Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 12 2017

Hey Chips It's me Hannah <3

Let's go to the video(OPPA<3)

For more infomation >> My Intro - Duration: 0:03.


TGIH - How Teeth Damaging Chews Is Building Natural Immune Response Like Nothing Ever Seen Before - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> TGIH - How Teeth Damaging Chews Is Building Natural Immune Response Like Nothing Ever Seen Before - Duration: 3:05.


¡Regreso el Ultra Instinto! - Dragon Ball Super Avance Capitulo 116 (Sub Español) (Full HD) - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> ¡Regreso el Ultra Instinto! - Dragon Ball Super Avance Capitulo 116 (Sub Español) (Full HD) - Duration: 0:26.


✅ READING YOUR COMMENTS as : Glam Pumpkin (I Love You Guys!) - Duration: 3:26.

What's up makeup Makeup minions, I'm Kim Witte from Witte Artistry and welcome back to my

YouTube channel. if you are new here please hit the subscribe button below to

join my Witte Artistry family I love you guys and I figured it'd be kind of

fun to start doing comment reading videos as a character or a makeup that

I've done so what I'm going to do is read off some comments from my alien

covenant inspired xenomorph makeup. ignited canvas says the shadow of the

tail is my favorite part of this look it really makes everything look more

realistic thank you I love the tail to those drop shadows are so hard I was

like surfing the entire internet just looking for a lizard that was positioned

in a similar way but I ended up just having to do some guesswork off-beat

cosplay comments your ability to create where the shadows are on the skin from

an original drawing on yourself is incredible heart heart thank you um when

you're creating drop shadows it's really important to keep the shadow darker and

more defined closest to the objects that's casting the shadow and as the

shadow recedes further away from the object it becomes lighter and more

dispersed Diablo 85 comments loved it you did a great job

very talented over here I think hfl means hot for life but thank you I love

aliens and the alien company movie was just so epic I just decided I had had to

do it I just had to create a little xenomorph and it was today was totally

worth it staff comments so awesome I would never be patient enough to layer

smudge out layer remove layer smudge out layer smudge layer insane that is

passion thank you I found that with painting

everything is just layers and blending and more like

blending I found that has the best results at least for me I've seen other

people do it other ways but that's just what I do

dan hunt comments because you get to add lift your tiny xenomorph teeth you did a

phenomenal job with this one that the shadow effects are spectacularly done

stay strong you've got this thank you so much Dan I'm really glad you liked it

you liked the shadows Clockwerk love comments OMG this is so cool watching

this was a good break from hurricane preparations which i could do this kind

of stuff keep up the good work ah I really hope you guys are staying safe I

know things are crazy outright crazy out there right now I love you all and I

hope you're okay death rains or John comments hooray

glad to see something love the hair by the way thank you I am so glad to be

back and producing videos if you didn't know there's been a rather unfortunate

series of events in my life if you're interested that's a video up in a corner

but thank you John I really appreciate your support you are awesome and I'm

glad you like the hair it's I started off black and red and it's just kind of

been fading out and now it's like this cool greeny teal color and I love it

thank you guys so much for watching this video I totally appreciate it and I

absolutely love reading your feedback I try my hardest to read every comment I

gift but make sure you keep commenting because who knows maybe you'll be in the

next comment reading video and also please comment below to let me know if

you like this style of video I think I want to do more of them but see you guys

next Saturday

For more infomation >> ✅ READING YOUR COMMENTS as : Glam Pumpkin (I Love You Guys!) - Duration: 3:26.


Los Angeles Police Officers Caught Planting Cocaine on Suspect During Traffic Stop - Duration: 2:27.

For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.

An LAPD officer was caught in a lie in court on Thursday in the case of a black man arrested

following a hit-and-run accident.

LAPD officers have been accused of planting drugs on a suspect during a traffic stop and

the Los Angeles Police Department has opened an investigation after a CBS2 News report

showed body-cam footage of the incident.

During the pretrial hearing for 52-year-old Ronald Shields, who was charged with a felony

hit-and-run and possession of cocaine, Shield's attorney argued that the drugs were planted

on his client at the time of the arrest.

Even though the LAPD has been keeping body cam videos from these arrests away from the

public eye, CBS2 News Investigative Reporter David Goldstein was able to obtain the footage

of Shields' arrest which appears to show officers placing drugs

in the suspect's wallet.

This is the first time that body LAPD body cam footage has been seen by the public and

if you're wondering why cops would plant drugs on a suspect while wearing a recording device,

part one of that answer is they don't seem to care about potentially ruining someone's

life by planting evidence and part two of that answer is the officers were possibly

unaware that the body cam video also captures and saves footage 30 seconds prior to when

the camera is activated.

That is when the alleged planting of cocaine took place.

One angle from the body cam shows LAPD officer Gaxiola picking up Shields' wallet off the

ground and showing it to officer Samuel Lee while motioning to the suspect as if to say

that the wallet belongs to him.

After putting the wallet back down, a small bag with a white substance, which later tested

positive for cocaine, was picked up off the street and eventually placed in Shields' wallet.

After the investigation aired, the LAPD said in a statement:

"The LAPD takes all allegations of misconduct seriously and, as in all cases, will conduct

a thorough investigation."

I feel like there's something someone has said about this sort of thing in the past...

Oh right:

Now we'll see what happens to cops who not only plant evidence, but then lie about it

under oath.

That's all for now, for everything else subscribe to Complex on YouTube, for Complex News, I'm

Hanuman Welch.

For more infomation >> Los Angeles Police Officers Caught Planting Cocaine on Suspect During Traffic Stop - Duration: 2:27.


Cristiano Ronaldo vs FC Barcelona l Home l La Liga Santander FIFA18ᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 16:05.

Cristiano Ronaldo vs FC Barcelona

Gamer and News Football

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo vs FC Barcelona l Home l La Liga Santander FIFA18ᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 16:05.


【君の名は。前前前世替え歌】「君の職は。」ニーニーニート【弟の姉】B7DCD0BE - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> 【君の名は。前前前世替え歌】「君の職は。」ニーニーニート【弟の姉】B7DCD0BE - Duration: 4:42.


ขนไก่ต้านอากาศ : ฟิสิกส์สนุก [by Mahidol] - Duration: 24:17.

For more infomation >> ขนไก่ต้านอากาศ : ฟิสิกส์สนุก [by Mahidol] - Duration: 24:17.


Dean Lewis - Waves (Inas Nacht - 2017-11-11) - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Dean Lewis - Waves (Inas Nacht - 2017-11-11) - Duration: 4:37.


Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Humour | Lam nhi | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Part 36 - Duration: 5:32.


For more infomation >> Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Humour | Lam nhi | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Part 36 - Duration: 5:32.


Bombshell! In Epic 6-2 Decision, US Supreme Court Declares Barack Obama Violated the Constitution … - Duration: 2:22.


In Epic 6-2 Decision, US Supreme Court Declares Barack Obama Violated the Constitution – You'll

Be Stunned.

Barack Obama couldn't have cared less to regard American laws or our Constitution amid

the time he was president.

He positively doesn't regard them now.

Obama violated the Constitution for three entire years.

Chief Justice John Roberts expressed that Obama did an "end-run around" the Constitution.

It's vital to get really out there, in light of the fact that you know the mainstream media

will skew it to support Obama.

In a 6-2 opinion, written authored by Chief Justice John Roberts, the court ruled that

Barack Hussein Obama violated the Constitution.

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

Unlike every other President in modern history, Barack Hussein Obama is not stepping aside

for the good of the country to let the new President govern.

Out of office for under a year, Barack Hussein Obama already has a "community organizing"

organization with 250 offices around the country, and 30,000 employees in place.

Their sole purpose is to interfere, and fight the Trump administration every step of the


It is despicable.

It is Un-American!

The name of his new leftist nonprofit group is called OFA.

Get use to that folks, it will soon be as famous as George Soros, and Black Lives Matter.

OFA stands for Organizing for Action.

How appropriate.

The community organizer is going back to organizing albeit on a much larger scale, not to mention

more violent and destructive.

Numerous Americans are worried that Barack Obama is taking a shot at building a shadow

government to disturb the administration of Donald Trump.

It appears that we are getting horrendously near dissidence.

Obama is strolling a scarcely discernible difference, and many are asserting that he

is conflicting with the best interests of the United States government.

Via The New York Post:




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For more infomation >> Bombshell! In Epic 6-2 Decision, US Supreme Court Declares Barack Obama Violated the Constitution … - Duration: 2:22.


How To make Bakery Style Super Soft Chewy Dinner Rolls | Milk Bread Recipe - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> How To make Bakery Style Super Soft Chewy Dinner Rolls | Milk Bread Recipe - Duration: 7:04.


Wrong Heads, Dress | pj masks | Baby learn Colors Pj Masks | Finger Family Song - Duration: 2:14.

Wrong Heads, Dress | pj masks | Baby learn Colors Pj Masks | Finger Family Song

For more infomation >> Wrong Heads, Dress | pj masks | Baby learn Colors Pj Masks | Finger Family Song - Duration: 2:14.


バルーン-ディーレ/Redire ver.夜くん 翻唱・歌ってみた - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> バルーン-ディーレ/Redire ver.夜くん 翻唱・歌ってみた - Duration: 3:55.


12 Warning Signs The Universe Sends When You Are On The Wrong Path In Life - Duration: 4:20.

12 Warning Signs The Universe Sends When You Are On The Wrong Path In Life

12 signs that signify if you need to change your life drastically.

There comes a time in each of our lives that we start questioning if we are actually on

the path we were supposed to be in.

There comes a time when we think that maybe our decisions were not quite accurate and

we may need to change our lives a bit to get back on track.

The thing is, it does happen and the universe provides us with enough subtle signs to decide

if we should continue along the path or ditch it completely.

Here, we have 12 strong signs which reveal that you may need to change your life, maybe

quite drastically too.


loss-of-interest.jpgThe simplest sign of a wrong life choice is the gradual decline in

the pursuit of what you chose.

You may have started a new career or may have initiated a new relationship with utmost zeal

and confidence but as time went by, you realize that

your interest is fading away and that the satisfaction you thought you might find wasn�t

coming along your way.

Eventually, you may end up rejecting your choice and may start feeling repulsed.

Pay attention to your feelings and they�ll reveal when it�s time to let go and move



a-change.jpgWhen you are on the wrong path, your life would start signaling for a change.

You would start feeling that something�s not right and that something might be missing.

You will, unconsciously, start looking for a change.

You may feel that the environment is not right or that the work is not right, and things

like that.

The uncomfortable feeling would start seeping in and you may feel it grow in you.

Do not ignore it, a thirst for change needs to be quenched and you may have to do it sooner

than later.


A wrong choice or your moving in the wrong direction would start showing through your

stress levels.

You may find yourself stressed out but unable to explain why.

You may feel that there�s excess burden on you but you won�t be sure why.

Things would appear normal and yet you would feel a level of discomfort.

Pay heed to the factors that trigger this build up and you would find that change may

be needed.


irritability.jpgIt goes without saying that with the build-up of stress and the nagging

feeling of change would make you irritable.

You may start feeling more annoyed (than usual) and even the smallest things may get on your


Your frustrations level may mount and you�ll feel obstructed at every step.

It is just the universe�s way of saying that you need to change paths now.


If you have started out on the wrong path and are feeling the above signs overwhelm

you, you would start looking for new opportunities without even realizing.

You would start spotting things that would seem much better than what you are doing now

and you would feel attracted towards the newer ones.

If this happens, make sure you understand the reasons behind it.


body-reacts-negatively.jpgGiven the overwhelming feeling of �something�s not right,�

your body starts reacting in the same way.

You may start getting mild headaches which may get severe with time, you may have shoulder

and back pains due to the stress involved, you may start feeling anxious at times etc.

Your body and your mind would, therefore, would reveal that you may need to start looking

at things differently.

For more infomation >> 12 Warning Signs The Universe Sends When You Are On The Wrong Path In Life - Duration: 4:20.


Yakuza 0 1080p #9 - Duration: 1:12:53.

Share, like, subscribe the channel and don´t miss the next video because i´m already cutting it :DDDDDDDDDD

For more infomation >> Yakuza 0 1080p #9 - Duration: 1:12:53.


Hello Darkness My Old Friend - Duration: 0:38.


Hello darkness my old friend~ o(╥﹏╥)o


v(ಥ ̯ ಥ)v

Gonna do that later ╮(─▽─)╭

Yeah b*tchhhhhhh

No~ I'll do it later ┐('~`;)┌

For more infomation >> Hello Darkness My Old Friend - Duration: 0:38.


Teña Ferreira - Para escuchar tu voz - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Teña Ferreira - Para escuchar tu voz - Duration: 3:38.


Spain Is Too Eurocentric & Racist! - Duration: 5:02.

Hey guys! How is it going?

There's a video in the newspaper "El País" called "The Spain Afro Is Invisible".

In it, the fucking Africans said that Spain is very racist.

I will respond to the madness in this video.

Afro consciousness for me is the best invention that has been with regard to the Afro in this country

since I have consciousness.

But why? Why is race very important?

It does not matter if a person is a black, is white, and is blue.

We must judge people case by case for their actions.

I'm very sorry but the identity is not important.

It is not important because we are many more than the race.

I'm not Tyler the black. I'm not Tyler the atheist.

I am a person with many opinions and I am much more than a black man.

It is incredible that all the democracy in this country, there hasn't been any Afro-representative in the

Congress of deputies.

There are no Africans in the deputies because the Africans there are a minority.

There are the Catalans, there are the Spanish

and many more people there who are white.

Because there are many more whites there would be many whites in the congress.

If the blacks want to be in the congress, well, go to the university.

Blacks are capable by their actions.

If black people want to be politicians, it's because their actions are not racism.

Water. There's not enough water in Africa.

Wherever you come if you are black, if you get here in this world, we have problems of racism.

What the hell is this?

There is no water in Africa because there is no water in Africa.

It's not because of racism.

In the United States, we have something that is very stupid.

It's called environmental racism.

Environmental racism is when an environment is racist.

For example the sky. There is gasoline because racism.

Everyone is racist thanks to SJW's.

Not everything is because racism.

It's because we're so stupid.

The migrants live here in Europe for the decisions they take for the white European politicians.

But we treat you like criminals.

Translation. Fuck the whites.

I am sorry. But there is the law of the land.

We can not accept people without borders.

Because we are not represented our boys and girls ask us

because they do not appear in textbooks.

We believe that education has a large part of education.

We speak about education that's not part of Eurocentric history very well,

very quite thought-out, not very well thought to indoctrinate us.

Boy, boy, boy, boy, boy.

There's a lot more history of white there because the Spaniards are white.

There black history on the internet.

Why do we need history in school when we have the internet?

Well I'm leaving.

Until next time, goodbye.

For more infomation >> Spain Is Too Eurocentric & Racist! - Duration: 5:02.


BREAKING: Trump and Putin Issue Major Announcement. - Duration: 4:02.

BREAKING: Trump and Putin Issue Major Announcement.

It looks like the meeting between President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir

Putin was productive.

On Saturday, the two leaders issued a joint statement stating that they would continue

to collaborate in the fight against the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria until the terrorist

group is destroyed.

According to Fox News, they issued the statement after a brief meeting at the Asia Pacific

Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit.

In the statement, the two leaders stated that there is no military solution to the conflict.

Both parties also stated that they were committed to Damascus' sovereignty.

Originally, it was expected that the two leaders would speak on Friday, however, they had their

conversation on Saturday as they walked to a "family photograph" at the conference.

It was the first time Putin and Trump had met since the G20 conference earlier this


The relationship between the United States and Russia has been strained since Congress

passed a law imposing more aggressive sanctions against the Kremlin for their meddling in

the 2016 election.

President Trump reluctantly signed the bill into law.

In response, Russia expelled half of the United States' diplomatic staff from the US embassy

in Moscow.

In the days leading up to the meeting, there was speculation about the subjects the two

leaders would discuss.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told reporters in China that there wasn't a reason to have

a formal meeting between Trump and Putin if they could not take more steps towards resolving

issues like Syria and the Ukraine.

"The view has been if the two leaders are going to meet, is there something sufficiently

substantive to talk about that would warrant a formal meeting," Tillerson said.

On Thursday, it was reported that the United States and Russia were close to finalizing

an agreement regarding the Syrian civil war after ISIS is defeated.

The agreement in discussion contains three components, confliction between U.S. and Russian

military, decreasing violence in the region, and restarting peace talks led by the United


According to The New York Times, Syria was not the only topic at hand during the conversation.

President Trump again asked Putin whether or not the Kremlin attempted to meddle in

the 2016 election.

This has been a serious point of contention ever since Trump won the presidency.

President Trump told reporters that Putin denied the allegations.

"He said he didn't meddle — I asked him again," Trump said.

"You can only ask so many times.

I just asked him again.

He said he absolutely did not meddle in our election.

He did not do what they are saying he did."

The president did not directly state whether or not he believes Putin's claims.

However, he did state that the issue is harming relations between the United States and the


"Every time he sees me he says, 'I didn't do that,' and I really believe that when

he tells me that, he means it," he said.

"I think he is very insulted by it, which is not a good thing for our country."

It appears that Trump wishes to put the 2016 election interference behind him.

To people on the left, it might appear that Trump's desire to move past the issue is

because he was colluding with the Russian government to swing the results of the election.

However, since nobody has been able to find evidence proving that the Trump campaign worked

with the Kremlin, it's more likely that Trump wants to have a more productive relationship

with Russia — especially when it comes to Syria and the North Korea issue.

The bottom line is that Putin will never admit to attempting to disrupt our election.

If the intelligence community is correct in their findings, the sanctions were probably

the correct course of action.

However, Trump is also right in trying to improve our relationship with the Kremlin.

When it comes to problems like North Korea's nuclear weapons program, we need every ally

we can get.

Can Russia Help Defeat ISIS?

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