Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 14 2017

(smooth jazz music)

Thursday workdays in October were always jam-packed with getting ready for fall,

planting, late summer harvests, and there was always some encounter with bugs,

critters, check it out. Raccoons were here tonight and all of

the dark brown spots you see is raccoon activity, so, I've already put extra seeds

in here last week where there was activity. Now there's more, digging

over here, disrupting of seeds, plants.

They seem to go right beside the plants,

except for there. So it's really hard to protect this 50 square feet almost.

However, here, as you've seen in the past, I protect this when I first put my seeds

in, and they leave it alone. I have carrot

seed planted in there.

First order of business on Thursday is always harvesting. These Listeria de

Gandia eggplants were stunning. Erick took this one home. And I found a few more

colorful items.

Okay, in this little bed I am planting garlic that I bought at the National

Heirloom Expo, and I'm gonna have to look up the variety because it wasn't on the

bag or the receipt. But I'm pretty sure that this is soft neck, because that's

what's most appropriate for Southern California. And, I've just placed the

cloves. You unpeel the bulb and you place the cloves. Because this doesn't

get a ton of sun, I'm giving them plenty of space. And then I'm gonna push them

down two inches with the, this is the bottom and this is the top. The pointy

thing at the top. Cover it up. Now, I have another garlic video online.

Please check that out. It's one of my Late Bloomer episodes from Season 3. I

think, that goes into more detail about planting garlic. But I'm gonna bury all

these. This particular bed did not have irrigation and it was bone-dry, so we

just put 6 gallons of water, mixed it in. It was like sand, it was so dry. And I've used

a little bone meal, some minerals, and that's all I'm doing, so we'll see how

that does. This particular bed is within 15 feet of my birch tree and the birch

roots want all the water and they come to the surface, so we had to put weed

barrier underneath this bed. It's about 7 or 8 inches down, so it should be good or

deep enough for garlic.

And I'm going to put wood chips on top of this,

probably have to cover it in wire to keep the raccoons from digging.

They're just looking for grubs. And there aren't any grubs in here, so maybe they

if they don't smell any, they won't dig. Still, I think it's a good precaution to

put some fencing down to protect it, because the raccoons can get pretty

aggressive. And I already had this one little something going. I guess that's

garlic from last year. Okay, now we're gonna add some wood chips, some

fencing, and we'll be done with this. And we'll just leave this. Set up the

irrigation, and leave it till July, June. it's right underneath the lemon verbena and

the lemongrass and it smells wonderful here.

Somehow I managed to get a double layer of fencing over this half circle. Back in

August, we had potted up this cardamom plant that I got from Sharon's Natural

Gardens to one of my huge clay pots. It doubled in size in two months. After

lunch, we split the plant three ways. It's always been an issue to find something

right for these pots. After the roots recover from shock, I expect them to do

well. It was time to cull plants and clean up the driveway garden. I will be

covering this garden block from start to finish in a separate video.

Erick had to get the tall ladder to reach the squash vines that had grown up my

neighbor's trees. There's one little squash there at the top of the screen.

When he told me the vine was dead, I had him cut it.

Here are a few other remains of the day.

This little melon was found behind a pot.

After the cleanup, only the West Indian gherkin, the sweet potatoes, and two

watermelon plants were left.

We removed 19 pots.

The next grim task was removing all the infected leaves from my pepper plants. An

upcoming video will go into detail about my pepper adventure.

Back in the front yard, we set up irrigation for the new garlic

bed. I tied into a line on the neighbor bed. One problem I have with irrigation

is the entire front yard comes off of one gauge and the lines are at different

heights. Water pressure either varies or the sprinkler heads get clogged. Either

way some beds get more water than others. (Erick) Is it working?

Well, it's dripping but it's not spraying.

Look at this one. This one is spraying and that's coming off the exact same, no,

it's not, it's coming off this one.

Hmm. But still, it's dripping all around, but this is not working. (Erick) This is working.

See. I didn't realize until I had it all done that the emitters on the brown

tubing are spaced one foot apart. Ridiculous! Which means a lot less water.

This one is working nicely, and I'm trying to get it to go down here

to water the, this is all getting beat up here, cilantro.

I have a little permaculture thing going here like Tory in South Carolina. Okay.

After Erick left, I planted these shallots right down the middle of the back 40.

Thank you so much for watching. I really appreciate your support. Please give me

that "like" and share this channel with your friends, and I'll see you in the

next video.

For more infomation >> Thursday Garden Workday | Planting Garlic in a Raised Bed | Vlog - Duration: 9:26.


Onde fazer uma tattoo (tatuagem) em SP? - 11 101 - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Onde fazer uma tattoo (tatuagem) em SP? - 11 101 - Duration: 2:42.


An Intro to Circuit Bending - Duration: 17:02.

Hello and welcome back to Switch and Lever!

Before we kick things off, this video may contain sounds of questionable musical quality,

if you are accustomed to nice smooth sounds I would suggest looking for a smooth jazz


In fact, one of my favorites is linked in the description already.

This video is about taking childrens toys, and making them do things they were not intended

to do.

Now, don't take toys from children, it's better all around if you forgo the crying and angry

parents and instead head over to your local thrift store to see what's available.

I managed to get my hand on this Music Time My First Keyboard keyboard for close to no

money at all.

In all respects this is a really decent kid's keyboard.

It has a whole bunch of instruments to choose from, which are actually surprisingly decent

for being in a toy.

It also has some tunes you can play, and even some groovy animal sounds.

Before we get carried away though, let's talk a little about what we're doing.

I'm sure some of you are wondering why I haven't mentioned "circuit bending" yet, so let's

talk about the elephant in the room.

Circuit bending isn't about actually bending any circuits, rather it's about altering the

circuits in musical toys and instruments to make them do weird and wonderful things.

By adding different components, such as resistors, potentiometers, buttons or capacitors you

change the behavior of the sounds.

By their nature most of these sounds are glitchy and noisy, suited for music on the more electronic

side of the spectrum, but sometimes you are able to create some truly inspiring sounds

as well.

To get started you're of course going to need your toy, which luckily we already have.

It's also helpful if you have an assortment of different electronic components already,

as the nature of circuit bending is to experiment, not to know what you need beforehand.

Personally I have a horder instinct and like salvaging interesting components and knobs

from various broken electronics which cross my path.

For this particular hack you're also going to need a switching 3.5mm audio jack, but

I'll get back to that later.

Some general tools like screwdrivers and side cutters are also a good idea.

You're also definitely going to need a soldering iron, like this TS-100 soldering iron I was

sent to test out, but again, more on that later.

Start by cracking open your toy, and by crack open I mean carefully undo the screws that

are holding it together.

Once inside we get direct access to the circuit that's making this keyboard chooch!

We have a slew of resistors, transistors and capacitors, which are all basically part of

driving the speaker.

The interesting part is under this epoxy blob, that's the brain of this thing, and is completely


Luckily for us though it appears that most points are broken out into a ribbon cable

connected to the main circuit board.

The best way to really get started is just to grab some jumper wires and start poking


Play a note repeatedly on the keyboard, or if it plays music by itself make sure it's


Connect points together and make careful notes what happens when you connect them.

There is a real risk of frying the circuit, so be careful and if you ever see sparks do

not connect those points again.

Also, this is why you should not do this to expensive equipment, and only work with battery

powered circuitry.

Do not try to circuit bend any device which runs on mains power, it can result in serious

injury or even death if you poke the wrong place.

Even so it's likely that you're going to crash the circuit of your toy, repeatedly, so be

ready to turn it on and off to reset it.

Unless you fried it it should spring back to life.

The simplest hack to make is to change the pitch, and it's usually controlled by a pitch

resistor somewhere in the circuit.

You can find this by hooking up jumper cables to a potentiometer, which is essentially a

variable resistor, and connect to any of the resistors.

Once you find the pitch resistor you'll notice that you can change the pitch of the tone

played by turning the potentiometer knob.

Removing and permanently replacing this resistor with a potentiometer gives you a way to easily

adjust the pitch on the fly.

What value of potentiometer you need depends on the circuit, which is why it's very handy

to have an assortment of potentiometers available to experiment which gives the best result.

I ended up having to use the highest value potentiometer I had, at 1 megaohm to get the

desired result.

As we're getting ready to solder let's go back and talk a little about the TS-100 soldering


Full transparency, I was sent this by Gearbest for testing, but I had already seen quite

a few people on YouTube revel about it, so I knew I had to give it a try.

The soldering iron comes in this sleek black box, nicely packaged, with a quick start guide

and a solder tip.

The iron feels more like a pen than a soldering iron.

It's light, but therefore it also feels nimble in the hand.

The iron runs on anywhere between 12-24V, but will heat up quicker at the higher rated


I ran it at 12V, as that's what I had available, and it still heated up to 350 degrees Celcius

in just around half a minute, which I found quite reasonable.

The tips of the soldering iron are also replaceable, and comes in different shapes for different


The question is, how does it hold up to soldering?

Let's get back to the circuit bending and find out!

As we mentioned before, the pitch resistor needs to go.

That's the easy part though, just grab it with pliers or tweezers, heat up the solder

pads and pull out the leads.

From this point on the keyboard will not work until we replace the resistor with our potentiometer.

Of course, we can't mount the potentiometer inside the enclosure, it needs to stick out


Use a drill, or like I am doing, a Dremel to cut some holes where the components can

fit through the front and the sides of the enclosure for the different parts you want

to mount.

As we're installing an audio out jack now is also a good time to figure out where that

needs to go, as well as any other components you want to fit in based on your explorations.

I'm adding a couple of toggle switches, as well as something called body contacts.

If it's easy to get to the components with the soldering iron when they're mounted I

see no harm in attaching them before starting to attach wires.

When you have wires going back and forth connecting points things do get a bit messy.

Here I'm attaching two brass drawer pulls, which will form our body contacts.

Basically what they do is allow us to change the pitch of our tones simply by touching

the knobs and allowing our bodies to act as big resistors.

It literally allows you to bend the sound being played by altering how you touch the


They need to be conductive, so metal is the way to go!

We'll get back to them in a second though, in the meanwhile let's turn our attention

to the audio jack.

You can choose here if you want a switched audio jack or a regular one.

The benefit of a switched one is that you can cut the signal to the speaker whenever

you plug in headphones.

This means you can sit and play by yourself without bothering anyone, and when you're

ready for a performance just unplug your headphones and the speaker will kick in again.

Though, if you want to record what you're playing into a separate audio recorder that

may be difficult as you won't be able to hear what you're playing unless the audio recorder

has an audio out of itself.

For this reason you may want to choose a non-switched audio jack.

Disconnect the speaker and connect the signal from the keyboard to the audio jack instead,

and the switched leads back to the speaker.

As this is a mono signal you can simply connect the right and left channels of the jack together.

Now you're ready to start hooking up the other components.

Start by hooking up the potentiometer to replace the pitch resistor.

I added a toggle switch to switch between using the potentiometer and the body contacts

as the pitch control, and also connected a high value resistor between the body contacts

so they're always connected, as I found out that the keyboard would crash if they weren't.

I also added a capacitor between a point in the audio circuit, through another toggle

switch, and to a point on the small controller board.

When flipped this causes a noise to be played whenever certain high tones are reached.

I'm being somewhat deliberately vague in what points to use, exact values of things, and

so forth, because unless you have this exact keyboard it will not matter.

Circuit bending is an inexact science, heck, it's probably not even a science at all.

Grab a fistful of random components, throw them at your circuit, see what sticks and

solder stuff in place.

Your mileage will vary, and what you use in your hack will no doubt share similarities

with this, but still be entirely different.

The one thing left to do before we closer her up is make sure all components are attached


Some, which have nuts, you may be able to screw in from the outside.

The plastic was quick thick in some places, so this only worked for the toggle switches

for me.

Luckily though, as you can see already, hot glue comes in very handy to both secure components

in place, as well as insulating exposed wires and solder points from short circuiting.

Don't be shy with the hot glue, unless you're planning to remove the components it's better

to use a bit too much hot glue than too little!

Finally, put the back on, attach a knob if you feel like sprucing up the shaft of your

potentiometer and get ready to fire this baby up!

From here on out I don't think there is a need for words, although I do apologize that

instead of my smooth Southern Comfort and pipe smoking cured voice you get to listen

to something barely qualifiable as music.

Okay, you made it through, you're alive, and hopefully your eardrums are intact.

Let's close up the chapter on the TS100 soldering iron.

I've used it now for a few weeks, and aside from this project I've used it to desolder

components as well as build some other small circuits.

I have to say I'm thoroughly impressed.

I'm used to running a proper Weller soldering station, and while they're truly great irons,

this is a serious contender for sure.

Not the least because it's so small, I can easily bring it with me wherever I may need


I was surprised over how much I actually liked this soldering iron, and I was expecting to

make another scathing review, but that didn't happen.

Another cool feature is that because it has a USB connector, you can upgrade the firmware

on it, and you're not locked into the manufacturer's firmware either.

There are people who have made their own custom firmware, that unlocks a lot more options

and features than what the iron ships with.

For instance, who wouldn't want to have their own logo at start up?

If you feel like getting this soldering iron, there is a link in the description.

As before, I don't gain anything if you buy this iron or not.

None of the links are affiliate links.

Now, there were some issues with this build, like having to switch between the body contacts

and the pitch potentiometer, the lowest pitch not being low enough for my taste and the

audio jack only working on the right channel.

I couldn't leave good enough alone even though the video was almost done.

So I fixed those issues, and added another couple of features for good measure.

I removed one of the toggle switches and replaced it with a button which creates some really

godawful noise.

I also added a slide potentiometer in series with the pitch potentiometer, effectively

doubling the lower pitch effect.

The audio signal out of the audio jack was also unreasonably high, making the use of

headphones unbearably loud.

Another potentiometer was therefore added as a separate volume control for the outgoing


Now go forth and create.

I chose to hack a keyboard because I wanted a playable instrument, but there is nothing

stopping you from using any sort of toy which makes noise for your hacks.

This toy remote control for instance, picked up for a dollar, fitted with a pitch potentiometer

now makes some delightfully weird sounds!


hope you enjoyed this video!

If your ears can take more abuse be sure to check out one of the previous videos from

Switch & Lever!

For a less loud venue, head over to instagram for more regular updates!

Until next time!

For more infomation >> An Intro to Circuit Bending - Duration: 17:02.


🌍 EGO ¿Qué es? · MUNDO PRÁNICO 🌍 - Duration: 58:43.

For more infomation >> 🌍 EGO ¿Qué es? · MUNDO PRÁNICO 🌍 - Duration: 58:43.


How To Make a Chocolate & Pear Frangipane From Scratch. - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> How To Make a Chocolate & Pear Frangipane From Scratch. - Duration: 3:16.


Fermo - Giovane Fermo - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Fermo - Giovane Fermo - Duration: 2:38.


(Voltamos a Informar) - Relatório da Frota Prateada - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> (Voltamos a Informar) - Relatório da Frota Prateada - Duration: 9:17.


Các thương hiệu người Việt hay đọc sai - Duration: 6:52.


I don't know if you guys are aware or not,

but I'm not the kind of person who goes shopping a lot.

However, whether you go shopping a little or a lot,

probably everyone has encountered situations where they have to talk about brand names,

and there are a few international brand names that Vietnamese people often mispronounce.

So in this video I'm going to fix those mispronunciations

but before I start,

I want to mention that this video includes some brand names from non–English speaking countries,

like Japan and Germany,

and I'm not going to teach you how to pronounce them in the native language,

but rather in English,

because all of these brand names have been adopted into English,

so when you speak English with native speakers, you've got to pronounce them in the English way,

or else people won't understand.

Okay, we'll start with . . .

the brand behind me.

You guys usually pronounce the second half in the Vietnamese way, like "soom,"

but in English, it's pronounced just like the past participle of "sing":

Okay, next is . . .

this car company.

When speaking Vietnamese, go ahead and say "Méc-xe-đéc,"

but when speaking English, please say:

The stress is on the second syllable:

Where to now?

An English center!


This center's name belongs to a Greek god,

and it's not a-pô-lô, but rather:


And another center . . .

right here.

Foreigners in Vietnam don't call this center "ee-lah" or "i-lah,"

but "I-L-A."

Say each letter individually:

Let's go home for a second.

Dan's super-cool denim YouTube jacket has also got this logo here.

It's pronounced—prepare yourself—


The stress falls on the first syllable, and it's pronounced "lee."

Okay, let's head back out and have a cup of coffee.

The coffee shop behind me probably doesn't cause pronunciation difficulties for anyone.

But there's a drink here that lots of people mispronounce:

this right here.

It's not "mo-cha," but "mo-ka."

The 'c' and 'h' are pronounced just like a 'k':

And another cafe . . .

right here.

I think this chain only exists in Hanoi,

and it's not "ze-mi-ny" or "je-mi-ny," but rather:

The stress is on the first syllable, and the 'i' at the end is pronounced with a long 'i' sound:

Okay, we're done with cafes. Let's move on to two simpler drinks.

First we've got this one: "mee-low."

Eh, not quite.

Just like the two words "my" and "low":

And . . .

this super-famous drink, too.

This one is easy to pronounce, but when abbreviating, Vietnamese people say "Coca,"

whereas in English, "Coke" is the correct abbreviation.

And remember to pronounce it carefully.

Don't accidentally say:

And people often drink Coke at . . .

this "Mác-đô-nan" place.

In English, it's pronounced:

The first part is really short:

The stress falls on the second syllable:

And remember to finish it with:

Next we've got something that isn't really a brand name,

just a form of entertainment that Asians absolutely love . . .

Karaoke, of course!

The Vietnamese way of pronouncing it is actually closer to the Japanese than the English way is.

We say:

And singing karaoke always makes me so hot.

I'm going to go home for a quick shower.

If you ever use products from "Đô," you might have guessed that it rhymes with "stove," "drove," and "clove,"

But in reality it rhymes with "love," "glove," and "shove."

And Dove is also responsible for the "Campaign for Real Beauty,"

where they use normal-looking models and don't Photoshop the pictures.

And the Photoshop software itself, it belongs to . . .

what company now?

Three syllables.

Ok, I'm tired of looking at my computer.

I'm heading back out to buy some sports gear.

This brand causes some disagreement between North Americans and other English-speaking nationalities,

because those other countries pronounce it pretty close to the German way:

Whereas Americans and Canadians say:

I don't know why.

And a company that competes with Adidas is . . .

good old Nike.

This one also causes disagreement between American and Britons,

because Britions say:

And I'd just like to say that in this disagreement, the Americans are right,

because Nike is an American company,

and its name comes from a Greek goddess, which is also pronounced "ny-kee."

So every time I hear British people say /naɪk/, it sounds really wrong to me.

But if you go to the UK, go ahead and say /naɪk/, for the sake of being understood.

And another brand name that causes disagreement between Britons and Americans is . . .

British people say it closer to the Japanese way:

And Americans say:

And if you've followed my videos really closely, you know I don't use Nikon products, but rather . . .

Eh, not quite.

Americans and Britons agree on this one.

Its pronunciation is the same as for these big guns:

And one final brand which has recently become very popular in Vietnam.

I want to tell you guys that even though this word looks like it might follow the same pronunciation rules as "university" and "unit,"

it's pronounced:

Not "yoo-ber."

And now I'm going to get an Uber to take me home for good.

And that's it, I'm going to end the video here.

If you're still curious about any car brands or any luxury fashion brands,

then watch these two videos from Kenny N.

Or if you're curious about "Fay-boop" or "Sky-pee,"

then watch this old video of mine.

And now I want to mention the sponsor of this video:

ELSA, the English pronunciation app chosen by thousands of Vietnamese people.

You can try it free for seven days when you download it at Google Play or The App Store.

After that, if you want to continue using it, go to

and follow the three steps there to check out with a price discounted from 10 to 80%.

So, check out ELSA, and good luck.

For more infomation >> Các thương hiệu người Việt hay đọc sai - Duration: 6:52.



For more infomation >> A NOVA TERRA ESTÁ CHEGANDO - Duration: 5:32.


Kate's Lazy Meadow - Road Trip with Cocktails! - Duration: 1:57.

Could you use a getaway? Join us at Kate's Lazy Meadow in Mt. Tremper New York!

Hello and welcome to the Velveteen Lounge Kitsch-en, coming to you from the Catskill

Mountains and Kate's Lazy Meadow, one of two amazing hotels created by Kate Pierson

of the famed B-52s and her partner Monica Coleman! Let's shake up a drink take a look

around this kitsch wonderland in a gorgeous mountain setting!

Here's a lovely libation that's like an intoxicating meadow in a glass! To make it,

all you do is combine 2 oz of brandy, ½ oz Art in the Age Sage Liqueur, ½ oz Giffard

Black Rose Liqueur, ½ oz Nocello Walnut Liqueur and ½ oz fresh lime juice. Shake with ice

and strain into a cocktail glass. Decorate fabulously!

A glorious mid-century setting demands a mid-century appetizer and this one comes to us from 1958's

Good Housekeeping's Appetizer Book. To make these Pineapple Dip-Its, all you do is arrange

canned pineapple chunks on a tray and allow guests to dip in bowls of shredded cheddar

cheese, flaked coconut or both. It's like I stepped into a time machine!

Named as one of the world's top 100 hotels by both Travel & Leisure and the London Sunday

Times, Kate's Lazy Meadow is the perfect spot to get away from it all. Its majestic

Catskills setting at the shore of beautiful Esopus Creek and retro, fun-filled design

ensure that you will be transported back in time in the best of all possible ways. Book

your stay the next time you're in New York for a one-of-a-kind vacation!

Thank you for visiting the Velveteen Lounge Kitsch-en! Please subscribe to our channel

for lovely libations, remarkable road trips and more! It's always happy hour at the

Velveteen Lounge Kitsch-en!

See you soon!

For more infomation >> Kate's Lazy Meadow - Road Trip with Cocktails! - Duration: 1:57.


Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - REVIEW (3DS) - Duration: 8:40.

Hey everyone, Derrick here with a quick note that this review consists entirely of previously

released footage for Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon.

The embargo for the games forbid the use of any new footage that we captured ourselves,

but we still wanted to provide our thoughts before the game's release.

And with that, let's get to the review!

It's been eight years since the last time Game Freak released an expanded version of

a Pokémon generation.

It was such a common practice for them back then that it was weird that they dropped the

format with Black & White 2 and didn't even bother with X & Y.

But despite the fact that there's no unified version of Sun & Moon, there's no doubt

that Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon follows the expanded formula to a tee.

The core of the 7th generation is still here, but there's a ton of new content and changes

to potentially enjoy.

Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon begin much the same as the vanilla versions.

Your trainer has just moved to the Alola region and decides to embark on the Island Challenge,

a new idea that forgoes the traditional Gym Challenge of past regions.

Rather than fighting Gym Leaders, players must complete a Captain's Trial then defeat

an extra large, extra powerful Totem Pokémon.

But where this has been changed is in finer details and the threat to Alola.

The Legendary Pokémon Necrozma is said to be on its way to the region to steal its light,

and it must be stopped if the people are to survive.

Necrozma is a more tangible threat than the Ultra Beasts, but I feel that it has an ill

effect on the story overall.

I loved the story and characters of Sun & Moon.

They felt closer to an RPG with actual character development and more stakes than almost any

Pokémon game before.

But here, it feels like a step back.

Whenever Necrozma is involved, it left the plot bland and bog-standard for a Pokémon

game rather than the complex and interesting implications that were there before.

I honestly think that some character motivations are destroyed, or at the very least muddled,

in this new story.

They act the same as in Sun & Moon, but the reason for doing so is different just to fit

the Necrozma storyline causing many to just not work.

What was once one of my favorite villains in the franchise has become motivated by something

far less interesting.

Worse is that some of the best moments of the original game are removed completely.

But the frustrating thing is that while some characters are hurt in this change, others

really come into their own.

It's a give and take that I understand but still wish the strongest parts from both versions

were kept.

But that's just the remixed story.

Almost every other new addition to Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon is fantastic.

The journey itself has been expanded to fulfill the promise of the original games.

No longer are some elements oddly left out as there are now eight full Trials rather

than seven.

And almost every one of those trials has been changed in some way, either remixing the trial

itself or the Totem Pokémon you face.

It helps make the experience feel fresh even for those who already played Sun & Moon.

However, there's no denying that with this releasing only a year after the originals,

it still feels very familiar, at least until you make your way to Alola's fourth island

where the differences become much more apparent.

Let's break down some of these additions though.

One of the most fun ideas is Mantine Surfing.

This allows you to travel between the islands, but along the way you can perform tricks to

try and achieve a high score.

The more you play, the more tricks you unlock and the rewards are both useful and a great


In the grand scheme, the mode is pretty minor but it was an enjoyable break from the standard

gameplay that did get more challenging.

There's also the Photo Club which allows trainers to show off themselves and their

Pokémon in different poses while gradually unlocking new frames and ways to customize

those pictures as you progress in the game.

The Photo Club really is just an extra, and it never pulled me into the idea, but photo

aficionados will definitely get something out of the addition as it is more entertaining

than the picture-taking of the Poké Finder.

While Pokémon Refresh and the Poké Pelago haven't seen any changes, still acting as

a way to bond with your Pokémon and adding extra utility to what you can do with them

respectively, the Festival Plaza has had a new addition, the Battle Agency.

After it's unlocked, you can battle random trainers with rental Pokémon.

You can pick from any three, but they do become more rare and powerful, the more you win.

However, you can only pick the one Pokémon.

The others on your three-person team are determined by the trainers you battle with.

They can either be people you StreetPass with or the game will provide standard trainers

if you haven't.

It's a nice way of expanding the battle possibilities while trying out Pokémon you

may not have used before.

Then there's the Totem Stickers that have thankfully replaced the tedious to find Zygarde


Finding enough allows you to trade them for Totem Pokémon although they don't have

the auras of the ones you face during Trials.

While I never used one in battle, it was cool to actually have the option.

And the hundred new Pokémon ensured that things stayed mostly fresh when it comes to

crafting a new team.

In fact, one of the best changes is to SOS Battles.

Rather than the Pokémon being able to endlessly call for help, it's now limited to just

one making them far less tedious you just want to get through an area.

However, Adrenaline Orbs will still allow you to reap the benefits of fighting in SOS

Battles so you can potentially catch rare Pokémon.

Finally, there's the exploration of Ultra Space while riding either Solgaleo or Lunala.

During these sequences, you have to fly through rings to keep up your energy while avoiding


The farther you make it, the rarer the Legendary you'll find through an Ultra Wormhole.

It should be a good, challenging system...if it wasn't for the controls.

Rather than use the circle pad to go where you need, the game forces you to use tilt

controls and they are not good.

The first time I attempted it was a mess, and while I've gotten better, this extra

level of challenge is more frustrating than rewarding when I just want to reach the next

Legendary Pokémon or Ultra Beast.

This isn't the only gameplay misstep though.

Rotom's role has been expanded so that you can interact and befriend him.

This in turn gives you access to the Roto Loto that grants items that have a ton of

great utility like getting more experience, healing you in battle, and making eggs hatch

more quickly.

These are absolutely worth obtaining.

The problem is that Rotom never shuts up.

He's constantly talking to you on the bottom screen and offering the same advice ad nauseum.

It's annoying, distracting, and even takes away from the utility of the bottom screen

as a map.

And when you are using Roto Loto, the process takes far longer than it should making me

question whether I even wanted the items.

You can ignore him but he just ends up looking depressed the entire time.

The rewards are great.

Everything else about Rotom is just a pain.

Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon still look fantastic on the 3DS.

A lot of the locations have even more added detail that just make Alola pop.

Sun & Moon really pushed the system to its limits yet somehow they found a way to cram

more in.

However, this also means that the same issues are there, especially on a classic 3DS.

Anything more than than a 1 on 1 battle results in slowdown although the hang-ups never seemed

quite as egregious as before.

However, the music is utterly fantastic.

Most of the the soundtrack is the same, but it holds up and the new tracks fit right in

and make the experience a treat for the ears.

While it does have a few issues when it comes to the story, exploring Ultra Space, and the

integration of Rotom, there's no doubt in my mind that Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon is the

better game.

I like it a lot and how they added so much to a Pokémon generation that I already loved.

If you missed out on Sun & Moon, absolutely pick up these versions.

However, with these games coming out only a year after the originals, they also feel

incredibly familiar to those who traveled Alola before.

It takes a while for the changes to truly be felt making the first half a bit of a slog

for returning players.

But once you do, there's some real gems to found here.

Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe to GameXplain for more on Pokémon and other

things gaming.

For more infomation >> Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon - REVIEW (3DS) - Duration: 8:40.


Куклы Пупсики Иришка Купается в Игрушки Сюрпризы Маша и Медведь Фиксики Зырики ТВ Кукла Мультики - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Куклы Пупсики Иришка Купается в Игрушки Сюрпризы Маша и Медведь Фиксики Зырики ТВ Кукла Мультики - Duration: 3:53.


Learn Colors with Little Color Baby McQueen Cars & Spiderman - Funny Animation Learning Colors video - Duration: 10:09.

Learn Colors with Little Color Baby McQueen Cars & Spiderman - Funny Animation Learning Colors video

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Little Color Baby McQueen Cars & Spiderman - Funny Animation Learning Colors video - Duration: 10:09.


Nieuw interieur 2e klas VIRMm Treinstel 8637 - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Nieuw interieur 2e klas VIRMm Treinstel 8637 - Duration: 2:47.


What is NHD - Duration: 2:05.

National History Day is a unique opportunity for students

to take charge and explore the past in a creative hands-on way.

I think one of the great attractions of

National History Day is having that variety.

You're not just learning something to do well on a test

You're learning something to really understand history.

You're able to mix your school work and learning

with something I actually love to do.

So if you love to act,

if you like designing websites,

if you like making movies, I think it opens up

this wide spectrum of choices for kids that want to talk about history.

The critical thinking that comes through National History Day

is so important. The fact that they have to do research

they learn how to analyze sources that they've found

being able to contextualize, understand you know when that source was written

it's much bigger than just learning about one topic in history.

And it gets students just excited because

they're not only learning about history,

but they get to share it with the wider audience.

The motto is a it's not just a day experience.

I would amend that to say it's a life changing experience.

The writing skills they've learned,

the critical thinking skills they've learned,

have all gone to help them when they've gotten to college level.

I kind of want to be a reporter now,

I really want to go into anesthesiology,

I'm actually shadowing a neurologist,

I want to go into clinical psychology and get my PhD

We have found that it prepares them for the

workforce in a way that no other program really does

You learn the skills that you're going to use for the rest of your life.

And you also learn teamwork.

And you learn empathy.

And you learn the love of learning.

And that will be an important part

who you are forever.

For more infomation >> What is NHD - Duration: 2:05.



For more infomation >> MINI HAUL SHOPPING! SHOPPING! SHOPPING! - Duration: 6:18.


Disney Cars CRUZ RAMIREZ Dinoco Airplane DROP OFF, Carbon Lightning McQueen & King Dinoco Plane Drop - Duration: 10:25.

Disney Cars CRUZ RAMIREZ Dinoco Airplane DROP OFF, Carbon Lightning McQueen & King Dinoco Plane Drop

For more infomation >> Disney Cars CRUZ RAMIREZ Dinoco Airplane DROP OFF, Carbon Lightning McQueen & King Dinoco Plane Drop - Duration: 10:25.


Neceser step by step, with pattern | Yuyi's Creations - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> Neceser step by step, with pattern | Yuyi's Creations - Duration: 10:11.


🔴 Halloween in Nha Trang 🎃 | DJ BEE VLOG #05 - Duration: 9:58.

Nha Trang was just such a cool experience for me I brought my team we got to play at Sailing Club

tonight I have played 2 times before It seems my last year

this was one of the crazy show I have done in my life the energy the vibe is

something unique it's unreal and I mean I cann't wait for it it's like a vision

number four now go ahead and watch it on the phone

they'll go ahead to show me how you go and I feel my whole body peaking and

I'll fucking anybody but their legs might get invaded Western bitches from

the West Side East Coast

the number my phone I had no money for me

penitential walk because I'm always reppin further

anytime I finish the new idea I'm going round and show to the people I get so

excited by making music it spray like you have something wasn't there before

I love getting people their opinion and I'm excited if I make something new and

really proud of it

let me just finish soundcheck to do the energy people are starting to come in we

have the way the plays along however we feel great excited Goku and Bee get the

show going what's up guys my name is Ron Shaw I'm

the manager I'd love to try actually really excited for this is Halloween I

wasn't yellow sincere I was travelling around here January but I never got to

see Halloween setup was everything a lot of good things about DJ BEE and MC GOKU

through so really excited to watch you come here they can bring some serious

power so yeah sorry

hi everybody I'm Jeremy I'm a German man and the head is just selling club and we

are very happy to welcome DJ Bee for the Halloween party first time I met the DJ

Bee was one year ago and I was very impressed by his quality music selection

as a way he talked to the crowd make energy and feel the power

10 years, it's my 10 years now, it feel crazy nervous

happy excited and very nervous because the expectation is so high and you had

to get over it it's like good nervous for me

it's four and a black sky is falling it's called tonight

the kid

you can

fingers touch the sky


to me I'm never gonna

you never got

Goodbye Nha Trang Goodbye Sailing Club. See you next time

Finally we removed the makeup on

my face just have to go

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