Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 11 2017

Hi all and welcome to this new video on the channel A Cappelover

Today is a very special video, because for the first time on the channel

I have a guest, I'm not alone

In fact I don't even have to tell you the name of the guy I am with

'cause it's in the name of the video

Hi Alem !

Hi !

So here we are, Alem, beatbox world champion

Yeah, I know, said like that it's class

And I'm pretty proud so I won't hide

So just before we start the interview

First of all, I thank you a lot for accepting the invitation

It's my pleasure

It's my pleasure too

And we know that you don't have many interviews on YouTube

Because there are a lot of videos of you but not a lot of interviews

-So it's the occasion too -Yeah it's true, it's true

So yeah, just before, for you who are listening, watching, here is how the video will be

It'll be an cool interview, a simple "couch" conversation, I'll do English subtitles for English speakers, by the way it will be a LOT of work, and in French too

I'll also put videos in the background mostly recreational, it'll be to embellish the video, and maybe I'll cut us some times to show some points that we were talking about right before

-OK -But there won't be a lot

Right, so a quick introduction for those who don't know you or not that much

So you are a beatboxer who come from Lyon area [France]

You come from a family made of musicians, you play several instruments yourself, it's pretty impressive

You play drums, guitar, and even other instruments but I'll talk about it later

-Yes -By doing drums and imitating it's sounds you started beatbox

Now you have more than 10 years of practice which is considerable, but most of all, and here it's impressive and I said it earlier

You are French champion in solo and team, 2013 edition, and you are world champion, so at least that, we can applause for it

-[laugh] YEAAHH -Here you see I've added a crazy crowd

And it's solo and team too, with TwenTeam8 that you have with BMG

So it's crazy about your solo world champion title because finally you are only 4 in the all universe to have it, and you're the actual one because you had the title in 2015 and the championship takes place every 3/4 years

But as I said already 10 years of practice, so I tried to see your previous championships as a participant, as far as I've seen your first participation at French championiship was in 2009

-Yeah I think so, or maybe not I even think it's 2008 - 2008 ? I don't have the info

Yeah I think it's 2008 my first battle, it was against.. Micflow, well anyway

-Ahhh the old ones [laugh] so there was 2008, my bad, in 2009 you've lost in quarters finales -Yeah that's it

-In 2010 you've lost in finals, already, against Beasty -Yeah

-In 2011 you've lost in semi-finals, against K.I.M -And yes

-And in 2013 you had your revenge cause you won against him and I said you won with your team too, TwenTeam8, vous won against Fabulous Wadness I think -Exactly, that's it

So obviously we're talking about beatbox, but even those who are not really keen on beatbox or those who know it bad

First, even if it's a bit a self-plubicity, I encourage you to watch the video I did about beatbox, simply to.. have the basis, plus the fact that I won't repeat what I've already said, it's silly

And obviously it remains reachable to everyone because, you'll see it, but Alem is also a very good musician et you see it too throught his videos and.. it's a pleasure to see

So I was talking about the 2013 french beatbox champ, and what's crazy about it, well the French championships are every year, once a year, and in a different place each time

-And in 2013 they took place in Lyon, which means at home for you -Yes

And here, with BMG, you say to yourself "Here we are, that's the moment, we have to go, we have to do something"

You go there, and by the end of the night you are solo French champion, and team French champion. So first of all congratulations because we can surely say that you didn't waste your night

-Yeah, that's sure -And mostly, and I finally come to my first question. Whould that mean that if the championship didn't take place in Lyon, you wouldn't be where you are today [with all that success] ?

Oh yeah that's sure that it's a turning point because the championship was at home, I already lost it once, so it was important, for this one at least, to do something really good

Well prepared, and it's been several years that we've been thinking of doing a team with BMG, but we never did it because.. we wanted to be good enough in solo

So the fact the championship took place at Lyon, it was at home and what's funny it's for everyone, it was almost obvious that we will team together because we are friends, we live in the same city

We are friends for ever, so finally when you see on paper Alem with BMG in a team, it's clearly possible, it's home, but what's happening is

We anticipated the team for more than 1 year, so we arrive with a big "BOUM", a real team, something structured, not just a freestyle of Alem and BMG together

No, it's a real team in the way that we really rehearsed before which shows a great combination between the two of us

And I'm glad I did it, it worked, there was a great surprise, a great surprise was here and I'm satisfied with this year

Furthermore, we can tell it, 2013, and the year before you did lost in finals at the world championships, which is already a great performance because you finished second, you have lost against Skiller, but still it's the finals

Yeah that's it I really didn't expect it, I've been propelled in finals and I wasn't that ready, when I face Skiller in finals I'm not ready at all, in 2012 at worlds champs

So it's true it gave me such faith in myself, and when I came back home this world championship it's tru that.. In fact in a championship, the real opponent is yourself finally

So you are the one who put the limits, your possibilities, your opponent won't put them for you, everything is happening in your head

-Yeah -I speak a lot about it when I do masterclasses, I give masterclasses where I speak about an hour only of wha'ts in your head, not beatbox, it's pretty funny but—

-Right -Yeah that's true that when I came back home from the worlds champs, I've arrived at French champs and said to myself "Well listen, little Alem, you put your own limits, your own barriers

You arrived at a point where you can handle a world championship to the finals, so take it easy to the French championship, trust yourself, let yourself go", let it go on that championship et it went well because we see that I'm more comfortable than previous years

And I handle the space, we feel that's it, I've found myself, I know what I have to do, today when I look back, I feel good and say "Damn yes, that's exactly it I had to do"

-Yeah I see -So I'm still happy to have win it, even face to K.I.M in finals where I take the thing in a different way, where I finally give a good performance and not the will of winning face to someone

Because what's the aim ? The aim is to give a good performance, to do a good beatbox, that's it, we don't have to mistake it, so yeah we have to win against the opponent, but that's not what we want to see, finally, inside of us I think what we want to see

It's a great performance, it's a good beatbox. That's what I get and I understood it face to Skiller thanks to his performance in 2012 which surprised me and even after, when I watch the videos

-It's been a "click!" for you in fact, this moment ? -Yeah, yeah

And so, in fact, indeed there was this turning point, 2013 french championship you've won, but is becoming beatboxer I will say "professional", as an artist, has always been obvious to you or not at all ?

-Well.. Obvious I don't know but I always wanted it, according to me it wasn't possible to do something else -Yeah, okay

It was like that, I did some studies, but already at high school I trained a lot, and when the teacher asked me what I wanted to do next, I told him "Well sir I want to beatbox"

-Already at that moment -Yeah, I will always remember, he said "No but, it's impossible, Alem, you have to put on paper what you want to do after" and I was convinced that was beatbox so I didn't write anything, and I couldn't write "beatbox" obviously

-I want to do that, I have the will to, at least I want to try, to give me time, so thanks to my parents who trust me a lot -Yeah

-Why ? Because they're musicians, and when you live thanks to music we know what is it to take your time, to create, to try -Yeah I wanted to talk about it it's true that you are lucky, lucky to be part of musicans' family

-That's it -I've seen that you also have one sister you sing some times with

That's it we see it, she's into music too, today she can live thanks to music, so I think beatbox was also a way to find my way in this family you see

-Yeah, hum -Because we always want to find our place In a family, it's not easy to find your way. Maybe beatbox was mine, and beatbox is really something that suits me

Beyond the joy of beatboxing, it's completely, how should I say, it's comlpetely my personality, so it's weird to say it but

-No but I understand -In the morning, when I wake up, the first thing I'm thinking of is doing beatbox, it's in my energy in fact, by the way I beatbox depending on my energy and we can find it in all beatboxers

-Yes -It means we always wonder "But what's your style ?" or I should say you "personality in beatbox ? Where is it ? Where your signature ?" and in fact we don't need to look after it a long time or to ask ourselves a thousand questions

I think you style is in your personality and we can find it in music when we see musicians playing their instruments, we really feel it

So it's a bit "cliché", but the bass guitar player, to me, it's funny but more I see bassists, the more I have the same mood, so it's a bit cliché but it's kind of funny, it's true you see a drummer or.. That's personalities in fact

And beatbox today, match to a lot of personalities, but the point is depending of you style of beatbox we will feel it, and me, we clearly feel it based upon my style, what is it ?

It's speed, technic, that's it, it's pushing the limits of speed, rhythmic, and it totally suits me, I'm hyperactive, I'm burning 200 degrees all day long and my friend feel it a lot, I'm a ball of energy

Everyday I'm capable of doing a world championship round at 7:30 AM you see, it's 7:30 AM and I can do this round to you

-It must be funny at home -Oh it's not that great for my girlfriend [laugh]

But that's it, here I am, and it's also a curse, I have to focus myself, but here my energy anyway

Yeah yeah It's great that you're talking about your style, your beatbox personality, it's true that we are a bit in this game. So you told me before the recording that you would do this favor and honor to me, and I'm already excited as a kid

-A demo of what you are capable of -Sure

Obvisously, those who clicked on this video, most of all know you but for the pleasure of our ears, could you do us a demo of your beatbox style ?

Here we go !

Oh lalalalalalala Yeaaaahhh

-And I precise it's 9:17 in the morning -Very important to notice, perfect transition with what I told just before

Oh yeah that's perfect, and that's great you did all those sounds which are very particular to you, it allows me to do a great transition, I was saying it, already 10 years that you're doing beatbox

Which is considerable when we think about it, there is today a lot of people, when we talk about "fast beatboxer", who thinks of you like right now, a beatboxer who is fast, it's often Alem we are thinking of

- [laugh] -Yeah, yeah, we have to be honest, same when we're looking a good bass we could think of Beatness or also Napom, so there is a lot people who takes you as an example, plus the fact that you're doing a lot of tutorials so that's great, but who did YOU take as examples ?

So I watch Flash [laugh] No I get inspired a lot by.. my biggest influence, it's obvious, is Kenny Muhammad, why ? Because it's really a guy who gives me shivers when I hear him beatboxing

-Ahh yeah -In rhythmic, he moves me a lot with his rhythmics, and it starts like that, after that I have a lot of French, many names in my head, I feed myself with a lot of beatboxers but Kenny Muhammad is really one of that that I appreciate a lot

I accepted to do everything he did on stage and you see, at my beginnings, I started to find myself but what I liked to do in beatbox was Kenny Muhammad stuff on stage

-Ah yeah -And what's funny it's that there were good reactions, face to the beatbox, and I was surprised because I will be quickly criticized or had "Yeah Alem it's a shame" comments, you see

And in fact there were good reactions like "Wouah excellent ! I loved it !" so I said "Yeah but that's the basis in fact, it's Kenny Muhammad" and there was only few beatboxers who had his styles and beats

-And I say it because I think it's not bad to work what others do, we don't have to hesitate -No sure

-That's it -We start to imitate the others to find your own style, it always works like that by the way

-You see, and so I started with Kenny Muhammad in fact. So obviously I feed myself with a lot of technics, I use a lot on stage -Yeah

I like it in fact, and I take it in a good way, I'm not in a perspective of copying others, it's more to play with what a beatboxer can do and I love it

Yeah that's it, because my question wasn't that anodyne, today we have YouTube in which there is a lot of beatboxers with their channel. But there are also Swissbeatbox and BeatboxBattle channels which are very important to represent beatbox worldwide and put it into a large audience

-But 10 years ago there wasn't all of it -Yeah so that was complicated, when I started beatbox I didn't have internet -That's it

But what happened is that my brother had internet, he lived in Lyon, and when I visited him there was few videos, so there was Kenny Muhammad and there was the first French beatbox championship, It's a video I warmly recommend to see

It's that video which introduce me to championships universe and to meet, by videos, French beatboxers

-No but it's great you talk about this video because you have to know that I used excerpts of it in the video about the beatbox once again, sorry to say it again -Excellent

And yeah I've found this video and indeed it's a short documentary film to understand, that what I said before but I say again, of the evolution of the discipline, it's incredible !

There was already some level 10 years ago, today it has nothing to deal with it but at least you have it as basis as you said, Faya Brae, Micspawn, etc, they are gods

-That's it and to still answer your question, one day I remember, I met Micspawn -Oh really ?

And I told him –he didn't know me, but I knew him obviously – and I told him "Listen, make me in my little phone recorder the most technic freestyle you can make" so he laughed, he didn't know me

The young guy arrives, he is 15, he asks me it but I really tell him "Really, make me the most technic thing" so he was super hot, he was the biggest technician in France and he gives me a 2 min freestyle that I don't have anymore, I don't know where the phone ended

And I listen to it, it's unthinkable, I listened to it all day long, why ? Because I didn't get a single piece of what he did, but nothing at all ! To me I heard something like

And I say to myself he's insane, and I listened to it again and again, beatbox is like that, for all the sounds, more you listen, more your brain will understand

-And, and, one year later I see Micpawn again, at French championships I think, and I swear, of course it wasn't as good as his, but I did that freestyle -Nice

And he laughed so hard, because Micspawn is like that, he laughed, because he remembered a bit, and I remember a bit, I don't have the audio anymore but it does something like this

Something like this

-And it's funny because it's still technics, and the anecdote is here, why am I talking of it ? Because at 2015 world championship, against Ball-Zee -So in semi-final

Ah yeah so I'll surprise you, listen: Mispawn lost in semi-final in 2009, against Vahtang, he lost in semi-final. And I ? What do I do in semi-final ? At the same step as him finally, in semi-final in 2015

I end by Micspawn's technics, I really wanted to do it as a tribute saying "Listen Micspawn, I'm in semi-final, and I'm gonna pass this step, gonna go in finals, with your technics" and so he knew, nobody knew but him

-Because I had him a lot on the phone and we really spent a lot of time to train me and I clearly took it and it's a wink to him, a tribute -It's awesome

I clearly take his [beatbox] and I say "You are not the real beatmaker" and "I'm the fake beatmaker ?!" and then I do [beatbox] and I really wanted to do this because the "real beatmaker" is Micspawn

-Well obviously I did it a bit my way, I worked it with him -Yes sure

It's always a pleasure to bring [something] but honestly for me the tribute is clear and here, it's a great anecdote that I find cool

Ah yeah it's awesome because it's a video I've seen so many times and each time that specific moment happened the public is on fire and you too in fact, with adrenalin and everything it's a moment in the video which is absolutely great

-And with this anecdote it's even better -There is a story, yes, but it's often the case with beatboxers, there are good stories and this is one of them and not a lot of people know it

That's it, anyway thanks for sharing because it makes the thing even more delightful. I would to go on another things about you, it's about instruments

So we told it several times already, you are in a musiciancs' family, and you play guitar, there are drums too, thanks to them you more or less discovered beatbox, with your brother mostly, and you play too, and that's where I wanted to bring you

-Hang and gubal -Yes !

And even, and I've seen it not a long time ago, I missed it because it's a video which has 18.000 views, which means not really a lot for your level, I mean you have videos with so much more views

-You play derbouka too -Yeeeees !

And in fact, it.. We can say it's a kind of djembe, even if they don't want them to be associated it's a kind of djembe in asian way, but there is it, derbouka which is a great instrument, I discovered it thanks to you and I find it awesome

And what I knew already you play so well, it's about hang and gubal, can you tell me, including those two, how long have you been playing those instruments and what are your stories with them ?

-Well it's a long story and a beautiful one. In fact, before beatboxing, I was with my parents , it's like more than 10 years ago -Yeah

And one day we were walking with my parents and we see a guy playing hang in a music store, I had to buy a drums method, and here a guy is playing. And wouah we were surprised and this guy was playing in the store

It's a damn good thing ! And the guy tells us "I'm selling it, I move abroad, I'm here to sell it, and my parents dare to ask "How much costs the instrument ?" and the guy answers us, and I tell it because it's a really expensive instrument

-Yeah it's really expensive -And he tells us "200€"

-No ?! -So we say "Ah, 200€ ?" and we even hesitated to take it because I was young, I loved percussion, I liked drums, I liked derbouka

But that day it was really associating percussion with melodies and it's one of the rare instruments to be able to do this, with you hands you do melodies with the notes

That's it, we precise that hang allows you to do percussions associated with very soft sounds, a bit whistled, really calm, and 200€ is nothing, it costs at least 10 times more

Yes that's it, so we go back home with the instrument, I play it a lot, I discover beatbox and hang is always a part of my story but I don't really assume it, I have it at home, I like it

But not that much, then by growing up and thanks to YouTube too, it allows me to do this video a bit like a "test" because I played it and then I discovered gubal through internet but it's more recent, it's been 2 years I think

The gubal is here and I'm very happy, it's maybe an instrument that matches me, why ? Because as I said before I'm a very energetic man, I'm a ball of nerves, and here it's totally the opposite

-Ah yeah -And it's an instruments I think which relaxes, calms me down and I want to develop it even more, so maybe not with the beatbox because we often ask me "It could be great to do beatbox an hang at the same time (?)"

I did some but it's something that I don't feel really good in fact, which I'm not so interested in, I prefer to play it alone, when I add beatbox it's cool but the interest for me is not here

-Yeah yeah I understand. We maybe could say it's also about your style of beatboxing which is not really matching -That's it, it's not my energy

-And so I want to develop it and even if I can add a little anecdote that I never said but I want to do a little album of gubal -Really ?

This is really the little anecdote project, it's important for me, I announce it, maybe I'm taking some risks but I have to

-It would be great ! -Yeah I really want to do that, an album made of gubal only, it would be surprising, no beatbox, it would be a gubal album you could listen relaxed in the living room, in the morning, in the car, a really peaceful thing

-It's something I have my heart set on doing this, so I can afford it -That's it, you're right to have your heart set on doing it because finally we talked about the fact it's expensive, but it's also an unusual instrument, more than it's price, it's not something which is produced by millions like guitars, I say something stupid

-But it's still an pretty classy instrument, in a way, it's the way I see it -Yeah I really do like the instrument, so I don't like it because it's unusual, but we can't help but say that when we play it, the way this instrument is mysterious

As it's an instrument we don't see a lot, it's sure that it gives the instrument a incredible strength and it's sure it gives the the will to go, discover the instrument

It's clear. Another field now we will come back a bit more at pure beatbox aspects, so here we'll get into more details. I'm talking about instruments and there is a reason for that

In fact, well videos of you on YouTube, on your channel or not by the way, there are plenty of them. Speakinf of that, I don't know it yet because I didn't edit the video naturally but I'll try to do extracts of 30 seconds each using different videos of you each time

So to say there are plenty of them and it's great, but that's it, you are a globally liked beatbox, but obviously all liked person has people who don't like you, it has to be

And one of the reproaches between quotation marks –and it's not an attack eihter- we make to you the more often, it's that lack of musicality and to be nothing but technic, and where I wanted to bring you is that

It's funny in a way that your style is really fast, really into technic and we see that, paradoxically, in the other side you play gubal, hang, very relaxed instruments, you see what I mean ?

In a way we could say –even if you released some videos since which make me lie a little bit – that there are some sonorities we could find in your beatbox and we do not find it. How could you explain it ?

-I think simply that it's not my balance today, my balance – at least in music- is here I think, so it's not through beatbox but instruments in fact -I get it

I'll use beatbox depending on my energy and I'll use gubal to relax myself, I won't use beatbox for it, I'll be bored quickly. I'm not very into musicality even if we could talk about it for hours

-Because in technic there is musicality obviously, why ? -Yes sure

Because a drummer for exemple, when he plays there is no music, not alone at least, because I listen to a lot of drummers but in fact, in drums we don't even wonder, we say it

And it's in my process to continue to do this rhythmic style, so obviously I have to do a bit of melody, but always keeping his identity, it's very important. You know, when I started beatbox, a lot of old ones like Micspawn, Faya Braz told me

And they remember well, they told me "But Alem you can't do only rolls, you have to vary yourself, go to littles melodies, more relaxed styles"

And I wasn't agree with that, and today they remember because they say "Alem, you were right about that, we told you to put technic a bit aside and to go to musicality" and now today they understand it very well

I surprised them with it, they tell it today "You didn't give up, and you succeeded to hold it" and that's it, you have to push, push, push. And always say to yourself that

When you think you reached your limit, you are miles away from you possibilities. And when you get it, it gives you faith to go ahead. So it's not that easy, everyday you doubt

We always said to me "But Alem, you are in the end in technics, you've reached the limits, you absolutely have to work on covers, you have to sing, you don't sing. Sing ! Do melodies"

And I only had one thing in head: push the level of technics, and I swear to you, when I was told that at I was in the end, I was finally close to the 3-times rolling, It was only [beatbox]

And I was told "Listen, put technic aside", damn when I look where I am now, with things I'm now able to do with some [beatbox]

Obviously, if we knew at that time that rolling was possible, sure Micspawn would have said "Yeah go ahead, don't stop to [beatbox]" well anyway it's to say that there is always an evolution, you have to take your style on, you have to develop it

During the last Grand Beatbox Battle, the last solo never released, it's my most recent solo, and I'm almost angry ! Nooo I wouldn't say that but Pepouni never released it and I don't know why, I did a 10min solo, only rhythmic

I wanted to play that game, and I'm mad this solo doesn't come out because during 10min I perform and do only rhythmic, and it's great you have a kind of giant silence and the crowd doesn't even react anymore, and that's what I wanted, no reaction

Which means you come to a moment where people listen, all the beatboxers crowd, and I swear to you there is no noise, and I'm all alone doing [beatbox] and there is this kind of atmosphere which is here and I'm mad this thing was never released

-I'll ask him to give it to me and put it online, I want this thing to be out -Yes sure

-It's really something I want to take on in the future and- -Yeah that's it because we can say that in genereal, when a beatboxer performs on stage, it's a taught audience, often very hot, which reacts a lot, really

And here what you tell me finally it's the opposite, they were really following at a point that they don't react anymore et that's the story, Story that you can tell because you did 10min of showcase, so of performance, there wasn't any battle or judge

-Yeah -Whereas obviously when you battle someone you have to tell a story like you said very quickly, in 1:30 often, it's the time for one round, and after it's the other one's turn, so the idea is that

-Doing kick, well the basis beats for 1:30 it's not thinkable because the aim of a round is to show many different things -Well yeah, you imagine, it wouldn't be interesting

-And so what you'll be more interested in in fact would be beatbox concerts, not battles -That's it, so the problem of beatbox today, there are some, fortunately you have problems everywhere -Sure

The problem today is that we're based on battle only, where I want to go is that you do 5, you do 10 minutes, you take the mic and give yourself a treat, damn I'm waiting for it to see Napom doing 10 min's performance

In a show, relaxed, he expresses himself, he takes the time, he wants to go here, wants to go there, I really want to see that and that's what missing on beatboxers' stage. So it gives the young ones – Well I'm young but – it gives the young ones who start the beatbox

An example that beatbox is juste battling "He's better", we can't help, we're here now. I give working groups to children who are around 12/13, they are very young, they have a passion for beatbox already, they know every videos of swissbeatbox

But I feel it when we talk, we are in a way of "Who wins?" so I find that the example we give is not necessarily good, we're missing at least this show part, showcase

That's it, it's a point I was going to talk a bit later but as you long as you are talking of it let's do it now, it's true that you are insanely generous cause you give children working groups, classes

And I have to say that I'm very admiring you because I'm saying to myself, this guy, he's world champion, again ! Finally we come back it but it's far from being anecdotic, you're France champion, and the guy organizes working group classes for kids

So in fact it's really good, but you're the only one to do that, at least I don't info of others doing it, but that's the idea ? The idea of sharing that you want to spread ?

-Completely -It was at Chirens I think, so in Lyon area, if I pronounce it in a right way -Yes

- Right, you brought some people too; MB14 was here, I remember there was Lexie T too -It's nice -And it's really great, I find it great that you can do some event between quotation marks "without pretention" which brings fresh air, in a way

Yes of course, it's great, it's a battle I organize with Chirens, it's a city with Gerald who is someone super who is interested in urban arts for a while, and here, with me, as I know the beatboxers it's really easy to organize it

So it's great, we propose to people right in the countryside, it's REALLY in deep countryside and so it's awesome because people discover beatbox with good beatboxers, we got Wawad, Alexinho, all the best ones, we had Big Ben too

Yeah it's true it's great. One question which I never find out an answer, maybe you could help me: France is great beatbox country. How does France has so many beatboxers and is

So loved in a beatbox point of view ? Maybe thanks to you too in a way ?

I don't know, it's a tough question, I have no idea, but wha'ts happening is that—The best should be to ask it to americans, to the Beatbox House, to all american beatboxers cause they really felt it

And they point it, in France we are very.. Since there is an event of beatbox we feel it we're a great family, there is no competition, and we really feel it. You go to a beatbox event in France

I don't know you have this family, it's a strange feeling, but I felt it in USA, I went here to judge the championship in New-York, and I won't say that they are in a rivalry but we can't help, Ahlalala in France guys hug

It's funny in a second, we share, we advise very quickly, there is no barreer, right now it's "Wow this kick is great" "Well this one is not that great, you have to work it" "Yeah you have to develop this one I don't like it very much"

-And you feel it, but why I say that, it's because we carry each other -Sure -So French championship, honestly, he's very hard, It's one of the hardest to win

-Ah yeah this championship's level is awesome -You see, it's very complicated, some championships are between 4 guys, but there are some championships you feel that

There are some who stand out, where you can say "Obviously, he won't lose in the first round, there are too many differences of level in some countries" but in France, damn in France, you have the first 16 qualified it's war

So we carry each other, there are a lot of events, maybe it's easier for us in France to travel, and that's why there is a good level in France

-Well no it's clear it can explains some things -You see -It's not anodyne at all, surely not

And so yeah we were just talking about your experience in jury so you were jury in American championships so in New-York, you were jury too in GBB 2017, at least it's the most recent you did more or less

Including competition between differents loopers, you were at Saro's win which was absolutely insane, we saw you, we see you in the videos, in fact everybody just over-liking this moment and they it can be

I think there are videos I've seen 100 times and that's where I wanted to go: since you had you world champion title in 2015, the next one is in 2018, so you won't go there as a performer

-Well no, that's just it -AH [Tadaaaa] suspense ! -"I told you, I will be back !" No I don't know, I think it's a good question and today I still don't want to answer it

-Right -That's it, I don't want to answer it, I give me time, I like to ask this question to myself, will I be candidate to 2018 world championships

-Even I say it's a good question, I'll see, indeed the first answer is "No" because I could be jury and it's an incredible honor -Yeah because that's it: the fact that you don't want to answer is totally fine, but what I saw is that the previous worlds champions, they're all in the jury right now

-Yeah because it's an honor, when you say to yourself "Fuck I'm gonna be jury in world championships" it's insane to consider -But it's not really –sorry to interrupt you- a matter of convention to say when you are world champion you stop to perform ?

No, there is reason which is here too, is that beatbox is evolving a lot and the problem is, at world championship is only every 3 years, so as the level increases when you're world champ, you can imagine that 3 years later

We'll wait for you with a much higher level that what you did and in many cases you didn't reach the maximum because we're never at this "maximum", but when you did your best anyway so it's a real performance, so it's not that easy 3 years after

To take it on face to younger ones, to show that you're still on and you still can push the level, that's why champions stop. It's not like "I'm staying with this win" it's more like "I'm not in the actual beatbox mood today, I'm in something else, and I want to be jury it's cool"

-It's more for that reason, but I still want to ask this question to myself. So I don't have a lot of time I agree, but even if I do it I won't tell it -We'll see

Yeah, that's it, we'll see in fact, when there will be candidates, is Alem participating, we're watching, we're watching, maybe not and maybe it will be "Well no he doesn't participate, he's jury" and that's it

Well it stimulates me, even in my training you see, to say to myself that maybe I'll do it, I'm letting this question suspended, I say maybe and it's good for my training

I see I don't necessarily have the level, because in the world championship what we expect is new possibilities, it's refreshing, beatboxers want new sounds

And my problem is here, I'm not –or at least not anymore- in this mood, I'm rather in a way of taking things on, to push the level in some stuffs but it's not new sounds

-It's development but not new stuff -I understand what you mean. Do you know that I'm a bit mad at you ? Because we have to say it it's been a while since we try to do this interview

It's been few months already (-Damn yes) but we never find out a common free time, and when I started to do some researches about you, even if I knew you pretty well

I was talking about your "lack of musicality" in your beatbox, and I was trying to point these "defaults" and since you've made a cover of Shape of You of Ed Sheeran at Chirens, that we were talking before

You also released a video of that version on your YouTube channel, I was gonna talk about the looper, which allows to record sounds which repeat themselves automatically, doing a loop, asking you why you didn't do some

-Since you've released 2 videos on including one who explodes the number of views -Yes and it's surprising -So I said to myself "Ok, he doesn't have any defaults anymore, that's it, it's over"

But anyway I wanted to come to it anyway because it's interesting that you do that and indeed the views exploded on your first video

You see for the little anecdote, when I did this video, first it took me a while, even if the sound isn't good, I mean in the rehearsal it's not good because I'm not god at loop

And I looked after it, I have the loopstation for more than 1 year, and I never did anything on it. So yeah I did a lot but everything was bad, bad bad bad, and with time, furthermore it's my girlfriend who offered me the loopstation

She said "Damn when will you do something, concretize something ?" and for a long period I was listening big Trap sound music in the car

So what am I listening, I'll be asked, so really I just put "Trap music sound 24/7" and you have trap playing all day long and I'm listening to it in my car because I have a long trip

And I put it, some fat trap music and in fact for a long period I listened to it even if everything is not good in trap, but it's trap anyway, 24/24 it makes me laugh. And I put it, I'm listening, listening listening, and there was a little "click"

I came back home, I had a melody in my hand, it was impossible to replay it because it's 24/24 live, impossible to show you my influence on it, and there was that sound [sound+beatbox] something like that

And I try it on the loop, I simply put reverb [sound] I say "Hey it's good, finally something sounding a bit great", I put a bit of liproll [liproll], I put a little effect on it because I'm really good at it

Anyway, I do a video of it, I call Camille, my girlfriend, very quickly I tell her "Camille, Camille ! You have to record !" and impossible to record, I did my effects wrong, the loop is bad

And in fact it's been tough, and that's why I'm happy, why ? Because I'm in an energy where I say "Fuck, I'm doing it !" and I feel it good, and when I launch the drop, even I see myself, I over-react a little

But even I am happy to see the video because I see myself launching the [sound] and I feel it's gonna work, and it's working so as it's working I'm happy, it's a real satifsfaction's reaction where we feel there was and a lot of training and not that much

Because I'm in a fast move to say "You'll see, this drop is cool and I'm glad of it" and that's it. So I wanted to do it, the day after, I think 2 days after I do another one

You have to know that for the second video, which has less views, but I'm still very satisfied of this one, but you have to know for the anecdote that I worked with Saro for this video

Because the same evening he sent me a Facebook message which was nice to see and said "I saw your loop video, it's great, don't stop !" I was so happy because it's Saro !

Saro if you let me we could say few words on who he is, so we talked about him a bit just before, he's a French beatboxer too, and he literally revolutionized loopers' world, I mean beatboxers who use a loopstation

Yeah that's it, so I was so proud he told me it was good, and the evening or the day after that, because it was done very quickly, he was on Teamspeak (-Yeah!) where we can talk and we worked the second track together

We see it's a bit more technic, the second video is more technic in the way I look after more effect, I record that effect, after I go back to another effect, more manipulations

And he helped me to do it and it's great, the time of an evening and it was great a bit of technic in this second video and that's it it's a video because I want to go elsewhere in loop, even if I like doing trap

And in fact I realized it's a lot of pressure,you know when you do something again you put the level high, well I always want to do something insane and I never do

You see the loop it's been finally a year that I have it to do a melody plus a reverb then just a [sound] it's quite simple you see what I mean ? (-Yeah yeah) You don't need one year to do something like that, or it's sad

Because I'll always set the level high, I don't even try, and sometimes you realize that these are the simplest things, in a good vibe, in a good energy, when you feel it, you don't need to push the level extremely high

It's a message for everyone because it's not to do competition, obviously if we talk about Saro in competition it's something else, we're in a international competition

Obviously here we do things carefully, bur sometimes, when it's not competition, just sharing what you do, where you are, the little track is cool and people react in a good way, they don't expect you to explode everything each time

Sure, it's true it's super interesting and we see on your second loop video and it's indeed a bit more technic. We're gently coming to the end of this interview, I would like to ask you what are you current projects ?

I have noticed 2 things, maybe you could add more, don't hesitate, there is first you project with Krissmen which is weird but in a good way. It's been a long time that you know each other

It's been few years already, and what you combined together is the beatbox for you and he sings in Breton. So for English speakers who are listening to us, Breton is actually a dialect coming from Bretagne, a French area

And those who speak only French can't understand Breton but the sonorities are similar, I have to say. And you combined those 2 things and the result is pretty crazy and you even do concerts with that

Ah yeah it's great, it's true that I could talk a bit about it, on the paper it's something really unexpected (-Hell no) a guy who raps in Breton and a guy beatboxing, so for a large audience you can easily imagine

They've already rarely seen a beatboxer live and even a Breton rapping and singing, so the duo you wonder "What it's gonna be ?!" so this duo is working really well, he raps good and I can handle the beatbox part

-And honestly it's very varied as a duo -Yes, I honestly recommend you to check because it's very surprising and very nice to listen to

And there was the project a bit more recent and actual, it's Trio's one. So what is Trio, it's a project more recent than Krissmen but it's 3 persons, you at beatbox

-And there are 2 musicians: one is playing bass and the other one is doing.. all the rest ? -So there is one percussionist called Stéphane Edouard, he played percussions, he has a bass, a hi-hat, cymbals, a kick and he's playing with his fingers, it's very interesting

I'm at beatbox, and Alfio Origlio which is a great jazz pianist and is very well-known, he played a lot with Jonazs, with Manu Katché, Bobby McFerrin ! And it's a trio I love very much

Which indeed is starting because with have few dates, but it's starting, we have some shows, we recorded an album which will be out very soon, we made 2 teasers, 2 well-recorded videos, very professional, we have a staff

-We have a very pro format and yeah I'm very glad of this trio -Yes that's it, the osmose is working well, I was gonna talk about those 2 teasers on your channel I suppose for more visibility, and it's true it's working so well

And this Alfio that you're talking about it's true that.. Well for those who don't know Bobby McFerrin, he's the king and so it's true that when he plays it's pretty impressive, so I wish you a lot of success for it, already for the idea it's deserved

Thanks, thanks we wish to do it on stage many many times -I hope so. So I would have a last question which could become a kind of gimmick if I have the occasion and the opportunity to interview other people

Well the name of the channel is A Cappelover so we mostly talk about A Cappella music, today we talked about beatbox obviously with you, which is one of the two pillars of A Cappella music

And despite all you've already done and what you do, did you have the idea or would you have the project to join an A Cappella group, is it already a world that you know more or less ?

-Hum.. No not really, to put A Cappella singers that's it ? -Just.. Well first do you even know A Cappella music, do you know that world, Pentatonix, Home Free, VoicePlay… do you know that a little bit ?

Yes it talks to me, I like it a lot by the way, I love it. Ahhh yeah I understand your question: Yeah yeah I would live it a lot, but for now it's true that with Krissmen and the Trio I don't have the time yet but maybe it will come one day

After that, the problem for me is here, why I don't do it, because I want to have an absolute freedom, and I'm afraid of projects with singers that I would be a bit locked, you see what I mean, I don't have this total freedom

That I have to hold that and that rhythm and for now It's not done, but maybe with an all new concept, with a new projects of singers I would love it, but anyway

Yeah that's it because the thing is when a beatboxer is in an A Cappella group he becomes a VP, a Vocal Percussionist, and the difference is here; indeed you will have to follow a partition, a rhythm

-You will have to be in harmonywith the bass mostly, so maybe you are scared to be locked in this but it's tru that it's a different opportunity -Yes sure, which maybe will arrive

-At least the door isn't closed -No the door isn't closed at all, it could be excellent, why not

Oh yeah well A Cappella music is mostly well-known in the US, it's true that in the other side of the Atlantic it's pretty hard to emerge, that's why I opened that channel too, at first

It was to make it known, it's still the objective. So maybe one day we'll find an A Cappella group, the Pentatonix bis, or even Berywam in fact because Berywam is a group of beatboxers

-They are 4, but they do A Cappella music because they all have their parts, they sing -Yeah it's brilliant

-It's incredible, let's hope it will emerge thanks to that kind of groups and maybe you in a more or less far future -That's it, it's clear !

-Well Alem, I will thank you a thousand times from the bottom of my heart -Thanks a lot !

It was really great, I'll cry [AND I DID] cry to do all the subtitles but it's okay because it's really worth it, I hope you will like the result, and obviously you too who watched this video

-And yeah -Hum.. We'll stop here, simply, because it's been already 1h20 of interview, it will be cool

Well thanks to you too, and well, see you soon even on stage, a show or a beatbox event

-Listen I hope so too, we say see ya nexttime, and for you I say see you soon [in a next video] -Bye bye, ciao ciao ! -Bye

For more infomation >> ALEM, CHAMPION DU MONDE DE BEATBOX (et mec le plus sympa de la terre) ! [INTERVIEW] - Duration: 1:02:27.


Injustice 2 Fighter Pack 3 : Opinión y Análisis del Trailer!!! - Duration: 11:23.

For more infomation >> Injustice 2 Fighter Pack 3 : Opinión y Análisis del Trailer!!! - Duration: 11:23.


Не можешь перестать грешить? Ты - лжец. - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Не можешь перестать грешить? Ты - лжец. - Duration: 2:15.


How to Improve Your English Writing with Native Speakers | How to Write in English Lesson - Duration: 3:04.

You want to improve your English writing skills and I'm going to show you how to

do it quick, easy and free! We're going to use this website, iTalki. iTalki is

in no way sponsoring this video – I use iTalki a lot, as you can see. so I know

it's going to help you like it's helped me in foreign languages. okay here's how

we start. if you don't have an account already, sign up and create your account.

then you will probably start here – go up here to community. you'll see a few

different free English resources. today we're focusing on writing,

so click notebook. alright now we're ready to write! first you'll want to

think of a topic that you're going to write about. iTalki gives you some

great ideas, but if you want something even better, in the description I put a

website that will give you writing topics, characters, and writing lengths.

I've used this website a lot to give me writing ideas, and I think it's gonna

help you too! after you have your topic, you need to create a title. make it

interesting, engaging, to attract someone's attention so they want to

correct your writing! now it's time to write! my biggest advice here is to only

write one to two paragraphs at a time. that's because the people who are

correcting your writing are doing it for free, and they don't want to spend a lot

of time on one notebook entry. so you write one to two paragraphs per entry,

but you can submit as many entries as you want! that means if you have an essay

or a resume that you want corrected, to be perfect, you can have it completed

within one or two days. don't submit all of your entries right away, all at the

same time. wait at least one hour between entries. and finally, the most important

thing to make sure that your writing gets corrected, know the time zone of the

country where you want someone to correct your writing. if you want an

American to correct your writing don't submit it when it's 2 a.m. in New York,

meaning 11 p.m. in Los Angeles. nobody will be on iTalki

at those times. that's why in the description, I also put a website that

will tell you the time differences, so if you live in Morocco or Bangladesh, you'll

know exactly when to submit your writing and have someone correct it. all right,

let's review: an interesting title is very important get the person's

attention so that they want to correct your writing. number two: only write one to

two paragraphs per notebook entry. people are doing this for free, so if you write

more than two paragraphs it might be too much for someone. but remember, you can

submit as many different entries as you want. and finally, to make sure that

people see your writing, if you're submitting your writing on a weekday – you

want to submit it after 3 p.m. to about 7 p.m. If it's a weekend – you want to

submit it in the morning or early afternoon.

again, that's the person's time who is correcting your essay,

not your time! get off YouTube because you're not going to improve your writing

here, you're going to do it on iTalki! so no more excuses! this is a free and

fast way to improve your writing, good luck!

For more infomation >> How to Improve Your English Writing with Native Speakers | How to Write in English Lesson - Duration: 3:04.


"God Bless America" 4th + Main - Duration: 0:43.

(4th + Main singing)

"From the mountains

to the prairies

to the oceans

white with foam


My home, sweet, home!"

Randy Austin: "Hey guys! Happy Veteran's Day"

we're "4th and Main"

Chase McDaniel: "This is our appreciation video

for all Veteran's on Veteran's Day.

If you liked our version of "God Bless America",

share it with a Veteran, and #tag a Veteran you know.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> "God Bless America" 4th + Main - Duration: 0:43.


World War I ends - 11/11/1918 - Duration: 0:58.

Today in military history, 1918.

At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month,

the First World War comes to an end.

Known only as the Great War at the time,

what could have been the war to end all wars

began four years earlier

when Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated,

sparking a domino effect that pulled

more than 26 countries into a conflict that resulted

in over 41 million military and civilian casualties.

By 1917 the United States joined the fight,

tipping the scales against the German-led Central Powers.

On November 11th, an armistice was signed

and a ceasefire began.

The Treaty of Versailles was signed in June 1919,

formally ending the war,

but the aftermath would cause a period

of disillusionment in Germany

that paved the way to an even more destructive war

in the years to come.

Want to know what happened yesterday in military history?

Click right here.

Want to know what happened tomorrow?

Make sure you subscribe.

For more infomation >> World War I ends - 11/11/1918 - Duration: 0:58.


FAIRE DU SPORT EN MUSIQUE ? OUI et non... - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> FAIRE DU SPORT EN MUSIQUE ? OUI et non... - Duration: 4:53.


Step by Step Walk Through of How I made $600 on Amazon in 10 Minutes - Duration: 8:33.

what's going on guys it's Brian from BG media innovation and today I'm gonna

show you how I just made about three to four hundred bucks in the past five

minutes and I'm gonna make about two to three hundred more in the next five

minutes and I'm gonna demonstrate it all for you right here right now

all right guys so we're just jumping right in and I'm gonna demonstrate for

you within the next 10 minutes or so how I'm gonna make about three to four

hundred bucks more now I already did this about two or three times and this

is completely spontaneous I actually did a video on the actual process of this

about two videos ago I think was about two days ago so I'm gonna actually

demonstrate the process for you here which will be a better indicator of how

you can actually make your money and how much profit there is to actually be made

on these sites now I say this all the time but I feel like it doesn't ring you

know it doesn't hit home for people and so I want to show it to you literally me

going through the entire process for you and then you can judge for yourself

which I mean there's really no judging um you know whether or not it's worth it

feel free to try it on your own feel free to take my course which is

obviously linked in in the description it's always the first you know link in

the description when I do these retail arbitrage videos guys another thing too

if you like this content if you like this video obviously please think about

subscribing to the channel please like the video comment on the video it helps

the channel grow the engagement rate obviously helps the video rank on

YouTube one more thing - I've been getting some comments somehow - you know

how I have these click Beatty titles and people aren't happy about them first

things first the the titles are always relevant to the video so in this video I

actually did make about 600 bucks I believe I'm gonna title this video you

know how I made $600 on Amazon in like 10 minutes or something like that

because it's a it's a title that grabs attention it's a title that people are

searching for and I understand how you feel some of these titles are click

Beatty but they're always relevant to the actual video they're they're not

lies the titles are 100% true and you have to understand that for a youtuber

with a small channel there's roughly about 650 people on this channel now

which we're growing and I'm really really excited about so thank you for

all the support guys I just want you to understand that you got I gotta play the

game you know what I mean so I have to I have to do the click bTW title someone I

have to you know obviously tag the videos and I have to plug the links in

my description for the simple fact that I'm trying to generate traffic and I'm

simply trying to grow the channel I hope you can understand that I hope you can

appreciate that I always keep it real with you guys and I always keep it

transparent just like I'm about to show you so let's just jump right in to this

and I'm going to show you this method so see here I'm on the pond which is one of

the sites that I demonstrated that updated and I

looked into this since it updated and it didn't really update that much there's

still instant deals it just was a little bit of a different setup so this

everything in the course is still one hunter is not relevant now you'll see

here that I picked some of these you know these deals right here and there's

still three left so I'm gonna demonstrate it for you basically what I

did is I claimed these instant deals now I'm gonna take this and I'm going to go

to I don't even know if I already buy this one I don't even remember I don't

think I did so basically I just click this I went to Amazon and I'm gonna

purchase these really really fast you'll see here that it sells for $15.99

retails about $15.99 I'm getting it from 160 and I'm probably gonna get eight or

to eight to ten of them you know you'll see really fast so I don't always get

multiples often I only get one but for this example I want to demonstrate how

much money there's actually be made here and I want to show you guys that the

process and how much you know you can actually make doing this because I get

this question all the time you know it's hard to make money online how do you do

it how do you do the email marketing how do you do the Amazon FBA how do you do

the retail arbitrage it's not working for me well I want to demonstrate it for

you it's this simple you just have to take action and basically learn a little

bit you know as you go so I'm going to show you really fast so I'm gonna go

here just like the last video I'm copying the Asin in I'm gonna put it

into the product and add a product in the seller central and I see that I can

sell it so basically I'm gonna come back I'm gonna take the coupon code I'm gonna

go all the way up and I believe it was eight or ten that I'm allowed this

person sells about 300 of these a month so I literally sell out of these in like

a day or two max I want steals by box very long he'll get the sales on the

item which helps his item rank better and I'll obviously take the profit for a

day or two doesn't hurt anybody helps me helps him you know some sellers

might not like it it is what it is maybe I can I get eleven I think it was only

ten oh I can let's go with ten right here

and I'll just show you hopefully this doesn't demonstrate my password we move

my mic really fast to I'm actually getting another mic tomorrow guys so I

hope you really really like that I'd love to hear comments and feedback on

whether or not you think that the new mic actually makes a difference now here

you go I just I just pumped out I got eight I got ten of them I'm paying

$15.99 for ten of them basically the promotion discounted $143

typically this 160 that he's discounting it for is his break-even point so this

is probably what he pays for them to get them manufactured roughly speaking so

I'm giving him the sales I'm gonna basically get this to my door I'm gonna

place the order as you see here I'm gonna get 10 of them to my door for

$15.99 I'm simply gonna unbox them box them back up ship them back into Amazon

FBA and I'll sell them for off all 10 of them for $15.99 maybe $14.99 roughly

just to get the buy box that's that simple so now we're gonna move on to the

next one another one here apparently already

requested it this here's another one $15.99 for 160 I am NOT a but this is

the first time this has happened to me that's strange probably cuz I just did

about 5 and 10 minute period I'm gonna scroll all the way down to the S I am

take the S I am paste it in I can sell it scroll all the way back up put the

coupon code in add ten of them to my cart and this one's only eight that's

fine and boom 1279 for eight of them to my

door I'm gonna make roughly you know Amazon take their cut of this this might

be like 75 bucks right here now I already did this about four times before

I started this video so you can basically add up the profit that's if we

just say that you know that's six total seven total whatever it was that I did

and clearly there's a bunch more deals here if you really want I don't think I

might have gotten this one already I did so basically I could continue going down

and down and find better deals here there's a million of them here and

that's basically how I make $600 in in you know in ten minutes

so I literally did clearly don't get paid right now what will happen is these

will come to my door because I have Amazon Prime and you can get that in the

description as well guys they'll come to my door in two days which is 11:11 I'll

pet on package to them package them back up ship them back into Amazon FBA when

they sell you know it'll take two days from the

I ship them basically to get to Amazon FBA then they'll be available as soon as

somebody buys it and Amazon ships it out they'll credit my account this will all

happen between now and the next payment period when which is Thursday basically

so I will make that money and be paid on the 20th practically for all of these so

I literally will get paid that six hundred bucks at seven hundred bucks

that four hundred five hundred whatever it was I didn't calculate it on the 20th

for doing ten minutes of work right here and then simply on packaging the boxes

repackaging them back up putting new labels on them and sending them back out

it's a hundred percent you know it's it's very very easy I'm not gonna keep

talking about it but I just wanted to demonstrate it for you this video is on

one hundred-percent spontaneous I'm really excited about this I'm telling

you guys you can make a lot of money so if you're looking for a step-by-step

tutorial course on this check the first link in the description that's my retail

arbitrage course if you're looking to get into Amazon FBA private labeling the

next couple links are Kevin David's Amazon FBA ninja course check that out

I'm also into private labeling and I'm gonna end the video here guys I just

wanted to demonstrate for you and give you some value for uh you know for today

so I really really hope you liked it please like the video comment and

subscribe and I will see you all tomorrow

For more infomation >> Step by Step Walk Through of How I made $600 on Amazon in 10 Minutes - Duration: 8:33.


EPIC FAIL! How NOT to make Slime! (Spanish Subtitles) - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> EPIC FAIL! How NOT to make Slime! (Spanish Subtitles) - Duration: 2:53.


瑞士大麻商品大嘗試!!! - Duration: 17:08.

For more infomation >> 瑞士大麻商品大嘗試!!! - Duration: 17:08.


The Exorcist 2x07 Promo "Help Me" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> The Exorcist 2x07 Promo "Help Me" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:21.


DIY School, DIY Crafts, 15 Weird Back To School DIY Projects, DIY School Supplies, 5 Minute Crafts - Duration: 14:30.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> DIY School, DIY Crafts, 15 Weird Back To School DIY Projects, DIY School Supplies, 5 Minute Crafts - Duration: 14:30.



For more infomation >> CARNAVAL COMPLETO BEIJA-FLOR 1998 - TRANSMISSÃO MANCHETE - Duration: 1:11:28.


Death of A Family (Scene) | X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) CLIP - Duration: 2:58.

You must be exhausted. You get a good night's sleep.

In the barn.

Nothing you can break out there.

Why is the moon so lonely?


Because she used to have a lover.

He can never touch her again.

You sleep okay?


You look like a man fixing to do a bad thing.

You know what happens to men who go looking for blood?

- What? -They find it.

We all got a choice, son.

- Yeah, well, mine got taken. -Bullshit.

This was my son's jacket.

Try it on.

- Thank you. -Yep.

You want to take my bike for a spin? Test the suspension?

'64, huh?

Man, you're heavy.

Yeah, I put on a little weight recently.

- Good morning! -Good morning.

Oh. it fits you beautifully.

I brought you some...

Weapon X is in the barn. He's just murdered two civilians.

Blow him to bits. Let's see if he can survive that.

For more infomation >> Death of A Family (Scene) | X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) CLIP - Duration: 2:58.


Blow Him to Bits (Scene) | X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) CLIP - Duration: 2:57.

Come get me.

Blow his brains all over the road!

Damn it!

Alpha one, do not lose him!

Alpha two! Target coming to you!

Pull up!

Pull back! Pull back!

For more infomation >> Blow Him to Bits (Scene) | X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) CLIP - Duration: 2:57.


Lupita Nyong'o Calls Out Magazine For Editing Out and Smoothing Her Natural Hair - Duration: 1:56.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

At first glance, Lupita Nyong'o's latest cover of Gracia looks like your standard fashion


However the actress came at the UK Magazine for smoothing and digitally altering her natural

hair and showed unedited versions to prove it.

The Oscar winning actress took to Twitter and Instagram to explain why she was so disappointed.

Disappointed that @GraziaUK edited out & smoothed my hair to fit a more Eurocentric notion of

what beautiful hair looks like.


Lupita went into further detail on her instagram saying,

"Despite having grown up thinking light skin and straight, silky hair were the standards

of beauty, I now know that my dark skin and kinky, coily hair are beautiful too.

I cannot support or condone the omission of what is my native heritage with the intention

that they appreciate that there is still a very long way to go to combat the unconscious

prejudice against black women's complexion, hair style and texture."

The actress finished both her posts with the hashtag #dtmh, a nod to Solange's A Seat at

the Table song, "Don't Touch My Hair".

Solange's hair was also photoshopped out of the cover of Evening Standard Magazine last


In a statement to Fader, Grazia claimed they are "committed to representing diversity

throughout its pages" and apologized "unreservedly" to Lupita.

" no point did [Grazia] make any editorial request to the photographer for Lupita Nyong'o's

hair to be altered… nor did we alter it ourselves."

They finished off by apologizing for not upholding the highest of editorial standards in ensuring

that they were aware of the alterations that had been made.

//// That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe

to Complex on YouTube.

Also get ready for Complex on Cable.

We're coming at you Fridays on FUSE at 11pm EST/10pm Central or anytime on demand via

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You guys can learn more at

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> Lupita Nyong'o Calls Out Magazine For Editing Out and Smoothing Her Natural Hair - Duration: 1:56.





The Biggest Scientology Connections In Hollywood - Duration: 5:40.

One of the church of Scientology's strategies for expanding is the recruitment of celebrity

members, and through the years, the controversial religion has been very successful in this


Whether they've since left the church or remained loyal supporters, these stars have definitely

been connected to Scientology.

John Travolta

An outspoken proponent of Scientology, John Travolta credits the religion with helping

him break out in acting as well as helping him cope with the tragic death of his son,

Jett, in 2009.

Travolta also starred in 2000's Battlefield Earth, which was based on a novel by the founder

of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard.

The Grease star told Good Morning America in 2015 that his church of 40 years is a target

because "it's not understood."

"I've saved lives with it I've saved my own life several times.

Through the loss of my son, it helped me every step of the way for two years solid."

Some say that Travolta's ties to Scientology are bound in fear, not faith.

In the documentary Going Clear, former Scientology officials and insiders claim the church's

"audits" of Travolta contain secrets that may be used to blackmail him into not leaving.

The church of Scientology has denied those claims.

Tom Cruise

Out of all the stars on this list, Tom Cruise is probably the one the world recognizes the

most for his involvement with the church.

"I think it's a privilege to call yourself a scientologist and it's something you have

to earn."

Cruise joined in the early '90s, allegedly through a connection to his first wife, Mimi

Rogers, who was said to be active in the church.

The Mission: Impossible star later attacked Today show anchor Matt Lauer when he asked

about Cruise's anti-psychiatry beliefs.

"Aren't there examples where it works"


Matt Matt Matt."

"You're glib.

You don't even know what Ritalin is."

Leah Remini

King of Queens star Leah Remini has credited Scientology with helping her break into Hollywood,

but the actress caused a huge stir when she very publicly left the church in 2013.

"I'm talking about abuses, I'm talking about lives being destroyed."

She told 20/20 that she didn't get along with Cruises' then-wife, Katie Holmes, who she

claims filed "knowledge reports" against her.

In addition, Remini alleged that she was reprimanded for asking about the whereabouts of Scientology

leader David Miscavige's wife, Shelly.

Remini has doubled down in her crusade to expose the alleged wrongdoings of the church

with her Emmy-winning A&E series, Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath.

"I want to keep going until we see some justice."

The church has denied all of Remini's claims.

Nicole Kidman

A slew of rumors about Nicole Kidman's involvement with Scientology have been printed, most notably

the accusation that the church interfered with her marriage to Cruise to the point of

causing their divorce.

Kidman has remained silent on the issue, and in fact, she's gone as far as to say that

she will never talk trash about the church.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Kidman said,

"I've chosen not to speak publicly about Scientology.

I have two children who are Scientologists… and I utterly respect their beliefs."

Jenna Elfman

Dharma and Greg star Jenna Elfman is outspoken about her support for the church.

In 2005, she told the Scientology magazine Celebrity,

"I intend to make Scientology as accessible to as many people as I can.

And that is my goal…

It is my duty to clear the planet."

In Scientology, to be "clear" means to achieve a higher state where the mind is no longer


Elfman added,

"The more successful I became, the more suppression I bumped into…especially in the entertainment

industry, which really is home to rabid suppression."

Erika Christensen

During a 2013 sitdown on Parenthood co-star

Joy Bryant's web series, Erika Christensen defended Scientology and described the most

common misconceptions about the church.

"Probably that we're some sort of closed group or mysterious or something like that."

She went on to say that it's not just a "Hollywood religion," and that

"The goal of Scientology is giving the person back to themselves.

Like, your own power of choice."

A 2006 Scientology testimonial even features an especially enthusiastic Christensen.

"Straight out of this universe...It is!

Straight out of this universe!"

Kirstie Alley

Cheers star Kirstie Alley credits Scientology with helping her break her cocaine addiction.

She told Entertainment Tonight,

"I thought I was going to overdose almost every time."

She confessed that Dianetics got her through it.

"Somehow I got through the book, and I thought either Scientology is the world's biggest

scam, or I thought this is how I am going to get rid of this hideous compulsion."

Will & Jada Pinkett Smith

Superstar Will Smith has been subject to Scientology rumors for years.

His 2013 film After Earth reportedly included Scientology themes, and he attempted to open

a school based on Scientologist teaching methods.

Still, he's repeatedly denied the claims.

"I'm a student of world religion.

I was raised in a Baptist household I went to Catholic school."

While he insists that most of the religions he studies are "98 percent the same," Smith

passionately defends his friend Tom Cruise's decision to be a Scientologist.

"How you gonna not know nothing about Scientology and attack somebody?"

Like her husband, Jada Pinkett Smith has been linked to Scientology for years, most notably

by Remini, who told the Daily Beast,

"I know Jada's in.

She's been in Scientology a long time."

"I had seen her at the Scientology Celebrity Centre all the time."

Pinkett Smith refuted the claims in a Twitter thread that echoed her husband's sentiments

about being a student of world religion.

The Girls Trip star's final words on the matter were,

"I practice human kindness, and I believe that we each have the right to determine what

we are and what we are not."

Elisabeth Moss

Emmy-winner Elisabeth Moss doesn't speak about Scientology often, but when she does, she

has only positive things to say.

In 2012, she told The Telegraph,

"It's not the same thing as going to church on Sunday.

It's self-applied.

It involves reading — you have to make a choice."

Moss also said that much like people who practice yoga, Kabbalah, or Buddhism, her Scientology

beliefs help her "feel centered."

"Because there is so much focus on the, I guess, empowerment and, sort of, respecting

yourself, and yourself as an individual."

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For more infomation >> The Biggest Scientology Connections In Hollywood - Duration: 5:40.


How to Make a Succulent Wreath Form + Featuring Some Lovely Succulent Plants - Duration: 12:00.

Hi, this is Sheila, and today, I would like to share with you how to make the wreath

form for this arrangement. So Step number 1, we will start with this circular

wreath frame. Step Number 2, for the filling, I'm using this Spanish moss. So we

will be opening this bag. I'll be telling you in a bit why I chose to use Spanish

moss of all types of moss that's available. So we will be taking out about two handful

of the moss and we will be bunching it up. So, I'm taking a handful first. This

should be enough. Just keep squeezing them and they will easily stay in the

shape that you want. In this video, I will also be flashing photos of succulents in

my collection, such as this tiny Haworthia Reticulata and you will see the

names of these succulents on your screen. And tip for this guy is that it's not

able to take 41 degrees Fahrenheit and lower. Since these moss grow on trees,

you'll find that there will be branches caught in them. I highly suggest that you

take them out so that they don't get in the way with this procedure. So, one

reason why I chose Spanish moss is because they are easy to bunch together.

So that's one reason. Now, so just continue with this process until you

have filled up the entire ring. This Spanish Moss is also able to sustain

succulent life because this is an organic material that could provide

nutrients that your succulents would need for it to grow. Okay, so Step Number

3, once we have filled up half of the wreath frame, we will grab the green floral

wire. I'll be sharing some helpful tips as we go along, as well, about the

succulents that I'm showcasing in this video. So here, we'll be tying the moss

with the floral wire, as you can see here, and just wrap it

around like so, and you can easily twist this wire and

that's pretty much the knot that you need. That's it. It's not that hard at all.

Just twist it around. So, now, I'll have to cut the wire this wire just about at the twist or

the knot, and again, gather the moss some more and just keep wrapping the floral

wire around it. So, make sure that the bunch is nice and tight. Grip them

together as much as you can because you want the moss to be really tight and not

loose. So here, we are checking to make sure that the moss is nice, and firm, and

tight. And in the meantime, this is my Echeveria 'Doris Taylor' or the Woolly

Rose. As you can see, you can easily tell where she got her name. And she is best

suited within the Hardiness Zones 9b to 11, so if you live outside these zones,

please bring her in through the winter. Okay, we're back. So here, I just need

to tell you guys that the tighter the moss is, the better. The succulents will

hold onto a dense moss better than a loose one simply because there are more

of the moss strands to hold on to. So, you have to make sure that they're really

tight enough and the moss will also provide a good grip for the gardening

pins that were shown in my other video. It's also good to know that you can

always add more layers of moss as you go along. So, you can finish this entire

circle and you can always go back and add more layers, and layers of moss, if

you prefer a very thick wreath. So, you can always add a second layer, or a third

layer after. So at this point you already have a good

grasp of how thick and compact it should be, so I will be fast-forwarding this

portion of the video. And if you want to watch the video on how I made my living,

growing wreath, you can tap on the bar on the upper right-hand side of your screen.

And if you love the succulents that I've shown so far, and the tips that came with

it, do hit the subscribe button and give it a thumbs up, and let me also announce

to you, that moving forward, instead of leaving my inspirational messages at the

end of my videos, as I did with all of the previous ones, I've decided to say it

within any random part of my videos, so today, my message to you guys is all

about emotions. So, always remember that emotions are contagious, so always bring

the sunshine in. I hope you liked that message. So, always try to bring in a

happy mood, specially within your family and the people you work with. Moods are

contagious, so don't spread or catch the bad mood, okay? Work on bringing cheers

instead. So going back, we just need to continue working our way through the

circle. So, here's another bonus. So, this is my Split Rock Succulent. In the winter,

do you hold back watering until it's almost spring, and it will surprise you

with such gorgeous blooms. Okay so we're back. That was so cute, but by the way let

me just tell you that for the succulent wreath, I highly suggest that you remove

the gardening pins around the third or fourth month to make sure that your

succulents have grown enough roots, so that they won't fall off. So do

postpone taking off the garden pins, to make sure that they have enough traction

onto your wreath first. As you may have noticed, I do take the liberty to add

more moss into this wreath to make sure that it's really firm and

compact. One huge factor why you would want to make your own succulent wreath

form is because a wreath form this size is not easily available, and it's likely

to be really expensive, 'cause this is an 18 to 20 inch wreath form.

This is gonna look really nice on your wide door; wide front door, so, it's

definitely so worth it. So, at this point, we're almost done with our succulent

wreath form. We're almost closing the circle, and as promised, here's another

one of my succulents. This one is the Echeveria Elegans, or the Mexican

Snowball. This one is the hardiest of the Echeveria, that means that this is able

to take full sun to light shade for about four hours in the morning and

she's gonna do great in your succulent garden just because she is one of the

easiest succulents to take care of. And if you totally loved that Echeveria

Elegans, do subscribe, share and like this video.

So, here, going back, Step Number 4 is to close the circle. Okay, so, at this

point, we're just preparing to create our final knot. So, in a bit, we should be

closing this wreath form, and we're almost done. And since, we're using a floral wire,

creating the final knot is really easy. I would wrap the wire a couple more times

and then using one finger, I would hold the wire in a way that after I've cut

the extra wire, I just need to pass it through the part of the wire that I'm

holding with my ring finger here and pass it one more time and then with the

use of my crafting plier I would pull it so that I'd

a double overhand knot. And if you wish, you can still twist it for added

strength; probably a couple more times, just twist it and then, cut the excess

wire. And now, make way for the cutest rosette succulents ever, the Cremnosedum

Little Gems. They're called little gems, because they are barely an

inch. So, these rosettes are so tiny that they are perfect for fairy garden

arrangements. And so now, we're ready to wrap it with burlap. And, step number six,

so, just hold this with one hand, and just hold on to the end. You don't have to use

hot glue gun for this. You just need to hold it this way, and then just wrap the

burlap around making sure that you're overlapping it by at least half an inch

to one inch, and just wrap away. I also would like to take this opportunity to

tell you guys that I'm so excited to announce that my next video is a result

of an experiment that I did with my succulents and the information that I

have gathered from it will be so useful in helping you grow your succulent

garden at a faster rate. So, do watch out for that video. So please

hit the subscribe button, and tap on the bell beside the subscribe button below

so that you'll get a notification as soon as I upload my next video. In fact, what I

discovered in that experiment was so vital and so highly unexpected that I

almost wanted to skip making this video, but then I promised you guys that I will

show you how I made this succulent wreath form so I'm keeping my promise. And this

succulent is my Echeveria Agavoides Martin's Hybrid. This one, the tip of it,

would actually turn pink when it's exposed to enough light. Now going back,

I'm leaving a space on the back of the wreath to make sure that there is a

space for my wreath holder, and that's it! So, at this point, we just need to glue

the edge of the burlap. Next, is Step Number 8, and for this, I'll be using

hot glue gun and I'm using a gold glue stick. And we're just finishing up, so be

careful not to touch the hot glue gun, and we're pretty much done. And the

materials that I used in this video will be in the description down below. I also

have links to some helpful playlists down below, as well. And lastly, my message to you guys

is all about emotions. So, always remember that emotions are contagious so when

dealing with people always bring the sunshine in. Thank you! This is Sheila

again for Succulent Fame.

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