Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 10 2017

- You can take it

- No, I have one ...

- You'll burn .. you'll burn yourself ... no!

- You do not have a cloth? I know when it comes out antifreeze. Is when I do stoppies.

- Do you have a washcloth?

- Would you take it?

- How? Poor kitten ...

Let's take him

I take the GROM.

To where?

To your house.

- I already have a cat.

- I have 3 also ...

- Marco, don't you want to take him?

- Look!

- He likes you!

- A liking to you ...!

- Somebody get me a cloth to clean the Antifreeze?

- I do not have.

- Clean the cat! ( was joking! )

No, no, no, get out of there!

- That's how you handle it?

- Here is downhill!

(He pretend that he was throwing !!)

Automatic subtitles, if you notice a mistake you can help and correct. The link is in the description.

For more infomation >> BIKERS HELPING ANIMALS & BIKER SAVES LITTLE CAT [Ep #01] - Duration: 10:04.


7 shocking Survivor Series betrayals: WWE List This! - Duration: 3:15.


Survivor Series is meant to be a night for all star teams but

since 1987 the event has been the site for some unforgettable double crosses.

These are the most jaw dropping betrayals in Survivor Series history.


Paul Heyman and

Brock Lesnar might be the greatest tandem WWE has seen in the last 15 years.

But they briefly split up at Survivor Series 2002.

Then WWE champion Lesnar laid out Big Show with an impressive F5,

but his advocate stopped the count.

>> I think Brock Lesnar just realized that he's been had by Heyman.

>> When Lesnar realized what Heyman, did he gave chase allowing Big Show to

capitalize with a chair attack for the win and the title.

Shane McMahon made a critical mistake by asking Dean Ambrose and

AJ Styles to coexist against Team Raw at Survivor Series 2016.

Despite the commissioner's best efforts, a brawl still broke out between them,

allowing Braun Strowman to eliminate Ambrose.

The lunatic fringe returned, however, joining forces with Raw's Seth Rollins and

Roman Reigns, for a mini shield reunion to put Styles through a table.

>> Who would have thought Smackdown Live's teammates would be their own worst enemy?

>> The authority set high stakes for

their traditional elimination match at Survivor Series 2014.

If their squad prevailed, then everyone on Team Cena would be fired.

With each side down to three competitors, Big Show took in every man for

himself approach to save his job KOing John Cena and abandoning his team.

Vader assembled a rag tag crew to defend the United States against Team Canada.

Demaston recruited boxer Mark Marrow, Martial artist Steve Blackman,

and the master of bizarre, Goldust.

The only problem was that Goldust refused to compete.

When Vader tried to slap some sense into The Bizarre One,

Goldust bailed allowing British Bulldog to lead team Canada to victory.

Diesel carried Shawn Michaels group of teensters to a 5 on 1 advantage

at Survivor Series 1994.

HBK spoil the clean sweep, however, by attempting to steal the glory for

the final pin fall and inadvertently super kicking Diesel.

Big Daddy Cool understandably lost his cool, chasing Michaels out of

the building, and knocking down the rest of his teammates along the way.

>> [MUSIC]

>> It was winner take all at Survivor Series 2001, when team WWE and

The Alliance collided.

After the alliances, Stone Cold Steve Austin eliminated Chris Jericho,

Jericho sold out to kill WWE.

>> That ego maniac can't control his own ego and save his own job.

>> Mr. McMahon had an ace up his sleeve, though, Kurt Angle raced in and

clocked the Texas rattle snake with the WWE title to save the company.


Will we see any betrayals this year on November 19th?

Until next time, thanks for watching List This.

For more infomation >> 7 shocking Survivor Series betrayals: WWE List This! - Duration: 3:15.


5 English Youtube Channel Recommendations (in English, with subtitles) - Duration: 10:50.

Hello and welcome to Learn English With Jojo.

Today I am going to talk to you about five Youtube channels that I love and that I recommend

to you for learning English, but they're not Youtube channels that are specifically for

learning English, they don't teach you English.

They're just for immersion.

They're just normal Youtube channels.

So, like most of my videos, there will be shortcuts in the description, so go there

if you would like to skip around, if you would like to look at the list before watching the

whole video, because maybe you know one, two, or three of these Youtube channels already,

and it would be a waste of time to watch the whole video to find out.

I think watching Youtube videos might be the best way for learning a new language besides

going to a country where it is the primary language and living there for many months.

I think that's because it's a great way to immerse yourself, without being in another


For example, I probably watch thirty... thirty minutes to an hour of Youtube videos in French

a day and that's because I like watching French Youtube videos.

I'm pretty much addicted to a few Youtubers.

It lets me stay fresh on my French skills and to even learn some new vocabulary, even

if it's sometimes slang vocabulary.

So that being said, I don't actually watch that much Youtube in English.

So I don't really know that many English Youtube channels.

I'm not up to date on all the trends and stuff like that, but there are certain Youtubers

that speak English in their videos that I really enjoy and I think you might enjoy,

or it would give you some ideas for what types of content to search for when you're trying

to find channels in English.


So, none of these have subtitles in English, which is... not so great, but you can ask

in the comment sections for people to write subtitles for you and for people who can't

hear very well.


Let's get started with my five recommendations.

These recommendations... some of the people are very well known, and some of the people

are not well known at all, so maybe you've heard of them, maybe you haven't.

I don't...

I don't know.

And in the description, I will give you one video for each of these five recommendations

to start with, so it's a link to a video I really enjoy and is typical of what they're

channel... they're... they're channel is about.

so the first one I'd recommend, and it's going to be the most popular, so you've probably

already heard of this person, and it's Casey Neistat.

He makes videos that are like films.

Even when the subject matter isn't super interesting to me, the shots that he takes are beautiful,

and he does time lapses, and he flies his drone around New York City and he travels

a lot and goes around the world.

That's probably a theme of mine, is I like Youtube channels...

I like travel channels.

I like to see people travelling.

So, you've probably already heard of him.

He has nine million subscribers, so chances are, you have stumbled across one of his videos.

And if you haven't, you should.

The next Youtube channel that I'd like to recommend to you is one that is kind of the

opposite of Casey Neistat.

He is not very famous.

He's actually a little bit famous in the poetry world, at least in the US and maybe other

English speaking countries.

And his name is Steve Roggenbuck and he makes Youtube videos that are very, very, very strange.

So if you like watching some weird stuff, this might be for you.

I know I do.

He basically just films himself talking to the camera and saying random things for a

couple hours, and then he cuts it down to a few minutes and then he basically makes

that into a poem, a video poem.

So maybe it's not the best if you are more of a beginner with English.

Sometimes he plays with language in interesting ways, so maybe... maybe it's for a more advanced

audience, but I think he speaks very clearly, as does Casey Neistat, so that's why I think

it might be a good Youtube channel for you.

He doesn't really make that many videos right at this moment, but he has made like a hundred

and fifty videos, so there's a lot of content if you start to enjoy his videos, you can

watch a lot of them.

The next Youtube channel that I'd...

I'd like to recommend to you is Wild We Roam.

So they are two vegan people, they are a couple and they live in Berlin and now they live

in a van.

I'm not sure if you've been following the van content that is on Youtube, but a lot

of Youtubers live in vans and just make videos from their vans because it's cheaper and they

can travel more, which is an interesting thing.

It's not something I'd like to do, but it's fun to watch them trying to make it work for

their lives.

Anyway, they make beautiful, beautiful videos, kind of like Casey Neistat's but even more


Very highly edited, very story-driven.

They try to tell a story in each of their episodes, each of their videos and it's just

a pleasure to watch.

They're just such happy people and they make me happy when I watch their videos and it's

pretty and they experiment a lot with different effects and editing and it's just great to

watch their videos.

I love it.

You should too.

They are American, so all of these three last people that I've recommended to you have been

American, so maybe you're not looking for an American accent, when you're trying to

learn English, maybe you live right next to England or you want to move to England and

you'd like to learn the English accent, that's why I'm going to recommend the next person,

which is Hannah Witton and she is a British person, she lives in London.

I don't know where she grew up, so I'm not sure what her accent really is, but she...

well it's definitely British, you can tell immediately.

Anyway, she has a Youtube channel about sex and relationships, so if that's something

you're interested in, I'm sure most people are interested in watching videos about that.

And they're just super interesting.

She brings a lot of guests on her channel, so you'll get more accents that way, more

exposure to different people speaking English.

It's great.

She's very nice, I actually met her in real life.

I went to one of her live events when I was in London.

It was somewhat of an excuse to go to the Youtube space in London because I really wanted

to go, but also I really like her Youtube channel and it was fun, she signed a book,

I bought her book.

I bought her book and she signed it!


Ok and the last Youtuber I'd like to recommend to you is Fran Meneses.

I think that's how you pronounce her name.

Anyway, she's actually from Chile, so English is not her first language.

So when you listen to her speak English, sometimes she makes mistakes, but they're not big mistakes

and she is very, very good at speaking English, and maybe it's good for you to hear someone

whose second language is English.

I know for me, when I'm trying to listen to people who's second language is French speak

French, it's very difficult, but when I'm speaking English, because it's my native language,

I can pretty much adapt to a foreign speaker of English.

So that could be something interesting for you.

Anyway, she is an illustrator and she lives in...

I don't know where she lives.

Somewhere in England, south of England, and she lives with her husband and they make lots

of videos about illustrating, about starting your own business, about... you know... marketing

your products online.

And it's just really interesting even though I don't illustrate anything, I don't draw

at all.

I just think it's super cool and yeah.

Her videos are very beautiful, I love her editing style.

She just talks about her trips that she's taken and she'll just put the images from

the trips on the screen.

And it's just beautiful to watch.

She's an artist.

It's awesome.

Ok, that is it.

I hope that was somewhat interesting for you and you got some ideas of who to watch on

Youtube because I think it's great to watch a learn-English Youtube page, but it's also

even better, especially if you have an intermediate or advanced level of English, so experiment

with immersing yourself in that language to hear the language more, to say "oh, why did

they say that?"

"Oh, I'm gonna look that up."

"Oh, why did they say that?"

"Oh I'm gonna ask my English teacher" or something like that.

And it's great.

I hope you go right now and watch some of their videos and make it a daily practice

to at least watch one video in English or whatever language you're learning.

And that way you will at least get some of the language into you're brain every day.

So have a good day.

I'll see you very soon.

I'm trying to make videos in English and in French, so a video once a week.

Every two weeks, there will be a be a video in English and every two weeks, there will

be a video in French.

I like to make videos in English and in French, and that's what this channel is and will be

for the foreseeable future.

Ok bye.

For more infomation >> 5 English Youtube Channel Recommendations (in English, with subtitles) - Duration: 10:50.


アメリカのスーパーマーケットでお買い物 アメリカ生活・お買い物編 #43 - Duration: 13:53.

For more infomation >> アメリカのスーパーマーケットでお買い物 アメリカ生活・お買い物編 #43 - Duration: 13:53.


Cosa ci succederebbe se SMETTESSIMO di bere ACQUA? - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Cosa ci succederebbe se SMETTESSIMO di bere ACQUA? - Duration: 4:26.


PAN Y GALLETAS QUE DURAN MAS DE 50 AÑOS..!! bread that lasts more than 50 years! - Duration: 8:05.

For more infomation >> PAN Y GALLETAS QUE DURAN MAS DE 50 AÑOS..!! bread that lasts more than 50 years! - Duration: 8:05.


Top 5 Best Tiny Houses | AMAZING Tiny Houses on Wheels - with great layouts - Duration: 3:42.

Hi guys and welcome to GoDownsize! On this channel we feature a lot of small

spaces and for the past two years Morten and I have been traveling the world

filming tiny houses and sharing them with you guys - so today I want to share

with you my top 5 of the best tiny houses that I've seen

Number 5 is Bears Tiny Homes. I love this cozy cabin it has a wooden interior which is not something

that I usually prefer but what really sold me on this cabin was the layout it

has an amazing layout, it actually has a downstairs bedroom which is a normal

size you can fit a regular bed in there it has tons of storage -

- and it has the option of an upstairs bedroom as well so if you don't like walking up a ladder

or even a staircase you have the downstairs bedroom and then you can use

the loft as a guest bedroom or for a kid or whatever your family looks like

On top of this house having an amazing layout the guy who owns the company, Mark -

- is such a sweet guy and I'm sure that he would take really good care of

you if you wanted to build a house with him

Number four is A New Beginning Tiny Homes. This is a craftsmen style tiny

house and it is so beautiful. Adam, the builder, clearly has an eye for

details and he has carefully thought out every detail in this beautiful home

His love for detail is visible throughout the house, and that curved ceiling - Wow!

Moving on to number 3: Marjolein's tiny house. It's designed by Walton studios

in the Netherlands and it's a great beautiful tiny house it has

beautiful lines and so many great solutions to eco-friendly buildings in

Europe so I'm really hoping to go back and check out this house now that it's actually finished

And now for number two: Cornerstone Tiny Homes has so many

windows I don't think I've ever been in a tiny house with that many windows

It has a separate bedroom with a Murphy bed so you don't have to climb up any

ladders and has a big kitchen with plenty of counter space and a spacious bathroom

The whole entire feel of this house is just light and bright and maybe that

appeals to me especially as a Scandinavian, we don't get much sunlight

It's definitely a great house to make it to number two on my list. Now for number one

on the list: Free Range Homes. This was my absolute

favorite of all the tiny houses that I've seen right when you walk in you

enter through these French doors on the side of the house and you have this

beautiful area with a huge couch and you can easily seat six or eight people in

that couch nook, it has the beautiful windows tons of light in an open floor plan

It has a sleeping loft and a big bathroom but what makes this house

particularly great is that it has the downstairs bedroom it's not very big but

it's definitely big enough to fit a bunk bed in there which give you the option

of actually living in this house two adults and two kids

combined with the overall great interior and the windows and the couches I'm sold

That's it guys for my top 5 best tiny houses that I've visited if you liked

this video and want to see more of it give it a thumbs up and share it with

your friends. See you guys next time, bye!

For more infomation >> Top 5 Best Tiny Houses | AMAZING Tiny Houses on Wheels - with great layouts - Duration: 3:42.


The Coming of The Christ Consciousness – I, Pet Goat II – - Duration: 0:49.

The Coming of The Christ Consciousness � I, Pet Goat II �

by Edward Morgan

See The Coming of The Christ Consciousness � I, Pet Goat II � video link in your


For more infomation >> The Coming of The Christ Consciousness – I, Pet Goat II – - Duration: 0:49.


chana dal recipe - dry chana dal recipe - how to make chana dal best gujarati dish - Duration: 5:08.

how to make dry chana dal best gujarati dish recipe

For more infomation >> chana dal recipe - dry chana dal recipe - how to make chana dal best gujarati dish - Duration: 5:08.


Funny Videos 2017 ● People doing stupid things new videos funny youtube - Duration: 6:06.

YouTube Light Official

For more infomation >> Funny Videos 2017 ● People doing stupid things new videos funny youtube - Duration: 6:06.


Tube Film - Andy Lau, Brigitte Lin, Sharla Cheung Man | English Subtitle - Duration: 1:37:41.

<i>HANDSOME SIBLINGS Jue dai shuang jiao</i>

<i>According to legend, the 2 Sovereigns reappear every 18 years.</i>

<i>A strong and valorous person is selected to perpetuate</i>

<i>the line of the emblem of justice</i>

<i>and its legendary techniques.</i>

<i>He becomes the Sovereign of Justice then</i>

<i>for one period in 18 years.</i>

<i>The supreme techniques</i>

<i>are the technique of Frozen Jade and the Sword of the Couple.</i>

We are the Seven Pirates of the Yellow River.

we want food and wine!

Give us your belongings!

Get your women on their knees.! And every man get the hell out!

Help us, landlord!

Give up!

Where did they go?

My brothers...


- I am starving. - I can't wait!

I can't wait to taste their warm flesh.

I haven't had a fresh human heart in ages.

They're just robbers.

They smell awful and they're so filthy.

I'll brush my teeth afterwards.

If you eat them, everyone will know that

you are Lee the Cannibal, of the Ten Criminals.

So restrain yourself.

And they'll also find out you're Qiu-qiu, my accomplice.

Don't frighten them.

What happened to him?

- You scared him to death. - I didn't mean too.


Please stay alive. Don't die on me.

This means fresh flesh for me.

I am the Insane Lion of the Ten Criminals.

You're so mean! You started without me.

You promised you'd leave me the nose.

It's dirty and it's hard to chew.

Looks like an ear.

I'll clean it off. Eat these in the meantime...

Is he hungry? He's drooling...

Not anymore.

He really thought this was an arm!

What a bunch of idiots! That was too easy.

The Palace of Hua?

21 million attended the funeral of the victims of the flood.

You were entrusted to eighty voluntary escorts.

You were responsible for for the safety of the convoy.

But in the Valley of the Tiger, you massacred 276 soldiers,

and 164 members of the convoy to steal their gold.

And the 470 thousand victims of the flood died of hunger.

Do you deserve to live?

I am innocent. The Two Devils are the culprits.

Are they part of the of the Ten Criminals?

Of course.

Then they deserve death.

They are accomplices.

This valley is a sacred area. How is it possible you entered here?

Thanks to this.

The emblem of justice?


Three days ago, the Two Sovereigns entrusted it to me.

I am the new Sovereign Warrior.

You condemning us without evidence! With your own way!

In any case, you are at my mercy.

Wait a minute.

- Yin. - Darling.

- Master. - Princess.

I am not just a simple warrior, and you, a noble princess.

It's been five years that we've been married.

People said we weren't meant for each other.

These five last years however filled me.

When I could choose my reincarnation,

I'd rather choose to be married with you for eternity instead..

I brought our son.

I beg you not to kill my friends in this valley.

Lee is your friend.

But he proved his guilt by fleeing.

He is my friend, and I know him well.


I also know that he's innocent.

But I didn't come for him... but for you.

You're making a mistake. This valley has a rule,

set by his Holiness 170 years ago.

Even if they are the worst criminals in the world,

as soon as they take refuge here, it's necessary to grant them a chance.

You have to be lenient.

It's time that we change this old rule.

Then I'll have to stop you.

I'm sorry you don't understand.

It's over between us.

We are no longer...

husband and wife.

The technique of Frozen Jade?

Right, you won. I'll leave.

In eighteen years, my student will come with this emblem,

and will destroy this cursed place.

Yin, are you okay?

He's been seriously injured. All his nerves are affected.

- Let me try something. - You can save him?

He will live, but he will be a vegetable.

Never! Cure him or I'll kill to you!

I'm sorry, it's the best I can do!

One of us has to take care of his son,

and teach him our kung fu.

That harpy treated us like garbage, it's her son too.

Qiu-qiu, if we raise him, we sh...

I know what you're thinking!

We'll turn him into a monster.

He'll drive his mother insane with rage.

All is well.

His body is so flexible:

excellent to learn kung fu.

<i>Only one among 10.000 babies is like that. He needs a name.</i>

Which name shall I choose?

We are in the Palace of Hua. His name will be Hua.

He reminds me of a beautiful flower. Therefore I will call him Wu Que.

Hua Wu Que!

<i>The Valley of the Criminals</i>

Where is the Valley of the Criminals?

Right up there, it's not too far.

What? Not too far?

What the hell is wrong with you?, just tell me!

Who wants to go there?

Speak up.

Idiot, what are you looking at? Why aren't you talking?

Why do you want to go there?

I am a criminal.

What crime did you commit?

I killed, raped, stole... anything you can name, I've done it.

Aren't you exaggerating a bit?

Me? I'm a wanted bandit. Why would I exaggerate?

- Aren't you lying to yourself? - Would a good looking guy like me lie?

- Have you jerked off today? - Of course, all the men do it.

- Have you slaughtered a village? - Is this a joke?

Take it.

Not that, my arm.

Hold my wrist.

Why'd you hit me?

How could I? You're holding my only arm.

I've had enough! I'm leaving this place.

You're too late. I've poisoned you.

- What kind of effect will it have? - Your genitals will rot off.

Don't yell, or the same thing will happen to your ass.

What do I gotta do?

Calm down. I have the antidote.

Open your mouth.

It tastes great.

That's cause it's poison.

- Will you quit joking pal. - Who's your pal?

Did I say something wrong?

He is the only disciple

of the Ten Criminals. He is the most malicious man in this valley.

Tell him that they call me Small Fry.

He doesn't know your nickname.

If he doesn't know it, I'll cut him in pieces.

- Forgive me. - Never mind.

Small Fry!

Lee and Qiu-qiu are looking everywhere for you.

If they are, then why are you here?

Follow me.


I must attend the tournament of martial arts?

You must also find two men.

Who are they?

We weren't always the Ten Criminals.

Once we were called the 10 Protectors of justice of the Cheung River.

- I am Cheung one. - I am Cheung two.

- Me, number three. - I am the number four.

- I am number five. - Fool, I am number five.

- Then, I am the sixth. - Enough.

20 years ago, the state entrusted us the safety of the convoy

with an amount of money intended for the victims of the flood.

Cheung seven and eight, called the Two Devils

stole the money. And they destroyed our lives.

Why didn't you stop them?

They drugged us.

Why didn't they kill you?

They didn't on purpose, so that we would be accused.

We decided

to send you to do research.

Wait! I don't have anything to do with this story.

- But of course. - I am not a Protector of justice.

You are a disciple of the Ten Protectors of justice of Cheung.

My boy, this is the occasion to thank us.

C'mon, eventually people will forget what happened and you'll be fine.

If you refuse, you will have to at least recover the emblem of justice.

If the others use this emblem, everything will go down.

That's the truth.

This is a capital affair, concerning all of us.

What do you wanna say?

You will go with brother Lee...

...and sister Qiu-qiu.

We must all go together.

No, you three must go!

Why just us and not the others?

- Daddy Lee, come with me. - Everyone agrees.

She's right.

With my deformed mouth, people will recognize us easily.

If you like, I can fix your mouth and her eye.

- Seriously? - Of course.

It's as easy as looking after a cold.

Are you for real?

Why didn't you do that eighteen years ago?

These defects are what make you so charming.

Fuck you!

- Then you can fix it. - I'm sorry...

Well, this is your last chance.

- My last chance? - Do you want me to help you or not?

Of course, but I...

We accept, thank you very much.


I must go away for a while.

There will be less maliciousness in this valley.

But someone will take care of you.

I always had the feeling that we belonged to the same family.

Every time I'm talking to you,

you don't answer me.

But I feel that you have so much to tell me.

I hope that one day,

you will address me.

When I'm far away,

take care of yourself.


I'm finally starting to speak correctly.

Everything looks so much clearer.

We need to get the invitation for the tournament for you.


You can deal with all that. Let me have a little fun.

- No way. - It's too dangerous.

- It's too risky for you. - That's true.

I have the badge of the Valley of the Criminals.

- You scared me. - Trust me no one will mess with me.

I'll see you.

We'll meet in three days in front of the entry of the tournament.

- See you later. - Take care of yourself.

What a horrible mouth I had before!

What about me, I looked hideous.

No, you were pretty with your eye.

You're still beautiful to me.

- You really mean that? - Yes, my love.

You're making fun of me, my Apollo.

- Let's go, my love. - My Apollo.

Mistress, we captured one more man for you.

He is at your disposal.

How will I know if I like him or not? Awake him.

I am awake.

He's a rather fine young man.

This is my palace, and they are my concubines.

Young man, satisfy me and you will live.

With me, you wont need anymore of these guys around here.

Are you saying my men are good for nothing?

Get up!

Pardon me. The water is cold. I will change it immediately.

Beat it!

I've had enough!

Bathe him.

I'm finished.


You didn't even take off your clothes.

I don't like someone watching me while I'm taking a bath.

Sorry, but that's just the way Iam.

I don't want someone to see me naked.

I must acknowledge that you...

Acknowledge what?

I've had my share of women. I'm experienced.

We will see.

- What's that? - Don't touch it. It's embarrassing.

Just give me a minute.

Your hand!

No, it's here.

- What's the meaning of this? - That's a long story.

When I got captured, these women searched me and said

that you would capture me your own way. They then gave me this false hand.

They told me to give it to you.

You're from the Palace of Hua!

Listen well.

The young Master of the Palace of Hua came out to capture you.

Show yourself immediately or all of you will be executed.

- What's going on? - Withdraw.

What's happening here?

This is strange.

I can't hold it in, I must've eaten something bad.


Move aside.

It's you.

You're really fast.

I think that you can help me get out of here.

Mr. Hero,

you had the intelligence to take refuge in this reluctant place.

I admire your courage.

I would like to be your bloodbrother.

I will call you brother then.

Don't play with me.

You're quite sharp.

Got you.

On position.

Here are the orders of the sovereign:

You and your clan have broken the rules.

The young Master of the Palace of Hua has come out

to eliminate you.

Young master,

don't put on this dress. The princess will punish us.

You will be punished, only if she finds out. Silence.

As you order.

Am I beautiful?

You look magnificent.

Stay here. I'll take a look.

<i>She's beautiful!</i>



I will kill whoever tries to help him!


Calm down!

I want his invitation to the tournament.

Go to hell!

Damn you!

It doesn't matter who claims to

be a master of martial arts.

But only the elected officials have an invitation.

This is too prestigious.

With this invitation...

... you can attend the tournament.

If you win...

... you will be elected sovereign.

... and you will reign the world.

Go to hell!

As long as I live...

you wont get this invitation.

You can't kill everyone...

Go to hell!

Who else has an invitation?

Cowards! They all left!


I think I should've seduced them.

- Who would have done it? - Me.


- You told me that I was pretty. - Collect the invitations.

- Were you lying to me? - Of course not! Collect them.

- Swear it. - Swear to yourself.

A guest.

- May Buddha bless you! - Welcome.

Please take a seat.

Will someone recognize you?

That would be difficult.

Besides, we've been out of the public eye for eighteen years.

Excuse me, Do I know you...

lmpossible! I've never met you before in my whole life.

What's your problem? You are surely...

Exactly. We are Mister Brute, Madame Brute and Brute Junior.



Get away from us!

Or I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget.

Beat it, let us be on our way.

Calm down.

I think I know someone over there.

You were fantastic!

<i>She looks cute.</i>

Welcome famous inspector

Madame Yi. Your presence honors us.

Thank you for coming from so far away.

I must thank you. You recommended me to become the arbiter

at this great tournament.

I am very flattered.

After you.

After you.

There are too many candidates.

If they all fight, that will take an insane amount of time.

It's not so simple.

These are the rules of the tournament.

Nobody is authorized to enter without an invitation.

There are three types of invitations: gold, silver and bronze.

Each victory makes it possible to pass to the higher category.

Those of the gold category will have to pass the personality test.

And they all will be candidates for the sovereign title.

Who set up these shitty rules?

That man's been watching me since we got here.

- Where is he? - Over there.

- That woman's staring at me. - Where is she?

They look like the Two Devils.

- Are you sure? - Let's see.

She winked at me.

They didn't notice. Follow me.

She only has one eye.


- Do you remember me? - No.

- So? - He doesn't recognize me.


Dear friends, my name is Kong Pik-hok.

In the name of the organization committee of the tournament,

let me welcome you all here.

It is time for dinner.

I hope you all enjoy it.

Who is the man with that stupid hairstyle?

Don't you know? He's the commissioner of the tournament.

In the last ten years, he's received many gifts.

This is how the expenses of the tournament are defrayed.

And the person beside him?

He's a dream come true.

But he's bald!

- Bravo. - Thanks.

Please forgive me if the reception is not appropriate for you.

Welcome all.

- Mister Lee, this is my son Jade. - How are you?

Your son

is exceptional. He could be the next winner of the tournament.


- The guy from the toilet. - Let's forget the past.

I've got your invitation. Please, take a seat.

- Jade. - Father.

This is the man that saved me 2 days ago, I was falling...

This is my father.

- What's your name? - Kao.

His name is Kao.

My pleasure. I'm so glad to be here.

The inspector has arrived. I have to say hello to her.

Mind your language, please.

You have a gold invitation. Follow me.




The dishes are cold. How rude of him to make us wait so long.

Patience. I know it's rude,

but the rules require that we wait.

You want to teach me a lesson? Fool!

It's almost time, please wait.

Look, here he is.

<i>I don't think she noticed me.</i>

I've got a request...

Mr. Hua !

Mr. Kong.

Better late than never. Go on, eat!

Excuse me...

I am used to...

<i>Oh no, he's recognized me...</i>

having royal feasts.

So I came to tell you

that I'm not having dinner with you. Cheers!

Good bye.

<i>That's the girl from the other night.</i>

<i>Why is she disguised as a man?</i>

Enough speeches, let us eat!

This world is full of strange people.

You mean like yourself?

Let's eat.

I am the Black Monk. May I know your name?

<i>He want's to interrogate me, Okay!</i>

I am the chief of the clan of Mount Tian Dao of Chun Fa.

I didn't say my name did I?

You surely know the name of my master.

His name is Lee the Flying Blade.

- He is well known. - Yes that's right.

You know him?

Let us drink.

I am sure he was talking about Lee the Cannibal

and To Qiu-qiu.

The young man is no other than the son of Yin and the Hua princess.

Eighteen years ago this couple fought

and Yin disappeared with the child.

He was seriously wounded.

He was the benefactor of the Ten Criminals.

They had to take care of his son.

I believe that it's him.

Perfect. We will reveal his identity.

We will eliminate him as soon as we can.

Let's be serious. You will wound Hua Wu Que.


You are the only one who can handle him.

If you wound him, you will tarnish his reputation,

and he won't be elected as the new sovereign.

You will do it in my place.

- Me? I'll be busy. - With what?

I must whistle to inform Qiu-qiu.

She will accompany the others.

And if he is indeed a girl?

Then, there is more need to whistle. I'm going to take care of her myself.

Look at yourself in the mirror.

She's right.

I'll use an aphrodisiac.

They are available in form of wine and powder.

But if you take them without having a number

it's your death.

Pay more attention.

- What do you see? - Something important. Let's get down.


Keep guard.

Oh shit!


your breasts look so nice. May I touch them?

Will I get a kiss?

Did I do anything weird?

You wanted to leave.


What I'm trying to tell you?

I raised you for eighteen years.

Daddy Lee.

Now, you can fly with your own wings.

Do you want me to leave?

It's the first time in a long time

That I've felt something so strongly.

But you are being selfish.

Perfect. I'll leave you for Hua.

Me leave? You should be ashamed of yourself.

What an unworthy son!

Daddy Lee...

Why are you crying?

I hid my true feelings... My eyes betrayed me...

- Look at my eyes. - I'm looking.

I respect you.

I know...

- I admire you, I love you... - I know...

I'll always regarded you as my benefactor...

a relative and an honest man, how can you...

transform into the person whom I love.

What do you think of that?

- I am terrible... - You're a monster.


- Leave. - I'm going.

That's good.

If he is a man, I'll call you.

What an idiot!

Come out.

What is it?

I'm staying here to watch out for you.

Why do you want to stay?

If you do not know what you're doing, I'll be able to assist you.

Your presence will disturb me.

The last time, there were people around me...

Go, hide somewhere else.

You're dismissed.

What are you saying?

I can't understand you.

Let's follow her.

<i>How am I going to get out of this?</i>

- What are you doing in my room? - Your room?

- What a beautiful glove. - Speak up.

- Why did you come here? - I'll explain it to you...

What's going on?

I am in charge here.

Withdraw your hand or I'll tear it off.

I see. You still want me.

- Don't touch me. - I didn't do it.

That wasn't my hand, mine's right here.

Everybody came for one and the same reason.

And this reason... him.


Your breasts look so nice. Can I touch them?

There's been a rapist running around hiding under tables.

He only rapes men. He beats them, violates and kills them.

I followed this future victim in here.. Then I hid

to confront the culprit

and stop him.

- Quit trying to touch me. - Sorry.

Miss, Let me touch

your nice big breasts!

He is under the influence of an aphrodisiac.

Hands off.

This rapist is interested only in men.

He's creepy.

He was lucky until now.

I came with Mrs. Yi to stop him.

Why does this man only rape men?

What a moron!

Stop talking. Give him the antidote.

A banal antidote won't return him to his normal state.

Let's try... this!

- Did you find something? - Yes.

I found a pill.

It's so huge.

Drink it down with some wine.


Can you move away your fake arm?!

It's hard to tell which ones real and which ones fake.

You are lucky!

Oh my god, he's overdosed on the pill. There's nothing we can do.

Young woman, you have such nice breasts. Can I touch them?

I got a better idea, I'll get him out of here.

Stay where you are. Let's get to the bottom of this story.

You are right. We need to clarify this.

According to the testimony of the victim,

the rapist has a beauty mark on his chest.

There's only 2 men here, I'll show you I'm innocent.

And you?

Show us your chest. Come on!

You are disgusting!

Take it off!

Mr. Hua.

We showed you our chests like we said we would.

You can show us yours or

we can just run along like this never happened.

As you wish.

You are very understanding. Farewell.

Let's go.

You see, you were poisoned.

But I don't have the antidote.

If you don't make love, you will die.

We'll leave him in here with the horse. And run.

On the count of 3, One, two and three,

Will this horse do the trick?

I think so.

She's very tame and quick.

Two hours should be enough.

I appreciate what you did.


I want to take a bath.

That was fast?

That was too fast.

But it's only an animal.

Why would I have taken my time?

I did it to remove the poison.

We wanted you to...

Don't touch him, he smells.

We gave you that horse so that you could take it to the brothel.

So I could be with a girl?

Why you didn't tell me? I fucked a horse...

How are you?

It's them again. I don't understand.

Why are they acting so nice?

I'll go question them.

Not right now. We have no proof.

I'll find out by this evening.

Please excuse my delay.

It is fine.

<i>We begin with the</i>

<i>collection of birds.</i>

The tournament has begun. The first participants are Fei and Yua.

What a shame! Eliminated in the first round.

I need to sit down.

What a loser!

Beat it!

That wasn't very nice.

After these preliminary combat rounds,

six participants have reached the finals.

Chan An-chong of the Dim Chong School.

Jade Kong, of the city of Martial Arts.

Small Fry, a new participant.

Kong, our General Commissioner.

Hua Wu Que of the Palace of Hua.

Mou of the Tian Shan School.

Mou! How can you dare to come here?

How do you justify the rape that you committed?

What rape? Are you insane?

And how would you know of this?

Mount Tian is very isolated, the population is very small.

There are sixteen villages: 120 men and 49 women.

On the evening of the 15th of last month, you were drunk.

You wounded the Chan brothers and raped their sister.

Who are you? How do you know this?

I have informants across the whole country.

My pigeons bring me more than 3000 letters a day.

I nourish them without looking at the expenses.

Thus, I know everything that happens.

Buddha may bless you.

- You are Chan Year-chong? - I'm withdrawing...

Congratulations. You are our four finalists.

Master, between Small Fry and Hua, who do you think will win?

It doesn't matter.

Small Fry will help us to eliminate Hua.

Master, my career depends on you.

Among the four finalists of the tournament,

you will be the one to win for sure.

Father doesn't even have confidence...

"Who will love this poor girl?"

"While talking about the world, he watches me put on my make-up."

"I hate what I do for a living"

"by making wedding dresses for others."

You're in love?

By reciting this poem...

do you know that you broke our rules?

I never did understand their meaning. I was only just repeating them.


Are you two talking about Small Fry? He's despicable.

Exactly. Especially his eyes, they are magical!

When he looks at you, your heart gets carried away.

He is so adorable that I forget all of my problems.

Rendezvous at the ruins.

Hua Wu Que.

The Two Sovereigns?

Sorry to call on you so late.

What's happening?

You are gifted in martial arts,

worthy and brave.

But your enemies are envious.

You are in great danger.

Be vigilant!



No need to shout. Everything is fine.

How do you do?

My face is pretty banged up from the fall. Isn't it?

Don't leave me!

I'm here.

Thank you, Miss.


our last meeting, I realized that...

it's you whom I want.

Only you.

I came into the world for you.

<i>Awesome, she touched me, I got her where I want her.</i>

I want to tell you how beautiful you are.

Since your departure,

I kept my eyes closed.

I was afraid if I opened them, I wouldn't remember your face,

and it would be lost forever.

I would like to...

How are you?

I'm OK.


I assure you.

Maybe I said a little to much...

You're bleeding!


My love for you is so deep...

When I saw you the second time,

and you saved me in that room...

There I knew

that I was important to you.

I think

that if have to die,

I'd like it to be next to you.

My wish is granted.

But I do regret that my dream will never be fully realized...

<i>I'm so winning her over.</i>

What dream?

I would like to take the love of my life...

in my arms.

I would like to put a kiss

on these lips.

I'm saying too much.

But it's not important.

We all take along a dream or two to the beyond.

Only for this kiss...

If I get out of here alive,

I will marry you.

<i>Goddamn I'm good</i>

<i>I won. It's time to retreat.</i>

My dream has become a reality,

I don't want to die anymore.

I remembered! I have the antidote.

Help me take it.

Lower. Lower.

Higher, that's not it.

Good, higher! That's good. Thank you.

Can you chew it and put it in my mouth?

Never mind, I think I can do it.


What's happening?

Nothing. It just hurts going down.

When I go out at night, I always take a candle with me.

It's so, I don't get lost.

Will you help me light it.

I'm going to look around.

It's wet. Surely there is an exit.

I didn't make a mistake. Did I.

Don't forget what we talked about. Farewell.

You must wait for me.

We've been walking all night long.

What do you want to show us?

We're almost there, it's right in front of us.

A hut?

Come in.

A woman?

A pretty woman.

Yes she is, but We're not interested.

Mr. Big Pimp...

Just Pimp.

Big is a little too much.

I think Big suits you.

I thank you for your kindness.

What? Are you refusing to pay?


Then, come!

Qiu-qiu !

It's her?

She's very skilled...

We're not interested in women.

Let's play a game to see who goes first.

That's really not necessary.

How come? You courted her in the past.


She was your lover in the past...

I am going to throw up.

I know who you two really are!


- The Two Devils! - Take a good look.

The attractive To Qiu-qiu.

The handsome Lee the Cannibal.

What are you they talking about?

Don't you at least remember the theft?

Where did you hide the donated money?

Now I understand! You belong to the Ten Criminals.

You were also part of it.

What's happening?

Who're all these people! Is there a party?

I welcome you to our city.

He's talking to you guys, answer him!

It's all over.

They know who you are.

It's him, Lee the Cannibal.

Get them.

Let's go or it will be too late.

<i>They are the Two Sovereigns.</i>


I am in charge of this.

If it pleases you.

It's up to me to kill the Ten Criminals.

My family went to Beijing

in search of a better life.

While they crossed the valley of the Criminals,

they were all killed.

Stand back, let me punish them.

That's a smoke bomb?

Why did you let them get away?

Why no toxic gas?

That's what I planned to use, they must've meddled with my supplies.

l'll go show them.

Move away!

Let me.

What're you doing?

Nobody is authorized to leave this place.

Why should I listen to you?



We are here

to defend the position of the new sovereign. Truth, falsehood

and revenge

will be decided in the ring.

This is our law.

If you don't respect the rules,

there is nothing here to achieve.

Nobody will question the orders of the Two Sovereigns.

Wu Que.

After you.

Thank you for coming here.

Your presence honors us.

My student isn't bad.

But he lacks experience.

I came here to watch over him.

I don't want him to fall into a trap.

But somebody has already set up a trap for him.

Who dared to do that?

His name is Small Fry.

Small Fry?

He is getting along well with your student.

Mr. Hua will do everything he can to kill him tomorrow.

I have trained him for eighteen years.

I want to make a grand master out of him.

If he betrays me, I will make him pay for it.

Calm down. Young people need our patience.

I'm not so sure of that.

This pill will make him as obedient

as a dog.

And if he does not obey, I won't give him the antidote

and he'll die within twelve hours.

He will defeat Small Fry.

My student will surely be elected as the new sovereign.

Even if it's necessary to assist him in this task.

He is very strong. Victory is almost ours.

But we're afraid that Small Fry will take it.

I am going to see Wu Que immediately. Farewell.

Thank you, Princess.

That bitch drank the wine of madness.

But nothing happened to her.

The poison is colorless and scentless.

lt will only work when she draws upon her energy.

It will diminish her mind little by little without her ever being able to recover.

If activated, she will slowly plunge into madness.

You really are experienced with poisons.

You are also an expert in disguises.

We were disguised, but nobody noticed anything.

You are both extraordinary.

Enough flatteries. We gotta prepare the secret weapon against Hua.

At your command.

What are you doing here?

I want you to fight

with all your strength tomorrow.

What do you want exactly?

I will tell you the truth.

I mastered the technique of the Blue Devil.

During the fight,

one of us must die.

It's going to be me.

You can't let it bother you, and go through with it.

In the scrolls of kung fu, in the blue chapter,

there is the Blue Sword,

the Fist of the Blue School and the Blue Hand of Jade.

Your technique isn't in there.

Don't listen to rumors.

The scroll was published six years ago.

There's at least two hundred techniques that aren't in there.


My master assured me that it was complete.

What are you trying to do?

Your face...

I know that

this technique doesn't exist.

You lied to me.

You want to die at my hands.


It's true.

I lied to you.


Since I've met you...

Since our kiss...

- my life belongs to you. - Be quiet!

lmpossible !

Before dying...

- I must confess to you. - Stop!

I am happy to die by your hands.

I fear that if you don't fight with all your might,

your master will be furious.

Since you are going to die...

Why do you still care about me?

No matter what,

I'll never kill you.

Don't cry. If you keep it up, I'll start crying.

<i>She's so sincere. How can I lie to her?</i>

<i>I have to tell her the truth.</i>

What did I teach you during these 18 years? Never trust a man.

You call yourself a woman?

You can never have feelings for a man.

Preserve your precious virginity.

When you have the emblem of justice,

train and attain perfection.

Honor your school

and fulfill my wish.

You cry for a man!

A man who comes from the Valley of the Criminals. You disappoint me.

Forgive me, master.

You are not worthy to be my student.

I will do my best tomorrow.


Swallow this.

It's a lethal poison. You have to win.

Otherwise, you won't get the antidote

and you'll die.

I am grateful to you.

- I'll take it. - No!

We'll meet at the finals.


There are only four finalists left.

They will be divided into two groups. Hua Wu Que versus Small Fry.

Master Kong versus Jade Kong.

The match...

has begun.

Let's do it.

Hua Wu Que!

Wu Que !

Let go of her!

The rules forbid any interruption of a fight.

You attacked him from behind.

That's unacceptable.

Even if we forgive you, Mr. Yin will not tolerate this.


Your former husband. Who left you.

It's over between us...

You left your own child and

adopted an orphan in its place.

Hua Wu Que.

"A couple separates and reunites"

"Flowers bloom, flowers die." Hua Wu Que!

Do you have any regrets?

I have regrets. But I made no mistake.

No mistake? Why did you attack him?

Didn't you know that he's your son?

My son?

My son?

It's definitely him.

No, he's not my son!

He is your son.

- No. - Yes.

He's not my son!

It's the truth.


No, he's not my son...

You're an unworthy mother.

You almost killed him. Aren't you ashamed?

How can you dare look him in his face.


My son can't live in the Valley of the Criminals.

I am a monster!

Forgive me, my son!


She's weak. Finish her off.

Witch, how dare you disturb the order?

I beg your pardon, my son!

I destroyed my sons life!



This is the famous antidote.


Get them.

Hold on.

Let's get out of here!

Where are they?

We killed her in the spirit of justice.

If you want to punish me,

I will accept my fate.

You've done well.

Small Fry and Hua Wu Que left.

Master Kong and his son

are going to compete in the finals.

One moment, Master, Father.

How can a son compete against his father?

Right. I declare therefore that

the victor is Master Kong Pic-Hok.


Your Excellencies.

Dear Sirs,

the competition indicates

Master Kong as the winner. However,

we will not entrust the emblem of justice to him.

Somebody has informed us about his crimes.

In this book I have hard evidence.

A young hero risked his life by stealing it from some thieves.

On March 21st, Kong ordered us to plunder a convoy.

Two million taels.

We received 800.000.

On July 14th,

The abduction of the girl of Chin.

Three million.

Received a million. We killed the girl.

On November 7th,

Kong tells us about the flood donation. It was stolen.

Hundreds of millions. Only half comes back to us.

We received fifty million.

You're in alliance

with bandits.

You deserve death.

I am innocent!

No way. It's your own son

who entrusted us this book.

I can't stand this anymore.

You went too far.

I am your son. But I cannot tolerate your acts.




I will kill you!

Go ahead! Strike me!

If you have remorse, my death will have served a reason.

Father, pull yourself together.

- Father? - Bastard.

You betrayed your father?

We were almost there. If I hadn't done it,

I'd have waited ten years or more for this title.

Rest in peace.


He is dead...

You killed my father...

Don't be upset. You've done the right thing.

You have our support.

Dear Sirs, the emblem of justice returns

to Jade Kong. He has become the new sovereign.

I'm not very skilled in kung-fu. I do not deserve this position.

No, you are very worthy of it.

Are you a virgin?


Your body is pure. We will help you to enrich your internal energy.

We will teach you the supreme technique.

You will be invincible.


We will teach you the technique of Frozen Jade.

The supreme technique.

I did it! I attained the ultimate state.

Fist of Ice and Fire.

We are exhausted.

You are vulnerable.

Rest a little.

We are not only exhausted.

You will have to protect to us for three months.

Got it.

You always need to get rid of your enemies when they are weak.

With this blow, I damaged three of your nerves.

You will never be able to use kung fu again.

Why did you do that?

It's demanding for you to transmit your knowledge

every eighteen years.

So I will be sovereign for life. No more tournaments.

You are sly!

Sly? If that were the case...

you would have died. Here is a million. now leave!


We better leave. At least, we have some money.

Let us go.


How dare you call me Jade?

Forgive me. Your Honor.

Why not eliminate them?

Are you crazy?

Use your brain.

From now on I am sovereign. If I kill them, I will be under suspicion.

Spread the news. They're transporting a million and

and can't defend themselves.

There are more than enough people who will want to kill them.

When they get killed,

I shall avenge them.

And everybody will recognize me as a hero.

What a good idea!

You are my uncle and my master.

Be faithful to me and I could be very generous.

Do you remember

that I promised to marry you?

It wasn't a joke?

It was a promise.

Life and death

are hanging by a thread...

Even after we've gone through some terrible times,

I'll still continue to love you,

for the rest of our lives.

I would like to be your husband

for the rest of my life.

Let's go make this official.

Congratulations to the groom.

Congratulations to the bride.

Let us begin the ceremony.

Small Fry, I am cold...

Drink this wine, it'll warm you up.

Yin. I entrust this couple to you.

Bow to the heavens.

Bow to the father.

Bow to each other.

Why are you crying? It's such a special day.

That's enough!

We must be cheerful!

You know that I won't live through the night.

Why marry me then?

You are the only one

I want to marry.

To be your husband for a day,

will fill me with happiness.



- Who's making so much noise? - I am going to see.

I am cold, everything is black!

Don't be afraid.


Look after her.

I'll accompany you.

Stay where you are.

How dare you come here?

Beat it! They are the Two Sovereigns. We must kill them.

You are the Two Sovereigns?

Yes. The representatives of justice.

Why are you afraid of them?

Jade set a trap for us. Our powers are lost forever.

Give us the million or we kill you.

A million?

Jade gave us this money. Since then, they've been following us.

Give it to me and I'll take care of this.

Give it to him.

- Quickly. - They'll leave.

You promised to help us.

I only promised to take your money, not protect you.

Wait. If you fight against the two of us,

are you sure you'll win?

Our chances are equal. What's the point in killing each other?

If you want to leave...

I'd like to keep this money...

Here's the money. You could share it.

What do you think of that?

It's a deal. Accepted.

Why is he marrying her?

She's going to die soon.

Don't you have anything better to say?

Say something nice!

Fine. I think she'll make it till dawn.

We are responsible. We have to save her at all costs.

Jade destroyed the only antidote.

There is no hope.

He's right.

That's not true. Two people can use their energy

to cancel the effect of the poison.

You don't have enough power left.

He is a grand master

of martial arts.

Ridiculous. He's a vegetable. He can't help us.

He is like a chest without a key.

If we find the key, his power will be released.


I will teach you how to stimulate the right nerves

to transfer his energy to your body. So, you can save your wife.

He's right.

Father, this is a desperate case.

If you want to help us,

give me a sign.

Thank you, father.

What are you waiting for?

<i>What did you say?</i>

<i>Your wife is beautiful.</i>

<i>He's giving you a compliment.</i>

This is unbelievable.

Do you want to try?

Looks like it's working.

<i>Darling, thank your father on my part. I feel much better.</i>

<i>I am happy to hear that.</i>

<i>He already knows. You can stop now...</i>


He's dead.


He joined his wife as he wished.

He transmitted all his energy so that his son can take revenge.

To take revenge? But Jade mastered the supreme technique.

There is a much more powerful technique than his.

It's called the Sword of the Couple.

The Sword of the Couple?

Only a couple deeply in love can carry it out.

You then become ten times as powerful.

You are the ideal couple for this technique.

Do you think that this technique is unstoppable?

I don't have the slightest idea. We've never tried it.

We have to try it

or Jade will be after us forever.

You're right.

Don't forget: the power of the sword increases with your love.

This sounds amusing. Let us try too.

I envy them.

Are you lovers?

Don't we look like it?

Then you are going to learn another one.

Will do.

Let us greet our sovereign.

Long life to the sovereign!

I will do my best

to deserve this honor.

It's been fifteen days since,

your sovereign discovered the true identity of the Two Devils.

He also captured six Criminals.

We will execute them, then annihilate their home.

l promise this to you.


These men are volunteers

to participate in the demonstration of the supreme technique.

Light becomes darkness and darkness becomes light.

How dare you come back?

I didn't die yet.

You killed your own father.

You're not worthy of being here!

Don't be upset with them. Bring some wine.

It's a misunderstanding between us. Let's take a glass.

I am going to explain everything to you.

Everything will be fine. Speak up.

The sovereign admires you a lot.


You used this wine to kill my mother. Now it's your turn.

How could you move so quickly?

We trained hard, contrary to you.

What did you think?

He would've killed you after he got rid of us.

That's not true, is it?

You helped him kill his father, as well as my master.

He also wants to kill the Two Sovereigns. You know too much about it.

He will kill you one day.

No, he'll never do it!

I'm your master. Tell them that you won't kill me!

Let's go.

I'll find you.

Follow me.

Why did we come here?

I don't want to hurt the innocent.

He will follow us.

Where is he?

He is very close.

So much progress in so little time!

Your technique is not invincible. I'll prove it to you.

Really? I'd like to believe you.

He's very powerful.

Relax. You need some encouragement.

That wasn't enough? Here is a little more.

It's my turn.

What are you still capable of? Show me.

It's our turn!

This is our chance.

More encouragement.

I need more than that.

These emblems spoiled the life of many people. Throw them away.

We need to keep them. If our children misbehave,

we can spank them with these.

Let's go.

They're such a nice couple.

I envy them.

We can be the exact same way if we...

- No way. - Why?

You slept with a horse...

Go screw an ox, and we'll call it even.

For more infomation >> Tube Film - Andy Lau, Brigitte Lin, Sharla Cheung Man | English Subtitle - Duration: 1:37:41.


TRY NOT TO LAUGH or GRIN: Funny Fails Compilation 2017 - Funny Videos youtube - Duration: 10:15.

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For more infomation >> TRY NOT TO LAUGH or GRIN: Funny Fails Compilation 2017 - Funny Videos youtube - Duration: 10:15.


Sie ist asexuell und steht dazu: Aber was bedeutet das eigentlich? - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Sie ist asexuell und steht dazu: Aber was bedeutet das eigentlich? - Duration: 3:53.


How To Make Apple Pie | Pokemon Pikachu Family| Pikachu Kids Cartoons Episode 15 | TUBE KIDS - Duration: 1:24.

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The US Could Finally Be Charged With War Crimes in Afghanistan - Duration: 5:11.

The US Could Finally Be Charged With War Crimes in Afghanistan

by Carey Wedler

The Hague, Netherlands � A prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC) is

pursuing a war crimes investigation against the United States for its conduct in Afghanistan

following the 9/11 terror attacks.

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Chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said last year that the U.S. military and CIA could

be guilty of war crimes for its torture of detainees in Afghanistan between 2003 and


The Guardian reported that �Bensouda�s report last year said the alleged US war crimes

�were not the abuses of a few isolated individuals.

Rather, they appear to have been committed as part of approved interrogation techniques

in an attempt to extract �actionable intelligence� from detainees.� Now, she is seeking approval

from the court to move forward.

According to the Guardian:

�Her request comes after an unusually long preliminary process, which has dragged on

for 10 years because of a lack of capacity at the court as well as lobbying from the

Afghan government, which tried to block it.

The Afghan president, Ashraf Ghani, met with Bensouda as late as September during the UN

general assembly.�

Bensouda also highlighted potential war crimes by the Taliban and the Afghan government,

noting that overall, �10,000 civilians were said to have been killed from 2007 to 2011

alone,� the Independent noted.

The Afghan government has resisted investigations, as has the U.S.

Last year a State Department official said it was �unwarranted� and �unjustified.�

Nevertheless, Bensouda intends to investigate �crimes against humanity and war crimes

such as murder, imprisonment, targeting humanitarian workers, use of child soldiers and carrying

out executions without sentencing from the formal legal system,� the Guardian summarized.

Until 2016, the ICC had only investigated crimes in Africa, drawing criticism that it

harbored a pro-western bias.

It has since launched investigations in other parts of the world, including Iraq, Cambodia,

Greece, Colombia, and Ukraine.

The United States is not a member of the court; during George Bush�s presidency, he declined

to participate, claiming the U.S. could be unfairly attacked for political reasons.

Though the U.S. is not a member, its officials could still be liable if found guilty because

the crimes were committed in Afghanistan, which is a member.

The Guardian reported:

�The next step is for a pre-trial chamber of judges to consider the prosecutor�s request,

which human rights observers in Kabul believe they will.�

Human Rights Watch said:

�Having documented egregious crimes in Afghanistan that have gone unpunished over many years,

we hope this step will open a path to justice for countless victims there.�

Given the court�s previous aversion to prosecuting the U.S. for war crimes, it remains unlikely

there will be any convictions.

The Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission, launched as an alternative to the Hague-based ICC,

previously found George Bush and Tony Blair guilty of �crimes against peace� during

the Iraq War, but both men walk free.

The U.S. has long been accused of war crimes, including potential crimes in drone warfare,

as well as during the Vietnam War.

Katherine Gallagher, a senior lawyer at the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) in

New York, was pleased with the ICC�s move to potentially hold U.S. nationals accountable,

especially in light of President Trump�s decision to increase troop levels (similar

to the Obama administration).

�This long overdue message that no one is above the law is particularly important now,

as the Trump administration ramps up military machinations in Afghanistan and embraces the

endless war with no plan in sight,� she said.

According to Bensouda:

�For decades, the people of Afghanistan have endured the scourge of armed conflict.

Following a meticulous preliminary examination of the situation, I have come to the conclusion

that all legal criteria required under the [ICC�s] Rome statute to commence an investigation

have been met.�

She also said:

�In accordance with the office�s policy and practice, the ultimate focus will be upon

those most responsible for the most serious crimes allegedly committed in connection with

the situation in Afghanistan.�

For more infomation >> The US Could Finally Be Charged With War Crimes in Afghanistan - Duration: 5:11.


BROOKE LYN Funny Vines & Instagram Videos Compilation Funny Videos - Duration: 1:19.

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SolidWorks Lesson # 6 Mirror Commands - Duration: 10:53.


For more infomation >> SolidWorks Lesson # 6 Mirror Commands - Duration: 10:53.


Small Details In Thor: Ragnarok Only True Fans Understood - Duration: 5:40.

You don't have to read comics to love Thor: Ragnarok, because director Taika Waititi and

his crew have made such a genuinely fun movie.

But for longtime Marvel Comics fans, it's even more special because of all the hidden

goodies inside.

Here are some of the small references in Thor: Ragnarok that you might have missed.

And of course, spoilers ahead...

Immigrant Song

Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" is the perfect music to accompany a high-octane action sequence

like the ones at the beginning and end of Thor: Ragnarok.

Even better, the lyrics fit perfectly.

Robert Plant and Jimmy Page wrote the song after visiting Iceland and being impressed

with its landscape and history, and the song's full of references to the same Scandinavian

mythology upon which the Thor comics were based:

The line "The hammer of the gods" is a reference to Thor's hammer Mjölnir.

And of course when Robert Plant croons about Valhalla, he's talking about the realm of

the honored warriors who fell in battle.

The Norse afterlife is left out of the Thor movies, but after the events of this one,

Valhalla would be crowded with Asgardians.

Korg and Miek

Korg is a Kronan, one of the Stone Men who were Thor's very first enemies in his debut

appearance in the pages of Journey Into Mystery #83.

Korg himself first appeared as an individual character in the Planet Hulk comic book story

from 2006.

That story also introduced Miek, a weird little insect creature who turns out to be surprisingly


In the movie, Miek doesn't speak at all, and Korg — played by director Taika Waititi

— is much more soft-spoken than he seems in the comic.

"It would pull me off.."

"Oh my god, the hammer pulled you off?"

"The ground!

It pulled me off the ground up into the air and I would fly."

They're fun characters.

But if you only see the movie, you won't have a clue about Miek's original nature as a character,

or Korg's long comic book history with Thor.

He's a Thing

Of course, Korg is far from the most famous rock man in Marvel Comics.

That honor unquestionably goes to Ben Grimm, the Fantastic Four member better known as

the Thing.

The Thing has a long rivalry with the Hulk in the comics, but he can't appear in movies

with them because of licensing agreements.

That's why it's funny when Thor first meets Korg and takes him for a pile of rocks, and

Korg replies, saying, "I'm actually a thing, a being."

For fans of Marvel Comics, there's only one image that pops in your head when a rock man

introduces himself as a thing.

This guy.

"It's clobberin' time for me!"

Point Break

To activate the voice recognition security system on the Quinjet, Thor has to refer to

himself as "Point Break," a call-back to the nickname Tony Stark gave him in The Avengers.

"No hard feelings, Point Break.

You got a mean swing."

Before his haircut at Stan Lee's hands, Thor bore a pretty strong resemblance to Bodhi,

the character Patrick Swayze plays in the 1991 film Point Break.

Bannerless Hulk

Waking up as Bruce Banner after such a long time as the Hulk is understandably jarring,

and it obviously has a negative impact on Banner's psyche.

This sort of thing has also happened in the comics a few times.

During the Planet Hulk storyline, Banner rarely appears because the planet is so dangerous.

The most famous Bannerless Hulk storyline, however, was published in 1988, in The Incredible

Hulk #347.

Thanks to a wizard's spell, the Hulk is freed of Banner, and gets a job working for the

mob in Las Vegas.

He even begins wearing tailored clothes in his own size rather than Banner's torn pants,

and generally lives the high life.

It's usually a mark of these "Bannerless Hulk" stories that the Hulk speaks more and acts

more rationally the longer he stays himself, so it makes sense that he's relatively talkative

in Ragnarok.

Sokovia forgotten

Who even remembers Sokovia?

When Bruce Banner brings it up and asks what happened to the city, Thor doesn't even answer

— he just points out that the battle with Ultron happened two years ago.

Sure, at the time, seeing a city lifted into the sky by Ultron seemed like a huge Earth-shaking


It played a part in the events of Captain America: Civil War, although even then, they

barely followed up on what happened there after the battle.

This exchange between Banner and Thor conveys how long Banner has been out of it, but Thor's

reaction is also a bit of a joke about how little the huge action sequences that end

each movie tend to matter once the credits roll.


Ragnarok doesn't explain much about Fenris the Wolf.

He's treated mostly as an ally and mount for the Death Goddess Hela.

Interestingly, in the comics — and the Norse myths on which they're based — Hela and

Fenris are actually straight-up siblings, and their father is none other than Loki.

In the movie, Hela becomes Odin's daughter, and therefore Loki's adopted sister, while

the wolf's origin is left completely unexplained.

But the closeness between Hela and Fenris, and that green glow in his eyes, hints at

their true relationship from the comics.

Valkyrie's digs

She may look a little different, but the character played by Tessa Thompson is very much the

same Valkyrie who has appeared in Marvel Comics since the 1970s.

Valkyrie's gold and silver armor and blue cape come directly from the comics, along

with her sword, Dragonfang, and the flying horse.

But more than anything, it's her characterization that makes her recognizable.

Valkyrie is a swaggering, hard-drinking warrior woman who's worked hard to get away from her

long and troubled past, before eventually making peace with it.

Thor's eye

When Thor loses an eye in battle with Hela and starts wearing an eyepatch at the end

of Thor: Ragnarok, it's an obvious way of visually depicting his transition into his

father's role as King of Asgard, since Odin was famously one-eyed as well.

But it also resonates with a version of Thor from the comics who bore an even closer resemblance

to Odin.

King Thor, as he's often called, is a version of Thor from the future who first appeared

in Thor, God of Thunder #1.

Like so many things in Thor: Ragnarok, it works perfectly well if you haven't read the

comics — but if you have, it takes on even more meaning.

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For more infomation >> Small Details In Thor: Ragnarok Only True Fans Understood - Duration: 5:40.


Everything You Never Knew About Barbie - Duration: 4:42.

Whether you were throwing her a pool party in your bathtub or giving her an experimental

haircut with a pair of nail scissors, you've probably played with a Barbie or two over

the years.

But how much do you really know about the doll who was born Barbara Millicent Roberts

in the fictional town of Willows, Wisconsin?

After being around for nearly half a century, Barbie definitely has a few skeletons in the

closet of her Dream House.

It started on paper

Barbie's runway-model body and rotating supply of outfits and accessories are inspired by

another fashion-forward toy: paper dolls!

It started when Ruth Handler, the creator of Barbie, noticed that her daughter was ignoring

her baby dolls and playing with paper dolls instead — which made her realize that little

girls might want to play with adult-looking dolls.

That's the first part of Barbie's backstory.

But when it comes to the physical inspiration, things get a little bit risque.

She has an -rated origin story

The original doll that inspired Barbie was not meant for children at all.

She was actually used as a gag gift at bachelor parties.

Released in Germany in 1952, Bild Lilli dolls were based on a character from an adult comic

strip — a saucy single lady with a figure that should look familiar to anyone who's

ever owned a Barbie.

Handler brought three Lilli dolls home from a vacation in Switzerland in 1956.

And not long after, Barbie was born.

She's got a weird family

Barbie might be a classic toy, but her household is anything but traditional.

She doesn't have parents, or children — although Mattel has put her in charge of a few little

sisters over the years.

And don't expect her to settle down with Ken, either — at least not as far as their parent

company is concerned.

"Love your leg warmers."

"Nice ascot"

Sorry, lovebirds.

Although lots of unofficial weddings between Ken and Barbie have taken place over the years,

the plastic couple have never gotten the go-ahead from Mattel to tie the knot.

Body issues

Barbie's body has been the source of many a controversy over the years, starting back

in the 1950s when parents complained that the doll looked too mature.

However, her creator was always unapologetic about this, telling the New York Times, "Every

little girl needed a doll through which to project herself into her dream of her future.

If she was going to do role playing of what she would be like when she was 16 or 17, it

was a little stupid to play with a doll that had a flat chest.

So I gave it beautiful."

But while moms of the fifties were upset that Barbie looked too much like a real woman,

modern-day complaints center on how unrealistic her body is.

Researchers who analyzed her anatomy determined that if Barbie were a real person, she wouldn't

have enough body fat to menstruate — or enough bone density to walk upright.

She's gone through a breakup

On February 14, 2011, Barbie and Ken decided to give it another try and get back together

— which was news to a lot of fans who had no idea they'd ever broken up in the first


Turns out, the couple had quietly called it quits in 2004.


"No more GAMES, Ken!"

But when they'd had enough of doing their own thing, Barbie and Ken were sure to make

their reconciliation official — on Facebook.

Most commenters were supportive of the couple's decision to give love a second chance, but

at least one of them said what we were all thinking.

She wrote,

"Seriously, Barbie — he lacks anatomically-correct male goods… keep it solo girlfriend."

She's dressed by the hottest designers

Barbie might have been around since the 1950s, but when it comes to fashion, she's totally

cutting edge.

In 2012, Mattel announced a collaboration with ultra-glam designing duo The Blonds,

who decked out a special-edition Barbie in an outfit identical to the one Candice Swanepoel

wore in their runway show four years earlier.

Of course, Barbie isn't the only doll in the family who likes to keep it trendy; her boyfriend,

Ken, got his own makeover in 2017 — complete with a hipster man-bun.

Math problems

Back in the early 1990s, Mattel got itself in hot water over an outspoken doll called

"Teen Talk Barbie," which came pre-loaded with four random phrases chosen from a list

of 270.

"I love to shop, don't you?"

Unfortunately, one of those phrases was also "Math class is tough" — and groups like

the American Association of University Women protested the message, saying it was damaging

to the self-esteem of young girls.

Not wanting to dissuade Barbie owners from potentially promising careers in mathematics,

Mattel ended up removing the offending phrase and penning an apology.

She might be spying on you

In 2015, Mattel launched a new doll for the digital age: "Hello Barbie," who contained

a microphone and Wi-Fi connection so that when children talked to her, Barbie could

actually respond.

There was just one problem: the recorded children's voices were going to be saved on cloud servers,

raising privacy concerns — which became more like a privacy crisis when it turned

out the dolls were also vulnerable to hacking.

Ultimately, the issues weren't enough to stop the product from hitting shelves, and you

can still get one for about sixty bucks — but if Hello Barbie starts asking for your social

security number, you should definitely call the police.

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For more infomation >> Everything You Never Knew About Barbie - Duration: 4:42.


TRY NOT TO LAUGH CHALLENGE: Funny Kids Fails Compilation 2017 | Cute Kids Fails Funny Videos - Duration: 0:23.

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