for

their entire life, they can rise to the top of any power

structure. We see few people who ethically fought hard to acquire

their power since most people who knew how to manipulate the

system have been able to get ahead. We are naturally sexual

creatures. This is the way we reproduce and connect to this

vast energy that surrounds us. Nevertheless, we are made

ashamed of our sexuality by what society decrees to be right and

wrong, and by whatever our family makes us feel ashamed of.

For instance, if we were shamed by our parents for masturbating,

then we may seek out ways to satisfy our sexual urges in

secret, which could turn into more shame and guilt, especially

when we involve other people. We may have been shamed by our

abuser, which makes us insecure about ourselves. The sad

aftermath of sexual abuse is that it's one of the most

difficult things to discuss and overcome. This is because of how

society views sexuality and sexual expression. But if you

have been abused, it is possible to overcome it. No matter how

ashamed you are of your body, or even the shame and guilt

associated with masturbation, in time you can heal. With regard

to pedophiles, shaming them won't resolve the issue.

Rather, they should be given the right information and access to

counseling so they can understand their feelings and

attraction towards children, and be able to resolve their past

issues causing their destructive behavior. This is possible if

the pedophile is given access to the right tools. It's so

important to share this information any way you can.

With censorship on the rise, it will be buried and hidden and we

must fight against that. However you can support this cause will

fight the censorship. If you would like to help spread the

message of personal growth and natural health, feel free to

donate via Patreon for exclusive rewards. Thank you to my

supporters for helping make this a reality. Sign up for my free

email newsletter. And be sure to follow me on social media and

check out my other content. Thank you so much! If you have

any other input on this topic, I would love to hear it so please

feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you agree or

disagree with, and/or how this has helped you or someone close

to you. Have a wonderful day!

Thank you for watching my video!

If you would like more content, please feel free to subscribe.

For more infomation >> The Truth About Pedophilia - Duration: 11:50.


Кукла Пупсик кушает и купается в конфетах M&M Сюрприз Игрушки для Девочек Зырики ТВ Куклы Пупсики - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> Кукла Пупсик кушает и купается в конфетах M&M Сюрприз Игрушки для Девочек Зырики ТВ Куклы Пупсики - Duration: 6:31.


Open hearing on Korea-U.S. trade deal turns into chaos - Duration: 1:50.

Trump isn't the only one unhappy with trade deals.

Back here in the nation... an open hearing about the FTA between South Korea and the

U.S. wrapped early when local civic groups expressed their anger over the situation loud

and clear.

Lee Unshin has the details from the emotion-charged scene.

Eggs were thrown, cuss words were said, and it even got violent - it didn't take long

before Friday's public hearing on the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement turned into a disaster.

The occasion was organized by the Trade Ministry to collect opinions from representatives of

local businesses and industries,... so that they can prepare a more in-depth report for

future negotiations with Washington.

The government officials opened the hearing by briefing the groups on the benefits the

bilateral agreement has brought about,... and what the nation can expect from amending

the deal.

But the statement sparked anger from civic groups from the agricultural and livestock

industries at the hearing.

Before market experts had a chance to report on the detailed analysis,... the civic groups

jumped up, and insisted on speaking.

They claimed their industry had suffered a great deal from the bilateral agreement, and

demanded the Ministry officials take a closer look into the FTA's impact.

They didn't provide detailed insight or numeric data to their claims however.

As the people started turning violent, government officials called an end to the hearing in

the midst of it.

But the Ministry later added that legally they had fulfilled their duty of organizing

an open hearing, and will move onto the next step of filing a report to the National Assembly

based on the day's hearing, as planned.

Korea and the U.S. agreed to revise the 5-year-old Free Trade Agreement earlier this year on

Washington's request.

So far, there have been two rounds of trade talks between the countries,... with no details

on the next meeting confirmed yet.

Lee Unshin Arirang news.

For more infomation >> Open hearing on Korea-U.S. trade deal turns into chaos - Duration: 1:50.


New details on former Trump bodyguard meeting with Congress - Duration: 8:09.

For more infomation >> New details on former Trump bodyguard meeting with Congress - Duration: 8:09.


布羅利實力最多是超級賽亞人3水平,看看他的戰績與數據分析就一目了然! - Duration: 11:14.

For more infomation >> 布羅利實力最多是超級賽亞人3水平,看看他的戰績與數據分析就一目了然! - Duration: 11:14.


Ashtar Command – Final Transmission to EARTH - Duration: 0:53.

Ashtar Command � Final Transmission to EARTH

by Edward Morgan

See Ashtar's final transmission video link in our description

For more infomation >> Ashtar Command – Final Transmission to EARTH - Duration: 0:53.


☆ 1 HOUR ☆ Nursery Song of Sleeping ♫ Instrumental Music Sleeping Babies ☆ Relax Babies - Duration: 1:03:54.

☆ 1 HOUR ☆ Nursery Song of Sleeping ♫ Instrumental Music Sleeping Babies ☆ Relax Babies

For more infomation >> ☆ 1 HOUR ☆ Nursery Song of Sleeping ♫ Instrumental Music Sleeping Babies ☆ Relax Babies - Duration: 1:03:54.


Trump sends CIA director to meet DNC hack conspiracy theorist - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Trump sends CIA director to meet DNC hack conspiracy theorist - Duration: 2:50.


How We Run Our Youtube - Duration: 0:47.

Greg forgot to put his audio in and explain what he is about but basically he is the artist and video reviewer so he makes sure the videos are ready to be uploaded but i want everyone to put #sorrygreg in the comments plz :)

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