Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 14 2017

Hello guys! Today we are here at the governament Palace

and I'm doing the video for the 3.000 special

So, let's cross the street and I start to answer to you questions.

The first one is:

Would you like to have children in the future?

I love children so yes, but I think it will not happen so soon

do you have animals?

I had a cat called Maramaura that I loved,

Maramaura was very old and she left me you can find her on Instagram

Well, at the moment I don't have animals, but I love them especially cats.

The third question is: do I have brothers?

Yes I have a big brother and I love him.

How is the climate for a person that lives here?

In Japan when there are days like this today, you feel good,

but there are a lot of periods where it rains steadly and during that time it's not so good.

During summer Japan is really humid and my hair are a mess

and in winter it's super cold, so it's not the best.

Then a certain someone asked: (Sebastiano Serafini a Katsu)

I don't know who he is, he copies all my videos and he's really a nuisance

He asked me if the Tofu that I used in the Nabe was expired because there was written 2015

So, dear Sebastiano Serafini a Katsu,

you watch my videos, but you don't understand nothing,

I leave you the Link of this YouTuber that I can't bear anymore...I hate him and above that he has really bad hair...

So, I would like to tell you that in Japan they put first the year, than the month and at the end the day,

so as you can see 2017 was the year of expiry

not the year 2015!

So, if you don't actually know the things...learn them.

The next question is:

How did you learn music?

I know jumping from a model to a composer it's a really big step,

I learned music by studying and with a lot of passion

I learned music in the same way as I learned Japanese, Chinese and English,

if you have the will to learn something new, everybody can achieve that.

Then they asked me: Why did you decide to go to Japan?

I decided to come here because I was a big fan of Final Fantasy...

there are a lot of reasons, but this one is one.

I had thousand of reasons, the music...I had a lot of reasons

Can you describe yourself in 6 words?

I am a big peace of ... Trentino (in italian they're 6 words)

Then they asked me if I watch RuPaul Drag Race...yes!

Let's continue with the video at the top.

The next one is: did you ever had a long distance relationship and what do you think about them?

Yes, I had a long distance ralationship.

My answer is: if it's worth it than, why not?

It's difficult to find the right person in this world, but if you've found it go and try a long distance relationship.

Then they asked me if I'm Kakashi from Naruto,

no I'm not, but I'm Kitaro of the Graveyard

The next one is: If I move often from home and if I want to live forever in Japan or if I want to move somewhere else.

I've lived in many different places,

I love Japan and it will be always a part of me,

no matter where I'm going to live, I will at least return to Japan some months a year.

So, I live day by day and I don't know what in the future will happen,

the important thing is to be happy.

We are right now at the 44th floor, it's not a lucky number here in Japan

I leave you the Link of my unlucky numbers video

The last question is: Do you have a favourite quote?

I actually don't know,

very often people end up to use people and to love things

and in my opinion,

people should try to use things and to love people.

It's not really my quote, but it's the philosophy that I try to use during the day and during my life,

and another one is: no matter if you fail, the important thing is to try.

So, these are important things to me.

I hope you liked this video,

I'm so happy that we reached 3.000 subscribers!! Thank you fantastic people.

I will continue to load new videos, I'm really happy!

Let's hope that we continue to increase.

Grazie. See you tomorrow at 2pm (Italian Time)

If you liked this video leave a comment

if you have other questions I'm maybe doing another special 4.000 subscribers

See you! CIAO.

For more infomation >> Q&A 3000 SPECIAL SUBSCRIBERS by Sebastiano Serafini in Japan - Duration: 4:37.


TOP 10 Bollywood Actresses Who Look Unrecognizable Without Makeup | You Won't Believe - Duration: 6:47.

TOP 10 Bollywood Actresses Who Look Unrecognizable Without Makeup | You Won't Believe

For more infomation >> TOP 10 Bollywood Actresses Who Look Unrecognizable Without Makeup | You Won't Believe - Duration: 6:47.



yo yo yo CPA strength here back with another video my best video ever on a

230 videos is the best friend whoever actually this is gonna be a pretty good

video anyways welcome to the video leave with leave a like now please comment

down below now please dislike the video now please hope you enjoy it it's gonna

be it's gonna be about it's going to be in the playlist community college - CPA

so here's here's the other videos to the playlist and it's it's a popular one at

this time I'm filming this something it has four or five videos I've gotten some

good reactions about it and it comes from basically every about H&R Block

when I worked at H&R Block it's kind of came out because I watched him I watched

the video this morning in our long video and it was a sac Kravitz video he's got

like 10,000 subscribers but he's been grinding I've been watching him for a

while and he was going through his mind sand at a certain point and I thought

that was cool because it kind of brought to me like yeah like what he's thinking

like that's what no one else can bring because it's unique to him so I can tell

you what was going through my thought process at the time and that's unique to

me like no one else if I think of the exact same things but you might think a

similar thing but anyways so porous community college - CPA I went to I went

to Community College 2000s - 2008 I was 31 years old four years later to

thousands of 2012 I graduated from Florida Atlantic University I

transferred after two years John lady and horrible but the daily videos you

gotta do what you gotta do right sorry um and let's see at 30 so that I

was 30 35 when I graduated college and I think in to two more years at age 37 I

was a licensed CPA and company or not for that I have a successful business

now on my own business I do pretty much I work with whoever I want

I'm having the time of my life currently I said I didn't always have a tie in my

life gone through some struggles I think that's why people like watching the

channel cuz people like to struggle people like the the feel-good story you

know and I'm just telling my life so but let's get into this you know I you know

I talk boy hey III make you know I make money I make a living you know just blah

blah blah blah blah blah okay I kind of found my thing talking to the camera

because in real life no one has time to talk to you anymore

I don't have anybody to talk to you to be honest like you start telling them

something T like D plate like I mean everyone keeps telling me god bless me

like I get told bless me in comments probably like ten times a week like for

the past year or two I guess a lot of like think possible if

I'm receiving the blessings you know and then you're like you're like talking to

someone needs like in like these like texting or scrolling through Facebook

you're like oh good talk so here are like you know I have a camera it's weird

I'm just talking to a camera but I feel like you know whoever's watching this

like I'm actually talking to you and then you leave a comment and then it's

like hey what's up everybody it

so graduate in August 2012 35 so I went back I went back to school I had a

little bit of credit to 31 I don't think any I wasn't really sure myself I don't

really think I'd been fucking up for a long time by 31 I've been fucking up for

about 16 years you know as I started fucking of it so I'd been fucking up for

16 years and 31 so I've been fucking up four more years and I've been alive so

it was what it was and you know so for four years I went to school I went to

school and I got I got my degree and then and then I graduated and then I one

week after I graduated I signed up for the H&R black H&R Block tax class and

now it costs like one hundred and fifty dollars I think for the class and it's

like you meet onesearch think twice a week for 12 weeks or six weeks twice a

week I'm not sure but it was a super good class anyways you have to pay for

that now I just graduated with an accounting degree and I well and I I

didn't start taking that class for a little bit and while I wasn't going to

school anymore so I needed some money so I think my friend all that's getting cut

out I'm not telling you all that it's fucking less that you know myself but

anyways I worked I worked for a buddy for you know I think they tend ten

dollars an hour for a little bit and you know twenty thirty hours a week for a

couple weeks and remember II said hey my my mom's girlfriend she's like what site

what's what's JD doing like he just graduated the county degree and he's

working for you like did he not graduate with an accounting degree what is going

on then he's like no he's paying for an

extra black bloc course like so yeah um I don't know I mean I don't think I know

one was like oh Jonathan 80 you're playing CP a string

bikini you're playing you're playing chess over here like wow that's pretty

good plan like you did just pull off a college degree in four years which was

looking really bad I just feel like no one gives me credit for anything like

I'm always like I keep on I keep on performing proving over the past nine

years and it's okay cuz I got the chip on block so I just feel like everyone

still is like everyone's like shakes their head at me but I have I have a

plan for everything you know we'll see at least I haven't playing though so

anyways everyone thought I was stupid that I would do that because the you had

to pay for the class I just graduated from a four-year college so why would I

paste H&R Block money for more school it doesn't make sense and you weren't even

guaranteed a job and they only paid first year tax repairs HR block nine

dollars now where if I got a job and getting the job was hectic because of my

back because they did a background check on me and that was a fucking craziness

everything I do is craziness because I fucked up too much don't fuck up I know

when you're 18 you don't give a fuck but coz she well you're gonna be xxx you

know bless yourself you'll be you'll be lucky be fucking around at 18 catch some

felonies and then you you want to change your life at 30 or 35 in that shit

luckily maybe you can put some space on it but that shit doesn't go nowhere

especially with the internet now like like man you get arrested that's a

computer like maybe back in the day sometimes it would make it to the

computer but that's dad those days are long gone jack

so don't fuck up man all right I guess I'm not I'm not here because I know if I

say stoves hot you're still gonna touch the stove I can't deal I can't deal with

this uh oh I'm sorry man more haters up there the haters would

get me up so sure um anyways so no one really thought it was a great idea but I

knew that okay I graduated wasn't kind of right and I had taken I'd gone

through the vitae program so I knew I wanted to prepare taxes and I knew it

was mine always my goal to be a CPA but I didn't do an internship or I didn't

have anybody wanting my services I was old AF and I barely squeaked by barely

passed so why wouldn't they want the 24 year old you had a 4.0 like and I

already passed two sections their CPA exam like I'm over here like Skrudland

that's the Florida mullet ladies and gentlemen CPI strength came

up with it boy oh I got my jet pack hang on white gold Liz Lisa white gold yeah

buddy I'm still at it still on go so I wanted to be a CPA from way back when

because that was my goal so how am I going to be a CPA now to be a CPA you

have to pass the four exams which I just got accepted to take the exam so I was

like okay they're gonna let me they're gonna let me they're gonna let me take

the exams now so passing is the easy part so I'll definitely I'll definitely

pass what else do I have to do I have to work 2,000 hours under CPA and have the

CPA license in the state of Florida for five years sign a piece of paper that

goes to the State Board that says yeah let him in the club I've seen his work

he's good juicy as fuck hey curse like 50 times in yesterday's video and it's

monetized so so I thought okay now the the big wrench of this is how am I gonna

find how am I gonna find a CPA to hire me I'm not good at accounting this was

before I found DCA dealers I didn't know about DC Aylor I didn't invent it I

didn't add on to aid leur an invent deceived or a whole new breed complete

wha exactly the same but completely different so I'm like I wasn't gonna get

in there with the county and I was gonna get in there with tax returns because

that's what I wanted to do eventually anyways I have my own business as the

CPA new tax returns for people yeah so how am I gonna do that well I didn't

think they were gonna hire me because I had no experience I had some a couple

main I was I'm thirty-five looking for a job all I had was a college degree no

indoor experience I have like three years of w-2 wages on my belt and that

was like manual labor so I don't translate so I'm like fuck

so I thought hey if I work a season at H&R Block

that means I'll know tax is pretty good and then I can put that on the resume I

can have vitae program H&R Block I'll have to tax seasons under my belt then

I'll go around and I will just charm somebody and get a job like I'll have

that on my resume I still is gonna need to exude charm lo and behold got the job

at H&R Block worked learned so much I was telling the people at the CPA firm

the next year things about a personal tax return because H&R Block is just

that good like they were like no and I had I went to that pub 17 I went to the

IRS website and I was like looking here Jack actually Jerry my mentor he was

like oh damn damn damn boy you're not just a pretty face I'm so yeah so I had

the H&R Block experience and then I had a really good year I did like a hundred

and eighty tax returns learned so much then when I started on my resume I had

that and that's what got me the job there because when I got hired the

person who hired me Tina that's her name I couldn't remember her name told right

now she was like oh yeah we need someone just to do the easier personal tax

returns you know the more simple personal tax returns like fast and I'm

like oh yeah I'm knock out like 10 or 15 easy ones a day like I was at H&R Block

I was so yeah from from Community College to CPA this was a integral step

H&R Block and once again you can't go on what I do become people's opinions even

though how people's opinions on I valued said no it's not a good idea I still

wanted to do it because I knew because I had my vision and I always have my

vision so you gotta trust your gut cuz then my gut I knew it was good





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Hi!! to all the suspicious potato who are watching this video :3

I'm sorry for the quality of this video

the sound of this video and even the light is not the best

but this is the best I can do today

I'm sorry!!

I had to do this video

because I've received the special box that I have won

I joined a giveaway organized by ResinPro and sponsored by Umarts Channel

If you don't know who is this guy go check out his channel because his creations are gorgeous!

I've already had a collab with Umarts Channel, with Umberto

you can see the collab video on my channel (link of the video in the description box)

I'm here today to show you what I've received

to see what's inside this box!

there were 3 possible "winnable?" box: 2 boxes filled with ResinPro things and a third one filled with Umberto's Creations

I won the 2 box, filled with ResinPro things

inside this box I found: this resin

the ICreation resin which catalyzes in only 3h


I'm lucky because I needed this lol I've finished my old one

I'm so happy! really wow

I have to do some new creations and I'll use this one!

I've heard that this resin is really magical so I can't wait to try it!

here we have the A component and the B one

500ml wow! it's really a lot of resin!

and this is the first thing...

resin and..and a really special thing

it's already opened lol

this is not a real unboxing video because I was too curious so all the things here are out of the actual box lol sorry

now I can show you

this one


because you have to know that to color my creations I've never used pigments or resin-specific colors

all my creations are colored with colored chalks or polish nail color I even use acrylic colors

but I have them

an entire set of resin pastes and three..three pigments

other colours omg

they'reso manyyy

now I have the gold, silver(aluminum) and copper

this babies are my favourite!! and so useful!

we have some colour




the black one! finally I have a nice black


ocher, I love this colour

and red fire!

so many colour!! they're 7

7 resin colour and 3 pigments

the only things that I can say now is THANK YOU resinpro for this giveaway

and thank you fate!

so now I can do some creations with you and I'm gonna use some of these things!

I also have to do some commissions to create so let's start !

these are the finished creations

this is the first heart with a galaxy cat

the colour of this heart is a bit weird

the pigments are distributed in a strange way

this is not exactly what I had in mind but it's not so bad after all

this is the second heart but I don't like how this heart tourned out

all the glitters and stuff are over the sticker and it's really a big mess

I'm sad because I still like the colour of the back and the dark green of the front

it's a pity, a real pity

for this reason I've redone this creation with the same sticker

and this one is the right one! you can see the sticker and glitters are out of the way

there are glitters, swarovski ecc

I really like this one and also the back of it is really nice

better than the previous one

these are two commissions for a person

they're really simple to do,

probably I'll paint the back of these creations with some glitter and silver paint

I've also done this cute heart with a tiny slytherin potato inside

I love this heart!

even here silver pigmets are positioned in a strange way

this creation is made of two layers as usual, the transparent one and the colored one

I love the back of this creation too

and this is it.. I love it!

what do you think about this creation?

I've realised also this ouija board

I don't know why it tourned out with some holes on it

I used the golden pigment and a bit of silver pigment

the back is a bit strange, the effect is strange

but this is the final result

maybe if I color this board in a certain way it might look like an aged ouija table (?)

ok this last one is maybe one the most beautiful creation I've ever made


it's another ouija board but with letters inside it

I'm so in love with this one!

this was an experiment

I inserted some letters inside the mold (I had to use this one because the other letters I have were too big for the mold)

I love iiiit

it's so shining because is full of glitters

even the back tourned out really well

if you have some suggestions for future creations like this one I'm happy to read all your suggestions and try to create them!

if you liked this video leave a thumb up and a comment

tell me what's your favourite creation ( among these)

my favourite is this one

see you in the next video! byee!


For more infomation >> SCOPRIAMO ASSIEME COSA HO VINTO! - Duration: 9:07.


Die absurden Hintergründe der "gekauften Trends" | YouTube Deutschland - Duration: 8:00.

For more infomation >> Die absurden Hintergründe der "gekauften Trends" | YouTube Deutschland - Duration: 8:00.


More football skills that will IMPRESS YOUR FRIENDS - Duration: 3:19.

What is up guys pwg here and today

I'm gonna show you guys five skills that will impress your friends

most of them are super easy

But some of them you might need to put a little bit of extra effort in it

Number five the Ronaldinho heel tap this flick up is actually just a variation of the original

Ronaldinho flick up

So start by flicking the ball with your strong foot onto your weak foot

and when the ball goes up

Tap the ball with the heel and let it bounce

Number four is called whatever the editor decides to put here

because I have no idea

this easy trick is usually set up in a

Block combo to create extra flow

you start off by kicking the ball up with your weak foot

tap it with your strong knee

Straighten up your leg tap it and then just go all the way back and let it bounce as a toe bounce

Number three the rainbow

everyone knows someone

In their school who could do this trick and when I was in school

I was not the one who could do it

But now I can I'm gonna show you guys how to do it all you have to do is stand with a ball like this

Lean towards one side with the weight here and use this foot to flick the ball up in the air

Like that

Number two

The butt bounce

This trick is exactly what it sounds like all you have to do is kick the ball up in the air

Spin 180 degrees use the precious part of your body finish the spin and there you go

And EL Grande finale

Number one numero uno the flying heel hit

this trick is actually pretty difficult

And it is proof that even a world-class freestyler has new tricks to learn

and this trick in in particular

Was taught to me by a 13 year old boy in Malmo

Shout out to you Jojje

Thank you so much for watching. Hope you enjoy the video

How would you rate these five skills compared to the other 10

you'll find a link here and here

So let me know in the comment section

also leave us a thumbs up and remember to subscribe by clicking

The green bubble above my head, and I'll see you guys

And i'll see you guys next time

For more infomation >> More football skills that will IMPRESS YOUR FRIENDS - Duration: 3:19.


11 плохих привычек убивающих успешного человека внутри тебя - Что убивает мотивацию и мешает жить - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> 11 плохих привычек убивающих успешного человека внутри тебя - Что убивает мотивацию и мешает жить - Duration: 4:01.


Play Doh Ice Cream and Learn Colors - Duration: 18:16.

Play Doh Ice Cream and Learn Colors with Play Doh. Video for kids

For more infomation >> Play Doh Ice Cream and Learn Colors - Duration: 18:16.


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Learn Zoo Animals

For more infomation >> Learn Zoo Animals 🐊 Learn Colors 🐅 Wild Animals 🐘 Kids Toys 🎼 Nursery Rhymes 🐵 Kids Fun - Duration: 5:46.


5 oggetti tecnologici da possedere assolutamente! - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> 5 oggetti tecnologici da possedere assolutamente! - Duration: 3:11.


Cute And Funny Pug Videos Compilation | Pug Compilation part 10 - Duration: 10:20.

Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Cute And Funny Pug Videos Compilation | Pug Compilation part 10 - Duration: 10:20.


Het aantal burn-outs blijft maar toenemen. Wat doen we fout? #Werkvoer - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Het aantal burn-outs blijft maar toenemen. Wat doen we fout? #Werkvoer - Duration: 3:41.



For more infomation >> TIPS SEO - MENINGKATKAN PERINGKAT #1 DI YOUTUBE - Duration: 10:57.


Конкурс на 3000 рублей на моём канале о заработке в интернете - Aleksandr Ivanov ➤➤➤ - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Конкурс на 3000 рублей на моём канале о заработке в интернете - Aleksandr Ivanov ➤➤➤ - Duration: 3:22.


Essence of Murli 15-11-2017 - Duration: 6:26.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 15th November 2017

Essence: Sweet children, study well and give the proof of that.

( Because Supreme Father Supreme Soul is our teacher )

Do service and make others worthy, for only then will you claim a right to a high status.

Question: Which children are praised in this unlimited school?

Answer: Those who study well and serve to make others equal to themselves,

those who remain busy in earning a spiritual income, who don't become happy simply seeing others,

but who do service in the same way as the mother and father do and sit on their throne:

such children are praised by the mother and Father and the special, beloved children.

One feels sorry for those who waste their time and don't pay attention to the study, who don't follow the mother and father.

They cannot claim a high status. They constantly complain that they are unable to have yoga.

Song: Have patience, o mind! Your days of happiness are about to come!

Essence for dharna: 1. Put the Father's directions into practice.

Maintain full precautions over your food and drink. Practise staying in remembrance while taking your meals.

2. Serve like the mother and father serve. ( mother and father means Mother Jagad Amba and Brahma Baba )

Definitely give regard to the seniors. Become spiritual social workers and give everyone the Father's introduction.

Blessing: May you experience constant success by having the awareness of the company of the Almighty Authority with your combined form.

Make the Almighty Authority your Companion and all the powers will always be with you.

Where there are all powers, it is impossible not to have success.

However, if you lack staying combined with the Father,

if Maya separates the combined form, then there isn't as much success.

Only after working hard would there be success.

Success constantly stays around those who are master almighty authorities.

Slogan: In order to claim blessings from everyone, continue to say "Ha ji" (Yes indeed) and extend your hand of co-operation.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

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