Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 14 2017

In my first year of High School.

He said "Well not much about it, right?"

What the!?

How old were you then? - Me? You are asking the interviewer?

Hey guys it's Cathy Cat. Today we are gonna go and Ask Japanese

when their first kiss was. Let's go and ask Japanese.

When was your first kiss?

Second year of High School. - Who was it with?

He was... a really cool person...

Was it your boyfriend?


How nice. Damn it now I am so jealous.

Where did you kiss?

At the station. We were waiting for the train.

How was the scene? Was the train leaving or what?

This sounds like there is a super romantic story in there.

We were both sitting on the bench.

We let the train rush past us, instead of getting on.

And then we did it...

Was that all of a sudden? - Yeah.


Now my cheeks are hot.

I was in my first year of High school and we kissed in front of my house.

When was that? Morning or evening?

In the evening...

Did he take you home? - Yes after the way home.

Did he become your boyfriend then?

He was already my boyfriend. - How nice.

I see, so from Highschool, right?

So no friendly kisses in kindergarten?

So first year of highschool?

Please tell us your story.

He wasn't even my boyfriend.

We were at the house of a friend from Highschool.

He kissed me when I was sleeping. I don't really remember it.

Wasn't your first kiss rather stolen then?


He said he was sure this wasn't my first kiss and that's why he kissed me.

But it was my very first time.

I woke up and was like "hold on a second!"

I really had wanted to kiss the person I love first.

But he stole my first kiss.

That's terrible!

But well, he was quite handsome.

So I guess it's ok.

Did he apologize?

He wasn't sorry at all.

He said "Well not much about it, right?"

What the?!

That's how it went down.

What?! Did you slap him?

I didn't. From there on we became friends.

We are not in touch anymore but until the end of highschool we were close friends.

How old were you when you had your first kiss?

I was about Middle school age.

How old were you? - I was 14.

And you?

First year middle school so...

Around 13 years.

Wow you are early.

She was my girlfriend.

We kissed at a karaoke booth.

There is one thing I was always wondering...

In Japan, the boy has to make the first move?

Yes, mostly men do the first move.

But if you go with the flow, it works out ok.

We were both walking home from school.

and the atmosphere was just right for it.

We just kissed on the road.

Were you like "Let's kiss" or more like "girl...." kiss.

Was it really sudden?

There has to be the right mood.

You just go with it.

You don't have to say it, because you both know you feel it.

Its the "reading the air" that's so important in Japan.

Yes that one.

We are talking about love with everyone today.

When about was your first kiss?

Second year of highschool.

How old were you then?

I was 17.

I was in second year of middle school so about 14 years old.

- We were in the park. - Was she your girlfriend?

She wasn't my girlfriend.

You just took your courage and went for it?


What did she say to that?

She didn't say anything at that time.

You just kissed and then went home?


Did she afterwards decide to be your girlfriend? - Yes.

We were both... on our way home.... there was a bench....

that's where we....

Was she your girlfriend? - Yes she was.

I was in highschool. - How old were you?

I was in highschool third year.

First year of highschool for me.

At the park... in the park... we did it.

Were you friends? - Yes.

So he just launched at you? - Yes.

- He was my senpai. - He didn't say anything, just kissed you?

That's right.

She got her kiss stolen.

Were you happy or were you slapping him?

I wasn't really happy about that.

You didn't like him? - Yes.

Did you give him a reply to that?

- Yes. - What did you say?


We were both in the same school club. After the club...

we were talking after school. That's when it happened.

Was he your boyfriend or a friend? - My boyfriend.

Were you happy? - Yes I was very happy.

What school club was it? - Volleyball

We were walking around school and just talking.

And that's when it happened.

When was your first kiss?

I was in the second year of middle school.

When was it? - Not yet.

Who was he?

He was one year older than me.

That was at my house. - Oh wow.

We were just hanging out at home. When was your first kiss?

Me? You are asking the interviewer?

My first kiss....

that was in kindergarten....

We are talking about love things today...

I wanted to ask about your first kiss, but your mum is here too

maybe that's a bit hard to reply to...?

Let's ask when your mother had her first kiss!

I was about 18.

- In Highschool? - After I graduated.

He was a fellow student at my college.

Did you go out with him at that time?

Yes we did. He had walked me home. ...


In front of my child I feel a bit embarrassed.

Wow you're something.

I was 18 too. It was my exboyfriend.

So we got our reply. Thanks so much.

First kiss! We asked Japanese people when they had their very first kiss.

That was a bit of an embarrassing question, especially asking the mother and the daughter

but we tried anyways.

And we got some very interesting responses.

INCLUDING those gentlemen who STOLE a lady's kiss.

Make sure your partner would like to kiss you before you do that.

Especially if its their very first kiss.

You don't want to have that kind of stuff stolen guys...

It's something that gets given...

I guess it's quite hard for guys to actually

You can see 100% of the boys had to do the first move...

so I guess it's hard to tell if the other person wants to or not...

but if she is sleeping no no.

Don't try that guys. No.

Now tell this little devil your story. When was your first kiss?

Who was it? What scenario was it?

This gonna be so exciting.

I will come back to read that.

And read each others and give each other comments.

about their first kiss story.

This is gonna be such a great thread that we are gonna have in the comments section.

Be sure to leave us comments.

I am looking forward to reading the story of your very first kiss.

I hope it's a nice one.

I mean mine was in kindergarten, so mine was cute, I guess...

right... ? Does it count???

If not let me know. I hope, you have a very lovely day.

We have asked more Japanese. There are lots of other videos,

so be sure to dive into our videos playlist and check out the other videos.

I hope you have a lovely day and catch you soon on Ask Japanese.

Maybe end with this...

For more infomation >> WHEN WAS YOUR FIRST KISS? When do Japanese girls and boys have their first kiss? - Duration: 8:06.


How to hack the game "Magic Casino" - Duration: 0:52.

Add coins

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For more infomation >> How to hack the game "Magic Casino" - Duration: 0:52.


이달의소녀탐구 #213 (LOONA TV #213) - Duration: 0:59.

#NowPlaying "LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE - Uncover"

(The shooting site drew into the night!)

(Kim Lip's last outfit is warrior style!)

Kim Lip: Warrior woman!

Kim Lip: I think it's a pocket for gun!

Kim Lip: Oh, what is it?

Kim Lip: I think it's a pocket for knife!

(Kim Lip's warrior game is ended!) Kim Lip: It's fun, haha.

Choerry: I changed my outfit again.

Choerry: It changed a lot!

Choerry: Oh, JinSoul! Please come over here~

JinSoul: Time flies so fast. It's my last outfit...

JinSoul: Whenever I do a photo shoot, I feel like time goes fast.

Choerry: Right.

Choerry: And it's so fun!

Choerry: Right!

JinSoul: Your hair is wet

(Her hair looks so intense!)

Choerry: It's my concept for today~

Choerry: (Her first time to meet herself) Wow! This is how I look like~

Choerry: So cool!

Choeery: It's tough!

#NowPlaying "LOOΠΔ / ODD EYE CIRCLE - Chaotic" (She enjoying her tough concept...)

Choerry: I'm curious about how the pictures will turn out!

Choerry: I will do my best for the beautiful photo!

Choerry: See you~

For more infomation >> 이달의소녀탐구 #213 (LOONA TV #213) - Duration: 0:59.


The Smoothest Ride - Duration: 5:25.

So everyone knows the smoothest ride is one where you're just cruising along at some

fixed speed, there's no action in the speedometer, the only movement is in your position, which

changes every second and moves the same amount forward every second.

I mean, you can have a nice smooth accelleration or decelleration too, like, when you're

getting up to speed on the highway you might hit the gas which doesn't feel so smooth

but then you can accellerate smoothly so that your speed increases the same amount every

second, the speedometer climbing steadily.

So if a change in position is called speed and a change in speed is called accelleration,

what is a change in accelleration called?

Or as we'd say in mathematics: what is the third derivative of position?

Y'know, sometimes mathematicians come up with really terrible confusing names for things,

like "Real Numbers" instead of Decimal Placey Numbers and "Calculus" instead

of "lookin at slopes", but every once in a while someone gets it right which is

why the third derivative of position over time is called Jerk.

And that's really how you measure a smooth ride.

If you're at a steady speed there's no jerk, if you're in the middle of a steady

accelleration there's no jerk, but when you change the accelleration there is jerk.

Like, say you're driving at a steady constant 20 miles per hour through town, and then you

hit the highway and suddenly floor it into a smooth accelleration.

You'll feel some amount of jerk during that change from no accelleration to positive accelleration,

and then if you suddenly stop accellerating because you're up to highway speed, there

will be another little jerk.

Or technically it's a negative jerk, see, when you hit the gas you get jerked back into

your seat but when you suddenly let off the gas you get jerked towards the windshield

a little.

So then you're going a constant 60 miles an hour but you see way up ahead there's

a family of deer on the road so you hit the brakes and feel a jerk towards the windshield,

and then you smoothly slow down for a bit aka decellerate aka negatively accellerate

until you reach a full stop and at that point you feel one last jerk that pushes you back

into your seat.

Everyone knows that slamming on the brakes can throw you forward so it's interesting

that when you actually reach a full stop you feel jerked backwards.

But it's an effect you can feel when you drive and to see why it happens you can just

look at slopes.

And lookin at slopes is very helpful if, say, you're filming an action scene with a car

chase and you have to pretend to get thrown around and you want to do it in the right

direction, like, say after you stop for the deer you go into reverse as hard as you can,

so you're decreasing your speed into the negative, and then you slam the brakes until

you stop again.

Which way do you feel pulled?

Well, this negative slope means negative acceleration so when we're on the gas we get pulled away

from our seat, and then when we hit the brakes the speed is sloping up from negative back

to zero, so positive acceleration means we get slammed into our seat.

Slamming on the gas to get into reverse is a negative jerk that jerks us out of our seat,

and when we let off the gas and move to the brakes we get double jerked into our seat,

first when we let off the gas and then again when we hit the brakes, and we're glued

to the back of our seat while we're braking in reverse, and then finally when we come

to a full stop we get jerked out of our seat again.

So that's lookin at slopes and you might have to think through it if you want to act

out a car chase but the reason you should bother is because people have an intuition

for calculus and they can recognize bad acting when they see it even if they can't pinpoint

exactly why.

Brains are weird like that.

Like, y'know how I'm talking using language and most of you listening can understand that

I am speaking English sentences without thinking "hey, that was a verb, let's see if I

can figure out what object it applies to."

It's possible to pick apart grammar and use terminology to analyze language and that's

amazing, but what's even more amazing is that we don't need to do that to understand

language, we just kinda do.

I don't know what's up with that but I do know that there's a similar thing going

on where people communicate with calculus all the time without thinking about the terminology

or writing out an analysis.

Like, say you're driving so close to the car in front of you that, at maximum deceleration,

your speed would reach zero at a distance greater than the distance between you and

that car.

This is called tailgating and some people do it on purpose as a method of communication,

because when you're on the road in the oppressive mass of humanity all wrapped up in our individual

bubbles of isolation, the only way we have of reaching out through the void to connect

with our fellow human beings is with these mathematical signals --- we broadcast our

rate of change to the drivers around us trusting that, from mere observations of our position

through time, they will take the first and second derivatives and predict our collision

course and hear its intended message: you too can change, indeed, you must change!

Change or perish, for that is the common fate of all living things!

How sweet the moment when we see they have received our message and indeed change lanes,

and though we may accelerate away until reaching a new constant speed, leaving them further

and further behind with linearly-increasing distance, the bond of calculus will hold these

two human souls together forevermore!

I know that somewhere, someday, that very same driver may bring themselves close to

my projected position once more, and as they cut me off I will understand their calculus

communication and shout, what a third derivative of position!


It's lookin' at slopes!

Look at the slopes! it's calculuuuus! (lookin' at slopes)

For more infomation >> The Smoothest Ride - Duration: 5:25.


Naughty Cops ft. Sarah and Ashlynn - Duration: 12:10.

Ay what's up everyone, it's ya boi Motoki. Guess who I am joined with today?

-Just guess The lovely Sarah Baska, and Ashlynn Tapp

-Oh my God that looks terrifying. Today, we're in a cop car.. Why? Because

the f*ck not? -We're just feeling crazy today.

See, I've been dying to make a collab video with ya'll. You guys make such great videos.

-Stop No for real

-I know I think it's about time we made this collab.

You guys are like popping my cherry. -You're popping my cherry, I've never

done a collab with anyone else. We're poppin' each others cherries.

Hell yeah, I was a virgin before. -No Seriously, yes!

—Wait wait, you guys are uh, virgins? -…yeah..

Nah nah f*ck no -no.. virgins?

I just realized we never showed off the inside of this car here, let's do that.

-Alright, so we got Motokes, drivin' the sh*t.

We got this whole dashboard, I don't know if it does anything.

-I don't think so, this one says yelp which is funny, and wail *wailing noise*.

And then we got some cup holders if we're trying to get freaky.

Who's a good doggy?

-Oh my God, ew I hate that.

—That's so freaking weird sorry I'm actually into like beastiality so this is perfect.

Pull over your vehicle b*tch.

Oh wow this lighting (screaming).


Oh, it's a cop. Yup, hello sir. Just some other cops.

-Oh my God, you guys, you guys, he's literally following us.

Wait really? Should I pull over? -no, do not pull over.

Oh no, he has his lights on. His lights are on.

-Shut up dude. Record this record this.

—Yeah Sarah this is good content. Oh nooo.. remain calm.

-What do we say? We can film them right? People do this all the time right?

—I hate this guys. Be cool be cool be cool.

Hey, how's it going? -It's going pretty well, how about yourself?

Fantastic, yeah. We're just ah, shooting a video

-Sorry we're just filming a video. —Filming a video? Yeah, what is it? Uhh.. Officer B. Naughty?

Yeah it's just, we're doing a gag

-Just costumes. —Unfortunately impersonating a police officer

is a federal offense, I'm sure you're aware.

Yeah yeah ya, we're.. —Where'd you get the car?

-We're like YouTubers. —Hands where I can see them!

We're just doing this bit for a video. That's why we have this camera.

—Oh, you're doing like, films? Yeah yeah yeah

—Wait a second. Take your hat off for a second..

No f*cking way.

Are you Motoki?

Yeah! -Oh my God, No way!

—You're Motoki? My mom loves you! No!

—Yeah, my mom she sends me your videos all the time.

-No way, are you kidding me? —Let me get a picture with you!

Yeah yeah -Stop!

—I'll go grab my phone. -You guys! the Moms love you!

—I turned the lights off, no trouble here. We good?

-- Oh we're better than good. My mom is going to love this.

-Stooppp! --I'm shaking right now, this is amazing.

-This is not happening. --It's a video.. Mom, it's Motoki.

-What's your name? --Officer Sheryll.

-Are we good to go then? --Yeah we're good, we're definitely good.

Maybe I can hop in the back seat and be in the video or something

Ohhh... --- I mean, I'm cool. I do like crazy stuff

Oh you do, it's cool it's cool.

--- Should I get in the back seat or? How

are we gonna..? Nahh, we're just gonna go, but yeah yeah..

It was cool.. --You're gonna go?

-We gotta shoot some more stuff. Yeah, there's just like a lot of video stuff.

--My mom loves you so.. Okay yeah.

Okay so I thought that maybe we could put on some props to really just immerse ourselves

into these cop roles. Got a little mustache action going on here.

You'll take this spirit gum here, kinda just put it on our stache, like so..

-Oh, just like, on the skin. It'll kinda burn, not gonna lie. It's like

a tingling burn. -It's like a good burn.

Yeah when you're like, boyfriend/girlfriend is smacking you in the ass, oh this like hurts..

but it's like good.

-It feels like there's a giant caterpillar on my lip.

I feel like I could go kick some ass right now. -Oh honestly, I could do anything.

How you doing back there Ashlynn? --Just applied it, I'm feeling the nice stinga

ding ding. Oh wow.

-That just changed everything. Game changer.

-I feel like I need to talk in a southern accent right now.

You know, now that we got our mustaches on, and our ah aviators, how ya feeling? You feeling

like a cop now? -I feel like a cop, I would like a donut.

--There's something rushing through my veins, I just can't explain it.

Yeah yeah I feel like I, just uh, hate black people you know what I mean?

-Same --Something about a darker tone skin gets

me going. Chill guys, it's a joke okay..

-If you guys have advanced humor, you would understand.

Let's get down to business. This makes me feel badass, just being like

-No honestly We're in a cop a car, we got costumes.

Can we keep these? Yeah absolutely, if you're into role play.

-Oh yeah, that's what I'm saying. Question for you guys, have you ever been

arrested? Be honest. --I'm the goodiest of two shoes

-Yeah I have not. -What's funny is like in high school I was

really rebellious. Like, I would drink and party with my friends and stuff but never

gotten caught. All of my friends have gotten caught though, they've gotten MIPs and sh*t.

I don't know what a MIP is. -It's like when you're underage.

--Minor In Possession I don't know all these lingos.

-Wait what? No I mean, I didn't do drugs

-Oh right.. But now I do! F*ck yeah!

--One time in high school people were talking about cum, and I was like, what's cum?

-Wait no shit Ashlynn? --Sorry I don't have sex!

-I thought that sex growing up was just being naked with someone and rubbing your bodies

against each other. It's not that or?

-No I guess not. Oh yeah I was kidding I knew that!

-I guess there's some sort of insertion going on.

I feel like we were all pretty relatively innocent kids.

-Oh yeah no I was pretty innocent. --Sheltered as hell.

-I was very sheltered. So what the fuck happened?

Alright so we got our good 'ol donuts here,

this is actually really good. What if somebody just proposed with a donut?

-I don't even want a ring, I want my future fiancé to propose to me with a bowl of mac

and cheese. --The ring in the mac and cheese.

-No, no ring. I just want a bowl of mac and cheese. Get down on one knee and whip it out

of your cock and be like dude marry me. --Whip the mac and cheese out of your cock?

-Okay, it's a metaphor. Let's see if we can fit three of us in here

and then we'll take the thumbnail while we have light.

--Should we have our tits out for the thumbnail? -Hey whatcha doing?

Oh Joey.. Joey! Oh wait that's not him

-That's not him That makes me feel like a f*cking idiot.

Uh, excuse me, I'm going to have to arrest you for a robbery, for stealing my heart.

-Why you running from the cops? Oh you're not running.. You've just been running through my mind.

-My name is Motoki, I like to smoky, the loud,

feelin' really proud, going hard, in a cop car, grinding on the tar.

--That weed, that shit is a need.

Hey! Hey you, come over here. You got any

drugs on you huh? -No sir.

--Likely story Yeah, sureee dude.

-Smells like drugs to me. You don't have any drugs?

-THC --The joints, the doobies

-You look like someone that would at least do Adderral. You got Adderall?

You high right now? --No.

Okay. -I know your high!

Get the f*ck outta here dude. -Yeah your f*cking, get out of here dude.

Maybe be more fun next time? I don't know. You guys wanna go smoke some weed?

-Yeah --Yeah, yeah.

Alright, cool.

Oh, uh. *chussh* uh *cuuuu* I'm getting a uh, uh report

Ya ya, 4 2 0. Okay, yep. We're on it. --Yo we got a 4 2 0 call.

Yep -Motoki

Ya? --Oh Sh*t

-We're not actually cops though? Um.

--I mean fu*k... Just play along

-Just go with it? yeah, yeah lets go.

--Fu*k come on man. -okay.

Here we are -Oh god, here we go

--Yo -Yo thats whats up dude

--That was sick dude Alright lets go.

-I wish I could cartwheel Hey!

--Heyyy! Police! Open up!

-Open up! -No come on!


Where is the weed?

-- Huh? What, what weed? What is weed? Where is the weed!

-I'm smelling some dank dank up in here? --Yeah.

Hey! Wait a second! This isn't a lamp!

--Somebody is making a salad up in here becasue I'm smelling the devils lettuce


Where is the weed! --Where is it at boy! -Guys, guys, guys!

Oh... would you look at thatttttttt. -Is it oregano?

Oh ya --Yeah, yeah.

-Defenetaly oregano... --Oh shi*t. That's oregano.

Oh sh*t. --I'm going to need to take this with me...

Yeah! Yeah! --...for some investigation...

--We can make a really nice pasta

with this when we get home. F*ck ya!

How about outside, huh? --Yeah what you got outside!

-Lets take a look! Whats out here? You growing some kush out

here? Is that kush? Is that kush right there? -Is this kush?

--No, that is just normal plants. Oh, okay. That's just bamboo.

-Hey! What's this, huh? --Uh...

Woah! What's that? Jack pot!

-...this looks... Because, pot. Get it? That was good yeah?

-That was good, ya ya. -Oh sh*t dude. It says Girl Scout cookies...

Girl Scout cookies? Oh... How do you fit those? -F*ck. How do you fit Girl Scout cookies

in here? --Hmmm. Girl Scout cookies huh? Yo can I sang

that recipe later? --Yeah, yeah I'll just...

--We'll just like link up emails are good for this.

--email, email ya. What's in here!

-Hey! --Hey!

--Nothing! It doesn't open. It's been broken for years.

Oh sure. Ahhh!

--Ahhh! Look at that.

-Broken my a**. --Broken for years.

Broken. --Let's take a look inside why don't we.

What! Oh! Ho ho ho. -Woah!

--Holy sh*t! This bike is dope!

-This is the sickest Oh my god! What this is awesome man!

--I've been looking for this model on ebay man

Is this, this is like 1999 right? This is amazing!

-How did you get this model? The wheel.

--You can really ride in style. Wait? Wait a second! Oh my god!

--Hey! Hey! This is weed!

--Oh my god! You've been foiled! Ha ha ha!

What's this I smell? A promotion! -Ayyyy.

Listen uh, we're gonna have to, uh, confiscate

this operation. --No!

Sorry buddy. Alright. --I really hate to do this man.

-Make sure to figure out your punishment, your sentence, uh

--Come on --Ya, ya. We are so hot boxing the police

car -Oh absolutly

Ya we're gonna smoke the sh*t out of it

And we're back, ladies and gentlemen. -We're back

Thank you guys so much for being down to do this little video with me

--Anytime. -Of course.

Like I said, I've been wanting to make this video forever and now here, what's up. It's

happening. --Manifestation

Life is so good. -We love life.

F*ck ya. Also, real quick shout out to my boy Harlin

over at propcopcars. -Ayyyy

Amazing. Thanks for the hook up. Of the cop cars

-Thank you --Ya the cars are great

Oh ya. -They're perfect

If your in L.A., hit ya boy up -Hit em up

Thank you guys so much for watching. If you enjoyed it, maybe give it a like. Subscribe

even. Call me crazy. --Hit that bell possibly

Woah! -Hit that little bell bottom

--Click that bell -youknowwhatthatis

--That little ding ding -little ding ding

-*beatbox* *beatbox*

Thanks again so much, and we'll see you next... Motoki Monday

-Motoki Monday --Motoki Monday

For more infomation >> Naughty Cops ft. Sarah and Ashlynn - Duration: 12:10.


Eyes on Worlds: Episode 3 (2017) - Duration: 15:37.

- Bengi: Oh my god, we won! - Poohmandu: It's over!

- Faker: How was that so easy?

- Kkoma: Wait, but they'd have two tanks.

Isn't Shen more of a threat to us?

- Huni (Seonghoon): But for our last pick, we can get Gangplank,

a damage dealer, our comp will be better.

- Kkoma: If they take Shen?

- Seonghoon, if they do take Shen,

you have to show us your Gangplank.

- Huni: Okay.

- Huni: Sejuani no Flash.

We got her.

- Faker: Yeah, let's look at the next game.

- Wolf: Let's ready ourselves for the next game.

We were going to ban Shen every game.

But because of Gangplank, we didn't. So you really had to perform well this game.

If Shen had his ult, Blank shouldn't have engaged bottom either.

But all of that happened.

All because of you.

Let's just ban Shen, okay?

But it comes down to your skills, not picks.

If it turns out like that again let's just ban him.

It's a bit of a shame but let's ban Shen.

Everything stopped because of that.

I won't go into this anymore.

- Kkoma: Seonghoon, stay confident.

- Kkoma: Let's make it to the Finals, yeah? - Huni: Yes.

- Blank: If we get pulled in, it might not be good.

- Kkoma: During that fight at mid, you didn't have to use your ult, Seonghoon.

- Huni: Yeah.

Doesn't matter what's going on in the other lanes. I think you're seriously underperforming.

For you, Seonghoon, there is a big difference between not needing to be nervous and not concentrating.

That's something you need to overcome.

Even if other lanes are falling behind, still don't try to make a play.

We're giving you a champ that scales or just straight up good picks.

- Kkoma: Step back a little. Don't try to make a play, I beg you.

- Faker: If it's questionable, just don't.

You don't have to prove yourself today. If you have to prove yourself, save it for the Final.

You're dragging Blank down with you if you perform poorly.

Just keep that in mind.

Good fights happen at the top lane anyways, so just concentrate on laning.

You don't need to think about anything else.

If it weren't for that mistake, we would've won, right?

- Everyone: Yeah.

That's the real bummer.

We're not going to have control of any lane.

Just play your best, have no regrets, because this will be your last game.

We lost a game where we had the lead.

We've already shown all our cards.

So since our lanes will be 50/50, it'd be best if you guys made less mistakes.

- Bang: Vayne was totally a bad pick.

- Kkoma: So what he means is, if we didn't have that huge mistake...

- Faker: But we keep making those mistakes, so it's hard to play against those types of picks.

- Bang: When he had Rageblade and boots, I should have been ahead with Statikk Shiv.

- Faker: You're right on that, but we keep throwing.

- Kkoma: Hey, bottom.

You guys need to help the team and carry yourselves at the very least.

- Kkoma: Let's make up for Quarterfinals, okay? - Bang & Wolf: Okay.

- Wolf: I think we'll be able to carry this game.

- Kkoma: Okay, you don't have to carry.

Or yeah, carry this game.

Play well guys.

I'll be preparing our picks and bans for Game 5.

- Faker: Let's all focus. - Everyone: Fighting!

Jarvan, Soraka no Flash.

Soraka no Flash.

I'll initiate. Follow up.

Go Baron.

- Peanut: Nice job, Kog'maw.

Twitch no Flash.

- Faker: Nice.

- Wolf: We killed him.

Let's back off and go for dragon.

We can initiate.

- Bang: Let's fight.

- Faker: Huni, that was a great engage. - Peanut: Really well done.

Great job, Huni.

Wow, really...

- Bang: Ah, we won.

- Faker: Ah, I'm hungry.

I'm sorry.

I'm trash.

I'm trash.

For more infomation >> Eyes on Worlds: Episode 3 (2017) - Duration: 15:37.


Eyes on Worlds: Episode 4 (2017) - Duration: 11:38.

Rather than thinking I had lost my chance, in that moment I thought,

"Next year when we meet again, I am going to wreck you."

Last year, I felt fearless and able to tackle any challenge.

This year is now coming to an end

and I feel afraid to take those challenges.

I'm worrying about everything,

and I feel slightly less confident.

But as I've gone through the competition

what I'm feeling now is that

it's not all that bad.

This is a trial that everyone goes through and it's almost over.

I'm thinking positively that things will turn out better once I've reached the end.

I think the current SKT is

the team that has everything I dreamt of and wanted as a kid.

Has taken everything.

That team is SKT.

Usually, after you've become number one, you can become lazy.

But that's not the case for me.


I use my experience being number one,

to figure out how to get to the top again.

And that's how I'm always able to maintain it.

You can beat him.

Players have been able to beat him once or twice, possibly with some luck.

It's not like Faker is immortal.

I am unsure if this is good fortune or if this is our fate

but a second chance has come.

While we did our best last year,

this time I want to take this opportunity

and get revenge.

- Ambition: Look! You have to look.

- CoreJJ: Varus! Varus! - CuVee: I'm coming! I'm coming!

- Ruler: Kill them! Kill them! Kill them!

- Crown: Yasuo! Yasuo!

Most teams, when they got close to taking down SKT, they crumbled.

We did too.

Now with that experience

we won't crumble like that.

- CoreJJ: We can win this.

- Ruler: We can do this!

- Coach Edgar: As you guys know, this is actually the beginning.

They've lost two games many times.

- Ruler: Yeah, last year we lost two games and won two.

- Ruler: We can do it too. - CuVee: We can't let our guards down.

- Ambition: Let's pretend like this is Game 1.

- Coach Edgar: Don't give away anything for free.

- Coach Edgar: We fight, we win! - Everyone: Fighting!

- Coach Edgar: It's 0-0! - Everyone: Fighting!

- CuVee: Look at Karma.

- Ruler: Focus Karma!

- Crown & Ambition: Nice!

End it!!

- Blank: We have to back! This is bad.

- Faker: I... Ah, damn...

- Bang: I think this might be game. - Huni: No, not yet.

- Faker: Back off Trundle.

- Ambition: Just protect.

- CoreJJ: Yeah, keep protecting.

- Ambition: Get the turret.

- CoreJJ: They probably have tp. Back as we cover each other.

I've never gone into a game thinking that we'd lose because of me.

That's how I'm able to play with confidence.

- Ruler: Look here!

- Crown: Focus Karma!

- CoreJJ: Chain the CCs!

- Faker: Just leave me.

- CoreJJ: Guys, Tristana!

- Crown: End it!

- CuVee: Awesome! Kill 'em all!

Kill 'em all! End it!!

This year could have been the most difficult year of my life.

But since I was rewarded in the end,

it almost feels like God is messing with me, it's extraordinary.

I met Faker four years ago, when he had his debut match.

He defeated me and was thrust into the spotlight.

It took four years, but I was able to get revenge in a really satisfying way.

I am so relieved to have defeated Faker on the biggest and highest stage.

But honestly, since Faker is such an outstanding player

if it wasn't me, he would've beaten other players to get to this point.

For more infomation >> Eyes on Worlds: Episode 4 (2017) - Duration: 11:38.


Weekend Update: Eric and Donald Trump Jr. on Paul Manafort - SNL - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Weekend Update: Eric and Donald Trump Jr. on Paul Manafort - SNL - Duration: 3:30.


Weekend Update: LaVar Ball - SNL - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Weekend Update: LaVar Ball - SNL - Duration: 3:57.


Career Retrospective - SNL - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Career Retrospective - SNL - Duration: 4:23.


Weekend Update: Claire from HR - SNL - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Weekend Update: Claire from HR - SNL - Duration: 3:29.


Miley Cyrus: Bad Mood - SNL - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Miley Cyrus: Bad Mood - SNL - Duration: 3:43.


Whiskers R We with Tiffany Haddish - SNL - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Whiskers R We with Tiffany Haddish - SNL - Duration: 3:54.


7 shocking Survivor Series betrayals: WWE List This! - Duration: 3:15.


Survivor Series is meant to be a night for all star teams but

since 1987 the event has been the site for some unforgettable double crosses.

These are the most jaw dropping betrayals in Survivor Series history.


Paul Heyman and

Brock Lesnar might be the greatest tandem WWE has seen in the last 15 years.

But they briefly split up at Survivor Series 2002.

Then WWE champion Lesnar laid out Big Show with an impressive F5,

but his advocate stopped the count.

>> I think Brock Lesnar just realized that he's been had by Heyman.

>> When Lesnar realized what Heyman, did he gave chase allowing Big Show to

capitalize with a chair attack for the win and the title.

Shane McMahon made a critical mistake by asking Dean Ambrose and

AJ Styles to coexist against Team Raw at Survivor Series 2016.

Despite the commissioner's best efforts, a brawl still broke out between them,

allowing Braun Strowman to eliminate Ambrose.

The lunatic fringe returned, however, joining forces with Raw's Seth Rollins and

Roman Reigns, for a mini shield reunion to put Styles through a table.

>> Who would have thought Smackdown Live's teammates would be their own worst enemy?

>> The authority set high stakes for

their traditional elimination match at Survivor Series 2014.

If their squad prevailed, then everyone on Team Cena would be fired.

With each side down to three competitors, Big Show took in every man for

himself approach to save his job KOing John Cena and abandoning his team.

Vader assembled a rag tag crew to defend the United States against Team Canada.

Demaston recruited boxer Mark Marrow, Martial artist Steve Blackman,

and the master of bizarre, Goldust.

The only problem was that Goldust refused to compete.

When Vader tried to slap some sense into The Bizarre One,

Goldust bailed allowing British Bulldog to lead team Canada to victory.

Diesel carried Shawn Michaels group of teensters to a 5 on 1 advantage

at Survivor Series 1994.

HBK spoil the clean sweep, however, by attempting to steal the glory for

the final pin fall and inadvertently super kicking Diesel.

Big Daddy Cool understandably lost his cool, chasing Michaels out of

the building, and knocking down the rest of his teammates along the way.

>> [MUSIC]

>> It was winner take all at Survivor Series 2001, when team WWE and

The Alliance collided.

After the alliances, Stone Cold Steve Austin eliminated Chris Jericho,

Jericho sold out to kill WWE.

>> That ego maniac can't control his own ego and save his own job.

>> Mr. McMahon had an ace up his sleeve, though, Kurt Angle raced in and

clocked the Texas rattle snake with the WWE title to save the company.


Will we see any betrayals this year on November 19th?

Until next time, thanks for watching List This.

For more infomation >> 7 shocking Survivor Series betrayals: WWE List This! - Duration: 3:15.


Fan tunes out Aiden English in Nottingham, England - Duration: 0:51.


[SOUND] >> Shhh.


>> Please stop singing.


>> You can't sing.

>> What did you just ask me?

>> I didn't ask you anything, but you can't sing.




For more infomation >> Fan tunes out Aiden English in Nottingham, England - Duration: 0:51.


Kurt Angle annihilates everybody: WWE Top 10, Nov. 4, 2017 - Duration: 3:33.


>> [APPLAUSE] >> I wouldn't be in there if I was

Brian Kendrick.

>> [APPLAUSE] >> What a right hand.


>> Someone better get a spatula, cuz Brian Kendrick is cooked.

>> [APPLAUSE] >> And now, armed for that steel chair.

>> [APPLAUSE] >> The whiplash on that steel chair.

[SOUND] >> Kurt wanted this match,

he wanted to punish Bubba Ray Dudley right, the Dudley's put Kurt's brother

through a table, now they want to put Kurt through a table.

>> Table setup in the ring, Bubba Ray Dudley knocking Edge down.

Wait a minute, Kurt Angle, Olympic Slam through a table.

>> Beautiful >> Kurt Angle Olympic Slam of Bubba Ray

through a table.

>> Beautiful


>> [APPLAUSE] >> It's Kurt Angle.

>> My gosh, look at him.

He's like a wild raging bull, Aah!

>> [APPLAUSE] >> Kurt Angle is a suplex machine.

A trifecta of German Suplex.

Suplex he's got- >> He's on fire, look out.

>> No bridges gentlemen, all impact, he's punishing his opponents with purpose.

>> [APPLAUSE] >> Aah!

>> [APPLAUSE] >> If you don't want to give me an answer,

that's fine with me, I'm out of here.

>> Well you know, seriously what, whoa.

What the hell?

Come on. What are you an idiot?

My God.

Put the damn chair down.


>> [SOUND] Kane with a big,

big hand, whoa.

By Angle.

A low blow by Kurt Angle, the King.

>> Watch yourself there, Michael.

You're in a bad, bad spot.

>> No. >> Look out [CROSSTALK] plex,

through the table.

Angle could have broken Kane's back.

[SOUND] I think Kurt Angle is gonna make Mr.

McMahon pay for his sins here tonight!

>> [INAUDIBLE] >> Aw!

>> Happy Birthday Vince!



>> Wait a minuet.

No, no, no, no, no, no.


>> My God.

No, no, no.

My God no.

My God.

[INAUDIBLE] lock again.

>> He's gonna try to break that ankle.

It's time to, it's time to- >> My God.

Randy Orton. He's Randy Orton.

It's not bad enough that he's beating him.

He's trying to incapacitate him.

>> My god. >> Kurt Angle.

>> [APPLAUSE] >> Look at his eyes, I mean, Angle.

What kinda damage has done to that ankle?


>> [SOUND] And you gotta give it up for how tough this kid is.

>> [APPLAUSE] >> An Angle slam from the top rope!

>> That was sick.

[SOUND] >> I think Kurt Angle as

he brings Shane back to the ring and beat him.

>> Not again!

My God, right through the glass!


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