Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 14 2017

Hi Stuart Bahn here and in this video we're going to introduce the minor

pentatonic scale CAGED shape 4. Shape four is probably the second most common

shape so very important to get comfortable with this one. As with the

previous shapes we're going to do this in A minor, so we'll be playing over an Am

chord using the A minor pentatonic scale. Here's the shape first of all...

I will put a link down below in the notes to this shape on my website just

get it on screen or print it off on paper. Now, the root note for this shape

is here so it is on the A-string where the first finger would typically go

within this shape so that means just like a bar chord if you need to play

the B minor pentatonic scale you need to move this shape so that this finger is

on a B that's the B minor pentatonic scale we're gonna stick with A so that's

enough to get you started stick an Am in your loop pedal or

record yourself by some other means or get a backing track on use Band in a Box

and just experiment by playing phrases. As I mentioned in a previous

video if you need help with how to improvise

check out my series of videos called how to improvise on guitar I'll put a link

to that in the bottom as well. So here's my minor you hopefully you'll

agree it fits very well

So stage one: just get improvising. Let's take it a little bit further where is

the other root note in this scale? Well it's here so as a minimum we need to

know where one of the root notes is to position the scale shape correctly to

give us a scale we want but as we've mentioned with previous shapes finishing

phrases on the root notes either of these root notes tends to make it sound closed off

like there's some degree of completion about the musical statements you've been

making and that's a very useful trait to be aware o; it's a useful feature; it's a

good skill to have so if you want to develop your advising a little further

get the same backing on your Am backing and then sometimes to finish on

a root note sometimes don't finish a root. For example...

so that last bit there where I finished on the root note that kind of rounded

things off. It could have potentially brought an end to the

musical statement, it could have been the end of a solo for example okay. So let's

bring a little bit more information to the table imagine the entire Am

chord that you're playing over now that is this it has to be this shape because

this is the only one that fits the same region that we're improvising over with

this shape so this is the a minor chord CAGED shape 4 and we're playing the

A minor pentatonic scale okay so for as well because they occupy the same region.

As we said with the previous shapes an awareness of whether you are or are not

playing the notes of the chord is very useful so these notes...

they sit very easily with the chord they don't really actually introduce anything new you're

just repeating notes that you already listening to which is fine it just means

it's going to be very stable; very compatible with the chord whereas these

two notes for example they are not in the chord so they have quite a different

effects they create some degree of tension rubbing against the chord as I

said before tension is not a bad thing it's just an effect and it's very useful

effect and seeing whether you are or are not about to create tension by what you

want to play is very useful so here is a quick demonstration of me playing some

phrases some of which focus on chord-tones; some which do not.

OK so hopefully that was nice and clear the first half was mostly chord-tones the

second half was generally not chord-tones and the effect was quite different

I also wrapped it up by landing on the root note which hopefully you agree

sounded like 'the end'. OK so those are your three stages: just get improvising

any old how, then try improvising with an awareness of whether you are finishing

on root notes or not and then try to visualize the chord as well as the scale

shape that you're using and try to be aware of when you are or not playing

chord tones . As always I hope you found that video helpful. Please give a thumbs up if you did

and click subscribe so I can send you more. See you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Minor pentatonic CAGED shape 4 over a minor chord - Duration: 5:33.


[Teaser 01] Wishper Challenge with Velly, Angel, dan Ujung Oppa _ 위스퍼도전 (한국어 자막) - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> [Teaser 01] Wishper Challenge with Velly, Angel, dan Ujung Oppa _ 위스퍼도전 (한국어 자막) - Duration: 0:37.


How To: Replace A Hayward Multiport Valve - Duration: 4:26.

Hey guys. Today we're going to show you how to replace a Hayward Top Mount valve

on a sand filter.

Some of the reasons you might want to change a whole valve is, the body could be cracked.

The top cover could be cracked.

Or you're having major internal issues, like a bad diverter spring,

and things like that and you just want to--

Let's say your valve's already old and you just want to replace the whole thing,

get it up and running.

Without further ado, I think we should get this cracking. Let's go Rob.

Let's do it.

All right, the first step in replacing your complete valve

is going to be to remove the plumbing from your intake and return lines.

Most above ground pools are going to have flexible hoses clamped on to a fitting,

so you would just undo the fitting. In-ground pools will have rigid PVC.

They might be on unions. You just loosen up the union and remove the plumbing.

If you don't have a union, you're going to have to hacksaw the PVC

to be able to turn and remove that fitting. We'll do that first.

Get rid of these fittings.

You can re-use these on the new valve.

Okay, after you get the plumbing disconnected,

the valve is held on to the filter body by a clamp.

There's just two screws that hold this two-piece clamp together.

I'll remove those screws.


[drilling sounds]

All right, once you get the screws removed, you just remove the two-piece clamp,

put that to the side.

Then all you have to do is lift the valve off.

All right, before you put the new valve back on the filter,

just make sure the body ring is in place and it's lubricated

with a silicone, or Teflon lubricant.

Then you just press this on. There's a standpipe inside the filter,

you just line that up.

This is when you can guide the valve to where your plumbing is.

If you have rigid PVC plumbing, you want the ports to be lined up in that direction.

Just line that up correctly. Press it on good.

Then the next step would be putting the clamp back on.

Okay, we get the clamp on here. We get the nut and the bolt through here.

We'll just slide this through, kind of get it started a little bit.

Do this on the other side.

Then we'll get our drill and just tighten those screws up.

[drilling sounds]

All right, it's on there nice and tight.

Next, we'll reattach the fittings

and normally you put some Teflon tape around the threads and thread those on.

All right, and for flexible hose, you would just stick these

on the ports and clamp them on.

Again, if you're using rigid PVC this is where you would glue it

or if you were lucky enough to have unions, just thread it back on.

Well that's just about does it. If you have any questions about what we did or how to do it,

feel free to leave comments down below and look at the links in the description

and you'll be able to find links

for the products we used during the reassembly of the unit.

For any of your swimming pool needs feel free to visit

and thanks for watching. See you.


For more infomation >> How To: Replace A Hayward Multiport Valve - Duration: 4:26.


GAULLIN - WAIT - Duration: 3:32.


For more infomation >> GAULLIN - WAIT - Duration: 3:32.


التكميم وجراحة البدانة 2018 - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> التكميم وجراحة البدانة 2018 - Duration: 1:40.


Narnia Günlükleri: Aslan, Cadı ve Dolap (2005) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Narnia Günlükleri: Aslan, Cadı ve Dolap (2005) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Duration: 2:33.


If You Think Witchcraft Is Evil, You're Dumb As Hell - Duration: 8:09.

If You Think Witchcraft Is Evil, You�re Dumb As Hell

Was that title a bit too harsh?


But to be honest, I am sick of having to explain this to people.

For the past week, I have had this subject come up so frequently that I figured I must

be meant to write about it.

So here goes:

Witches are not evil.

I know that some of you might still be stuck in the days of Salem, but a few things need

to be set straight because this entire perception of who we are is beyond f*�d up.


Believe it or not, we don�t wear pointy hats and ride around on broomsticks, and we

don�t �curse� people.

Real witches who practice the craft are not trying to hurt anyone, and they aren�t out

for selfish gain.

What witches do is simple: we bask in the essence of nature and pay attention to the

energies around us.

Honestly, you�d be surprised how much goes unnoticed in your life when you are rushing

around all the time.

That�s another thing- we like to take our time with things.

We put our energy and our focus into the things we are trying to manifest, just like anyone

else who �wishes� for something.

But you don�t go around verbally crucifying every person who says �Oh I wish I could

do that,� or �Oh I wish I could have that in my life.� So please stop verbally crucifying



This may vary depending on the kind of person you are talking to, but for me, and most Wiccans,

we believe in a couple key things.

First, �harm none� is the foremost rede.

And next would be �the power of three.�

The power of three entails what comes back to you.

It is essentially why witches do not perform what you would call �black magic.� It�s

like Karma, but three-fold.

�By the power of three times three, As I will, so mote it be.�

If you know anything about numbers, you know the number 3 is powerful and it connects everything

in the Universe.

Even Tesla had theories about this concept.

To sum it up, �traditional Witches are not monotheistic nor do they follow any revealed

scripture (Torah, Gospels, Quran, Book of Mormon, etc.).

Traditional Witches do not worship any entity as their superior, though they recognize the

existence of other entities.

They believe in the equality of all beings in the Universe, seeing them as different,

separate, but never superior or inferior.

This difference is often a source of confusion.

A Traditional Witch may speak of the God and the Goddess, referring to the female and male

aspects of Nature, but while they revere and respect Nature, they do not worship it or

its representatives.

Traditional Witchcraft is polytheistic and animistic, meaning that they incorporate a

number of elements and spirits into a meaningful whole.�

It is fertility, earth-based and nature-oriented; Wiccans recognize and worship during the change

of the seasons and the full and new moons�.

Wicca is unique in that it has no dogmas, doctrines (sic), or set of rules�.

Wiccan practices are derived from within, are personal and individual and are not mandated

by any one person, hierarchy, or �Bible�.�



We practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by

the phases of the Moon and the seasonal Quarters and Cross Quarters.


We recognize that our intelligence gives us a unique responsibility toward our environment.

We seek to live in harmony with Nature, in ecological balance offering fulfillment to

life and consciousness within an evolutionary concept.


We acknowledge a depth of power far greater than that apparent to the average person.

� it is sometimes called �supernatural,� but we see it as lying within that which is

naturally potential to all.


We conceive of the Creative Power in the universe as manifesting through polarity�as masculine

and feminine�and that this same Creative Power lies in all people, and functions through

the interaction of the masculine and the feminine.

We value sex as pleasure, as the symbol and embodiment of life, and as one of the sources

of energies used in magickal practice and religious worship.


We recognize both outer worlds and inner, or psychological, worlds sometimes known as

the Spiritual World, the Collective Unconsciousness, Inner Planes, etc.�� We neglect neither

dimension for the other, seeing both as necessary for our fulfillment.


We do not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy but do honor those who teach, respect those

who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge those who have courageously

given of themselves in leadership.


We see religion, magick, and wisdom in living as being united in the way one views the world

and lives within it�a worldview and philosophy of life which we identify asWitchcraft�the

Wiccan Way.


Calling oneself �Witch� does not make a Witch��.

A Witch seeks to control the forces within her/himself that make life possible in order

to live wisely and well without harm to others and in harmony with nature.


We believe in the affirmation and fulfillment of life in a continuation of evolution and

development of consciousness giving meaning to the Universe we know and our personal role

within it.


Our only animosity towards Christianity, � is to the extent that its institutions have claimed

to be the �only way� and have sought to deny freedom to others and to suppress other

ways of religious practice and belief.


As American Witches, we are not threatened by debates on the history of the Craft, the

origins of various terms, the legitimacy of various aspects of different traditions.

We are concerned with our present and our future.


We do not accept the concept of absolute evil, nor do we worship any entity known as �Satan�

or �the Devil,� as defined by Christian tradition.


We believe that we should seek within Nature that which is contributory to our health and


(Guiley, pp. 65-66)

Okay, so I hope that helps clear some things up.

Also, when it comes to spells, you use them too.

Whether you know it or not, the words you speak are powerful and they carry magic.

You create your reality as much as we do, simply by saying things over and over again.

If you put yourself down and say you will never accomplish the things you want to achieve,

then guess what?

You are turning that into a reality by saying it and putting it into the Universe.

Try speaking in a better way about yourself and see what happens.

I really just want everyone to try and understand that witches are not evil.

It�s too easy for people to associate negative concepts to things they don�t understand.

Real witches, those who live to do good and embrace nature, are your friends.

They aren�t going to turn you into a frog, but they very well may help you to see the

prince (or princess) that�s inside.

Give us a chance before you shun us, push us away, or say cruel things about us.

We�re really not that bad.


For more infomation >> If You Think Witchcraft Is Evil, You're Dumb As Hell - Duration: 8:09.


Liner types and above ground pool decks - Duration: 1:43.


Hello, welcome back to the poolside chat,

presented by

I'm Rob.

I'm Matthew. I'm bringing the noise.

[sniffing sound]

He's bringing the funk.


The question goes as such.

We are going to purchase an above ground pool

and plan to build a deck around the top.

When choosing a liner, is there anything

to keep in mind?

Okay, the reason this might be an issue is that

above ground pool decks are often built over top.

The top ledge and top caps, so it will make it hard

to remove them. There are certain types of liners

that don't require you to do so. Rob, tell us about them.

Okay, it's basically three types of liners

- you have overlap, J-hook and beaded.

Now overlap and J-hook both, in a way, overlap the wall.

The overlap actually does what its name is

- it overlaps the wall, and then the J-hook

hooks onto the wall.

In both of those cases, you have to remove

the top rails to be able to do that.

The third type is a beaded liner, and those don't require

the top rails be removed, because there's a track

underneath that top rail that sits on the wall,

that you actually feed the bead liner into.

So, if you're going to build a deck, and it's going to go

over the top rails, definitely go with the bead liner

and make things easier when you replace it.

Good job bro. If you have any questions

about this topic, feel free to leave comments down below,

and for any of your pool needs feel free to contact us over

at Thank you for joining us.



[splashing sound]


For more infomation >> Liner types and above ground pool decks - Duration: 1:43.


গরু মোটা-তাজা করার সহজ পদ্ধতি Cattle Fattening By Scientific Way Part 02 Training module - Duration: 5:08.

Cattle Fattening By Scientific Way

For more infomation >> গরু মোটা-তাজা করার সহজ পদ্ধতি Cattle Fattening By Scientific Way Part 02 Training module - Duration: 5:08.


Gearworks Final Thoughts - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Gearworks Final Thoughts - Duration: 4:02.


New Bangla Short Flim 2017 | Dorsheta Meyer Lash / বস্তায় ভর্তি ধর্ষিতা মেয়ের লাশ / Bulbul Audio - Duration: 17:34.

Please Subscribe My Channel

For more infomation >> New Bangla Short Flim 2017 | Dorsheta Meyer Lash / বস্তায় ভর্তি ধর্ষিতা মেয়ের লাশ / Bulbul Audio - Duration: 17:34.



Today i have a quick video on a few hair products that i really feel like are important?

To share because they are game-changers

seriously there's one in particular that is brand new within the last couple months

That i just started using myself and seriously it has changed my hair okay quick background?

I've been a hair stylist for about fourteen years and in the pursuit of?

decent hair myself

I am constantly

Looking for the next greatest hair product and there are some products on the market now that make big

changes into your hair i'm gonna start with the number one product that i

can't live without now and

that is by brazilian blowout this you guys is the ionic

bonding spray so it's part of the brazilian blowout system and

whether or not you get brazilian blowouts you can use this spray this spray may be

replacing the mask for your hair stylist if you do get a person you blow out and

then you could take this home as a retail product as well if you don't get brazilian blowout it does not matter


Can still buy this retail and use it that's what i've done i haven't had a brazilian in a couple years and i absolutely

love it you guys the deal with it is that it performs a protective layer over your cuticle seal sit down and

fills in the porosity there is a notable difference in

The frizz and the texture and the softness and the silkiness and the shine all of that the comb ability it's

incredible you guys i believe the retail size retails for about

$30 worth every penny you do not have to saturate your hair in it i put a decent amount in my hair

but i am telling you it is one of those products that comes along that

You're like whoa and i don't buy into a lot of this product because i've seen so much hair product that's actually

really lame really abuses their you know name recognition

and they put out product lots of brands that happens this one's the real deal you guys it's pretty amazing oh definitely you guys

If you have hair that is coarse unruly frizzy

chemical treated

damaged fragile needs help detangling you need that resilient blowout product it is

unreal love it okay next product that seriously guys

This has been around for a little while and i just need to share it with you because i think it's absolutely incredible

this is a mousse by kuhn and

this is the blonde enhancing treatment in platinum now this mousse uses sunflower seed

extract oil and

To soften your hair so it's not a crunchy mousse it doesn't do anything like that but it has violent

pigments in it and what it does for me you guys is it helps take down

Some of my grassiness i am just somebody who goes brassy if you are somebody who goes brassy if

I was still in my salon i have so many clients who i would be saying you have to have this product it's amazing and

a bottle of this mousse

lasts a really really long time the other thing it really does well is if you are blonde and you are growing out an

old weave or an old bowl iaj so you kind of have a line

you can put a little bit extra of that mousse in this line here to blur the line a little more i

haven't had color done in

Months and months and months and what i've done is i've used that mousse to blend my root line

So that i don't have a crazy root

and i mean this is my natural color up here that color enhancing mousse is

seriously such a game-changer you guys it's something that you can do at home

It's not expensive at all it's it's somewhere in the $20 range and it's basically

something you can do to keep your blonde looking nice and

fresh because it's not oxidized and yellow and it can help you with growing out your roots


game-changing mousse for sure

Okay the last thing that i want to talk to you guys about is olaplex so your stylist

add olaplex to your lightner in a very

precise way and what it does is it basically goes in and it multiplies the bonds in your in the process and

ensures that your hair is healthier throughout the lightening process you can go farther and lighter with olaplex

seriously amazing but the cool thing that a lot of people don't even realize is you can actually go have an olaplex

reparative service go into your salon and they can put a mixture of basically olaplex

solution and water in your hair

conditioner give you the most amazing

treatment and actually repair your hair it is seriously fabulous then there is a step three that you would take home and you use that

on a weekly basis until the next time you either get your hair colored or you have no lip lexx treatment

because if your salon offers olaplex ask for it

okay guys those were the game changes if i could recommend to you that you try anything i

would say to you talk to your stylist about olaplex and

definitely talk to your stylist about the brazilian blowout but i onic bonding spray

seriously guys i feel like shouting that from the rooftops because it's such an awesome

Product i hope that you guys enjoyed this video i hope that you have a wonderful wonderful week and thank you so very much for


we're invited



How To: Replace A Hayward Key Cover & Handle Assembly - Duration: 2:16.

-Hey, guys.Today, we're going to show you how to replace a key cover

and handle assembly on a Hayward Top Mount Valve.

Now, some of the reasons you might want to change the key cover handle

is first thing, is you're going to have a bad diverter.

Diverter is the pinwheel that sits at the bottom,

has the spoked spider gasket in there.

Let's say you're probably going to be seeing issues coming or water coming out

of the waste port or you might be having a jiggly handle that signs of a bad spring.

Or let's say you have a whole multitude of things like that happening

and you just want to replace the entire internals.

Rob, without further ado, let's keep going.

-All right let's get started.

All right, the first step is just going to be removing these six screws

that hold on the top.

[drilling noise]

Once you get those six screws out, you just lift out this top.

All right, before you put the new assembly back in,

just make sure this area is cleaned out, real wipe it up real good.

Before you put this back in, make sure your O ring's on there and nicely lubricated.

If you forget that, it will leak so make sure that's on there.

Also, there's a notch on the top in a nub right here on the body

of the valve so it'll match up.

There's no way to put this on backwards because it has to line up

with this little cut out.

You just put it in there, press it on and all that's left is putting the screws back in.

[drilling noise]

-Well, that just about does it.

If you have any questions about what we did or how to do it,

feel free to leave comments down below and look at the links in the description

and you'll be able to find links for the products

we used during the reassembly of the unit.

For any of your swimming pool needs, feel free to visit

and thanks for watching. See you.


For more infomation >> How To: Replace A Hayward Key Cover & Handle Assembly - Duration: 2:16.


Gearworks Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 32:53.

For more infomation >> Gearworks Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 32:53.


Famous People Who Live Surprisingly Normal Lives - Duration: 4:54.

After hitting it big, many celebs go for those "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" — with

the cars, the mansions, the designer clothes, and the vacations to prove it.

But for some of the most famous people in the public eye, you might not notice any change

at all.

Here are some mega-watt stars, who live like the low-key celeb-next-door!

Shia LaBeouf

It's probably easy to imagine actor-artist Shia LaBeouf, who's frequently seen in public

looking very casual, living a frugal life.

But while he may have starred in the billion-dollar Transformers franchise, you'd be hard-pressed

to find any of LaBeouf's colleagues wearing a paper bag on the red carpet.

In an interview with Parade, LaBeouf explained that his upbringing made him more grateful

and humble for his good fortune.

He said, "My dad and my mom were both artists who never found an audience for their artwork.

And so I lived in poverty.

Now that I'm not poor, I know that is what it was...So I look back at that stuff and

I'm grateful.

It's like scars.

You become proud of them."

He's also been working since he was 10 years old, motivated to earn money to keep his family

afloat, which helped him gain a strong work ethic.

Hilary Swank

Having starred in the likes of Million Dollar Baby, two-time Oscar-winner Hilary Swank is

used to playing tough women working their way up through the fringes of society.

But in reality, the actress has personal experience with this struggle too.

Swank told ABC News, "I grew up on a trailer park, and I had a dream…I had to fight my

way there, and I'm really lucky."

After moving to California, she and her mother even lived in their car, instilling a strong

survival ethic in the actor.

These days, life for Swank is a lot more comfortable, but she hasn't forgotten where she came from.

Swank explained to the Daily Mail that she's proud of the hardship she's been through and

that she appreciates how she can simply pay her bills now that she's financially secure.

Swank also admitted to appreciating "a sale as much as the next person," and that she

spends money thoughtfully, and primarily on her family.

Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook founder and billionaire Mark Zuckerberg is often seen out and about in a low-key T-shirt-based

ensemble, so the revelation that he's not a particularly lavish person shouldn't be

too shocking.

In fact, he's pretty minimalist about everything:

"I feel like I'm not doing my job if I spend any of my energy on things that are silly

or frivolous about my life."

And that philosophy clearly influences his wardrobe:

"It kind of sounds silly that that's my reason for wearing a grey t-shirt every day, it also

is true."

Zuckerberg famously married wife Priscilla Chan in the modest surroundings of the back

garden of their Palo Alto home, before whisking her away to Rome where the two were spotted

eating McDonald's just like two normal people on vacation.

It doesn't end there, however, as Business Insider reports that Zuckerberg aims to, quote,

"clear" his life of material possessions and is wholly unimpressed with the trappings of

wealth, noting his recent announcement to donate 99 percent of his Facebook shares during

his lifetime.

And of course, there was the news back in 2014, that "Mark Zuckerberg — worth $20

billion — drives a four-door hatchback to work."

Not exactly a Bentley, but at $30,000, the Volkswagon GTI goes with the grey T-shirt

for sure.

Carrie Underwood

You might not know it, but country music superstar and American Idol winner Carrie Underwood

is a total coupon queen.

Of course it would be reasonable to expect that shooting to such a high level of fame

so quickly could destroy a good ol' Oklahoma girl — but not so, for Underwood.

In an interview with Rachael Ray, the singer talked about what she eats in a typical day,

revealing how she and her husband, NHL star Mike Fisher, even ate at Subway while they

were dating, saying, "Mike and I went there so often that we joked it was 'our place.'"

And, although most of us would expect an American Idol winner to be unable to step outside her

door without being mobbed by fans, Underwood admitted that she does her own grocery shopping

and even clips coupons to save money each visit.

Shailene Woodley

She may be worth an estimated $9 million, thanks to fronting one of the biggest young

adult sci-fi franchises of all time, but Shailene Woodley is a famously frugal and down-to-earth


She claims, "My religion is the Earth, man...I believe in trees."

She also routinely hugs unsuspecting reporters, and, quote, "exclusively [buys] used clothes."

Woodley also noted in The Hollywood Reporter that she tries to be as environmentally friendly

as possible, even using a Mason jar instead of a plastic water bottle to stay hydrated.

Similarly, in an interview with The Telegraph, the young actor admitted, "I haven't splurged

on anything and I live a very simple lifestyle because that's the life that satisfies my


Woodley is pretty well-known for living off the land and making her own beauty products

and medicines out of whatever she can forage.

So, chances are she won't feel the need to dip into that multi-million dollar fortune

any time soon.

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus, check out this other cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> Famous People Who Live Surprisingly Normal Lives - Duration: 4:54.


Outcast - Second Contact Gameplay Series #2 Attrezzature e combattimenti - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Outcast - Second Contact Gameplay Series #2 Attrezzature e combattimenti - Duration: 2:23.


Transavia Jer & Mir reageren #1 | Vis meenemen in je handbagage - Duration: 2:47.


What's this?

I want to take this in my hand luggage.

Hi! Welcome!

We're Jer & Mir. We reply to social media messages.

Can you take peanut butter in your hand luggage?

That's a very good question.

I know the answer! No, you're not allowed.

Not allowed?


And do you know why? I did it once myself.

I took some once, as a present.

Just a jar?

Yes, a jar of normal, standard peanut butter.

Security told me it is considered a liquid.

So, I had to hand it in.

The jar was over 200 millilitres, or 100.

So if you had a smaller jar it would've been OK?

Yes, then it's OK.

In a sealed clear bag, with your toothpaste etc.

Yes, that is correct.


So, Yvonne: it's allowed. But, only in small jars under 100 millilitres.

Hi Transavia, can I take a bonsai tree on board?

It's my lucky tree!

Do you think it's allowed?

If it is within the dimensions, no problem.

But it does mean you can only take one bag along.

No, that's right, one item.

One item.

Summarised: Anna, no problem! Go ahead!

Can I take a fish in my hand luggage?

Is it still alive?


Like peanut butter is taken abroad for friends.

A fish?!

When I flew yonks ago, someone took herring. Unsealed.


With onions.

Why would you do that?

For friends abroad.

You wouldn't want to be in the cabin with that. Herring with onions!

Really disgusting.

It gives off a lovely smell …

But this, well …

Yes, Wouter, tell us what kind of fish?

And sealed please.

Even if only for your fellow passengers.

Yes, please!

Can I take frozen meat in my hand luggage to France?

To France. The flight is about 45 minutes to an hour. It won't defrost by then.

Only if your hand luggage is not too big. And if under 10 kilos and it's well packed …

I'd say: go for it!

No problem!

It's not liquid in any case.

What meat would you want to take to France?

Barbecue meat? Pork chops?

Meat balls? Meat croquettes?

That would be an option!

But they defrost in no time.

I want to take this in my hand luggage. What the …?

It's plastic and hollow. I use it to keep my parasol in place in the sand.

Can I take this?

I bet the webcare team laughed getting this one.

It's hollow, you know. And red!

Well, can I take it?

Yes. You can take it with you.

I would put it in your suitcase though.

Thanks for watching! If you want to see more of us …

… then subscribe below and like us.

See you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> Transavia Jer & Mir reageren #1 | Vis meenemen in je handbagage - Duration: 2:47.


AMERICAN CAMPUS TOUR IN A GOLF CART [Beloit College] - Duration: 7:27.


Slowly! Stop stop

Go straight, that's fine!

Come on! On the grass!

Go back on the path

Hi everyone !

Welcome to Beloit, Wisconsin!

Today we're taking you on tour, on this little golf cart

For a tour, a campus tour

We'll discover together where I lived 5 years ago for one year

Let's go! We're taking you !

Here is OIE, the international house

It's here that you'll be welcomed when you arrive on campus

If you have questions, etc.

Let's continue

The building in front of you is Middle College

It's a building...

with offices, etc.

And it's where

where graduation takes place at the end of the year

here you have the Beloit College sign

We'll stop in front of it

funded in 1846

On your right you have the President house

The College president's house

He lives on campus with the students

a nice little house

On your left, you can see

Eaton Chapel,

it's a former chapel, that isn't used as a religious building anymore

but there are concerts, big meetings

shows, it's here in Eaton Chapel that everything happens

We'll go a little bit closer

Straight ahead is the library

It's here that you'll be able to print, study, borrow books, etc.

It's open...

I don't know the hours but it's open all the time

"Voted Best guide by Tripadvisor 2017

And here we're coming on the main street

You'll see the houses, the greek houses

just like in the American movies

We're coming closer

We're entering the main street

And you can see the houses just like in the movies

The fraternities with the greek symbols on the houses

it's where students live

only students who belong to a fraternity, it's only for certain students

You have to be...

a member of the house to live there

And they also organize big parties, just like in the movies

On the right you have the French house

It's where I lived, because I was a French assistant

I lived there

for a year

it's the French house

in the middle of all the greek houses

The other students

"normal students" (I meant not in a greek house)

live in dorms

you can see them here

usually you are 2 or 3 per bedroom

I got my hand stuck in the steering wheel

things are going wrong !

Here it's Chapin

It's a building where everybody eats

students usually have a meal plan

it's a card with money for meals on it

and we eat there breakfast, lunch and dinner

another example of a dorm on your right

It's another dorm, and you also have co-ed

men and women in different rooms

but on the same floor you have men and women

and in your room you have your bed and your desk

and you share the bathroom on the landing

Let's continue the visit

What's super cool in the States

is that many people live on campus

as you can see there are dorms,

people sleep and live

where they study, we eat at the same place

there is this feeling of community

And that's why also people are close to each other

because we all know each other and we learn to live together

another neat thing is that we live right next to where you go to class

so you can wake up at the last minute to go to class

For example here on your right

It's a building where you can have class

you see that it's right after the street

you get out of bed, you dress up and you go to class

and if you want to be a true American...You go in your pyjamas (I'm kidding come on ;) )

Let's continue

It's an administrative building

with all the mailboxes

it's where you go pick up your mails

We're going to pass by middle college, the first building we see

it's this building

it's a very historical building

very popular

I'm going to go back on the road

Here it's WAC

It's the building where you're going to study languages

languages, history, etc.

it's a very neat and pretty building

There we go

I hope you enjoyed this little tour of Beloit

It's a very small college

between 1000 and 13000 students I think

We were around 1000 when I was there

it's very small

but it's so cute and I had an amazing time here

so there you go

if you want to know more about it you can google Beloit College Wisconsin

I hope you enjoyed it, and I will see you again on my channel my life in the USA

Bye !!!

For more infomation >> AMERICAN CAMPUS TOUR IN A GOLF CART [Beloit College] - Duration: 7:27.


How To: Replace A Hayward Key Seal Assembly - Duration: 5:49.

-Hey, guys. Today, we're going to show you how to replace the key seal

assembly on a Hayward multi port valve.

The main reason you're going to want to replace a key seal assembly

is that you're going to see water coming out of the waste port.

Basically, it's the main diverter, the round pinwheel thing in the middle of this valve

that diverts water properly throughout your system.

It's not the easiest thing so that's why I brought this big lug with me.

Without further ado, let's get going.

-Let's do it.

All right, the first step is just going to be removing these six screws,

the hole in the top.

[drilling noise]

Once you get those six screws out, you just lift out this top.

All right, we have the whole key cover handle assembly here,

what we're going to do is replace this key and seal assembly.

Some of you might be wondering, "Well, if it's leaking out the ports,

why not just replace the spider gasket?"

On this particular valve,

the spider gasket is actually already glued in so you can't just buy

this from Hayward, this particular gasket.

You got to replace this diffuser piece.

What we have to do is basically put pressure on this and compress it

and tap out that pin in the center.

We'll just use a hammer and a screwdriver to tap that out.

Matthew, would you give me the assist on this?

-I was born for this.

-There's a pressure in there.

All the way up.

Press it down again.

There we go.

Did I get your belly button?

-No, not this time.

-All right. Now, you could disassemble the valve.

-Yes, I'll do that.

[?] washer. -Yes.

You're going to reuse all of these parts unless you bought new springs and washers.

Okay, on the old diffuser, there's still a couple O rings

and a washer that you have to remove unless you bought new ones.

You should just pop right off

and get a little flathead in here,

get it over the lip here.

Get that off.


All right, we have the new key and seal assembly in hand.

I'll put the O rings and that little washer back on.


We've got a metal washer,


and another metal washer.

All right, we're going to go ahead and put the cover back on.

Put our plastic washer there.

Now, the fun part, compressing it again and popping that pin back in.

-Okay. When we're installing the handle, there's going to be one thing

that we need to keep in mind.

You see this notch?

The notch is going to be the selector.

That notch needs to be sitting over wherever this open wedge is.

You want to make sure this is pointing to that at all times.

When you're installing it, you want to be very mindful of where that wedge is.

That means we're going to be putting it like that.

I'll give you the handle and I'll do what I do.


Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.


Let's give it a little tap, tap, tappy.

-There. -Yes.


All right. As you can see, we've got the key cover handle assembly all back together.

I wouldn't say that was easy. -No.

-If you don't have two hulking men at home or women,

I would maybe consider getting this whole assembly instead of trying to install this

diffuser because it's not fun.

Let's go ahead and put it back on the filter.

[drilling noise]

-That just about does it.

If you have any questions about what we did or how to do it,

feel free to leave comments down below and look at the links in the description

and you'll be able to find links for the parts we used during the reassembly of the unit.

For any of your swimming pool needs, feel free to visit

Thanks for watching. See you.

For more infomation >> How To: Replace A Hayward Key Seal Assembly - Duration: 5:49.


FRONT FLIP 180 on trampoline | How To JUMP #18 [ENG. SUB.] - Duration: 9:35.

Welcome to another episode of 'How To.'


Today we'll be talking about a front flip with a half twist.

Let's go, step by step. Over there.


Let's start with the front flip as you know that already.

Front flip,

we land gently, hands down.

Don't lift your arms or direct them to the side.

To do this kind of flip, we must land with our hands down.

One more time, harder.

This takes more power, because once you land,

when you finish your flip on the correct side

– which would be the right one for me –

you do a 180-degree turn.

We land and turn.

I made it the first time!

One more time.

You have to do this a few times, don't go for the flip if you make it at once.

A few times.

And I made it.

Now we'll try to add this half-turn a little earlier.

The moment you land or before, you decide for yourselves.

I'll try to do this the moment I land.

Once I see the ground, I know that I landed my flip, and I'll try to do a twist there.

That was close.

A little harder.


Why hands down?

It would be hard for you to keep them this way.

You'd break and your stomach wouldn't be flex.

Hands sideways would make it hard for us to do a twist.

If we twist, it's best to take as little room as possible.

One more time,

this time I'll try to twist even more to do this 180-degree turn

before I make my landing.

Let's go.

Front flip.

That's it.

Let's try to make it better.

One more time, harder.

There's our flip!





Now a simple little exercise

that will help you in doing your twists

so that you don't twist just your head, legs or arms separately.

The thing is, when you do any twist in your flips,

it's best if your whole body can do it simultaneously.

The first thing.

We lay down.

Suppose we've finished our flip.

We let go of our legs and have to do a twist.

We try to do this at once.

Try to do this on a trampoline, though a hard ground would be better,

and then try to do such a twist.

There's one.

One more time.


Now we can do this just in a flip.

From this position,

we let go of our legs and already then try to start twisting our legs.

Rolling should be much easier then.

One more time,

I first hold my legs and then let them go.

One more thing.

I do a forward roll.

If you're afraid to do this on such hard ground, go for puzzles,

use a mattress, that sort of stuff.

Now I try to do this as slow as possible.

I let go and do a twist.

I used my hands, now I go hands free.

The final version.


Roll, grab, let go and twist.

It's working.

This might look a little funny,

but this is the price worth paying for a good flip.


Now for some mistakes that you can make while learning this particular flip.

The first mistake that is unfortunately there to stay with later elements

– no matter whether it's the front or the back flip –

is doing the twist too soon.

If while doing a half-twist flip you start twisting already in the beginning,

it would be hard for you to add another half-twists.

And so on.

That's why save the twist for the last moment.

This will enable you to do a lot of twists in the future.

Let me show you this first.

I do a twist in the very end.

Now see what it looks like when I do a twist too soon.

One more time.

I did not manage to do this right.

The other thing is that when you start doing a twist too soon,

you will lack your flip.

The flip should be hard enough so that once you go straight and go for the landing with the half-twist,

you might be able to finish this vertically and do another front or back element instead of falling flat on your face.

Another thing is waving your arms and legs all over the place.

Why is it a mistake?

It slows you down.

As you've seen before,

arms should be alongside the body

in any way so as to make everything stick together.

Don't do anything like this.

You might make it, but if you'd want to go for more, you might not.

Try to avoid these mistakes, and you'll learn tricks to come much quicker.

Now for some exercise that will help you make your flip just perfect

so that you get a nice momentum backwards after it for some simple trick.

We stand wall-wise and do our flip

so as to fall a little before it and hit the wall as soon as we land.

Let's do this.

One more time, harder.

Now as hard as I can.

That would be all for today.

Before you start learning this flip,

make sure that you've perfected your regular front one

to make a perfect landing and go through all these steps that I've just shown you.

Try to make your spine stable, do a few planks,

do a few twists, strengthen up your abdomen and sides.

When you do that, I think you'll be ready for our flip.

The next episode will feature another cool trick.

In the meantime, if you liked it,

give us some thumbs up and subscribe our channel.

See you in the next episode.


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