Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 10 2017


All the Viewers are requested to kindly connect to DawateIslami - The World Islamic Organization of Quran & Sunnah



Is isam mubarak ko sirf 11martaba parhian | ya Basito ka wazifa in urdu - Duration: 3:21.

Is isam mubarak ko sirf 11martaba parhian | ya Basito ka wazifa in urdu

For more infomation >> Is isam mubarak ko sirf 11martaba parhian | ya Basito ka wazifa in urdu - Duration: 3:21.


Every Group of Three Friends | Round2Hell Spoof | By SKF | - Duration: 1:34.





For more infomation >> Every Group of Three Friends | Round2Hell Spoof | By SKF | - Duration: 1:34.


Popular Bollywood Actresses And Beautiful Girl Who Married Only For Money | You Won't Believe - Duration: 7:29.

Popular Bollywood Actresses And Beautiful Girl Who Married Only For Money | You Won't Believe

For more infomation >> Popular Bollywood Actresses And Beautiful Girl Who Married Only For Money | You Won't Believe - Duration: 7:29.


Vlog #9: Chronic Illness Tag (Part 1) + therapy + Youtube recommendations + tattoo etiquette [CC] - Duration: 16:13.

[music: Killercats - Kaibu]

[intro: Pinhead: "I. AM.


So I drive Randy's car for the most part, now, which is the gold Prius.

And I always forget to put this up cuz the other car has it on the license plate and

this one you actually have to put up all the time and we usually put it down because he's

tall and he can't see through it, but yeah, I definitely just went to the Starbucks without

proper identification.

Luckily they know me but dang.

Yeah, never underestimate having another wheelchair using therapist.

This is awesome.

This is working really well.

And she recommended that I find this video by Zack Anner called Pimp My Wheelchair.

So if I find that I'll link it below.

And I'm definitely going home and looking for that and hopefully we'll be able to watch

it cuz that sounds hilarious.

I feel like I look like trash, but oh well.

I found it easier to just film in chunks and um

go from there, so that's how I'm gonna do this, so…

I am gonna do, right now, the first 3 questions of the chronic illness tag and I'll link all

that information below.

I found it through Painful Hilarity.

I've been looking for shorter tags[cough]…shorter tags, but I think I can do this if I just

like…film it throughout the day.

Anyway, so the first three questions?

I said?

I don't remember.

Anyway, 1.

What have you been diagnosed with?

I…how should I do this…

I've been diagnosed with Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.

I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

I've been diagnosed with dysautonomia.

Post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, depression, which is

either just a consequence of the situation I'm in or actually, like, diagnosable on its


We don't really know.


#2: What will you tend to do at night if you can't sleep or when you can't sleep?

This is really bad but lately I've stopped taking amitriptyline on a regular basis, like

on a daily basis for controlling my depression.

And I explained why I did that on Twitter a little bit ago but basically I just don't

like how it makes me feel compared to some other medications that I've found to work

better but I don't have access to anymore, so…

I have all this amitriptyline left over, and if I don't take it on a regular basis it basically

works as a sleep aid.

So, if I can't fall asleep and I know I don't have to wake up really early for work the

next morning I'll just take one of those.

And like, last night, no, yesterday I woke up at 10am which is really rare for me now.

So, it works!

Or uh sometimes I'll, now that I have the heating blanket available now, now that we

found it again, I'll use that or lying on the floor sometimes works as well.

Or crying.

#3: Worst experience/side effect of a medication?

Has to go to a, oo…

It said side-effect, not withdrawal symptom, so I'm gonna go with Tramadol as well as Vicodin

because both of those spurred some very serious and awful gastrointestinal and excretory side-effects

which I would prefer to never experience again, so, that one wins, for sure.

And I'll come back to this tag a little bit later in the day, so see you then.

What is this…?


Alright, I think I might have mail, but I'm gonna do three more questions of this chronic

illness tag before I go down and check because that's gonna be a big whole ordeal, don't

know how long it's gonna take to get up the stairs or whatever, so I'm gonna do this first.


How has your condition impacted your mental health?

Check my twitter…

But seriously like…

Y'know, chronic illness puts you in a constant just…series of changes and new accommodations

you have to make and some of them are..stuff ya didn'…stuff you just don't expect…

So, I, it's a process…I'm not to the point where I can be cheerful and excited and "thankful"

about the whole experience yet, but…

Y'know getting the Ez Lite Cruiser I think is gonna help quite a bit cuz I'm gonna be

able to like, get out, and get out more.

Being on the first floor is gonna be another big deal, to fix things.

Maybe help me a be a little bit better about my situation…and um, once I'm working at

least part-time somewhere where I'm seated I think things'll be a lot easier.

But, y'know, gotta take it one day at a time and I am never gonna claim to be the most,

ha, positive or well-adjusted person about this quite yet, so, I dunno…

Keep watching for the progression, I guess.


Describe your social life.

Um, online I have a pretty flourishing social life.

On Twitter, on the messaging services I use to talk to people back in Cincinnati with,

I talk to them every day.

I talk to people online every day.

I have a lot of friends I met on twitter, and some that I've met on tumblr who I still

talk to because I don't use tumblr a lot, at all, other than the transcripts for these,


In person?

It's a little more isolated, or I'm a little more isolated.

But that's why I like the job that I'm at right now, and that's why I'm not keen on

the idea of jumping to another job even though it might be better for me health-wise…it's

like, I'm JUST meeting people.

So, I dunno…

A+ social life online and when it comes to people I consider my family, absolutely, but

when it comes to um, support systems offline, Randy's fantastic but he's one person, so

I should get to know more people locally, probably.


What is the hardest thing to do when you are flaring?

And I don't really know how to take this, if this means like, emotionally-- what's the

hardest thing to do?

Or physically-- cuz that really varies, physically, depending on what's going on.

But um, just in general, I'm gonna say driving right now, because, with the amount of cognitive

dysfunction I deal with if I have elevated pain levels for a certain amount of time,

[cough] driving is becoming more and more difficult.

And um, yeah, because of the level of inconvenience that's gonna cause me, I think this one wins

for now.

Maybe I'll do this tag again in 6 months and I'll have a different answer, but for now,

that's what I'll say.

So, it turns out, Randy has the mail key, so I can't get what I was gonna check,

not yet at least, so I cleaned up a little bit, and I wanna go get some

either more tea or juice or something because lately I've been preferring to drink my calories.

But while I'm waiting, because it's like 5 o'clock, and I don't wanna go out when everybody

else is out, so just to pass some time I'm gonna keep doing some of these questions.



Do you have any worries for the future?


Nope…not doing this…right now…nope.

[in the distance] NOPE!

I have makeup on.

I'm not answering that.


Favorite comfort food?

These, Tazo green teas, which I hope to get very soon when I leave.


Tell us a valuable lesson you have learned through being sick.

And, um, right now I'm not really in a good enough place to answer that

in any capacity…

Anything I'll give you is gonna be steeped in cynicism and so I'm…I'm gonna choose

not to answer this one right now.


Name 3 things that you miss that were taken because of health limitations.

I have makeup on.

1) Running, 2) eating whatever I want, 3) dreams of the career I had chosen.

Alright, so I'm just gonna finish this up.

I'm gonna go out, and hopefully get more teas or something, and shoot some more things,

work on another EDS video that probably won't go up today, but anyway…


Last one: How old were you when you started noticing symptoms?

Alright, this is gonna be…complicated…

So, like, if I look backwards I see EDS symptoms from birth on…

Fibromyalgia symptoms started when I was in my mid-twenties like at the end of grad school,

and that was when like, any chronic pain symptoms that I had had became so bad that it became


I've had back pain, like my back pain started in middle school probably but never thought

that it was anything abnormal.

I thought everybody dealt with it.

So, that's what I thought about a LOT of things EDS-wise until very recently, so…

Yeah, so, it varies.

I'm going out in like, no braces…hardly anything because y'know what?


I just want to go there, get tea, and come home, and I'm NOT asking for that much so

let's do it.

So here's the barrier we have to create if we want to keep the door open because Lucy

likes to run down the stairs.

It's just one of our tables with our closet door.


[music: Itro & Kontinuum - Alive]

And y'know what?

Here's some tattoo-related etiquette for you: if you see somebody and they have nice work

and like, you want to say something just say something to 'em.

Don't, like…

Don't point at us, don't talk about us right like, really?

If you wanna say something, and we're right next to you, just say it.

Just say that it's cool.

I just…

Involve me in your conversation that is very clearly about me, right in front of me.

I promise I won't be offended.

Just saying.

And to add onto that, I know I won't be offended because I've already heard the most awful

stuff anybody could ever say to a heavily tattooed person, ever, so, y'know what?

It won't be new.

So just, bring it on.

Bring it on.

It's for me.

For more infomation >> Vlog #9: Chronic Illness Tag (Part 1) + therapy + Youtube recommendations + tattoo etiquette [CC] - Duration: 16:13.


Fallen Hollywood star Kevin Spacey removed from new movie - Duration: 1:50.

The bad news keeps piling up for disgraced Hollywood star Kevin Spacey.

We are now hearing he is going to be erased from a completed film,... just six weeks before

it's due to hit cinema screens.

The drastic move comes amid the ongoing sexual assault allegations against the Oscar-winning


Park Ji-won has more.

Sony Pictures has taken the unprecedented step of cutting Kevin Spacey out of its new

movie "All the Money in the World."

The film,... directed by Ridley Scott,... is to be released as scheduled on December

22nd, yet in the meantime, Sony will reshoot Spacey's scenes with Christopher Plummer instead.

There are cases when a complete editing or replacement is done,... like if an actor suddenly

dies,... but it's unprecedented for a living actor to be replaced when the film is complete,...

especially only a few weeks before release.

Spacey's co-stars,.. including Michelle Williams,... are expected to reshoot some of the scenes.

Accusations have continued to mount since actor Anthony Rapp accused Spacey late last

month of attempting to seduce him when he was only 14 years old.

The snowballing allegations against Spacey span decades,... from the mid-1980s to last


Earlier this month, Netflix officially cut ties with Spacey and ended further production

of the hit show "House of Cards."

Spacey's apology, in which also came out as gay,... only enflamed the situation,... and

more and more allegations have surfaced since.

In the wake of the scandal,... Spacey's publicist and agency say they no longer represent him.

Park Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Fallen Hollywood star Kevin Spacey removed from new movie - Duration: 1:50.


匯入當學期課程 - Duration: 0:19.

For more infomation >> 匯入當學期課程 - Duration: 0:19.


Matt Shea - Part I - Duration: 1:48.

Why did Catalonia and Kurdistan vote to become independent countries?

Why did British people vote for Brexit?

And image if something like that happens here in the United States

Voice-over: Washington State Representative Matt Shea

wants to split the state into two and create the 51st American state called Liberty

Rep. Shea: Wouldn't it make more sense to better represent the people of Eastern Washington

by having a new state

We can get those kind of things done, it's just a matter of political will

What's the spirit there? And the spirit, I think, is very simple

That you have common culture, common values, common beliefs, common worldview

And they feel like they're not being represented well under the current system

Haitham: But just how different are Eastern and Western Washington from one another

Rep. Shea: The votes for President, the votes for Governor

You can look at the votes on social issues, economic issues, gun issues

And you see almost a stark line every time there's a vote by county

Haitham: How do the people of Eastern Washington feel about this?

Rep. Shea: I've had so many people ask me "well is this a popular thing?"

There was actually a poll by KXLY that they did and over 8,000 people

weighed-in on that poll and were 73% [in] support

A separate poll with 1,600 people and that was 75% [in] support

So 73% to 75% support, I'd say, is a pretty good indicator that this

is an issue that crosses party lines. People are sick and tired of the worldview of

downtown Seattle trying to control the rest of the state

Haitham: In Part 2 of my interview, I talk to Rep. Shea about differences between

rural and urban America, tax reform, and other issues

Rep. Shea: Taxes don't redistribute wealth, they redistribute people

If you drive through the towns, they're almost ghost towns right now

For more infomation >> Matt Shea - Part I - Duration: 1:48.


Pt 1// HARAM Pre Production // MELODIES CREATION - Duration: 11:14.

I've just been left alone...

No.. I'm back!


I've just been left alone because of a food !

I was abandoned because of a food !

Which Flavour ?!?!

Cheese !

Woww I hate you !

Must have a choreography !

I have to dance later


still don't have it

wow damn

Like this?

that's kind of better

I liked it (great)

Well now we gotta

create the melody for this bloody chorus.

In indian(sanskrit)!

In indian . Let´s Go

Like that?

Like That ?

Yep! Done! Perfect!

Nope, not done yet, it's horrible ... I will do that again

Now... chapter 3... "burn in hell"

better, isn't it?

Wow now it is!

A little better..

Just do the "Fog" higher...

Like that?

Yeah but the "smoke" doesn't need to be higher. ..

should I hold the "wow no"

I think it's right .... play it

Chapter 4... Andaluzia.... Spain...


Well when does the voice start??

at the beginning or we have an introduction??

Yeah... there will be an introduction that you don't have

but there will be later

So the Voice you put together

You will Start

But do you want me to do that with no introduction?

Yeah with no introduction

straight to the point...

He wants me to put it together ..slow.... with no introduction..

all right!

With care !

Like that?!?

It's beautiful

It's beautiful

I was able to cry...

Here we go chapter 5

Microphone... check

.. soundtrack.... check

Picture for inspiration


Let's do it!!

I almost puked on the microphone

It's nice!

Oh boy!!

Now I just need to record because I didn't

So guys let me explain a little bit of how do we do our Production!

Tiago send me the soundtracks and ideas

and then we create the vocal lines!

I'm here screaming

my water

the orange butt


I don't know if you can see!

here !

can you see him?

hello !

I'm here in Petropolis, Rio de Janeiro !

and he's in Caxias do Sul



That geography guy

... because the south is in the south!

You need nothing else

And then what do we do

I keep screaming here as I've said

roll Tiago and the lyrics down,

then we keep making the tracks

till we think it's right!

Then we go to the studio!

Anything else to complete?

Tiago ?1

We make the Melodies with feeling

we don't just take an instrument and do it all

We make it singing and trying to fit The Melody

And then you send it and we take it note by note,

check the relation between the melody and harmony,

if it's needed to change something we record it again we do it and that's the pre-production

and the metrics of music and melody

and then at the end

you will follow the recording process!

Cuz then we do it for real

that it !

Guilherme Bonkers

So that's it, be aware because we will provide you a really nice project!

Metal !

For more infomation >> Pt 1// HARAM Pre Production // MELODIES CREATION - Duration: 11:14.


MALDIVES. DAY 5: KURAMATHI /// VLOG #84 - Duration: 11:16.

For more infomation >> MALDIVES. DAY 5: KURAMATHI /// VLOG #84 - Duration: 11:16.


How to set up ExpressVPN manual configurations on Windows 10 using PPTP - Duration: 3:35.

Let's walk through the steps for setting up ExpressVPN manual configurations on Windows

10 using the PPTP protocol.

To complete this tutorial, you'll need a computer running Windows 10, as well as an

ExpressVPN subscription.

Begin by visiting the ExpressVPN website.

Click "My Account" at the top of the page and sign in with your ExpressVPN username

and password.

On the next page, click the green button that reads "Set up ExpressVPN."

Scroll down until you see "Manual Config" on the left.

Click on it.

Then click "PPTP and L2TP IPSec" on the right.

You'll see a username, password, and a list of VPN server addresses.

You will use these later in the setup process.

Next, click the network button on your Windows taskbar.

Note that it will look different depending on whether your computer is connected to the

internet through ethernet or Wi-Fi.

Click "Network and Internet Settings."

Then click "VPN" on the left.

Select "Add a VPN connection."

For VPN provider, select "Windows (built-in)."

For Connection name, choose a name that describes the VPN server you plan to use.

For server name or address, return to the ExpressVPN website to copy the address of

the server location you want to use.

Paste it into the VPN settings window.

For VPN type, select "Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)."

Make sure the type of sign-in info is set to "Username and password."

For username, return to the ExpressVPN site and copy the username by clicking the button

to the top right, and then paste it into the VPN settings.

Do the same for the password.

Leave "Remember my sign-in info" checked.

Then press "Save."

Note that you can create as many VPN profiles as you want, allowing you to switch between

VPN locations with ease.

To connect to VPN, click the ExpressVPN location you just made, followed by "Connect."

You may have to wait a little, but you'll know it's successful when you see the text


If you want to verify your VPN location, simply visit

To disconnect from the VPN, just click on the network button on your taskbar, select

the VPN connection, and click "Disconnect."

To delete a VPN profile, return to your network settings and select "VPN."

Select the VPN profile you want to delete and click "Remove."

Then click "Remove" again.


You've set up PPTP manual configurations on your Windows 10 computer.

Now you can enjoy the internet with peace of mind.

If you have any questions, ExpressVPN Support is available 24/7.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> How to set up ExpressVPN manual configurations on Windows 10 using PPTP - Duration: 3:35.


Tui_Amar_Ontore___Shishir___Romantic_Music_VIdeo___Bangla_New_Song_2017_bangla 400 - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Tui_Amar_Ontore___Shishir___Romantic_Music_VIdeo___Bangla_New_Song_2017_bangla 400 - Duration: 4:00.


Bachelors vs Girl | EP 01 | Bangla Funny Episode | The Dream Project - Duration: 5:23.

The Dream Project


Bachelors vs Girl

Subscribe Now

For more infomation >> Bachelors vs Girl | EP 01 | Bangla Funny Episode | The Dream Project - Duration: 5:23.


Python Programming Tutorial | Arrays - Part 1 | GeeksforGeeks - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Python Programming Tutorial | Arrays - Part 1 | GeeksforGeeks - Duration: 3:04.


VEGAN VRIJDAG #37 | Zo ziet een VEGANIST eruit! - Duration: 2:55.


thanks for watching my new video

if you don't know who i'm

my name is Vinnie

and this is an #VEGANVRIJDAG (Friday)

and this time (pop up: ramparts on fleek)

famous people who are vegans

because vegan is being mainstream

people think we are crazy

maybe we are


they think we where "geitenwollensokken"

eating grass

name it.

but more people are vegan than you're think

maybe celebs you like are vegan

in the Netherlands you have...

dio is a vegan

she eats plant based

she is a vegetarian but eats a lot of vegan food and shows this in her videos on youtube

in other countries are a lot of vegan celebs

i want to show you who this are

rumours say that the are divorces because brad is vegan

now I'm curious if you know that they are vegan

and if you know more vegan celebs?

let me know in the comments don't below

I hope you like the video

thumbs up!

don't forget to subscribe

this was it for this week

see you next week!

For more infomation >> VEGAN VRIJDAG #37 | Zo ziet een VEGANIST eruit! - Duration: 2:55.


Night Of Blessing's - ਕੋਈ ਜਨੁ ਹਰਿ ਸਿਉ ਦੇਵੈ ਜੋਰਿ - Veer Prabhjeevan Singh - Dhan Guru Nanak - Duration: 1:01:40.

ਜੈਤਸਰੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥ Jaitsree, Fifth Mehl: ਕੋਈ ਜਨੁ ਹਰਿ ਸਿਉ ਦੇਵੈ ਜੋਰਿ ॥ If only someone would unite me with the Lord! ਚਰਨ ਗਹਉ ਬਕਉ ਸੁਭ ਰਸਨਾ ਦੀਜਹਿ ਪ੍ਰਾਨ ਅਕੋਰਿ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ I hold tight to His feet, and utter sweet words with my tongue; I make my breath of life an offering to Him. ||1||Pause|| ਮਨੁ ਤਨੁ ਨਿਰਮਲ ਕਰਤ ਕਿਆਰੋ ਹਰਿ ਸਿੰਚੈ ਸੁਧਾ ਸੰਜੋਰਿ ॥ I make my mind and body into pure little gardens, and irrigate them with the sublime essence of the Lord. ਇਆ ਰਸ ਮਹਿ ਮਗਨੁ ਹੋਤ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਤੇ ਮਹਾ ਬਿਖਿਆ ਤੇ ਤੋਰਿ ॥੧॥ I am drenched with this sublime essence by His Grace, and the powerful hold of Maya's corruption has been broken. ||1|| ਆਇਓ ਸਰਣਿ ਦੀਨ ਦੁਖ ਭੰਜਨ ਚਿਤਵਉ ਤੁਮ੍ਹ੍ਹਰੀ ਓਰਿ ॥ I have come to Your Sanctuary, O Destroyer of the suffering of the innocent; I keep my consciousness focused on You.ਅਭੈ ਪਦੁ ਦਾਨੁ ਸਿਮਰਨੁ ਸੁਆਮੀ ਕੋ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਨਾਨਕ ਬੰਧਨ ਛੋਰਿ ॥੨॥੫॥੯॥ Bless me with the gifts of the state of fearlessness, and meditative remembrance, Lord and Master; O Nanak, God is the Breaker of bonds. ||2||5||9||

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