Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 11 2017

As the general of the Terran army you must wage war against the Protoids -

destroy their bases and reign supreme. This is my review of Planet X2 - a

real-time strategy game developed by David Murray otherwise known as the

8-bit guy for the Commodore 64.

Before I start the review I want to mention that this is a beta or

pre-release copy that David has sent me for review so there are some bugs that I

encountered in this game that are fixed in the final release that you'll be

playing if you decide to pick the game up so with that said let's go ahead and

jump into the review.

Welcome to Planet X2 - the basic strategy is to locate and

gather resources build your base and your offensive units and destroy the

enemy. Resources come in the form of minerals - rocks and crystals. Methane gas

is located on these volcano looking vents and energy from the Sun needs to

be collected in order to build your structures and units. Each structure and

unit you build uses resources so it's important to start building your supply

up. Your builder units will gather your materials they will also mow through

trees and be used for exploration of the map - be careful though, builders have no

offensive capabilities at all and are exposed

if close to enemy units. A factory is your main building and will store all

your materials that you've gathered and will allow you to construct more

builders and tank units. You can build more than one factory, when the enemy

wipes out all your factories the game is over. Solar panels can be built to gather

energy you can create solar panels anywhere on the map that you've

discovered the more solar panels you build the faster your energy suppliers

will increase. Tanks and missile silos are your offensive options. Tanks can

fire at anything. Press "space" and then select your target and then press "space"

again to fire. You can double tap space to repeat the same attack. Tanks can also

self-destruct that causes a large explosion and will destroy everything in

its radius. Finally a tank can be locked down and turned into sentry mode that

will guard the area around it. Tanks and builders can't cross water so

you will need to build bridges some enemy bases are behind water so this is

necessary in order to push forward to locate and attack the enemy. You can even

build a wall around your base which will keep the enemy out but at the cost of

minerals and time. Missile silos are used to build and launch missiles with no

limit on their range they pack a devastating punch and can wipe out an

enemy base from afar. However you must locate your enemy base first. Sending out

tanks or builders to scout ahead while building missile silos is my strategy of

choice, but be warned the enemy has its own plans to take you out! The enemy

Protoid base consists of a pyramid guarded by sentry pods. These pods will

attack any Terran unit that gets close enough. Just like the Terran factories

the Protoid can build more than one pyramid and each pyramid can have its

own sentry pods. The Protoids will send out scouts to look for your base.

They can also sabotage and destroy your refineries, solar panels and tanks. With

the ability to swim across water, they don't travel in large groups and it's

easy to miss them because you may not always know when they are attacking.

In order to beat the Protoids you must destroy all of their pyramids.

This is a real-time strategy game for the Commodore 64 that's very fun and

addictive. If you are a fan of Dune 2 or Starcraft you will feel right at home

here. Technically it's very impressive that a

game like this is even possible on the C64. The 8-bit Guy makes a claim that

it's possibly the only real-time C64 strategy game around and he might be

right. There are 9 different maps to play and three difficulty settings.

A single game can easily reach twenty minutes or longer and there's that

"just one more game" addictive quality about it. The game was written in 100% assembly

language and it runs really well it's also a true multitasking game by that I

mean you can switch units and structures anytime you like even if they are

occupied. I found the easy difficulty a good introduction to get used to the

game because there is a learning curve. You need to sink some time into this one

If you're expecting to master and get good at this game on your first try then

this may not be the right game for you. It took me six attempts to defeat the

protoids but the first time I won it was a great feeling !

There you go victory! We ended up beating the Protoids on that map

Medium and hard settings really increase the difficulty. You begin with

much less resources in medium and on hard you begin with none. Gathering

resources needs to be the first order of business in order for you to win.

The user interface has been influenced by the Ultima games and the control is

entirely keyboard driven .The keyboard control feels a very natural I really

appreciate the WASD keyboard movement - once you learn the keyboard you will be

selecting, moving and building units and structures in no time. The manual is very

well put together. David even talks about the design and development decisions he

made about the game and goes into some detail in how he squeezed it all into 64

kilobytes of memory. There has been a lot of care and attention put into this game.

Everything from the game itself, to the box art and packaging

It's not a perfect game however. There are a few things or an extra bit of

polish I wish the game had that I want to talk about. Once you've learned how to

beat an enemy on a map you've effectively trivialized that map. If you

repeat your steps you will win every single time this is due to the fact that

the enemy bases and your base spawns in exactly the same XY coordinates.

However the game has 9 maps to pick from so this isn't a huge deal. Each map has its

own enemy placements so exploring and winning on all the maps will take you

many many hours. So just move on to the next map and on to the next challenge.

The in-game music is very repetitive and gets on your nerves pretty quick. The

tune is great but feels unfinished this may be due to memory limitations but

every good C64 game needs a good SID soundtrack you'll find most likely

turning the music off pretty quickly. Just press "M" to switch to sound effects.

I will say that because I'm playing a beta release that this may change for

the final release, but to help with this the game does come with a complete

soundtrack on MP3 and Cassette to listen to as you play the game so I recommend

you do that instead and keep the sound effects turned on. I also want to talk

about the loading speed. On a real C64 Planet X2 loads fairly quick. When you

start a game there is an additional load for the map. One thing that could be

improved is that once you've entered a game and you start a new one with the

same map, currently it loads it from disk all over again. On a real C64 this is a

25 second delay an additional wear on the disk and the disk drive. What I'd

like to see is if the map is already loaded into the C64s, memory it

shouldn't require a needless disk access to load the same map from the disk all

over again.

If you win or lose a game no matter the outcome, you will see a

summary screen. I'd like to see a nice graphic victory screen that rewards you

for defeating the enemy.

There really needs to be some randomness to the bases,

not always have them spawn in the same location but maybe within a small

vicinity as it's too easy to build missiles and launch them at your enemy for a

quick victory once you've learned their location.

I'd also like to see some additional gamification added - For example a high score table would be cool.

Your best times is on an individual map for a particular difficulty level or

maybe some overarching statistics on the number of wins, losses and rage quits

you've had with a disk save to persist them all.

But these things don't detract

from a very good game. There is real tension and excitement when you see the

Protoids coming to attack your base or when you are

primed and ready to launch a missile strike on the enemy.

It's taken the 8-bit Guy

almost a year to develop this game and it shows.

So in conclusion - what do I think about Planet X2 - for the Commodore 64 ?

Well I think this is a great game and I think you should go pick it up and support

homebrew development in 2017 as well as the 8-Bit Guy. He's put so much care and

attention into this game and it shows. Everything from the packaging, the

game, the manual, the cassette just the little extras that you get when you buy

this game is really something you can tell he's put so much care and attention

and he wants this game to be successful and I think it will be I think it's a

good enough game to really be successful and I wish him the best of luck. Now he

also mentioned to me that if the game is successful it does sell well he will

consider an enhanced version for another system I would like to see an enhanced

version for the Commodore 128 that has the ability to control units with a 1351

commodore mouse as well as some additional randomization to the map so

the enemies don't always spawn in the same location every single time I think

that would be kind of cool as well as a campaign mode where you can actually

kind of go through the maps in some type of story mode. I did ask how long the

development time was and he told me that it was about a year in the making and

you know he took on the undertaking of the box and the manual and the cassettes

all himself I think initially he was going to do a Kickstarter to kind of

raise money and do it that way but he's taken it on himself and that's a bit of

a gamble I mean there's there's nothing certain in this world and you know if

the game doesn't sell as many copies as he expects then he's not going to make

money at it in fact he's gonna lose money but I think this game is a great

game definitely support it because you're supporting homebrew development

you're supporting the C64 and you're supporting The 8-Bit Guy which is a great

YouTube channel and a great Youtuber. I tested this game on a Commodore 64

PAL version and a Commodore 64C NTSC and a Commodore 128D and an SX- 64

and the game works fine on all of those machines, so if you worried about PAL

versus NTSC compatibility issues, rest assured the game works fine on

everything I tried. It even supports the SD2IEC

1541 floppy emulator and the 1541 Ultimate II cartridge so compatibility is

100% across the board at least with all the systems that I tried playing this

game on. And also you will receive a D64 ROM image to play on your favorite

emulator and I actually recommend something like Vice on the PC or Mac and

if you're playing on an Amiga you can use something like the Magic64

emulator the game runs fine on that as well I've tested that as well.

That will about do it for this video guys let me know what you thought

about this review in the comments below as always don't forget to Like and

subscribe and I'll catch you guys in the next video - bye for now.

For more infomation >> Planet X2 - A game by The 8-Bit Guy for the Commodore 64 - Reviewed! - Duration: 13:21.


Fortnite и CS - играют нубы... кто может играть хуже чем мы? - Duration: 2:38:22.

For more infomation >> Fortnite и CS - играют нубы... кто может играть хуже чем мы? - Duration: 2:38:22.


Justice League NEWS Parademon Attack Trailer? Post Credit Scenes DETAILS? Lex? Black Canary In JL? - Duration: 8:04.

online age what did you do this weekend nothing very interesting I need warriors

I mean

thank you we do this together Blackheart

Justice League what's with you chief What's is good youtube Warstu here with another video on the

Justice than me let's speak Justice League news so you've seen the parademon

trailer before this we see gal gadot with a parademon for the first time

properly a proper in-depth look we get to see Barry Allen being saved by

Batman so other than the Batman the guy without

any powers and it looks like it's a scene when they're all taking on

Steppenwolf which is very interesting so yesterday we had the social media

embargo drop and there were a lot of positive reactions 90% of being positive

we have some click betas on YouTube saying mixed bags they weren't mixed

bags guys most the reviews literally said it was awesome ahead said it had a

few negative things about it but that's standard with these kind of things so

there was two post credits scenes confirm Jason Momoa told everyone to

stay to the end of the cinema but now big companies like comic

have said wait till the end that says to post credits scenes which is pretty cool

so there's a massive rumor going around that Deathstroke is talking to Lex

Luthor and he's gonna break him out of Arkham Asylum because he remember him

Batman vs Superman right at the end Batman threatened to take Lex Luthor to

Arkham Asylum but what's interesting is Lex Luthor's supposed to be a big part

of the actual overall narrative for the Justice League movie but maybe this is a

big setup for Man of Steel too and a setup for Deathstroke silent movie if

you remember a year ago Zack Snyder shared the image of him cosplaying and

he's drawing a storybook story arc and we can clearly see a bald guy and

Deathstroke so this scene was definitely shot and it's definitely there but I've

said for months that this Deathstroke breaking Lex Luthor out has to happen

somewhere inside the movie and really it was in the kind of test screening that

happened three months ago so it's getting pretty cool if this scene plays

out at the start of the Justice League or

towards the end but actor Karen Hines did say that Lex Luthor plays a big

of the movie but he doesn't actually physically interact with anyone else

inside the Justice League members at least so it's a bit misleading in terms

of what's gonna happen and supposedly well this is just a

theory the second part is dark side killing Steppenwolf I think that would

be really strong we send a mass message message out to DC and comic book movie

fans that Darkseid is the biggest bad biggest bad villain ever

so recently Ben Affleck has something to say which I am really happy about it was

also confirmed with the critics saying you think you've seen a lot from the

trailers you've seen nothing that's why it's cool for me to play the first

trailer so he said this none of the Justice League secrets have

been revealed well I think at anytime you're making a movie you're telling a

story you don't want to give it away these movies play these these people

play a lot of attention to them so you have to work a little bit harder to keep

secrets there's some cool reveals and fun twists and so far we've managed to

keep them secret obviously this was at the 8th and obviously the social meet

the actual review embargo doesn't drop to wednesday so I believe these twists

and turns haven't been revealed yet which is interesting because the whole

cast during the London press section kept emit rain that Superman was dead

they kept saying over and over again Superman's only in a dream sequence

Superman not physically in the movie so I'm presuming there's a massive fun

twist to the kind of Superman 20 buck which is pretty cool because one critic

said oh wait I can't he basically said that he couldn't wait for anyone for

everyone to see this Superman serum and he can't wait to talk about it so that's

pretty cool and also there's rumors that Superman and the flash get into a race

which is gonna be iconic in is pretty cool but let's be honest guys we all

know the flash would destroy me in a race

that that's just period so sink interest that came from Twitter last night so

someone has seen the movie called Jeremy Cod run I believe that's how you say his

name I'm thinking off the top of my head so when

Aston is the black Clara in the film when he said kind of which is which has

led people to think in that even if it's Easter egg

are they hinting that maybe there's a green arrow movie in the lines that

people have wanted many years obviously the arrow TV show being highly

successful the green arrow movie would be successful just for that premise or

are they hinting to a birds of prey movie with Black Canary so it's pretty

cool because a lot of critics did say there would be a lot of Easter eggs so

maybe there's just gonna be Easter eggs too like arrow Black Canary I mean the

flashes of May is a big part of the arrowverse so if the flash can be in a

DC movie why can't the arrow be in there and there was supposedly a lot of hints

to Justice League - from what I was reading

they left the movie in such a way that they could set it up for a second part

without committing to one character being the big bad so that makes me

believe darks like maybe maybe there isn't a dark I teased but if they leave

the movie in such a way that they don't they're not committed to actually having

one big bad maybe dark side isn't there but from what I'm reading that is a

strong dark side tease or presence somewhere so guys let me know what you

think about Justice League reaction reviews people misleading you saying

it's a mixed bag when if you read them there is no mixed bag everyone's

consistent says some problems with the movie is the villain let's be honest

guys this is a problem empty you have had for a long while except Loki Heller

and maybe fast we haven't really seen them they've had some pretty bad

villains like Ultron Rowan I can t remember the villain for the first

Avengers movies that's how bad the MCU villains are so this is the same with

the kind of DC EU I mean doomsday wasn't the best villain Ares wasn't the best

villain I mean the Joker in the Dark Knight that's probably in the best

villain in any kind of DC movie period so guys let me know the con works down

low what do you think about his post credits

scene suppose II being Deathstroke and Lex Luthor what

you think about Black Canary and arrow being alive in the DCE you

I think the arrow move your Black Canary movie would be awesome and let me know

are you gonna go see it maybe how you gonna go see a movie when you're gonna

go see a movie and who what's your expectation for each one of the

characters and just as a side note everyone's moaning about the CGI on

cyborg I mean from all the traders and stuff that the CGI looks pretty cool to

me but I don't know guys anyway I'm gonna be watching man Padma versus

Superman or by dish' tonight if you guys want me to do a kind of review about it

maybe I might do it maybe I'm not sure I think it would be cool as I'm rewatching

Man of Steel but another Superman one run inside and kind of Suicide Squad

though Suicide Squad is relevant to just leave maybe I'm just gonna re-watch more

before I go what's Justice League this coming week anyway guys please like

subscribe and comment that would be awesome hit that Bell button to never

miss a war see video and I will catch you in another video

catch ya later

For more infomation >> Justice League NEWS Parademon Attack Trailer? Post Credit Scenes DETAILS? Lex? Black Canary In JL? - Duration: 8:04.


PAKISTANI COUPLE"wedding dance - Duration: 1:30.



For more infomation >> PAKISTANI COUPLE"wedding dance - Duration: 1:30.


Learn Colors with Cars & Superheroes in Spiderman Cartoon for Kids Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 12:51.

Learn Colors with Cars & Superheroes in Spiderman Cartoon for Kids Nursery Rhymes

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Cars & Superheroes in Spiderman Cartoon for Kids Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 12:51.


JUST IN: NFL Anthem Protesters Get Horrific News, Media Narrative Destroyed. - Duration: 3:39.

JUST IN: NFL Anthem Protesters Get Horrific News, Media Narrative Destroyed.

It appears the NFL's national anthem protests might not be as widespread as the Left wants

us to believe.

The Washington Times reports that for all intents and purposes, the protests in the

NFL are winding down.

Now, only a few players from two hyper-liberal cities are still participating in the protests.

The establishment media has used the protests to promote their leftist narrative.

They have treated these players as heroes who are fighting injustice by kneeling for

the national anthem.

Additionally, they have worked to convince the American public that a large number of

players are engaging in this movement.

However, it appears this isn't true.

According to The Washington Times, most of the players protesting belong to two teams:

the San Francisco 49ers and the Seattle Seahawks.

Both of these cities are far from being bastions of conservatism.

As two of the most liberal cities in the country, it is unsurprising that players from these

teams make up the bulk of the current protests.

The number of players kneeling for the anthem has decreased dramatically over the past few


In September, almost 200 players engaged in the protest.

The broadened protest was in response to President Trump's statement that players who kneel

should be fired.

Now that the anger over his comments has mostly subsided, most of these players are no longer


The Times states that on most Sundays, only about 15 players sit or kneel for the national


Each of these players belongs to the Seahawks or 49ers.

In addition to the fact that these teams are in liberal cities, the owners of both teams

are demonstrably liberal-leaning.

Paul Allen, owner of the Seahawks, donated almost $30,000 to Hillary Clinton's campaign

and $24,300 to the Democratic National Committee.

Jed York, owner of the 49ers, gave $1,000 to Clinton's campaign.

If the owners of these teams supported Clinton, it's not surprising that they would allow

players to kneel for the anthem — especially if they are doing it in defiance of the President.

Ever since former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick decided to start kneeling for the

national anthem before games, the protests have been a significant issue in the league.

Kaepernick stated that he refused to stand for the national anthem of a country that

supposedly supports police brutality against black men.

While many agreed with Kaepernick's stance on police brutality, they did not agree with

his method of protest.

The quarterback received much criticism for his actions.

As 2016 came to a close, the debate over the issue began to subside.

However, it was reignited when President Donald Trump lashed out against football players

who kneel for the anthem during a speech in May, calling it an act of disrespect against

the military.

The NFL has lost many viewers, and its ratings have plummeted.

While there are other contributing factors to the league's decline, it's hard to

deny that the protests have played an important role.

Football fans dislike politics interfering with the game — they just want to be entertained.

Now, the sport has become another divisive issue in American culture.

Hopefully, after the fervor over the protests dies down, football can return to a sense

of normalcy.

Fewer NFL players are deciding to kneel in protest of the national anthem.

Do you think the protests are finally coming to an end?

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> JUST IN: NFL Anthem Protesters Get Horrific News, Media Narrative Destroyed. - Duration: 3:39.


صناعة الأهداف ◆ غير حياتك ◆ مشهد من محاضرة رائعة جدا للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 14:48.

For more infomation >> صناعة الأهداف ◆ غير حياتك ◆ مشهد من محاضرة رائعة جدا للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 14:48.


Why Are Metals Shiny? - Duration: 2:42.

nothing grabs your I quite like shiny and when it comes to shine nothing beats

a good metallic sheen from mirrors to jewelry medals are prized for their

ability to glitter like well gold their shininess is basically a built in

property and there's a good reason why it's a quirk of the weird way their

electrons behave in a metal atom the outermost electrons are only weakly

attached to the nucleus when a bunch of metal atoms come together in a chunk

these outer electrons wiggle free creating what scientists usually think

of as a negatively charged sea of electrons flowing around a network of

positively charged ions this moving sea is a big part of what makes metals metal

for example you can hammer them into different shapes without cracking them

because the electrons can move to compensate for the atomic nuclei

shifting around and all those free electrons are great at conducting

electricity that's also why metals are shiny what we call shine is actually

reflected light but it doesn't just bounce off the surface like a tennis

ball instead when a wave of light hits the sea of electrons the electrons

absorb the light waves energy which makes them wobble a little that movement

generates a second wave of light one that radiates back up from the surface

that's what we see is a shine the free electrons and metals are especially good

at this vibrating to match visible light thing but different metals shine in

different ways that's big as depending on the metal the sea of electrons will

have a different mass and density which affects how freely the electrons can

move and therefore whether they can vibrate to match the incoming wave most

metals are silvery because they reflect most visible light but not all of it

which makes them a little darker than pure white a few metals like gold and

copper aren't able to reflect the bluest wavelengths of light so they shine with

a reddish or yellowish hue and there are no guarantees that a metal will reflect

higher energy waves like UV and x-rays at all waves that aren't reflected

penetrate into the metal where they can either be absorbed or pass right through

depending on both the type of metal and how thick it is silver for example is

one of the best reflectors of visible light which is why it was one of the

first metals used for mirrors but it's terrible at reflecting UV rays if I

locked you in a thin the silver box and put it in direct sunlight it would be

completely dark in there but you could still get sunburned you know

hypothetically metals like tin and aluminum are much better at reflecting

ultraviolet light which is why they're used in roofing lead on the other hand

can reflect even the high-energy x-rays that penetrate most metals making it an

ideal way to protect parts of your body that your doctor doesn't want

x-ray that's also why Superman can't see through it so metals can shine in lots

of different ways but it all comes from the same thing a bunch of electrons

moving around thanks for asking and thanks especially to all of our patrons

on patreon who keep these answers coming if you would like to submit questions to

be answered you can go to

For more infomation >> Why Are Metals Shiny? - Duration: 2:42.


So, about LEGO Batman Minifigures Series 2 in 2018... - Duration: 1:10.

Hello, just2good here,

and today someone got their hands on a checklist for

2018's LEGO Minifigures Batman Series 2.

Now, in case this is like a factory leak,

I can't show a picture here but you can check it out,

linked in the description,

which shows all the minifigs of the series.

I'll save my full thoughts for when pictures are officially revealed,

but I have to say,

there's a lot of good but some pretty bad choices.

For the good choices,

it literally boils down to everything but five minifigures -

those five minifigures are these beach versions of Batman, Joker, Robin, Batgirl, and Alfred.

For some reason, they waste five spots

with these uninteresting versions that didn't appear in the movie.

They give us a another Beach Batman

that looks like an inferior version to the one in Series 1.

It's odd that there's only two versions of Batman in this series,

the other being a mermaid Batman.

But I love obscurue villains they're giving us,

like Black Canary,

Clock King,

Hugo Strange,

Proffesor Phsophurus,

and Black Vulcan.

Also, I love the Wonder Twins,

but I'm sad none have a the monkey.

It's nice to see the General Zod and Jor-El

from the movie in this set as they have great recolors of useful hair pieces.

Anyways, what do you guys think?

Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Peace out.


For more infomation >> So, about LEGO Batman Minifigures Series 2 in 2018... - Duration: 1:10.


UFO's And The Bible Code – Humanity Awakening – A Message From The Council Of 12 - Duration: 5:55.

UFO�s And The Bible Code � Humanity Awakening � A Message From The Council Of 12

by Paranormal Now,

What have several passages from the bible, Chinese creation myths, the phoenix lights,

the Rendlesham forest incident, UFO sightings in Kent, and a 1950s sighting in a stadium

in Florence Italy have in common.

The answer is a connection to the awakening of humanity and an extra terrestrial council

of 12, a seemingly enlightened group of beings that have been protecting planet earth for

centuries, whilst helping us to advance spiritually.

Throughout 2017 we have been broadcasting a series of live streams on YouTube to connect

with the spirit world, using several inter trans-communication devices or as their more

commonly known as Ghost Boxes, devices that use the manipulation of radio signals and

other such audio input to give direct spirit communication.

When conducting these live streams we were expecting to get responses from loved ones

connected with either the investigation team or those watching at home.

Instead we have consistently over 8 sessions, received information of a profound nature

coming from beings that claim to be representatives of an extra terrestrial Council of 12.

The video below is taken from our Now Investigations 6 live streams where after receiving several

communications from these beings we set out with the intent to contact them directly.

As up until this point it was unclear who we were speaking with.

It was during this live stream that they identified themselves through the device.

Here is a brief summary of some of the things they have told us during this particular session.

There are ET�s on earth that mean harm, they were from the Orion system, take human

form and have worked in the dark for centuries manipulating human development.

Our religious texts have been manipulated by man over time and should be treated as

code, even if the events are factual in nature, the essence of such passages of Acts 2, the

story of Jericho and Ezekiel�s wheel can act as a guide for the awakening of humanity,

to be understood when we reach the level of consciousness that enables us to look beyond

the manipulation.

UFO sightings worldwide are connected, and generally these encounters are harmless.

The Council of 12 along with other alien species and institutions were around during the early

ages of man, which corroborates the work of other researchers such as Delores Cannon,

and David Icke.

The Annunaki are real and may reference the agents of Orion that have infiltrated Planet


On several occasions, the responses mention a being named Anu, who acts as a false God,

and could even be the God referenced in parts of the bible, who holds power over planet


There is a real world meaning to the Ark of the Covenant in today�s society which would

be beneficial to mankind.

The awakening process has been attempted many times on Planet earth and has essentially

failed due to numerous reasons, mostly because of the numbers of people that are spiritually

in tune at any point in time.

At this point we are further along as a race than we have been for some time.

As more of humanity are awake than have been before.

The 8th of May 2018 will be a significant date in relation to the September 23rd astrological

alignment, and the US eclipse of August 2017.

But this is not the end of the world as some have claimed more like a energetic transformation.

The threat of the illuminate and New World Order is real, and something that humanity

needs to resist.

Pope Francis aims to instigate a one world religion.

Some of these claims seem unbelievable in terms of conventional thinking, and we have

always said that these claims are the opinion of the consciousness we are communicating

with, but is there something to it?

Well this is why we have made this documentary in order to get the opinions of a potential


What we can say with some conviction however is that communication with these beings has

been something that has been with us for some time, as many members of our investigation

team have had personal experience with these beings, through meditation, dreams and other

forms of communication.

All these beings have asked of us, is that we share the experience of communicating with

them and their message for humanity, that though our world is tyranny, there is so much

love, and human beings are infinitely more brilliant and powerful than we ever could

have realised, and if ever there was a time to tap into that power, that love, and that

connection to the universe it is now.

The pictures attached to this article were taken from a recent Paranormal Investigation

in South Wales, in a pub that has no connection to Extra terrestrial contact, in a 5th story

window raised about 5 foot from the floor, the reflection seen in the window is not that

of what was in the room, or the outside, but appears to show several figures, one of which

appears very similar to that of an alien Grey.

Is this evidence of the Paranormal you decide, your feedback is very welcome to our ongoing

research and if this article/video resonates with you then please do share with your friends

who would enjoy it

For more infomation >> UFO's And The Bible Code – Humanity Awakening – A Message From The Council Of 12 - Duration: 5:55.


Fue Saç Ekimi ☀ [2018] ► Op. Dr. Altan Yücetaş - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Fue Saç Ekimi ☀ [2018] ► Op. Dr. Altan Yücetaş - Duration: 4:24.


Tommy Shelby - Peaky Blinders - Series 4 - BBC First - Duration: 0:31.

You can go but you won't get far

This is who I am!

It was you who made a mistake

Today, we end this war between us

For more infomation >> Tommy Shelby - Peaky Blinders - Series 4 - BBC First - Duration: 0:31.




BY Vic Bishop,

Just a generation ago human communication was completely different from now, and as

technology moves faster than we can keep pace, many of us are realizing that there are discreetly

negative aspects to such immersion in social media.

Sebastian Junger is an American journalist and author, best-known for his coverage of

the war on terror in which he spent a great deal of time ion the front lines of Afghanistan.

His book War, was a scorching portrayal of life on the edge of the American empire and

the conflux of brotherhood and futility. In 2010 he directed the acclaimed documentary,

Restrepo, which captured life for the American grunt in Afghanistan.

As an antrhopolgist, Junger has a keen perspective on humanity and the forces which drive us,

hold us together and tear us apart. Speaking in a recent podcast with Joe Rogan, Junger

commented on the effects that social media and handheld technologies are having on society.

His views are quite important as we swiftly approach the singularity, all the while never

really getting around to asking the important questions about how technology may not be

serving us well.

�I�m an anthropologist� and I look at the behavior, literally the physical behavior

of people with smartphones and it looks anti-social, unhappy and anxious, and I don�t want to

look like that, and I don�t want to feel like I think those people feel.� ~Sebastian

Junger Their talk began with a conversation about

why Junger does not carry a smart phone, but rather an older style flip phone, then quickly

jumped into the effects of social media on mental health and on society as a whole. Citing

increases in mass shootings, depression, anxiety, suicide, and these types of negative events,

Junger links this to the rise of the information age, in which people are actually less connected

to human beings than ever before.

Rogan remarks that smartphones seem like a drug that doesn�t kill you but sucks up

all your time, causing you to just stare blankly at your hand.

�There is a drug. It�s that, social media. I think the big lie of our generation is the

phrase social media. It really isn�t, it�s anti-social media. And it has a lot of uses,

and whatever, but it�s not social in any human sense, and if you look at suicide rates,

depression rates, PTSD rates, anxiety rates, they�re doing nothing but going up in our

society. Mass shootings�

All those things, they�re indicators of something and they�re all going up in our

society despite the fact that we�re a very wealthy, powerful, relatively peaceful society.

I can�t prove that it�s social media, the internet, obviously, but the fact that

those things are happening at the same time does make me wonder that these new devices

certainly don�t bring happiness.� ~Sebastian Junger

A big part of the issue, according to Junger, is that people are not actually no longer

experiencing their lives in the way that we were meant to.

�I think the problem is when people want to be socially connected constantly, no matter

what they�re doing. And that, I think, keeps people from actually fully experiencing whatever

they�re actually doing.� ~Sebastian Junger There is a great appeal to these technologies,

to be sure, but something is amiss here, and we are overlooking something as the technologies

advance and push themselves further into our lives.

�The thing about social media is that it sort of weoponizes blandness. It allows, it

gives people a platform for the most mundane, uninteresting aspects of their lives, because

they have to constantly, constantly be producing some kind of output, communication.� ~Sebastian

Junger Remarking on why teenagers are increasing

in rates of anxiety, and he notes the need for constant validation that social media


�Anxiety rates in teenagers have skyrocketed. Anxiety partly comes from a sort of a painful

self-awareness, and of course, that�s amplified by because you can never escape the opinions

of your peers. That�s crippling to people.� ~Sebastian Junger

Watch the first few minutes of this episode for Junger�s complete comments on this subject:

Of course, there is good reason to question the effects that social media is having on

our minds. Even one of the founders of Facebook, Sean Parker, recently stated that these platforms

exploit a vulnerability in the human psyche to create a feedback loop of self-validation.

His comments were quite candid, and show how just how dangerous this is.

�When Facebook was getting going, I had these people who would come up to me and they

would say, �I�m not on social media.� And I would say, �OK. You know, you will

be.� And then they would say, �No, no, no. I value my real-life interactions. I value

the moment. I value presence. I value intimacy.� And I would say, � �We�ll get you eventually.'�

�I don�t know if I really understood the consequences of what I was saying, because

[of] the unintended consequences of a network when it grows to a billion or 2 billion people

and � it literally changes your relationship with society, with each other � It probably

interferes with productivity in weird ways. God only knows what it�s doing to our children�s


�The thought process that went into building these applications, Facebook being the first

of them, � was all about: �How do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention

as possible?'�

�And that means that we need to sort of give you a little dopamine hit every once

in a while, because someone liked or commented on a photo or a post or whatever. And that�s

going to get you to contribute more content, and that�s going to get you � more likes

and comments.�

�It�s a social-validation feedback loop � exactly the kind of thing that a hacker

like myself would come up with, because you�re exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology.�

�The inventors, creators � it�s me, it�s Mark [Zuckerberg], it�s Kevin Systrom

on Instagram, it�s all of these people � understood this consciously. And we did it anyway.�

~Sean Parker



Burun Estetiği Tampon Çıkarma ☀ Op. Dr. Altan Yücetaş - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Burun Estetiği Tampon Çıkarma ☀ Op. Dr. Altan Yücetaş - Duration: 1:25.


50 subs??(overdue) - Duration: 0:43.

Hello everything in a new video and it's our last video was pretty horrible when I talk.

So want to talk about it so recently I got 50 subs and that's very

Very special to me

Especially because I'm closer than 100 said

Leave it down below some some questions because when I hit 100 subs. I'm gonna do a Q&A

Well this was short was it??

Sorry for no sound....yea

For more infomation >> 50 subs??(overdue) - Duration: 0:43.


Asma - Sintomas da Asma e como Identificar a doença - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Asma - Sintomas da Asma e como Identificar a doença - Duration: 2:06.


Burun Estetiği Ameliyatı Fiyatları ☀ [2018] - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Burun Estetiği Ameliyatı Fiyatları ☀ [2018] - Duration: 1:14.


What's on My iPhone | Photo Editing & Tyopography [CC] // aGirlWithLyme - Duration: 22:57.

[Intro Music. Vincent Tone - New Summits.]

Hi guys so in today's video I am going to show you what's on my iPhone. If you

haven't noticed I don't actually have an iPhone this is an iPod - I believe this is

the 6th generation, it's basically a light version of an

iPhone. I don't have an iPhone because I don't have enough friends to text

and call, I hardly leave the house, I really don't even need one. If I can go

somewheres with a Wi-Fi connection then I can like you know, text my brother, or

my sister or anything to get a hold of anyone that I need. But I do a lot of

things on my iPod. I used to edit all of my YouTube videos using my iPod, I make

my YouTube thumbnails using my iPod - which I am going to have a video on, both

on how I make my YouTube thumbnail on my iPod, as well as how I edit my YouTube

videos on my iPod. I also edit a lot of my photography on my iPod as well, and I

make all my typography quotes on my iPod as well, and most recently I've been really

into playing games on my iPod. Okay so my iPod - you can see this is probably like screen

inception cause I have a screen right here showing everything that is on my

iPod. We're going to go app by app, folder by folder. So let's get

started. The first thing I have in the upper left hand corner is well, the usual, I

have calendar, I have camera which you can now see the camera, that I'm filming

on, this is so, probably like really weird. I have my photos, I have my photos - I just took

a bunch of selfies, so yeah that's that. Okay first folder over here is folder

that is productivity. In this folder I have Evernote. When I make a video I put

all of my scripts into Evernote, and I will read - see this is a script for this

video so I'm not an idiot and don't forget what

I'm saying. You can see my whole intro I just did - hey guys so what's in

today's video, I'm gonna show you what's on my iPhone. And then you can see that

and I have all my scripts, these red dots are all the videos I have to film

today. Okay next one I have is my Google Drive, this app keeps crashing on me and it's

really annoying, but I have like a lot of photos which the thumbnails for these

photos hardly ever load. Over here is Day One, I featured this in my Chronic

Illness Health Apps, um this is password protected, I'm not going to go on this

but this is my journal, this is what I use for journaling, I use it to talk

about my health, talk about things that happened during my day, my feelings- that

that sort of thing. Planner Pro ,this is basically a calendar but I like it

better then the calendar that comes with an iPod, it's much easier and it's

color-coded so all the red dots you see are days that I post videos. So yeah

that's that. Over here is a Wunderlist, this is a great app for to-do's.

There's a lot of to-do's in this list, I organized everything by the day and what

I have to do, like these are all my to-do lists, like I have a lot and they hardly

ever get accomplished, really great app. Hootsuite - Hootsuite - I can't pronounce

that correctly it's so annoying, um but these are just my Instagram accounts - I have

my Instagram account for photography, and my Instagram account for, well my

@aGirlWithLyme account. This is how I schedule my quotes and also my Photography,

it's really simple, quick, and easy. So yeah, I have some of these to post, I keep

forgetting to post things because I've been kind of busy lately editing scripts,

but those are some things that need to be posted. So that's the first

folder, the second folder we're going into is Photography.

This is some of the Photography apps that I use quite frequently, DesignLab is

something that I use a lot, this is what I use to edit all of my YouTube

thumbnails with, really great, I love this app, yeah so I was making my social media

post notifications which you probably would have seen this video today. So I

use this app to make them. Next one is iMovie. I still have to import my videos

into iMovie after they're all edited because I can't upload it on my computer

because it takes forever, it is so much faster using my iPod so that's why I

still have iMovie on here, and if I make like a short little video that I want to post

then I'll post it. Camera Connect - this is for my camera which I'm filming on now, to

connect to my iPod. The next app I have is Facetune. I think like everybody has this

app, I don't use this to photoshop my face at all - I don't like it for that, it

looks so fake and artificial, I absolutely hate it for that. But what it

is good for is for brightening up the backgrounds in photos, so say if I take a

selfie against a white wall, the wall doesn't really look white - it's dark, so I

will use this app to make the background brighter, I'll make things in pictures

that are white, whiter so that's kind of what I use this app for. Word Swag - I love

this app. This is, basically just, you can type in a text, you can select the photo -

I'll show you, I give you a little demo. I select the marble, crop and then

you'll change your text, and then you can choose, color and different

looking topography. I really love this app, it's really quick and easy for making

Typography posts, especially when I feel kind of lazy and uncreative, so I really like

this one. Layout - this app is by Instagram for collages. So you can put a collage, I

really don't use this one a whole lot anymore.

Next thing Enlight, I don't know how I feel about this app, I kind of like

it, I kinda don't like it - I really don't even use it that much, I think I haven't

even used this since I got my new iPod. Blur Editor. When I make my

YouTube thumbnails this is how I get the background of my thumbnail to look kind

of blurry, so my face and my body is more in focus.

It makes your thumbnails a kind of professional too. Pic Jointer - this is

great because I can select multiple photos for a collage, and then put it in

like 16:9 which is the frame crop for YouTube thumbnails, so whenever you

see a collage on my YouTube thumbnails, I use that app. VUE - I really love

this app because you can make short, little, quick cinematic videos. Steller - I

love this app. Um, this app you can make, um here I'll show you some of the ones I've made -

it's like a little story I guess. These are some of the ones I've made, my

favorite here is the Wild flowers of Nova Scotia, yeah I really love this app,

you can just post photos, and then post the caption to make like photo stories -

that sort of thing, so yeah, that is that app, really great, I love it. Hype Type - I

recently downloaded this, I've only had it for a few days - but if I want to put a

photo, and then photo is there, and you get that little thing - these are great

for Instagram stories. Um, so if you want like a moving text to put in Instagram

stories get this app, you do have to pay to get the watermark to go away, and it's

like four dollars. Next ever we have Typography. I do a lot of Typography, I

have a lot of typography apps, I'm not gonna go into too many of them, there are

ones that I like better, I use Studio, Typorama, UrWall (Unsplash) is where I mainly

get most of my photography backgrounds for making typography, you have some

really, really good photos in here that are really professional, good quality,

they don't look crap, they're always really great, like it looks like an

amazing Instagram feed pretty much. The next one I really like using is Mood, you

just type in the text that you want, and then you can select whatever kind of

style you want it to be. Superimpose - I don't use this a whole lot anymore

but I used to use it a lot - it's good for taking away backgrounds and stuff like

that and superimposing things on one another. But yeah Pixabay is also another app

that's kind of like your UrWall. Pic Lab this is a really good app for

Typography as well, it's the same thing as this app over here DesignLab -

it's from the same creators. I've had both of those apps on my iPod for over three

years now. The next app I have is GIPHY, it's just a bunch of GIFS, everyone

knows that. DeviantArt - you can find backgrounds to use on Typography on

there. You got Canva which is a pretty good app it's just kind of hard to use,

um it's not that it's difficult, it's just that if you want a template you got

to delete everything that's on it unless you want the specific template, but there's not

really a thing to choose like your own design sort of thing. I made this here

Typography quote using this app which not even showing up the text now, but anyways,

yeah I haven't used this too much but it is a nice app, um I think it'd be easier to

use on an iPad though. Over - this is also a great app for typography, you just need

a subscription service to get any of the pro stuff which is like $60 and I'm

debating whether or not I want to spend that much money for subscription service

on an app. Some other apps I use are Vanilla Pen, Word Dream, PicSee, Font Candy,

Photofy, Rhonna, File New, Eraser - this is great if you have a photo and you want

to erase a white background so you have a transparent background, perfect for this, it's free,

works great, doesn't degrade the quality - great app. I use ByeCrop if I have a

photo that I'm going to post, and I want to post a full photo to

Instagram, but of course Instagram crops it - I use this app, it's pretty handy

sometimes. Pic-it-collage - I don't know why I have

that on here I don't really think I've used this a whole lot. Sketches - this is - I

do create some of my Typography backgrounds with this app - if I

really can't find one I like, this is one I created, and haven't saved yet, so

you can see doesn't look the greatest because I'm crap at art, but yeah. Blend

these are all kind of gradient makers, so I can have different backgrounds. Legend

is moving text, so you can just click next, and then you have a bunch of

options for moving text. I was really hoping this could work with Instagram

stories, but it does not so I think I'm just going to have to use this as kind

of like moving typography. Let's move over to entertainment. We have YouTube of

course, I got Netflix of course, I have Roku its like a Roku remote, you can

stream things. I have YouTube studio, which is basically all of my videos on

here, and it shows me - if it loads - it shows me watch time, subscriber change for

the month, and my revenue, how many people have viewed my videos, comments, likes and

all the comments. Rocket Roku - this is a really good app if you have a Roku and

you find a video online say if you're Canadian you go on the CBC website which

is loading right now, and you want to watch a video like you know, Murdoch

Mysteries but you don't want to watch it on a tiny little screen and you want it on your

big nice flat screen - get this app because then you'll be able to play the

video, and then cast it, and yeah it works really well. Next up I have SoundCloud, I

love SoundCloud, it's pretty much the only place where I listen to music, I

deleted Spotify because you need a subscription which I'm too broke to pay

for, so I stuck with SoundCloud - it's much easier, I'm - I like the music on there

better I mean I know Spotify will have - probably have some of the same music, but I

like SoundCloud much better. Patreon, um I haven't even use this app yet because I

am debating whether or not I should even sign up for Patreon. Next I have is Vimeo,

I really like this for watching um, some more kind of cinematic videos, it's

a lot different from YouTube so that's kind of why I like it, it's more

professionally geared and not casually as YouTube is. Indie Shuffle is also a

great way to discover, not kind of undiscovered music and niche music

that I guess isn't mainstream. Ok then we got notes, Google Photos which is just

basically backing up all my photos on my camera roll, which I have like 3,000 of. We got

Pinterest, everyone uses Pinterest. And got Pocket - this is one of my favorite

apps, you can I guess clip and save pretty much any article you find on the

internet, and this is my list, I have a lot of articles. Got Gmail, got Flickr - I

do have a Flickr account for anyone that's wondering, I can't remember user

name - probably just search me up, but yeah, it's basically just whatever photos I

post to my photography Instagram I post to here as well. Ok, over here we have

VSCO. VSCO is probably my favorite app and an app that I absolutely cannot live

without, I edit every single photo using VSCO. I don't know what I would do without

this app, because I have tried various other photo editing apps and they're all

crap, the filters suck so, so bad! This is the only app I will use to edit any

of my photos, hands down best app. If you want photos to look good get this app.

But yeah, here are some of my photos - most of them are unedited because I

really haven't had much time to edit because I've been busy writing scripts for

YouTube, but yeah. I have a lot of photos, these are some of the edited photos. I do have

the VSCOx subscription, because it's honestly something that I - I definitely

would pay for, I can't remember how much I paid for it, but yeah, it's totally worth

it, it is so, so worth it. I love this app. Um and yeah, here's my profile,

I have some pictures from the beach, um some pictures they're just rocks, and

I basically put my best Photography uploaded to here.

Next up over is Instagram, this is my instagram feed, over here is my page you can see, I asked you to ask me

questions for my Q&A, I only got one comment on that I didn't add any tags, I posted that

last night before I went to sleep, so yeah, my Instagram feed. Now we have twitter, we

have Flipboard. Flipboard is a great app to find out news, to kind of share news -

that sort of thing, really great. We got tumblr, everyone knows what tumblr is, we got Snapchat - which I hardly

ever use Snapchat anymore. We got Facebook which is you know pretty

usual, we got Facebook pages which is how I manage my Facebook page, which I really

don't post on much anymore. We got messenger, got messages - which is iMessage.

We got Symptomz which is one of the apps I showed in my Apps for Chronic Illness

video. Next up is utilities which is you know, basically apps that no one

really uses. In this folder we have kind of reading - this folder just says folder but

it's more reading. I have iBooks, I have Goodreads, I have Save Our Seas -

which is a um, I think it's like a magazine kind of thing, and they publish bi-

annual issues, so we got winter and summer, yeah this is just abou the ocean

and stuff. Okay next folder is just other - we have clock, we have Living Earth

which is probably on of the coolest weather apps if I am to be honest, and the

globe on it spins and it's like, so cool - I really love this app, and the weather

is actually pretty accurate on it as well. Next app we have is reminders,

everybody you know uses reminders - I use a lot of them. We have Binaural Sleep -

this is an app that helps me to sleep when I can't sleep, uh we

have Round which is an app that reminds me when to take my medication.

We have Internet traffic. We have Widgets, which is really great because it allows

you to have different - here I'll show you, bring down my Notification Center, and I'll

show you the kind of widgets I have, I have my Living Earth, Planner Pro. I got

news, I got Flipboard, got my Evernote, my pocket, storage - which is from the

widgets, so it tells me how much storage I have on my iPod, my battery - it tells me

how full I am, I got a calculator, it got Network which

tells me how much I've used, which is never accurate.

I have run time, I have VSCO, Mail, Music, Notes,

Wunderlist. So that's kind of all I have in my Notification Center- widgets

sort of thing. And then I have One Password - which is where I keep all my

passwords, and then I got Settings, iTunes Store, App Store, Apple Store, JW library - I

am trying to be a Jehovah's Witness so this why I have this on here. Next is

shopping - I have Amazon, I got Indigo, I got Flipp which is just local fliers, I have

AU mobile which is Artifact Uprising - that's where I got my

photo prints a while ago, and I have the Google Arts and Culture which I really

love looking on this app because you can find so many cool things.Okay so

moving onto games - the first game we have it is solitaire - I've been playing

this a lot when I'm - when I have insomnia at night. Next game I have is a Hexus,

the other game I have is Mahjong, I have mermaids - which is basically - I can't show

you, because every time I keep trying to show you it kicks me out of the

recording, I wish I could show you because I really do like the game, it's

basically you can sing for mermaids, collect coins, buy decorations - it's a

very you know, kind of, probably what a twelve year old would play but I like

playing it, and we have Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries - oh it's just simply

Miss Fisher, um it's kind of a murder mystery and you gotta find out who

killed who, and it's based off of the TV show Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries and

it's such a good game, I'm on the second episode -

which they only have two - but oh my god it is such a good game, I absolutely love

playing it. Uh, the next app I have is IMDB or the Internet Movie Database,

um I use this app a lot to you know, kind of find what movies I want to watch,

read reviews on movies, that sort of thing.

And the next thing I have is the Ocearch Shark Tracker, um if you don't know

what Ocearch is, it's a researching vessel- organization- group, it's a bunch of

scientists that have tagged Great Whites, and other sharks, and other sea critters,

and are tracking their progress - we've actually had um quite a few different

sharks in around Nova Scotia, I think it's this one here - Hilton, so you can

click on the shark that is tagged, and every time it breaches the surface it'll

ping so yeah, this is in around the South

Shore of Nova Scotia here - South 'sure', oh my god I sound so Nova Scotian when I

say that, but yeah - that shark has been hanging around all summer and has been

freaking people out, but it's so funny because I think it's amazing. This is Planoly

which is a really weird name for an app, but anyways this is an app that you can use

kind of plan out your Instagram posts, which I like to use, it's quite visual

so you can see here I have a post already lined up to go, I want to post

this here photo sometime today. Also down at the bottom which I forgot to show you -

I have TextNow - which is basically you can text phone numbers, which you usually

can't do in - on on an iPod, so say my brother has a cellphone,

I could text his cell phone, I can also call any number. I also have Mail, Safari,

and Music. So yeah, that is pretty much what's on my iPod, and if you want to see

my lock screen then here it is. So that's pretty much all the stuff that's on my

iPod. Thank you guys so much for watching this video, please be sure to give it a

thumbs up, subscribe if you're new. Please be sure to hit the notification button

down below to get notified when I upload new videos. All my social media links

will be in the description below, and I hope to see you guys next time, bye!

[Outro Music - Vincent Tone - New Summits.]

For more infomation >> What's on My iPhone | Photo Editing & Tyopography [CC] // aGirlWithLyme - Duration: 22:57.


Happy Triangles Coloring Pages for Kids - How to Draw Triangle Shape for Children - Coloring Books - Duration: 10:44.












Coloring Pages

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