Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 11 2017

Why Do Humans Take Risks?

Part 2

Hey guys, Culture here.

Today we're going to finish off our discussion on risk-taking; more specifically, we're

going to explore whether our decisions are rational and the tricky tactics employed by


And that reminds me, I'm going to finish recounting my love escapade.


We left off last time talking about Step 4 in the decision-making process: Weighing the


When picking between alternatives, the rational option is the one which gives us the best

value; that is, the most benefit with the least cost.

Nicolas Bernoulli, a Swiss mathematician, challenged this notion in 1713 by creating

the St. Petersburg Paradox.

The St. Petersburg Paradox involves a gambling game in which a coin is flipped multiple times

in a row.

A starting amount of $2 dollars doubles every time a head turns up and the game ends whenever

tails comes up.

The player then collects whatever is in the pot.

The question is: What would be a fair price for the player to pay to enter the game?

What we really need to know is the expected value: that is, how much would the player

usually receive per game?

A bit of high school maths tells us that the expected value is the sum of the values multiplied

by their probabilities.

For example, there is a 1 in 2 chance that the first toss is tails, which would end the

game and the player would receive $2 dollars.

There is a 1 in 4 chance that the first toss is heads and the second toss is tails, which

would pay out $4 dollars and so on.

The issue here is that if we continue along this way we find a trend: The halving probabilities

and doubling rewards give values of 1 that sum up to infinity.

Put simply, the expected payout for this game is an infinite amount of money so players

should be willing to pay any amount to take part purely mathematically.

But Philosopher Ian Hacking had it right when he said "few of us would pay even $25 dollars

to enter such a game," so this conclusion sounds stupid right?

Did someone say stupid?

I'm back bitches.

When we last left off I was at a low point, dejected on the pavement outside of the casino

and with my newfound love Rouge nowhere to be found.

I was determined to get back inside, and so I called up the only friend I had in Las Vegas:

Jimmy the Blurter.

Dumb name.


F: Jimmy had a penchant for mischief-making and I knew if anyone could help me get past

the guards it was him.

We spent a day at his place meticulously crafting our plan and by the night, we were ready to

put it into action.

In 1738 Daniel Bernoulli, Nicolas Bernoulli's cousin and also a mathematician, provided

his solution to this paradox by creating the expected utility hypothesis.

Without getting bogged down in the actual maths, Bernoulli essentially added a "utility"

function to the equation for expected value to represent how an individual's risk aversion

affects their decision in each case.

Imagine you are offered a choice: You can pay $5 dollars for a 1 in 2 shot at winning

$50 dollars.

Which would you take the chance?

The $50 is pretty tempting, right?

I'd say most people would take the chance.

Now here's another choice: You can pay $5 dollars for a 1 in a billion shot at 25 billion


Which one would you choose?

Your answer should, according to the expected value of $25, still be to take the risk since

the expected value is the same.

But this simply isn't true for most people.

For one thing, some people are more risk averse than others and the small probability of winning

would scare them off.

Secondly, someone who is incredibly poor values $5 dollars more highly than someone rich…

you get the picture.

Daniel Bernoulli's utility function added in a factor dependent upon the probability

of winning such that the smaller the probability of winning, the less "utility" the alternate

option has.

Therefore, a rational decision is one in which the selector chooses the alternative with

the highest utility, not the highest value.

Jimmy and I stood around the corner from the casino, the sounds inside were but a faint

din and the smell of vomit emanated from behind a nearby dumpster.

The bouncers stood like sentinels at a fortress, eagle-eyed and wary.

Jimmy and I turned to one another and nodded our heads: It was go-time.

Jimmy strolled out from behind the corner nonchalantly and approached the door to the


He was mere inches from the bouncers when, quick as a flash, he ripped off his tear-away

shirt and pants and sprinted into the casino.

Did I forget to mention Jimmy is a streaker?

Well yeah, he is.

You're an idiot.

Rational decisions, unlike those that Jimmy makes, follow many axioms of logic.

We might cover logic in another video, but suffice to say for now that people don't

always make the logical decision, instead letting their emotions take control.

Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, cognitive psychologists, performed a study in 1981 proving

one such irrationality that many people utilise in decision-making.

In fact, you guys already know the kind of question that Kahneman and Tversky asked respondents

since I gave it to you at the end of the last episode!

I'll restate it again in short to remind you: There's a disease that is expected

to kill 12000 people, and two vaccines.

The first vaccine will save 3000 people.

The second vaccine has a 1 in 4 chance of saving all 12000 people and a 3 in 4 chance

that no one will be saved.

Which vaccine would you choose?

Hopefully you still have your answer in mind, now let me ask you this: Once again there's

a disease that is expected to kill 12000 people, but this time there are two programs to counter

the disease.

The first program will kill 9000 people.

The second program has a 1 in 4 chance that nobody will die and a 3 in 4 chance that 12000

people will die.

Which program would you choose?

Have a second to think.

Kahneman and Tversky asked similar questions to those I just posed and found that in the

first scenario 72% of respondents preferred the vaccine that saves 3000 people.

In the second scenario, only 22% of respondents preferred the program that kills 9000 people.

But some of you might have already caught on to the trick of this scenario: Based on

expected value and utility, the two scenarios are exactly the same.

All that's changed is that the questions were phrased differently: The vaccines referred

to how many people lived whereas the programs referred to how many people died.

Vaccine 1 and Program 1 had the same outcome however: Both of them saved 3000 people and

killed 9000.

Additionally, Vaccine 2 had the expected value of people saved as Vaccine 1 and the same

is true for Program 2 and Program 1.

Yet still we exhibit some bias because we're distracted by the wording of the question,

a subtle difference.

But the not-so-subtle streaking Jimmy acted as my distraction.

As he raced into the casino the bouncers chased after him, the fatter one huffing and puffing

whilst the slimmer one tripped over chairs and pushed past people.

Very rude.

I could see the look of pure happiness on Jimmy's face and I knew it was now my turn

to find that same happiness.

I stepped into the casino, my heart pounding, and returned to where I had first met Rouge.

But as she entered my view, my heart stopped.

She was there, beautiful as ever, but there was a man with her.

He had his hands all over her and worst of all she lit up at his touch.

That joy that I thought was just for me, she now gave away to this stranger.


I'm sorry Culture, please go on.

Yeesh… ah, ahem, right, where was I?

Oh yeah, decision making.

There are some explanations offered up for why we sometimes make irrational decisions.

First of all, there's the comparison of humans to dual processors; that is, we are

capable of making controlled, analytical responses but often use automatic, intuitive processes

for speed since we can't always afford to be as accurate as possible.

"My CPU is a neural net processor, a learning computer"

Another explanation is the "security potential/aspiration" theory which posits that people simplify complex

gambles to the best and worst possible outcomes.

It's a form of dilemmification whereby we create only two alternatives to make choices


One could also say-

Ah Rouge, I realised then that I was just another tale for you to add to your collection.

Yet despite the cold nature with which you dismissed me, I cared for you.

I still care for you.

I hope these other travellers treat you as well as I did.

Except for that time I spilt my beer on you and the casino staff had to check to make

sure your circuitry wasn't damaged.

Oh the times we had together-

Wait, hold up… "circuitry"?


What do you mean "circuitry"?

The electrical wires which power her display and reels.

Crash, what the… no… okay this is too far, even for you.

Tell me: What is Rouge's last name?

No silly, Rouge is her last name, a nickname if you will.

Her full name is Moola Rouge.

… like a parody of Moulin Rouge?

Like the slot machine, Crash?

Wow, now I get it… you're prejudiced.

I really didn't expect this judgement from you Culture.

And by the way, the politically correct term is "Electronic Gaming Machine" you slot-ist


No wonder you were so addicted!

EGMs are designed to keep you playing and take you for all you're worth.

The American Gaming Association found that approximately 70% of casino revenue comes

from EGMs alone.

People sit on them all day because they lose track of time in the windowless, clockless,

cavernous expanse of the casino.



Afraid not Crash, just like every EGM she was specially designed to hook you in and

take your money.

At least in the old days slot machines had actual physical reels and levers.

Each machine would have 3 reels and 22 spaces on each reel.

Of the 22 spaces, 11 would be blank and 11 would be icons with only 1 being a jackpot


That made the chance of getting a jackpot 1 in 10648.

Not only were these odds better than modern EGM's, but more importantly they were known

and calculable.

But in 1982 a new technology came onto the market called Virtual Reel Mapping.

This allowed for EGMs to be created which have entirely virtual reels with 516 spaces

each, decreasing the chance of a jackpot to 1 in 137 million; an almost 13000-fold lower

probability than old slot machines.

So Rouge wasn't just one in a million… she was one in 137 million!

I knew she was special.

Not even, Rouge was a liar- I mean, the EGM you played on was a liar.

EGM technology has advanced even further now, with deceptive little tricks to hook players


Imagine the feeling of playing an EGM and being just one symbol off of a jackpot.

You were so close, right?

Well maybe not, after all casinos can actually increase the chance of these so-called "near-misses"

to give players a feeling of temporary satisfaction.

Even back in 1953 psychologist Burrhus Skinner (the same guy behind the Skinner Box experiment)

showed that these near-misses increased player time spent on the machine.

In gambling addicts, a near-miss has even been shown to make the brain respond in the

exact same way it would as if they had won.

They're feeling rewarded for losing, Crash!

It was just a privilege to even be so close to her though…

Another dirty tactic is "starving wheels" in which the number of jackpot icons on one

virtual reel is less than another.

This once again creates that "so close" feeling of near misses, since two of the reels

show up matching jackpot icons more often.

The same trick is used on scratchies where an "almost win" condition is usually put

on the card to raise your hopes.

It's for sketchy reasons like these that Virtual Reel Mapping is banned in Australia

and the UK.

The only thing I'm starved of is Rouge's attention…

But even without Virtual Reel Mapping these EGMs trick you!

Old slot machines used to just have one pay-line, but new EGMs have multiple pay-lines.

Picture the slots from the Game Corner in Pokémon.

Let's say that you bet $1 dollar for each pay-line up to a total of $5 dollars for 5


Then you match up icons such that you get a small amount of money, say $3 dollars.

Because you got money, the machine lights up and makes sounds all of which are congratulatory…

even though you actually just lost $2 overall.

But despite your conscious awareness of this, your brain still interprets these visual and

auditory signals as a win and so you keep playing to feed off of the high.

Gamblers have been known to sit at a machine for 12 hours or more on end, slowly losing

money in this fashion.

They call it "the zone", a kind of enduring high that makes the gambler forget about their


Gamblers have even forgotten basic bodily requirements, wetting themselves right there

in front of the machine… just like some MMORPG players I know.

Oh come one, that was one time!

And besides, it was different with Rouge.

She took all my cares away.

Yeah, and all your money too, I'm guessing.

Any casino game you can think of always favours the house in the long run.

Casinos aim to maximise the amount of time you spend playing their games and minimise

the amount of time per gamble to increase their profits.

I'm sorry buddy but to them you're just another sucker, and Rouge is a part of that.

Don't let this Martingale Mistress convince you you're an MVG.

You're… you're right.

I need to let her go.

Thanks Culture.

No problem Crash, I'm just happy that… wait, what am I talking about?!

You made that whole story up!

You even said you went to Vegas in 1998!

I may have exaggerated that part for dramatic effect but my love affair with Rouge was all

true, I swear.

But you said you brought her up to your room and uh… y'know… "made love to her."

None of that makes sense now that I know she's a slot machine!

Oh I did though Culture.

I entered my tokens, I pushed all the right buttons and then…



And on that image, see you next week everybody!

For more infomation >> Which Would YOU Choose? - Duration: 14:19.


帶小baby怎麼玩Tokyo Disney Sea | Peter Liu vlog#252 | 中文字幕CC - Duration: 17:40.

For more infomation >> 帶小baby怎麼玩Tokyo Disney Sea | Peter Liu vlog#252 | 中文字幕CC - Duration: 17:40.


Learn Colors for Kids Children Toddlers ABC Song Nursery Rhymes Learning Video Compilation - Duration: 21:25.

Do you know your A-B-C's

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABC's 26 letters from A to Z

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABC's Next time won't you sing with me.

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABC's 26 letters from A to Z

26 letters from A to Z

One little, two little, three little numbers four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers ten little numbers...




Four Little numbers..




Eight Little Numbers...




Ten Little Numbers...

One little, two little, three little numbers four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers ten little numbers...




Four little numbers...




Eight little numbers...




Ten little numbers...

For more infomation >> Learn Colors for Kids Children Toddlers ABC Song Nursery Rhymes Learning Video Compilation - Duration: 21:25.


bilal saidi dz 2017 يالطيف -قنبلة الموسم صوت الشعب - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> bilal saidi dz 2017 يالطيف -قنبلة الموسم صوت الشعب - Duration: 2:57.


Un Solo HIGO Hace Magia en tu Cuerpo! Los Resultados Están Comprobados e te Sorprenderán! - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Un Solo HIGO Hace Magia en tu Cuerpo! Los Resultados Están Comprobados e te Sorprenderán! - Duration: 3:44.


Bachata Mix 2017 Lo Mas Romantico - Romeo Santos, Prince Royce, Shakira - Bachata Romantica - Duration: 1:09:23.

For more infomation >> Bachata Mix 2017 Lo Mas Romantico - Romeo Santos, Prince Royce, Shakira - Bachata Romantica - Duration: 1:09:23.


Wise - Acarajé Xêididisgraça part. BillyFat [VIDEOCLIPE] - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Wise - Acarajé Xêididisgraça part. BillyFat [VIDEOCLIPE] - Duration: 2:52.


Zan-Batist - Συγγνώμη | Signomi [Official Music Video] - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Zan-Batist - Συγγνώμη | Signomi [Official Music Video] - Duration: 3:29.


Common Man Questions Modi - Badhil Kelvigal | Put Chutney - Duration: 15:13.

For more infomation >> Common Man Questions Modi - Badhil Kelvigal | Put Chutney - Duration: 15:13.


THE FLASH - JUSTICE LEAGUE - Duration: 5:38.


Hey Weirdos! It's Victor!

And now I'm waiting for my friend.

He is late and I did NOT think that was possible!


Finally Flash! You're late! How is that possible?

You have SUPER SPEED! And that is why you are my favourite!

And why I want you on my team. But you're not as fast as I thought.

Oh, Really?

Look at this! And This! And This! And This! And this....

Yeah yeah yeah! Come sit down!

Okay, BUT...

I just wanted to say real quick, that if you want to see me on the big screen

And Justice League in cinemas you can order from the link down below!

What... What just happened?

Anyways! I love Justice League and all the heroes in Justice League!

Like Wonder Woman! She has her Lasso Of Truth and she fights with a sword and shield.

But you! You can run so fast that you can beat your enemies without them knowing!

I'm really good like that..

Yeah, but Aquaman is also really cool!

He can breath under water and swim really fast, and he has a cool weapon!

But you! You can run and move so fast that you can clean everything in a matter of seconds.

Okay Fine! I'll clean for you okay?!



And CYBORG! Cyberg is cool! He's like a robot!

He can controll machines and he has weapons inside his own body even!

But you! I like you better because you can run so fast that you go back in time!

Flash! I broke my glass!

I'll fix it!

Victor! Victor STOP!


You are going to break that glass!

Thank you!

And Batman! The famous Batman!

He's rich! And he uses all his money on expensive equipment to make him a good hero!

But you are still so much cooler! Because not only do you MOVE fast!

But you can READ super fast! So if you are reading for a test or books you can do it in seconds!

Here is the answer!

Thank you Flash! You can do everything alone!

But I can't Save The World Alone.

Thank you for watching! This is also a giveaway! (NORWAY)

So if you comment your favourite super hero in Justice League.. (NORWAY)


And ALSO! Bea and Kim AKA Wonder Woman and Batman

also made videos on their channels! So check them out here and here!

Remember to Stay Weird! Bye!!

For more infomation >> THE FLASH - JUSTICE LEAGUE - Duration: 5:38.


Bachata Mix 2017 Lo Mas Romantico - Romeo Santos, Prince Royce, Shakira - Bachata Romantica - Duration: 1:13:21.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> Bachata Mix 2017 Lo Mas Romantico - Romeo Santos, Prince Royce, Shakira - Bachata Romantica - Duration: 1:13:21.


Wie BMW 5 E39 Zündkerze wechseln TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 18:22.

Use a socket №10

Use a socket №10

Use a spark plug socket №16

For more infomation >> Wie BMW 5 E39 Zündkerze wechseln TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 18:22.


IPHONE X UNBOXING - Duration: 8:16.

For more infomation >> IPHONE X UNBOXING - Duration: 8:16.


Reading Comments #1 - Duration: 11:32.

Hello my name is Nonato and today I'm here to read some comments made by

you here on Youtube. Let's go!

"Hey there! How does wearing a rubber band around your fingers help?"

Well I use a rubber band in my left hand because it's not my strongest hand.

I decided to do something that force my left hand to become stronger.

I use this rubber band and I do some turns...

"At 1:10 how to you make this harmonic?"

Well Bruno, this harmonic from "As I Am" it's very simple.

In fact we just pick the string and...

when you play downstroke your thumb more or less leftover like this...

So we tend to put away

and I actually let it on purpose to push up the string very slowly.

"This is virtually flawless. Well done on matching Ron's ridiculous fretwork."

Okay, thanks a lot "BDaMonkey"

This band is called "Blotted Science"

it's incredible...

Go and do some search on Google about Ron Jarzombek and Blotted Science.

"Hey Nonato I'm waiting for Top Gear..."

Look man...

I think "Top Gear" it's the major challenge to most of guitarists who plays

video game music here on Youtube...

Everyone loves the "Top Gear" theme here in Brazil.

This weekend I watched the "Video Games Live" show

and Tommy Tallarico was talking about how many Brazilian fans

wanted that soundtrack on the repertoire

and actually he played and it was thrilling...

and he (Matheus) asked to me to play that song a long time ago

to play the "Top Gear" song... I can play that song on guitar


I promised to him that I'll record it on the acoustic guitar...

So I will try hehehe.

I'll record it for sure! Thanks Matheus for stay following my work here on Youtube.

"Majority of humans would say that knowing how to play guitar it's equal to

the ability to strum open chords... possibly whilst singing and Melody.


Please ask anyone you might consider to (or wonder might)

be a musician to watch, practice and play this specific string picking arrangement.

If they can, consider them a musician. They are legit. Props to this fella."


I don't know what to say... Thanks a lot. Really, thanks a lot.

This is so important to me. I keep doing videos on YouTube mostly because of these comments.

This is very inspiring to me as a musician really.

The arrangement of "Marry Me" I made I think... five years ago.

It all started with a simple fingerpicking exercise.


"My former guitar teacher used to say that every good guitarist play seriously, without facial expressions...

He was right!"

Thank you Huriel.

It was on the "Braving The Seas" video, from the band "Myrath".

First of all: Know this band "Myrath".

You must know this band "Myrath".


Answering Huriel, man...

I am a little bit serious while playing.

I'm not used to make "guitar faces"

I'm not used to make faces to play, I don't move a lot,

I use the guitar up in the chest, I do not use the guitar down there...

"Great cover! I wish I was that good.

How long did it take to master and how did you master it?"

"The Glass Prison" was a

great challenge to me.

I never tried to play this song entirely.

When I decided to record "The Glass Prison"

I was trying to learn every single part slowly.

I played everything basically by ear

but I think that I spent around two days

practicing the song for a lot of hours.

Two days totally focused.

"Is that a custom ibanez RG7321?"

Hell yeah!

Yeah, this is a custom "Ibanez"

'Ibanez' I don't know how to say "Ibanez"

or if it's "Ibanez" or "Ibánez" or 'Ibañez'...

I don't know heheheh...

I think I got some pics

of the


I will put the

link here for you to see the pics.

"Best wishes to you... In future you will be

a great guitarist like Andy James."


Thanks a lot.

This was my first video of this playlist.

A lot of people suggested me another song from Andy James

and for sure I will record it. I just need some time hehehehe...

Of course that I am not Andy James and

I not even close of his guitar technique

but I think that I can play like him in some way

in fact this was an opportunity to learn how his technique works.

When you try to play something from other musician

you learn a lot from this musician.

Just by playing like him or just by trying to play like him.

So that was a great exercise to me.

Let's go!

"Outstanding playing following the song line with

accents and dynamics really beautiful! Congratulations! By the way what model is

that Takamine? Sounds great, not because of the guitar itself."

First of all thanks a lot Georgi.

This guitar is a Tanglewood guitar

it has a great importance to my life as a musician.

"My Lord Jesus, one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard!

You should bring more videos like this from 'Brazilian Taste',

I hope you continue with this great job

I know it sounds like 'old' comment but I was completely sincere. A hug!"

Where do I start... Heheheheh

First of all, thanks a lot Samuel. Man, this video of "Smoke On The Water"

and the others that I made on "Brazilian Taste",

it was very complicated to record.

And not just to record but to work on the creation process.

As you probably saw on the credits at the end of the video,

I was the producer, idealizer and the arranger of the project,

and pretty much the sponsor as well because I've hit the whole financial side

I had to invest too... I had help from some friends

It was a help with reducing other costs that I would have to afford

as makeup for the girls, and boys and girls dress...

What else... The movie people who did the filming, the editing, the whole recording, anyway.

It was a project that took a lot of energy from me.

In addition to having to spend about fifty hours of work per arrangement,

alone at home here in my room,

I spent several hours later with a studio to rehearse with all the people

and everyone there who is watching me, who has a band,

knows how it is difficult to schedule a rehearsal.

So imagine setting up a rehearsal with different members of each video with different agendas,

so it was a situation ... So it was an incredible experience for me as a 'Band-leader',

but it was very difficult in other points.

First of all, after I did the four videos, I only had a budget for that,

and it was a big budget for me, a big one...

I spent money that I did not have.

It gives a certain frustration after you do a job in that capacity,

you know, with a lot of commitment, a lot of quality, everyone involved

and you do not have a due support. Here in Brazil the situation is a bit difficult

when it comes to music.

It seems like the ideal is that we should be as simple as possible

and talk about stupid things you know?

The more stupid we look, I think we have more reach.

I do not say it just on Youtube here, but in music too.

We have a dozen artists here...

Anyway, it's very difficult to talk about this, but

anyway, thank you very much for your comment.

It was an excellent job, I was really proud,

but unfortunately I could not continue it for financial reasons and for other reasons as well.

Who knows in the future I can do some more videos with this aspect of arrangement right? Thank you!

"Even If you know the sound is not as good as you would usually have,

be sure that your presentation is excellent and it sounds

very good neverthless...

And still a very very good cover as usual. Nonato the boss."

Thanks a lot Chrime. This was from

"Metropolis Part One" from Dream Theater

I tried to record this song with

a simple Stratocaster that I have here but if you watch this video

you'll understand what I am talking about because I described during the song

a little bit of the history of that guitar to me.

"Could you explain how you're playing the parts at 9:48?

The repeating part that repeats about four times really fast."

Okay, this is a question about "The Glass Prison" video and I know the part that you are talking about...

It's a very hard part.

In fact I don't know if John Petrucci plays like that

because I never... I think that I never watched John Petrucci playing "The Glass Prison" live

"I can't believe I'm only just now seeing this. Awesome!"

This was from my cover of "God Of War 3".

I don't know what to say about this comment because

Garard Marino was the composer of this song...


To read a comment from Garard Marino for me it's incredible!

Thanks a lot for watching my video Gerard!

Another inspiring comment...

a very inspiring comment.

That's it thanks a lot for watching

See you soon!

For more infomation >> Reading Comments #1 - Duration: 11:32.


New Tattoo! feat.exaggeration of pain (ENG CC) - Duration: 6:05.

Hi guys!

It's Kyung-Ah from Ryu's Penna

I'm going to get a tattoo today


If you've seen my tattoo Q&A clip

I have some tattoos

But, I don't like two of them

So, I came to rescue them

Before we go into the clip

The like and subscribe button is on the bottom, so please click it!

Then, shall we go together?

Go go~

place : Ilsan Banulzip Shall we take a view of the shop?

Wow it has two beds!

As a tattoo shop, there were many sketches

This is ink for tattoos

Here is the place for sketching

The atmosphere was good

The first cover I'll do is the small rose on my ankle

First, we start by pasting the design I want on the spot!

The design is cute

It's too cute!

Are you taking this clip?


It's been a long time since my last tattoo



A year?

A year and a half?

-Kyung-Ah, how do you feel of your tattoo in a while?


a little nervous...!

(head hurt)

LOL got punished from lying

Real start!

The back side is okay

I can take it

But the front hurts, the bone part

Before I came here, I regretted wearing a sleeveless shirt

But I'm sweating now LOL

Ouch, it hurts

- Tattooist Hae Min: But Kyung-Ah is enduring it well

Ha.. enduring is hot

Getting the line of the design

Uh.. it hurts

(I'm not cursing) LOL

Now I got used to it

-Are you sure?


(bluffing) It only hurts at first

-Your face was twisted

(bluffing)That was only on the first time

Finally, the line was finished looks like it'll hurt

Now, coloring time!

Suddenly got quiet LOL

LOL Excuse me

Are you getting a tattoo?

- Um… no..

-I'm hurting for you

-You're peaceful but I'm feeling pain

<I'm hurting for you, guys!> LOL

Doesn't the coloring process look pretty? -Tattooist Hae Min : Wow, you're strong

-How can a person getting a tattoo look so peaceful?

It's okay guys

-I heard that the ankle hurts a lot when you get a tattoo

But, the ankle bone

It hurts when it passes there

Except there, it's okay

Like needles? LOL

Like needles? LOL

-It feels like I'm getting poked

-Tattooist Hae Min : Oh, it's cute

Really cute!

Finally, the ankle is finished

If you erase the ink left, it's done!

Dancing flamenco ice cream LOL

Next is the wrist!

The text was crushed

I decided to leave the text concept!

The text is really thin

-How can you look so peaceful?

-Guys, tattoo isn't a peaceful act

(The text I'll do!, But why were you taking this? LOL) This time it hurts a bit

-Finally, you can see her painful face guys! (Frowning LOL)

-Finally her forehead frowns (Why do you like me sick brother?)

The wrist is finished also!

I added a red outline to the star Does that look really neat?

Jin Chul, who followed me decided to get a tattoo!

-You can do it

It doesn't hurt a lot

But I don't know about the top of the foot ( it's a really painful part LOL)

-You can do it!

-Tattooist Hae Min:you can do it!

Cheer up!

-Tattooist Hae Min : Cheer up

-I should have just made my friend listen to me on the phone

LOL Is someone killing you?

-Tattooist Hae Min (Banulzip) : Just before death

- Ah wait! *100000

- Wait a minute!

-Tattooist Hae Min : It get's ugly if you move

Yeah, don't move

-Tattooist Hae Min : I'll do it now

-Tattooist Hae Min (Banulzip): May I start?

- Yup (What about his first tattoo?)

- Wow, it hurts too much

- How can she not scream even once?

-It really hurts

Well, the tattoo is pretty!

Well guys, I got 2 tattoos today

I might have looked peaceful but..

Jin Chul showed you instead LOL

Ah… it's really funny LOL


I had a tattoo Q&A clip ago

Now, it's a tattoo procedure clip

How was it? Was it fun?

If it was fun or useful

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See ya in the next clip!


For more infomation >> New Tattoo! feat.exaggeration of pain (ENG CC) - Duration: 6:05.


Learn Colors For Children | Rhymes For Toddlers | Trucks For Kids | Baby Songs - Duration: 27:01.

One little, two little, three little numbers

four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers

ten little numbers...




Four little numbers...




Eight little numbers...




Ten little numbers…

One little, two little, three little numbers

four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers

ten little numbers...




Four little numbers...




Eight little numbers...




Ten little numbers…

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain And washed the spider out

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

And the itsy-bitsy spider Climbed up the spout again

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain And washed the spider out

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

And the itsy-bitsy spider Climbed up the spout again

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain And washed the spider out

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

And the itsy-bitsy spider Climbed up the spout again

For more infomation >> Learn Colors For Children | Rhymes For Toddlers | Trucks For Kids | Baby Songs - Duration: 27:01.


kinh nghiệm khi mua vật liệu xây dựng - xd2x - Duration: 6:42.

Consulting experience when purchasing building materials

Spent many years in the building materials business

pleased to share with customers wishing to contribute a small part to help your customers buy goods with reasonable price.

This may affect some contractors and the business units of other construction materials but I think the need to share.

If the contractor purchases often easy to recognize categories of goods, people saved their entire life to build a house

What is not easy can know intimately to buy the right items at reasonable prices.

On the rough building materials market (brick, steel, cement), if first glance it may seem very simple, very transparent. But the truth still matters "quirky"

1. Diversity of steel, steel prices.

There are many types of steel are circulating in the market. Besides items branded as Vina Kyoei Steel, Southern, Pomina

There are some other items like steel combinations (usually printed on the tree stand HVUC steel), China Steel and some other imported steel.

I do not dare to assert the quality of different types of steel, but certainly a lot cheaper price than steel "brand" on.

Please be told stories related to the type and price of steel.

• Why Cheap

When your work is being dismantled, there will be a number of units to marketing, you will be confused because of the price difference a lot.

You just wondered why. Experience shows that, "buyers than sellers mistake was unmistakable"

When the seller for an unusually low price, you do not choose the best buy. They struck a chord want to buy cheap customer

Then they "equalizer" in any way? Or, they sell not the right type of steel, they bring cheap steel such as steel complexes, steel China

to communicate to you. Or they lack the you. To buy the right type with reasonable prices, you should know how to check, but the best select reputable vendors.

If the goods are not fluent, is not easy for you to recognize the type. For steel coils brand is sleek, glossy and not ruffled, distorted.

Chinese steel usually much rust, peeling and uneven size.

In 2008, Chinese steel output led in to many users believe that "the new steel is steel genuine"

Evidence is given as coil 6 "genuine" bigger thread.

As a result steel 6 "genuine" (Chinese steel) normal size is 6.5 mm longer just 6mm Southern Steel

Customers buy Chinese coil 6 cheaper but actually pay more than necessary because the volume will increase by (0,5x100 / 6) ~ 8%

surely steel prices that buyers are not lower than 8%.

• You can check the volume in any way?

For large projects, often contractors or investors have more experience,

and large steel volumes often taken directly from the factory on the inspection should be much simpler.

Can you take natural expansion requirements (or roll) large and votes taken in balanced plant.

If you are careful, can you balance the order from the large scale station.

Absolutely not subdivided to balance because large deviations (damage to the seller or buyer), or may be sellers balance wrong.

For civil works, can you buy the mass balance of scales 100kg, you split steel roll out and reweighed.

Or you weigh approximately 10-20 steel ring, then count the number of laps to test, this method has the wrong number, but not too loud can help you check to be quite accurate.

• Upon receipt of rebar you also need to check whether the seller has delivered the right type you requested or not.

Some of the signs to recognize: VKS-shaped flowers tomorrow, Southern Steel has a V-shaped Pomina apples.

2. Some problems when buying tiles tunnel

Tunnel bricks are diverse and increasingly many new brands appear in the market, quality and price is therefore also very different.

We met situations, homeowners want to build your house with the best materials. Particularly with bricks, they chose Dong Nai tunnel bricks and signed a contract with the contractor is using tile Dong Nai,

the requirements on the bricks must have the Dong Nai. But tunnel bricks Dong Nai is a vague name because the market is not only one type of product has the word Dong Nai bricks on bricks but the quality is very different

such as brick Long Thanh Dong Nai (of JSC construction investment and Dong Nai materials), tiles merged into

For more infomation >> kinh nghiệm khi mua vật liệu xây dựng - xd2x - Duration: 6:42.


NGỌN ĐỒI - Call of Duty WWII: Let's Play Tập 8 (Vietsub) - Duration: 21:27.

For more infomation >> NGỌN ĐỒI - Call of Duty WWII: Let's Play Tập 8 (Vietsub) - Duration: 21:27.


New Nail Art 2017 💄😱 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2017 | Part 67 - Duration: 10:21.

Thank you for watching!

Hope you have a great time!

Please, Like, Comment and Subscribe for more!

For more infomation >> New Nail Art 2017 💄😱 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2017 | Part 67 - Duration: 10:21.


Funny Baby Learn Colors disney Princess Sofia Wrong Dress princess Ariel colors learn fun - Duration: 2:11.

Funny Baby Learn Colors disney Princess Sofia Wrong Dress princess Ariel colors learn fun

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