Thứ Bảy, 11 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 12 2017

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I recommend some book about stock market in description and comment section..please look

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I recommend some book about stock market in description and comment section..please look

दोस्तों आप अहा पोर क्लिक करके दोनों वीडियो वाच कोर सकते हैं

For more infomation >> How To Pick Stocks For Intraday Trading In Hindi- Intraday Trading Strategy - Duration: 13:25.


Whiskers R We with Tiffany Haddish - SNL - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Whiskers R We with Tiffany Haddish - SNL - Duration: 3:54.


Australia 1966 $1 and $2, good to collect - Duration: 3:27.

so hello people just a quick video showing his two brand-new bank notes

that I got and these bank notes issue between 1966-1967

so these are about 50 years old and with inflation these have a value of about

twelve to thirteen dollars inflation value in 2017 now if you if you want to

buy banknote this quality 1966 Oh probably cost you a bit ten to twenty

dollars this one probably fifteen to twenty-five dollars depending that's in

circulated condition like this one's appropriate foreign condition and if you

want to get uncirculated one well you're looking at thousands of dollars there so

the major difference between these is the name Commonwealth Australia on these

ones and those issue between 1974 and

1988 for these two dollar would just have Australia so all reference to come

wealth was eliminated and also deadlines on this green is actually a lot darker

then on the away the notes in the same to one dollar they come off being

removed as a reference apart from that they're pretty much the

same as he ever banknotes she later on in the 80s okay

another major feature is that the security Fred security fred is more to

the center so when you fold the banknote as you can see if all day it's towards

the center and they changed it to a side fred later because I had a problem of

facilitating the tearing of the banknote down the middle because the the Fred

wasn't its position was roughly in the center but it can vary depending on

there they cut the bank now so that has the

queen has the coat of arms and he has

Aboriginal artwork on the back can't remember who done that then they ripped

off some young artists work you know it's not that bad pretty good

this one is mr. MacArthur and he pointed in a marina sheep yeah on the back he

had a mr. farad he pointed in wheat there's a every scientist so they are

100 dollar notes from 96 six beautiful notes you can get him they're worth

holding on and they are good as part of a collection Oh

also another thing do you ever baked notes issued in 1966 would eat him in

$20 there was no $5 into 1967

okay thank you very much for watching my video please give it a thumbs up and

subscribe to my channel bye

For more infomation >> Australia 1966 $1 and $2, good to collect - Duration: 3:27.


ASSASSIN'S CREED 1 Director's Cut Edition Gameplay Walkthrough Part 18 No Commentary (1080p 60fps) - Duration: 42:52.

Malik: Safety and peace, Altair.

Altair: Upon you as well, brother.

Malik: Seems fate has a funny way with things.

Altair: So it's true then. Robert de Sable is in Jerusalem.

Malik: I've seen the knights myself.

Altair: Only misfortune follows that man. If he's here, it's because he intends ill. I won't give him the chance to act.

Malik: Do not let vengeance cloud your thoughts, brother. We both know no good can come of that.

Altair: I have not forgotten. You have nothing to fear. I do not seek revenge, but knowledge.

Malik: Truly you are not the man I once knew.

Altair: My work has taught me many things, revealed secrets to me. But there are still pieces of this puzzle I do not possess.

Malik: What do you mean?

Altair: All the men I've laid to rest have worked together, united by this man.

Robert has designs upon the land, this much I know for certain. But how and why, when and where... these things remain out of reach.

Malik: Crusaders and Saracens working together?

Altair: They are none of these things, but something else. Templars.

Malik: The Templars are part of the Crusader army.

Altair: Or so they'd like King Richard to believe. No, their only allegiance is to Robert de Sable in some mad idea that they will stop the war.

Malik: You spin a strange tale.

Altair: You have no idea, Malik. But tell me where they've been seen; I should be after him before he slips away.

Malik: Three places I can say for certain. West of here, near both a guard tower and a hospital.

And to the southwest, at the church of the Holy Sepulchre. See what you can learn. I will do the same.

Altair: I'll be quick as I can.

Malik: Stay safe, my friend.

Take the map I've given you, and see that the guards are placed accordingly.

We'll be safe enough during the procession, it's the burial that worries me.

Easy for our enemies to hide amongst the crowd.

If you're so concerned, why not post your own men ? Search the site yourselves.

Our presence here has caused enough chaos.

I can only imagine how the people would react, seeing Crusader soldiers marching across their holy ground.

Then perhaps you should not attend at all.

He was our friend and brother, and we will honor him as he passes from this world.

You insult me by suggesting otherwise.

I'll post the men. I don't want trouble either.

Then stop trying to make it, and do as you've been asked.

Safety and peace, Master. Have you seen all the vile Templars in town?

I have been ordered to kill as many as I can, before the burial of your latest victim Majd Addin.

I'm sure if it were your mission, it would be done in no time.

I have learned much while looking for those Templars.

I will share valuable information with you when you get back.

I know now why I joined our clan. Just to be in your presence is a gift from God.

This is what I have learned about Robert's men. They are well prepared for battle.

To fight them all at once would be unwise.

Better to let them chase you for a while before striking back.

But it is disrespectful for me to tell a Master how he should behave in combat. Forgive me Master.

Did you see them ?

No, but I've heard the whispers. Is it true ? Crusader Knights, in Jerusalem ?

It is.

And ?

Different from the others. Finely dressed and bearing expensive gifts.

We should relieve them of this burden.

They've made camp near David's Citadel, close to the cemetery.

To attend a funeral ?

So it seems.

Then let us visit their camp, while they pay their respects.

People of Jerusalem, we stand upon a threshold ! To cross it is to usher in an age of peace between all men.

Embrace these Christian soldiers as you would a brother. Welcome them with open arms !

In this way, we might forgive the sins of the past and bring about a better tomorrow !

We must be strong, we must be brave, and we must find the courage to face those

we once called our enemies and now instead, call them friends.

The Crusaders come to Jerusalem, bringing with them an opportunity to end the fighting to stop the war.

That we might stand as one. We must not turn them away.

You speak of peace, but your words are Hollow.

No, I speak the truth ! Why would you say other ?

You're a Templar?

So I am.

Then you're also a liar and a fraud, just like your Master. Where is he? What does he intend ?

It's peace he seeks, I swear it. And the proof is in his actions. A Christian at a Muslim's funeral.

We want an end to all of this.

Only because it serves your needs.

But this is a noble thing we want. The land will be united beneath our banner.

United through force. You'd enslave us all.

It is for the best.

No, it's not. And so long as my Brothers and I breathe, you will not succeed.

Altair, my friend, you must help me.

Malik has tasked me with killing several archers posted in the region, so that our Brothers might move around more easily.

Normally, it wouldn't be a problem, but this funeral has everyone on edge.

The City Guard has dispatched its best men to keep the peace, and I simply don't have the skill to remove them.

I'd asked two favors of you then.

First, to kill the bowmen and second, do not tell Malik of my failure.

In exchange, I'll see what I can learn of Robert's plans.

I'm forever grateful for aid. Malik would never have forgiven me.

Here's what I've learned. For a man such as myself, a direct assault in the cemetery would be impossible.

There's simply too many guards. Instead, I'd look to blend in with the scholars, who are sure to be in attendance.

It may not be the most direct approach, but it's certainly safer.

Good to see you, brother. I trust you're here for the funeral, or for Robert rather.

I've kept my eyes and ears open, but I have nothing to report. Things are quiet here.

Perhaps Tarik has seen or heard something you can use. He's stationed not far from here.

Go to him. See what knowledge he has.

Excellent timing Altair. I found something you'll find quite useful, orders for Robert's guards.

This map I've made will show you where he intends to station them. Put it to good use.

Malik: You've the scent of success about you, brother.

Altair: I've learned much about our enemy.

Malik: Share your knowledge, then. Let us see what can be done with it.

Altair: Robert and his Templars walk the city. They've come to pay their respects to Majd Addin. They'll attend his funeral, which means so will I.

Malik: What is this, that Templars would attend his funeral?

Altair: I have yet to divine their true intentions, though I'll have a confession in time.

The citizens themselves are divided. Many call for their lives. Still others insist that they are here to parley, to make peace.

Malik: Peace?!

Altair: I told you. The others I've slain have said as much to me.

Malik: That would make them our allies. And yet we kill them.

Altair: Make no mistake, we are nothing like these men.

Though their goal sounds noble, the means by which they'd achieve it are not. At least... that's what Al Mualim told me.

Malik: So what is your plan?

Altair: I'll attend the funeral and confront Robert.

Malik: The sooner the better.

Malik: Fortune favor your blade, brother.

Altair: Malik. Before I go, there's something I should say.

Malik: Be out with it.

Altair: I've been a fool.

Malik: Normally I'd make no argument, but what is this? What are you talking about?

Altair: All this time, I never told you I was sorry. Too damn proud...

You lost your arm because of me, lost Kadar. You had every right to be angry.

Malik: I do not accept your apology.

Altair: I understand.

Malik: No. You don't. I do not accept your apology because you are not the same man who went with me into Solomon's Temple.

And so you have nothing to apologize for.

Altair: Malik...

Malik: Perhaps if I had not been so envious of you, I... would not have been so careless myself. I'm just as much to blame.

Altair: Don't say such things.

Malik: We are one. As we share the glory of our victories, so too should we share the pain of our defeat.

In this way we grow closer, we grow stronger.

Altair: Thank you, brother.

Malik: Rest if you need to, Altair, that you might be ready for what lies ahead...

Fast-forwarding memory to a more recent one

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