Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 14 2017

All you need to know about INTJ personality type – or THE MASTERMIND

One of INTJs characteristic are they can improve on almost anything.

INTJs are also one of the rarest personality types and, perhaps, the most misunderstood

type of all.

Depending on which source you read, INTJs account for anywhere between 1 to 4 percent

of the population.

But what makes this enigmatic personality type so special?

INTJs are analytical.

Like INTPs, they are most comfortable working alone and tend to be less sociable than other


Nevertheless, INTJs are prepared to lead if no one else seems up to the task, or if they

see a major weakness in the current leadership.

They tend to be pragmatic, logical, and creative.

They have a low tolerance for spin or rampant emotionalism.

They are not generally susceptible to catchphrases and do not recognize authority based on tradition,

rank, or title.

INTJ stands for "introverted", "intuitive", "thinking", and "judging".

Being introverted means that people with this personality type tend to focus on their own

thoughts and prefer quiet surroundings.

Being intuitive in this context means that INTJ people focus on ideas, concepts, patterns

and possibilities.

Thinking function in terms of 16 personality types means that a person with an INTJ personality

values logic and reason, and tends to make decisions based on facts rather than emotions.

Being judging means that this person likes structure and organization and prefers to

plan things in advance in order to know what the outcome.

It's important to note that letters in your personality type reflect your natural preferences,

but this preference is not absolute.

Any personality type may act out of character at times;

even somebody with an INTJ personality may become overwhelmed with emotions and make

an irrational choice based on that situation.

Or she may force herself to act as an extrovert and be successful at that,

however that would feel inconvenient and unnatural to her just like it feels inconvenient and

unnatural to write with your left hand when you're right-handed.

Myers-Briggs named this personality type "The Architect" or "Conceptual Planner";

David Keirsey called it "The Mastermind" or "The Scientist";

others called it "The Visionary", "The Director" or "The Strategist".

Intelligent, innovative, intense and private INTJs are superb planners who enjoy devising

elaborate plans, and will never begin a project without defining all its steps first.

If we were to compare 16 personality types to four temperaments model,

INTJ would be mixed choleric-melancholic type where choleric temperament is the predominant

temperament and melancholic temperament is secondary.

Hallmarks of the INTJ include independence of thought and a desire for efficiency.

They work best when given autonomy and creative freedom.

They harbor an innate desire to express themselves by conceptualizing their own intellectual


They have a talent for analyzing and formulating complex theories.

INTJs are generally well-suited for occupations within academia, research, consulting, management,

science, engineering, and law.

They are often acutely aware of their own knowledge and abilities, as well as their

limitations and what they don't know (a quality that tends to distinguish them from


INTJs thus develop a strong confidence in their ability and talents, making them natural


Being highly rational and pragmatic, people with "The Mastermind" personality type

are fascinated by science and technology.

They possess a high learning capacity; not only they can easily process difficult material,

they can also accurately reproduce received information.

How to Get an INTJ to Like You.

Clever and sophisticated, INTJs have little tolerance for stupidity and incompetence.

Maintaining their high standards, they expect from others just as much as they expect from


Only savvy and competent people can appeal to INTJs, and even then it may take a while

until they let you into their private circle.

If you want to strike up a conversation with an INTJ, avoid small talk as they find it

silly and annoying.

Instead, find a way to engage them on a deeper intellectual level.

INTJs can't be impressed by fancy degrees, titles or catchphrases.

To get their attention show them your real worth in terms of what you are capable of;

present actionable well-defined ideas that can accomplish INTJ's goals.

In forming relationships, INTJs tend to seek out others with similar character traits and


Agreement on theoretical concepts is an important aspect of their relationships.

By nature INTJs can be demanding in their expectations, and approach relationships in

a rational manner.

As a result, INTJs may not always respond to a spontaneous infatuation but wait for

a mate who better fits their set criteria.

They tend to be stable, reliable, and dedicated.

Harmony in relationships and home life tends to be extremely important to them.

They generally withhold strong emotion and do not like to waste time with what they consider

irrational social rituals.

This may cause non-INTJs to perceive them as distant and reserved;

nevertheless, INTJs are usually very loyal partners who are prepared to commit substantial

energy and time into a relationship to make it work.

As mates, INTJs want harmony and order in the home and in relationships.

The most independent of all types, INTJs trust their intuition when choosing friends and

mates, even in spite of contradictory evidence or pressure from others.

The emotions of an INTJ are hard to read, and neither male nor female INTJs are apt

to express emotional reactions.

At times, INTJs seem cold, reserved, and unresponsive, while in fact they are almost hypersensitive

to signals of rejection from those they care for.

INTJs Social Weaknesses.

In social situations, INTJs may also be unresponsive and may neglect small rituals designed to

put others at ease.

For example, INTJs may communicate that idle dialogue such as small talk is a waste of


This may create the impression that the INTJ is in a hurry, an impression that is not always


In their interpersonal relationships, INTJs are usually better in a working situation

than in a recreational situation.

All in all, that's all you need to know about INTJ personality type (or THE MASTERMIND).

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> INTJ: THE MASTERMIND (All You Need To Know About INTJ Personality Type) - Duration: 7:02.



For more infomation >> WHEN GF COOKS THE SAME ALWAYS - Duration: 0:41.


All Star But its an Alien Theory About How All star is Actually Trying to Uncover Aliens! - Duration: 2:16.

Hello welcome back to ralph wiggy.

Today's theory Is a-bout the song all star by smash mouth.

Be-fore we start the theory we must get some back knowledge.

About, smash mouth and THEIR hit song all star

Smash Mouth is a rock band, and they formed in 1992

They are in the soundtrack from the movie Shrek.

They are best known from their song all star Which how now been turned into a meme

So now that we, know all of that Why don't we get into the theory.

First we will start with the chorus So let's play a short clip now

Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play

Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid

And all that glitters is gold Only shooting stars break the mold

In the chorus, they talk about stars a lot.

Obviously talking about stars in space Then they talk about being a rock star

Referring to the media that's run by aliens.

In the song they mention meteor men And how they will affect the satellite picture

Again talking about media And how aliens are in control of the picture.

Now we, must ask ourselves, why would smash mouth, do this?

And write, a song about, how aliens, exist.

They are trying to spread to the public.

About how aliens exist

Now It, will be clear how, all star became a meme

It is, smashmouth using alien technology To be able to control

What becomes popular

Thank you for watching Please subscribe for more content.

For more infomation >> All Star But its an Alien Theory About How All star is Actually Trying to Uncover Aliens! - Duration: 2:16.


KuD es Feo - Duration: 0:28.

Hater: say it

KuD: I'm ugly

Hater: Are you ugly and?

KuD: a disgrace?

Hater: no...Ugly to much honor

Kud: I am ugly to much honor

Hater: well !! say it high

KuD: I am ugly to much honor

Hater: higher

KuD: I am ugly to much honor!!


KuD: I am ugly to much honor!!

Jelly: finally realized

For more infomation >> KuD es Feo - Duration: 0:28.


RetroVision Domastic - SICC[NTH Release] - Duration: 3:03.

Hello everyone!

Thanks you for watching the video

Please Subscribe to my channel to update the latest videos

Thanks you very much!

For more infomation >> RetroVision Domastic - SICC[NTH Release] - Duration: 3:03.


Supergirl 3x07 Promo "Wake Up" (HD) Season 3 Episode 7 Promo - Duration: 0:21.

The past couple of months, when I dream, I see Mon-El.


It's unreal.

It's incredible.

We have to learn more about the ship Mon-El was on.

Is it not you?

It's me.

Then make me believe it.

Supergirl, all new episode next Monday at 8/7c on The CW.

For more infomation >> Supergirl 3x07 Promo "Wake Up" (HD) Season 3 Episode 7 Promo - Duration: 0:21.


Bauer sucht Frau: Neuer Job für Narumol - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Bauer sucht Frau: Neuer Job für Narumol - Duration: 2:48.


Former intel chief arrested over suspicions of funding aides of former president Park Geun-hye - Duration: 0:41.

The former head of South Korea's intelligence agency has been placed under arrest on suspicions

he provided illegal funds to key aides of ex-president Park Geun-hye.

Lee Byung-kee , the former chief of the National Intelligence Service... is accused of funneling

roughly three-point-six million U.S. dollars from the agency's budget to Park's close confidantes.

His arrest comes... after Lee had been summoned to the Prosecutors'' Office on Monday,...

where he was grilled for hours.

Prosecutors suspect,... there may be a link to the funds he provided... and his subsequent

appointment as chief presidential secretary... after leaving the NIS.

For more infomation >> Former intel chief arrested over suspicions of funding aides of former president Park Geun-hye - Duration: 0:41.


지소연♡송재희 집안 몸매|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 10:54.

For more infomation >> 지소연♡송재희 집안 몸매|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 10:54.


Project Clan Live Stream: PLAYS ZOMBIES! ROUND 30+ ATTEMPT #1 - Duration: 1:35:19.

Sorry for the bad audio :(

For more infomation >> Project Clan Live Stream: PLAYS ZOMBIES! ROUND 30+ ATTEMPT #1 - Duration: 1:35:19.


Beautiful Vocals: Reasons of Being (Original Beautiful Vocals Music by Addie Nicole and LewisLuong) - Duration: 5:21.

Title: Beautiful Vocals: Reasons of Being (Original Beautiful Vocals Music by Addie Nicole and LewisLuong)

For more infomation >> Beautiful Vocals: Reasons of Being (Original Beautiful Vocals Music by Addie Nicole and LewisLuong) - Duration: 5:21.



For more infomation >> CHUYỆN MA TỰ KỂ: VÒNG TRÒN TÂM LINH - Duration: 4:08.


Unique Christmas Photo Card using the Zazzle mobile customization tool. - Duration: 5:24.

hello this is lorena from if you're familiar with our shop

you may know that we have some new holiday cards for this year one design

I'm especially excited about is our newsletters style card. It uses my

watercolor ornament paintings and there are some cool customization areas that

you might want to use. It makes it very unique and personal and I'll show you

that in a bit our shop is powered by Zazzle. If you

haven't used their tools before I'm here to walk you through it to make things

easier we'll do it right from my iPhone so let's get started

start by launching our site and click on the "shop now"

button it's right on the top it'll bring you to the shop we have

categories set up but the easiest way to find this particular design is through

our collections tab there are other items that can accompany this design

there so feel free to browse. I'm going to work with you on this folded card and

so let's scroll down and you can hit the blue personalized button below. you'll be

able to edit the fields of what you need so let's get started with the year. Let's

put top 2017 highlights

and text 2 allows you to personalize you can share some special noteworthy news

like maybe you adopted a new puppy just like this example named Zoe maybe

next field is started a new job maybe a new job as a chef

here you can write Michelle is taking ballet classes

maybe Sara volunteers at the food bank and Jane could have started high school

this year so maybe take note of that and share

you can go up to the top and see what the changes look like they actually just

take effect instantly so update it with your family lastname

there's also an additional area inside you can add a child's artwork that's

why I have this field as it says change it to by Michelle age 4 yeah

I'll show you scroll up to the top there it is if you don't want it to be the

kid's artwork you can think about another photo maybe the whole family together

just be creative and have fun I mean I did that design because I know my kids

they do bring home a lot of artwork from school and I'd love to share them

with our family and friends so and then replace a sign off with your names

this one I'm going to put love the Smith girls for example now click on a photo

and select one from your phone this is fun so in my favorites this is where

I've added what I'm gonna use today since we're talking about the new puppy

first and mom first let's use that let's put that photo there then add Michelle

next then Sarah and Jane

the last image is for the inside so select the kid's artwork and you can check it

out by going up to the top like slide left to right to view the changes cool


Now review your card just always review your card hit done and if you're happy

you'll get this message "nice! you're one step closer to making your one-of-a-kind

folded card a reality" so close and review your card at this stage the

preview mode at this step is clearer so you can have a look if you've missed


hit Add to Cart since we didn't change up the greetings inside it's gonna ask

you if you're okay with that it was I know I was pretty happy with it so I

just thought okay we'll proceed just Add to Cart, Add to Cart proceed to checkout

and make sure you create a Zazzle account, there are awesome deals now

especially with Black Friday sales and Christmas deals so I don't want you to

miss out just make sure you do your code at the end when they tell you. So have

fun and thank you for watching! Give us a like and subscribe if you found this

helpful and if you want to see other kinds of tutorials like this let us know

in the comments below. Thank you so much for watching and follow us on


For more infomation >> Unique Christmas Photo Card using the Zazzle mobile customization tool. - Duration: 5:24.


Ending Heartfelt - How could You fall in love with me? You are perfect and i suck (ft. Montell Fish) - Duration: 3:07.

how can it be that YOU'D fall in love with me

eventually, i'll learn it's plain to see

how can it be that YOU'D fall in love with me

eventually, i'll learn it's plain to see


How can it be

walking on by with an eye on the sky im feeling good when i know that im a fellow with price

and i aint die for my sin

i was sitting and lying until the light came down

finally opened my eyes i was blind to the sight of the light it was bright

it was dark i was lost then i called onto

GOD and HE Took all my wrongs and HE Looked to HIS SON and said "They're gone" man

you ain't gotta worry no more just rest man

you ain't in a hurry no more im the best man

life with CHRIST The LORD through the wind and the blood and the gore im YOUR'S forever

i'll be here forever whenever you wanna call

just hit ME just know im on im on yeah



how can it be

For more infomation >> Ending Heartfelt - How could You fall in love with me? You are perfect and i suck (ft. Montell Fish) - Duration: 3:07.


Authorities in Weaverville charge victim's brother in murder case - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Authorities in Weaverville charge victim's brother in murder case - Duration: 1:29.


Marty - The One With The Vibes [CC Lyrics] - Duration: 3:27.

yea yea


They say that I changed They say that I switched it way way way way

way way up Tell me how I changed

Cause I'm in the studio and the road and now they paying us

I'm going A-Okay Doing A-Okay

A-O, A-Okay A-O, A-O, A-Okay

Somebody tell me, what I've been doing wrong I feel like we been talking all night on the phone right now going

Way way way up

Always running around, feel like I know Feel like you tell me the things, that I feel

like you know I'm running around when you tell me a roll

Are you sleeping or not?

You acting so different, you acting so different to me


what did I do to ever make you get up and leave?

I did all my best, I'm doing my best Your friends keep calling

Liking my pictures on Instagram I know its all you see

This is my 15 min of fame Are we talking or going a fray?

They know what i say They say that I changed

They say that I switched it way way way way way way up

Tell me how I changed Cause I'm in the studio and the road and

now they paying us I'm going A-Okay

Doing A-Okay A-O, A-Okay

A-O, A-O, A-Okay What do you want is it my money?

Out here they acting funny I don't even know, even know

When I come around they act like they don't need me though

Like what do you want from me?

I don't know I don't help them out and they say that I'm

changing slow Yea if you get these opportunities

They reveal who you are, who you are They say that I changed

They say that I switched it way way way way way way up

Tell me how I changed Cause I'm in the studio and the road and

now they paying us I'm going A-Okay

Doing A-Okay A-O, A-Okay

A-O, A-O, A-Okay

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