Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 14 2017

Since the very beginning of Dragon Ball Super, its animation quality has been under close

scrutiny from the fandom – and to be fair, for good reason.

To say the series had a shaky start would be a pretty big understatement.

Within five episodes, Super's quality had crumbled, and despite somewhat holding together

for a good portion of the movie retellings, the action episodes, particularly during the

Resurrection 'F' arc were… let's just say, certainly not the best thing to ever

air on TV.

The current Universal Survival arc is at a point where animation is hardly even a talking

point anymore for most of the fandom – and when it is, it's usually for positive reasons.

It's to point out how great something looked.


I'm not actually here to debate about Dragon Ball Super's animation quality.

Whether or not you find the quality of the visuals acceptable or not, is not the point

of this video.

And that might sound kind of strange considering the title is "Is Dragon Ball Super Cheaply

Made?", but the truth is, the budget of a project doesn't play a particularly major

factor in determining the animation quality of the show as a whole, or even on an episode

to episode basis.

So let's kick things off by explaining why exactly that is.

What most viewers praise when something looks great on their screens is not the result of

the studio pouring money into it like some sort of magical animation-producing vending

machine, it's the result of the skill of the animator behind that scene, and most critically,

how much time they had.

While certain specialist key animators do cost or get paid more than the average key

animator – for example, Naotoshi Shida is certainly not cheap – the actual average

pay doesn't vary that drastically.

Like any place of work, your pay is based on your position within the industry.

If you're a key animator, regardless of your skill, you will be paid what the studio

pays key animators.

If you're above that position, say a chief animation supervisor, then you'll be paid

far more, since you're two positions higher than the key animators.

It's no different than the head chef being paid more than the line cook.

Freelancers who work from studio to studio are, like any industry, at the behest of the

rates offered by said studios.

If you're a freelance journalist, your skill rarely determines the rates offered to you

by the outlets you pitch to.

So spending more money doesn't necessarily net you better animators, but It can net you

more animators, and Dragon Ball Super certainly isn't afraid of spending that money.

It needs to spend that money.

If you're somehow not aware of it at this point, the issues with Super's animation

are the result of a lack of time animators have for each episode.

The series began far too soon, with too few episodes complete, which meant they were (and

still are) being rushed out to meet their scheduled air date.

To help alleviate these issues, Toei started spending a lot of money.

With these types of shows, especially at Toei, the norm is to have one animation supervisor,

and about 10 or so key animators.

Since that team size was far too small to produce satisfactory results within Super's

schedule, they started doubling up supervisors, sometimes pushing as many as three or four

at a time.

Key animation-wise, not only did the number of animators increase in places, they began

to introduce 2nd key animators, who exist to finish-up or clean-up the work of the key


Along with this, they began to use a stack of outsourcing, with some episodes involving

as many as six external studios from all over Asia.

All of this drastically pushed up the cost of each episode, and occurred for the Resurrection

'F' arc, but as we know, despite the crazy amounts of money being spent, the animation

quality did not increase right then and there.

In fact, in some ways, the visuals got far worse.

By showering the show in money to hire more staff, you end up with a situation where the

phrase, "Too many cooks spoil the broth" becomes very relevant.

Consistency became a huge issue – one half of an episode may look great, while the other

is all but melting on the screen.

The major benefit of this patchwork method, however, is time.

Over the years, this new found ability to complete episodes faster helped with the schedule,

which in turn allowed the talented animators to spend more time on their scenes, making

them far more polished and impressive.

As new supervisors joined the show, the rotation times between their episodes increased, which

again, is another huge time benefit.

Nowadays, Toei spends far less on the show's animators, since the staff lists have grown

smaller, and the need for outsourcing is much more of a rarity.

Despite spending less in this department, the show looks better than ever.

The biggest increases in expenditure in the current Universe Survival arc come from having

two series directors now, one of the highest paying positions in the pipeline.

One of those directors, Tatsuya Nagamine, raised the number of drawings permitted per

episode in this tournament.

More pages cost more money, and that's allowed the series to have more action, though of

course, not necessarily better action.

Again, that is down to time and talent.

As you've heard, Dragon Ball Super is not a cheaply made show.

In fact, many of the series' worst moments cost the studio much more money than its best.

A healthy production is often far cheaper than one falling to pieces.

Attack on Titan's production was an absolute nightmare, and you can see this reflected

in their staff lists.

That is not cheap, and the results don't hold a candle to One-Punch Man's visuals,

where the staff list is not only small, and therefore not nearly as expensive, but the

chief animation director also went out of his way to confirm this idea, too.

Super's expenditure is huge.

Even putting aside the production side of things that we've just covered, the series

has gigantic posters up the sides of buildings, in subways – there are advertisements in

major publications.

It's everywhere, it's global, it costs so much.

I hope this has made it very clear that Super is not a cheaply made show, and even if it

was, the quality of the animation wouldn't necessarily reflect that.

Again, I'm not here to push you one way or the other about your opinion of the show's

visuals, I just want to make sure that if you are praising or criticising the show,

you're approaching it from the right place.

If something looks bad, it's not because there was no budget, it's because whoever

was behind it was either lacking in skill, or simply didn't have enough to deliver


On the flip-side, if something looks great, Toei didn't pour all of their budget into

the scene or episode, it was simply made up of extremely talented staff, who all had adequate

time to perform.

There will no doubt be a number of rebuttals down in the comment section below – a lot

of "But what if they did this…", and "Actually… blah blah blah", so I want

to leave you with a paraphrased quote from Kevin over on, who helped out

with aspects of this video.

He says, "The issue with a lot of people's train of thought regarding production is that

it makes too much sense, and therefore doesn't apply to the anime industry".

It's a weird and complicated place, but it's so much fun to follow and study, so

if you are interested in learning more, do check out their website, and if you're looking

for specialist knowledge of Dragon Ball Super's production, then hitting subscribe on this

channel is not the worst thing you could do.

I hope you guys enjoyed this video – I will of course be down in the comment section doing

my best to answer your questions or clarifying anything that wasn't clear.

Be sure to rate the video if you'd be so kind, and I will see you next time.

For more infomation >> Is Dragon Ball Super's Animation Cheaply Made? - Duration: 7:35.


Things You'll Wish You'd Known Before Having A Baby - Duration: 5:06.

Having a baby changes your life.

And if it's your first child, get ready for a steep learning curve!

But you don't have to go into it completely blind.

Here, real moms and baby experts reveal what you should definitely know before having a


Set those boundaries

Already sick of strangers touching your pregnant belly?

"At school everyone's just grabbing my belly all the time.

It's crazy."

Well, just wait until after you have your baby.

Christina Moreland, mom of two, and author of Secrets of the Super Mom, says,

Right after you have your baby, it seems everyone else feels they are entitled to touch, grab,

and have access to your breasts.

I personally was never comfortable feeding around anyone other than my husband."

"Create your new boundaries and don't be afraid."

And Moreland's also got a simple strategy for dealing with everyone's opinions around

the birth of your child: she says,

"Ignore them."

Free your birth plan

While you may have created the perfect birth plan, your new baby may have other ideas.

Jen Schwartz, postpartum depression survivor and founder of the blog, The Medicated Mommy


"I wanted to do everything in my power to avoid a C-section because of [other people's]


After 24 hours of labor […] I had a C-section."

"A week later I was hit with severe postpartum depression and having a long labor is a risk

factor for it."

Ultimately, Schwartz says,

"Being ready for all birth scenarios and knowing ahead of time that you aren't necessarily

in control of how your baby comes into the world will take the pressure off if it doesn't

go according to plan."

Number one complication

Catherine O'Brien, licensed marriage and family therapist, says,

"The number one complication of childbirth for moms is a perinatal mood or anxiety disorder."

"Around 20 percent of moms will experience a PMAD and ten percent of dads."

"You will feel like you are failing as a parent somehow or wonder if maybe you weren't meant

to be a parent.

This is not your fault.

You are not alone.

And with help you can feel better."

O'Brien advises seeking help as soon as you feel that something's not right.

Nursing ain't easy

Let's be real: breastfeeding doesn't always come naturally, or at all.

"No one even warned me about the cracked nipples"

"I wanted to stick my nips in tub of Chapstick and stay there.


April Oury, mother and founder and president of Body Gears Physical Therapy, says,

"I wish I knew that nursing takes a lot of practice!"

"The tearful feedings that lasted weeks finally gave way to toughened nipple skin and desensitization

so that my focus was on the bonding experience.

The benefits of nursing kept me going, but through a lot of coaching and tears."

Moreland agrees, sharing,

"Don't be afraid to bring in the experts, like a licensed lactation consultant to help


I needed one with both of my babies and they are four years apart in age."

Lots of help

After you have a baby, it's "all hands on deck."

Licensed counselor and psychotherapist Carolyn Wagner says,

"You buy all of the recommended gadgets, arrange for meals and visitors and help, sign up for

the baby and me classes, and decorate the nursery.

But when you're in the thick of it, you will always wish you had an extra set of hands

or a shoulder to lean on."

"Whether it's from friends and family or a postpartum doula or nanny, get the support

you need.

There's no special medal for going it alone."

Feeding your baby

The truth is, as long as your baby's eating, you're doing the right thing.

"Breastfeeding didn't work out.

Guess what.

World's still turning."

Schwartz says,

"Everyone will have an opinion on the best way to feed your baby."

"Whether it's formula, breastmilk, or a combination of both, it has no bearing on how good of

a parent you are.

You know yourself best, so do what works for you and keeps you sane, not what someone else

tells you to do.

And if anyone judges you or tries to make you feel guilty for your choices, tune them

out and advocate for yourself."

Stress test

No matter what your romantic relationship is, expect your newborn to impact it.

O'Brien says,

"Other parents...may even say it will ruin your relationship.

You will think that's not possible."

"But the truth is no matter how strong your relationship is, having a little sweet bundle

of joy will take a toll."

In order to pull through this trying time, O'Brien says,

"Have a daily check-in...Share the good things, but also talk about any challenges you are


You can then offer a way to support each other."

Not loving every minute

Don't feel guilty if you're not in a constant state of bliss over your new baby.

"You're a mom.

Moms don't enjoy, they give joy.

That's how being a mom works."

Moreland says,

"Some moms have that immediate, overwhelming, love-at-first-sight feeling with their newborns;

others don't.

And that's okay..."

"I didn't feel overcome with love initially, but it grew and quickly deepened thereafter."

Clancy agreed, saying,

"Many parents that I work with wish that someone had told them that it is okay to not love

every minute of having a new baby.

It is a lot of hard work."

"Know that you are not the only one feeling this way, and you are still a good parent."

Just a phase

No matter what you're struggling with, when it comes to newborns, nothing is permanent.

Wagner says,

"Babies grow and change extremely rapidly during their first year."

"Whether it's sleep troubles, clinginess, or difficulties with feeding, give it time

and it will change."

And things will even change for you.

Wagner says,

"There will come a day when you feel capable and in control again.

Even though it looks and feels nothing like your pre-baby life, you'll look around and

feel at home in your new life."

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> Things You'll Wish You'd Known Before Having A Baby - Duration: 5:06.


How to Make Mayonnaise | Food Network - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> How to Make Mayonnaise | Food Network - Duration: 0:48.


عــــــــاجل: المغرب يرفض طلبا مثيرا للسعودية..!! اكتشف المفاجأة - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> عــــــــاجل: المغرب يرفض طلبا مثيرا للسعودية..!! اكتشف المفاجأة - Duration: 1:45.


3d printing tips - How I Print the ABS without problem - Sub EN - Duration: 8:54.

hi, guys

many ask me some printing tips

I thought of making this video on ABS

where I show how I print the abs

without any particular problems

obviously there are other methods

if you use another way write it in the comments

so it can be useful to everyone

the video is not made very well because I record during I working on other things

but there are all info

I hope you like .. bye .. to the next video

ok .. now see haw I start a print in ABS

a ABS spool ..

look the glass .. it is dirty of old glue

this is a water stick glue

for the paper

no branded

it is not important the brand

here some water

this is the remnant of the old print

do this ..

you dissolve it with a little water

you create a uniform zone where the print go

in this way also save the glue

every now and then clean the glass .. and start with new glue

you can do various printing cycles

now print the new cart bar with micro switch support for end stop

wait a bit that

this first wait .. before the temperature start increase

is the time that

the temperature through the glass

because my sensor is on the glass

the temperature that you see here, is the temperature that I have over the glass surface

under the glass there are 10 or more °C

so .. if you have the sensor under the glass

you should add at least 10°C

so .. if you want pint pla at 40°C

you should set at lest 50°C .. or more

now activate the extruder ..

other thing

I power on the fan from 2th layer ... always

and ..

from 2th layer I add 10°C or more to the bed

this .. why?

because if you set to 70°C from begin

the glue .. dry quickly

and not good attach to ABS

so .. I start with 55-60°C

after the first layer has finish

increase the temperature to 70°C

the bed is at 60°C

is still good attached

now .. until the temperature slow down to 40°C .. it not detach

For more infomation >> 3d printing tips - How I Print the ABS without problem - Sub EN - Duration: 8:54.


سولنا الاوكرانيات فين جا المغرب شوفو الاجوبة هههه - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> سولنا الاوكرانيات فين جا المغرب شوفو الاجوبة هههه - Duration: 3:33.





Lasten nolaaminen | JOHANNA TOHNI @ Stand up!, toinen kausi - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Lasten nolaaminen | JOHANNA TOHNI @ Stand up!, toinen kausi - Duration: 1:44.


5 aliments ANTI-CRAMPES - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> 5 aliments ANTI-CRAMPES - Duration: 5:01.


To Agree With Me Is Victory - Duration: 7:41.

To Agree With Me Is Victory November 14, 2017

Lord Jesus, would You please warn us with a sense of interior grief when we are sliding

into agreement with the demons?


Jesus, after all my distractions and feeling lukewarm, am I still Your Love?

He answered, "Now and forever more, you are truly My Love.

But there is no time that you have extended dealings with the world that you are not worse

off for it, and find it harder and harder to hear Me.

The world and all that's in it is a dangerous diversion that makes you drift further and

further away from Me.

"Now I want to pull you in…closer and closer to Me.

These things have caused you to wander and I really miss you, Clare.

Please, tuck into My arm and shoulder and come back to Me."

Jesus, I didn't know I was that far away?

"You are not in OUR ideal place; you fall just shy of that.

Come closer, My Clare, come into this tender place in My heart, beneath the apple tree

in our garden."

Then He placed a bridal veil over my head.

"Listen, Clare.

Everything I've told you I would do through you, I will do.

My words do not return to Me void.

I know the obstacles.

I know the enemy's plans to rip your vocation from you.

I know ALL there is to know and I am telling you: nothing will stop this from happening.

Just keep on obeying, praying and working with your voice and the piano.

Nothing will stop you.


Is that clear?"

Yes, Lord.


Now, get up from your ashes and move forward.

Make music, sing, be confident in this.

Nothing has the power to stop what I have ordained.

No matter what they try, it will be fatal to them—not you.

They are the failures, not you.

They project this thought on you, because they cannot bear to face Satan and tell him

they failed again.

But there is no power in their words, unless you give them power by agreeing with them.

"Agreement is a powerful influence.

To agree with Me is victory.

To agree with your flesh, when it complains it is tired, or to agree with the enemy when

he tries to discourage you—that is where the power is, in your agreement.

As long as you stay out of agreement with them, you will be victorious.

WE will be victorious.

"This truly is a secret and dynamic of the Kingdom.

In a sense, yes, it is "partnering" with evil to believe their lies, because you have

creative power to bring about your words into reality.

That is why you are a co-creator with Me.

So you can bring into reality that which I speak to you by agreeing and ordering your

life to agree, and then protecting that partnership.

Anything that breaks fellowship with that partnership, such as sin, unbelief, judgment,

etc., has the potential to interrupt our partnership and cause a breakdown in communication and

motion forward.

"My People, you must stay tightly allied with Me in all circumstances.

You must not allow anything to compromise your faith walk or our partnership.

"All you think, do, dream and breathe must come into agreement with My words to you.

"When you assume this posture and protect it, you are unstoppable.

When you depart from it, everything stops and must be repaired and restructured.

That is why I teach you to know yourself, your weaknesses and your propensities to sin,

so that you can be more clever than the enemy and guard your hearts against failure and

a breach in our relationship.

"This ability to stay in tune with Me is built into every grace I give you to accomplish

your mission.

How can an employee succeed at their job without being in touch and communion with her employer?

This must be, and it is given to you with your assignments, that you are never out of

communion with Me.

Unless the devils inspire you to sin and you go into agreement with them.

"This is why the basis and everything I've taught you on this Channel is about knowing

yourself and discerning the enemy's tactics.

This is why I stress love, self-sacrifice and humility so very heavily.

I am building you into a fortress secure, in which I can deposit the treasures of My

graces, to be turned into blessings for all of My Children.

"A fortress secure; that is what I am building you into.

"This calls for exceptional self-knowledge and wisdom, and willingness to abandon yourself,

pick up your cross and follow Me.

As long as you follow in these, My footsteps, you will conquer the enemy who works through

your weaknesses.

Once you have reached the place of total self-abandonment, you will hear My voice much more easily.

"Many cannot hear My voice, because they have something to protect.

Something they want to keep.

Something they are unwilling to let go of.

And if they hear My voice clearly, I may tell them that affection, that attachment, must

be left at the foot of the Cross—so they feign deafness.

"But those of you who have gone up the mountain with Me, and determined you were NOT turning

back, have come to the point where you are ready to forego all things for Me.

And so, there is no fear attached to hearing My voice, because nothing remains in your

affections to protect.

"Those who will lose their lives for Me, will find them.

It is that simple.

You who have found your lives are the targets of vicious attack, but nothing will overcome

you if you abide in Me and refuse to go into agreement with evil.

Unbelief, laziness, procrastination, fear or any number of your old sin nature can cause

a breach.

"So, cleave to Me, My Bride, and refuse to agree with these slanderous thoughts attacking

your or My character.

Cleave to Me with all your hearts and rebuke the lies.

In this way, you will be safe from having your life's dreams derailed."

For more infomation >> To Agree With Me Is Victory - Duration: 7:41.


Dev Journal #4 - Duration: 2:09.

Hello everyone! This is Tree here with another Dev Journal.

Before we start, I'd like to encourage you to check out the previous journal

that was released as an infographic because of time limitations.

There's a ton of cool stuff on there, but getting back to October

Recently a Russian team known as the Horrible Translators joined our group.

And they'll be helping us with PR and translation.

Ekevoo also has joined our team as a Portuguese translator.

This month, we put a lot of focus on the game soundtrack.

While some of the tracks for now are restricted to Patreons,

4EverfreeBrony did release the main theme, which you can listen to on his channel.

We'd also like to mention that we've opened many previously closed positions for hire.

We need a programmer, a vector artist, and an asset designer.

If any of those positions interest you, be sure to check out a recruitment page

which you can find in the description.

Like in the previous Dev Journal, we'd like to remind you that our Discord server's now open to everyone.

If you'd like to meet the team, you're more than welcome to join!

We're always happy to meet our fans.

The Discord Lives are still restricted to Patreons.

However, they cost 5$ a month, as opposed to 25$ a month previously.

And that's about all we have for this month.

For more infomation >> Dev Journal #4 - Duration: 2:09.


Invoker Cheater 7.07B: Automatic Spells + Illusion detection hack! - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> Invoker Cheater 7.07B: Automatic Spells + Illusion detection hack! - Duration: 5:55.


Justizfehler deckt Täter | 14. November 2017 | - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Justizfehler deckt Täter | 14. November 2017 | - Duration: 2:33.


D-Day Dice: 2nd Edition - Playthrough - Duration: 32:51.

For more infomation >> D-Day Dice: 2nd Edition - Playthrough - Duration: 32:51.


Turkey vs. Panama | Group A | 2017 JCA World Cup Germany | PES 2017 - Duration: 23:16.

For more infomation >> Turkey vs. Panama | Group A | 2017 JCA World Cup Germany | PES 2017 - Duration: 23:16.


Here's Everything You Need to Know About Saturn's Iconic Rings - Duration: 2:48.

Saturn's rings are iconic, but up close they're less like thin rings and more like

perfectly ordered zones of terror.

Saturn's rings -- identified by letters according to their date of discovery -- are

made of chunks of ice and rock with pieces ranging in size from a grain of sand to a


Which means the rings aren't as thin as we make them in our grade school models of

the solar system.

If you've ever seen Saturn through a telescope and the rings seem to disappear, it's just

because you're seeing them head on from about 746 million miles (1.2 billion kilometers)


And they're relatively thin compared to Saturn.

At various points the rings range from between about 30 to 300 feet thick (9m–91m), while

Saturn's diameter is around the order of 72,000 miles (116,500km), which is a little

more than 18 times larger than Earth's.

But if you look at a picture of Saturn from above you can see that the rings have a massive

diameter — which makes sense since they circle around the planet's equator.

The rings, combined, stretch 175,000 miles (282,000 kilometers) from Saturn.

And they aren't totally solid.

Each ring is made of multiple rings that you can see close up.

As for origin, astronomers think they're related to Saturn's more than 60 moons.

Asteroids and meteoroids sometimes crash into the smaller moons, breaking them apart and

adding material to the rings.

But some of the material might be left over from when Saturn formed, material that never

became a moon!Some moons also play a vital part in keeping the rings distinct.

The rings aren't static — they orbit around Saturn like its moons do, and at least two

moons around the narrow F ring keeps it in check.

The gravity of Pandora stops the F ring from spreading outward while Prometheus prevents

it from spreading inward.

Other shepherd moons keep other rings in check and constrain how they spread out.

They're also responsible for some odd structures.

Some rings have features called propellers, spaces caused by tiny moonlets that open gaps.

Other rings have spoke-looking things that are caused by conglomerations of tiny ice

particles that rise above the ring's surface by electrostatic charge.

So next time you're looking at Saturn keep in mind that the rings aren't just pretty,

they're also chunks of ice and rock, in constant change, chaotically hurtling through


Isn't that more fun to imagine, anyway?

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And speaking of Saturn's moons, Julian talks about the potential for life on Enceladus

right here.

And my favourite fun fact?

The rings are super cold!

They can get down to minus 333.4 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 203 degrees Celsius) on the unlit side!

For more infomation >> Here's Everything You Need to Know About Saturn's Iconic Rings - Duration: 2:48.


Gridiron Heights, Season 2, Ep. 11: All Aboard the Gridiron Heights Lose Cruise - Duration: 1:08.

Jameis is this really the best time for a cruise?

C'mon, Mike, it will be fun!

We'll just relax, eat some W's...

Welcome aboard. I'm Captain Men McAdoo

Ben McAdoo, whatever

Wait a second-



Oh no, this isn't a cruise ship...


Now that's a boat!

It's not so bad. There's free crab legs

Ughh coach

I think we're headed for elimination


This is Eli's fault


Jack, draw me like one your zone blitzes

Mr. Davis, I think we should abandon ship

Oh, I love abandoning places!

Kickers and Punters first! Kickers and Punters!

Ha ha icing the kicker

This is not your fault

Coach Coughlin, I miss you so much!

For more infomation >> Gridiron Heights, Season 2, Ep. 11: All Aboard the Gridiron Heights Lose Cruise - Duration: 1:08.


El Instagram De La Muerte☠😭👍 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:33.

For more infomation >> El Instagram De La Muerte☠😭👍 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:33.


Kids Try Fruitcake For The First Time - Duration: 3:23.

Five, four, three, two, one.

I'm going to Aruba.

(playful music)

- [Interviewer] Do you like cake?

I love cake.

- [Interviewer] Do you like fruits?

Yeah, but

for a snack today the oranges weren't as good,

but I like fruit.

- [Interviewer] Have you heard of a fruitcake before?


- [Interviewer] What do you think they're made out of?

Strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries.

- [Interviewer] Are you excited to try them?

I'm very excited.

No (laughs).

- [Interviewer] Why?

Because it might have crickets (crickets chirping).

(playful music)

(breathing excitedly)

- [Interviewer] What does it look like to you?

A big mole of dirt.

It smells like a blueberry pancake and strawberry.

I don't know, I'm gonna try not to get the fruit.

Blast off into space, mm!

(gags) Nope, nope.

Ew (spits out cake).


Tasty, yummy,

and makes my

belly feel



(playful music)

It's not the same thing.

- [Interviewer] This is apples and cinnamon.

Mm, sounds good.

- [Interviewer] Do you think you're gonna like this one?

Yes I hope.

It smells like cinnamon of course.

Actually looks like brownie with apples in it.

Just take a piece.

That was good.



Not too bad.

- [Interviewer] It's that good?

Would you eat more?


(playful music)

This one looks like bananas, or peach.

- [Interviewer] So this is actually a pineapple

macadamia nut fruitcake.

That doesn't sound so good.

Do like pineapple sometimes,

but sometimes they're just too sour.

It reminds me of being at a party.

The smell is gross, but I bet I'll like it.



- [Interviewer] How good?

Just good.

No, I don't want that.

(spits out fruitcake)

- [Interviewer] What did it taste like?

Rotten gum.

- [Interviewer] So did you like those fruitcakes?

Yeah a little.

I would love to eat more.

- [Interviewer] Why did you like those fruitcakes?

Cuz they were delicious.

I liked the apple cinnamon one.

I loved the pineapple fruitcake cuz it was so good.

- [Interviewer] So would you eat more of that?

No, why would I eat more of anything?

I would,

if my mom would bake it.

- [Interviewer] So if you could buy a fruitcake,

who would you buy it for?


- [Interviewer] Why?

Cuz she's that kind of person.

- [Interviewer] What kind of person is she?

- [Blonde Boy] Old.

For more infomation >> Kids Try Fruitcake For The First Time - Duration: 3:23.


The Best Cheap Food in NYC's Greenwich Village || Operation $5 Lunch - Duration: 6:39.

- My name is Prez, and I work at Thrillist.

Around these parts, I am known as the 5-Dollar Lunch Guy.

Every episode I'm gonna put you

guys onto the very finest New York

grub for $5 or less.

... literally yesterday, and now he's caught.

It's endemic.

It's a real thing.

I couldn't believe it.

- Yeah, it's crazy.

- Man, what is this?

Oh, Lebanese food?

Dude, do you know anything about Lebanese food?

- No, sorry.

- Nate, you know anything about Lebanese food?

- [Nate] No I don't.

- OK, well, I don't know anything either.

I mean, I know there's a ton of

restaurants and pop-ups and street food,

but I've never really had it.

But there is one person who we can hit up, Khushbu.

She know everything, of course.

(text notification tone)

(text notification tone)

(text notification tone)

(text notification tone)

(text notification tone)

So these are the rules of "Operation 5 Buck Lunch."

It's gotta be good, 'cause nobody wants bad food for lunch.

No big chains, 'cause that's just too easy.

It's gotta be $5 or less.

And whatever I don't use today,

rolls over into the next episode.

Got it? (camera shutter snaps)


So one of these days, you guys gotta

let me do a $5 episode where

I'm like cooking for you.

I'll just pick up a bunch of stuff, from a cart like this.

Just like a bunch of fruits, like a fruit salad.

They got plantains and corn and

yams and potatoes and onions.

I could pick up a bunch of stuff

for five bucks and make you a little vegan joint.

You know what I'm sayin'?

It's not a bad idea.

(camera shutter snaps)

(camera shutter snaps)

What is your favorite cheap food to eat for five bucks?

Like if you had five bucks, what would you eat?

- Dirty water hot dogs.

- Dirty water hot dog?

That's a classic. That's a classic.

- That's stupid.

- No, no. You can't go wrong with dirty water hot dog.

- A knish?

- Oh yeah, a knish.

- With mustard.

- With mustard? Yeah of course.

A classic.

Where would you get that from?

Like where do you go for your

dirty water dog, or your knish?

- Any street corner, any time of the day.

West Fourth. Greenwich Village.

I spend more nights in here than I care to remember,

and it's an amazing place.

It's where you grow up.

I mean, it's got a night life.

It's got great food.

It's got great booze.

But we're here for one thing, and one thing only,

and that's Lebanese food.

The mission continues.

Let's go.

Actually, I'm gonna mess with Nate right now.

See if he can catch me.

(fast instrumental music)

Nate, have you seen "Stranger Things" Season 2 yet?

- [Nate] No. Is it any good?

- Dude, is it any good?

It's probably the best thing on TV right now.

Season 1 was great, but Season 2 is like a-mazing.

You got this shadow monster.

He's scarier.

He's not really like a physical thing,

so I feel that makes it really terrifying.

- [Nate] Is that your favorite character?

- Nah, dude. You got this dude named Bob.

Now Bob is Winona Ryder's kinda like step-dad kind of thing.

Step-dad that I never had.

Let me get some sad music. (melancholy music)

(upbeat music)

- Hey, how's it goin'? - Hey, how you doin'?


I've never had Lebanese food.

I've heard a lot about this place,

but what do you guys have?

- So this is manousheh.

It's a Lebanese street food.

The root word of that is "nakish."

"Nakish" means to pinch down.

- Oh. I saw him poking the bubbles down.

What does that do?

- That prevents it from opening up.

- OK.

- [Owner] Zaatar's gonna be the original one that we serve.

It's a blend of thyme, Sumac, and sesame seeds.

- OK, I only have five bucks though.

So what can I kinda--

- So that one's for five bucks.

We also have the labneh, which is for five bucks as well.

- OK.

What if I had an extra buck?

Is there any kind of combination that I could have?

- So I'd recommend actually adding the two together.

You can put the zaatar with the

labneh and that'd be $6.

- Oh. We can 100% do that.

Run the flashback.

I have an extra dollar.

There it goes.

Five bucks gone.

- Thank you. - One buck back.

Like it's just street food, but like.

- This is street food, yeah.

It's not like this typical thing

that you would find at any Lebanese restaurant.

- Oh, and there it is.

And the labneh goes on top right now, right?

- [Owner] Yeah, so the labneh gets added on cold.

It's gonna just get rolled up.

Normally, you actually get it--

- That looks amazing.

- Instead of adding something inside,

we roll that up for you.

- That smells amazing dude.

Oh yeah.

(camera shutter snaps)

- Can't wait for you to taste it.

(camera shutter snaps)

- Here you go.

- Thank you so much.

I'm starvin' a bit.

Let's get out of here.

Straight away, as soon as I bit into this, you get the sumac.

Sumac is the first thing you taste.

It's very like acidy.

It kinda tastes like, kinda tastes a little bit citric.

But then, you get the yogurt.

The yogurt really calms it down,

'cause if you just have the sumac,

just kinda by itself, I'm sure it's great,

but the yogurt really does it for me.

And then you have the sesame seeds. It adds to the crunch.

It adds to the body.

It adds most of the tactile feel.

This is an amazing combination of flavors, really.

It's just simple stuff.

Thyme, sumac, yogurt, sesame seeds.

And, it was only six bucks.

You can't go wrong.

Now I could've gotten this amazing

kind of combination, with the just

the zaatar, for only five bucks,

but one more buck, one more dollar,

they add the yogurt on top.

And it really makes it.

(upbeat music)

It's amazing.

Listen, today was an absolute success.

We've hit every single one of the points.

We're in budget.

I got to use my extra dollar.

It's not a big chain.

It's good.

So eat this, right?

Now shout out to the guys from Manousheh. They're killing it.

Check this place out.

Greenwich Village, Bleecker Street.

Now let me do my job.

So good.



Show's not over, right?

(upbeat music)

What's goin' on guys?

It's your boy, Prez, the 5-Dollar Lunch Guy.

If you believe that the Knicks are

gonna win it all this year, or if you

have a suggestion of where I should go next,

let us know in the comments below.

Other than that, follow, like, share, subscribe.


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