Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 14 2017

Key Differences Between INTJ and INTP

The Myers Briggs Trait Indicator (or MBTI) is a helpful tool to identify personality


The MBTI identifies 16 personality types and divides the types into four categories with

two options in each category.

The personality type is described using four letters, one letter from each of the following

pairs: extroversion (E) or introversion (I), sensing (S) or intuition (I), thinking (T)

or feeling (F) and judging (J) or perceiving (P).

Today discussion will be focuses on the differences between the INTJ and INTP personality types.

Both the INTJ and INTP personality types are introverted (I).

INTJs and INTPs need a lot of space to think and contemplate about their ideas.

Both types are highly intuitive (N) and follow their 'gut'.

INTJs and INTPs are also both deep thinkers (T).

Logic, objectivity and curiosity guide them toward the future.

Some of the key differences between the two personality types are identified by the 'J'

and the 'P' traits in their personality type.


Gathering Information

INTJs are viewed as one of the rarest personality types.

They are highly intelligent and have an extensive repertoire of knowledge in variety of fields.

Their creative and articulate nature, coupled with strong intuition, influences their methodology

of gathering information.

Firstly, INTJs gather information, prioritize the facts and select the data needed for a

comprehensive plan.

During the information prioritization and selection process, INTJs disregard information

they feel is not helpful and begin developing a detailed plan with the information left.

In contrast, INTPs keep all the information that is gathered plus all new information

and insights as they occur.

For the INTP, all the information is not collectible.

There is always something new to be added.



Both INTJs and INTPs prefer to work behind the scenes autonomously and are not interested

in leadership roles.

The key difference between the INTJ and INTP in this respect is INTJs do accept leadership

roles on occasion whereas INTPs do not.

Others tend to view INTJs as reliable, effective and potential leaders.

The spontaneous and flexible traits of the INTP are viewed by the majority as irresponsible,

and they are rarely approached for leadership positions.


Decision Making

The INTJ's decision making style is structured, they weigh the facts and make a final decision.

The decision is based on known truths, facts, analytical thinking and is impersonal in nature.

They are confident in their fact-based decisions and able to answer questions quickly with

rationale if any aspect of their work is challenged.

INTP's tend to keep reviewing their options and struggle to make a firm decision until

the last possible moment.

When an INTP makes a decision it is never really final in their mind.

The decisions are tentative, flexible and adaptable if new options come to light.



INTPs would not survive in a regimented detail oriented job for long.

Flexibility is imperative since they can only produce work when the moment is right.

As INTPs tend to live inside their own heads a bit more than INTJs, they seem to be more

detached and are not influenced at by other people's opinions.

Like INTJs, INTPs are responsible and trustworthy and but often viewed as 'being out there'

and not as responsible as INTJs.



INTJs think logically versus the INTPs approach of trusting their 'gut' when planning

how to reach their goals.

INTJs are strategists and are excellent planners.

They know where they want to go and map out tentative steps that to guide them toward

their goal.

The INTJ's plan is organized, structured and based on concrete facts.

INTPs, the thinkers, never have a plan.

They focus on the future and let spontaneity guide them toward learning and investigating

how people, things and processes work together.

They are experts at turning conceptual thoughts into complex ideas.

The more complex the concept, the better INTPs likes it.


Practical Applications

There is a key difference between how INTJs and INTPs implement their projects.

INTJs like to plan and participate in the implementation of their own designs and ideas.

In contrast, INTPs are only interested in the development phase.

INTPs are content to let others implement, and in many cases take credit for their work.

As they tend to keep second-guessing themselves on their designs and ideas,

any challenges or misunderstandings arising during the implementation phase of their work

would cause them too much stress.

They simply want no part of it.

The responsibility of implementation would require too much structure to their otherwise,

easy going lifestyle.

All in all, that's the Key Differences Between INTJs and INTPs.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 6 Key Differences Between INTJ and INTP - Duration: 5:38.


COMO AUMENTAR O BUMBUM E PERDER BARRIGA RÁPIDO. Exercícios Para Aumentar Gluteos e Perder Barriga - Duration: 7:55.

For more infomation >> COMO AUMENTAR O BUMBUM E PERDER BARRIGA RÁPIDO. Exercícios Para Aumentar Gluteos e Perder Barriga - Duration: 7:55.


Japanese amusement park for dogs. - Duration: 10:55.

Hi there! This is Yurya! How are you?

I am in Nasu city again!

This place is called Nasu Highland Park.

You can visit this amusement park with your pet.

And of course I came with Tau.

Pet bottles here.

Plastic bags.

And toilet paper.

Let's go in!


It is Autumn but still very warm outside.

As a rule we can't take our pets inside of amusement parks.

But here you can enjoy together with your dog. That's why I came here.

Tau has found a friend.

Even colour is simillar.

Is it a gigant pomeranian too?

Food court. Definitely.

I can see some yammy food like hotdogs and pizza.

This place is for fishing.

Looks nice.

I'm not fun of fried fish but I like Japanese Rockfish.

Very good smell here!

So cute!

Pomeranian with yellow socks.

Actually Tau has red socks too but she doesn't wear It because hates It.

I have to say I'm not a fun of roller coaster.

Let's find something not so scarry.

I can see the Ferris wheel!

May I get in with Tau?

Actually there are some attractions for pets in this park.

Can you see that sign?

It says that this attraction is for dogs.

I've got special permission for pets so now Tau can get in with me.

It's guite big.

It looks fun, let's go closer.

Look! Cabins are designed like fruits! Very cute!

It is first time when Tau gets on Ferris wheel.

I think she can not wait.

Here we are!

Are you happy?

It is not so high but I can see great view..

And now we are on the top.

Very beautifull nature of Nasu city.

And I can also see Autumn leaves.

Tell me if you are scarred.

We have a toilet right here.

Good job Tau!

Let's find some other attractions for dogs.

Haunted house "Hell ship".

No way!

What's that???

Dog's samurai armor rental.

Found attractions for pets.

Looks pretty good.

It was so fast. I want more.

Let's get in coffe cup.

Here is dog's sign inside.

My handle don't move. It's for save.

Dog run is here too.

You can take this dog home for free.


Tau doesn't like other dogs so much.

And now she is playing alone.

But maybe It's better for her.

She even doesn't hear my voice.

This park is really big! You can spend all day here.

Lots of attractions I had never tryed..

But some of them are not for pets because of danger.

I can see many types of roller coasters.

If you like such attractions write in comments.

We have not so many roller coasters in Russia so I tryed them when I came to Japan.

But I'm not used to such amusements so I fill just sick.

Thank you for watching this video. Please write your impressions in comments.

This park is unusual so I wanted to show It to you.

I hope Tau had some fun too.

You also should come here with your pets.

See you soon, bye!

For more infomation >> Japanese amusement park for dogs. - Duration: 10:55.


УФ склейка стекла - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> УФ склейка стекла - Duration: 3:38.


Joker (IT style) Heath Ledger - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Joker (IT style) Heath Ledger - Duration: 1:47.


PACS KOH PHANGAN - Help street dogs - Duration: 11:50.

So we are at PACS association's place, PACS means Phangan Animal Care for Strays

We will spend the day here with them to try to understand a bit what they do

You have to know there are a lot of strays animals on the island, dogs and cats left to their own

and the purpose of this non profit organization is to take these animals, to sterilize them and to vaccinate them.

So with 500 THB (around 13euros), we can vaccinate 5 dogs.

With 1000 THB (around 25euros), we can sterilize a cat.

With 2000 THB (around 50euros), we can sterilize a dog

This will allow to control the reproduction so they won't be more and more living in the streets with all these diseases, this heat etc

Here they can eat, drink, and be cured if they are sick.

So, we already met a few little boarders

Some of them are in poor conditions but they are in good hands

We saw some with gouged out eyes, some with amputation(s), some with huge skin infections because of invisible parasites that gnaw the skin

So...i dont know how to tell you but yeah, when we arrived here i cried already

cause that's very hard to see these animals in pain

Us, as Humans, we can easily say my stomach hurts, my feet hurts, we can get treatments etc but them...they say that's pretty hard

It deeply moves you...So what we want to do is to create a fundraising via leetchi to try and raise funds for this non profit organization to try to help them.

Because if each person looking this video gives one euro, it can help a lot and change so much things over here.

All the funds collected with this video, the one on my chanel and another one explaining our journey here etc

will be given directly to the organization

We will also make a donation ourselves

We know very well that this is not the only place in the world where animals need help, but if we can make a contribution in the places we are visiting, it's already a lot

It's heartwarming to see them getting better, cause they really need Love

To be honest when we arrived here

i was kinda scared to get bite or something but that was totally the opposite that happened

they needed hugs and kisses, they really really need Love.

For more infomation >> PACS KOH PHANGAN - Help street dogs - Duration: 11:50.


Pourquoi les Américains cassent leur machines à café ?! - L'Hebdo #106 - Duration: 16:35.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi les Américains cassent leur machines à café ?! - L'Hebdo #106 - Duration: 16:35.


Wie wechsle ich von iTAN zu TAN2go oder ChipTAN? - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Wie wechsle ich von iTAN zu TAN2go oder ChipTAN? - Duration: 1:33.


BASS Love FROGS but I DON'T - Duration: 9:23.

- card not read, please make payment

we got problems

- Remove ticket and good trip

good morning good morning good morning

I went fishing with Tiago Lemos

we got some zanders

also tried to fish for barbel with fly

was a funny day

last night I went dinner with my girlfriend

and I was thinking I'm not far from a spot that a subscriber told me

it's always good to fish new spots

how I miss using this oars

it's been a while

first fish

ok, after all there's fish in here

it's not a giant

oh sh!t, sh!t sh!t sh!t

drastic spots, drastic measures

changing the line, will put 0,60mm braid, looks like a rope lol

did you saw this strike on the frog

let's see if he goes there again

what a fish

I'm not a big fan of fishing with frogs, but here got to be

3rd cast, uau what a monster

I don't beliave this, please attack again

and now I did a good hook set

but he probably ate it bad

the strikes on the frogs are awesome

f$ck this

I already lost 4 fishes

today is one of those days

this is smaller, already on the weeds

it's supose to be happy

after losing those 2 fishes on the frog

today is one of those sh!ty days

unlucky days unlucky days

I'm not giving up

first fish on the frog

small fish that looks a biggen, because of the weight of the weeds

look at him so hungry, doesn't fit in you'r mouth

It was like this that I should have hooked in the morning

it must be a fish there

in the midle of this lilies

what did I just said, good fish

don't jump bastard

gotta be honest, it's being hard

solid fish, it was been hard

so fat

let's release him

usually I don't get mad with fishing

even when I lose fish, but today I was really mad

today was a bad day, but if I had those big fish would be the best day

sometimes we win, sometimes they win

sorry the lack of fish, or the quality of them

anyway I hope you like it

I wanna thanks to the 3 last Patreons

that are helping buying the drone

we are almost there, about 30 or 40% raised

I wanna thanks to

thank you so much, soon drone will be flying

stay awesome and cya next time

not going home yet

I was on the road, and think, theres a spot near by, that I dont fish for 2 or 3 years, let's check it out

let's pull him, let's see how it goes


look at him looking at us

wasn't expecting

you'r gonna fall from here

I'm sorry, but I not going down there for the release

right fall with you'r head

still got another fish, not bad, now yes

For more infomation >> BASS Love FROGS but I DON'T - Duration: 9:23.


Sarawi Bolivia - Salay La Paz - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Sarawi Bolivia - Salay La Paz - Duration: 4:19.


Onore e Gloria | commentato dal regista (IT) - Duration: 7:19.

For more infomation >> Onore e Gloria | commentato dal regista (IT) - Duration: 7:19.


TOP 7 Super Secret Affairs Of Bollywood Star Kids | You Don't Know - Duration: 4:40.

TOP 7 Super Secret Affairs Of Bollywood Star Kids | You Don't Know

For more infomation >> TOP 7 Super Secret Affairs Of Bollywood Star Kids | You Don't Know - Duration: 4:40.


Honor y gloria: Comentarios del director (subtítulos ES) - Duration: 7:19.

For more infomation >> Honor y gloria: Comentarios del director (subtítulos ES) - Duration: 7:19.


PURE riding - Season Closing Brandnertal - Duration: 7:07.

hey guy´s it´s me Elias

and today I´m in the Bikepark Brandnertal for the season ending

with the tgang

Andy Groß from the Backflip - Fail and his brother

and I´m just riding some laps for the last time this year

I hope you guy´s enjoy it!

sick run dude

some weeks ago the whip off was at this jump

I just won the whip offs

both will crash haha

last ride of the season - last ride in the Bikepark Brandnertal

it´s over!

hey guy´s, that´s it from the Bikepark Brandnertal

I hope you guy´s enjoyed it, I just had so much fun

last run this season in the Bikepark Brandnertal, now it´s over, thanks for watching, cheers

For more infomation >> PURE riding - Season Closing Brandnertal - Duration: 7:07.


Joni's Corner: The Sprig and the Branch - Duration: 1:34.

Hi, I'm Joni Eareckson Tada.

During the recent big storms that ended our drought here in California, I saw a huge limb

of an oak tree that had fallen across the road.

This thing was massive, so heavy and lush and beautiful with wet big green leaves.

But for all its beauty… it was now dead.

Looking at that, It reminded me of that quote by Augustine who said, "Better to be a little sprig joined

to the root, than to be an arm cut off from the root."

Augustine was right.

When a great branch is cut off from a tree, it may look alive with thick clusters of beautiful green

leaves, but in a short time, it will wither and die.

And so it is with the people of the world.

For even though they have talents and riches, they have no union with God – they are like

that beautiful oak branch that I saw in the road.

Some people may look like they "have it all," but you have your all in all in Christ Jesus

So little sprig, you have quite a message to tell people in the world who aren't connected

to the root.

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