Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 11 2017

These past few months, everybody seems to have had their proverbial jimmies terminally

rustled over the sudden rise of the dreaded lootbox, so with the most egregious example

right around the corner, in the form of Battlefront 2… uh 2…

I'd like to present a different argument for why lootboxes are insulting.

Bear with me.

First, I'd like to address the problems with the most popular argument against lootboxes.

Everyone seems to just be going after the low hanging fruit.

The same people that rightfully jump on idiots like Jack Thompson for saying that video games

will make kids go all Duke Nukem on their friends, have ironically taken up the same

exact argument about lootboxes.

It's all "Oh won't somebody please think of the children?

Little Timmy might buy an Overwatch lootbox and then…

It's just a downward spiral!

Next thing you know he'll be throwing his life away at the craps table!"

We've gone from "videogames cause violence" to "videogames will get you hooked on gambling!"

It's the same fear mongering that anti-videogame activists use, and it just makes some of the

people who oppose lootboxes sound ridiculous.

Buying lootboxes are gambling in the same way that buying a game from Ubisoft is gambling.

You might get a game that's great like Rainbow 6: Siege, or you might get The Division.

Playing roulette, poker, or slots is betting real money or "tokens" in the form of chips

for a chance at more money or tokens, or an item that can be exchanged for real money.

There's no way to cash-out your star cards or weapon variants, they effectively have

no value.

And you're not betting your credits or COD points for a chance at more money.

I've referred to lootboxes as gambling in the past as short hand for a chance-based

activity, and that was incredibly imprecise of me.

Paying money for a chance at skins or ingame items is NOT gambling in the traditional,

legal sense.

Does that mean that I think they're not incredibly slimy and unfun?

Absolutely not.

I don't want them in my games as much as you do.

I'd argue that what actually makes lootboxes so terrible is that they inherently, by their

very design, make progression based games less fun.

They remove the direct connection between the work a player puts into a game, and the

reward they receive.

Back in the good old days of… any time before just about 3 years ago.

You'd have to complete a pre-defined task to unlock the items you wanted.

Get a certain number of kills with a weapon to unlock attachments for it.

Fair enough.

Get enough XP, unlock a new weapon.

That gives me a goal to work towards, and it'll be pretty rewarding when I finally get

150 kills with my weapon and unlock that attachment I wanted.

I personally think this system was at its best in games like Battlefield 3 with the

Assignment system, where players would be encouraged to do something… different to

unlock certain weapons.

It added a nice bit of variety, and emphasized the system's strengths.

The goal-oriented system lets players work DIRECTLY for the things they want.

Psychologically speaking, when you achieve a goal, your brain produces a chemical called

dopamine that makes you feel satisfied.

It's why getting things done makes you feel good.

Something I'm quite unfamiliar with…

On the other hand, a lootbox-based progression system like in Battlefront 2 forces the player

to work toward a CHANCE at getting what they want.

There's a disconnect between the effort a player puts in, and the reward they will receive

in return.

The player can't set their sights on one item in particular, they just have to open their

limited number of crates hoping that they get something that isn't completely worthless

to them.

This would be like if instead of paying you based on the hours you worked every two weeks,

instead your boss took you into a room and had you open a box, which would SOMETIMES

have your paycheck in it, but it would more likely have something of lesser value like

a t-shirt with the company name on it.

You would be an idiot to agree to work for someone under that pretense.

Of course, you're not really entitled to the items you get in a game like you are with

receiving a paycheck, but it certainly does make the whole experience less fun when your

ability to play the way you'd like isn't governed by your skill, but instead by a roll of the


However, just like how getting things done elicits a feeling of satisfaction, so does

random reinforcement from activities involving chance, it's why some people are susceptible

to developing a gambling addiction.

BUT this argument is flawed when it comes to lootboxes.

The random reinforcement someone gets when gambling is magnified by the stakes.

The chance to lose big or win big.

Just to clarify, I'm talking about lootboxes in games like Battlefront 2 and Battlefield

4, where lootboxes are earned directly as part of the progression system within the


So, obtaining lootboxes through playing the game means that the tension of losing or winning

big isn't really present.

If anything, it's just negative reinforcement when a player works hard to obtain a new loot

crate, only to win items that have absolutely no interest in using.

In cases where lootboxes can be purchased with real money, spending a few dollars on

a crate that gives you a few attachments, skins, or starcards is much, much less exciting

than putting a real money on the line with the prospect of winning much more.

Because this threshold for excitement is so low, the way I see it, compare these even

these kinds of lootboxes to Casino gambling is a bit of a false equivalency.

They just end up being an obstacle rather than some new malicious and addictive element.

Not to say that SOME people won't get caught up in them, but for the majority of players

it's a design choice that is detrimental to actually enjoying the game.

Don't misunderstand me, I'm not defending real-money crates that impact the gameplay,

they compromise the balance of a game and should NEVER be present in a multiplayer title.

I'm sure someone in the comments will try to make the counter argument that no, really,

lootboxes are actually a great thing.

They'll claim that it's "just there for people who don't have enough time to progress through

a game normally."

Problem with that is, why lock items behind a crate then?

Why not just sell an XP boost, or the items individually?

Like in siege…

This argument holds absolutely no water as soon as you ya know… use your brain.

Alright, so I've talked about lootboxes when it comes to actual gameplay modifiers in games

like Battlefront 2 and Battlefield 4.

But what about the cosmetics in games like Overwatch and COD: WW2?

I admit that whether or not your weapon looks like pepperoni pizza or not is much less important

than the actual balance of a game, but I can't help but feel that obtaining cosmetics

through random chance cheapens the game a bit.

In older titles, like COD 4, there was something neat about being killed by someone, only to

see that they had Red Tiger camo on their weapon.

So you knew they had obtained 150 headshots with it, so odds are they were at least reasonably


Skins used to be kind of like a badge of honor, where you could show off your accolades and

achievements by what cosmetics you were displaying.

This wasn't just true of Call of Duty, this was widespread.

Halo 3 had things like the Hayabusa set, which showed that the player had found all the hidden

skulls in campaign.

That old system gave a meaning and depth to customizing your character that's lacking

in recent games.

Instead of a piece of gear saying "look how skilled I am" or "look how experienced with

this game I am" they just say "look how lucky I got".

Removing customization elements that actually had meaning feels, to me, like a step backward.

Not to mention that a lot of the time, their implementation is comically out of place.

I mean, COD WW2 has your lootboxes land in front of other players on Normandy beach.




Nothing says "once gritty war series returns to its roots" quite like dropping a crate

full of weapon skins onto the sight of one of the bloodiest invasions in history.

It seems so… shoehorned in.

There's actually an in game challenge for watching other players open supply drops,

THAT is frankly ridiculous.

It makes players opening boxes into a walking advertisement for them, and that is downright


And the fact that Activision filed a patent for a system that will target players based

on their aspirations, and place them in games with better players using paid weapons that

would suit the new player's playstyle so that the newbie gets completely destroyed and HAS

to buy into that new weapon, means that this whole situation of players as advertisements

could actually get a whole lot worse.

I have no interest in becoming a part of the product the devs are selling.

Anyway…To summarize, lootboxes aren't insulting because they're corrupting the youth… or

the evil corporations are going to kill gaming or anything like that.

Well… actually… maybe EA…

No, lootboxes are insulting because they make playing games less fun.

And… isn't it the whole point of playing in the first place?

For more infomation >> Lootboxes are Insulting - Duration: 10:03.


BREAKING NEWS Trump Jr suggested review of sanctions law in Trump Tower meeting, Russian lawyer say - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS Trump Jr suggested review of sanctions law in Trump Tower meeting, Russian lawyer say - Duration: 2:44.


You Are a Sovereign Being – Start Acting Like One! - Duration: 10:45.

You Are a Sovereign Being � Start Acting Like One!

By Jeff Street

Guest writer for Wake Up World

There is a growing awareness and indignation about the injustice and inequality running

rampant in our world, and growing interest in creating the better world that we all know

can exist.

One of the key changes that needs to happen to enable the transformation of our humanity

is to reclaim our personal power to think for ourselves, to discern truth from disinformation,

and to stand firm for what we know is right.

The Source that created us endowed us with free-will and the power to create with our

own thoughts, words, and deeds.

Yet many of us are squandering these endowments, squandering them so badly that the probable

future of humanity is not looking very bright.

Humanity is at a critical junction in its history � one road leads to a very bleak

future, and the other has the potential to be a new golden age.

The outcome depends on us, each one of us, starting right now and it starts by freeing

your mind!

The key to reclaiming our freedom and creating a better world is for each of us to reclaim

our sovereignty.

What is Sovereignty?

The word �Sovereign� refers to the power or right that a nation/state or individual

has to determine its own destiny � to not be controlled by others.

The ability to determine one�s own destiny has been termed SELF-DETERMINATION and it

is one aspect of the timeless ideal called FREEDOM.

Self-determination and freedom are said to be intrinsic rights bestowed on us by Source/God.

The American founding fathers firmly thought so and called these �inalienable� rights.

Personal sovereignty refers to the intrinsic right of an INDIVIDUAL to self-determination.

But having the right of sovereignty is not the same as BEING sovereign.

One must assert a right through one�s thoughts and actions, or the right is essentially lost.

Ultimately your sovereignty has to be demonstrated.

The classic saying �Freedom is not free� echoes this idea � rights must be claimed

by the constant application of attention, thought, and engagement.

An important part of being truly free is the responsibility to be highly discerning about

the ideas, beliefs, and attitudes that we choose to accept from our society.

In fact, we must be independent minded and confident enough to form our own ideas, beliefs,

and attitudes � despite the pressure that society puts on us to conform.

We must not just blindly accept everything our government, religions, teachers, and so

called �experts� want us to believe.

Doing so gives away our power and allows the �powers that be� to create a world that

serves their agenda � a world that might not be in our best interest.

�Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.

Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken by man.

Do not believe in anything simply because it is written in books.

Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.

Do not believe in traditions because the have been handed down for many generations.

Only after careful contemplation, if you find that it rings true with your heart and is

conducive to the good of all, then embrace it.�

Why Personal Sovereignty is Important

If we don�t start forming our own beliefs, trusting our inner knowledge, and standing

for what we know in our hearts is right, the future of our world will be defined and created

by a very few with a very self-serving agenda.

In this world that worships the almighty dollar commercial interests are steering the ship.

We have allowed them to hijack our government, our religions, our media, and our beliefs

and attitudes � materialism, consumerism, separatism, and fear serve their interests.

Giving Away Our Power But the �powers that be� only steer the

ship because we�ve bought into all the beliefs and attitudes and have let ourselves become

apathetic and disengaged.

So let�s not point fingers and blame those that we perceive are manipulating us.

Realize the we are ALLOWING ourselves to be manipulated, allowing ourselves to be taken

to a future not of our design.

We are fully responsible for everything about our lives including what we let happen to

us, and we are letting a lot happen to us.

Don�t fall into the �victim mentality� trap and get caught up in the blame and complain

game � that only gives away your power.

�As long as the general public is passive, apathetic, and distracted by consumerism or

hatred, then the powerful can do as they please, and those who survive will be left to contemplate

the outcome.� ~ Noam Chomsky

Far too many of us are just are letting our beliefs and values be determined by others.

Far too many of us are just going along with what we are told, following what our government,

church, teachers, or idols have told us to believe, or do, or be, explicitly or implicitly.

Far too many of us are deferring to the opinions and ideas of the �AUTHORITIES�.

This gives away our power and allows others to control us.

And often times the �authorities�, or those that control/influence them, have hidden

agendas that are not in our best interest.

�Mass beliefs in the power of outside authorities are firmly entrenched in your psyche � raising

many questions about the truth of who you are and why you place your trust outside yourself.�

~ Barbara Marciniak, Path of Empowerment

To reclaim our power we need to start forming OUR OWN beliefs, trust our inner truth, and

do what WE KNOW is right, not what others tell us, or society expects.

We need to engage our hearts and minds and stand firm in what we know is true and right.

If we don�t do this soon, we might find ourselves living in a dystopian future like

the ones explored in numerous fiction novels.

The Erosion of Freedom in The Age of Distraction, Obsession, and Fear

In this era dominated by consumerism, materialism, and the pursuit of the almighty dollar many

of us are so busy and distracted by chasing the money, and the possessions, and the thrills

that we are failing to see that we are gradually giving away more and more of our power and


This slow erosion is going on all around us, subtly and not so subtly, on many levels.

Our obsession with the accumulation of possessions � materialism and consumerism � keeps

us distracted from what really matters.

Our fixation on all the dangerous, bad, fearful things happening in the world keeps us distracted

from what�s important.

All the wars including the �war on terrorism� and the �war on drugs� keep us mesmerized

in fear.

�Your power ends where your fear begins.� ~ Barbara Marciniak, Path of Empowerment

And who does this all serve?

It serves shadowy commercial and political interests and the military-industrial complex

and keeps them in the power and in the money.

For them it�s all about the money, nothing else seems to matter, no higher purpose than

to serve themselves.

And they are masters of manipulation and are capitalizing on our weaknesses and our fears.

Isn�t it obvious?

Haven�t we had enough of this?

Reclaiming Our Power

It�s our divine right and responsibility to own our beliefs, ideas, principles, and


It�s time we reclaim our confidence in our inner knowledge and have the courage to stand

for truth and justice despite what our institutions, the media, and others may be telling us.

We need to stop blaming the system and wake-up from our laziness, distractions, and dependencies

to reclaim our power so we can create a better world!

It�s time to remember who you really are, not who others or society says you are or

can be.

It is time to stand in your own personal truths, not what others have told you is true.

It is time to form your own beliefs, rather than just adopt what others believe.

It is time to stand for what you know in your heart is right, rather than what society tells

you is right, even if it means standing alone.

You are a slice of the powerful infinite being that we call the Universe, the source of �All

That Is�.

Stand in that power confidently!


You don�t need teachers, experts, professors, gurus, priests, pastors, church leaders, or

heroes/idols to tell you what to believe, or what the truth is, or to show you how to

connect with God.

You don�t need THEIR beliefs, ideologies, or specific practices that they swear are

the one and only way to reach the truth.

�We don�t need no education, we don�t need no thought control�� ~ Pink Floyd,

Another Brick In The Wall

It is all within you, all the knowledge of the universe is deep within you.

You are connected to all of it, to Source or God or whatever you choose to call it,

just go within and become quiet and trust what you find, what you feel, what you know.

Awaken to the divine intelligence within.

A bright future for humanity is still very much possible, but we�re going to have wake

up out of our haze of consumption, distraction, laziness, apathy, and fear and start paying

attention and getting engaged.

Even though all our experiences expand Source�s understanding of itself and the nature of

its existence and, therefore, are all valuable, surely we�ve had enough of the many less-than-desirable

themes repeating in our experiences.

Surely we�ve had enough of wage and debt slavery, of going to a job every day that

we hate or bores us to tears, of all the competition and conflict, of all the pain and suffering

� have we not?

I think it is safe to say that our Source would encourage us choose a higher and grander

vision of what we could be.

I think it�s safe to say that our Source would prefer the experience of joy, abundance,


freedom � for all.

Let�s make it happen!

For more infomation >> You Are a Sovereign Being – Start Acting Like One! - Duration: 10:45.


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フォルクスワーゲン 新型 アルテオン CC後継 5ドアグランツーリズモ 東京モーターショー2017公開 | ョーワイドナシ - Duration: 6:06.

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The Problem with Exponents - Duration: 2:35.

The order of operations is a staple of our mathematics system that has an entire world of mathematics built on top of it.

However, there's one fatal flaw in it that I'm surprised hasn't been taken into consideration.

And that is, well, Exponents!

Exponents? What's the matter with them?

I hear you ask. Well dear viewer, they are in the incorrect place. As we have been taught, exponents are a form of multiplication.

Now, I'm sure that there are currently Math geeks seeing where I'm going, and saying,

"No they're not. the reason that exponents are above multiplication is so when you have a problem like 4 ÷ 2^2

We're not multiplying

Only 2 times 2, because the four interfered at the beginning

Instead, you are multiplying 2*2 first (so the exponent takes priority for some reason), and the four interferes at the END

And you get one. Now, that makes sense to an average listener (not trying to call you guys dumb, actually calling you guys smart if you understood my crap wording)

But it's not true. What this geek seems to be talking about is an exponent inside of parentheses.

As, Parentheses would literally be one step above multiplication if exponents moved in with his friends. And think about it anyway.

Isn't that the purpose of parentheses anyway?

To prioritize certain mathematical phrases

Which is what the geek was talking about? In fact, the dictionary definition

for exponents even says it itself, saying,

"a quantity representing the power to which a given number

or expression is to be raised, usually expressed as a raised symbol beside the number or expression.

Example: 3 in 2^3 = 2•2•2"

So, at the end, it says that an exponent is equal to 2 times 2 times 2

Which means, that while it makes sense for it to take priority

because of what the geek said earlier, it doesn't make mathematical sense for it to take priority, unless it is inside of parentheses.

Because, as the dictionary said, it is still equal to 2 times 2 times 2.

So where should exponents go? Going to multiplication seems like the obvious solution.

However, moving in with his neighbor parentheses would not only make sense as well,

But, it would also have a lower impact on our minds and mathematics.

However since I trust the dictionary, I'm gonna stick with multiplication,

And put it in parentheses when I wish to prioritize it.

For more infomation >> The Problem with Exponents - Duration: 2:35.


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For more infomation >> Try Not To Laugh Challenge - Funny Fails Vine compilation REACT YOUTUBE LAUGH - Duration: 1:05.


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For more infomation >> Boş Güzellik / Kısa Uzakdoğu Filmi / Türkçe altyazılı - Duration: 8:12.


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Try not to laugh CHALLENGE REACT YOUTUBE LAUGH, - Duration: 1:17.


For more infomation >> Try not to laugh CHALLENGE REACT YOUTUBE LAUGH, - Duration: 1:17.




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