Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 11 2017

Best Underground Rap Music of All Time | Rap Town

For more infomation >> Best Underground Rap Music Mix of All Time | Rap Town - Duration: 32:56.


Breaking the Circle - Short Film - Duration: 19:46.

For more infomation >> Breaking the Circle - Short Film - Duration: 19:46.


Hand Lettered Calendar Page November 2017 - Duration: 6:05.

hey guys I'm shayda and in today's tutorial I'm gonna show you how to do a

hand lettered calendar page that you can use for your bullet journal or your wall

this is a November of 2017 page and we're doing a tea theme so as usual I'm

just starting with my piece of cold press watercolor paper I've got a little

bit of a smaller one this month and then I've done my grid of numbers using graph

paper to keep them straight and square of course I've transferred that grade

onto tracing paper and same with my illustration and my hand lettered month

it's all transferred onto tracing paper that's gonna help me transfer the full

design onto the watercolor paper and of course you can see here I'm just taping

everything in place in order to transfer it so once it's all centered I'm going

to grab my graphite transfer paper place it dark side down and then I'll just

take a nice sharp pencil and I'll start going over everything in order to

transfer it and you can see when I move it that's really effective for

transferring the entire design it does smudge a little I know sometimes depends

on how humid the climate is I'm near the ocean so I'm getting a lot of smudges

today but that's okay I'll erase them and I am speeding through this part and

it's because we do this every month so if you're sort of like whoa slow down

just go back and watch some of the earlier hand lettered calendar page

videos from 2017 once everything is transferred I will just go over my

transfer with my pigma micron I'm using the O 5 that's as I always say sort of

my Goldilocks nib so it's just not too big not too small and I am thickening

the down strokes on my November to give the look of faux calligraphy and I'm

just gonna fill in the T here at the middle of the illustration and then

before I go over it with pigma micron I'm going to add some color and today

I'm using my watercolor pencil crayons or watercolor pencils I also have my

favorite T and my favourite mug here and they're sort of serving as my model so I

can look at them as I'm adding the color this is the

jasmine tea that I can't live without I drink it every day and then this is my

favorite mug that I've had for I want to say at least 15 years I got it in

Chinatown when I first moved out on my own so it comes everywhere with me so

that's when I moved drawing and illustrating today and to illustrate the

mug you'll see here I'm just sort of mixing the light blue and dark blue

pencil and I'm not really doing a floral pattern I'm doing a bit of an abstracted

pattern where I just leave a little bit of white space to represent those

flowers and then for the tea tin I mixed a little yellow and orange and

watercolor pencil crayon is so fun it's like being a kid again you just get to

sort of color in like a coloring book and then you take a little bit of clean

water and a clean brush and you just add water to to the color and it immediately

on contact with that water turns into watercolor paint and you just want to

add lots of water and allow it to really look like the wonderful watercolor paint

that it turns into so it'll have this nice watery translucent look on the

paper and it turns out really beautiful and it's very very easy to use and easy

to control once you've added the water to your illustration you can put the

water and the paintbrush away and just allow that illustration to dry and while

we're waiting for it to dry we will illustrate our teapot and antique kettle

here all right so let's sketch out a few tea kettles and teapots although I do

recommend that you sketch from life so if you have a teapot I'd use it as a

model today but I'm doing for a kettle sort of this oblong shape with a rounded

bottom and then just a straight spout at the sides a very simple design and to

show that little handle at the top I'm doing a bit of a coil so very whimsical

for a teapot that's a little more bulbous they can be a little tricky to

draw I recommend drawing across there to kind of keep you centered and then just

have fun look at the shape of the one in front of you if you have one and and

just sort of play around with it using graph paper can be very helpful here as

well and I think it'll come together it's just

one of those designs that takes a little practice and you can always add some

cute floral illustration on the side and that really brings it to life

now that the illustration is truly dry and watercolor pencil crayons can not to

take too too long I can go back in with my pigma micron I'm using the O five

again and I'm just gonna add that sketchy black line that I love so much

to my illustrations so I'm just giving the T 10 especially all the detail that

it needs to make it look like the actual T 10 that I use every day so I'll write

jasminetea on there and then where there's sort of that ornate pattern I'm

just gonna do a couple X's so anytime you don't know how to illustrate

something you can always kind of come up with a shortcut so little X's or cross

hatching can represent a much more ornate pattern and yeah just adding that

line to the entire illustration and then to finish I've got this great white gel

pen that Lori gave me thanks Lori and I'm going to add a bit of dotting here

to my kettle and because I want it to look like an enamel petal and I think

you guys know the one when you see these everywhere and they're sort of a camping

kettle and they just have this old-timey charm that I love and that sort of

brings the illustration to life well thank you guys so much for watching

today please hit that like button and the subscribe button if you enjoyed the

video and this week there were two tutorials so go check out the first

Christmas video of the year it's all about how to clean these simple but

beautiful watercolor holiday cards I'll see you next week

For more infomation >> Hand Lettered Calendar Page November 2017 - Duration: 6:05.


Modification od ESC, Modification of receiver and test run. How i do that 1/2 - Duration: 34:57.

It's a standard 20A ESC

First cut isolation

Now desolder switch

It's not easy with camera in front

Now i solder theme together so it will be always on

Time for brake switch

Two pins closer to edge are off

Now power cables

It's covered with something so it's hard to desolder

This will take some time :D

Jump to 07:05 time, I desolder it there :D

Hurray :D

Now signal cables

Remember order

Time to put all together

Now measure signal cable

It's good to tin cables

Now power cables

Little solder hold better

Now clamp

Camera was little to low

I always correct

Little to thick

Remember about order

I accidentally put wrong clip :D

Isolating ESC

back to soldering :D

Now isolation

I forget i don't need power

Isolating again :D

Little cut


Power switch

Power splitter

Sound power

For more infomation >> Modification od ESC, Modification of receiver and test run. How i do that 1/2 - Duration: 34:57.


How to get worldlock for Newbie [TH] แปลไทย ต้องเปิดคำบรรยาย - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> How to get worldlock for Newbie [TH] แปลไทย ต้องเปิดคำบรรยาย - Duration: 4:30.


Weekend Reflection - November 12, 2017 - Duration: 1:58.


- Hello everyone and welcome to our Weekend Reflection

brought to you by Spirit Juice Studios.

In our first reading this week,

first we have this beautiful narrative about wisdom.

And so the first question we need to ask ourselves is,

what is wisdom?

And what's the difference between knowledge and wisdom?

So I think a good example would be that

knowledge of how to use a cell phone

is knowing all the mechanics,

knowing the buttons to push and how to work it.

That's knowledge of the cell phone.

Wisdom's application of a cell phone would be

when should I use a cell phone?

Should I turn my cell phone off when I go into church?

We hear, in the gospel today, a real challenge

about those ten virgins.

Five of them were wise and five of them were foolish.

And we may not understand the vital nature

of this parable right away because,

for many of us, light is around us all the time.

But for these people at this time,

without oil in your lamp, and having that light at night,

it could be dangerous.

You couldn't move, you couldn't operate, you couldn't see,

you couldn't do anything.

It was a matter of survival.

How do we keep oil in our lamps?

I guess is the question for us.

We can have the knowledge of the church's teachings

and the sacraments.

We can have the knowledge that Mass is a powerful reality.

But wisdom would take it further.

It's exercise of those things.

In order for us to operate in our faith,

in order for us to reach out to the poor,

in order for us to do all the wonderful things

that God has for us,

we have to stay burning brightly.

Our Lord Jesus is calling us to be wise,

to discern rightly.

On Sunday morning, whenever it seems attractive

to stay in bed and to rest and just watch football all day,

wisdom would say, no, I need to go

and be in my church.

I need to make the sacrifice of time with my family

so that I can put oil in my lamp to keep the fire burning.

For more infomation >> Weekend Reflection - November 12, 2017 - Duration: 1:58.


Group makes riding a tricycle possible for children with special needs - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Group makes riding a tricycle possible for children with special needs - Duration: 1:59.


Ultimate Soul Transformation - Duration: 3:48.

Ultimate Soul Transformation

by Adeana M. Slater,

I think it�s good to talk about where we are collectively and where we want to be.

Experience is always available and ever ready to change your view points time and time again.

There is no such thing as an ending point when it comes to soul evolution.

It�s is an ongoing process.

We appreciate the experiences placed before us, we learn, we heal, we rise above and then

continue onto the next �rodeo� of our soul.

I�ve mentioned this mantra before but let us remember we have no finish line.

It�s highly encouraged that you set personal goals.

Write them down.

Use a vision board or daily affirmations to extend yourself and uplift even higher as

a soul, but don�t be discouraged that there is more to heal, there is more to explore,

and you have more heart and soul potential than you give yourself credit for.

You and I may still have a long way to go.

Yes we are exhausted.

This is not a race.

We are not in competition with one another.

Our soul evolution is for us and will ultimately aid in in the collective consciousness.

Any progress and healing you make is added to the pool of collective love.

The more who adds to this pot, is bringing all of humanity enlightenment since we are

all connected.

Your efforts are not only serving you, but any and all soul progress that is made is

also helping your soul brothers and sisters who need your light, your guidance, and your


Soul evolution does not end at a particular point.

Why stop when we just get the momentum going?

Collectively, don�t stop now.

Don�t give up now.

And certainly don�t set a certain bar of soul growth and lessons that you have decided

to turn a blind eye or stop learning at a certain level of growth.

You have no limitations.

As a sovereign being, you are encouraged to GO FOR IT!

Go full throttle knowing that you are here in service to Earth and Humanity.

What you learn and gain in experience, knowledge, and love will also aid the collective.

Remember as unity consciousness that we are ONE.

You think you are growing and soul suffering alone.

What you don�t understand is that you ARE making a magnificent difference for so many.

Your soul light shines bright illuminating Gaia and into the Cosmos.

Don�t ever lose sight of your divinity.

It is who you are and your birthright.

Lightworkers, this is not a message to discourage you.

Progress has been made in leaps and bounds in such a short amount of time!!

Blessings and gratitude to all who have gone through the trenches and out the other side

a new, transformed being of light!

This is to remind you to rest when soul guided to do so, but then get back up and continue


There are no limitations and you were chosen as a volunteer for your undying courage and


You are more powerful than you give yourself credit for.

I�m talking to every soul on Earth here.

You are here for a reason.

You feel this in your heart.

Limitations, restrictions, and illusions are not your truth.

Reach higher.


Love and Light to you.

For more infomation >> Ultimate Soul Transformation - Duration: 3:48.


DON'T prank your girlfriend while she's sleeping!!! - Duration: 15:43.

We traveled a lot today and she is way tired

We got back to the hotel

and she is sleeping now

NOw, we will prank her

We will PRANK HER!!!

Before we start...

Don't forget to hit that LIKE button

and follow me on My Mate Nate channel

Good morning!!!

Today is the first day that

we are here in Japan!

and we are in Tokyo now

If this is your first time watching my video

My name is My Mate Nate


If this is your first time here

Why haven't you start following me,

My Mate Nate yet?

It's time to do it now!

before we start our day, I want to tell you something

Japan is the...

The fourth country of this trip

Total, we will go to 6 countries

If you haven't watch Singapore videos

Or Australia and Hong kong

If you haven't watch those videos yet

Go watch it now!

You can watch it at Twitch My Mate Nate

I will leave the link in the description

We came to Japan for a few reasons

First of all, Lukmee has never been here before

So, we came here for travel

Secondly, We want to go to DisneyLand but....

You can see that it's raining out there

and it will rain more tomorrow


The last day that we are here will be the worst


Not F*** bad but its just worse than the other day!

I said it will be worse than the other day

We might not be able to go to Disneyland

We will just go all around the city instead of going there

and today...

We will travel around Tokyo

I want to tell you one thing

So, My Mate Nate's video is about...

Traveling around the city

But Mee's video is...


Just Eat!

Yeah, so after you watch this video

Don't forget to check her channel and watch those Food videos

She will take us to eat lots of thing!

The first place that we are going today is Fish Market,

called... Sukishi Market

It's a market that...

It's green

It's a market that


I'm not really sure about it, so im not going to say it

It is...

So crowded here!

Just look around here

Sooooooo many people

I didn't film anything that we ate because

I told you that Food and eating stuff will be in her channel

Don't forget to check out the link in the description

But this market...

What is it called again?


It's a really cool place to go

I like it a lot!


I feel like...

I don't know how to say that

But if you have a chance to come here

You MUST come to this place!

Don't miss it!

For just an hour should be good

It's really cool!

There were food, fishes and guy with a big knife!

There were so many thing but that's all for today

So many good food too

Yeah, for sure!

Let's keep going

Now, we are at

a famous temple called



They have an Omikuji

It's super simple

We have to pay 100 Yen

That's around 30 baht

Pay it here

and we get to choose it

In Thai we call this


I got one!

I got number...

Here is 5

That is 10

And that's is 4

So we got number 54

Let's find

that number here

I know numbers because I learned some Chinese

and these are Japanese and Chinese number

Which is so similar to each other

This is 60!

I said it wrong!


Same number, Let's get one

Is it good or bad?

Is it good or bad?

Can you read it?

It means "No luck"!

Here is what it means

Even though everything seem to be safe

There is a things that is very dangerous coming soon

You will face sadness and

may apart from loves one

You will not get what you wish

but... there is a way

to avoid these bad fortune

Over here

We will fold it, tie it here

and leave it here

Please don't follow me

Let's go!

Both of us...

have bad lucks

But that's fine coz we leave it at the temple

We should be good now

I hope it doesn't follow us

Next, we will go to

The tallest building in Japan

and all I know is...

"If I didn't get it wrong"

It's the world second tallest building

The only building that is taller than it is

"Burj Khalifa" in Dubai

But the second tallest is this one in tokyo

Thailand people is very kind

Thank you very much

(Thank you in Thai)

He is good!

This is it! That tall building

The gold one right?

Nope, look here

Do you see the one down there?

That tall building... We can't see anything at all

Because of clouds...

We can only see the bottom or it's base

Stop laughing!

Look there

We came to Japan to see that right?

That's it!

If you only see that much

you can just watch it in Thailand

We arrived at the building


We got here but we can't really see anything

It's too tall!

Too many clouds and fog

What can we do?

There is a big mall around here

Let's get inside and see

Maybe it's taller than the clouds

We might get above the clouds

Let's get inside

and she said No

Just try

That was it

That's where you but a ticket up there

It's around

1,500 Baht per person


The thing is we will not go up there

because it's the same here, look out there

There are only clouds and fog

We can't see anything

and up here

We can't get up there

I told you

We can't get up there

So just watch the pictures of it

From my friend called "Goo"

He has tons of good pics

Thanks a lot "Goo"

If we need anything just ask him


We don't need to come here at all just search it

We don't have to go any where right?

Yeah, we don't have to go anywhere

Just ask "Goo" (Google)

2 Hours later


Let me explain

My girlfriend

She has been sick for a few days

and today is the first day

that she started to feel better

We traveled a lot today and she is way tired

We got back to the hotel

and she is sleeping now

Now, we will prank her

We will PRANK HER!!!

Before we start...

Don't forget to hit that LIKE button

and follow me on My Mate Nate channel

What we are going to prank her is

Here, it's 6:30


I will get there

and change my watch's time

My phone's time, her phone's time

and a clock in the room

I will change the time

To be 12 hours earlier

I will change my cloth

to Pajamas

Turn off the light

Set the alarm for like...

2 minutes

We will wake up

We will "Wake up"

and pretend like it's in the morning

We will prank her that

it's the next day morning

Let her takes shower, doing makeup and everything

Then, we will tell

That It's only 7 P.M. not 7 A.M.

I know it's not a prank like that

But it's funny

She will be sleepy and knows nothing

Let's try it!

Like what I said earlier

If you like this video

Don't forget to hit that LIKE

and follow me, My Mate Nate


Facebook, Instagram and Youtube

We'll have to be quiet in the room tho

We will have to change this watch, Phones and clock

What time is it?

What time?


We have to get ready

We are going to Mt. Fuji

We are going to Mt. Fuji

We have to get ready

is it 6 A.M.?



Will you hit the light?

We have to go to Mt. Fuji

How was your sleep?


Will you turn on the light?

Do you want me to take a shower first?

15 Minutes later

We made a mistake...

We miss it!

We messed it up!

You shouldn't prank someone who is sick

Coz it's not very successful

I checked my camera to see

if we can hear anything she said or not

and there were some noises like...

So, this is what happened

I woke her up and told her it's the evening

She was confused

She asked if it wasn't in the morning

I said "no it was evening"

She said she doesn't feel well

She didn't feel good at all and have headache

I said "Just go to bed, that's fine"

"I will just go out to eat something"

and she said "Ok"


The prank today is failed

I'm so sorry guys...

But... that's fine because

You guys will keep watching my videos right?

Because tomorrow we continue traveling

in Japan

I'm not sure yet about what we are going to do

But don't forget to follow me!

Tomorrow we will have a really cool and fun video for sure!

That's it for today


For more infomation >> DON'T prank your girlfriend while she's sleeping!!! - Duration: 15:43.


Chemical Biological Engineering Lab - Duration: 3:36.

Hey everyone, my name is Megan,

and today I'm going to bring you with me into my CHBE Laboratory.

Labs are obviously a very big part of engineering here at UBC

and especially for chemical engineering. In fourth year the labs are a little

bit different, you only do one lab each semester. This lab you have four

different six hour-long lab periods to complete and basically you're just given

one piece of lab equipment and it's your job to design a whole experiment based

off of it, figure out which data that you want to collect, how you're going to

analyze it, what this is going to show you, and then write a report based off of that

So it's a lot more freedom than I'm used to and it was a little bit

intimidating at first but it's been a really fun experience so let's get going

to my lab!

So for our lab we are using a hydrocyclone which is used in the separation

of liquids and solids. Ours is separating a mixture of water and starch, we're

trying to find what the best separation efficiency is for our hydrocyclone so

we can recover the most amount of starch. So I think in this lab you can really

see the difference kind of between what chemistry is and chemical engineering

which I think a lot of people, me included, kind of struggled with

especially when I first started University. So on one half of our lab you

can kind of see more of the "chemistry" side so it's a lot of big open lab

benches, and then you walk over into the other half of the laboratory, and we'll

call this the "chemical engineering" side and you have all of these huge pieces of

equipment because the whole point of chemical engineering is trying to figure

out how to scale up processes and different scientific discoveries and

chemical reactions so that we can do them on an industrial scale. So when we

first go in we need to set up our hydrocyclone it takes about 6 minutes for it

to reach what it's called steady-state so where everything is working as it

should be and then we take samples from both our feed tank and then those are

measured with the spectrophotometer which you can see Nicole and Michael are

working on, and then we also take samples from the overflow and the underflow all

of those are analyzed with the spectrophotometer as well and then at

the same time me and Paul record the pressure changes across the

hydrocyclone as well as we record the flow rate going in so we're going to use all

of this data later on to analyzed it one of the really important

parts of all types of science and especially when you're doing labs is

that you need to make sure that you keep all of your samples properly labeled so

you don't get any of them mixed up and record every single thing you're doing

because the whole idea behind science is that everything that you're doing can be

recreated by someone else. It doesn't really count if you're the only one that

can get these results you can't really explain to anyone else how you got those

results and no one else is able to get them either thanks so much for joining

me for my last lab session of the term as we wrapped up our experiment to

analyze the efficiency of a hydrocyclone have you all learned a lot, thank

you so much for watching. Bye!

For more infomation >> Chemical Biological Engineering Lab - Duration: 3:36.


সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ১১ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 15:34.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর এটিএন বাংলা সংবাদ ১১ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ ATN Bangla News Today - Duration: 15:34.


Eminem's New Single Featuring Beyonce Is Unlike Any Em Song Before It - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> Eminem's New Single Featuring Beyonce Is Unlike Any Em Song Before It - Duration: 5:06.


How to Hit a Better Pickleball Backhand - Duration: 2:35.

Are you one of those people who runs around their backhand? Well it's not a

bad strategy when you're playing a game but an even better strategy would be to

take a little bit of time, do some drilling and improve your weakness. This

drill is going to help you to do just that.

Stay tuned.

Hey everybody its CJ Johnson. Drills are one of the things that can

help you to get better and today we're going to work on what is the weakness for

most people is their backhand. Now before we get to that backhand drill if you wouldn't

mind doing me a favor. I always ask you to subscribe. Subscriptions tell YouTube

that this content is important so if you would, if you haven't already done so,

please click on the subscribe button over here. This is one of my favorite

backhand drills. You can do it very easily before you start to play it only

takes you 5 or 10 minutes. The best part is the person doing the serving also can

do some practice too.

You're going to just need a couple of cones or something that

you can use as a target. Put two inside the baseline about three feet as a

target for the server. Add a third in the center of the box about three feet from

the back as a target for the person hitting the backhand. You'll also notice

that I've moved way to the side to make it easier for the server to hit to my


Your goals for this drill are probably gonna vary with your ability

I'm working on making my cross court backhand land deeper in the court. Once

I'm comfortable with that then I'm going to start to vary the pace

as well as the trajectory. Whatever your weakness is give yourself a specific

goal and a specific target.

The server gets to work on their game too. The first

goal is to get the ball deep in the court beyond the yellow pylons. Once

they've accomplished that they should also work on changing the trajectory, the

pace as well as the placement of the serve. Doing drills will help you become

a better pickleball player if you're not already doing them or if you want some

new ones click on the link that's coming up above. It's going to take you to

checklist that will help you to develop your own drills and skills practice

sessions. If you got value from this video if you wouldn't mind giving it a

thumbs up or if you like what you're seeing on this channel please hit the

subscribe button I think it's down over on this corner. Cuz together we can

Train Smart, Live Bold and Age Well

For more infomation >> How to Hit a Better Pickleball Backhand - Duration: 2:35.


Japanese Cosmetics Haul & Review - Duration: 10:41.

hi guys welcome to my channel

so this video is continuation from my Japanese Skin care review video

this time it's Japanese Cosmetics haul & review

as I've mentioned in my previous video

it wasn't me who was travelling to Japan, but my husband

before he leaves I researched good Japanese skincare and cosmetics

and I asked him to buy these for me

so let's start with the products

first products is Canmake Mermaid Skin Gel UV

this has SPF 50 and PA++++, so it should be enough to protect our skin

it claims to be sunscreen and primer

so let's try this out

in this video I haven't wear make up so I can try these out

it feels a bit sticky on my skin

and I have leave it on my skin for a few minutes just now

so let's just go to the next product

second product is Integrate Liquid Foundation

the bottle is small

it has only 30ml

so it's great for travelling

at first I wasn't sure about getting my husband buys this for me

when we buy foundation, we usually have to try out the shade on our skin

so I asked my husband to pick the shade that is most suited for my skin

and he chose shade 10

so let's try this now

I hope this suits my skin

I don't know if you guys can see it, but I think this is too fair

I think shade 20 will be better for me

so I have apply it on my right side

so I will just apply it full face

I think the coverage isn't so good

it's just low coverage

it couldn't cover my pores and dark spots

I should conceal them, but I didn't get any concealer, so I'll just skip them

so my face is white already, let's move to the next product

next product is Flow Fushi Mote Liner in Brown Black

it has some weight

probably because it has metal cover?

thin tip

and here's the color on my hand

so let's try this

so here's the result

and now I will do waterproof test

just to the one on my hand

with wet cotton balls

it's wet already, but still okay

let's try rub this off

I do this very gently, I'm not pressing

it's flaking

when wet it stays on

but if you rub it off while it's wet then it's gonna come off

but to really wipe it off with water is really hard

so I'll remove this

and btw the foundation has dewy finish

you guys probably can see from the shine

so let's continue

so next product is the Shiseido eyelash curler

before I have this, the one I have always pinch my eyelid when I use it

I thought all curler do the same thing

so let's see if this one will do the same thing

okay it didn't pinch

I wanna show the result

so let's try on the other eye

so my old one will pinch my eyelid like up here

but this one didn't pinch them

so this next one is very famous

it's heroine make long & curls super waterproof mascara

and of course it has cosme #1 sticker

so let's try this

this one was high on my list

have to get it

the applicator isn't too thick, so it's good for me

I think this is really good

it really lengthens my eyelashes

I hope I can show it to you

this is the one I've applied

this one without mascara

so can you guys see it

this really lengthens my eyelashes, right?

I am most excited for this one, because it's famous

and I think this really meets my expectation

so I hope you guys can see how good this is

and I only applied 1 coat

I'm really happy to see this

finally I have some lashes

I didn't get any contour products, so I'm going to contour now

so next products is Canmake Cream Cheek in CL05

and this one also have Cosme#1 sticker

so this is the color

I'll apply it on my cheeks

the color is nice, right?

so this is after applied

so let's move on

still a Canmake product

it's a Canmake Lip & Cheek gel

I have in no 1 (Strawberry Mousse) and no 2 (Apple Mango Parfait)

the no 2 is broken inside

and eventhough is has fragile plastic case, it has mirror in it

not bad for putting on lipstick

so I'll apply the no 2 first

so this is the no 2 on the upper lip

I think it's kinda hard to have the color to show

I have to apply a few times

so maybe this will be mostly used for cheeks

and I'll apply the no 1 on the bottom lip

so no 1 on bottom lip, no 2 on upper lip

next product still a Canmake one

this is the Canmake Glow Fleur Cheeks

shade no 2 Apricot Fleur

I never had a shimmery blush

so first time to try this kind

where should I apply this

I'll just apply it on top of the previous blush

don't know where else to apply this

it's hard to show the one on my cheek, because I've applied the cream cheek before

so just see this on my hand

hope you can see it, it's shimmery

so looks like that's all

so that's all for my video today

if you guys haven't watched the Japanese Skincare Haul & Review video, I'll put the link here

some of these products are available in Indonesia, or through online

so you guys can try it out

although it might be more expensive than in Japan

so thank you for watching and I'll see you later, bye

For more infomation >> Japanese Cosmetics Haul & Review - Duration: 10:41.


24Hrs After Getting Sued, Stressed Out NFL Commissioner Makes Sudden Shocking Move Nobody Saw Coming - Duration: 5:19.

24Hrs After Getting Sued, Stressed Out NFL Commissioner Makes Sudden Shocking Move Nobody

Saw Coming.

The National Football League has found itself in a massive pickle because of the National

Anthem protest blowing up in their faces.

If the NFL were your friendly neighborhood group of guys playing because they loved the

sport, then there would be no problem.

Anyone is allowed to stand or kneel for any reason that they wish.

But they're not just a group of guys having fun with a football.

They're a business that is structured to make money, and the nationwide boycott has

compromised their ability to make money, and making money is what it's all about.

Because the purpose of the league is being put at risk, we are now at the point where

the rubber meets the road.

The NFL has lost hundreds of millions, possibly now billions of dollars in advertising, ticket

and merchandising sales and are at risk of losing an additional $1.1 billion in taxpayer


So now, since the former fans have made it unprofitable to be unpatriotic, the league

is finally ready to do something about it.

According to USA Today, Commissioner Rodger Goodell has finally said that he think's

it's time for players to move on:

"NFL commissioner Roger Goodell — in an interview with Bloomberg News on Wednesday

–addressed the league's challenge in skirting a fine line between appeasing players and

delivering a favorable product to its fan base in response to protests during the national


Goodell said that while he's 'proud of our players' for their efforts in pushing

toward social and criminal justice reform and 'proud of our owners' for trying to

give them a platform, ultimately his hope is for the NFL to move past the protests.

He said it's unfair to fans and believes the players' message is ultimately being


'We want to get to a point where we can actually make positive change, because people

come to our stadiums to have fun, to be entertained, not to be protested to,' Goodell said."

In case you're looking for an interpretation that doesn't include a lot of public relations

babble, what he's trying to say here is "look guys, we had a good run, but you're

going to be running your laps for free if you people don't quit ticking off the season

pass holders."

The players who decided to disrespect the National Anthem and the owners who let them

get away with it are all equally at fault for allowing the nation to be desensitized

to common courtesy and respect.

That's not something that most middle-class Americans take lightly, and the audience that

used to be die-hard fans found themselves a little hot under the collar about it.

Goodell goes on to clarify what he thinks might possibly be the only hope for the league:

"I've been clear about this.

The anthem, respect for our flag is really important, so I want to see players stand

(instead of kneeling).

Players repeat over and over again this isn't about disrespect for our flag or military

or our veterans.

And I believe them.

But they also have to understand that it is interpreted much differently on a national


In other words: You can get away with flipping off your boss just by saying that it's the

new sign for "I love you."

Everybody knows what these symbols mean, and no matter how much an individual insists that

they are doing it for a different reason, we're still insulted.

"Former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick was the first player to take

a knee during the national anthem last season as a protest against racial injustice and

police brutality.

While a select number of players followed suit, the protests exploded across the league

after President Donald Trump made profane remarks about players during a September rally

in Alabama.

Last week, Papa John's CEO John Schnatter criticized the NFL for 'poor leadership'

on the anthem, claiming that it hurt business.

Goodell acknowledged that catering to sponsors, as well as fans, holds high importance."

Papa John's pulling their support was a huge blow to the NFL, and hopefully the first

of many, if the league doesn't figure out how to reign in their players and stop the

constant reminders of just how little respect for the flag and country they have.

The clientele for this particular business isn't particularly the social justice warriors,

on average, but those are the ones Commissioner Goodell insists on keeping happy, instead

of his loyal fans.

"In that regard, Goodell maintained that the league's goal is to remove politics

from sports.

'We live in a very divided society right now,' he said.

'I think that's one of the things that, when we have the platform the way we do, people

seek to find that division.

That's something we try to resist.

'Getting into politics isn't something (we do).

Values aren't necessarily about politics.

Values are a way we do things — making sure we do things at higher standards.

I believe people expect that of us.

… We accept that and welcome that.

But it's (about) keeping the focus on the game.'"

Working for someone means doing what they say.

In the case of the players in the NFL, that means they must abide by any rules that the

NFL hands down, and in the case of the NFL, that means doing whatever will keep their

loyal customers happy.

If there was any doubt on that in the past, there isn't now.

Thankfully, the league is finally getting the message, and maybe we can keep this kind

of disrespect from spreading any further.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> 24Hrs After Getting Sued, Stressed Out NFL Commissioner Makes Sudden Shocking Move Nobody Saw Coming - Duration: 5:19.


Asbestos Abatement Philadelphia 888-221-9855 Asbestos Abatement Philadelphia PA - Duration: 1:21.

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For more infomation >> Asbestos Abatement Philadelphia 888-221-9855 Asbestos Abatement Philadelphia PA - Duration: 1:21.


World War II veteran set to receive French Legion of Honor - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> World War II veteran set to receive French Legion of Honor - Duration: 1:27.


Punjabi Tappe | Punjabi Folk Music | Qissa The Band | USP TV - Duration: 6:05.

Sayonee ik bhull metho hoyi

Ni jehda panchhi yaar banaya o..

Choori kuttan te oh khanda naahi

Ni ohnu dil da maas khawaya o…

Chhalla menda jee dhola

Chhalla menda jee dhola koi mundri payi rakkh saa'n

Chhalla menda jee dhola koi mundri payi rakkh saa'n

Aap zaleel howa'n teri izzat bachayi rakkh saa'n

Aap zaleel howa'n teri izzat bachayi rakkh saa'n

Chhalla mera jee dhola

Chhalla mera jee dhola koi surkh gulaab hove

Chhalla mera jee dhola koi surkh gulaab hove

Ishq ruva denda bhavein kidda koi nawab hove

Ishq ruva denda bhavein kidda koi nawab hove

Chhalla mera jee dhola

Chhalla menda jee dhola do din de ethe haase

Ik paase rakh yaari naiyo nibhni do paase

Ik paase rakh yaari naiyo nibhni do paase

O ho o…

Heer aakhdi jogiya

Tu jhooth akhein

Te kaun ruthdeya yaar manavda ii

O esa koi na mileya

Main dhund thakki


Jehra gaya nu mod leanvda ii

Chhalla mera jee dhola

Chhalla mera jee dhola sare jagg ch burai hove

Chhalla mera jee dhola sare jagg ch burai hove

Tere bajho je sohneya main eid manayi hove

Tere bajho je sohneya main eid manayi hove

Tere bajho je sohneya...



For more infomation >> Punjabi Tappe | Punjabi Folk Music | Qissa The Band | USP TV - Duration: 6:05.


OMB Peezy Freestyle on Real 92.3 Reaction - Duration: 5:34.

So a little about me, I'm about to be doing some

reactions to fights music videos

Pranks whatever you guys really want me to do

That's what I'm gonna start out with

And then I can probably do pranks myself. I used to do that a long time ago

I got too many copyrights on YouTube and they and my account so I stopped for a while spend about a

couple years now and

I just I'm starting to get back on this, so I'm pretty updated with everything with hip-hop

I'm pretty updated with pretty much everything on YouTube

And I see all these other people making money and everything so why not you know start a chapter you

Know I already I already welcome welcome

wait to make my back alright wait to me, but uh I'll be elevated in reaction to

Owen beep easy

Yes, run ninety-two three Eleison for him

We got the


They really

Love love. I fell in love with you sweet is up with the running wild fuck around here my paper

That's gonna

Be my only child got like why she was pretty she still this down

Fuck Chino streets in me the night before I go to trial somebody save me

I'm smoke nobody want me to beat up somebody burning killers on the link. I'm going banner

Just make a look they've all been o'clock under my pillow. I'm sleeping. I'm waking up your change

Will you get money to people around the turns baby cannot play?

I'm street smart. I'm my own man. Got my old man

I'm a grown me you a boy can wrap that struggle when you when you struggle sometimes. I don't know what it started

Me an iceberg the Trump's you know let the kid dance boy can even have a normal conversation was she hurt my boy


I'm having troubles in my sister too and

There you go and came and have a conversation and you're very relatable. I like this guy

I hope this money can bear to see my little boy old pictures of my own like I was feeling mojo this she


Now I'm Hilda nobody with him and my father did arriving

I wanna be well died and been on my feet mixed in with my favorite mama

But my baby mamas thing with a mama healthy

Totally run got a feeling that I've been outside in the rain know what a goal of

Like fucked up your Sears dress when you reach you brought love

Wrongful is feeling fun to reach your kids to the Pope, but the poem people just happen to be my book to Dean Paul

But it ain't no joke in that was nothing nigga. I got a cute fool

I don't think my titties when I catch the Maine Shore


Peter keep the shoulder too sure those women who take things asking for 10 demon Titus the vibe that I gotta thought hit a man

Without food in arena if I win I'll give you a minute

Hey, Dylan Kim I remember any ever painted lurking magic little only see me when I was not going oh

He's coming up literally he just had a song with Gucci -

If I wasn't on this direction shit earlier

I would have did that song really because I know reaction videos you have to get on that shit like right away, so

Basically yeah, but man it also. This is over at Meek Mill been--it's remind me like real snoop. Love it just because

Like all like PC would sound good with with

Wilson, but all right peaceful I mean that's pretty good for being on Meek Mill be meek mill you know he killed the song

Too, but you know that was really good if that he actually wrote this on PC might you know

Make it better song than meat, but yeah about me cup two to four years. It's just

I'll get you guys later subscribe like this video

Please this is my first video and I was such a long time so I had appreciate it

Just you know get myself back up there and pretty much get back in the YouTube game alright. Thanks guys

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