Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 14 2017

Hi, it's Maija here, with my October book haul. Now for some reason I have managed to

acquire 19 books in October. You might know that I normally do seasonal book

hauls, since I tend to acquire about 3 books per month, so now for some reason

in October I have acquired as much books as I usually do in half a year!

So, that happened. Out of those 19 books, seven were free, so that's great,

I bought three at full price, I bought three from different sales, and I bought

six used. So the first book that I bought was from a Kindle sale, and that was The

Ladies of Mandrigyn by Barbara Hambly. This is the first book in the Sunwolf

and Starhawk series. It's a fantasy series, and I had been keeping my eye out

for books by Barbara Hambly ever since Scott Lynch mentioned her in the High

Fantasy panel at Worldcon 2017. He mentioned her as an underappreciated

fantasy author and Robin Hobb was sitting next to him, like, nodding along,

so I knew I had to try out something from Barbara Hambly, and I found this

one from the sale. Like I said, this is the first in a series, and it tells about

a mercenary captain, who is a man called Sunwolf, and his first lieutenant, a

woman called Starhawk. And in this one they are hired by the ladies of Mandrigyn.

Then I was feeling this drive to buy new books and I gave myself a budget

of 20 euros to spend. And the first thing that I bought with that was the comic By

Chance or Providence by Becky Cloonan. So this collects Becky Cloonan's

award-winning trilogy: Wolves, The Mire, and Demeter. Those three she first

self-published herself and this is a collected edition published by image.

I don't specifically know what this is about, I only know that I love Becky

Cloonan's art, but the adjectives at the back are

something like "beautiful, haunting, and mysterious", so it sounds good. And then

with the rest of the money I picked up two novellas. The first was a

novella, Martha Wells' All Systems Red, the first book in the Murderbot

Diaries. So this is set in a future where all planetary expeditions have to have a

security bot with them, and this I think is told from the point of view of the

security bot who hates humans and calls himself the Murderbot - just to himself,

not out loud. The second ebook novella that I picked up was The

Serpent by Claire North. This is quite a mysterious novella, I don't know a lot

about it, it has just been recommended to me a lot. And this, I think, is set in

17th century Venice in this mysterious establishment called the Gameshouse,

and it is speculative fiction, and that's all I know about it. In case I didn't say,

that is the first one in the Gameshouse trilogy of novellas. So I had spent my

budget and I was still feeling the craving to buy books, so what I decided

to do was go through Project Gutenberg and the Kindle Store and look for

classics that I've wanted to read that are available for free, since they are out of

copyright, and I pick up a few of those classics. The first was The Hound of the

Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, which is a Sherlock Holmes novel that I

have read once previously, but I can't remember much about it. And I'm reading

the Sherlock Holmes books in order slowly, so this is the next one, and I picked it

up. I had also just seen Libby from Libby Stephenson read Pygmalion by George

Bernard Shaw, which is the play that My Fair Lady, the movie, is based on, and I

felt the craving to read it, too, so I picked it up. The next book from my TBR

that I found that was available for free was The Enchanted April by Elizabeth

von Arnim, which came to my attention when

Yamini from The Skeptical Reader read it. And this is about four, I think, English

ladies who rent a castle in Italy. And the final classic that I picked up was

Queen Margot or Margaret de Valois by Alexandre Dumas, since I love Dumas and I

want to read more of his works. While I was browsing in the Kindle Store for

those three classics, I also noticed the first book in a fantasy series that was

available for free. This is Lindsay Buroker's The Emperor's Edge. It is the

first in The Emperor's Edge series. I don't know what this is about at all, I know

that I think Elizabeth from Books and Pieces has read Lindsay Buroker's science

fiction series, so I wanted to try her out. Let's just quickly go and look at

Goodreads. It seems to be a steampunk-ish fantasy series about an Imperial law

enforcer who is sent to capture the Empire's most notorious assassin. So

after that, it happened that comiXology had a sale of Oni Press titles,

and I really enjoy Oni Press, so I gave myself a budget again, this time for 10

euros, since most of the comics on sale were about 5 euros per volume, and told

myself I could pick up two comics. The first that I picked up was Lucky Penny

by Ananth Hirsh and Yuko Ota, and this is a graphic novel about a girl called Penny

who loses her job and her apartment in one day, and she is now living in her

friend's storage locker, I think, and gets a new job at a laundromat. I haven't read

this one yet, but I think it was Amanda from Amanda Egle who really liked this

one. And the second comic that I picked up was Space Battle Lunchtime Volume One:

Lights, Camera, Snacktion! by Natalie Riess. I have read this one already and it is

about this human pastry chef or baker who gets transported into space into

this intergalactic cooking show competition. And I had to use all of my

willpower when I learned that this was a miniseries, so there are only two volumes,

and I didn't go and pick up the second volume, as well, even though it was also

on sale. But I will pick it up at some point, it was quite fun. My boyfriend had

to go and pick up some card sleeves at this role-playing game / comic shop,

so while we were there he also picked up for me the second volume of The Girl

from the Other Side by Nagabe. So this is a manga series about this monster or

Outsider called the Teacher who is looking after this little girl called

Shiva. Then I went home to visit my parents and my siblings, and while we

were there we went to a charity shop, and I picked up Lois McMaster Bujold's

Cordelia's Honor, which I was really glad to find there. This was only about 1

euro and I didn't have coins with me, so I got coins from my sister and my father

to buy this, so basically this was for free. So this is part of the Vorkosigan Saga. I

think this is a good place to start, since it tells about the mother of the

hero. It is about the first book in the inner chronological order, and this

combines two books: Shards of Honor and Barrayar, which are the two books that

tell about Cordelia. Then finally at the end of the month there was the Helsinki

Book Fair, and of course I had to go there. I really enjoyed going through the used

book section. So they had one section all for used bookstores and another for

publishers and book stores, so of course I just headed to the used book store

side first and went and found a used book store that had a big shelf of

science fiction and fantasy in English, and I picked up six paperbacks. These

were about three euros each, so they weren't that expensive. The first thing

that I found there was Sheri S. Tepper's Beauty. This is her Sleeping Beauty

retelling, I think it has a couple of fairy tales that it mixes there. I

haven't read anything from Tepper before, but I knew that I wanted to pick

this one up since it is a fairy tale retelling and since it is told in a

journal. So this is the journal of Beauty, daughter of The Duke of Westfaire, and I love

books that are written as journals. "My life in Westfaire; St. Richard of Chichester's Day

April, Year of our Lord 1347." Then the one mistake that you have to do

each time you pick up more than one used book is that you pick up a second in a

series. I picked up The Cygnet and the Firebird by Patricia A. McKillip, because

I was so glad to find a McKillip book and I am used to most of her books being

stand-alones. She has the Riddle Master series and one or

two duologies, and this is one of the duologies, and it is the second book.

I think our library actually has the first book, so I was lucky there.

The third book that I picked up there was Ill Met in Lankhmar by Fritz Leiber.

This is the first and second of his The Adventures of Fafhrd and the Gray

Mouser novels. This has two books in it: Swords and

Deviltry and Swords Against Death, and I have read the first book already, but I

picked this one up to read the second book. This is a Sword & Sorcery series.

I also picked up an urban fantasy, Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews, the first

in the Kate Daniels series. I don't know much about this one, but I have heard

good things. The final speculative fiction book that

I picked up was Sunshine by Robin McKinley, which is her vampire book.

I don't know more about it than it is about vampires and also Kelsey from The

Fancy Hat Lady recommended this one to me when I didn't like the one other

book that I read from McKinley, which was The

Blue Sword. I wasn't a big fan of that, but I want to try her vampire stuff and also

some of her fairy tale retelling stuff, which I don't have yet. There's like a

Neil Gaiman blurb that says this is the "unlikely crossroads of Chocolat,

Interview with the Vampire, Misery, and the tale of Beauty and the Beast." Then the

final thing in this haul is a mystery book. This is Agatha Christie's Death in

the Clouds, which is the next Poirot book that I need to read when I'm reading the

Poirot books in order, and my library didn't actually have this one in English, so I

was so happy to find this one at the used bookstore. So this pile is all the

physical books that I picked up in October. Let me know in the comments if

you have read any of these or if you want to read any of them, let's talk more

there, I now have to put this stack down. I will see you in my next video, bye for now.

For more infomation >> Big October Book Haul - Lots of SFF Books! | 2017 - Duration: 9:45.


Erzengel Uriel - Teil-Haben - Duration: 8:40.

For more infomation >> Erzengel Uriel - Teil-Haben - Duration: 8:40.


Пробај да не ја турнеш кулата challenge - Duration: 9:35.

For more infomation >> Пробај да не ја турнеш кулата challenge - Duration: 9:35.


DAEnUnMinuto: Karla necesita consejos para limpiar sus zapatos - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> DAEnUnMinuto: Karla necesita consejos para limpiar sus zapatos - Duration: 1:52.


¡Remate al poste y Portugal se salvó! - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> ¡Remate al poste y Portugal se salvó! - Duration: 0:20.


AVIX. - The Hills w/ Clever & Ontrio - Duration: 1:43.

AVIX. - The Hills w/ Clever & Ontrio

For more infomation >> AVIX. - The Hills w/ Clever & Ontrio - Duration: 1:43.


Printful and Redbubble Phone Case Review - Duration: 6:01.

hey everyone it's sarah from today I'm gonna do a really quick

printful review on phone cases. I posted a video a while back on some other items

I purchased using printful they were t-shirt sprints as well as tote bags so

if you want to check that out I'll make sure to leave a link above but today I'm

going to show you a few cases that I bought I also have an example from red

bubble if you want to see that as well I'll put that in the video so I

purchased a case for my iPhone SE as well as the iPhone 6 plus I

printed a couple different designs so right off the bat the cases are clear

they don't have any color cases so whatever you print on top will be

printed on top of a clear case so I printed two designs that were meant to

be transparent so I uploaded a PNG file and then I also uploaded an image that I

wanted to be the full case so it would look transparent it would look like that

was just the design that was on the case so for the first one I'll show you is

the SE case so it says stay weird and I did that with my handmade calligraphy

pen and then I also added some stars in the background and this is a pretty full

coverage case all the buttons are covered right here and it's pretty hard

in the center piece and then the sides are a little bit softer it also has like

a bit of a ridge right there it's very very small but I think maybe protects

your case when you place it down on a surface these are a little

bit difficult to get on the actual phone as opposed to the iPhone 6 plus so it

took a little bit of effort and some blood sweat tears but I finally got it

on my case this is the other design it's a monogram kind of gothic

fraktur s with a black paint splatter so this is what it looks like

it's pretty thin it's not a big lip there so it hugs it nice and tight I

like it I think it looks nice and the print quality is is pretty good you can

see that up close, so far I just have the black and white for these ones to

show you but I also have this one here which is the iPhone 6 plus and the

design is from this artwork that I put together here it was like this so they

do look different but that's not printful's fault because I actually

changed this in Photoshop so it would be darker so it will look nicer on the phone

that's what it looks like and I'm pretty happy with the print quality it has a

matte finish the only thing I'm not a huge fan of is that the artwork stops

right at the edge here and then the rest of the phone case is clear so it would

be really cool if it wrapped around but this one doesn't and in comparison to

red bubble because I have some other online shops like society6 case by red

bubble so I ordered a red bubble case I'll insert the clip in right now

because I sent this to a friend their cases are all white they don't have

clear cases and this is what it looked like when it was printed on white their

design also wrap around the edges which I like because then you can see it even

on the front of the phone so that's the main difference I do like that it wraps

around so it would be great if printful did that and to show you how they arrived if

you're curious how your customer we'll receive them. I ordered the

cases with a shirt so they came in this bag and then in the bag they each came

in their own little poly mailer and then in the poly mailer they came in a clear

plastic bag with the case inside and because I'm here and I'm wearing this

shirt this I also got from printful, I haven't ordered this style of shirt yet

it's the men's or unisex baseball tee but it definitely fits like a men's I'm

wearing a size small and it's pretty roomy it's also very thin you can see

I'm wearing a black tank top underneath and it's a little bit sheer this is the

print that I have done here the neck is also quite wide and the sleeves are very

roomy so it definitely fits like a men's baseball tee but it is very comfy and it

is kind of like the traditional baseball tee which is nice so if you're

interested this is what it looks like all in all I'm pretty happy with these

cases I do plan on selling these on my Etsy shop as well as ordering some more

just to see what they look like and to take photos of my product shots if

there's something that you would like to see that you would like to order from

printful let me know because I might be adding more items so it's good to know

what people are interested in or if you want to see videos on other kind of like

third-party printers like casetify, red bubble or society6 let me know, I

can try and do that as well if you like this video give it a thumbs up subscribe

for more and I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Printful and Redbubble Phone Case Review - Duration: 6:01.


A CURA PODEROSA COMEÇOU p/Arcanjo Miguel - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> A CURA PODEROSA COMEÇOU p/Arcanjo Miguel - Duration: 6:30.


Resistance Training Glasses | Simplexity Product Development - Duration: 1:38.

Hello, my name is Joe Bingold.

I am cofounder and CEO of Senaptec.

We develop tools to assess and improve how good your senses are.

So we came to Simplexity to develop our strobe eyewear.

The lenses can flicker on and off, which creates resistance training for your brain.

As a young company, we don't have a lot of internal talent to do the myriad of things

you need to do to develop a product like this.

And rather than trying to hire a bunch of different people all over the nation and bring

them in house, we thought, why not go to a firm that already has all that expertise to

develop products like this and then have them do it with us?

Working with Simplexity was pretty easy, to be honest.

They took copious notes, asked lots of questions about what is it we wanted to do, what are

our design factors, how much do we want it to cost to manufacture, what are our trade-offs

that we have?

The real reason to go to Simplexity was simply they have all the skills already in house

and we could immediately start working with them.

It's nice to communicate, "Oh, by the way, you have this problem."

It's even better to communicate, "By the way, in about a month, you might have this problem,

and so you should be thinking ahead now how you're gonna want to solve that so that we

don't waste any time in design or rework."

They are always looking ahead and that's super helpful.

They work with Fortune 100 companies.

They work with startups likes us.

They have got the whole gamut there, so listen, be flexible and listen to their advice because

it the end it will probably pay off.

For more infomation >> Resistance Training Glasses | Simplexity Product Development - Duration: 1:38.


The Elder scrolls Online - PVP - Войны альянсов - Duration: 1:49:43.

For more infomation >> The Elder scrolls Online - PVP - Войны альянсов - Duration: 1:49:43.


Estupenda atajada de Beto le quita el 2-1 a Team USA - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Estupenda atajada de Beto le quita el 2-1 a Team USA - Duration: 0:38.


What Does A Cochlear Implant Sound Like? - Duration: 3:31.


One of our Patreon patrons, Captain Nick, recently wanted to know what the world sounds

like through cochlear implants, which turned out to be a pretty popular — and interesting

— question.

Because if you don't have the implants yourself, you … can't really know.

Cochlear implants are one way for someone who's deaf or hard of hearing to hear speech,

and to understand what they sound like, you might be tempted to put the business end of

one up to a mic and listen.

But if you did that, all you'd get is silence, because cochlear implants don't actually

produce any noise.


Let me explain.

There are two main types of devices that help people hear: hearing aids and cochlear implants.

Hearing aids are basically miniaturized amps and speakers, meaning the world sounds a lot

like it would to someone whose hearing isn't impaired.

Of course, for a hearing aid to work, the person has to have some amount of hearing

in the first place.

If they don't, a hearing aid won't help.

Cochlear implants allow people with profound hearing loss or even complete deafness to

hear speech by bypassing most of the ear altogether.

What it puts out are electrical currents, not sound waves—which is why it's silent.

Cochlear implants consist of a mic, a processor, and a receiver with an electrode array.

The electrodes and receiver are surgically implanted into the cochlea—in case the name

wasn't clear.

Your cochlea is the part of your inner ear that converts sound waves into electrical

signals, which then travel to your brain through the auditory nerve.

It's a hollow tube that's coiled in on itself, which makes it look a bit like a snail

shell, and it's lined with special cells called hair cells that trigger nerve signals

when they detect sound waves.

If these hair cells aren't working—because they never have, or because of some kind of

damage—then it doesn't matter how loud a speaker you put in your ear: you won't

hear sound well, if at all.

So a cochlear implant kind of acts like a hair cell replacement.

The electrode array is implanted so it can stimulate parts of the cochlea directly.

The mic takes in sounds from the world and passes them to the processor, which then crunches

that sound data and interprets it into about two dozen "channels", each corresponding

to a different frequency of sound.

For each channel, there's an electrode in the array that zaps a certain spot in the


So what you "hear" is what your brain interprets from the combination of signals.

But those sounds aren't the same as what the mic picked up.

There are thousands of hair cells in a fully-functional cochlea, which is why hearing people can pick

up a whole range of frequencies.

With only two dozen channels or less, the sounds from a cochlear implant are so different

that a lot of people who get them essentially have to train their brains to hear.

It's impossible to completely replicate what it sounds like without zapping your cochlea,

but if you've ever heard one of those talking dolls when it's running low on batteries

… it's a little bit like that.

The channels the implant uses are specifically designed to amplify speech and make it interpretable,

but they're not great at replicating the complexity of real world sound.

As one person with a cochlear implant explained to NPR, the implants especially fail at relaying

pitch and timbre.

Because of that, it can be especially difficult to understand tonal languages like Chinese,

or to isolate individual voices talking in a crowd.

Researchers are working on ways to make cochlear implants clearer, but for now, even the best

implants we have make the world sound very different.

But for those who choose to get them, it's a way to listen to and understand speech — even

if it sounds a bit strange.

Thanks to Captain Nick for asking this question, and thanks to all our patrons, who keep these

answers coming.

If you'd like to submit a question to be answered, you can go to


For more infomation >> What Does A Cochlear Implant Sound Like? - Duration: 3:31.


Las Mejores Bachatas Mix 2017 - Romeo Santos, Shakira, Prince Royce - Bachatas Hits Verano 2018 - Duration: 1:07:58.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> Las Mejores Bachatas Mix 2017 - Romeo Santos, Shakira, Prince Royce - Bachatas Hits Verano 2018 - Duration: 1:07:58.


CBC NL on YouTube - Duration: 1:01:55.

For more infomation >> CBC NL on YouTube - Duration: 1:01:55.


100 YOUTUBE SUBS! (...and I'm a Twitcher, baby!) - Duration: 1:48.

Hi there!

I 'm humaldo

and today I'm super-happy

because today I reached

a very important milestone:

I surpassed the 100 Subscribers

mark on YouTube!

And as a side effect,

I was able to register my very own

YouTube Domain here,

so it's even easier for you

to find me in the internet.

And in other news

I'm now a Twitcher!

Last week I re-activated my twitch account

and I try to regularly stream

my gameplay, my let's plays,

with facecam and with commentary of course,

as often as I can.

If you're interested,

please visit my twitch page, my twitch channel,

and follow me there to get informed

when I'm online and when I'm starting

to stream a game

Because Twitch is just an awesome platform

to communicate with you guys,

it's so fun!

And if you do not care about Twitch at all,

I will just upload all my videos

to YouTube as well.

And, last but not least,

my survey, my humaldo plays! survey

is still active,

so if you haven't participated already

please surf to

there you can

just answer a couple of questions

and you have the chance to

win 30,- Euro there!

So, good luck and

I can't wait to read your feedback.

That's it already for today's update

I hope you liked it,

and if you liked it,

please consider subscribing to my channel,

It's humaldo plays

or follow me on twitch,

it's humaldo,

just type in humaldo

and you'll find me.

Thanks for watching,

see you very soon!


For more infomation >> 100 YOUTUBE SUBS! (...and I'm a Twitcher, baby!) - Duration: 1:48.


Outlander Season 3 Episode 9: Review "The Doldrums" - Duration: 7:06.

hi guys I'm Melissa Elise and you're watching Melissa Elise TV welcome back

to my Outlander review we cannot talk about season 3 episode 9 the doldrums

without first mentioning the change in the opening titles I talked a little bit

about them in my first reaction so check that out but I could go on for a while

about it so I'll just ask you guys to comment below what you thought of the

change in the opening titles did you like them and what speculations are you

making for the last four episodes of this season after watching them now

let's talk about the doldrums

the episode opens and cousin Jared makes an early appearance I wasn't

expecting to see him for a while since Jamie and Claire's trip to France has

been postponed but he helps them out by informing them that the ship that took

young Ian was Portuguese and is headed for Jamaica where young Ian will most

likely be sold Jared wishes them luck in departs and

before they get on the ship Jamie does take the time to ask Claire if she does

want to stay with him or not and if she wants to go back he will take her to the

stones however instead of giving a direct answer she just kind of says that

the most important thing right now is finding young Ian joining them on their

quest are Jamie's two former prison buddies Lesley and Hayes Mr. Willoughby

and Fergus as well as some baggage from Lallybroch but there really is some

baggage that he brings them it's a little unclear to me what Jenny and Ian

know at this point because Claire says that they shouldn't have any reason to

worry yet but Jamie wrote them a letter explaining everything I'm assuming that

means the letter hasn't reached them yet so they still think they're on their way

to France on the ship Jamie and Claire encounter several sailor suspicions

about redheads and women aboard as well as the luck from touching a horseshoe at

the beginning of the journey of course Fergus and his handfasted bride

Marsali until they are already far enough from land to make an appearance

Jamie is not happy about this but I think Claire is more upset when he

decides that she has to room with Marsali poor Jamie spends the first

half of this episode sick and puking his guts out while Claire attends to the

crew's minor injuries but she does make him a ginger tea however it's Mr.

Willoughby's knowledge of acupuncture that ends up curing him two issues this

episode goes back and forth over are the suspicions of the crew and fergus's

union with Marsali captain Raines and Claire have dinner discussing her lack

of belief in these superstitions and he strongly encourages her to allow the men

their beliefs at least for the sake of peace on board

Jamie continues to contest Fergus and Marsali's union refusing to

give them his blessing and while Claire does try to help Jamie and the almost

happy couple Jamie just isn't having it the real star of this episode though is

Mr. Willoughby he writes poetry and he's writing his life story but he won't tell

it until the right time because he'll have to let it go after then this

episode hits it stand still when the ship hits the doldrums which is a

literal thing I looked it up but it doesn't seem like the sailors

knew this because they're taken off-guard by it and start becoming even

more hysterical about someone bringing them bad luck by not touching the

horseshoe and they start looking for someone to blame in the middle of this

standstill Jamie and Claire find a nice quiet moment to spend looking at the

moon this was really sweet and I'm glad that Clare gets to express her feelings

of missing Brianna the crew ends up going weeks without wind and on top of

that the water goes bad Captain Raines basically gives Jamie and

Claire a warning that if things take a turn he won't be able to stop the crew

from turning against them they end up singling out one of Jamie's

prison buddies Hayes as the Jonah and unfortunately for him he can't remember

if he did or didn't touch the horseshoe so then he ends up thinking that he

didn't and he commits to end it all before the crew can get to him and

climbs up the masts and gets drunk Jamie has to go after him and talk him down

but not before he almost falls anyway but Jamie catches his hand and they both

make it down safely which the crew is not happy about and they still want Hayes

off the ship it looks like it's gonna be an all-out brawl

but then valiant Mr. Willoughby captures everyone's attention by telling his

story a beautiful device he uses not just to calm the crew but then when he

tosses his papers off the ship he shows them that the wind is back and rain is

coming as the ship gets moving again and the rain begins to fall Jamie and Claire

get together in a storage closet but the happy mood on the ship takes a turn

as a British ship arrives in need of Claire's help Jamie does object to

Claire going but Claire reminds him that she swore an oath to help people and he

realizes that arguing with her over it is a mute point she determines that the

sick men on board have typhoid fever but before she can help them any further

willingly they just kidnap her one of the things that got to me about

this episode was the Minor addressing of Jamie and Claire status they are

together but Jamie walks on eggshells around her which is why he doesn't tell

her about the acupuncture's stating that they are not on stable ground it's

interesting that they don't use the stand still in this episode to resolve

the issues between them and now they won't get to since she's been kidnapped

Marsali was another minor annoyance for me and she seems just as bad as her

mother since she tells Jamie if he forces her to go back she will lie about

Fergus sleeping with her so that she'll be ruined but all this is redeemed for

me by Mr. Willoughby just being an awesome character that's my review for

this week but before I go I'm so excited to premiere a new addition to my review

fan art this week's submission comes from Brandee B The Pirate Frasier's you

can find more of Brandee's work on Instagram at @brandeewine

and on tumblr at brandeewine or @picturethefraser's Thanks Brandee for your

beautiful work

and thank you guys for watching don't forget to comment below what you thought

of the new opening titles and subscribe so you don't miss next week's video bye

For more infomation >> Outlander Season 3 Episode 9: Review "The Doldrums" - Duration: 7:06.


Are All Religions the Same? - Duration: 2:07.

In Jesus we have a man who hadn't tried to raise an army. A man who hadn't tried to

start a violent rebellion. A man who hadn't tried to overthrow the

government. A man who didn't tweet inappropriately at 3 a.m. in the morning

none of those things but, a man who claimed to be the Messiah. A man who

claimed to be the world's true king and that claim challenged the authority

structures of his culture rights to the core and what intrigues me is sometimes

claims of intolerance and openness are actually just masks and sometimes the

mask slips and the reality comes through. All religions are the same you know

smiles the culture beneficently at you oh but the subtext is if you dare to

think there is something different about you then comes the the jackboots

then comes the iron fist to beat you into submission

on the other hand do you think that your progressive and enlightened for

affirming and smiling and nodding along at a statement like all religions lead

to God but what if that claim allows you to ignore those who are different to you

you see if you believe that all religions are the same that gives you

license to ignore the hindu, the buddhist, the Jew, the Sikh, the Christian, the

Muslim because they all believe the same and they believe it believe it exactly

the same as you do so you can stick your fingers in your ear in your ears sing

la-la-la and ignore everything they are saying you see one of the reasons

why the first reason why all religions lead to god is a bad idea

is it actually if you're not careful leads you to ignore people who are not

like you, not to listen to them, and at worst, as in the case of what happened to

Jesus, it leads to violence it leads to intolerance it leads to persecution it's

the very definition of a bad idea.

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