Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 14 2017

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,

YouTube uses 16:9 aspect ratio players. The YouTube player automatically adds black bars to videos in the player so that videos are

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If you upload a 16:9 video at its original aspect ratio (1280x720 recommended).The video will fill the YouTube widescreen 16x9 player.

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the 4:3 video fits widescreen. Bars will surround the video.

To fit the player perfectly, encode at these resolutions: 2160p: 3840x2160

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For more infomation >> How to remove black border from youtube video letterboxd - Duration: 2:14.


無料でiPhoneを動画キャプチャーする方法 - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> 無料でiPhoneを動画キャプチャーする方法 - Duration: 2:35.


All You Need To Ascend – Part 5 From A 5D Perspective - Duration: 9:57.

All You Need To Ascend � Part 5 From A 5D Perspective

by Fred Greaves,

All you need to ascend Part 6 From a 5d Perspective

Hi all,

I will continue with my series today on breaking down my checklist on raising your vibration.

I will combine two on the list today though, because I can see that time is speeding up,

and more and more of our realities splitting and merging again. So I see the need for another

�pause� coming up. If you haven�t read this, please do so, �Our Realities are Splitting�

as I will be doing a follow up on it very soon.

Seems as if the moment is here, and I want to make sure all are on board to ascend. For

those of you who do not understand or comprehend just what we are (light beings) please see

the following clip. When Gregg Prescott put it in an article recently and even though

I have seen it before, I really began to identify with it. So much so I have watched it over

and over. I feel at home when I see it.

Clip from Star Trek:

This why I �eat� sunlight now. I mentioned this in another article. There is a song on

the �Project� website that she (Lucina) insisted I include when it was launched back

in November of 2015. Now while each and every one of the lyrics pertain to us, there is

one that always had a familiar ring to it, I just never understood why�until now. It

says �we can live off the stars, it would be so easy�. What she was saying and what

I was remembering, is the fact we are light beings, and indeed can live off light.

Back to the Star Trek clip; can you imagine, blood from a big juicy hamburger dripping

down this guy�s face? No wonder why they thought Earth was barbaric, and said we would

fail! Let�s prove them all wrong, and go back to where we belong�.the higher realms.

With that said, let�s do it.

Where did you go?

Number 3 on my checklist talks about the coffee phenomenon. Drinking it seriously disconnects

you from the higher realms, and I�m sure the reason it has been pushed �as the #1�

drink all these years. Remember �Good to the last drop�?

The more you drink it, the less connection you have. Even one cup, will cut you off from

them, immediately.

Even though I am with Lucina 24/7 now, coffee disrupts our �flow�. She cannot be cut

off from me totally because we are one, see she left where she was and literally joined

with me back in March of 2015.

Yet it is as if instead of being inside me though, she is on the other side of the room.

I�m like where did you go? Suddenly she is so far away.

Nobody is home

I have many individuals I speak to as well as other mentors, yet the instant I drink

it, they are not around. It is like making a phone call, yet no one answers�nobody

home. It isn�t until my body fully assimilates it, can I reach them. That time depends on

your vibrational level.

Yet the best thing to do, is flood your body with pure alkaline water. This I will discuss

next, as it is also on my list.

Alcohol does the same thing, as it changes your brain chemistry. As a matter of fact

I was on a show recently being interviewed, when the host had mentioned a conversation

that he had with his grandfather, who had �passed� away years earlier.

He had asked his grandfather if he should go out and buy cough syrup and drink it all

down (basically changing his brain chemistry), this way their conversation would be enhanced.

The grandfather replied no, as a matter of fact, when you go out and get �High� thinking

the connection is going to get better, it does the exact opposite. It cuts you off from

us. Interview is here:

The ones who do connect though, are connecting to the astral plane�the 4th dimension. So

they really aren�t connected with the higher dimensions at all, yes extremely magical and

wondrous compared to the 3rd dimension, yet still playing with the dark ones. Like I have

said before, both co-exist there. So who knows, who and what you really are connected too.

This is why I stress opening your heartmind. They operate from pure love only, as seen

in that Star Trek clip�you can just feel it.

All higher beings say NO

I remember when I was in an accident in 1990, and �died� several times in the hospital,

yet was revived, when I woke, even though I was addicted to coffee, I felt the need

to stop drinking it. As a matter of fact anything hot for me was off limits�Tea, Hot Chocolate,

even Soup.

Later (recently), I would find out why. This is because everything is conscious, even water.

So, like the feeling I mention in (Part 4) about meat consumption, I guess I felt the

same here�it just wasn�t right and I felt it on a Soul level. The heat is like a torture

to them. I discuss that accident in an interview I did in August of 2015�.on the �project�

home page.

In the same interview, I discuss the channel that brought Lucina (I called her Sheryl then)

and I back together. She told me once that her Twin (also in the higher realms), just

despises coffee.

In addition, many I have connected say the same thing. Their Twins say coffee is not

good and a definite No, as it keeps you from them.

Pure water

Number 5 on my list is that we need pure water. Think of this, our bodies are made up of over

70% water, yet we do not monitor the kind we consume. Just like the tides are affected

by the full moon, so are we.

You have heard of the �crazies� out when the moon is full, right? Well did you know

that hospitals do not schedule that many surgical procedures at that time of the month, because

the blood flow is increased?

So when you Alkaline your water, you make it pure. Think of a yucky green swimming pool.

You need to add chemicals to adjust the PH, therefore getting a crystal clean pool, right?

Well it is the same here, by drinking alkaline water, you adjust the PH�cleaning the �pool�

in our bodies. The thing is we don�t see the inside of us, and just �assume� all

is good. Out of sight out of mind! Yet this is the cause of all illness and disease. Balance

your PH by alkalizing and all illness will disappear. I haven�t been sick in years.

Many have seen serious diseases disappear. Negative (bad) bacteria cannot exist in an

alkaline environment.

Other methods

Now I know all don�t have access to pure alkaline water, yet making some is very possible.

Many live in rural areas and have access to great clear spring water, and while it may

be partially alkaline, to make it 100%, do this.

Add lemon juice, this brings up the alkalinity. You can either cut lemons up, or do what I

do. I buy lemon juice from the local store, yet I buy their brand. I have the Lemurian

Plug in my house, so it becomes organic overnight. Info about the plug is on the CTTL site�located

in the bio. It changes the frequency of all within its �field�, and it�s a technology

that is over 20 million years old. So adding the lemon juice raises the alkalinity level.

The following is a tip from a fellow lightworker. This make work well for you also.

The best water I ever enjoyed was snowmelt from higher up on Mount Rainer. For years

I�ve worked at transforming tap water to pure drinkable water. Let me describe how

I do that, as it may help you or others. So, first I distill the water using a relatively-cheap

distiller from Megahome (I use a glass pitcher to collect the water). Next, I vortex the

distilled water using a Vitalizer Plus for 9 or 18 minutes. Finally, I store the prepared

water in an unglazed clay egg-shaped container (the water continuously moves due to evaporation

through the clay wall). Lately, I�ve put a few pieces of Shungite into the water and

that seems really interesting.

Re-reading this made me realize the importance of mentioning it needs to be in glass containers.

Plastic is toxic. Those little bottles you buy? They start off as a tiny bead of plastic

that is blown into the size of a bottle, and filled with the water at the same time. So

the toxicity from the plastic leaches into the water.

Tap although still low in alkalinity, is actually better then bottled water. Bottled water is

acidic and being acidic inside your body is the cause of pain and disease.

Flooding your body helps assimilate the coffee affects I mentioned earlier. Some cannot avoid

a cup, at a relative�s house (wherever), yet the negative effects can be mitigated.

Just �wash� it out of your system. Now that may take many glasses one after another,

yet there may be times you cannot avoid it, and this is the solution.

Much love and Light,

For more infomation >> All You Need To Ascend – Part 5 From A 5D Perspective - Duration: 9:57.



For more infomation >> 10 LIFE CHANGING REASONS TO DRINK MORE WATER EVERYDAY - Duration: 4:11.


How to fix youtube black bars on videos youtube aspect ratio - Duration: 2:55.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,

Why you may notice some widescreen videos that have black bars on all sides. The video file includes horizontal black bars

(letterboxing) at the top and bottom of the video player in order to fit a 4:3 aspect ratio. YouTube 16:9 aspect ratio player then adds

vertical black bars (pillarboxing) to fit a 4:3 formatted video to YouTube player dimensions. The end result is black bars all around the video

(windowboxing). If you're uploading widescreen videos, you can

avoid windowboxing by cropping your video to the 16:9 format.

YouTube uses 16:9 aspect ratio players. The YouTube player automatically adds black bars to videos in the player so that videos are

displayed correctly, Without cropping or stretching, no matter the size of the video or the player.

If you upload a 16:9 video at its original aspect ratio (1280x720 recommended).The video will fill the YouTube widescreen 16x9 player.

If you upload a 4:3 video at its original aspect

ratio (640x480 recommended). The video will display in the widescreen player at the correct size and ratio with pillarbox bars.

If you add letterbox bars to the top and bottom before uploading so that the video fits a 4:3 player.

The YouTube player will add pillarbox bars so the 4:3 video fits widescreen. Bars will surround the video.

To fit the player perfectly, encode at these resolutions: 2160p: 3840x2160.

1440p: 2560x1440. 1080p: 1920x1080. 720p: 1280x720.

480p: 854x480. 360p: 640x360. 240p: 426x240.

Hope, this information, is helpful. Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy, Please, like,

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For more infomation >> How to fix youtube black bars on videos youtube aspect ratio - Duration: 2:55.


Tarina Kolmesta YouTube-Starasta - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Tarina Kolmesta YouTube-Starasta - Duration: 0:49.


Danny Bowien Cooks Up Some Spicy Chicken Wings for Seth - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Danny Bowien Cooks Up Some Spicy Chicken Wings for Seth - Duration: 5:12.


President Moon holds bilateral meeting with Singapore Prime Minister - Duration: 2:14.

President Moon also met with the Prime Ministers of Singapore and Russia on the sidelines of

the ASEAN Forum.

Later in the afternoon he also attended the East Asia Summit, a gathering of leaders from

18 countries.

Hwang Hojun has more on what kept the liberal leader extra busy on the last day of his Southeast

Asia tour.

On the sidelines of the ASEAN Forum Tuesday in Manila, President Moon Jae-in held a bilateral

meeting with Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

The two heads of government agreed to expand joint efforts to prepare for the Fourth Industrial

Revolution and to make sure the relationship between the two countries continues to develop.

To achieve that, they agreed on the importance of linking Seoul's 'Smart City Project' with

Singapore's 'Smart Nation Project' and improving their bilateral free trade agreement.

Earlier on his tour of the region, President Moon unveiled his "New Southern Policy" which

aims to expand Seoul's relations with ASEAN members.

Shortly after, President Moon had another one-on-one meeting with Russian Prime Minister

Dmitry Medvedev.

According to a statement from the Blue House, President Moon and Medvedev reached an understanding

that Seoul and Moscow will never accept a nuclear North Korea and that Russia will support

Seoul's efforts to bring Pyongyang to the negotiation table through peaceful means.

The two also exchanged thoughts on President Moon's "New Northern Policy," which seeks

to reinforce economic cooperation with Russia and Central Asian nations,... including the

swift signing of a Korea-EURASIA free trade agreement.

Later the same day, President Moon attended the 18-nation East Asia Summit, which also

involves the U.S., Russia, Australia, New Zealand and India.

During this meeting, the leaders came together and condemned Pyongyang's continued development

of its nuclear and missile programs and urged the international community to enforce the

UN Security Council's sanctions on the regime in their entirety.

Talks were also held regarding the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP,

which President Moon initially had planned to attend.

However, due to scheduling reasons, the Blue House confirmed that South Korean Trade Minister

Kim Hyun-jong went to the meeting in President Moon's place.

HWANG Hojun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> President Moon holds bilateral meeting with Singapore Prime Minister - Duration: 2:14.


ASEAN Plus Three vow to step up fight against trade protectionism; Moon, Li Keqiang ... - Duration: 4:01.

President Moon Jae-in shared his vision for stronger economic integration between South

Korea, ASEAN, China, and Japan... as he met with all 12 leaders.

The most hotly anticipated event for Koreans was his sit-down with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.

Our Moon Connyoung who is traveling with the president starts us off from Manila.

(STAND-UP) "This is the Philippine International Convention

Center, the venue of the 2017 Summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and

related meetings.

The area in and around the venue had been locked down for days leading up to the main

event AND Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has made an executive order declaring the

three days of the ASEAN Summit special non-working days; schools and offices in the Metro Manila

area are closed today... to ensure safety, security, and convenience for leaders and

delegations visiting this country for the summit."

( +3 ) South Korean President Moon Jae-in is one

of the eighteen plus leaders attending the international summit.

On the second and final day of the summit, Mr. Moon, along with the leaders of the ten

ASEAN members and China and Japan, called for joint efforts to further liberalize trade

and deepen economic integration.

(Korean) "Let us build a community of peace, prosperity

and development in the East Asian region.

Let's together overcome the multiple challenges we face today such as trade protectionism,

nationalism, polarization, aging society, and climate change."

, , . , , , .

AND, of course... security challenges including the growing threat of North Korea's missile

and nuclear program.

(STAND-UP) "As are other multilateral or international

meetings, the ASEAN 2017 is also being used as a venue for numerous sideline one-on-ones.

For South Korean President Moon Jae-in, that includes Chinese Premier Li Keqiang."

( - ) One of the most highly anticipated meetings

on Mr. Moon's agenda in Manila: a rendezvous with Premier Li Keqiang... especially coming

on the heels of a breakthrough bilateral summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping just a few

days ago.

(Korean) "I hope our talks today will serve as a valuable

opportunity to discuss specific ways to expand our cooperation on issues of mutual interest

and normalize our practical cooperation in areas ranging from economy and trade to cultural

and personnel exchanges that deteriorated in the past year."

1 , , , .

(Chinese) "The two sides have made great progress in

the past while to take care of the sensitive issue step-by-step.

China, South Korea relations are already seeing positive changes."

The Blue House interpretation of the encounter... extremely optimistic.

(Korean) "Premier Li Keqiang said although it's inevitable

that the two countries run into sensitive issues as the relationship develops further,

his forecast of China-South Korea practical cooperation is very bright... and that he

was confident about the future of their bilateral ties as the industrial structures are highly


(STAND-UP) "Let's put the past behind and move on.

So, the agreement has been made and reconfirmed at the highest levels between Seoul and Beijing.

Experts remain divided on how smooth the relationship will proceed from here on out, but what's

for sure is that it's too soon to tell... and we'll definitely find more out in a couple

of weeks' time when South Korean President Moon makes that Beijing visit to face his

Chinese counterpart in December.

Moon Connyoung, Arirang News, Manila."

(ANCHOR TAG) President Moon made a surprise visit to the

makeshift Cheongwadae briefing room just a little while ago.

The liberal leader reportedly conducted a self-assessment of his eight-day overseas

trip... touching on the regional support for his North Korea policy and his meetings with

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang.

We will have more updates in our later newscast when we connect back to Moon Connyoung, our

chief correspondent there.

For more infomation >> ASEAN Plus Three vow to step up fight against trade protectionism; Moon, Li Keqiang ... - Duration: 4:01.










intro video *PIKOPOWERICK*


I'm Pikopowerick

so at this moment

i'm very excited

to make this video


i'm going to disscuss


once again, i'm so excitig

so you know what i'm talking about from the title

trending youtube

i mean


I can say


Youtube Trending Indonesia

too horrified

i mean


it looks different

either Youtube trending USA or other youtube trending


there are a lot of content creator (youtuber)

in the trending youtube tab

but, Indonesia isn't same

like that

just a few creators only

if you notice



because what i'm saying before

in Youtube Trending Indonesia

filled by reuploader

reuploader is someone who reupload someone else's video

i'm going to show you the Youtube Trending USA



the quality of Indonesian people

can be seen from the trending youtube tab

do you understand what i mean?

if you don't understand, just write in the comment below

thank you for watching

and don't forget to like


subscribe to my channel

is free

and i want a ask you

put your answer in the comment

what do you think about a creator enter the trending tab?

*outro video*




For more infomation >> YOUTUBE TRENDING INDONESIA TERLALU CRINGE - Duration: 5:45.


eSim ? Future of eSim| eSim in India| eSim Apple , Samsung and Pixel in Hindi by Vishwakarma Ji - Duration: 9:23.

eSim? Future of Sim. eSim in India

Like For eSim

Share For eSim

Subscribe For eSim

Comment For eSim

For more infomation >> eSim ? Future of eSim| eSim in India| eSim Apple , Samsung and Pixel in Hindi by Vishwakarma Ji - Duration: 9:23.


Щенячий патруль новые серии! Сюрприз от Крепыша! Игрушки щенячий патруль. Развивающие мультфильмы - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Щенячий патруль новые серии! Сюрприз от Крепыша! Игрушки щенячий патруль. Развивающие мультфильмы - Duration: 4:54.


Essen am Arbeitsplatz - Wie ist die Rechtslage? | Betriebsrat Video - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Essen am Arbeitsplatz - Wie ist die Rechtslage? | Betriebsrat Video - Duration: 2:41.


5 Manualidades fáciles, Cómo hacer campanas y coronas navideñas con papel reciclado - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> 5 Manualidades fáciles, Cómo hacer campanas y coronas navideñas con papel reciclado - Duration: 6:05.


Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.117 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.11.14] - Duration: 32:45.

(Episode 117) So Spotty burglarized your house?

But why?

He did tail you a while back.

Where are his things?

The things Officer Moo got from his girlfriend.

I looked through all of them.

Where are they?

At the precinct of course.

There must be something there.

Otherwise, why would Spotty take the risk of

breaking into Officer Moo's?

Man, this is driving me mad.

Senior Inspector Hwang,

why didn't you answer? You almost drove me mad.

Spotty has an audio file.

What are you talking about?

Among Spotty's things Officer Moo took,

there should be an old game console.

Hurry up and find that.

There's an audio file in it where

my father asks him to

go to jail in my place.


I'll go check the evidence,

so let's hang up.

Should we have lunch together?

Ms. Heo.

A critical piece of evidence must've surfaced.

Evidence? What are you talking about?

There must be an audio file proving Dohyeon's guilt.

He asked Hwang to find it.


Hello, sir.

(Storage for Seized Items)


I've heard a lot about you,

but we'd never met.

Let's keep this short.

Give me Dohyeon's audio file.

What will you do with it?

Which son will you give it to?

My husband said you were formidable,

yet you seem to be clueless.

You know this isn't the only bribe ledger, right?

You've gotten quite a bit.

Which son will I give it to?

Of course to the one who'll do good with it.

Make your decision here.

Will you go down with Dohyeon

or will you find a way to survive?

You really are remarkable as they say you are.

Recipient unavailable. Connecting to voicemail...

Recipient unavailable. Connecting to voicemail...

Hwang, you scumbag...

Why aren't you picking up? Why?

It's not there.

It's not there?

I ran into Hwang in front of the storage room.

I think he beat us to it.

What about the sign-in ledger?

If that's true,

he's guilty of theft and destroying evidence.

Did you check what was missing?

A chip inside an old game console.

I thought it was just a game chip.

What do we do?

What brings you here again, Inspector Cha?

Tampering with a witness statement wasn't enough,

so now you steal evidence too?

You could rot in jail for around 10 years.


I readily handed it over.

Your mother hasn't brought it to you yet?

What are you talking about?

She threatened me with a bribe ledger

and proudly demanded it.

Then what is your mother planning to do with it?

Anyway, I was cooperative

and readily handed over the evidence.

What will you do with me now, Inspector Cha?

I'd like to hand this over to Taejin.

What's the rush?

We can properly pressure Dohyeon with this.

Shouldn't you be compensated for the pain and

disrespect you suffered there?

Hwang seems to be out due to the bribe ledger,

which will make Dohyeon more anxious.

Should things not go well,

we can give this to Inspector Cha then.

The 'A' in this article is Inspector Cha?

The story fits perfectly.

The reporter keeps reposting the story.

If Inspector Cha's identity is disclosed,

won't he end up in a terrible bind?

This is really outrageous.

Inspector Cha didn't use violence against him.

His article is so vague.

Officer Moo, what did that reporter say?

That's right. What did he say?

Did he curse?

I don't really know what happened either.

Sure you do. You were right there.

Just tell us.

This is so frustrating.

Aren't you going on patrol?

Senior Inspector Lee's in a bad mood as is,

and now it's gotten even worse.

How did it go?

Inspector Cha, my office.

You know the lawsuit's been filed, right?

Go and settle with that reporter right now.

This is an order from your superior.


It's great you won't compromise your principles.

But you need to be flexible.

You'll put your whole life on the line for this?


This doesn't concern you alone.

Our station's reputation is at stake.

If you keep being stubborn,

I swear it's over between us.

Got it?

Meet with him as Senior Inspector Lee said.

Forget about it.

What if things get out of hand

because of your bullheadedness?

You need to settle before all else.

Did you get to see Hwang?

What did he say?

That he doesn't have it.

Then where did it go?

It must be gone because someone took it.

How can evidence disappear from a precinct?

I'm sure Hwang took it.

I'm sure of it.


How are you feeling?

The morning sickness isn't too bad?


Are you going for regular checkups?

I was actually planning to go today.

I knew something was off.

You're not that kind of person.

It must've pained you even more.

Suhyeok seems to have made up his mind.

I'm here to find out what you want to do.

Tell me.

I agonized a lot over it.


there's no way I can be without Suhyeok.

So you'll stay by his side?

Are you guilty of something?

Why is your head down like you are?

How will you live with Suhyeok like that?

Suhyeok, I'll tell President Gu it's a go.


Tell her we'll discuss the details in person.


Hello, Ms. Lee.


Wow. You're growing handsomer by the day.

Thank you.

Were you heading out?

I have something to do.

See you again, Ms. Lee.

See you.

I thought I'd said all I had to,

so why'd you come?



I can't leave Bora.

No matter what you say,

I'm staying by her side.

I'm sorry, Mom.

Go away with Bora.

Forget this place and go away for a few years

to have a good time with the baby.

I'm sure in a few years,

all this will be over one way or another.


The human heart is so fickle.

Just yesterday I didn't know how I'd look at her,

but when I saw her, I felt sorry for her.

Like Gunghwa said, it wasn't Bora's fault.

Even Gunghwa, the victim, says it's okay.

Plus, the two of you are so in love.

All we can do is just wait for time to heal.

Thank you, Mom.

Never mind.

Bora's going for her regular checkup today.

Go with her.

She must've been sad having to go alone.

I was actually going to come see you later.

Mother came by earlier.

I told her I wanted to stay by your side.

She probably thought I was very shameless.

She sighed and left, without giving me an answer.

She told me to go away with you

so you don't suffer

and can have peace of mind.

Mom said to focus only on you and the baby.

Let's do as Mom says.

Let's go.

You have your checkup today, right?

Let's go to the doctor.

Don't cry.

Don't you dare give out freebies again.

You must be generous

if you want a successful business.

You don't know anything.

So you'll give out freebies again?

I won't, I won't.

You and your nagging.


What brings you here?

Officer Moo asked to see me.

What for?

How are you?


Welcome. Come sit. Come.


Thank you.

Something must've happened to Taejin.


So he sued Taejin?

And the guy's refusing to settle?


Taejin's not one to lose his temper.

What did that reporter say to him?

What did he say?

I need to know if I'm to take care of this.

He spoke about Inspector Cha's mother.

What did he say about her?

Was it about the past?



But something was off about the reporter.

It seemed like he'd come just to provoke Taejin.

What do you mean?

I may be wrong,

but I think Chairman Jin was behind this

and what happened before too.

I got it, so don't say anything to Taejin for now.

I'll try to meet that reporter and settle.


Thank you.

It couldn't have been easy telling me this.

You have his number, right?


Ms. Heo.

How is Chairman Jin?

He was fine yesterday,

but he's not doing well today.

He seems out of it.

I'm surprised to hear from you.

I'd like to see you.

It's about Taejin.

What about Taejin?

What is it this time?

He's been sued.


Some reporter came to him

and mentioned the past.

Taejin couldn't take it and pushed him.

But that reporter is calling it an assault.

By "the past," do you mean...

But maybe Jin Dohyeon was behind this too.

Officer Moo said the reporter brought it up

as if he was determined to provoke Taejin.

What will Taejin do now?

What else?

He'll have to meet and settle with the reporter.

But if Jin Dohyeon is really behind this,

the reporter won't settle easily.

So I was wondering if you knew anything.

Who's the reporter?

(Park Sangtae, Hanse Daily)

Jaehui, it's me.

Do you know Park Sangtae of "Hanse Daily"?



What did he say?

Looks like Officer Moo is right.

Eat this for now.

I'll leave without pestering you.


I don't like to eat alone.

I'm sorry I got angry.

Fact is, I was ashamed.


Hwang said that woman took the chip.

Inspector Cha.

She even mentioned my name.

Why would your mother do that?

Maybe to blackmail Jin Dohyeon for money.

Money is more important to her than her children.

When Hwang asked me if I hadn't gotten it...

You don't know yet for sure.

She might actually be trying to get it to you.

Yet not even a call this whole time?

I'm sorry.

That chip could've gotten us an arrest warrant.

Thank you for telling me.

We'll just catch Spotty then.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

There's no telling what the future holds.

So let's not imagine the worst

and prematurely despair.

One must be positive about everything.

This will get cold. Hurry up and eat your noodles.

We're all in this to survive.


A box will appear if you press this.

Type what you want to say,

and the text will appear.

- Hi, Dad. / - Hi.

I'm back, Mom.

Why are you so late?

I met a friend.

What are you doing?

Haechan's teaching me how to send text messages.

I learn but keep forgetting.

Press "send."

Good grief. It's tiring staring at this.

Grandma, should I rub your shoulders?

Will you do that?

Turn around.

Your hands are strong, befitting a growing boy.

So is cooking fun?


My friends are very envious of me.

They are?

I'm relieved they're envious.

It's a different world these days,

so doing your best is what matters.


Will he settle?

You see...

He won't settle?

I didn't even get to meet him.

So what were you doing until this late?

He told me to wait,

so I did in front of his office,

but he went straight home.

Talk about rude.

I think Taejin took the wrong bait.

What do you mean?

Do you mean he did it to get Taejin into trouble?

Dad, what do we then?

What else?

I'll keep going until he meets me

and get him to settle however I can.

I had no idea...

Now it's clear why Taejin got so angry.

We went on about people singing his praises

when he was worried sick.

It's my fault. I should've kept my mouth shut.

I shouldn't have droned on about being proud.

You really should've tempered yourself.

What about you? Did you just sit back?

You went on about

how I gave freebies and our sales jumped,

so why are you blaming Mother?

What will Taejin do?

He just weathered a major storm,

so why is this happening again?

I didn't know it was because of Mom

and went off on him.

Because of your mother?

What happened?

Am I not supposed to know?

The reporter provoked Taejin by mentioning

stories about his mother.

Settle? No way.

You're taking this all the way, okay?

Good job.

I'll compensate you handsomely.

Is something wrong? You look distraught.

Why? Are you hoping something is wrong?

You were behind this too, right?

What do you mean?

A reporter said things to Taejin to provoke him

and is now suing Taejin.

It was you, right?

He's out for my blood,

so I am to just sit back and take it?

So how far are you planning to go?

Until your son dies!


Dohyeon, that's enough.

You'll regret this for the rest of your life.

You're not entertaining any strange ideas, right?

I misheard, right?

What strange ideas?

That I'm going to kill Cha Taejin?


That's right. I'm going to kill Cha Taejin.

I swear I'm going to kill him.

Taejin, it's me.

I'd like to see you.

What is it?

There's an audio file I got from Hwang.

I figured you'd need it.

See you at the cafe in Hanguk Hotel.

Mom, are you going out?

Yes. I have to take care of something.

I won't be long.


- Thank you. / - Sure thing.

Heo Seonghui's about to hand over

Spotty's audio file to Cha Taejin.

She's meeting him at the cafe in Hanguk Hotel.

Okay, Dad. Don't worry.

You want to live?

Fine. I'll let you live.


you must do something for me.

If you take care this,

I'll send you wherever you want

with a big sack of cash.

I should've given it to you yesterday,

but I had a lot on my mind again.

I heard a reporter came to see you.

I'm sorry.

You're suffering again because of me

after all the pain I caused.

I hope this can help you.

I don't know what that reporter said,

but it's not true.

I did leave you because I was blinded by money,

but I never did anything shameful to you.

I'm just sorry I met Chairman Jin after that

and have led this wretched life.

Thank you

for keeping me from utter despair.


I'm going to kill Cha Taejin.

I swear I'm going to kill him.


I may be overreacting,

and I really hope I am,

but Inspector Cha may be in danger.



What was that about?

Something might have happened to Inspector Cha.

Pick up, please. Please pick up.

Recipient unavailable...

What's wrong?

What do we do, sir?

Inspector Cha went to get the chip Spotty had,

but something might have happened to him.

He's not answering his phone.


Call the National Police Agency and locate

Inspector Cha's mobile phone right now!

Yes, sir.

For more infomation >> Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.117 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.11.14] - Duration: 32:45.


おばあちゃん 感動話! 貧乏だった芸人が 一杯180円の うどん屋さんで 出会った おばあちゃんに感動…。 - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> おばあちゃん 感動話! 貧乏だった芸人が 一杯180円の うどん屋さんで 出会った おばあちゃんに感動…。 - Duration: 4:39.


រឿងថ្មី{ទាយាទអាគម}សាហាវមែន(Teayeat Akum) - Duration: 2:57.

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