Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 14 2017

Welcome to Ranger Reviews, a webseries where we look at episodes of the tv show, Power

Rangers and then discuss it!

Today, we're exploring the sixty seventh episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as

well as the seventh episode of Season 2, titled "The Green Dream".

We start this episode at Angel Grove High School where Ms. Appleby is telling everyone

that their 500-word essays are due this Friday.

Wait, 500 words?!

That's like 10 minutes of work.

She warns Bulk and Skull that she expects their essays to be panty droppers, and Skull

freaks out momentarily when Bulk mentions that this essay has to be about a subject

that interests them, which again, 10 minutes of work.

They're going to write about the secret identities of the Power Rangers for some weird

ass reason.

In the hallway, Tommy is at his locker, and he gets startled by Kimberly because he says

that he's had a dream for three nights in a row about losing his powers, and apparently,

it's bad enough to make him glaze over.

Let's all take a moment to appreciate the fact that this is the only moment that we'll

hear about this dream in an episode called The Green Dream.

Lord Zedd watches this for some reason, and he says he's going to get the Sword of Power

to make the dream a reality.


There's two Power Swords already in this show, one that's Jason's and the other

that belongs to the Megazord.

There wasn't another, better name for this MacGuffin?

Oh, also, apparently, it can only be summoned when all the Power Rangers are together.

Zedd knows more about this than the audience, evidently, or even the Power Rangers for that


Zedd wants to take Tommy to the Dark Dimension and "persuade" him to get him to bring

them the Sword of Power.

At the Youth Center, Billy shows off some new device to scrambles frequencies to Trini,

and for some reason, he thinks if he can build a bigger one, they can use it defeat Lord


Tommy and Kim show up, and Tommy laments how he has to write a 500 word essay about whatever

he likes.

Apparently, he's writing about mythology.

Bulk and Skull always walk in with a device that's supposed to read energies around

them to show them who the Power Rangers really are.

It starts going nuts, and Billy turns on his own device, and it leads Bulk and Skull to

Ernie who does a racist karate pose.

Tommy heads out for the library.

Zedd finds Tommy walking alone through the park, and he sends down putties to capture

him, and Tommy goes "what?!


Never change, JDF.

You're doing great, sweetie.

Tommy shows off with some wire work, but he just gets kidnapped anyways, and they bring

him to the one cave in Angel Grove, where Goldar shows up and spills out the entire


They're going to turn Tommy evil, get the Sword of Power, and make Tommy bring it back

to them.

Tommy says, "I'll never do that!", and then he gets zapped with mind control because

of course he does.

Goldar finds the mythology book, and he says he "submits this image for your approval,

Lord Zedd".

What is happening?!

Lord Zedd zaps the thing, creating the Robogoat, a monster that's almost definitely a Ram

instead of a goat who has armor on and is not robotic in the slightest.

This feels like a Season 1 episode.

At the Command Center, the alarms go off, and Alpha finds out that the monster is coming

out, so Alpha calls on the Rangers, who meet up with Tommy while they hear about how there's

a new monster.

The six teleport to the Command Center and watch on the viewing globe to meet Robogoat.

Tommy suggests that he joins them, saying that they should summon the Sword of Power

to give him an extra boost of power to get him through the fight.

The Rangers just….

call on this random ass Sword of Power, and it appears in Tommy's hand who starts cackling

and waving it around at them.

He then peaces out.

Tommy gives the Sword of Power to Robogoat in the cave, and this ends the spell.

Robogoat disappears, and Tommy morphs, searching for Robogoat.

Then, he sees it stuck in the ground, and explosions erupt as he runs toward it.

Robogoat comes out with a staff in tow, and there's a run of the mill fight before Tommy

gets the Sword of Power, and then it just turns into a stick?

Now, Robogoat actually does have the Sword of Power?

He hits Tommy off of a cliff, who rolls down a hill and grabs his titties.

The others morph to go save Tommy, but they're stopped by Robogoat, who uses the sword to

fire lasers at them.

He then makes the Earth split, and everyone except Jason falls in.

Did they just die?

I guess it doesn't matter because Jason duels with Robogoat with the Power Sword against

the Sword of Power.

That's where we're at now.

Jason hits the Sword of Power out of his hands, and it turns into a stick, too?

According to Jason, Zordon teleported the real Sword back to the Command Center, but

we've seen nothing.

Also, the other four Rangers come out of Robogoat's chest.

What the fuck is happening!?

Trini says that they've been freed from the energy bubbles??

Lord Zedd says "this doesn't make any sense, so screw it, he's going to be big

now," and throws a bomb down to Robogoat.

The Rangers call out their Thunderzords, forming the Thunder Megazord.

They fight Robogoat by being off screen from each other the whole time, and Robogoat says

that the Thunder Saber is no match for the Rod of Destruction?

Oh, and Tommy gets beeped by Zordon.

We see nothing of that conversation, and Tommy just stands up, trying to call out the Dragonzord,

and he says that his dream is coming true after all?

What else happened in this dream?!

Now, Tommy is yelling at Zordon says that they're counting on him, asking to be put

back in the fight.

Who took you out?!

Whatever, the Rangers stabilize for no reason and use the Thunder Saber, destroying Robogoat.

Lord Zedd screams at Goldar, Baboo, and Squatt, two of which were even around for this episode.

He relishes in the fact that Tommy's powers are going to be gone sooner than later anyways.

At the school, Tommy says that his essay came out decently, but he's burnt out on short


Then, all of a sudden, he just says "I'm at the end, guys" like he's dying of cancer.

Kim and Jason try to cheer him up, and Tommy says that Zedd has had it in for him since

the start, and now he's closing in.

The end?!!?!

Okay, this episode is confusing as hell.

Tommy apparently is terminally ill as a Power Ranger there, and we end this episode on the

lowest note I think we've ever had.

Where the hell did the Sword of Power even come from?

Why was he called Robogoat is he had nothing robotic going on with him?

How did Zordon get that sword back if no one really teleported it to begin with?

Also, why did we waste time by showing Tommy groveling on the ground, struggling to call

out the Dragonzord but failing, only to have him yell at Zordon for absolutely no reason?

And lastly, how are you going to call an episode "The Green Dream" and never show the aforementioned

dream at all?!

Well, that's it then, kids.

Guess Green Ranger is going to be leaving the show for good.

Might as well sell all your old toys now.

How will next time fair for Tommy?

Find out then, but until then, may the power protect you!

For more infomation >> Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - S02E07 - Episode Review - Duration: 6:43.


Validación de Leads: Cómo y por qué captar LEADS VALIDADOS con Inbound Marketing - Duration: 9:08.

generate data of potential customers

your business ie lips

If you do not do it you should do it because

lead generation or data

potential customers is a tool

of critical marketing for most

companies and are business to

business or business to consumer now

answer the question have a

validation strategy of its on the

Today I'll tell you how and by

you should use the validation of ITS


Hello my name is juan merodio and

Welcome to a new video

si es tu primera vez si quieres aprender

todos los trucos sobre marketing digital

y cómo ser un emprendedor de éxito

comienza ahora mismo suscribiéndote a

mi canal para no perderte ninguno de los

vídeos que publicó a diario

probablemente más de la mitad de los

links que captas con tus acciones de

marketing no generan una venta en el

corto plazo

de hecho un reciente estudio realizado

por la empresa estoy nord

os dejo la descripción el enlace a

éste a este estudio concluía que menos

de la mitad de los links que se generan

son leeds reales con potencial de venta

por ello la validación del its ésta te

va a ayudar a generar un retorno de la

inversión roi mucho más realista

alineado a tus acciones de marketing

para poder invertir en aquellas que

realmente están generando lips de alta

calidad dicho de algún otro modo es

como hacer una un segundo filtrado de

los links podemos decir que la

validación del ics es el proceso de

extraer leeds con potencial de

conversión a venta que son captados a

través de distintas estrategias de

marketing de tal manera que retiramos

muchos contactos que no van a tener una

conversión en el corto plazo

o quizás nunca la tengan como pueden

ser ciertas solicitudes de información

preguntas la atención al cliente spam

solicitudes de ofertas de trabajo

el mismo estudio comentado anteriormente

concluía que con una campaña bien

optimizada hasta el 85 por ciento de los

visitantes convertían en un potencial

lic de venta en su primera visita lo que

recalca el importante papel que debemos

tener con nuestras estrategias de

marketing de contenidos para generar ese

contenido de alta calidad y ponerlos

solo delante de aquellas personas que

pueden estar realmente interesadas en

él piensa como busca si reaccionas

cuando estás buscando un producto o un

servicio que te soluciona algún


tus clientes van a hacer exactamente lo

mismo están buscando el mejor producto

que pueda resolver el problema que

tienen actualmente

por ello en cuanto tus potenciales

clientes entren en contacto contigo se

generará una primera imagen de su

empresa y ésta estará basada en tu

página web y en el contenido que ellos

han encontrado y eso será clave a la

hora de tomar la decisión

berti en un primer leaf de ventas y a

continuación en un potencial o en un

cliente de su empresa un gran error que

cometen muchas empresas en sus

estrategias de generación de leads es

que no usar las herramientas de

medición y de seguimiento adecuadas no

muchas de ellas utilizan sistemas como

google analytics que para analítica web

está muy bien es muy correcto pero para

hacer un detallado seguimiento de un

potencial cliente no es la mejor de las

opciones pero tan importante es tener

una herramienta adecuada como crear un

equipo de validación de leeds o una

persona no en el caso de empresas más

pequeñas que sea responsable de hacer

esta tarea que acabamos de comentar

por lo tanto piensa que tan importantes

en el crecimiento de tu empresa y en la

captación de nuevos clientes

el tener una estrategia de leeds

adecuadas alineada a tus estrategias de

marketing de contenidos y si realmente

lo es

invierte en generar una brutal

estrategia alineada con estos procesos

de eliminar tan y no enriquecimiento del

its gestionados por personas que tengan

experiencia en el campo para poder

profesionalizar y optimizar al máximo

tu proceso de captación ya no te voy a

decir del itcj decir de nuevos clientes

yo te digo que es algo que yo sepa no es

una métrica que no no valoró la tengo

medida en algunas cosas pero pero por

temas propios de comparación y tal y


pero realmente poder al final claro yo

creo que aquí sobre todo es lo que el

objetivo de ese cliente no porque como

bien decía está el tema de los fans

para mí es absurdo porque no no porque

al final no les hagas nada es decir y el

orgánico el alcance cada vez más para

abajo más trabajo y más trabajo

yo lo que quiero a finales el límite

esa persona no es por eso y a día de

hoy también de alguna manera

intentarles convencer de que inviertan

en atf es que no soy yo por lo menos

trigo lo que nosotros hacemos es decir

un cliente quien invierte en publicidad

en facebook de besaya de facebook es

decir es que no sé es que no tienes ni

alcancé el que tiene esa parte nos

segmentado es absurdo y el problema de

esto es que cuando lo hace por lo menos

cuando nos prueba

porque nosotros hicimos con pruebas con

varias páginas que para fusionarla y en

aumento gracias eso el alcance orgánico

facebook pero penaliza directamente y

que la penaliza hoy a decir yo se lo

decía ya hace años a las empresas digo

no es eso porque el monto que a veces

son los siguientes tener que cerrar esa

página y empezar de nuevo porque está

vetado pero los grupos funcionan bien

los grupos privados funcionan bien para

pero en cuanto a si les dinamiza y

contenido y tal pero como te digo al

final siempre todo alineado con el

objetivo es el cliente que es lo que

quieren es generar un grupo por generar

mentes es uno de los grandes errores que

cometen los emprendedores y creo que

vamos en línea con lo que tú decías

hace lo mismo es planificar y yo quiero

poner está en el mercado pero no tengo

recursos financieros y al final se

necesitan recursos para hacer ciertas

cosas no yo creo que está la

percepción que con lo digital es más

fácil emprender y yo creo que es

relativo es más fácil entender pero

hay mucha competencia y no significa que

podamos emprender gratis porque porque

al final para meterse en un mercado

dependiendo cuál tú necesitas entrar

alguna manera ser visible y eso señores

la marca conocida no hay dinero de por

medio o no entonces muchas veces pues

veo que emprendedores se lanzan y

empiezan a hacer ellos todo pues yo no

sé de webs pero yo me hago la web

yo no sé hacer luego espero que algún

loco yo creo que es un error porque no

se puede ser bueno en todo entonces creo

que debes identificar qué necesitas y

cuáles son las pautas básicas del

negocio si no tienes dinero para pagar

algunas asociado con alguien que cubra

esas patas básicas de negocio y para

mí la parte financiera es básica apoyo

me asocié con un tipo sea bueno en

finanzas y que complementen o un error

muy grande por ejemplo de las

universidades que cuatro amigos de final

universidad de de cualquier carrera se

fundan los cuatro para montar nuevos

dueños y los padres y lo mismo una cosa

sobre phelps por su sencillez no pero

sí por su potencial youtube el video es

decir al final es el que es la más

complicada de todas porque generar

contenidos en vídeo es lo que más

trabajo lleva más esfuerzos y más

recursos pero

al final conseguir resultados no es

sencillo y esto es algo que yo siempre

quiero recalcar a los emprendedores es

decir que no se crean que no les vendan

que alguien en un garaje se juntó puso

100 euros y hoy es multimillonario es

decir hay casos aislados pero eso es

como esperar a que te toque la lotería

pero al final la base del éxito es

trabajo duro y como dice un famoso

emprendedor con mucha mierda cuando eres

joven y luego ya llegará lo bueno decir

para mí a antes de lanzar un negocio

que testar el error que cometemos es ya

lanza el negocio no modelo elin está

harta de este año con poco dinero b si

tiene tracción isla tiene incrementa la

inversión entonces con eso para mí lo

que allí está el negocio

al final creo que el éxito radica en

cuando juntas la experiencia con con

otra manera de ver las cosas que es

gente joven no pero una de las cosas que

cada vez me está sorprendiendo más

yo llevo dos años conviviendo en

canadá y estando muy cerca del elenco

sistema start up en canadá y estados


y es que las empresas que están

reventando están fijadas por gente de

menos de 30 años sin experiencia es

decir donde estoy ahora es una empresa

de la que fue consultor un magnífico

fue creado por dos chavales de 23 años

no perdonan 24 años y acaba de ser

comprado por 20 millones de dólares dos

chavales sin experiencia empresarial y

todo el equipo que aquí están yo soy

el más viejo de seis tantos por debajo

de los 30 años

ahora estamos en un ecosistema tan

atomizado que que algo sea bueno

creativo ya no está segura visibilidad

como conseguimos la visibilidad pagando

pues si tú empezaste hace ocho años en

facebook hace ocho años en una


tenía un montón de interacción hoy no

es un tema de volumen demográfico de

gente y de generación de contenido

te ha gustado el video si es así dale

me gusta y quiero hacerte partícipe de

él por lo que dejan los comentarios con

el hashtag captar lynch

si consideras que una estrategia de

validación del its es necesaria para

tener contactos más depurados e

incrementar las ventas entre todos los

comentarios de los videos del mes

sortear el ii curso on line de

estrategia de marketing digital valorada

en 995 euros por lo que cuanto más

comentes en mis videos diarios más

oportunidades tendrás de ganarlo así

que no esperes más y deja tu comentario

ahora mismo

si llueve



For more infomation >> Validación de Leads: Cómo y por qué captar LEADS VALIDADOS con Inbound Marketing - Duration: 9:08.


How EA handled microtransactions in Star Wars Battlefront 2 - Duration: 1:33.


For more infomation >> How EA handled microtransactions in Star Wars Battlefront 2 - Duration: 1:33.


How to Pick a Real Estate Market - Duration: 6:09.

Hi everybody, How's it going? This is Billy Keels with KeePon Cashflow and in

this really brief video I wanted to answer one of the questions that's

really been coming up a lot lately and the question has a lot to do with how in

the world do you go about picking the place that is going make the most sense

for you in terms of real estate investing now I guess I kind of I don't

want to ever take it for granted but realizing that in the beginning it was I

took a path where I was just investing where and well there was a safety net

sort of speak and and I would definitely recommend you not taking that as the way

that you're going to invest your capital or other people's capital and because

I'm living in Spain right now and there's so many different things

politically specifically that are happening and this question keeps coming

up over and over and over and Billy the fact that you live in Spain why are you

not investing there why are you investing back in the US etc etcetera

etcetera so I really wanted to just share these things with you because your

situation is gonna make the well at the end of the day that's gonna be the basis

for the way that you make your decision and I want to be able to help share some

of what I have already learned so that you can get to your goals much faster

than I've been able to get to mine so let me go ahead and share these what I

think are really important things for you to know let me just move here just

really quickly so and basically I think that there are three key things that you

want to always be aware of when you go about picking the place for you to

invest number one you want to think about the let's think about the

demographics the person that want to serve the person that you want

your company or that you want to be able to provide housing for to provide the

service that they're needing you need to make sure that you are in the right

place for example and if you are looking to serve let's say baby boomers

somewhere in the in the United States or you're looking to make sure that the

investments that you put are serving that that demographic well you probably

want to look for markets that have that demographic and maybe I don't look

somewhere in Florida or it could be in Arizona or if you're in Europe you may

want to look somewhere near the Mediterranean where it's nice and warm

and sunny and there are also plenty of activities for though those baby boomers

to be able to do so that's the probably the most well one of the one of the key

factors is what is the demographic and look for the demographics that you want

to be able to serve the next thing and this is actually is

really critically important is what what is the economy based on you know what

let's say where our jobs being created and also - are you are you gonna get the

right well is the person where the jobs are being created are they also looking

for a place to live I'm gonna do you think they're looking for a place to

live I would think so as well so think about things like the like the

economy jobs diversification of jobs where you're going to be placing your

capital or someone else's capital and so that is a second thing that you

definitely want to to think about and then the third thing that I want to talk

to you about is you know what's the political climate like and one of the

main reasons that I want to share that with you is because as I mentioned

before like right now I'm living in Spain and and and I see lots of

different friends and that have decided to invest here locally and now they're

kind of in a difficult situation because they've thought that they had a buyer

for the property that they that they purchased or it's becoming more

difficult to farm renters because maybe there's not as many people coming and

you know you look at that and you contrast that with the market that that

I love back in the states Charlotte where you've got you know very you know

what is going through some political issues in the past is now things are

well there's lots of diversification of jobs the demographic that wanting to

serve is also there but you want to come back to looking at political stability

and making sure that on the horizon that you can see that there's some stability

because at the end of the day these three things more than anything else

will have a very big impact on how successful you can be in terms of making

the making the choice that's most appropriate for you from a real estate

perspective so these are just three things that I've thought about I think

they'll be very helpful for you and as you want to continue to focus on the

right place think about the demographic that you want to serve

sure that you have the an economy that is gonna create jobs is going to spur

and bet spur on investment and I also look for the the right political climate

so I even written a book it's a it's a way for you to grow your money the smart

way it'll go through some of these items and it can give you some new ideas as to

how you may want to find the right place to invest your capital or other

investors capital with you so this is Billy keels my two cents for today and

as always hasta la próxima

For more infomation >> How to Pick a Real Estate Market - Duration: 6:09.


All You Need To Ascend – Part 5 From A 5D Perspective - Duration: 9:57.

All You Need To Ascend � Part 5 From A 5D Perspective

by Fred Greaves,

All you need to ascend Part 6 From a 5d Perspective

Hi all,

I will continue with my series today on breaking down my checklist on raising your vibration.

I will combine two on the list today though, because I can see that time is speeding up,

and more and more of our realities splitting and merging again. So I see the need for another

�pause� coming up. If you haven�t read this, please do so, �Our Realities are Splitting�

as I will be doing a follow up on it very soon.

Seems as if the moment is here, and I want to make sure all are on board to ascend. For

those of you who do not understand or comprehend just what we are (light beings) please see

the following clip. When Gregg Prescott put it in an article recently and even though

I have seen it before, I really began to identify with it. So much so I have watched it over

and over. I feel at home when I see it.

Clip from Star Trek:

This why I �eat� sunlight now. I mentioned this in another article. There is a song on

the �Project� website that she (Lucina) insisted I include when it was launched back

in November of 2015. Now while each and every one of the lyrics pertain to us, there is

one that always had a familiar ring to it, I just never understood why�until now. It

says �we can live off the stars, it would be so easy�. What she was saying and what

I was remembering, is the fact we are light beings, and indeed can live off light.

Back to the Star Trek clip; can you imagine, blood from a big juicy hamburger dripping

down this guy�s face? No wonder why they thought Earth was barbaric, and said we would

fail! Let�s prove them all wrong, and go back to where we belong�.the higher realms.

With that said, let�s do it.

Where did you go?

Number 3 on my checklist talks about the coffee phenomenon. Drinking it seriously disconnects

you from the higher realms, and I�m sure the reason it has been pushed �as the #1�

drink all these years. Remember �Good to the last drop�?

The more you drink it, the less connection you have. Even one cup, will cut you off from

them, immediately.

Even though I am with Lucina 24/7 now, coffee disrupts our �flow�. She cannot be cut

off from me totally because we are one, see she left where she was and literally joined

with me back in March of 2015.

Yet it is as if instead of being inside me though, she is on the other side of the room.

I�m like where did you go? Suddenly she is so far away.

Nobody is home

I have many individuals I speak to as well as other mentors, yet the instant I drink

it, they are not around. It is like making a phone call, yet no one answers�nobody

home. It isn�t until my body fully assimilates it, can I reach them. That time depends on

your vibrational level.

Yet the best thing to do, is flood your body with pure alkaline water. This I will discuss

next, as it is also on my list.

Alcohol does the same thing, as it changes your brain chemistry. As a matter of fact

I was on a show recently being interviewed, when the host had mentioned a conversation

that he had with his grandfather, who had �passed� away years earlier.

He had asked his grandfather if he should go out and buy cough syrup and drink it all

down (basically changing his brain chemistry), this way their conversation would be enhanced.

The grandfather replied no, as a matter of fact, when you go out and get �High� thinking

the connection is going to get better, it does the exact opposite. It cuts you off from

us. Interview is here:

The ones who do connect though, are connecting to the astral plane�the 4th dimension. So

they really aren�t connected with the higher dimensions at all, yes extremely magical and

wondrous compared to the 3rd dimension, yet still playing with the dark ones. Like I have

said before, both co-exist there. So who knows, who and what you really are connected too.

This is why I stress opening your heartmind. They operate from pure love only, as seen

in that Star Trek clip�you can just feel it.

All higher beings say NO

I remember when I was in an accident in 1990, and �died� several times in the hospital,

yet was revived, when I woke, even though I was addicted to coffee, I felt the need

to stop drinking it. As a matter of fact anything hot for me was off limits�Tea, Hot Chocolate,

even Soup.

Later (recently), I would find out why. This is because everything is conscious, even water.

So, like the feeling I mention in (Part 4) about meat consumption, I guess I felt the

same here�it just wasn�t right and I felt it on a Soul level. The heat is like a torture

to them. I discuss that accident in an interview I did in August of 2015�.on the �project�

home page.

In the same interview, I discuss the channel that brought Lucina (I called her Sheryl then)

and I back together. She told me once that her Twin (also in the higher realms), just

despises coffee.

In addition, many I have connected say the same thing. Their Twins say coffee is not

good and a definite No, as it keeps you from them.

Pure water

Number 5 on my list is that we need pure water. Think of this, our bodies are made up of over

70% water, yet we do not monitor the kind we consume. Just like the tides are affected

by the full moon, so are we.

You have heard of the �crazies� out when the moon is full, right? Well did you know

that hospitals do not schedule that many surgical procedures at that time of the month, because

the blood flow is increased?

So when you Alkaline your water, you make it pure. Think of a yucky green swimming pool.

You need to add chemicals to adjust the PH, therefore getting a crystal clean pool, right?

Well it is the same here, by drinking alkaline water, you adjust the PH�cleaning the �pool�

in our bodies. The thing is we don�t see the inside of us, and just �assume� all

is good. Out of sight out of mind! Yet this is the cause of all illness and disease. Balance

your PH by alkalizing and all illness will disappear. I haven�t been sick in years.

Many have seen serious diseases disappear. Negative (bad) bacteria cannot exist in an

alkaline environment.

Other methods

Now I know all don�t have access to pure alkaline water, yet making some is very possible.

Many live in rural areas and have access to great clear spring water, and while it may

be partially alkaline, to make it 100%, do this.

Add lemon juice, this brings up the alkalinity. You can either cut lemons up, or do what I

do. I buy lemon juice from the local store, yet I buy their brand. I have the Lemurian

Plug in my house, so it becomes organic overnight. Info about the plug is on the CTTL site�located

in the bio. It changes the frequency of all within its �field�, and it�s a technology

that is over 20 million years old. So adding the lemon juice raises the alkalinity level.

The following is a tip from a fellow lightworker. This make work well for you also.

The best water I ever enjoyed was snowmelt from higher up on Mount Rainer. For years

I�ve worked at transforming tap water to pure drinkable water. Let me describe how

I do that, as it may help you or others. So, first I distill the water using a relatively-cheap

distiller from Megahome (I use a glass pitcher to collect the water). Next, I vortex the

distilled water using a Vitalizer Plus for 9 or 18 minutes. Finally, I store the prepared

water in an unglazed clay egg-shaped container (the water continuously moves due to evaporation

through the clay wall). Lately, I�ve put a few pieces of Shungite into the water and

that seems really interesting.

Re-reading this made me realize the importance of mentioning it needs to be in glass containers.

Plastic is toxic. Those little bottles you buy? They start off as a tiny bead of plastic

that is blown into the size of a bottle, and filled with the water at the same time. So

the toxicity from the plastic leaches into the water.

Tap although still low in alkalinity, is actually better then bottled water. Bottled water is

acidic and being acidic inside your body is the cause of pain and disease.

Flooding your body helps assimilate the coffee affects I mentioned earlier. Some cannot avoid

a cup, at a relative�s house (wherever), yet the negative effects can be mitigated.

Just �wash� it out of your system. Now that may take many glasses one after another,

yet there may be times you cannot avoid it, and this is the solution.

Much love and Light,

For more infomation >> All You Need To Ascend – Part 5 From A 5D Perspective - Duration: 9:57.



For more infomation >> 10 LIFE CHANGING REASONS TO DRINK MORE WATER EVERYDAY - Duration: 4:11.


Slovensko.Digital - Red Flags - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Slovensko.Digital - Red Flags - Duration: 0:53.


[언박싱UNBOXING] 아이허브 배송 받았어요~! the iHerb package - Duration: 5:23.

hi, im cherry

there's gonna be a Korean speaking test next month

but i don't really like speaking tests

the reason being is that

we usually aren't given much time to think

and i will get really nervous

so starting from today, i will try to practice

hopefully, may be everyday


the package that i ordered online has arrived

shall we do an unboxing now?

when i take the speaking test next month

i should try to showcase as much variation as possible

but to be honest,

it's already pretty hard to speak without hesitation

im really doubt if i could use those grammar point at that critical moment

there are some unboxing videos in our main channel

but this is our first time doing unboxing in Korean

this is....

(what are these air bubble/buffer thingy in Korean?)

okay, let's skip it for now coz i really cant recall

what had i ordered? @-@?

the first one is Oat Fiber

it is good for digestion

and then....

erm...(what is brussels in Korean?)

mini cabbage snacks?

this tastes really good

a bit expensive but it tastes really good

what else did i order @-@?

(uninterpretable XD)

calcium bites

but it's actually chocolate

(and then the canned sardines....)

canned food?

canned fish?

can you see it clearly?

the next one is...

chia seed

you can also buy this in Korea (actually everywhere lol)

when i was in Busan

i bought from EMart & Homeplus before

but it's a bit cheaper if you get it from Homeplus

Herbal sleeping tea

this is not sth i ordered (coz i tried and it doesn't work for me T^T)

but it's sth my mom's friend wanted

it's not so expensive so i just bought it for her

yes, there still are sth coming up from this box

erm...this is....

instant quinoa

>.<'''' i learnt savoury in class..........what is that.....

(okay, finally rmb that word for savoury)

savoury garlic + mushroom taste

it's like instant rice (but much better)

and then....these snacks are....

i seldom eat candies

but i love having dried fruits as snacks (crucial blood sugar booster while im studying)

(oh we really bought a lot this time)

okay, the last one is~

soy milk powder

is this correct?

yea, i guess so =v=''

(if you've watched CANTONESE #23, you'll know) i can't drink milk

so i'll usually just get soy latte/ soy capp in cafe (or almond milk if available)

i have it (with black seasame powder) every morning

(healthy life =u= almost like an elderly =u=)

so....(just couldn't wait to try it now =v=)

so, that's it for today.


(hopefully) we will continue the Korean practice tmr!

bye bye~~~~~!

(구독 하세용~~~)

For more infomation >> [언박싱UNBOXING] 아이허브 배송 받았어요~! the iHerb package - Duration: 5:23.


How I Trained My Cats - Duration: 5:51.

Give me your paw

The other one.

One more time.

The other one.

Good boy.

Hey guys.

So I get a lot of questions about how I train my cats for my videos.

Actually, the secret is I only taught them a paw trick

and the rest are just something I made them get used to

so I didn't really train them.

But I will explain those too if you want to try some of these with your cats.

So, here's how I taught them a paw trick.

It's nothing complicated.

I just did this every time I fed them.

First, grab their paw and let them get used to me doing that.

Then, once they get used to it, they will lift up their paw at some point.

Grab it and feed them immediately.

If you have more than two cats,

having one watch the other one do it seems to help him understand what's going on.

Poki, can I have this paw?

Thank you.

Can I have the other one, too?

Thank you.


Give me your paw.

Thank you.

Can I have the other one?


Give paw

Thank you

Can I have the other one?


Good boy.

Cats are really curious,

and especially living inside the house

they don't have much entertainment aside from what you give them.

So anything new in the house is exciting and interesting for them

and they just want to smell it and engage with it.

So if you engage your kitties with your cooking by letting them smell the ingredients

then it's entertaining for them to watch what's going on.

Once they memorize the ingredient,

they either lose interest...

...or go crazy for it.

Since my cats like watching outside,

we got them a cage so they could go outside safely.

Over time they got comfortable and started trying to explore outside their cage,

so then I started taking them out for walks.

They were kind of nervous first, but they eventually got used to it.

There's a doggie.

There's a doggie coming!

You okay?

You're not scared?

Bye bye

"Excuse me." Not a problem.

I guess you're not really scared of doggies, huh?

Haku, what are you doing?

Aghhh, come on!

Who do you think is gonna clean your body?!


What's up?

Is that cat nip or something?

*cat sneezes*

Of course you have to sneeze!

*more cat sneezes*

You okay buddy?

When Kohaku got used to that, I put him in the basket of my bike.

He's pretty laid back for a cat so he didn't mind

and now he enjoys being in the basket and going for bike rides with me.

Of course all cats have different personalities

and some may not ever be comfortable going outside.

Our cat Poki gets really stressed out by car rides so I don't take him with me.

Some cats also startle easily and may run off if they suddenly get scared.

It's important to pay attention to how your cat is acting

and not push him to do something he doesn't want to do.

Even if your cat doesn't like going for walks or watching you cook,

he probably has personality quirks that make him unique in other ways.

Nagi likes to play fetch with plastic wrappers.

*whistle* Bring it back!

Poki... is just Poki.

Try playing with your cat in different ways

and you might find something unique that he or she enjoys!

Thank you for watching!

Poki, give me your paw.

Okay, okay.

You really want food!

All right.

For more infomation >> How I Trained My Cats - Duration: 5:51.


Danny Bowien Cooks Up Some Spicy Chicken Wings for Seth - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Danny Bowien Cooks Up Some Spicy Chicken Wings for Seth - Duration: 5:12.


President Moon holds bilateral meeting with Singapore Prime Minister - Duration: 2:14.

President Moon also met with the Prime Ministers of Singapore and Russia on the sidelines of

the ASEAN Forum.

Later in the afternoon he also attended the East Asia Summit, a gathering of leaders from

18 countries.

Hwang Hojun has more on what kept the liberal leader extra busy on the last day of his Southeast

Asia tour.

On the sidelines of the ASEAN Forum Tuesday in Manila, President Moon Jae-in held a bilateral

meeting with Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

The two heads of government agreed to expand joint efforts to prepare for the Fourth Industrial

Revolution and to make sure the relationship between the two countries continues to develop.

To achieve that, they agreed on the importance of linking Seoul's 'Smart City Project' with

Singapore's 'Smart Nation Project' and improving their bilateral free trade agreement.

Earlier on his tour of the region, President Moon unveiled his "New Southern Policy" which

aims to expand Seoul's relations with ASEAN members.

Shortly after, President Moon had another one-on-one meeting with Russian Prime Minister

Dmitry Medvedev.

According to a statement from the Blue House, President Moon and Medvedev reached an understanding

that Seoul and Moscow will never accept a nuclear North Korea and that Russia will support

Seoul's efforts to bring Pyongyang to the negotiation table through peaceful means.

The two also exchanged thoughts on President Moon's "New Northern Policy," which seeks

to reinforce economic cooperation with Russia and Central Asian nations,... including the

swift signing of a Korea-EURASIA free trade agreement.

Later the same day, President Moon attended the 18-nation East Asia Summit, which also

involves the U.S., Russia, Australia, New Zealand and India.

During this meeting, the leaders came together and condemned Pyongyang's continued development

of its nuclear and missile programs and urged the international community to enforce the

UN Security Council's sanctions on the regime in their entirety.

Talks were also held regarding the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP,

which President Moon initially had planned to attend.

However, due to scheduling reasons, the Blue House confirmed that South Korean Trade Minister

Kim Hyun-jong went to the meeting in President Moon's place.

HWANG Hojun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> President Moon holds bilateral meeting with Singapore Prime Minister - Duration: 2:14.


Stoer én romantisch, een kinderkamer die meegroeit met blogster Evi haar dochtertje van zeven. - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Stoer én romantisch, een kinderkamer die meegroeit met blogster Evi haar dochtertje van zeven. - Duration: 0:39.


ASEAN Plus Three vow to step up fight against trade protectionism; Moon, Li Keqiang ... - Duration: 4:01.

President Moon Jae-in shared his vision for stronger economic integration between South

Korea, ASEAN, China, and Japan... as he met with all 12 leaders.

The most hotly anticipated event for Koreans was his sit-down with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.

Our Moon Connyoung who is traveling with the president starts us off from Manila.

(STAND-UP) "This is the Philippine International Convention

Center, the venue of the 2017 Summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and

related meetings.

The area in and around the venue had been locked down for days leading up to the main

event AND Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has made an executive order declaring the

three days of the ASEAN Summit special non-working days; schools and offices in the Metro Manila

area are closed today... to ensure safety, security, and convenience for leaders and

delegations visiting this country for the summit."

( +3 ) South Korean President Moon Jae-in is one

of the eighteen plus leaders attending the international summit.

On the second and final day of the summit, Mr. Moon, along with the leaders of the ten

ASEAN members and China and Japan, called for joint efforts to further liberalize trade

and deepen economic integration.

(Korean) "Let us build a community of peace, prosperity

and development in the East Asian region.

Let's together overcome the multiple challenges we face today such as trade protectionism,

nationalism, polarization, aging society, and climate change."

, , . , , , .

AND, of course... security challenges including the growing threat of North Korea's missile

and nuclear program.

(STAND-UP) "As are other multilateral or international

meetings, the ASEAN 2017 is also being used as a venue for numerous sideline one-on-ones.

For South Korean President Moon Jae-in, that includes Chinese Premier Li Keqiang."

( - ) One of the most highly anticipated meetings

on Mr. Moon's agenda in Manila: a rendezvous with Premier Li Keqiang... especially coming

on the heels of a breakthrough bilateral summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping just a few

days ago.

(Korean) "I hope our talks today will serve as a valuable

opportunity to discuss specific ways to expand our cooperation on issues of mutual interest

and normalize our practical cooperation in areas ranging from economy and trade to cultural

and personnel exchanges that deteriorated in the past year."

1 , , , .

(Chinese) "The two sides have made great progress in

the past while to take care of the sensitive issue step-by-step.

China, South Korea relations are already seeing positive changes."

The Blue House interpretation of the encounter... extremely optimistic.

(Korean) "Premier Li Keqiang said although it's inevitable

that the two countries run into sensitive issues as the relationship develops further,

his forecast of China-South Korea practical cooperation is very bright... and that he

was confident about the future of their bilateral ties as the industrial structures are highly


(STAND-UP) "Let's put the past behind and move on.

So, the agreement has been made and reconfirmed at the highest levels between Seoul and Beijing.

Experts remain divided on how smooth the relationship will proceed from here on out, but what's

for sure is that it's too soon to tell... and we'll definitely find more out in a couple

of weeks' time when South Korean President Moon makes that Beijing visit to face his

Chinese counterpart in December.

Moon Connyoung, Arirang News, Manila."

(ANCHOR TAG) President Moon made a surprise visit to the

makeshift Cheongwadae briefing room just a little while ago.

The liberal leader reportedly conducted a self-assessment of his eight-day overseas

trip... touching on the regional support for his North Korea policy and his meetings with

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang.

We will have more updates in our later newscast when we connect back to Moon Connyoung, our

chief correspondent there.

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