Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 10 2017

Ghost they walk tonight

For more infomation >> Ghost They Walk Tonight | Little Red Car | Videos For Children | Kindergarten Songs | Kids Channel - Duration: 1:02:00.


Gangster, Alkilados - No Conviene (Video Oficial) - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Gangster, Alkilados - No Conviene (Video Oficial) - Duration: 3:30.


Tawa chicken recipe | homemade food street-style chicken tawa fry piece recipe-tawa recipes- - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> Tawa chicken recipe | homemade food street-style chicken tawa fry piece recipe-tawa recipes- - Duration: 6:55.


Injustice 2 : A que hora veremos el Trailer del Fighter Pack 3??? // Veremos a John Constantine ?? - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> Injustice 2 : A que hora veremos el Trailer del Fighter Pack 3??? // Veremos a John Constantine ?? - Duration: 5:16.


Aggipulla Bhaggumanadi || Remix Song || MusicHouse27 - Duration: 4:37.

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Please Share and Subscribe our channel for interesting videos.

Please Share and Subscribe our channel for interesting videos.

Please Share and Subscribe our channel for interesting videos.

Please Share and Subscribe our channel for interesting videos.

Please Share and Subscribe our channel for interesting videos.

Please Share and Subscribe our channel for interesting videos.

For more infomation >> Aggipulla Bhaggumanadi || Remix Song || MusicHouse27 - Duration: 4:37.


Одуванчик -спаситель от многих болезней. Как приготовить корни одуванчика. - Duration: 7:39.

For more infomation >> Одуванчик -спаситель от многих болезней. Как приготовить корни одуванчика. - Duration: 7:39.


Sunday Funday, Ale Mendoza - Cuando Me Mira Remix (Video Oficial) - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Sunday Funday, Ale Mendoza - Cuando Me Mira Remix (Video Oficial) - Duration: 3:43.


Mario Party: The Top 100 - REVIEW (3DS) - Duration: 6:41.

The Mario Party series is the very definition of "greater than the sum of its parts."

The minigames really aren't that fun to play by themselves, besides Bumper Balls,obviously,

but without them, the boardgames would be slow, torturous affairs.

And yet, with the two together--it somehow becomes fun--really fun--at least if you're

playing with the right group of friends.

Because Mario Party has always been a bit divisive, and that rift has only grown deeper

as the series has strayed farther and farther from its roots over the past 19 years

Whoa, Mario Party is almost 20 years old?

Excuse me while I go have a life-crisis real quick.

And that brings us to Mario Party: The Top 100--a sort of celebration of the entire series--well,

at least for the console versions of Mario Party, as as the handheld games are completely

ignored, which is a little weird since this is a 3DS exclusive game.

But I digress.

Anyways, the game proclaims to gather the "100 Best minigames" and puts them all

in one place.

So are these really the 100 best Mario Party minigames?

Eh, that's a bit hard to say--after all, I doubt there could ever be a list that everyone

would agree on.

So all things considered, I'd say it's a decent line-up.

I'd say lot of the must-haves are here--although that is a pretty short list--such as Mario

Party 2's Bumper Balls, Shell Shocked, or 3's Bounce n Trounce, but it's also missing

some of my other favorites too, like Mario Part 1's Bobsled Run

In its place is the questionable Tug o War--you know, the rotate the control stick as fast

as you can minigame that Nintendo had to send kids free gloves for back in the day because

they were burning holes into their hands?

And then there are other odd choices, like the terrible microphone games from Mario Part

7, which still blow.

But hey, maybe some of you like those minigames--like I said, no one's going to ever agree.

Now every single one of the games have been updated with modern visuals--and they certainly

look quite nice overall, with the differences being especially obvious when it comes to

the Nintendo 64 games--which let's be honest, are pretty hard to go back to visually.

But you might notice that a lot of the minigames handle and feel a bit different too, due to

them standardizing the controls & physics across 10 generations of games.

The characters now feel a lot more responsive in Hexicon Heat for example, and the tanks

are much noticeably nimbler in Shell Shocked.

Although I'm not sure the changes are necessarily an improvement in every case--they're just


Bumper Ball feels extra bouncy now to me, for instance--but again, I'm not really

sure if that's a good or bad thing.

And speaking of Bumper Balls, it does highlight one of the shortcomings of a few of these

minigames, because in the original game, it had 3 different arenas, but here, it has just

the one--and other minigames were similarly affected, with most of them simplifying it

to just a single instance.

It's a little disappointing when that variety helped make the minigames a bit more replayable.

Now as soon as you access the main menu, it's clear that the minigames are the main attraction

here, with the first and most prominent option taking you right to the minigame selection

screen, which you can helpfully filter by Type, Genre, or by which Mario Party they

appeared in.

It also allows quick access to any minigame you've marked as a favorite.

But as I mentioned earlier, playing minigames in isolation isn't terribly fun or exciting.

The games are generally shallow, lacking the depth needed to be engaging for more than

a handful of playthroughs.

Which is why the context of the board games is so important in Mario Party, as they give

the minigames purpose.

After all, if my friend is only 10 coins away from buying that Star right next to them on

the board, you can bet your butt I'm going to try my hardest to make sure you don't

win that minigame.

And this is where Mario Party: The Top 100 mostly misses the mark, as it deemphasizes

that larger context.

Instead of multiple boards with different designs and themes, as in past games, The

Top 100 offers just one in a mode called Minigame Match.

And to its credit, the core gameplay here isn't bad, featuring staples of the series,

like buying Stars and using items, such a Boo that can steal an opponent's' stars.

And it even offers a few new wrinkles, with a more open layout allowing you a little more

freedom in how you maximize your dice rolls--and since each players now has their own screen,

everyone is able to roll the dice and take their turn at the same time which speeds up

the action considerable--which itself adds a few new twists, like how if two of you happen

to grab a star at the same time time, a quick duel will decide who gets to take the prize.

Unfortunately, the board itself is very basic, and with it being the only one, I found myself

tiring of it quickly.

Now the game does provide a couple of other modes, but both are incredibly simple by comparison.

There's Championship Battles which is a simple contest to see who can win the most

of 3 or 5 minigames.

And then there's Decathlon, which is a little more interesting.

Because instead of just winning or losing a minigame, it now awards points based on

your completion time across 5 or 10 minigames.

It's actually a neat idea, as you could theoretically win the whole thing without

taking 1st place in a single individual minigame.

Unfortunately, the selection of minigames is always the same, which greatly limits its


And that's pretty much all the modes available--at least for multiplayer.

Now thankfully, this game is entirely playable with just a single card--so don't worry

about having to have extra copies.

But if you're playing by just yourself, there is one more mode available in the form

of Minigame Island, which is a super simple adventure where you go level-to-level--or

minigame to minigame--until you reach the end.

It's really little more than a glorified menu, even if there is a Bowser fight at the

end--yes, in the form of a minigame from Mario Party 4.

Now playing Mario Party by yourself isn't something I'd recommend to my worst enemy,

and while I appreciate that the developers put in some effort for those playing by themselves,

it's annoying that you HAVE to play this mode if you want to unlock all the minigames.

So yeah, Mario Party: The Top 100 is a little weird.

What could--and should have been a celebration of the entire series really only celebrates

half of it, being the minigames.

Can it really be the "Ultimate Mario Party" if it's missing half of the gameplay, being

the board games?

Heck, is it even Mario Party at that point?

These are deep philosophical question that need answers!

And then there's the elephant in the room.

I just don't want to play Mario Party with my friends on the 3DS.

My best memories of the series are from hanging out with my buds on the living room couch,

focused on a single large screen while eating snacks and drinking...soft drinks, duh.

Somehow trying to round up 3 friends who have 3DSs, and eac playing on our own isolated

screen just doesn't have quite the same appeal.

Especially when that game is missing what made the series famous--or perhaps infamous--in

the first place.

So all in all, I found Mario Party: The Top 100 to be meh.

Even though the minigame selection is the largest and most robust it's ever been--without

the greater context of the board games, it also misses the point--at least for me.

There's still pockets of fun to be found here, but it's generally limited and short


And with that, thanks for watching and make sure to Subscribe to GameXplain for more on

Mario Party and everything else Nintendo too.

For more infomation >> Mario Party: The Top 100 - REVIEW (3DS) - Duration: 6:41.


Phonics Letter A | Alphabets Rhyme | ABC Videos For Kids | Toddlers Songs | Learning street with Bob - Duration: 4:26.

Hi kids!

Guess who's is here

Yes its me bob...

Join me for learning street with bob

For more infomation >> Phonics Letter A | Alphabets Rhyme | ABC Videos For Kids | Toddlers Songs | Learning street with Bob - Duration: 4:26.


Xiaomi mi Mix 2 Unboxing and Review: Xiaomi mi Mix 2 Video Review(Hands On) - mi Mix 2 Specs - Duration: 3:17.

Xiaomi mi Mix 2 Unboxing and Review

xiaomi mi mix unboxing and review

mi mix 2 hands on

xiaomi mi mix 2 specs

mi mix 2 specification

Xiaomi mi Mix 2 Unboxing and Review

xiaomi mi mix unboxing and review

mi mix 2 hands on

xiaomi mi mix 2 specs

xiaomi mi mix 2 review

Xiaomi mi Mix 2 Unboxing and Review

For more infomation >> Xiaomi mi Mix 2 Unboxing and Review: Xiaomi mi Mix 2 Video Review(Hands On) - mi Mix 2 Specs - Duration: 3:17.


Abs Workout For Beginners : Ab Workout For Beginner : Ab Workout For Women - Duration: 11:37.

Hello Every1

I work out with you, and it's going to be no breaks at all so 30 seconds one movement

And then the next 30 seconds another movement no brakes at all so just ten minutes

I mean you can do it. I believe in you

Alright, yeah. I need to work on my one pack

You know I'm not sure if it's gonna be a six pack any time soon, but we'll work on it together all right

That's good. Start it then I started with a plank

Which looks like this thirty Seconds?


You want to Pat a straight line and

Keep everything really tight as tight as you can

Ray's very important to breathe and

don't think about the time think about the


Today I feel like so I try to keep it down

So now we're going to go low with our bucks left him right

Or right to left with you well keep your upper body

Strength your just the lower body goes


Coming up is

Insight plank just so you know so here we go

Gotta get into this well actually

This one goes from 10 out that reach through

breathe through

for 30 seconds and

That should be for your side apps

Really important if you don't want to have

defined apps

To work on your slide absence while your coat reeks

but creeps sorry

That's what she'd up and do the same thing again

No weird pronunciation today

It's like


Almost there

Look what's coming up next

Good as I forgot it yeah

next one our V crunches

slips lately is

Gotta get on you, but then you're gonna crunch it up

Almost there guys I

Can feel it too

Okay now we've got to get into flex going up and up hello

Really snap and up in one movement hello quite slow

You know so hold your arms like these

Alright next one. He is Russian twists. She looks like this

You basically

Reach from side to side you can do it really slow now if you want to do it really hard you can do it

really really low or if you want to do it a

little less

But not as much

Then you can do it a little while and then we're gonna do your side crunches which looks like this

You want to go up?

and up

and up

Just like this

You want to have your knees

Meeting your outlets when you go up you want to Bri that

The higher you go the harder it gets and now we're gonna switch

Cuz with two sides all right, yeah up up

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Not that many movements anymore

Yeah, the next one is um

Let me see it's lights taps, which looks like this, then you just tap to the side

Now again with the plants keep your body low

Meaning one side like it wonderful

Don't go too low

Don't go up with your body like just keep it in a straight line. That's what I meant with that actually

Now we're going to go outside

After that I'm going to do it's Superman


Three important we need you add we're at

Let's see also strengthen your lower back

So we're gonna kill up and

We're gonna lift our arms as well as our legs so

Kind of looks like you're doing this super and like this basically, but you want to keep them up

Like like this, and if you want to have less heart you can also pull your arms up

Or you can leave them outside

Then this one is around climbers diagonal and spider-man so this is


bad one and



Up they hack them off







Now we're going to be bicycles

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Lift your upper body


do the bicycles you're out there's

Yeah, I mean one elbow and one



Will meet but it's lower like this basically

they just

Need each other. I'm gonna do that first 30 more seconds

You can do it slow, or did you do it fast, it's really up to you on that one

You don't want to do it too fast though. That's that's not gonna do all that much

We're here to work on our apps and that's nari

Can't pop you okay now, we're gonna lower our


Legs each slide so lower

The lower you go with your leg the heart. It's not again

That's the board feel it on your app

Who feel it

Okay, is that it. Let me see not sure Oh F

We have quite a bit more so we gotta go to the side now again

We want to straight mera legs as much as possible

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Keep your butt like T to you and to not fall over

You want to have your arms to the slide?

Gonna be that for 30 more seconds

Now don't go too. Low if you feel like your your lower back your lower back

It's lifting

That's not a good time, so you want to then put your legs further up

And keep them together

Like I did be right now now we're going to do a


So again just hold it there for a second, and then I'm gonna tell you in a second coming to new, baby


Let's hold it there for a little longer


ten more seconds and then

We're gonna move them a little bit, so this is where your back your lower back

Should also feel it on your legs as well

So you want to go up and low?

up and low

now if you want to do it a bit harder it can also lift your leg and

Rest it

against or above the other leg

But you want to switch it up

if you do that, or you can't just do it like it did before it just lifts up your

Legs with that your butt with it, and it's too much talk and we're out of time

We did it

Ten minutes that wasn't so hard was it

Did you do that every day?

You gotta really get a six-pack really work on it do a little bit of endurance too. If you want to lose some weight

it always helps and

They're important, drink water really important, which I'm gonna do right now

I hope you liked this video if you did hit the like

comment below if you have any

Stay Fit Stay Healthy Love U All

If you want to know something else about workouts or yeah?

For more infomation >> Abs Workout For Beginners : Ab Workout For Beginner : Ab Workout For Women - Duration: 11:37.


[FREE] Migos x HoodRich Pablo Juan Type Beat 2017 "Mony Powr Rspt" | Trap Rap Beat Instrumental 2017 - Duration: 3:14.

[FREE] Migos x HoodRich Pablo Juan Type Beat 2017 "Mony Powr Rspt" | Trap Rap Beat Instrumental 2017

For more infomation >> [FREE] Migos x HoodRich Pablo Juan Type Beat 2017 "Mony Powr Rspt" | Trap Rap Beat Instrumental 2017 - Duration: 3:14.


영화로 공부하는 영어 Accepted 1탄 - Duration: 24:17.

For more infomation >> 영화로 공부하는 영어 Accepted 1탄 - Duration: 24:17.


Kuwait 1 dinar 1993, two years of liberation - Duration: 5:41.

hello fellow coin collectors and banknote collectors today I'm going to

show you a commemorative one dinner banknote from Kuwait that commemorates

the second anniversary of the liberation of Kuwait from Iraqi forces and you

state is the 26th of February 1993 and so here is the front of the bag no

folder and it has most of the countries that participated with the United

Nations to do break Kuwait one country it's 19 US South Korea and I'm not too

sure why anyway so it has the coat of arms of Kuwait here and it has a flag

it's part of the code about us and it has the seal of the central bank now it

does come with this certificate numbered certificate okay of authenticity but he

does not say how many were printed in total so I assume there would have been

probably at least a few hundred thousand printed so if you look at the back of

the photo and this is in Arabic educated guesses it just says the same thing it

just has the names of all the countries face it clean has the date then here the

same day so if we have look inside the folder okay so here it has in Arabic and

English why this folder was issued and what it commemorates okay and here is

the banknote now this banknote it's actually a lot

better than the ever banknote which commemorated 10 years since liberation

and these banknotes were not legal tender so you can never actually spend

them in QA so here we have yeah we have all the names of the countries

that were on the front of the folder you have the denomination here you have the

map of Kuwait mmm probably just says something like about the liberation and

this is probably just the Arabic names of the countries that are written in

English here as you can see he has serial numbers one in Latin and Western

urine and numbers one in Arabic and Arabic numbers and so this is a good way

to learn Arabic numerals because I just a reflection of the yeah Western

numerals and the hologram let's have a look okay we'll see hologram is

beautiful and it's actually an eagle's head it

stars and the stars themselves change color at certain different points yeah

there you go I love that I love the way they actually

do this strange new being it says this them alone can let's focus there you go

beautiful so there is one reason why I like this banknote and there's that

eagle's head and if we turn over should do exactly the same thing yeah now you

can say the eagle's head quite clearly they're beautiful and on this side it

has focus okay he has in English Central Bank cool a yes the old city of q8 city

and it has some qat soldier kissing a local person on the forehead which is a

Arabic custom for friendship and it has down below why this was commemorated and

it has this large smoke plume of these are when the Iraqi set fire to the

oil wells in Kuwait I think a majority of them were set on

fire took a few months to actually put out and cost a lot of money

mmm this is so cute cannot actually earn any money from oil revenue after the

Iraqis have gone and look at the back the back grain is gross

look at the back here this is actually quite a good bank now quite like it so

is there any looks like there's a watermark here but I'm not - can't

really make it out and save it in soon you know so it's an eagle's head there

you go it's quite clearly there and see it there you okay so daddy's Kuwait

remember any banknote now that's all of the Kuwait community bank notes I have

because they ain't issued to so thank you very much for watching and I hope

you have a awesome day

For more infomation >> Kuwait 1 dinar 1993, two years of liberation - Duration: 5:41.


Cornerstone Antique overdrive review - Osvaldo's Boutique (ENG subs) - Duration: 3:37.

Hi Accordo readers, I'm Osvaldo, welcome to my boutique.

Today we'll talk about the Cornerstone Antique Classic Drive

Cornerstone Antique Classic Drive, made in Italy,

sturdy metal chassis, true bypass, tubescreamer style

but with some personal touches that make it really interesting

and modern. It gives more gain,

there's a Presence control and we can scoop that midrange

wich is peculiar for the tubescreamer family so, if we leave the switch on,

it sounds almost like a TS808 more than a TS9, but if we're using a guitar

with more mids by itself, we can turn the mids down.

Let's hear it.

Wonderful Cornerstone. According to me, this is the

definitive tubescreamer. I'm actually using it by myself because it

allows me to retain that peculiar tone, but the mid scoop

makes it good for any guitar. I usually use it with

the mids on if I'm playing a

single coil equipped guitar because it gives me more bite and drive.

When I go with the humbuckers, I just take the mids off. Last but not least, the presence control

allows me to use it with virtually any amp

with no issue.

For more infomation >> Cornerstone Antique overdrive review - Osvaldo's Boutique (ENG subs) - Duration: 3:37.


Kid Trails // My Own Place - Duration: 2:21.

I don't have the answers

I can't make it clear

Existing is a cancer

Believing what you hear

Take me far away

Please somewhere

Peaceful we can stay

Long enough to wrong the reasons

We left anyway

It's been a year since I could

Bring myself to face

Oh I've been lost in my own place

I can't tell you which way

You'll just have to see

Mexico is prettier

Even without me

Take me far away please somewhere

Peaceful we can stay

Long enough to wrong the reasons

We left anyway

It's been a year since I could

Look at myself straight

Oh I've been lost in my own place

Oh I've been lost in my own place

For more infomation >> Kid Trails // My Own Place - Duration: 2:21.


Best Nylon Gun Belts Reviews - Duration: 2:14.

Best Nylon Gun Belts Reviews

For more infomation >> Best Nylon Gun Belts Reviews - Duration: 2:14.


Welsh Corgi Pembroke - welsh corgi pembroke humour - welsh corgi pembroke charmant part 29 - Duration: 4:58.


For more infomation >> Welsh Corgi Pembroke - welsh corgi pembroke humour - welsh corgi pembroke charmant part 29 - Duration: 4:58.


Perchè ho scelto la Permacultura? [ITA/Sub-Eng] | Annemeton - Duration: 10:29.

What inspired my journey

to Asia,

At first, finding a better weather, warmer…


I wasn't ready to face the autumn in Milan, this year

And then the possibility of traveling sparing

about food, movements, lodging…

here is cheaper compared to Italy and Europe

I started this adventure

I use this world "adventure'

because I really like its Latin root,

from the world AVDENIRE

that it means "what is going to happen"

so it's a

hope, a projection to the future.

I left for my travel without

any goals or loopholes

but with the simple will

to begin a journey

and I can tell that...

lately in my life

I had some signals,

some of them more clear than others

I followed this calling

if I can call it like this

I felt this as a responsibility

for myself

and at the same time

it was for building a society

more close to the rhythms of Nature

and more oriented towards

a more coherent lifestyle.


in the last fall when I was in California

for working,

I participated to a special event

called: "Permaculture Day"

I had already heard

about this

and this concept

but the participation to this event

gave me the chance to dig deeper into the topic

The world "Permaculture" is formed

by two words: "Permanent" that means abiding

and "Culture"

with a double meaning: culture and cultivation

so, it has this double meaning

It is a system of design principles for human living

centered around natural ecosystems.

on the observation of nature

During this day, we went through

mini daily courses

like gardening, irrigation, bricolage, eco-building

the people had the possibility to experience


interact with the environment

and the nature and mostly

be active

towards the building of the world around them.

Something that I liked,

during this event,

It was match with live music,

good food

table with painting canvases

During this day,

I found out something commong between

all the activities ,

were three fondamentale ethics of Permaculture

They are: care for the Earth,

care for the people

and fair share


When we talk about people

is allowing them to access

to what they really need for living.

About the Earth

is more focus on providing the perpetuation

and at the same time

the multiplications of the living systems.

Fair share

in Permaculture there's not refuse,

every this is reuse.

when we are in a natural environment

and we use left over of the natural place,

pollution doesn't exist

is all like...the compost

when we eat natural food

what we don't throw away something

it is incorporate again to the soil

This is a very ancient idea,

old as the human history

but new, innovative

that it should absolutely incorporate to our lives.

After this fabulous and concentrate example of

sustainability, in a little event

I decided in January 2017


attend to a Permaculture Course

In the world there are many permaculture courses,

they are based on 72 hours of teaching

and during this time

you can learn many many things.

Everything you learn you want to apply


inquiry more.

This course brings me

in a unique beautiful landscape

into the secular redwood forests

of the Northern California


I spend this period of two weeks

in a Buddhist Culture centre,

with other thirtyish guys

from different parts of US

I was the only italian with another japanese girl.

Why did I participate to this course?

Again, it's been something...

At the beginning of the video I mentioned about signals

and clues

Also here, there has been thread

in my life


Just before leaving for the US,

I red a book

written by an authoress

called Strahawk

The book title was "The Earth Path".

What I really like about this book was

how this this authoress

incorporate the natural magical tradition

there has been handed down during the years,

together with

new science discoveries

and the tecnologies applied to the Earth

but always respecting


There was a big love for Mother Earth

but at the same time

an effective applicability


solution according to live respectfully with her.


See the magic in daily life

and starting to open my eyes

to changeability and intelligence of the nature,

it was the message from that book.

I believe in everybody's life

there are some invitations

this invitations,

if we are good to take them

they can bring us in places

where we could not explore rationally.

The invitation to be in this course

it was one of that…


this experience taught me a lot

about the techniques

used in Permaculture.

I had lesson three time during the day

in the morning it was more theoretical,

in the afternoon more pratical

and in during the evening usually,

we focused more about cultural and social dynamics.

Because permaculture is not only agriculture

but also social relationships.

In the morning we never miss

the salutation to water, air, fire and earth

and to the spirit

Everybody was looking to bring a song or an invocation

into the circle

After this we went trough the

pratical and theoretical activity

What I've learn during this course it's been


It's been putting together many knowleges

joined together

and connette to each other

At the end of this experience,

a question

was constantly present in my mind

What did they teach us, at school, during all of these years?

or rather

what did they forget to make us apply

all the

techniques and system that promote self-sufficiency?

For me it's been a crucial question

that, another time

moved my attention

on what is really essential in our life.

Living in a natural way,

respecting all the living system,


the answer is

open your eyes, open your heart and look up the Nature

For more infomation >> Perchè ho scelto la Permacultura? [ITA/Sub-Eng] | Annemeton - Duration: 10:29.


Nursery Rhymes For Toddlers | Learning Videos For Babies | Songs For Kids by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:09:18.

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

And on his farm he had a cow, E-I-E-I-O

With a "moo-moo" here and a "moo-moo" there here a "moo" there a "moo" everywhere a "moo-moo"

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

And on his farm he had a pig, E-I-E-I-O

With a (snort) here and a (snort) there Here a (snort) there a (snort) Everywhere a (snort-snort)

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

And on his farm he had a horse, E-I-E-I-O

With a "neigh, neigh" here and a "neigh, neigh" there Here a "neigh" there a "neigh" Everywhere a "neigh, neigh"

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

And on his farm he had a chicken, E-I-E-I-O

With a "cluck, cluck" here and a "cluck, cluck" there Here a "cluck" there a "cluck" Everywhere a "cluck, cluck"

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

And on his farm he had a duck, E-I-E-I-O

With a "quack, quack" here and a "quack, quack" there Here a "quack" there a "quack" Everywhere a "quack, quack"

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

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