Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 14 2017

Hi guys, my name is Angelic,

and we're at the Justice Holiday 2017 Fashion Show.

One, two, three,

Team Justice.

So, is it your first time modeling here?

Yes. Third.

Oh, wow.

So, what are you guys going to wear for the fashion show?

Mackenzie Ziegler line.



You're bold

You're strong

You're shining like the stars

They're singing in on Mars

When you play your song

Be wild, be free

Be who you want to be

Live out your wildest dreams

Show me who you are

Don't stop

You can do it yourself

You're worth it all

'Cause this is your world

Your world

My girls

Yeah, we'll be taking over our world

It's your world

Your world

So let's do it Justice

Yeah, we'll be taking over

Yeah, we'll be taking over

Yeah, we'll be taking over


So, we'll kick off the show with Style Studio.

A collection made of unicorn magic,

sweaters softer than cotton candy,

puffy coats and critters,

and the most giftable leggings.

Hi guys, I'm here with the BalletMet for the Nutcracker.

I'm here with...





What does it feel being in the nutcracker?

It's a super magical show, super fun,

there's a lot of tricks that go on behind the scenes,

and it's also a great opportunity for us dancers

to perform in it.

Yeah, it's exciting to be rehearsing with the company,

and then on stage it's so perfect.

It's an honor to be working with such a nice,

like a high-level professional company,

and it's just a rush to get on stage,

it's so special.

It's just really exciting,

just a fun experience, making friends,

getting to know people.

It's my first year playing Clara,

and it's just a really exciting opportunity

to be chosen as this part.

And it's one of the main roles, am I correct?

It is the main role, yeah.

Next, it's all about active.

You'll see our exclusive collection

with Mackenzie Ziegler,

a colorful rainbow of hoodies and joggers,

and sports for every girls.

One, two, three,

Team Justice.

Now, we'll show you Holiday Fun

and all the sorts of kitchy cuteness.

Get wish-list ready with outfits

that pair perfectly with hot cocoa,

a sleepover shop and our favorite themes

in matching sets that get the whole family involved.

Hi, I'm here with...

Olivia Vicary.

And how old are you?

I'm 12 years old.

I heard you're a Girl with Heart, right?

Yeah, I am a Girls with Heart,

and I love to sing,

that's my passion.

What is it to be a Girl with Heart?

Well, I just think it's

when you live creatively and passionately,

and just to be yourself,

and to inspire other girls to do things

just like this, to be happy,

and just do what they want.

Hi, what's your name?


I heard you are Girls with Heart?

Yes, I am.

So, what is it that you do?

Pretty much what I do,

I have my own non-profit organization called Chloe Cares,

and I make bags and then pass them out to homeless woman.

Aw, that's so sweet.

Yeah, it's amazing.

You help out the community, right?

Yeah, so what is it like being a Girl with Heart?

It's fun, it's amazing,

I get to make new friends,

like almost everywhere I go.

These are your friends, right?

Yes, those are my two other friends.

What do you do?

We make videos and meet other girls.

Aw. Hug time, come on.

So, how old are you?

I'm 12.

What is your name?


Well, it's nice to meet you, Laylani.

Nice to meet you too.

Is this your first time

doing the Fashion Show for Justice?

Yes, it is.

Oh my God, are you excited?

I'm so excited.

What are you going to be wearing?

I'm going to be wearing emojis that...

You can see here.

Oh, that's so cute!

Like reindeers and elves and all that stuff.

So, I'm really excited.

What's your name?


What are you doing?

I'm doing my math homework.

So, what is this from, what collection?

PJs, I'm thinking.

I'm pretty sure you're from the holiday collection, right?


Do you guys play any sports?

Yeah I play soccer,

I've been playing since first grade.

I do dancing core since I was in fourth grade.

I do soccer, lacrosse,

and I've been dancing since I was two.

I do swimming, soccer and ballet.

What do you guys like to do in your free time?

Goof around.

Hanging out.

I like drawing and doing crafts,

and I love hanging out with my friends.

I like... I like annoying my parents.

You guys are going to do the

Justice Fashion Show, am I right?

We are, this is our first time,

so we're super excited.

How old are you?


What are you guys wearing?

We're wearing the Oh Deer collection for the holidays.

Oh Deer, and it's really cool,

it comes with the antlers, you know,

it's pretty cool pajamas.

I was actually looking for pockets and I'm like,

it's got the pouch so, it's a win-win for everyone.

It reminds me of a kangaroo pouch, I don't know.

Exactly, yeah.

This is my Joey.

Don't you guys think that was awesome?

Give them a round of applause.


So, I think we should see all the outfits again.

Coming out, girls.

Thank you to our special guests,

The BalletMet Dancers,

and Nationwide Children's Hospital Patient Champions,

our Girls with Hearts ambassadors,

thank you so much for coming.

That's a wrap.


I'll see you later.

That was the Justice Fashion Show

The biggest... bye.

For more infomation >> JUSTICE FASHION SHOW 💗 HOLIDAY 2017 - Duration: 23:16.


Spiritual Isolation And Ways To Handle It - Duration: 2:48.

Spiritual Isolation And Ways To Handle It

by Conscious Reminder

Spiritual people often find themselves isolated from others.

Being a spiritually developed being, they find it hard to associate with those who aren�t

on the same spiritual plane.

While others are chasing after materialistic goals, your spiritual awakening prevents you

from joining the herd and so you get rejected.

Following are some ways to deal with spiritual loneliness:


Reality itself is just a play in consciousness.

It�s all a dream

Everything in this life is momentary.

It doesn�t matter that others don�t appreciate you enough.

You are meant to go on a spiritual journey and evolve into a better human being.

Don�t be upset about what�s happening right now.

Explore yourself and this experience and channel it to make something beautiful happen.


Operate from love rather than fear

Embrace love and positivity in your life and it will automatically improve every aspect

of your life.

Bowing down to fear and insecurity and hate will only demotivate you and make you feel

worthless when that�s far from truth.


Go with the flow

Don�t mould yourself to fit society�s demands.

You are brilliant and special the way you are.

Be yourself and do what your heart says.

Find and do things that make you happy and not what makes others happy.


Seek others out

It�s important to build relations with those who share similar interests like you.

Make friends and experience and learn new things together.

Be open-minded and accept positive changes in your life.

When you hold ideas and opinions that are not conventional and do not interest most

people, it is normal to feel a bit disconnected and alienated.

However that doesn�t mean you�ll stop being yourself just to feel included and accepted.

Be proud of you who are and the spiritual depth in you.

It makes you a better person.

Realize your potential and work ahead to achieve your goals and dreams.

Love others and especially yourself and follow your heart.

For more infomation >> Spiritual Isolation And Ways To Handle It - Duration: 2:48.


What You Probably Didn't Know About The Justice League Movie - Duration: 4:55.

Long before there was a DC film universe, Warner Bros. executives dreamed of a Justice

League movie.

In fact, plans to bring the original super friends together for a live-action outing

in theaters have been in various stages of development for more than a decade—and the

project has taken far more than its share of twists and turns along the way.

From a derailed production to problematic facial hair, here's the untold story of Justice


Summon the League

George Miller, who's best known as the mastermind behind the Mad Max franchise, actually planned

to film a Justice League movie back in 2007— when it would've beaten Marvel's Avengers

to theaters by several years and potentially leveled the MCU-dominated Hollywood playing


Unfortunately, the project, called Justice League: Mortal, was beset by a slew of problems,

including a writer's strike and an ongoing battle over where to film the movie.

In the end, the studio pulled the plug on the film and went back to the drawing board,

opting to launch their DC cinematic universe with 2013's Man of Steel instead.

Almost Affleck

For a brief window of time, Ben Affleck was a frontrunner to direct the Justice League

movie, and we can only imagine how drastically different the movie might've been if he had.

Affleck's award-winning films like Gone Baby Gone, The Town, and Argo prove that he's got

the ability to write, direct, and star in movies that get raves from critics and audiences


And given the bumpy road the DC extended universe has faced with critics thus far, it isn't

hard to understand why the idea of a Justice League movie with some of Affleck's trademark

seriousness and grit might be appealing.

But the rumors turned out not to be true—

"Don't believe everything you hear, son."

— and that was only the start of the movie's directorial difficulties.

Enter: Joss Whedon

After Man of Steel and Dawn of Justice, Zack Snyder was supposed to direct Justice League,

as well.

But when a personal tragedy forced him to step away from the project, one friend was

ready to step in and save the day: Avengers director Joss Whedon.

With a little convincing from his buddy Zack, Whedon took the reins and saddled up to handle

his third massive superhero ensemble flick within the past five years.

And he didn't take the job lightly: Whedon went to town, making so many changes that

he earned himself a writer's credit for contributing more than thirty-three percent of the screenplay.

Over budget

With great rewrites come great responsibility—and a bigger budget.

Between the studio's notes and Whedon's retooled script, Justice League's supersized budget

required an extra $25 million for reshoots, not to mention an extra two months on the

set for all the actors involved.

It just goes to show that Warner Bros. wanted the movie to be the best it could — or at

least better than the last one.

The million-dollar mustache

Of all the time and money spent on reshoots, a significant percentage went into digitally

erasing Henry Cavill's mustache.

Cavill was already at work on a new film by the time the studio needed their Superman

back, and although producers managed to finagle a blockbuster timesharing deal, the actor

had to keep this magnificent cookie duster intact for his role on the next Mission Impossible

flick — which left it up to DC's digital wizards to remove it in post-production.

Funny on purpose

If you didn't love the dark tone of DC's previous movies, take heart—Justice League is reportedly

amping up the comedy after Batman v Superman took a critical pounding for being too serious.

As Zack Snyder put it:

"Because of what fans have said and how the movie was received by some … we have put

the screws to what we thought the tone would be."

Evidence of the change was already visible in the Justice League trailers, which suggest

that this is one superhero movie that's not afraid to poke fun at itself.

"What are your superpowers again?"

"I'm rich."

April Fools

After the release of Dawn of Justice, Warner Bros. started gearing up for pre-production

on Justice League in April 2016—only to have director Zack Snyder abruptly exit the

film entirely after throwing an epic, public temper tantrum.

The twist?

It was all an April Fool's Day gag — albeit one that's less funny in hindsight, since

Snyder actually did depart the film a year later after the tragic loss of his daughter.

There can be only one

When Warner Bros. initially unveiled its massive slate of DC movies, there were two Justice

League projects on the docket—one slated for 2017, with a sequel to come two years


But after a tumultuous year for the DC Extended Universe, the studio changed its approach

to take things one film at a time.

Will we still end up getting a Justice League sequel?

Probably, but it'll happen the old-fashioned way—with an announcement issued after the

studio counts its cash.

The end of Batfleck?

Although he's denied it repeatedly, rumors continue to swirl that Ben Affleck is planning

to hang up his Batsuit.

It's not hard to see why he might want out of the DC universe—his first outing at Batman

took a critical drubbing, Justice League had a lot of hiccups on its way to theaters, and

the solo Batman movie that he was originally supposed to write, star in, and direct still

doesn't have a release date on the books.

Will Affleck pull off a Batman-style disappearing act in real life, creeping into the shadows

never to be seen again by the execs at WB?

"Oh wow, they really just vanished, Oh… that's rude."

For now, he claims he's happy to play the caped crusader.

We'll see how long that lasts.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> What You Probably Didn't Know About The Justice League Movie - Duration: 4:55.


What If Hitler Was Assassinated? - Duration: 5:53.

There were over 25 known plots or attempts to end Hitler's life as he rose to, and

consolidated, power in Germany.

Sadly, none of the attempts were successful, but what if one person had managed to do the

seemingly impossible?

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, I am Rebecca Felgate and today

we are delving once again into alternative history as we ask What if Hitler Was Assassinated?

Before we jump right into this video, I just want to let you guys know that you can support

us on the Patreon Platform so we can keep making controversial videos without having

to worry about covering the costs of making them.

I will leave a link in the description box below.

Adolph Hitler joined the German Workers Party in September 1919, shortly after the First

World War.

From then on, he rose through the ranks as an excellent speaker.

He Stood against Marxism and advocated extreme nationalism, a unification of all German speaking

countries and, of course, he was violently anti-Semitic . In 1933, Hitler became Chancellor

of Germany, and then created the Enabling Act that allowed him to rule by decree.

He then raided and eliminated the opposition, he shut down unfavorable news outlets and

burnt all literature he saw as opposing to his cause.

He then had enough power to follow through with his beliefs; he executed his enemies

or locked them away in camps, he smeared and murdered a vast majority of the European Jewish

population and he annexed surrounding countries.

All the while he indoctrinated his people, making them believe his regime was in the

national interest.

Hitler's actions eventually sparked a world war in which an estimated 75 million people

died, Germany was left divided and in tatters, and culminated in the Atomic bomb.

Depending on when he was assassinated would depend on how many of these awful things would

still come to pass.

For this video, I am focusing on three prominent assassination attempts, the Beer Hall Melee

of 1921, the Georg Elser's Beer Hall Bomb of 1939 and the July Plot of 1944, each of

which would have had interesting and varied historical impacts.

In 1921, some 18 years before the outbreak of World War two and two years before the

famous beer hall Putsch, Hitler was giving a speech at a beer hall in Munich when a group

of unknown assailants fired shots at the speakers podium.

Hitler was unharmed.

This would have been an opportune moment in history to end Hitler before he even started.

In 1921, he had yet to gain a strong following and was undoubtedly the most talented member

of the Nazi party.

Had he been assassinated on this day, it is likely that the Nazi Party would have fizzled

or been damaged.

Had he died then, it is possible that the strong Communist Party would have continued

to thrive, unopposed, as in the Soviet Union.

Perhaps Russia and Germany would have become allied and later down the line, teamed up,

threatening Capitalism in the west.

Of course had Hitler died here, we can only assume that Anti-Semitism and the vile persecution

of enemies under his regime would never have begun, and Germany would not have become a

totalitarian state, but we don't know.

When Georg Elser tried to off Hitler in 1939, it was at a key time in the Fuherer's political

career, he had been in power for 6 years, he was in deep into his anti-sematic rule

and had just invaded Poland Sparking World War Two.

Elser built a bomb and planted it on a podium where Hitler was due to speak at a Munich

Beer Hall on the 16th anniversary of the Putsch.

Unfortunately, Hitler changed his speech time and it detonated just after he left the stage,

killing eight people.

Had Hitler been killed at this point, Germany many have lost the war a lot quicker than

they did, as their central power was destabilized.

It is also likely that the final solution would never have taken place, so possibly

millions of soldiers' lives and prisoners lives could have been saved.

An Assassination at the point may have been the most ideal as he has already manipulated

his way to power in a way we could learn from historically, but had not yet had time to

enact the majority of his damage.

The closest Hitler probably ever came to dying was in the failed July Plot of 1944.

Hitler was in the room when a bomb was detonated by Claus Von Stauffenberg at his Wolfs Lair

Bunker, however he was saved by a table leg.

Although the closest he came to death, this assassination would have been the least historically

consequential, although did make German discontent clear.

Had he died at this moment, I suppose surviving leaders would have been left to try and stumble

through the war as they had been, or try and negotiate a surrender with the allies, but

again, here most of the damage had been done.

It is surprising how many attempts on Hitler's life failed… for me it seems like he was

in the beer hall often enough that someone could have just slipped a little something

in his beer.

The most effective time to kill him would have been between 1921 to 1939, which would

have very much altered the course of history, with a possible further push of Communism

into Europe.

The way things were left at the end of World War one, it is likely tensions would have

bubbled again, but who knows whether or not war would have struck or the atomic bomb developed

as it was, perhaps not.

Sadly we will never know.

Thanks guys for tuning in to this episode of Life's Biggest Questions….

What do you think the world would be like if Hitler had been Assassinated?

Let me know in the comments setion below.

I am Rebecca Felgate, don't forget to like this video and subscribe to our channel if

you haven't done so yet.

I'll catch you in the next video, but for now, stay curious, stay alert and never ever

stop questioning.

Thanks for sticking around until the end!

Why not check out our Biggest What Ifs Playlist and our Popular uploads playlist…hours of

question answering fun!

For more infomation >> What If Hitler Was Assassinated? - Duration: 5:53.


[FREE] Smokepurpp x Lil Pump Type Beat | COME UP ( Prod. by SammieSosza) - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> [FREE] Smokepurpp x Lil Pump Type Beat | COME UP ( Prod. by SammieSosza) - Duration: 2:52.





Alright guys, I've got something quite interesting

Today's, but completely different London Zoo have invited me and Simon to go as they add the zoo overnight right that's pretty cool

I know what you're thinking as well

Why not how easy it would have been so much more fitting, and if you watched my last video

You'll know about the foot draught mascot the dog

Tried to get an invite, but the zoo was like yeah, no dogs allowed, and I'm like yeah, but I'm going with my girlfriend

Don't tell I said that June. You're a great woman with a

great set of

Personalities she's not great woman. No is she because she can't even look after a pump kids, and it's okay little man. It's okay

Everything's gonna be alright. Oh your moldy. Oh your heads, okay?

Yeah, looks great

No watch it. I might go as far as to say well great pair of buns

you have are you walking around in public with a Hello Kitty we're


Alright, so we're here these are the lodges look

I'm little houses for low people this is ours right Hampton sure thank you up flown down boom we come in boom

Sofa, but you never seen one of them before very comfortable bed geese making out as it gooses

Swans making out what else we got well, so give me a little give me low

Mm-hmm open the bag, okay, that's for me right no. No no no no what wall penguin poop. Oh penguin bobble

Wow could it be so amazed I've never been so amazed

I can just see the personality being

What you think it's gonna be a small spot and I

Knew that hey what's the shocks actually oh sure that's your dream?

Yeah guys. I'm gonna turn on the lights cause I'm about to give you a house

Oh my god about to give you a house tour. So come in


bathroom yeah and boom

Bedroom okay guys. Thanks for watching this house tour

Guys thanks watching a house tour you've been fabulous. I've been fabulous

Yeah, it's just one very also super automatic. Well you I'm trying to play it

7-7 what's up? Show your wait, if all you had the red shorts with the red light

I can't see anything

My Jesus I don't think they're actually chilly

They're chillin Hey look. Oh, you know what I'm gonna name you I'm gonna name this one Gerald no no no Simon

Simon my G come on we saying what's bad shots ha ha ha

You can keep the keenya crotch for that's cool. They stays with you cool place gee

This is better than my bedroom ok we're currently lost in the gym. Oh my god. That's that's creepy. This is creepy

There's a bunch of sandals on the wall. We've lost Simon. Okay. We're actually lost

Younger this is this is me and G

We're doing the dance

the hibbity jibbity

Obviously me and the boys mind em come on oh

My go with a boys well there JJ, but when there were mates just a couple babies not any lot of JJ's

That's my llama

It's Cal breezy in another life

Caprese we've gotta go. I'm sorry about

Going into a tunnel this is the only moment whilst I've been walking around. That's actually been light, so I'm just recording for no absolutely

Murals I feel like I'm a part of history so I know what I say about putting your hands at all here we have

What I would like to call


One in the middle is about four this is a specific. Oh

A specific group of rats known as the side, man

Oh, it seems we have two rats outside the enclosure as well

Okay so back in like a little hot thing that they've given us except

I feel like I'm going to die tonight look at this look at that song. I'm gonna

This is miss spot look at me boom why it's gonna sit down. You know I'm sleeping down

I'm feeling good mmm relaxing living life

You know great come on my blankie come on blankie and then chill then take a little grunts. Oh that I was so broke

You're looking good you alright. That's my boy. He's waving at me. Hello wait

Tonight I will make you feel unforgivable powers through your body, I will be here waiting

One alone if I don't make it out tell my mother. I love her my sister not so much

Take it away. Yeah, I

Don't need a plate that's right. That's right. Thank you Butler. Yeah, we're gonna get out a little bit. What is that?



You know what let's make it - no bacon messing around and then to finish it all off


Remember Simon beans make me fries see everything because they're now away yeah, yeah

What are the Penguins

What look guys fraudulent penguin, but oh my god? He's looking at me

It's coming

It's coming dramatic music Simon run

Barbra Josh

What I just stop telling me hey guys

What did I say don't film the animals because if penguins got to go Tyson right there?

Don't you see it look at that all right something right good for oh brother gonna win it's out

We gonna win. It's the jungle Barry oh

Boy, you missed it. There was a penguin picking his bomb. I could see one over there


You sniffing his bump go online oh?

I don't know. She just can make a bill about that the Penguins crack

We in there bro, oh you want to bet what I go, I don't wanna look at this

Let's see Netflix and chilling

Monstermunch I know it's a tree I

Like the girlfriend lovely little animals not me and they don't have the top

loving life

During a great trouble just everyday stuff oh

Okay, sorry. I'll put your over there. What's Up G


Go away, you know what this is right?

Make no this is

conspiracies of what it's not that

Racing home when you go got a free house

But a parasite in you go. Let me get dead nuts

You appreciated my thank you now, this is me if I was an animal ferocious


The way he touches the bag

So this is the side when if they were Tigers?

JJ over there his name's actually JJ


Five exciting the bushes kids from afar

Really knows how to handle balls drop its car for a day

I think the world is glitch don't say meant to write, guerrillas

Hey get down from there, Missy

You got issues hey this one looks like again that sweet beautiful line


expected absolutely killing the game

Really loving the vibes on hand really good run here absolutely


What are you doing?

Downward-facing dog welcome to my answer you know

So uh uh listen uh freakin all right in my oboe? We have no gas pedal. No petrol. No no no

This my friends I'm a mentor really comfortable now, I gotta move a prolific country sister act natural

Guys officer Hobson

Aikido fuck shakes

Nor ladies and gentlemen welcome to our sandover's are free for two pounds and go also so we got a plastic

Smokies these are incredible doesn't cook

Very fashionable. What are you doing it?

Got why you bonus

Even wasn't going very well. Thanks to the black cabbage lost our bonus. What four kids are gonna fucking kill me

Let's go. Let's go crack

What you doing now well you do know oh oh

You got new mine is there?

You know what's good breath

Guys I want this log to be entertaining then we're gonna take the risk Simon. Are you ready where the butterfly paradise?

My geez haven't seen you in long come on. Whoa the camera. Just got straight tasty not

Screaming just stop pick up your bloody mess

What's wrong with you what's wrong with you?

Yo, she's got a few emo breath you hit the book

Why they've been under

Devo one graduate Josh were you doing right. They sell gucci sunglasses. Yeah, oh

By the bit of you jaw you reckon they're decent a silent what you reckon, that's it yeah, you need to buy them

Boy you haven't put them on my age

Would you reckon then ladies? He would you know someone who would you do sex with over 20 more of amputees?

In demand but we have a better dolce & gabbana hi boys come on it this way

So someone just bought me a gift. I know it's only November christmas comes early yeah


Pound each 16 pounds of bag and guys get yourself two looks at London Zoo for your Mecca. Oh

Yeah, take a Stella you know what Simon I've had enough of your show. I'm getting off at the next stop

I'm going fuck you and King that love you. Goodbye. I love you. Goodbye. Goodbye

Your hair sucks Sheila

For more infomation >> 24 HOUR OVERNIGHT CHALLENGE IN THE ZOO W/ MINIMINTER - Duration: 13:30.


PAW PATROL Toys Play Back Flip Game - Duration: 10:23.

Paw Patrol Toys Play Back Flip Game

Let's do a back flip rubble

Hey Dino Pals this is Toy Rex here.

Let's see what Toy surprise we have today.

The Paw Patrol Pups play the Pups Pups Boogie back flip game. Let see we have

Chase, Rubble, Marshall, Rocky and Zuma.

who's gonna win the pups boggy game? We will start off with Chase.

If you push his tail he can do a back flip.

Let's open up Chase

Here's Chase for Chase to do a flip you push Chase down and than you push his tail.

Whoa. One more time Chase. Here we go

Wow Chase did a flip. Good job Chase. He is gonna try and win at the Pups Pups Boogie back flip game. Chase is on the case.

Next we have Rubble. He's the construction pup and he's all yellow. Let;s open up Rubble.

For more infomation >> PAW PATROL Toys Play Back Flip Game - Duration: 10:23.


FS17-Timelapse-Goldcrest Valley 48-Nuevos campos - Duration: 16:48.

Episode 48 New fields!

Good morning to all. Today we will start the day doing some work for our neighbors.

While Mark and Paul take care of the animals, I will work fields 5 and 9.

I will harvest, fertilize and plow the fields before buying them and join them in a single field.

The idea is to have a very large field to make corn silage in the BGA.

Today we will also sell more silage in the BGA, half of what we have left. And we will not forget the harvest.

A lot of work ahead, so let's get going. Take a seat and enjoy!

At last! Now for the silage.

If I can unload the combine on the truck, I can have the tractor doing another job. Let's see how it works.

Tomorrow we will buy new machinery to work the new field.

As usual, I will have dinner and rest. Good night and see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> FS17-Timelapse-Goldcrest Valley 48-Nuevos campos - Duration: 16:48.


Why Socialism? | Socialism Explained in 20 Minutes - Duration: 19:59.

For more infomation >> Why Socialism? | Socialism Explained in 20 Minutes - Duration: 19:59.


How To Create Professional Thumbnail For YouTube Videos on Android Phone in Urdu - Duration: 7:21.

How To Create Professional Thumbnail For YouTube Videos on Android Phone in Urdu

For more infomation >> How To Create Professional Thumbnail For YouTube Videos on Android Phone in Urdu - Duration: 7:21.


Subway Surfers Washington D.C. 2017 Lets Play iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 13:57.

Subway Surfers Washington D.C. 2017 Lets Play iGame Kids Cartoons

For more infomation >> Subway Surfers Washington D.C. 2017 Lets Play iGame Kids Cartoons - Duration: 13:57.



For more infomation >> JERUSALEM - FOUNDATION OF PEACE - Duration: 21:44.


Končím na Youtube ? - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Končím na Youtube ? - Duration: 1:57.


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Top 5 Ways The Earth Could Be Destroyed - Duration: 4:05.

Weve had a pretty good run- you know in the last 500 thousand years Homo sapiens have

managed to build cities- create complex languages and put a man on the moon.

Yeah weve made some moves.

But it could be taken away from us just like that.

And that's what were going to be talking about today.

Hey youtube im court McGinley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know what is your favorite thing about earth.

Let me know your answers down in the comments.

Also don't forget to subscribe to our channel if you havnt already and make sure you like

this video so we can keep bringing you our awesome top 5 videos.

Alright lets get started on our list of the top 5 ways earth could be destroyed.

Starting off at our number 5 spot--Death of the sun- Sadly this one is definitely going

to happen one day- but lucky for us its not going to happen in our life time.

In fact its not going to happen for another few billion years.

So this one is pretty clear cut.

As the sun ages it gets larger- and in about 1.2 billion years the sun will start to change

due to the hydrogen fuel in its core getting used up- this will cause the burning to spread

outwards towards the surface.

And this will cause the sun to grow bigger faster.

And over time the increase in radiation will have a devastating effect on our planet.

At a certain point earth oceans will begin to evaporate and boil away- and the planet

as we know it will pretty much just burn up.

The earths surface temperature will rise from 68 degrees Fahrenheit to 167 degrees Fahrenheit.


In at number 4--Black holes- now while this is pretty unlikey its still slightly possible.

I mean even thought we cant see them there are an estimate million black holes throughout

our galaxy.

Currently the blackhole that's assumed to be closest to our planet is 1 thousand 600

lightyears away from earth.

If the earth is destroyed because of a blackhole its likely we would only have a few months

warning that one was passing through our solar system.

We cannot personally see black holes but we can judge where they are by going off how

they affect their surrounding environment.

So if this is the way it went down its not like a blackhole would gobble up the earthy.

Instead gravity would distribute over the orbit of the planets- asteroids and even earth.

At number 3--Alien attacks- oh yeah im going there.

This list is pretty depressing so I wanted to put something on it that's not a definite


Now some people they think aliens might be nice.

You know like E.T or those little green aliens from toy story.

But when I think of aliens I think about the ones on mars attacks….yeah you know the

ones who destroy the earth.

Because lets not forget this list is called the top 5 ways earth can be destroyed- not

the top 5 cute little aliens that we can co-exist with.

World renowned theoretical physicist Dr. Steven Hawking has his opinions on aliens and says

if they were real they would most likely be hostile.

And that they would be looking to colonize on earth or mine our resources.

So yeah basically they would just chill up in space and send down probes with agents

aboard and just wait until were all killed off.

Coming in at number 2--Major asteroid impact- this one is just like it sounds.

A huge asteroid coming and impacting earth….yeah it would destroy it.

In the past major asteroids have caused large scale extinctions on earth.

For example the Chicxulub impact that happened 66 million years ago and that was assumed

to cause the mass extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs.

Yeah you know the one that none of us were around for.

If s small asteroid were to hit our planet it wouldn't end life on earth as we know


But it would put an end to modern life in whatever country it landed in.

A medium sized one would cause a nuclear winter which would kill off a huge percentage of


But if it's a huge asteroid hit it would turn the crust of the earth into a magma and

the earth would be destroyed.

But fear not because NASA is confident in their asteroid tracking abilities.

And they say that they will know if a detrimental large asteroid is coming our way.

And as we speak scientist are looking up ways to deflect asteroids away from out planet.

And in at our number one spot--Environmental catastrophes- and this is actually something

that's happening right now in the form of pollution- global warming- depletion of natural

resources- industrial activity and agriculture.

So eventually us not taking care of our planet will put an end to life on earth.

Given the fact that us as humans are really dependant on the eco system for food and other

natural resources if all of that disappears then so do we.

So start taking care of the planet guys.

Reduce- reuse and recycle.

And there you have it that's our list of the top 5 ways the earth could be destroyed.

Thank you guys so much for watching and ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Ways The Earth Could Be Destroyed - Duration: 4:05.


Top 10 Superboy Surprising Facts - Duration: 5:32.

Welcome back nerd squad, my name is Roya Destroyaa and this is Top 10 Nerd.

Superboy, otherwise known as Kon-EL, otherwise known as Kal-El, is a notable member of both

Young Justice and the Teen Titans.

He may not be as iconic as Superman himself, but he's an interesting character with a

lot to offer including having more flaws and actually being a bit more believable!

So let's take a look at the top 10 SUPERBOY SURPRISING FACTS.

In the number 10 spot, THERE ARE OTHER SUPERBOYS.

This video is focusing on Conner Kent, but there are two other main incarnations of Superboy

that you may have heard about, but if not, it's important to know the difference!

The first character referred to as Superboy was Clark Kent himself as a kid, starting

in the 1940Õs.

The next Superboy is our Conner from 1993 onward, who is a clone of Superman and Lex


And finally, Superboy was reintroduced in 2016 as Jon Kent, the son of Supes and Lois.

Coming in at number 9, HE'S BEEN ON THE SUICIDE SQUAD.

You know the one, violent criminal-packed suicide squad taking on dangerous missions

because no one really cares if they live or die?

Yeah, good little Superboy has joined them.

In Watery Grave he joins the ranks of Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, and Knockout to name a

few in a mission to stop a crime organization called the Silicon Dragons.

I imagine there were people he would have rather worked with, but all in all, suicide

squad manages to be pretty efficient.

When they can hold off on fighting amongst themselves.

Next, at number 8 ARE HIS NAMES.

When he was first created in his little tube, Superboy was only known as Experiment 13.

When he escaped his creators at Project Cadmus, he tried to get people to call him Superman,

but they opted instead for Superboy, which he did not like at all.

Eventually when Supes took him under his mentorship and warmed up to him, he granted him the name

Kon-El, and when he joins the teen titans he takes on the civilian name Conner Kent.

In the number 7 spot IS HIS VISOR.

While he may have ditched them now, Superboy was the owner of some pretty rad specs earlier


The red x-ray glasses were designed by professor Emil Hamilton and made u for Superboy's

lack of organic x-ray vision.

They also were programmed with heat vision, so they could be pretty dangerous.

Which they were, 'cause the dumb kid misplaced them and they ended up being found by the


So after he got them back, he destroyed them.

His reason?

He would probably lose them again.

Coming in at number 6 ARE HIS RELATIONSHIPS.

Conner has actually been quite the ladies men throughout his comic and animated depictions.

Exclusively in the show Young Justice, he had a serious relationship with Miss Martian.

He also has an extremely notable relationship with Wonder Girl, also known as Cassie Sandsmark.

Among his other womanly ventures have been Serling Roquette, Roxy Leech, and Tana Moon.

So the guy gets around a little bit.

Next up, at number 5, HE HATES MONKEYS.

There was a point in Conner's life, namely Young Justice #2, when he and the team were

overrun by the Joker's green monkeys at the cave of mount justice.

Sounds like a dream for some animal lovers out there, but for Superboy it was a nightmare.

Or more accurately, a hallucination, one caused by a G-Gnome.

But from this event he developed a hatred for the creatures.

I guess there will be no Beppo for him.

Up next at number 4, HE HAS DIED.

Multiple times actually.

Got to love comic books.

Even Superboy has his rough days where nothing goes his way.

In infinite crisis he was able to defeat his evil counterpart, Superboy Prime, but at the

cost of his life.

He also met his end in the Krypton Returns storyline by once again sacrificing his life

to save Argo city from a dying Krypton.

And you can guarantee he probably would do it again.

In the number 3 spot, HE ONCE WAS A BLACK LANTERN.

Because a lot of the time when you die in comics, Black Lantern corps is there for you.

Because he had died previously in infinite crisis and was then resurrected, he was still

labeled as previously deceased, which allows the black ring to transform him into a black


In turn he attacks his own girlfriend, Wondergirl, while struggling to free himself of his possession.

So it wasn't a great time for him, but at least he got a new power out if it; arctic


Coming in at number 2 IS HIS DOG.

An unpowered, normal version of Krypto the superdog was owned by a lady from the suicide

slum who felt she could not properly care for the pooch.

So she dumped them somewhere, because that's so much better.

A nice man by the name of Bibbo bibbowski found the pup and eventually turned him into

dubbilex at project Cadmus, who is in charge of Superboy.

He felt the kid might enjoy having a pet, so he let him take care of Krypto.

But seriously, the guy gets a free dog and he doesn't even really like the dog!

And finally, in the number 1 spot we got LEGAL TROUBLE.

While not specific to Kon-el, Superboy the concept has gotten mixed up in a bit of a

copyright scandal.

Way back in 1938 the idea of Superboy was pitched by Jerry Siegel and turned down.

While he was out of the picture overseas, the character came into conception without

notice or consent, and it wasn't until years of settlements and negotiations that the Siegels,

or rather their heir, got the copyright back from 2004.

So Dc had to maneuver a bit around this, like hiding the Superboy symbol or replacing characters.

Yet DC still came out on top in the end and now has the rights once more.

So those were the top 10 FACTS ABOUT SUPERBOY.

Let me know in the comment section down below WHO YOU WANT FACTS ON NEXT.

My name is Roya Destroyaa, thanks for watching, and don't forget to subscribe so you never

miss another nerdy list!

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