Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 14 2017

Videovlog starts here

We are in Los Angeles, first day here

after a long journey of 13 hours by plane,

We arrived last night

And we have arrived to an apartment that we have rented

which as you can see, it is a quite good apartment

We've rented by booking as usual we usually do

And today, on our first day we will visit the Universal Studios

So, it is all we have to do today

so let's go

We're inside of Universal Studios

Let's first see the tour

It is a tour that lasts an hour and a half and takes a tour

by actual studies Universal Studios

And then we will be visiting attractions

So, let's do this

Well, the sun goes down

and ends our great day at Universal Studios

It was worth the 85 euros it cost

100 dollars

And of all the attractions, the Mummy, Jurassic Park

Any more than you liked?

Antonio: And Harry Potter attraction

Ahh, Harry Potter attraction

If you come here, the first thing you have to do is visit Harry Potter attraction

and make the Studio Tour, important

so far the day Universal

We started second day in Los Angeles

and we are on the Walk of Fame

It is the first point we will see today

let's go a little ride

and also see the Chinese Theater

and let's see what artist we find in the floor

Next stop of the day, Little Tokyo

Juanma: We are in Little Tokyo

And we will make a itinerary through the area

let's see what we find

And we go with the path we are doing

We are on our way to Chinatown

First let's go through a rather touristy area called Olvera Street

He is imitating you, Do you know it, no?

After visiting Little Tokyo, Olvera Street

which it is a Mexican street because it was all full of Mexicans

Olvera Street ends, cross a street and you get into the area of ​​China, Chinatown

Antonio: This is Los Angeles

This is Los Angeles, you cross a street and you find Chinese people

cross another street and you find Japanese people

And now let's see the tourist part

because Chinatown is quite big

We are in the last great site that we visit on this day

Odalys: Griffith Observatory

Griffith Observatory where we will have spectacular views

all city of Los Angeles

and letters of Hollywood

Odalys And the Antonio's ass

Third day in Los Angeles

We have come to the Grove, a shopping centre

It is decorated, I think in the 20s American

And we have found that as it is Sunday

so today shops open at 10 am

Odalys: Wow what a surprise

And as you can see it is empty

At least no people, we see quietly

Well guys, here we are ...

Well, we haven't gotten anywhere

We have left the shopping centre for

to do a hardcore tour in Beverly Hills

in the area of ​​mansions

We have seen some that are really cool

And let's watch out Antonio not to get shot by someone

because he wanted to enter in private property

And here, as you know, it is legal

you get shot if you walk into a house

And now we will go to Rodeo Drive

Odalys: To have more envy yet

Next stop of the day, Los Angeles Gun Club

let's try to fire some weapons

Next stop on this day, Venice Beach

We will visit the beach, do a bicycle tour

and then we'll see Santa Monica

Last stop on this day

We are in Santa Monica, in the Pacific Park

an theme park there on a pier

and let's see, well, you are already seeing in the background, the sunset

We have come to see that, and the theme park, obviously

We started new day, and today we're going to Las Vegas

And we started throwing gasoline without knowing

If this car is diesel or gasoline

We took a while here waiting to see if we can solve the problem

And when we throw gasoline, we will go to Las Vegas

Well we're in the hotel in Las Vegas

This is the room

We are on the 8th floor

So now let's do the first tour of the casinos of Las Vegas

New day began Las Vegas

Today we have another tour of casinos

But before we made a stop at the pawn shop

where the program is recorded

And Antonio, here, just go to the store Tiffany

one of the most luxurious jewelry in the world

to ask a bag

Antonio: A bag, because it has always made me dream to have a Tiffany bag

Although not used for anything but go down the street and have a Tiffany bag

It's like giving you more glamor

I can already carry a book inside it does not matter

And he told him to get a bag to buy

Antonio: And the cheapest item were 125 dollars, so I can't buy it

And the most expensive item I have also asked out of curiosity

because, you know, scientific curiosity

It was a diamond ring with ...

... platinum

$ 161,000

So good, if you want, you know where to find it

Well we ended the second route casinos

we liked very much, especially the Venetian

with the Venice canals inside and the show we have seen

And we end where we started today also, at the Bellagio

Antonio: In the Bellagio, where we will bet

For the first time we will bet on the Bellagio

Antonio: And then hopefully make money for to play poker later

Let's see if luck smiles us

Well, we've finished playing roulette, which is what we played

I started with $ 25

and I finished with $ 320, so it went pretty good

Antonio: And he will invite us a dinner

And this man here, the intelligent man has been betting wildly

and he started with $ 50 and has finished with 0

but well, this is Las Vegas, here you win or lose

And the last to finish

we will see the show of the Bellagio fountains

and with that we end our stay in Las Vegas

We are in Fremont Street


Antonio: This is very cool

It is very cool

We got here by chance

we went to the hotel to sleep but we have seen that there was party around here

Antonio: And of course, as good Spaniards see party and we go

Antonio: Ehh, we have arrived Hoover Dam

and now let's see the views from here

we woke up early

so hopefully seize the day well

And we have endured the Morning Traffic Jam

Antonio: And we will not pay parking

Well, we have come

Antonio: Well, we are here

Importantly, they charge $ 30 to enter the national park

It is valid 7 days

We believed that charged less but 30 dollars

Well, going 4 people, so divide 30 from 4

7.5 is not so bad to see the Grand Canyon

Antonio: In the following tutorial, fractions

Well, we are here

I have removed the camera to Fran

so I will introduce the Grand Canyon

New day dawns, the last day trip

back to LA and let's do it on Route 66

Antonio: I'm a shit, I'm very tired

As we are already on Route 66

After a long journey from

the Grand Canyon we left last night

spending a night in Needle

we have come back to Los Angeles

and before getting the plane to return to Spain

We stopped at another very famous beaches here

that is Manhattan Beach

which we have here behind background

Antonio: some of which we will bathe, not me

Well guys, after a long week

touring two of the most important cities in this country

has reached the end of the trip, it's a shame, we must return to Spain

And always typical, I hope you liked this video

subscribe to the channel, share with your friends

Antonio: Like

Like and Subscribe

Yoses: And let his 10, wey

Antonio: $ 5

Juanma: Here below the box has its best "sumesione"


Antonio: This isn't going with us, okay?

Inés: For the trip I really liked

although I would have liked to go to more places

as, for example, to a horse ranch

And the first day was also cool

and I loved Universal Studios

I want to go back there

What I liked most was Riot Games

Carlos: Riot Games certainly

It is my future work

Antonio: It puts forth as looking to become the important

Look look

Riot Games

Juanma: The trip I found a great trip

with bad company

Long waiting time

Odalys: Very cool, very fun, very nice, very crazy

What I liked the most

Pizza! The Pizza Rock is Great

It is delicious, that was in Las Vegas

It is delicious, I loved the pizza, I have fallen in love

I'm looking at you, I should look there

And this, what I liked most?

Fran: Don't get nervous, you're blushing

Odalys: I like pizza, it is already

Yoses: The truth is that it has exceeded my expectations

what happens is that I am a prudent person and I usually lower the expectations of things

and Las Vegas, the truth is that I liked a lot, much

I loved it

Also the Grand Canyon is very wonderful

Has been very well organized, meaning that no complaints

Erika: Best trip ever


What I liked the most

Well ...I don't know if I can say it

what happened in Las Vegas has to stay in Las Vegas

Well kids, I must say that this is the best trip

we did never ever

Two days in Las Vegas were the two best days almost

Yes, my life

Now I just hope in a shortly time we can do a similar trip

Antonio: Nothing, I found the trip very intense, really

They have been too many stimuli for my body

And that's it, we hope Fran again do other videos

so that you can see

and that means we have done more trips together


For more infomation >> LOS ANGELES, LAS VEGAS AND THE GRAND CANYON |EPIC VLOG| - Duration: 16:37.


Welcome! - Duration: 0:24.

I'm Mama B there on the left: Brandi. My wife Amy goes my Mom, and the fur-ball? His

name is Cooper. You might know this because you've been following our story

for the last three years on YouTube or you might be new. **Welcome!** Hit that

SUBSCRIBE button to join the family and get the fastest video updates, and check

out our playlist in the description box below -- thanks for watching! <3

For more infomation >> Welcome! - Duration: 0:24.






Pedophilia has become a huge topic of discussion over recent weeks as not only have sexual

abuse outings been taking place in Hollywood, but the exposure of pedophilia in Hollywood

and amongst the elite is becoming more common.

The reality of child molestation by the Roman Catholic Church has surfaced time and time

again, and yet, somehow, it continues to happen.

If you watched the movie Spotlight, perhaps you have an idea of just how things are going


But let�s break it down to date.

While you can�t put a price on the innocence of a child, you can put a price on just how

much the Roman Catholic Church has paid out in lawsuits over the never-ending epidemic

of child molestation wreaking havoc in its ranks.

We hope the facts below help us to realize that in some ways our financial support of

the catholic church is helping to cover up and defend pedophilia and child sexual abuse.

Not to mention the government is providing tax breaks to what may be the biggest pedophile

ring on the planet.

Also consider that the church has known about this for years and has done little to nothing

to deal with it, instead they cover it up.

According to Jack and Diane Ruhl of the National Catholic Reporter, who decided to research

this particular topic, since 1950, the Vatican has spent $3,994,797,060.10.

That�s nearly $4 billion to keep the issue hush hush.

That number may even be a bit conservative considering the amount of �under the table�

dealings have taken place which were uncovered in Spotlight investigations.

Most cases were never reported nor were they taken to court, leaving their reality in the


The figure is based on a three-month investigation of data, which includes a review of over 7,800

articles from LexisNexis Academic and NCR databases and information from

Reports from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops were also used.

If the amount of money dished out was divided evenly amongst the U.S.�s 197 dioceses,

each one would get almost $20 million.

An incredible amount of cash from hard working people who chose to support the good faith

and intentions of the Church � people who are parents to little boys being sexually

abused � is being used to cover up unfathomable crimes executed by priests.

In the early nineties, a monk who worked at the Vatican opened up to The New Yorker, admitting:

�You wouldn�t believe the amounts of money the church is spending to settle these priestly

sexual-abuse cases.� By 1992, U.S. Catholic dioceses had given 400 million dollars to

settle hundreds of molestation cases.

That was a shocking chunk of change then, and that figure has only risen exponentially


The men running the Vatican are well aware of the problem, and yet they refuse to provide


When Pope Francis addressed hundreds of bishops on the issue, he said:

I realize how much the pain of recent years has weighed upon you, and I have supported

your generous commitment to bring healing to victims � in the knowledge that in healing

we too are healed � and to work to ensure that such crimes will never be repeated.

His words of �generous commitment� only further show just how tightly knit the Church

truly is � worried more about reputation than morality.

�The people he was talking to are the people who moved the pedophiles around to prey on

kids,� said John Salveson, a 59-year-old Philadelphia businessman who was abused as

a child by a priest.

�If you gave me 100 years to pick a word to describe the U.S. bishops� reaction to

this crisis, �generous� would never make the list.�

Terry McKiernan, who runs, noted that Francis overlooked the fact that

many dioceses around the country haven�t disclosed the names of abusers, and furthermore,

continue to lobby against reforming statute of limitations laws that shield priests from

prosecution for crimes from the past.

David Clohessy, executive director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests,

was once optimistic that Francis would push for change in how the Church handled the scandal,

but has since lost hope.

�There�s nothing he could say that would be helpful, because Catholic bishops have

said it all before � �I�m sorry, we didn�t know, we�ll do better.� We�ve

heard that for decades,� he said.

�This is a pope who has refused to take steps to expose one predator or punish one


. . . He could simply defrock, demote, discipline, or even clearly denounce just one complicit


He refuses, not one.�

Spanning many hundreds of years, children have suffered at the hands of child predators

who remain safe in the authority and integrity of an honorable faith, yet organizations,

investigators, reporters, etc. continue to raise awareness, while the Catholic Church

continues their fight to block bills that would extend the statute of limitations for

reporting sex abuse.

Final Thoughts

There is more coming to light about the true nature of workings of many of the things we

follow and believe in.

Truth is coming to the surface more now than it ever has and it�s all happening for us

to question the true nature of the systems and structures around us as well as the veil

that has been pulled over our eyes about them.

Another key reflection point, how does covering up child sexual abuse serve to make humanity

better or more peaceful?

Especially from a religious institution.



Пасхалки в The Evil Within [Easter Eggs] - Duration: 11:00.

For more infomation >> Пасхалки в The Evil Within [Easter Eggs] - Duration: 11:00.


D-Day Dice: 2nd Edition Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 23:16.

For more infomation >> D-Day Dice: 2nd Edition Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 23:16.


Russia Vs Spain - l Friendship Match l Gameplay ᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 19:26.

Russia Vs Spain - l Friendship Match l Gameplay ᴴᴰ ♥

For more infomation >> Russia Vs Spain - l Friendship Match l Gameplay ᴴᴰ ♥ - Duration: 19:26.


Cartoon Fox. 🍁 Drawing and Coloring - cute fox. Coloring Star - Family channel. - Duration: 2:24.

There lived a cunning Fox in the world.

Somehow he thought.

And he still thinks so.

draw Cat

coloring Cat

end paint image Cat

For more infomation >> Cartoon Fox. 🍁 Drawing and Coloring - cute fox. Coloring Star - Family channel. - Duration: 2:24.


Conchita im Publikum - #ConchitaFVWL - Laeiszhalle Hamburg - 08.11.2017 - Duration: 3:24.

But I'd really like to get to know you a little more

and that is why I am coming down to you now.

A wonderful good evening!

How much do you hate it when people come down from the stage?

I don't like that at all! But now I'm on stage, that's why it's very practical.

You beckon to me? Or do you have a question?

This is actually the reason why I'm here: should you have any question - I answer everything!

Do you believe me?

If you don't have any questions, then I have some.

Are you all right so far? Do you feel comfortable?

My goodness, I must stop here: What a sensational outfit! Great hair!

What is your name? Alexa.

Oh, we know Alexa ... Alexa is not a friend of Siri, truth be told!

Where did you get this outfit from? Assorted it myself.

But also made by yourself? No. Assorted it yesterday.

Very good combination! Only for you!

Many Thanks! Alexa, you look glamourous!

I also come to the back! Did you think you are safe ... you thought wrong!

You also have such a great hair colour! My goodness, Hamburg, you really step on it!

Do you always wear purple in your hair? Yes, sometimes purple, sometimes lilac, depending on what I like.

Sensational, I celebrate you very much for that! Great, I love that!

Do you have a question? You have just raised your hand.

Ah, that's like at an auction: false gesture and I'm already there!

What is your name? Oliver.

Oliver ... Olli, among us. Are you from Hamburg?

Yes. - Where exactly? - From Altona.

I have no idea where that is, we have already clarified:

I have not seen much of the city! Olli, I count much on you, when it comes to the city tour!

No problem, I'm there!

Outstanding! Olli and I will paint the town!

Oh, Regina! Regina works in my team and today she sees the show. Do you like it so far?

Very beautiful! Thank you, you have to say that, I pay you, after all!

I feel very comfortable with you!

For more infomation >> Conchita im Publikum - #ConchitaFVWL - Laeiszhalle Hamburg - 08.11.2017 - Duration: 3:24.


D-Day Dice: 2nd Edition Extended Gameplay - Duration: 39:26.

For more infomation >> D-Day Dice: 2nd Edition Extended Gameplay - Duration: 39:26.


Adoçantes naturais, melhor opção para a saúde - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> Adoçantes naturais, melhor opção para a saúde - Duration: 5:31.


Os maravilhosos benefícios de tomar água de coco - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Os maravilhosos benefícios de tomar água de coco - Duration: 4:58.


সরাসরি আজকের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বাংলা খবর বাংলাভিশন সংবাদ ১৫ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ Bangla Vision News Today - Duration: 21:31.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বাংলা খবর বাংলাভিশন সংবাদ ১৫ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ Bangla Vision News Today - Duration: 21:31.


5 secrets of happy couples - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> 5 secrets of happy couples - Duration: 3:02.


African American girls talking about Russian men! - Duration: 1:46.

Hello, how are you? I'm Kait

Hi, my name is Victoria

Victoria! What do you know about Russian men?

How do you think about Russian men?

I think..

Russian men are very handsome!

Very handsome?


And you?

Yes, I think

Russian me very...


Yes, yes very strong!

Strong, smart... Absolutely!

So kind!

What is Dobriy?

Dobriy means kind!

And I don't know - straightforward!


Maybe... Pryamolineyniy?

Yes ! Pryamolineyniy?

Very honest!

I only know two Russian honest men


One and Two

For more infomation >> African American girls talking about Russian men! - Duration: 1:46.


Plants vs Zombies 2💀 Funny video for kids 💀Family game against zombies Youtube video for kids 2017 - Duration: 10:15.

For more infomation >> Plants vs Zombies 2💀 Funny video for kids 💀Family game against zombies Youtube video for kids 2017 - Duration: 10:15.


10 façons de faire des vidéos sans montrer votre visage - Duration: 8:58.

For more infomation >> 10 façons de faire des vidéos sans montrer votre visage - Duration: 8:58.


LetterSchool Lowercase cursive letters ABCDEFGHI New Year Easy writing lessons Learn Alphabet - Duration: 30:15.

LetterSchool Lowercase cursive letters ABCDEFGHI New Year Easy writing lessons Learn Alphabet

For more infomation >> LetterSchool Lowercase cursive letters ABCDEFGHI New Year Easy writing lessons Learn Alphabet - Duration: 30:15.


mp3 of plaintiff voicemail messages uploaded to youtube for court1 - Duration: 6:44.

first saved voice message

hello nina ngor hai jenny

ah tenant of yut yut chut uh (117)Mott Street?

uh Ngor dey mention yow ngor dey ah architect

leng yut gor architect lay

tai gor store tomorrow? ngor seung gee

hor m hor yee leung deem leung deem gee leung deem boon

nay hor m hor yee call fon gnor

confirm gah see gon ah ngor deen wah hai gow yut chut som som yee som yee leng bot say

ngor deen wah hai gow yut chutaw

mgoy sai Nina bye by

end of message

sent wednesday april 24th

at 440 pm from

646 462 30383

83 duration 32 seconds

383 duration

32 seconds next message

hi nina nay ho mm tai ah allen ah

ah hung fat day chon ah allen nina

teng yut gow deem jung nay hor mm hor yee

hoi moon yut yut chut mott gai gor doh

ah jack tong jenny kui day

architect yah

teng yut hui lor

jung insurance bay nay yee gah

gow fong zhee gay

hoy chee yiew review gor architect nay forwad gor gor plan teng yut gow deem jung call fon gow deem

ziew how joe allen luk say luk chiew how zho

chut chut thank you

ngor hai allen

end of message beep

sent thursday may second

at 730 pm from

six four six

five two nine six one

three three duration

forty seconds

next message

hi mm tai ah jack

mo teng yut gow deem boon hoy basement moon tai nay duk mm duk fuk fon ngor

borng sow hoi basement moon

bye bye

end of message

sent sunday may 26th at 616 pm from

six four six

two four three zero three eight

three duration twelve seconds

next message

hey mm tai jack mo

dee paperwork zhow jeun bay ho

second yut yiew yeuk nay gah see gon

ah yun wai yiew nay cheem meng gong gor dee yeah

seng kay yee gum zhow hor yee hoy gung zhee bah

ah sup deem jung seng kay yut

yow moh mun tai fuk fon ngor mm goy nay bye bye

end of message

sent saturday june 1st

at 1110 am from

six four six

two four three

zero three

eight three duration 23

four seconds next message

ah nina aiye dean fong

da cheng nay fuk fon deen wah bay ngor

end of message sent friday october


at 1133 am

from 212



duration eight seconds

next message

yes hello ms. wong this is joann mccann

Im calling from nystate dept of labor you keep faxing the same

information to us but nothing will change until you produce your books and records

in our office in hicksville okay?

so you want your money back

if you're entitled to have it back

that will be decided after you show books and records

not before so please stop faxing us the same

paperwork over and over again

because it wont make a difference

you can call me 516

934 85


thank you

sent tuesday december 17th at 303


from 516



duration 44 seconds

next message

in regard to 117 Mott Street

Iwas wondering if you want to do the inspection tomorrow on april 29 at 2 o clock


pease give me a call to confirm my phone number is

917 332 8084

again my phone number is 917 332 8084

thank you bye bye

end of message sent

monday april 28th

at 5:15pm

from 917



duration 28 seconds

next message

hi mm tai nay ho ngor hai wong son

allen ah gor gor hung fot day chon gah

nay gor poe wai joe jor may gor gor

yut yut chut mott gai yoo gor may

zho hoy may bow yu

ha gor dee som yung gah

chung chuk call fon ngor ah

gor dee yung sum gor dee

hai wong song ah allen ah

end of message

sent tuesday september

1st at 606pm



529 65



28 seconds

nina ngor hai echo ah

nay yow see gon hor mm hor yee dah fah bay ngor

hai gow yut chut

end of message

sent wednesday may 3rd

at 1230

1233 pm from 91

7 138

337 duration

10 seconds

you want to call me and talk

For more infomation >> mp3 of plaintiff voicemail messages uploaded to youtube for court1 - Duration: 6:44.



Hi guys and welcome to Vaulting and climbing in playerunknown's battlegrounds.

This is probably the end of crouch jumping and that will definitely slow down the gameplay.

I just had the chance to test out the new and upcoming features and I will tell you

everything that I discovered so far, the good things, the bad things and the shooting issues

that come with the new the new vaulting system in pubg.

Everything that you will see today in this video is still under review, meaning that

they allowed everybody to try out these new features on test servers but they still want

to add some changes based on our test results and on your feedback.

You might see bugs and errors but those might all be fixed in the near future.

Before we get started, make sure that you check your control settings, they added a

few things and you definitely want to assign a key to vault only.

If you don't do so then you won't be able to fully take advantage of the new vaulting

system because most of the time you will just jump instead of vault.

The great news is that we now have access to what were unreachable places before the

implementation of this new system.

Take a look at this rooftop for example, completely unreachable before but now you can take advantage

of a location like this.

If you don't use a dedicated vault key then you will just jump and you will never be able

to get on top.

Just to be clear, you will have to take a step back before you can get on the very top,

but you will have to press your dedicated vault key.

Be careful because your enemy can also access a location like this now so you better watch

out and expect to see a few enemies in unexpected places from now on.

Do you remember these high white fences, normally you will have to walk all the way around them

because there was no way to jump over, not even by using crouch jumping.

This has all changed, no need to walk around them anymore, from now on you can easily get

passed and all you have to do is press one single button on your keyboard.

A lot of different object are now usable as well, for example these objects on top of

a rooftop in yasnaya polyana, and many other objects spread out over the entire map.

Trapped in a building, no need to worry soldier, you can now jump through a window, break it

at the same time and safely get away from an enemy who was trying to kill you, well

until he jumps through as well.

You can also do the opposite, and you can surprise an enemy who is hiding inside a building

by jumping through a window.

This will allow for interesting tactics and it will make hiding inside a building a lot

less effective if you decide to do so.

Not only will you have to keep an eye on the doors, you will now also have to watch the

windows for guys who think they are John Rambo.

If you are hiding upstairs then do not rely on the sound of a window breaking just yet,

I managed to enter and exit several houses without breaking the glass, this means that

an enemy might be able to enter your house without opening a door and without breaking

the glass of a window.

Don't expect to become super man neither, you can get over most walls and high objects

but you cannot get over the highest walls in playerunknown's battlegrounds.

For that you will have to find a broken part, it is the only way to get passed this object.

The vaulting and climbing update is great, but there is a big issue that comes with this

new system and that is the shooting issue.

You are extremely vulnerable when you are vaulting, sure you can get over high objects,

you can attack people from interesting angles, but while you are executing your perfectly

thought out strate-gic maneuver, you cannot fire your weapon.

In other words, you are a sitting vaulting duck, the other guy can clearly see you of

course, he can open fire and you cannot do anything about it.

What I am showing here is me vaulting over various items while spamming my left mouse

button to see when you stop shooting and when you can start shooting again.

In short, the higher the object, the longer it takes before you can shoot again.

This will put you at a disadvantage if your enemy saw you trying to get over a wall, he

will know that you are vulnerable and he will have an easy time killing you long before

you are able to shoot back, so keep this in mind when you decide to launch your surprise


Most of us are pretty good by now at pressing 2 keys on our keyboard at the same time, we

all do it when we crouch jump.

During all my time playing with the new vaulting update, I have not been able to crouch jump

one single time.

So I believe that this will be then end of the crouch jumping era.

Unfortunately this will slow down the gameplay, because you can get faster through a window

while crouch jumping and in the meantime you can still shoot at your enemy.

Crouch jumping was never meant to be a part of the game, that tried to fix it by preventing

us from assigning one button to 2 different actions, and now they removed it completely

and instead they gave us the vaulting system, overall an improvement but it does come at

the cost of slower gameplay.

These are the main things that I discovered so far about the new vaulting and climbing

update, if you want to try it out yourself then jump on the test servers and check it

out for yourself.

If I discover more interesting items regarding this update then check out my patreon page

so that you will be the first to know, the link is in the video description, otherwise

make sure to check out the next videos where I will show you everything that you need to


And by the way guys the youtube likes and comments are very helpful to me.

If you think that this video is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to like and post

a comment on this video.

If you haven't done so already, then make sure to subscribe.

This was FOG of GAMING, thanks for watching and I will see you in Battlegrounds.

Playerunknown's battlegrounds vaulting and climbing.

Battlegrounds vaulting and climbing, pubg vaulting and climbing



Walibi's Fright Night | andthenIfellinlove Daily Diary - Duration: 6:02.

We just went into the No Limit. Or... No? No Gravity Zone I believe it's called.

I keep forgetting the name. The new coaster at Walibi World.

However, we did stand in like for two hours prior to actually getting into the ride.

But that's Walibi Fright Night for ya.

So, I hope you've enjoyed this vlog so far. I'm sorry for not chatting... *???*

I'm sorry for not chatting with you so much, but yeah... We're at Walibi Fright Night.

Heck yes. Let the scary dudes come out.

This is flippin' awesome. Let Haloween Horor Night begin.

Or Fright Night... That's in Florida.

I'm like a child so freaking happy because of more scary dudes.

Look at this!

Heck. Flippin'. Yes!

Oh my god, I love this.

Are you OK, Tinus? Are you OK?

Oh my god, I love it.

We're at Walibi's... Walibi's? Walibi's Fright Night.

This is flippin' fun. There're zombies over here... Like what?

Cool, right?

Michonne is here too to save us.


No we're about to enter a haunted house which I think is lovely... I hope!

It is flippin' busy as heck. Holy cow.

The camera may go.

This seriously was the best haunted house that I've actually been in so far.

Like, oh my gosh. I didn't film anything, because it was so good.

Like, the whole psycho theme is awesome.

Oh my god. Oh my god.

Dang! I didn't expect that? - You jumped? - Yes!

This is so much fun. I love it!

That was actually the best ever haunted house I've been to because everything we saw was from movies. It was great.

Like... Oh, everyone got scared.

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