Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 14 2017

If You Think Witchcraft Is Evil, You�re Dumb As Hell

Was that title a bit too harsh?


But to be honest, I am sick of having to explain this to people.

For the past week, I have had this subject come up so frequently that I figured I must

be meant to write about it.

So here goes:

Witches are not evil.

I know that some of you might still be stuck in the days of Salem, but a few things need

to be set straight because this entire perception of who we are is beyond f*�d up.


Believe it or not, we don�t wear pointy hats and ride around on broomsticks, and we

don�t �curse� people.

Real witches who practice the craft are not trying to hurt anyone, and they aren�t out

for selfish gain.

What witches do is simple: we bask in the essence of nature and pay attention to the

energies around us.

Honestly, you�d be surprised how much goes unnoticed in your life when you are rushing

around all the time.

That�s another thing- we like to take our time with things.

We put our energy and our focus into the things we are trying to manifest, just like anyone

else who �wishes� for something.

But you don�t go around verbally crucifying every person who says �Oh I wish I could

do that,� or �Oh I wish I could have that in my life.� So please stop verbally crucifying



This may vary depending on the kind of person you are talking to, but for me, and most Wiccans,

we believe in a couple key things.

First, �harm none� is the foremost rede.

And next would be �the power of three.�

The power of three entails what comes back to you.

It is essentially why witches do not perform what you would call �black magic.� It�s

like Karma, but three-fold.

�By the power of three times three, As I will, so mote it be.�

If you know anything about numbers, you know the number 3 is powerful and it connects everything

in the Universe.

Even Tesla had theories about this concept.

To sum it up, �traditional Witches are not monotheistic nor do they follow any revealed

scripture (Torah, Gospels, Quran, Book of Mormon, etc.).

Traditional Witches do not worship any entity as their superior, though they recognize the

existence of other entities.

They believe in the equality of all beings in the Universe, seeing them as different,

separate, but never superior or inferior.

This difference is often a source of confusion.

A Traditional Witch may speak of the God and the Goddess, referring to the female and male

aspects of Nature, but while they revere and respect Nature, they do not worship it or

its representatives.

Traditional Witchcraft is polytheistic and animistic, meaning that they incorporate a

number of elements and spirits into a meaningful whole.�

It is fertility, earth-based and nature-oriented; Wiccans recognize and worship during the change

of the seasons and the full and new moons�.

Wicca is unique in that it has no dogmas, doctrines (sic), or set of rules�.

Wiccan practices are derived from within, are personal and individual and are not mandated

by any one person, hierarchy, or �Bible�.�



We practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by

the phases of the Moon and the seasonal Quarters and Cross Quarters.


We recognize that our intelligence gives us a unique responsibility toward our environment.

We seek to live in harmony with Nature, in ecological balance offering fulfillment to

life and consciousness within an evolutionary concept.


We acknowledge a depth of power far greater than that apparent to the average person.

� it is sometimes called �supernatural,� but we see it as lying within that which is

naturally potential to all.


We conceive of the Creative Power in the universe as manifesting through polarity�as masculine

and feminine�and that this same Creative Power lies in all people, and functions through

the interaction of the masculine and the feminine.

We value sex as pleasure, as the symbol and embodiment of life, and as one of the sources

of energies used in magickal practice and religious worship.


We recognize both outer worlds and inner, or psychological, worlds sometimes known as

the Spiritual World, the Collective Unconsciousness, Inner Planes, etc.�� We neglect neither

dimension for the other, seeing both as necessary for our fulfillment.


We do not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy but do honor those who teach, respect those

who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge those who have courageously

given of themselves in leadership.


We see religion, magick, and wisdom in living as being united in the way one views the world

and lives within it�a worldview and philosophy of life which we identify asWitchcraft�the

Wiccan Way.


Calling oneself �Witch� does not make a Witch��.

A Witch seeks to control the forces within her/himself that make life possible in order

to live wisely and well without harm to others and in harmony with nature.


We believe in the affirmation and fulfillment of life in a continuation of evolution and

development of consciousness giving meaning to the Universe we know and our personal role

within it.


Our only animosity towards Christianity, � is to the extent that its institutions have claimed

to be the �only way� and have sought to deny freedom to others and to suppress other

ways of religious practice and belief.


As American Witches, we are not threatened by debates on the history of the Craft, the

origins of various terms, the legitimacy of various aspects of different traditions.

We are concerned with our present and our future.


We do not accept the concept of absolute evil, nor do we worship any entity known as �Satan�

or �the Devil,� as defined by Christian tradition.


We believe that we should seek within Nature that which is contributory to our health and


(Guiley, pp. 65-66)

Okay, so I hope that helps clear some things up.

Also, when it comes to spells, you use them too.

Whether you know it or not, the words you speak are powerful and they carry magic.

You create your reality as much as we do, simply by saying things over and over again.

If you put yourself down and say you will never accomplish the things you want to achieve,

then guess what?

You are turning that into a reality by saying it and putting it into the Universe.

Try speaking in a better way about yourself and see what happens.

I really just want everyone to try and understand that witches are not evil.

It�s too easy for people to associate negative concepts to things they don�t understand.

Real witches, those who live to do good and embrace nature, are your friends.

They aren�t going to turn you into a frog, but they very well may help you to see the

prince (or princess) that�s inside.

Give us a chance before you shun us, push us away, or say cruel things about us.

We�re really not that bad.


For more infomation >> If You Think Witchcraft Is Evil, You're Dumb As Hell - Duration: 8:09.


গরু মোটা-তাজা করার সহজ পদ্ধতি Cattle Fattening By Scientific Way Part 02 Training module - Duration: 5:08.

Cattle Fattening By Scientific Way

For more infomation >> গরু মোটা-তাজা করার সহজ পদ্ধতি Cattle Fattening By Scientific Way Part 02 Training module - Duration: 5:08.


Gearworks Final Thoughts - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Gearworks Final Thoughts - Duration: 4:02.


New Bangla Short Flim 2017 | Dorsheta Meyer Lash / বস্তায় ভর্তি ধর্ষিতা মেয়ের লাশ / Bulbul Audio - Duration: 17:34.

Please Subscribe My Channel

For more infomation >> New Bangla Short Flim 2017 | Dorsheta Meyer Lash / বস্তায় ভর্তি ধর্ষিতা মেয়ের লাশ / Bulbul Audio - Duration: 17:34.


Gearworks Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 32:53.

For more infomation >> Gearworks Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 32:53.


Famous People Who Live Surprisingly Normal Lives - Duration: 4:54.

After hitting it big, many celebs go for those "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" — with

the cars, the mansions, the designer clothes, and the vacations to prove it.

But for some of the most famous people in the public eye, you might not notice any change

at all.

Here are some mega-watt stars, who live like the low-key celeb-next-door!

Shia LaBeouf

It's probably easy to imagine actor-artist Shia LaBeouf, who's frequently seen in public

looking very casual, living a frugal life.

But while he may have starred in the billion-dollar Transformers franchise, you'd be hard-pressed

to find any of LaBeouf's colleagues wearing a paper bag on the red carpet.

In an interview with Parade, LaBeouf explained that his upbringing made him more grateful

and humble for his good fortune.

He said, "My dad and my mom were both artists who never found an audience for their artwork.

And so I lived in poverty.

Now that I'm not poor, I know that is what it was...So I look back at that stuff and

I'm grateful.

It's like scars.

You become proud of them."

He's also been working since he was 10 years old, motivated to earn money to keep his family

afloat, which helped him gain a strong work ethic.

Hilary Swank

Having starred in the likes of Million Dollar Baby, two-time Oscar-winner Hilary Swank is

used to playing tough women working their way up through the fringes of society.

But in reality, the actress has personal experience with this struggle too.

Swank told ABC News, "I grew up on a trailer park, and I had a dream…I had to fight my

way there, and I'm really lucky."

After moving to California, she and her mother even lived in their car, instilling a strong

survival ethic in the actor.

These days, life for Swank is a lot more comfortable, but she hasn't forgotten where she came from.

Swank explained to the Daily Mail that she's proud of the hardship she's been through and

that she appreciates how she can simply pay her bills now that she's financially secure.

Swank also admitted to appreciating "a sale as much as the next person," and that she

spends money thoughtfully, and primarily on her family.

Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook founder and billionaire Mark Zuckerberg is often seen out and about in a low-key T-shirt-based

ensemble, so the revelation that he's not a particularly lavish person shouldn't be

too shocking.

In fact, he's pretty minimalist about everything:

"I feel like I'm not doing my job if I spend any of my energy on things that are silly

or frivolous about my life."

And that philosophy clearly influences his wardrobe:

"It kind of sounds silly that that's my reason for wearing a grey t-shirt every day, it also

is true."

Zuckerberg famously married wife Priscilla Chan in the modest surroundings of the back

garden of their Palo Alto home, before whisking her away to Rome where the two were spotted

eating McDonald's just like two normal people on vacation.

It doesn't end there, however, as Business Insider reports that Zuckerberg aims to, quote,

"clear" his life of material possessions and is wholly unimpressed with the trappings of

wealth, noting his recent announcement to donate 99 percent of his Facebook shares during

his lifetime.

And of course, there was the news back in 2014, that "Mark Zuckerberg — worth $20

billion — drives a four-door hatchback to work."

Not exactly a Bentley, but at $30,000, the Volkswagon GTI goes with the grey T-shirt

for sure.

Carrie Underwood

You might not know it, but country music superstar and American Idol winner Carrie Underwood

is a total coupon queen.

Of course it would be reasonable to expect that shooting to such a high level of fame

so quickly could destroy a good ol' Oklahoma girl — but not so, for Underwood.

In an interview with Rachael Ray, the singer talked about what she eats in a typical day,

revealing how she and her husband, NHL star Mike Fisher, even ate at Subway while they

were dating, saying, "Mike and I went there so often that we joked it was 'our place.'"

And, although most of us would expect an American Idol winner to be unable to step outside her

door without being mobbed by fans, Underwood admitted that she does her own grocery shopping

and even clips coupons to save money each visit.

Shailene Woodley

She may be worth an estimated $9 million, thanks to fronting one of the biggest young

adult sci-fi franchises of all time, but Shailene Woodley is a famously frugal and down-to-earth


She claims, "My religion is the Earth, man...I believe in trees."

She also routinely hugs unsuspecting reporters, and, quote, "exclusively [buys] used clothes."

Woodley also noted in The Hollywood Reporter that she tries to be as environmentally friendly

as possible, even using a Mason jar instead of a plastic water bottle to stay hydrated.

Similarly, in an interview with The Telegraph, the young actor admitted, "I haven't splurged

on anything and I live a very simple lifestyle because that's the life that satisfies my


Woodley is pretty well-known for living off the land and making her own beauty products

and medicines out of whatever she can forage.

So, chances are she won't feel the need to dip into that multi-million dollar fortune

any time soon.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> Famous People Who Live Surprisingly Normal Lives - Duration: 4:54.


2 Ways To Save Money - How To Budget - Duration: 8:38.

Kris Krohn today on Limitless TV. We are doing a fun project, I have reached out

to one of our other YouTube channel fans who talks a lot about budgeting and

savings because you know what? This is something that we need to get you more

information on and she's going to be sharing from her channel some of her

best information and knowledge on what is the purpose of budgeting, how do you

do it to your best ability and we got all of that coming your way right now.

Alright, Kristen, so excited to get to know you better and I'm excited for the

opportunity that we have to collaborate on today's video because a lot of the

people on my channel specifically are looking for information about budgeting,

they're looking for information about savings and obviously with your channel,

this is something that you really specialize in, so Kristen Marie,

that is the name of your YouTube channel. Can you just start off by giving a

little bit of a summary about what do people find, by the way, when they go to

your channel, why do people subscribe? - When they first go to my

channel, they see that I am a millennial and I'm a performer so I deal a lot with

inconsistent income so I think what draws them in is seeing somebody that

doesn't make the same amount of money every single month but yet can still

invest for the future, I just bought my very first home by myself, so I think

what draws them in is the initial inconsistent income and what keeps them

is, how does she make that grow? How does she make that work for her?

I love that.

You know, so with Limitless TV, we're often educating people on real

estate investing and growing their wealth and perhaps one of the most

important foundational principles does begin with this conversation of

budgeting and saving. How do you specifically educate and help people,

first of all, do something most people don't want to do which is budget and

then how do you help them grow themselves once they are budgeting?

I first try to get them to, like you said, sit down and make the budget, I do a lot

of simple, like three-step budgets, because without that number, without

knowing how much they need each month to survive, there's no way you can invest

for the future if you don't take care of yourself today. So what I like to do is,

I'll bring them in, we'll do the three step process of getting your

numbers down, to know where you are and then from there, you can see how much you

can grow in the future.

I love that. Now I hope that this doesn't come

across rude in any way because I have no idea what your answers are gonna be but

I just want to poke the bear a little bit. - Okay, I'm ready. - You know, when we're

budgeting and trying, the whole purpose the budgeting is to really kind

of get a handle on our finances which is so important and there's a lot of people

out there that really kind of think that that is the end goal at the same time

when in fact, there's no way to budget well enough to create

retirement without adding the component of investing, we've got to find a way to

grow our finances and we know that we can't save ourselves to retirement,

there's just not enough excess money for the average person, I believe, in a 40

year working life, to really save enough to lead to what I would call a good safe

and secure retirement, so I feel like investing is an important part. Where

does investing fit into your budgeting model?

Because I work with so

many people with different types of income, once the budget is done and we

know how much money they have to work with, I try to get them to invest before

they spend any money. For example, if somebody makes a thousand dollars and

they need eight hundred to live, I will tell them to take 10% of what is left

over and invest that money, kind of in a way you're taxing yourself, you are

taxing your future self and putting that money aside for later before you go out

and spend any of your extra income.

It's like it's built into our DNA that if

there's extra money that we have to spend it, we have to find a way to

increase our lifestyle and yet the whole purpose of budgeting is to create this

excess for a different purpose. What are some of your most successful ways to

actually encourage people to invest the rest as opposed to just increasing

their lifestyle?

The way I like to do it is, if no matter how much money you

make, if you make ten thousand this year but a hundred thousand next year, I try

to tell everybody to invest at least ten percent and that is not what goes into

your savings, saving should always be about twenty, I say, ten percent

always no matter how much money you're bringing in, so if you do get a big raise

and your lifestyle is about to change, you should always have a consistent

percentage of what you are putting into your investments, that way as your wealth

grows, so do your investments, they grow together.

Absolutely love that. So let me

ask you this then, if someone is doing a successful job, budgeting and putting

money in savings and setting money aside for investing, what do you think people

should be investing in?

Personally, I like real estate, obviously, because I just

bought a home. I also like IRA's just because I like that idea and

in the event that are working, a nine-to-five job that does offer a 401k

match, try to take that extra money and put as much as you can into that match

because essentially that is your company giving you extra money for the future so

I would say real estate, IRA and 401k match.

Well, I love what you're doing here

with people, I think it's amazing and beautiful Kristen, that you got a channel

that is teaching people these amazing principles of budgeting and saving

because heaven knows our world needs it and often before people are really ready

to take some of the advice that I have for them, they've got a gain control over

their finances especially when there's not enough money left at the end of the

month, it's how do I create that gap, how do I create that margin. Last question

that I want to ask you is, obviously, there's a lot of people that are wasting

money because they're not budgeting. Is there a certain amount of money that you

think you can try to help people save from cutting down on unnecessary

spending or spending money where it's not really giving them much gain or

by trading out for some less expensive insurance or services, etc., or some

like, is there generally like an amount that you're

able to successfully help people save that is just being lost and wasted from

lack of knowledge and budgeting?

Yes, I like to separate everybody's spending into

categories, like your rent and things that are always going to stay consistent

and then your living expenses and then you're going out and your lifestyle

expenses. I try to start with 5%. In a month, can a client or a viewer cut down

their spending by 5%. A lot of my videos will have, you know, easy ways to have

dinner at home, easy ways you could have your friends over instead of going out

to see the movies or a sporting event. So if you can find ways to still live your

life and feel as though you're not depriving yourself, you are more likely

to save and you'll be more likely to stay on your budget. It's when someone

feels deprived that they're going to go off their budget, throw it out the window

and say, I only live once and this is what I want to do.

So you really want to

find the balance where people can live the life that they want but doing it

with a budget in mind and I just want to comment on this for our viewers, saving

5% may not sound like a lot, it's a ton. If someone, for example, is living check

to check or let's even say that a person is getting

ahead 10% a year, meaning there's 10% they're not saving, well going from 10%

to 15%, that's a 50% increase, that extra 5% is a meaningful amount especially

if it's directed the correct way, if it's invested the correctly, it certainly has

the ability to start the snowball effect of something small turning into

something great with time. So I think what you're doing with people is really

awesome and super valuable, Kristen. I mean, you know, there's so many different

financial philosophies out there and I think that there are pipey differences

and your philosophy, my philosophy, but this big principal picture of what

you're doing to help people starting to save money that is available to them,

budgeting it appropriately, that's providing a real service for people so

I'm certainly going to encourage everyone on my channel to hop over to

your channel, Kristen Marie, and subscribe so that they can get some more

knowledge and education on how can I start saving that extra 5%?

Exactly. Thank you so much.

You're welcome. Kristen, I want to thank you so much for

being on the channel today. Huge value, great information and you know what?

If you're watching this and thinking, "Wow, I need more knowledge and information from

Kristen, then I want you to click on the link, go to her channel and subscribe

there because she's got a lot more value to offer you, that's the whole reason why

we decided to collaborate and get together so I hope it helps those you

that need that help getting her specific information.

For more infomation >> 2 Ways To Save Money - How To Budget - Duration: 8:38.


AMERICAN CAMPUS TOUR IN A GOLF CART [Beloit College] - Duration: 7:27.


Slowly! Stop stop

Go straight, that's fine!

Come on! On the grass!

Go back on the path

Hi everyone !

Welcome to Beloit, Wisconsin!

Today we're taking you on tour, on this little golf cart

For a tour, a campus tour

We'll discover together where I lived 5 years ago for one year

Let's go! We're taking you !

Here is OIE, the international house

It's here that you'll be welcomed when you arrive on campus

If you have questions, etc.

Let's continue

The building in front of you is Middle College

It's a building...

with offices, etc.

And it's where

where graduation takes place at the end of the year

here you have the Beloit College sign

We'll stop in front of it

funded in 1846

On your right you have the President house

The College president's house

He lives on campus with the students

a nice little house

On your left, you can see

Eaton Chapel,

it's a former chapel, that isn't used as a religious building anymore

but there are concerts, big meetings

shows, it's here in Eaton Chapel that everything happens

We'll go a little bit closer

Straight ahead is the library

It's here that you'll be able to print, study, borrow books, etc.

It's open...

I don't know the hours but it's open all the time

"Voted Best guide by Tripadvisor 2017

And here we're coming on the main street

You'll see the houses, the greek houses

just like in the American movies

We're coming closer

We're entering the main street

And you can see the houses just like in the movies

The fraternities with the greek symbols on the houses

it's where students live

only students who belong to a fraternity, it's only for certain students

You have to be...

a member of the house to live there

And they also organize big parties, just like in the movies

On the right you have the French house

It's where I lived, because I was a French assistant

I lived there

for a year

it's the French house

in the middle of all the greek houses

The other students

"normal students" (I meant not in a greek house)

live in dorms

you can see them here

usually you are 2 or 3 per bedroom

I got my hand stuck in the steering wheel

things are going wrong !

Here it's Chapin

It's a building where everybody eats

students usually have a meal plan

it's a card with money for meals on it

and we eat there breakfast, lunch and dinner

another example of a dorm on your right

It's another dorm, and you also have co-ed

men and women in different rooms

but on the same floor you have men and women

and in your room you have your bed and your desk

and you share the bathroom on the landing

Let's continue the visit

What's super cool in the States

is that many people live on campus

as you can see there are dorms,

people sleep and live

where they study, we eat at the same place

there is this feeling of community

And that's why also people are close to each other

because we all know each other and we learn to live together

another neat thing is that we live right next to where you go to class

so you can wake up at the last minute to go to class

For example here on your right

It's a building where you can have class

you see that it's right after the street

you get out of bed, you dress up and you go to class

and if you want to be a true American...You go in your pyjamas (I'm kidding come on ;) )

Let's continue

It's an administrative building

with all the mailboxes

it's where you go pick up your mails

We're going to pass by middle college, the first building we see

it's this building

it's a very historical building

very popular

I'm going to go back on the road

Here it's WAC

It's the building where you're going to study languages

languages, history, etc.

it's a very neat and pretty building

There we go

I hope you enjoyed this little tour of Beloit

It's a very small college

between 1000 and 13000 students I think

We were around 1000 when I was there

it's very small

but it's so cute and I had an amazing time here

so there you go

if you want to know more about it you can google Beloit College Wisconsin

I hope you enjoyed it, and I will see you again on my channel my life in the USA

Bye !!!

For more infomation >> AMERICAN CAMPUS TOUR IN A GOLF CART [Beloit College] - Duration: 7:27.


how to download YouTube Video[SUBTITLES]||QUICKEST||for pc and mobile - Duration: 2:06.

welcome in this video ,lets quickly download youtube video


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here in URL Section

just erase all before that "Y"

and write "SS" next to it,and press enter

here select Your required file format and then you can download it

same procedure can be for mobile as well

here is our video

thank you,see you in next video!

till than do like comment share and dont forget to subscribe

For more infomation >> how to download YouTube Video[SUBTITLES]||QUICKEST||for pc and mobile - Duration: 2:06.


Hey Harold!: Kovalev vs. Shabranskyy Preview (HBO Boxing) - Duration: 1:18.



Sergey Kovalev coming back in the ring on November 25th

against Vyacheslav Shabranskyy.

Sergey Kovalev, in my estimation,

is probably the best right-hand puncher

in boxing today, and that's saying a lot.

COMMENTATOR: Down goes Ward on a perfect right-hand shot!

HAROLD LEDERMAN: He was the light-heavyweight champion

and he wants to get those titles back.

Kovalev was really upset over the fact that he lost

two fights to Andre Ward.

Andre Ward beat him in a very controversial decision

and then Andre Ward stopped him in eight rounds.

Shabranskyy's a very, very good puncher.

Shabranskyy's a very tall guy. Six-foot-three and a half.

So that throws another interesting thing

into this fight.

The fact that Shabranskyy's so big,

he can fight in the middle of the ring and use his reach.

Y'know, he can stay away from Kovalev

and hopefully out-box him.

It's two guys that can really punch.

There is no way in heck,

no way in heck,

that the fight is gonna go the distance.

Somebody's gettin' knocked out.

So, interesting fight.

I think it's gonna be a good night of boxing.

For more infomation >> Hey Harold!: Kovalev vs. Shabranskyy Preview (HBO Boxing) - Duration: 1:18.


How to Draw A Hot Air Balloon | Simple Drawing Lesson for Kids | Step By Step - Duration: 6:21.

Hey everyone, welcome to Super Simple Draw

Make sure you have something to draw with and some paper

And don't forget that you can pause the video if you need more time

Today, we're going to draw a hot air balloon

Hot air balloons are really easy to draw

Let's start with a big circle for the balloon

Now draw a small rectangle for the basket

And connect it to the balloon with three lines

These will be the ropes

Let's draw a diamond inside the basket

And then an X across the diamond

That looks great

Now, let's decorate the balloon

We could draw a heart

And color it pink

We could draw a star

And erase the lines inside the star

Let's color it yellow

Or we can draw a cat

Make a circle for the head

Two dots for eyes

Triangles for the ears

Another triangle for the nose

Two U shapes for the mouth

And some whiskers

Let's color the cat white

With orange over the eye and ear

And a pink nose

We could even draw an eyeball

Draw a big circle

A smaller circle inside

And a big dot inside that one

Then, draw some lines for the iris

Color the eye white

The iris green

And draw some red veins

We could also draw a peace sign, like this

Looks good

Now, let's make some clouds around our balloon

To make them, draw a bunch of half circles connected to each other

And let's draw some birds, too

They're just little rounded m's

Now let's decorate our balloon with a yellow star

And color it purple

With a brown basket

It's flying

Thanks for drawing with me

See you next time

For more infomation >> How to Draw A Hot Air Balloon | Simple Drawing Lesson for Kids | Step By Step - Duration: 6:21.


EFSANEVİ PARKUR OYUNU - Duration: 13:54.

For more infomation >> EFSANEVİ PARKUR OYUNU - Duration: 13:54.


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The Untold Truth Of Evil Dead - Duration: 6:38.

More than 35 years after the release of its low-budget, outrageous first installment in

1981, Evil Dead is still alive.

With four movies and a TV series under its banner, the franchise just can't beaten.

Here's how this crazy, campy, chainsaw-happy movie about one guy taking on demons in a

remote forest cabin went from the backwoods of Michigan to the delirious nightmares of

horror fans worldwide.

Three schmoes

The film was willed into existence by one essential trio: actor Bruce Campbell, director

Sam Raimi, and producer Robert Tapert, though none of the three had those titles when they

came together to start their project.

They were instead, in the words of Bruce Campbell, "three schmoes in search of a clue."

Unbeknownst to all of them, they were destined for a long future together, and it all started

with a series of low-budget Super 8 films they made together in college.

After cobbling together a catalog of shorts, the three started thinking about producing

a full-fledged feature, and in 1979, Raimi came up with a story about some kids who accidentally

summon evil spirits from a sacred burial ground.

Within the Woods

To make their horror project, which they wanted to name The Book of the Dead, the trio first

finished a short film as a proof of concept, calling it "Within the Woods."

With a budget of $1,600, they shot the half-hour movie over the course of a three-day weekend.

Then, they set out to find investors to make the full-length film.

The only problem was that nobody knew who they were.

To make up for their lack of credibility, they staged what Campbell estimated were hundreds

of screenings of "Within the Woods," picking up a dollar here and there.

After months of work the trio came up with $85,000 — not nearly enough to finish the

movie, but enough to get started.

Pain and celluloid

Knowing money was tight, the trio was merciless when it came to keeping costs contained.

To get a shot of the camera breaking through a window, they just shoved the camera through

a real window, while another guy smashed the window with a two-by-four to break the glass

before the lens touched it.

According to Campbell:

"When all else failed, we just taped the damn camera to Sam's hand.

The opening shot of Evil Dead consisted of me pushing Sam in a rubber raft across a swamp

while he leaned out, skimming the camera across the water and swooping over decaying branches."

That wasn't the only time the actors had to suffer indignities for the film — not by

a long shot.

One actress lost her eyelashes while making a plaster mold of her face.

Others were mercilessly scratched up by branches in the woods.

Mosquitoes swarmed to the Karo corn syrup that the crew used for blood.

At one point, Campbell sprained his ankle on set, and Raimi took to whacking the busted

ankle with a stick before takes to get a better performance out of him.

Wild success

An "overnight success" is rarely as simple as it sounds, but that's exactly what the

movie's producers had their hands on.

The finished film became a sensation thanks in large part to some well-timed support from

horror author Stephen King, who wrote a review for the movie in Twilight Zone magazine.

There, he called it "the most ferociously original horror film of the year."

The filmmakers eagerly capitalized on this, getting permission to use the quote on every

advertisement they could.

Raimi can't overstate how important this was for their success, saying that King's endorsement

"opened the doorway for the film to be seen."

Dead by Dawn

Sam Raimi's next film was 1985's Crimewave, a goofy crime comedy that completely failed

to make a dent at the box office.

After that failure, the trio decided to return to their roots and make a sequel to their

first feature: Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn.

A bigger budget and the backing of a studio didn't alter the filmmakers' DIY methods.

Most effects were made with the same low-budget approach, and there was no shortage of suffering

on the set this time around, either — though a lot of the burden fell on one unfortunate

performer: the director's brother, Ted Raimi.

In a foam body suit, Ted portrayed the possessed old lady, and he was so hot inside all the

foam and latex that he was constantly sweating.

As Bruce Campbell pointed out, in one scene you can see a stream of sweat pouring out

of the suit.

Army of Darkness

In the five years between Evil Dead II and its sequel, Sam Raimi filmed his first major

studio movie, Darkman, which was successful enough to get him enough funding from Universal

to bring life to the third installment in the franchise, Army of Darkness.

This time, instead of sticking with the cabin-based shenanigans of the first two movies, our hero

Ash travels back to medieval times to fight, well, the Army of Darkness.

Unfortunately, creative differences plagued the movie's long road to a theatrical release.

Thanks to a dispute between Universal and one of the film's producers, the film sat

on the shelf for a year.

Afterward, the studio decided to do a major recut of the movie.

According to editor Bob Murawski, "They didn't really understand it, they thought it was

too long, and didn't respond to a lot of the funnier stuff."

The ending in particular was a point of contention, with the studio wanting something more optimistic.

One intended ending had the series hero, Ash, accidentally waking up in a post-apocalyptic

future, but it was axed for being too sad.

This resulted in the filming of a new ending sequence, set in the present-day S-Mart after

Ash makes it back to his own time and dispatches one final demon.

Which was still pretty awesome.

Modern-day Ash

In 2013, all three of the original schmoes — Campbell, Raimi, and Tapert — produced

the Evil Dead remake, with newcomer Fede Alvarez directing.

Although fans and critics alike were mostly pleased with the remake, there was still one

thing everyone wanted: more Ash.

As Sam Raimi described it: "[Fans] really loved [the 2013 remake], and I loved it.

But afterwards, I still heard that, 'Now we want your Evil Dead with Bruce' [...] I didn't

know if I had much to gain, but they were so insistent we finally said, 'All right,

let's just do it.'"

Along with his brother Ivan, Raimi finally began work on another, Ash-centric installment

of the franchise, eventually landing on the idea to do a TV show.

It was a natural fit, with the Evil Dead crew having worked extensively in TV on the fantasy

show Hercules: The Legendary Journeys.

The future

Since it debuted in 2015, Ash vs. Evil Dead has been a hit with both audiences and critics.

In a lot of ways, there's never been a better time to be a fan of this series.

So what's next for the franchise?

In the wake of Alvarez's remake, there was some talk about doing a crossover movie that

would collide the two franchise universes, bringing Ash into the orbit of the remake's


Plans for such a project are apparently on hold, although when asked about the crossover's

chances on Twitter in 2016, Campbell stated that it's still "entirely possible."

And it's true — when it comes to this enduring horror show, the sky's the limit.

To think that such a little film, originating out of the deep woods of middle America through

sheer force of will, would continue to have such an impact is pretty remarkable — or,

as Ash would put it…

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