Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 10 2017

First of all, this is related to a critical attitude towards each other.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that, as you surely know, an unprecedented anti-Russia campaign has been launched in the United States –

starting with the late stages of the Obama Administration, and it is not over yet.

I do not understand why you are surprised by my critical attitude towards the activity of the previous US administration, as well as the present administration.

The United States has unleashed an unprovoked anti-Russia campaign.

Somebody lost the election to Mr Trump, Russia was blamed for everything and a vicious anti-Russia hysteria – there is no other way I can describe this – was whipped up.

Any issue, any failure is being attributed to Russia.

Is that not so? Yes, this is exactly the case – on any issue.

Look for the Russian trail, and, by the way, they immediately find one.

This is my first point.

The second is, we have met here today not to award medals and orders to each other;

we are having a discussion and we are doing this sincerely and honestly.

I also presented my position on many aspects of our relations that I consider negative.

I did not create stereotypes; I spoke about facts.

For example, the fact that chemical weapons have not been eliminated.

Is this a stereotype or a fact? It is a fact.

Instead of destroying chemical weapons, they (US administration) have put this off until 2023.

I spoke about destroying plutonium. Is this a stereotype or a fact? It is a fact.

Instead of meeting their bilateral obligations, they changed them unilaterally and are not complying with them within the framework of the treaty.

This is what I spoke about.

However, this does not mean that our relations in the past did not…

Yes, by the way, when I said that we gave our partners access to all nuclear facilities – what is this, some kind of an anti-American stereotype?

Of course not – I spoke about our openness, but said that this openness was not duly appreciated.

Because it is perfectly obvious – and I have to repeat this: as a former FSB director,

I know for sure that there was massive support for separatism and radicalism in our North Caucasus.

Do not tell me anything about that – I know it.

Was there no bombing of Belgrade? Without UN Security Council approval?

What is this, an anti-American stereotype? It is a fact.

Did the armed forces not move into Iraq without approval from the UN Security Council? Is this a stereotype? It is a fact.

The United States itself is creating such stereotypes.

However, this does not mean that there was nothing good in our relations.

There were good things, too, I agree with you – support in joining the WTO, that is true, and there were other positive developments.

Even on an interpersonal level, we had very good discussions and contacts.

For example, I will never forget Bill Clinton's support when I was taking my first steps as Prime Minister.

Boris Yeltsin sent me to New Zealand to stand in for him and that was where I first met Mr Clinton.

We established a very good, positive, kind human relationship.

In other words, we do have something positive to talk about, but I am talking only about what is standing in our way.

Have we gathered here only to praise each other or what? The current situation leaves much to be desired, doesn't it?

You have hysteria out there; we have discontent; you are tearing down our flags, closing our diplomatic missions.

What is so good about it?

All of this is the result of the problems that have accumulated. I explained where they came from.

After all, we have met here not to praise and pamper each other but to identify problems, show where they come from and think about how to resolve them.

Can they be resolved or not? I believe that they can.

Let us work together to this end. We need your advice and recommendations.

This is why we meet here at the Valdai Club.

Thank you for your question.

For more infomation >> Putin Tongue-Lashes American Journo Who Criticized Him For "Promoting Stereotypes About America" - Duration: 7:26.


Simple Radish Flower Design - How to Make Vegetable Lotus & Rose Garnish - Duration: 10:04.

Enjoy "Simple Radish Flower Design - How to Make Vegetable Lotus & Rose Garnish"!

For more infomation >> Simple Radish Flower Design - How to Make Vegetable Lotus & Rose Garnish - Duration: 10:04.


'Who will be the best entertainer?' [2Days & 1Night-Season 3 / 2017.10.08] - Duration: 7:44.

(Two Days and One Night)

(Their journey began in Hongcheon.)

(Two Days and One Night meets "Invincible Youth".)

(They hope this would lead to romance.)

(He's not proposing.)

(They were all forced to partner up.)

(Joonyoung and Chaeyeon too.)

(The tearful reunion in Yuchi-ri)

(It all starts now.)

(They were here almost every day seven years ago.)

(The hot place, village hall)

Is this the village hall?

Yes, it is.

Hara, go ahead and say hello.

You know these people.

(Shinyoung enters first.)

Hello, everyone. Wanggu!

(They hug each other in a tight embrace.)

- Wanggu. / - My gosh.

Goodness. How have you been?

(They're all happy to see each other.)

It's been so long.

- Hello. / - Hi!

(They reunite.)

- Goodness. / - I can feel the love.

(Members of G6)

(and the elders are all happy to see each other.)

- Hello. / - Hi.

- Hello! / - It's nice to meet you.

- Hello. / - Hi.

Do you recognize them?

It's Narsha and...

- All right. / - Attention, everyone.

- Bow. / - Bow to the elders!

- Hello. / - Hi.

(It's nice to meet you all.)

It's an honor to be here at Korea's Hollywood.

That's right. We're here at the village hall.

Let me introduce you to

the celebrities, Driver Lee

- Driver Lee. / - and Wanggu.

(The town can't function without Driver Lee.)

- Wanggu? / - Yes, Wanggu.

He's the one who verified that it snowed in May.

He was the village headman seven years ago.

Now the job is for someone else.

- The current village headman. / - Current headman.

There was one before him.

- Here. / - Oh, I get it.

We have two former village headmen here.

The first, second and third village headmen.

Sir, what's your name?

It's Shin Hyeonhak.

- Mr. Shin Hyeonhak. / - Right.

Let's hear a few welcoming words from him.

We thank the teams of Two Days and One Night

and "Invincible Youth" for being here.

A lot of other celebrities,

including Shinyoung, who is here now,

visited us many years ago.

I thank you again for coming back to see us.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

(Thank you for letting us stay.)

Back in the day, we used to

entertain everyone at the village hall.

So just like old times, the members of

Two Days and One Night and "Invincible Youth" will

put on a fun talent show

for you to enjoy.

In the meantime, enjoy your beverages.

In a short while, we'll put on a nice show.

- Okay. / - That's right.

A talent show with a karaoke machine.

We used to sing.

- We sang for them. / - Of course.

(They even rapped in front of the elderly.)

(To entertain the people of Yuchi-ri,)

(both teams will put on a performance.)

We'll get ready for a fun talent show,

so dance and sing with us if you want to.

Anyway, we'll be back shortly.

We won't clap if it isn't any fun.

Of course. We only want your honest opinion.

Let's do this. We'll do our best.

(We'll prepare an exciting show.)

- What should we sing? / - "Oh My"?

Where's my partner?

- "Oh My"? / - It's a popular song.

What else is there?

There are a lot of trot songs.

Why can't you show some more passion?

- You keep being this way. / - Like how?

(Jongmin and Hara are off to a good start.)

Rhythm dancing? Thanks for the idea.

Defconn, go away.

What is that?

- The elderly love it. / - Yes, they do.

What is it?

Don't move too much.

- Is that it? / - Yes, now I turn.

- What is that? / - Rhythm dancing.

- Like this? / - Yes.

It's great.

- So... / - Just bounce softly.


I didn't know about this.

(What about this, then?)

This is better.


(One team is passionate,)

(while the others are clueless.)

We should keep it simple.

(Yura's just watching them.)

You did this on "Invincible Youth".

- Of course. / - You're familiar with it,

so we should go with rapping.

- That's right. / - Right?

They're all leaning towards trot songs.


Do you know "Angry Woman" by Kim Hyeyeoun?


- "Angry Woman". / - "Angry Woman"?

I guess it's just me, then.

(A trot song that only Gyeongree knows.)

- Let's see. / - Do you know it?

Do you?

- Well... / - ♪ You love me ♪

(She starts singing.)

(She has a nasal voice)

(that is charming in a lilting way.)

(They can't help but bounce to the beat.)

(Taehyun listens to the song.)

You're awesome.

Gosh, you're really good at this.

(This isn't bad!)

What should we do?

It's best to do silly dance moves.

- Would they like that? / - Of course.

The leg shake?

Of course. Dancing to a fast-paced song

will have them on their feet.

(The elders respond to silly dancing.)

(Like this!)

Like this.

(What is that?)

- How do I look? / - That's great.

- Isn't it good? / - Cover your ears.

- Sorry? / - Cover your ears.

I'm not listening to it. I can't.

What do you think?

What about another song?

It's not bad,

but the other teams will do this too.

(They honestly don't have any ideas.)

(These two teams haven't decided on anything.)

Is there "Baby Shark" on the karaoke machine?

It's the children's song.

- No. / - No?

Gosh, the song isn't on the machine.

What about "Love Battery"?

It has some seriously high notes.

(Let's try this!)

(Love Battery)


It's okay. I'll help you through it.

Let's sing this and dance the twist.

- "Love Battery". / - Do you know this song?

(Are they going to dance?)

Just dance like this.

(It's fun!)

- Right? / - Right.

We're off to hair and makeup.

- Do we have one? / - Who's that?

(Of course we do!)

- Hara? / - Hara.

- Like this? / - Yes.

(How are Junho and Narsha doing?)

(A martial arts show?)

Your behind is quite chubby.

I can't seem to do it.

It's kind of stuck.

- Junho. / - Did I do it?

No, the rope should be up the center.

- Really? / - Yes, like that.

In one, two, three.

(They badly want to win.)

- It won't work. / - How is this done?

(Siyoon and Yura are now in the mood.)

I want red hair.

- I'll put on gloves. / - Good.

(He puts on a red wig.)

It suits you!


It's all about covering the face.

Yes, I get what you mean.

Let's do it like so.

(Until the very last second,)

(they practice to achieve perfection.)

(Who will be the best entertainer?)

For more infomation >> 'Who will be the best entertainer?' [2Days & 1Night-Season 3 / 2017.10.08] - Duration: 7:44.


Porque Sumi do Youtube? - Duration: 13:04.

For more infomation >> Porque Sumi do Youtube? - Duration: 13:04.


Actress Kim So Hyun Got Accepted in Hanyang University | Entering college in 2018 - Duration: 0:39.

Actress Kim So Hyun is becoming a university student!

On November 10, a source from her agency revealed, "Kim So Hyun got accepted into Hanyang University's

Department of Theater and Film through rolling admission."

The actress announced back in 2015 that she was getting homeschooled instead, and she

successfully received her high school diploma through a qualification exam (the Korean equivalent

of a GED) in August.

She will be entering college in 2018.

Congratulations to Kim So Hyun

For more infomation >> Actress Kim So Hyun Got Accepted in Hanyang University | Entering college in 2018 - Duration: 0:39.


No todo, tudo se resolve! - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> No todo, tudo se resolve! - Duration: 2:03.


A $25 Bonus: The Remarkable Story of H Tracy Hall and the Invention of the Synthetic Diamond - Duration: 10:04.

For more infomation >> A $25 Bonus: The Remarkable Story of H Tracy Hall and the Invention of the Synthetic Diamond - Duration: 10:04.


БОБ VS ИВАНГАЙ | СУПЕР РЭП БИТВА | Знакомьтесь, Боб эпизод что если ПРОТИВ Eeoneguy реп марьяна ро - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> БОБ VS ИВАНГАЙ | СУПЕР РЭП БИТВА | Знакомьтесь, Боб эпизод что если ПРОТИВ Eeoneguy реп марьяна ро - Duration: 2:06.


Mercedes-Benz: Intelligent World Drive – Part 2: China - Duration: 3:47.

Just arrived in China. I'm not driving, I'm not allowed to, I don't have a

drivers license in China. Just one of many things that are different over here.

And what else is different – we're gonna take a look at that right now …

Hi, I am Wang Ningbo from R&D China – responsible for driver assistance systems development in

China. We are seeing the traffic here in China, we test and evaluate and do the adaptation.

We at Mercedes-Benz test driver assistance systems worldwide – and here

are complex city situations, very specific driving behaviour – and I want to

invite you to our journey of the development of our driver assistance systems.

We develop these systems here, we test them here in China, are based in Beijing with

a team – working on driver systems and autonomous driving systems with a number

of people, a number of teams in our global R&D team. We will use the findings to

adapt our systems, to turn some knobs, to make some fine adjustments –

market specific, for example very dense traffic scenarios –

to better fit into the flow of Chinese traffic.

We found some very interesting, very new situations, from highways to multi-story

skyways to very crowded areas where there is mixed traffic …

We had a lot of challenges, for example for the camera. We have huge crossings here

without any lane markings and the problem is here that the Active Steering

Assist cannot help you there, because you do not have any lane markings the

system can use to orientate. To make our systems better, I think in the first step

we should individualize them more for the Chinese market.

Next topic is map data. We can also enhance map data and include them even

more to make better systems and to challenge or to accept the challenge

of the future of autonomous driving.

China was quite a trip and a great experience. Not only for vocabulary. We learned a lot.

So I'm gonna say "Shi Xie China" ("Thank you China") and "G'day Australia" …

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz: Intelligent World Drive – Part 2: China - Duration: 3:47.


DOFUS – Questions aux devs - Les variantes de sorts (2.45) - Duration: 1:59.

Spell Variants

Hi all. Welcome to a new "Dev Questions" video.

Today we have some information on spell variants.

Lichen, Lead Game Designer for Dofus, is going to tell you more.

What are spell variants?

Spell variants are new spells that unlock between levels 100 and 200.

Each class will have 21 new spells.

What will they bring to the game?

Spell variants offer new possibilities.

They let you create more original, more profound builds.

How do spell variants work?

For each spell, players can chose the base spell or its variant.

This can be changed between fights.

Won't this make the classes less distinctive?

Spell variants can shore up existing secondary roles

and make the classes more versatile,

but the variant selection system will force players to make choices

and they will not be able to combine all roles within one fight.

There you go. Now you know more about spell variants.

A more complete devblog is on our official website.

Please leave your questions in the comments below or on the forum.

We'll be glad to answer them.

See you soon in the next video!

For more infomation >> DOFUS – Questions aux devs - Les variantes de sorts (2.45) - Duration: 1:59.


7 What on Earth Is Happening سلسلة كشف اسرار سفر التكوين #7 ما الذي يحدث على الأرض؟ - Duration: 58:37.

For more infomation >> 7 What on Earth Is Happening سلسلة كشف اسرار سفر التكوين #7 ما الذي يحدث على الأرض؟ - Duration: 58:37.


Gwangju Balotelli [FreeKick Today #18] - Duration: 0:31.

Gwangju Balotelli

Envienos su video FreeKick Envie-nos o seu video FreeKick Schick uns dein FreeKick Video

For more infomation >> Gwangju Balotelli [FreeKick Today #18] - Duration: 0:31.


Lord Sai Baba Famous Quote in Temples || Sai Baba Temple real videos || Darshanam LIVE - Duration: 0:39.

DARSHANAMLIVE – Everything about INDIAN temples grandeur and visual feast

For more infomation >> Lord Sai Baba Famous Quote in Temples || Sai Baba Temple real videos || Darshanam LIVE - Duration: 0:39.


The Halle - Hallé Choral Academy: the choir behind Thank Hallé It's Friday! - Duration: 4:20.

In June 2017, 600 people from across Greater Manchester and beyond

came together to perform at the Bridgewater Hall with the world class Hallé.

Choral singing: "When The Saints Go Marching In"

The Hallé Choral Academy was created especially for Thank Hallé It's Friday!

150 people came weekly to the Hallé's rehearsal venue in Ancoats, Manchester,

to gain new skills in both reading music and vocal technique

and make a few friends along the way.

The last time I was in a choir was in

high school which was many moons ago! At first I was quite apprehensive

but it was very easy to just come in and learn different techniques, learn how to

sight sing. It's been really good.

We usually start by doing a really silly warmup;

I suppose that helps to get rid of the

inhibitions and also it kind of loosens everybody up and gets them ready to rehearse.

I came by myself, I didn't know anyone that was coming, but I met loads of

really friendly people. I've learned a lot from the conductors and

the other people from the Hallé that have come to help us out.

What I'm most excited about singing at the Bridgewater Hall is for

years I've been going and I've been seeing the choir and I've always thought

I wanted to do that and now I've got the opportunity to do it. It's exciting.

How often do you have a chance to sing as part and parcel of a choir

at the size it's going to be? You're singing there with the orchestra,

you're singing some fantastic tunes you never ever get to sing normally.

It's just a stunning opportunity to get involved.

And so, on the week of Thank Hallé It's Friday,

450 more people joined the fun. They attended a rehearsal to ready them

for the performance of well-known choral classics.

When Friday came, the concert at the new time of 6pm to 7pm was a huge success.

The atmosphere in the hall when the massed choir sang with the orchestra

to a large audience was, as one singer put it,


This project is funded by the European Union's Creative Europe, with the aim to

engage new audiences in an interactive and joyful way.

We certainly achieved this at Thank Hallé It's Friday

and we can't wait to make the next one bigger and better!

For more infomation >> The Halle - Hallé Choral Academy: the choir behind Thank Hallé It's Friday! - Duration: 4:20.


BARCELONA [2] We Should've Pre-booked - Duration: 8:57.

Where are we going?

Wait are we going that way or that way?

*finding directions for food*

I like it

I found this so cool and cute ;-;

It's a wine bottle with the drinks menu on it

So we didn't get into Park Guell

we walk all the way here for nothing

It was pretty hot that day and our walk took twice as long since we went into shops for their aircon lmao

For nothing.


I swear

It's five. We got there at five

and the next tour is at 8pm

We're not gonna waste three hours

Nuh uh

Trish was our navigator

We're gonna fucking take the bus

we're not walking



for fun?

Intermission to Park Guell

On the train

Train > bus

bc trains have AC

The squeaks freaked me df out

This is so excite!

I'm so excited

This is what happens when you walk all day

And you don't get to go to your attraction


This was our silver lining of the day

We are very appreciative of city views and aesthetics

Turn around.



look at that shade

Damn girl

the cable car is very very worth it

We get to ride back down lmaoo

we wanted to keep looking at the view

Look at my shadow

That's so inelegant*

Yeah, let's go back home.

I think we have had enough today (food + cable car ride)

*Not putting up w my bullshit*





Wait, what?

We only had 45m left til closing time

I don't know, but let's do it.


We pay three* euro for this

footage inside was way too dark

but basically they got slides and displays showcasing the history of the castle

T's camera

which has significantly better quality than an iPhone w -5GB free space

Everything's so vibrant and looks close to real life wtf I'm jealous

What are you guys doing?

she's talking to a pigeon



I wanna be friends w someone

that's from Barcelona

You could've talked to other people

you know that right?

Oh My Jesus Christ

That is such a special door

And another door

Those doors are made for me


What... it's not even a...

What kind of Spanish accent is that, Trisha?

I wasn't even trying to be Spanish

omg image if somebody



what if somebody jumps out?


I'd be like,

I'm jumping off there, fam

*sarcasm on amazement*

How come she's not holding her like

vaginal area

I mean -

"How organized are you?"


Hey, that's still pretty organized

I'm THAT patch

Sangria is yum


You looked

so done

But I'm really not, I'm so happy that I see this vie

I'm not being sarcastic

We didn't go during peak times

which was a good call since

it was nice to walk around at our own pace and look at nice architecture

it was so beaut

I love architecture but could never draw buildings.

My fav building

They were playing live music here

which was v nice to walk through


this is...


We're livin' the life


haven't seen this alcohol brand in a long while

Oh my god

Oh my guad


I'm at a loss for words

On how beautiful this is

I needed a holiday

for this reason

we all did

just to get away from

where we were

get away from everything

And just look at beautiful things

even if it's just for a short 4 days

What the hell?

Is that a body?

It looks like a body.


There's a penis.

Aren't the really big buildings like the fancy ass hotels?



one day!

*Starts singing ed sheeran*

*everyone joins in*

(except I'm mumbling bc I don't know the lyrics lmao)

For more infomation >> BARCELONA [2] We Should've Pre-booked - Duration: 8:57.


MEME(ケラケラ) - 「都合のいい風船」[Official Audio] - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> MEME(ケラケラ) - 「都合のいい風船」[Official Audio] - Duration: 4:23.


How Does Face ID Work on iPhone X? - Duration: 3:33.

The iPhone X has been one of the most hyped up phones of 2017, and one of the most interesting

features on the device is Face ID.

A replacement for the more commonly used Touch ID.

But, the process behind how Face ID actually works is pretty interesting.

So, here's how Apple's Face ID works on iPhone X.

According to Apple : Much of our digital lives are stored on iPhone and it's important to

protect that information.

In the same way that Touch ID revolutionized authentication using a fingerprint, Face ID

revolutionizes authentication using facial recognition.

Face ID provides intuitive and secure authentication enabled by the state-of-the-art TrueDepth

camera system with advanced technologies to accurately map the geometry of your face.

With a simple glance, Face ID securely unlocks your iPhone X.

You can use it to authorize purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, iBooks Store,

and payments with Apple Pay.

Developers can also allow you to use Face ID to sign into their apps.

Apps that already support Touch ID will automatically support Face ID.

End of quote

Like the Touch ID fingerprint reader on previous versions of the iPhone, Face ID is used to

verify the identity of the user.

It uses the iPhone X 's "TrueDepth" selfie camera to scan your face, and compare it with

a 3D image stored on the phone.

If a match is detected, the phone automatically unlocks.

The TrueDepth camera captures accurate face data by projecting and analyzing over 30,000

invisible dots to create a depth map of your face and also captures an infrared image of

your face.

A portion of the A11 Bionic chip's neural engine transforms the depth map and infrared

image into a mathematical representation and compares that representation to the enrolled

facial data.

Apple claims its neural network is trained to spot and resist attempts to unlock your

phone with photos or masks.

Apple claims the probability that a random person in the population could look at your

iPhone X and unlock it using Face ID is approximately one in a million (versus 1 in 50,000 for Touch


For additional protection, Face ID allows only five unsuccessful match attempts before

a passcode is required to obtain access to your iPhone.

Face ID automatically adapts to changes in your appearance, such as wearing cosmetic

makeup or growing facial hair.

If there is a more significant change in your appearance, like shaving a full beard, Face

ID confirms your identity by using your passcode before it updates your face data.

Something interesting is that Face ID appears to work better than expected in very bright

environments, according to various early reviews of Apple's iPhone X, but direct sunlight

or changing conditions could trip it up.

You might be surprised that facial recognition technology works in almost complete darkness,

mainly due to the fact that Face ID uses infrared light to function.

So in darkness, it makes sense.

But, that's about it for today's video.

Expect more videos soon since I'm trying to keep up the video production grind while

at College.

So if I happen to not post for a week or so, that may explain it.

Feel free to check out previous videos using the links provided below and subscribe for

new tech content every single week.

Thanks for watching and I will be seeing you in the next video.

For more infomation >> How Does Face ID Work on iPhone X? - Duration: 3:33.


Javascript Tutorial for Beginners#5-concatenation of strings and numbers - Duration: 9:16.

Concatenation of variables.

This is the thing that we are going to from this tutorial.

That means we are going to associate two or more variables and represent them into a

single one.

So this is the part that we are going to understand in this tutorial.

So stay tuned.


Hello and welcome to another new episode of learning simplified.

In today's tutorial we are going to learn about concatenation of


So concatenation; this necessarily doesn't mean about adding.

The term concatenation is associated with the term combining

game into a single place and representing or rendering a proper display of features

for your web page.

This is the string that he is represented over here which consists of an

HTML tag element and its supporting properties, its attributes, backgrounds,


There comes the distinct string with two individual texts over here and

then comes on other hTML tag element.

We can properly disintegrate them into many smaller

modules, such as this one.

This is the first part that has been copied from here.

SOL we are going to do we are going to just delete

this part.

This is the first one.

Now in the second case we can see that this is the first

text of the string here.

So all we are going to do we are going to copy this one.

And we will store it against variable b.

So a variable b has been declared and in the third

case we can see that there is a line break element, that means this is the tag.

So that is what we are going to copy from here.

Actually we are cutting it and pasting it here against this declared variable c, we

are now wasting it.

And in this variable d, we are assigning hear this simple text and we

don't need this function either.

This is practically of function; if you were calling

about document.write(); so far it has been referred to as an instruction.

But this reference was for general understanding of


This is a function of JavaScript.

We will be learning about function of JavaScript

in our later tutorials.

We are going to delete this and all we are going to do we

are creating another variable name.

So this is the part that we have created so far, we have declared 5 variable - a, b, c,

d, and f.

Now all we are going to do, we need to concatenate video it should be written


All we are going to do we are just calling our variables inside.

This is eventually the syntax of concatenation of variables in JavaScript.

We are now concatenating our variables.

There it goes.

Press control + S and get back to your project and reload.

We can see that this is the background of this

particular string as we have mentioned in variable a as div style will be and yellow

one and the font color will be red; and it will be having margin 0 auto condition and

the padding of 1 em as we have told you over there and here it is.

This is the same display we were intending for and then comes this

"hello cruel world" - first string and here it is.

Then comes the line break tag and here it is; here it goes into a new line and

then comes "how beautiful you are" string and this is the same string over here and

when there it ends this particular block element.

So there it goes and this is a complete block element.

All of them are associated and this is the syntax of concatenation.

All we have to do we have to use this sign '+'.

For say we are now providing a decimal here and

we will check whether it works in to our JavaScript or not, that means whether JavaScript

accepts point decimal values or not - this will be tested over here.

All we are going to do we are now going to concatenate


The intention is very pure.

We are wishing these two numbers 3.5 add 5.5 side by


We are declared in another variable which is z and we are speaking about

concatenations; we have now concatenated these two variables - x and y.

Now I am using instead this one - alert(); we are going to

use a pop up box; a popup dialogue box will appear and it will result 3.5 and 5.5 side

by side.

So this was the intention.

Now we are pressing Control + s and get back to our

project and reload and we are observing that instead of putting these numbers 3.5

and 5.5 side by side, instead they are just coming them up and the identical operation

has been carried out and the final result 3.5 + 5.5 = 9 is been presented over here.

But this wasn't the proper intention that we

were intending for.

So what to do in case of this kind of situation? in that particular

case instead of putting them as a number, all we can do we can put them against a string.

Now if we just pest control +s and get back to our project and reload and now we can see

that these two numbers those are coming side by side.

So this is the thing that we can do.

This is our number now if we reload we can see that

this is the summed up version and JavaScript is now accepting the decimal values.

Now the question is if we want to concatenate a number and string of texts, for say....

Now this is the string that should be coming first and this is the number that should be

following that particular string.

So that is what we are going to do.

We are declaring those variables which will be consisting of

y + x.

Getting back to our project and we can see that this is track number 10.

We have provided a space at the end and that is

why it is accepting that space.

Now do not mix them up with arithmetic operation - addition.

That means instead of a number if we just put here for say....

Now if we declare another variable - this is the

value of addition; 10 + 15 = 25 and the exact same thing is being executed over here.

This is another separate story this is known as addition and edition comes under the

process of arithmetic operation.

Every kind of programming, they are practically divided

into three main categories - the arithmetical operation, the logical operation and the

combinational operation.

So this part it practically lies under the arithmetical

operation means where the arithmetical calculations are getting done.

We can do various things.

For say, if we place n equals to 5 and if we place here m/n, then we can see

that 10 by 5 equals to 2.

And that is the number that is getting executed over here.

That means there will be an arithmetic operation.

Not changing to concatenation Syntax and the point is here - in case of JavaScript both

the concatenation and the addition operation they use the same syntax and it is + and this

is where the point of confusion is generated.

So you have to take care of it and you have to take care of this kind of


So this is the thing that you need to know from this tutorial.

In the next tutorial we are going to know the statements.

That means the if else statement will be started from

our next tutorial and will be learning a lot about this kind of conditional operations.

If you guys have like this tutorial then do not hesitate to hit the red subscribe button.

Hope to see you guys in our next tutorial.

Till then, bye.

For more infomation >> Javascript Tutorial for Beginners#5-concatenation of strings and numbers - Duration: 9:16.


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