Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 14 2017

how's it going everyone so corn has definitely got to be one of my favorite

summer crops to grow purely because you there's a massive difference in the

taste compared to your own homegrown corn and corn bought from the

supermarket so I'm gonna be growing some down behind just behind me in a plot

that I dug up a couple of weeks ago so I'm just going to be planting a hybrid

super sweet or sweet corn variety and I'll be also explaining how I prepared

the soil and also the best planting method for planting your corn so quit

quit the jabbering and we'll just get straight into planting so here's a quick

look at how the soil is so this is the plot that I have got it is right next to

some Basil's that I've planted I've just pulled this mulch aside and it's

prepared it was prepared at the exact same time as the watermelons which are

just up there as well so it was prepared the same way so what I did is brought in

about a bit over wheelbarrow full of homemade compost and spread it out over

this area then I did also add some blood and bone and just slightly dug that in

and then put on a good thick layer of this piece or mulch and that's just been

sitting here and worms and other microorganisms have been working it over

the past couple of weeks so it looks really nice it stayed nice and moist and

it looks absolutely beautiful and fertile for planting the corn in so now

I'll get into how the best way and the best method to plant in your corners and

I've grown these from seed myself and they're really nice-looking they're

probably about 5 centimeters are about 2 inches tall so it's great time to start

planting them so I'm just going to be playing them directly into this bed here

now the bed is quite narrow and it's not that big and I've got about I think 15

plants or so but that is how I like to plant corn I like to plant corn

quite a lot closer than recommended and also the best like you really want to

plant your corn in more of a block formation rather than say one long

straight row you want to play them in blocks and this is because

corn is wind pollinated so it requires the wind to spread the pulling around so

it can fertilize and the corn kernels which is actually the seed they can

actually form properly so get straight into planting so basically I'm just

gonna say take this first one pop it in the ground like that take this other one

you plant it quite closely so I plant mine about 15 centimeters

apart 15 20 centimeters apart I'm gonna try and squeeze three in sort of right

okay so I've got three in sort of on each width and I'm gonna be doing that

but slightly trying to offset each one so that way no matter which direction

the wind blows the poem will be spread to at least a couple of plants so just

keep that in mind for planting corn you want to plant them in blocks or squares

not just like large rows so try and you have as big of a bulk as you can when

you're planting corn so many worms in here all that compost that we added a

couple of weeks ago so many compost worms which is awesome to see all right

now that I finished planting these in a good block pattern now I'm just gonna re

spread this mulch back over them only fairly lightly though and then give them

a really good water okay so now I'm just gonna water these in and we are

expecting a lot of rain this afternoon and also the next couple of days but I'm

still just gonna give them a bit of a quick water and just so they don't

stress because it is still quite warm and we've just come we're just coming

out of a bit of the heat Stoke so just gonna give these guys a quick drink just

so I don't stress out

and now there are planted okay so the corn is now all done and planted and as

I said we are expecting a lot of rain which would be awesome for the corn

because they are a type of grass and they do grow very quickly so a bit of

extra water is actually probably better for them so in terms of like pests and

other sort of you know nasties that will come and pests and diseases that will

come corn is fairly good I know definitely on in the early stages

sometimes legs and snails can be a bit of a problem so I will make sure I keep

an eye on that for the over the next couple of days I'll be coming out

regularly just to check on them other than that they don't really get too many

diseases sometimes powdery mildew sometimes towards the end they might get

some aphids especially in the actual cobs of the corn which can be a bit of a

pain if you just keep an eye on out eye out for him and get on top of it early

there will be no real damage done so that is pretty much the videos so I

thank you guys for watching and thank you you just want to give a quick shout

out to the patrons my patrons thank you guys so much you guys are amazing if you

want to check out patron I'll leave a little link in the YouTube card card in

the top right corner for you otherwise at the end there will be a bit of a tile

that you can go and click on and have a sauce if you want so if you liked that

video make sure you give it a big thumbs up and pop down in the comments

suggestions or questions pop them down in the comments box below or if you want

to say g'day pop that down as well and if you haven't subscribe make sure you

do click on my face I'll be popping up around here somewhere and that way

you'll stay notified and updated for whenever I post a new video here in

YouTube and come along and a suss out what I'm talking about or what I'm

growing so again hope you guys like that video and I hope you're all having a

cracker of a week and I will catch you guys next time cheers OH

For more infomation >> How to Plant Sweet Corn (For Bigger Harvests) - Duration: 6:04.


Why Do Women Give Birth Lying Down? - Duration: 7:40.

If you're like me, your social media is filled with pictures of beaming parents, and

cute babies.

But in the midst of that postnatal glow, I bet you haven't stopped to wonder: when

did women start giving birth lying on their backs?

Now I've heard a slew of pregnancy related myths, from the position of the baby bump

predicting a newborn's gender, to the size of a mother's nose indicating the imminent

arrival of a bouncing bundle of joy.

But I have to admit, the idea of women delivering in any position besides lying on their backs

never occurred to me as a particularly hot button issue.

Perhaps it's because most women in the US give birth in hospitals, where being in a

bed is considered the standard procedure.

And if most of us think about every birth scene we have ever witnessed, either in popular

media or in real life, we probably conjure up images of a woman in a hospital bed with

nurses and doctors positioned at her feet, ready to catch a new baby as it enters the


But it turns out that this wasn't always the case.

And that's because male doctors weren't always involved.

Because while women have been having babies since...humans, they weren't usually going

to the hospital for births until the 20th century.

So if you're like me and secretly addicted to the series Call the Midwife, then you've

probably wondered:

What were women doing during childbirth before hospital births were commonplace?

Well before the hospital, home birth was the norm, with most women being attended to by

midwives and female family members.

And that's because people's suspicions of hospitals were pretty well founded.

According to Professor Melissa Thomasson at the University of Miami (and our previous

video on US healthcare!) hospitals functioned primarily as almshouses for the poor until

the 20th century.

This included 19th century maternity hospitals that were primarily used for poor women, whether

married or unmarried, and women in urban locations who needed a place to deliver.

By the 18th & 19th century, physicians (primarily men) were being trained in delivering babies,

and introduced the use of forceps, ether, and chloroform to speed up deliveries and

reduce pain.

Which side note never use any of these near a pregnant woman.

So although maternity hospitals provided essential services to poor women, they also served as

places where doctors used women from vulnerable populations to examine "difficult births"

as case studies for future work.

But because of cross contamination in many hospitals, you had as much chance of getting

out of there alive as an unattended teen wandering into the woods durings a horror movie.

Early medicine relied heavily on an apprenticeship system, where a young student would work under

a practicing doctor and receive training before eventually graduating to taking care of patients

of their own.

But by 1910 with the release of the Flexner report on the status of medical schools in

the US, medical training improved through standardization, increasing the number of

well trained and qualified physicians.

As for birthing positions, these varied based on time period and location.

According to ancient historian Valerie French, when Greek physician sora-nuss reported on

the practices of childbirth and midwives in the 2nd century AD, he noted that women often

gave birth in a chair sitting up.

And this was a special chair with a crescent shaped hole in the seat to...well you get

the picture.

Birth stools with a similar designs were used until as late as the 18th century.

And many home births encouraged women to use various squatting, sitting, standing, or upright


That's because the same muscles used to squat are pretty much the same muscles used

to push out a baby, and some argue that our old friend gravity can play an important role

in moving things along.

Oddly enough these are the same muscles used for a much less joyous occasion: bowel movements!

This gross fact is probably why giving women in labor enemas was considered common practice

in the early to mid 20th century, although it's mostly considered unnecessary and unhelpful


Other positions for childbirth included curling on your side, and yes, lying on your back

with knees brought up towards your chest to help with birth.

But the lithotomy position, the phrase used to describe being on your back with your feet

up in stirrups, wasn't the only standard for women in labor.

It varied from delivery to delivery based on the needs of the women in labor and their


So giving birth was a pretty every day procedure that took place mostly at home, not the hospital.

And most women were attended to by midwives and female family members, not male physicians.

But that all changed in the 20th century.

In 1900, only 5% of all births took place at the hospitals in the US.

By 1939 around 50% of births were taking place in hospitals around the country.

But in the early days of childbirths shifting from homes to hospitals, it's not entirely

clear if this reduced or increased the risk of fatality for either mothers or infants.

In fact, until the late 1930s, outcomes for mothers and babies stayed relatively the same

as they were before the hospital became the norm.

So that brings us to our next question:

Why did women start flocking to hospitals for a procedure that used to be largely confined

to the home if the outcomes weren't much different?

And why are most of them lying down?

Seems like the answer here is one part improvement of medical intervention and one part convenience

but not for who you'd expect.

In 1937 sulfa drugs (the first successful antibiotic before the use of penicillin in

the 1940s) saw a marked improvement in outcomes for patients who delivered in hospitals.

With this innovation, hospital births started to become safer than at home births, and the

improved outcomes drew more women to deliver there than at home.

In their book Lying In: A History of Childbirth in America Dorothy and Richard Wertz write

about the shifts in American childbirth practices after the Civil War and into the 20th century:

"...Doctors were on the lookout for trouble in birth...In line with that perception, doctors

increased their control over the patients during labor and delivery, rendering them

more powerless in the experience to participate in birth.

Women acceded to the doctors' increasing control because they also believed that their

methods would make birth safer."

(Wertz and Wertz 136)

So as childbirth in hospitals picked up speed in the 20th century, doctors had more say

and control over what happened in the delivery room.

The lithotomy position was originally used for the removal of bladder stones.

In 17th century France, obstetrics and lithotomy were combined and it's postulated that this

is when the reclining position was incorporated into some births.

But it wasn't necessarily because this is the easiest position to give birth, but rather

a hangover from a few different practices.

When male physicians and surgeons began attending to female patients during labor in the 18th

and 19th centuries, modesty was a huge concern for both parties.

As a result, some physicians had women lie on their backs and covered their patients'

legs, so they could feel what they were doing but not actually see any sensitive parts.

But the literature on birthing positions remained unclear even into the early 20th century,

with many relying on either the lithotomy position or positions where women are lying

flat on their backs because this was what a lot of doctors recommended.

But in the latter half of the 20th century women in the US began to push back (for lack

of a better term) and other birthing positions began to be adopted once again, including

women sitting upright, lying on their sides, or squatting.

And because births are varied and unique, some positions work better for some women

than others.

It's all a matter of the right fit.

So how does it all add up?

Well if we look at the timeline, the lithotomy position emerged as a concern for modesty

mixed with medical intervention in the 18th & 19th centuries.

But hospital births, and thus lithotomy, didn't become the norm in the US until the early

20th century.

And that's because as women started looking to hospitals and physicians as a safer alternative

to home births, physicians gained more control in the delivery room.

And so while most representations of childbirth today focus on women either lying back or

sitting up in bed, women haven't always considered that the only position.

But this is a video about medical history, not medical advice, and so you should definitely

rely on the advice of trained professionals when deciding which birthing option works

best for you.

So what do you think?

Have any more research on childbirth to share?

Drop the comments below and we'll see you here next week!

For more infomation >> Why Do Women Give Birth Lying Down? - Duration: 7:40.


BREAKING: Dems Get Catastrophic News, They Deserve This. - Duration: 3:09.

BREAKING: Dems Get Catastrophic News, They Deserve This.

The Democrats considered their governor victories in Virginia and New Jersey as something they

deserve to tout around.

Blinded by their small success, they are unaware that they've lost a major struggle.

A struggle between powers is occurring, centered around President Trump's judicial appointments.

The Left was convinced they would be able to stop the President from moving forward

with his plan.

They were profoundly mistaken, and it is due to Harry Reid, the former Democrat majority

Senate leader.

According to The Washington Times, Democrats will have a nearly impossible time stopping

the judicial appointments because Reid's Nuclear Option backfired on them.

The old Senate rule stated that a judicial nominee must be approved by at least 60 senators.

The Democrats, who seemingly did not think this though, failed to realize that Republicans

have enough senators in their minority to deny confirmation through means of filibustering

former-President Obama's nominations.

However, they are in their powers as a majority to rewrite the rule citing that there need

to be 60 votes.

This rule is deemed the "Nuclear Option."

The name comes from the idea that neither party wanted nuclear warfare within the Senate

unless there was no other choice.

In 2013, Harry Reid instantly confirmed all of Mr. Obama's nominees via a simple majority.

Now that Mitch McConnell and the Republicans are in control, the nuclear option is still

alive and well.

It is a tool to fight back against the Democrats who aspire to "resist" Trump, his nominees,

or anything that he works to accomplish.

The nuclear option has once again become useful.

At this point, the Left is not willing to reason with anyone.

While touting bipartisanship, they repeatedly oppose anything Republicans bring to the table.

This Nuclear Option will allow Republicans to bring in nominees now and in the future.

President Trump already confirmed judicial appointments for 13 people.

That number is higher than the past four presidents at the same point in their presidencies as

Trump is in now.

Reid's nuclear option is going to be necessary due to how many spots are available.

Currently, there are 49 judicial nominees awaiting confirmation.

There are also 98 vacancies throughout the system that are waiting for an appointment.

A lot of work is still left to be done, and this nuclear deal will help resolve most of

these issues in a timely and reasonable fashion.

This is just one example of how the Democrats are slowly letting their power slip from their


Their obsessive behavior over everything that President Trump does or talks about is distracting

them from the real issues facing the country.

Some would say that Democrats don't really care about power anymore; they are only looking

for affirmation.

It is hard to imagine a group that wants control when they can't discuss serious political

issues without calling someone a racist or a bigot.

It is this kind of intolerant behavior that got President Trump elected in the first place.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Dems Get Catastrophic News, They Deserve This. - Duration: 3:09.


A TURMINHA DO SULCA VISITA: E.E.B Padre Antônio Luiz Dias - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> A TURMINHA DO SULCA VISITA: E.E.B Padre Antônio Luiz Dias - Duration: 3:55.


That One Where We Made Software That Made Software ... Funnel Hacker TV Episode 65 - Duration: 12:36.

It's webinar day

It's webinar dates guys gonna make a million dollars in an hour are they excited if you think extremely oh?

This what is party sixty percent conversion rate?

We just barely open this thing up alright

So here's this striped bath with these wheels that we literally finished the Facebook live one minute

I don't have to go buy it Steven you buy your own product yes

Not only do I help make the kool-aid here?

I also drink it, so we're calling our I've ever favor of the site calling the shot

So a million dollars is how much we're gonna make this webinar which is slug

So last week

We had an idea to ride webinar through webinar

And then we did about a million dollars itself since then so we thought might as well

Today write another webinar so Garrett and Scott are driving for Utah today. I'm gonna read a webinar

We're sore pronate today fish learner tomorrow and giving on Wednesday at noon

So so we're calling our I've never Babe Ruth is like I'm calling the shot

So a million dollars is how much we're gonna make from this webinar, and then we're gonna start

It's about noon right now, so we're about 48 hours and new webinar new offer new product new


was just like

Garrett and we got Scott Reil Lindsey

Who's really mad that I put on TV right now so what time you guys head out you thought to be here

Morning on 7. What were you planning on doing right? Now don't make the world. Oh, yes, so watched

I said we have an option

We can either do the normal webinar or we do a billion dollar day, but in my bomb and make nothing hotel?

I'm curious, which when you guys are like leaning towards

Alright, we'll go in our day, then that'd be awesome

This is the hook we're trying to figure out

but I don't know if you can read that yet or not so I translate into this Hydra $20 simple software Dean -

We're gonna brain fog

Dot dot dot we'll be back we forgot

Understand the Russell's brain marketing-wise is like elephant marketing brain you remember everything so in 2000

2002 I saw an offer for a software product ebook with - it's been offline since

2004 so that's well 13 years and

Anyway, I found it

This is not like a once that one in a one time thing like this is all time

This I I wanted to buy this $97 e-book. I wanted to buy it when I was in college

I used to read the sales letter every single day, and I figure out how to make hundred bucks like the bikes

I knew that I want to make software Wow

Headlines how to create hot software even if you've never touched line of code, and then this is the whole sales letter for it

But this was like I'm a marinus and like pre zip Brander. I wanted to see X. I was like

That's what's my major to give you information system so I can code software I can figure it out

I read this was like they could spoke to me like I eat you never touch the lime code. I'm like I can do this

Holy crab rings over and over and over and over I get such an impact on me, and I never could buy it

Funnel hack the ultimate how-to guide from building your own software and player. That's so cool amazing you remembered that I heard Ecover

I'm ever looking at thing you know so

Yeah, that's sweet. I'm getting closer. Yeah. Yeah, yeah

Got the webinar stuff mostly done. We've got me show you registration page created

Here's the new hook. How true in our slide yet my first offer probably launched item in their empire

How you can use this all the same process that stage number one?

And then we got Thank You page done promise that we have videos recorded video in the other room

Brands hooking up and making those things and these I hook up order form stuff

So they can get the book on mickey pages called a self liquidating offer my total rushing practice here in one minute

So they're gonna set up resume the video we probably gather. We just moved the launch date

We're not from wednesday afternoon to thursday morning. That's what's happening

All right page tested is live

Change headline a little bit. I'm pretty good. So that's live. We're about to go live on the book of faces you as excited


Everything tested working oh yeah, I guarantee nothing breaks guaranteed or your money back. You're free back. Okay, so an emails are almost cute

I've shown him. It's like seven hundred two thousand people so oh, but we're starting with this start with this Ken

What's up, everybody? How's it going out there on Facebook land um. I have something so excited sure with you guys my weights

Let me get show up

Like down below see you guys soon, yeah

Alright, so here's this strike back with these wheels we literally finished the Facebook live one minute at going minute ago

Maybe get all the sales


Seriously check this out. Just the stripe app that shows you this game look at that look at that. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh


Have a check this out this what is already 60 percent conversion rate. We just barely open this thing up. That's crazy

You know this means I have to go buy it Steven you buy your own product yes

Not only do I help make the kool-aid here?

I also drink it

So we were figure out in the sales pitch for this right now the whole three secrets and stuff

And I remember the old video I did back in


It's only bad, and I found it the Wayback Machine, okay, so here's how I found it

So I went to the wayback machine we found the old URL humor Society

I'll go back to 2011 found here Optima didn't work, so I to go to the source code the source code page

I was able to find what the Thank You page was the

Thank You page then

The key page right here, and it's there, but the video is dead

I saw the file the root file of the video so then I tried to pull it up through there

I found the actual video file

I saw all this is the s3 bucket it was in so then I went back to my s3 which is right here

And I found the bucket I found the file

And there's the files and then there was one file that had HTML supposed to that, but it was in flash because back

Maybe everything flashed, and I did I hook up flash and then flash worked now

I can watch the video whoo that was crazy. That was crazy

Rebecca2010 mr.. Miyagi

All right, so here's the stats when we campaign so far, so we've got a few headlines this one

We started with which is more like Russell story where this one's more simple and compliant how to create long term

Software company now you gave me the stats right now $3 UPC for weather registration features is insane

There's you saw an average cart value also insane. You come down here, and we've got seventy four and seven three so it's almost identical

Conversion rates, too closely really even matter. That's at 29 there's almost 3,000 opt-ins, so stats are looking amazing

400 bucks right there

Whoo check that out for a book seven launch the product?

Going on good morning by the way, we just opened up a slide deck so Steve, and he's like it's so cool though just


So tell me people the word on the street people are excited yes

They are I've been given a message saying Stephen is this legit it is legit - legit - legit

Vegetable message make I think it's an order form, but I've saw every offer

I'm like dude. We ran out of time so all we had on the thank you page of the book

That's it and check out the stats we roast

15 hours

That's really fantastic you see it was three bucks before the webinar started. It's insane, so we've got four thousand registered

Things close and or I don't wanna ones losing a little bit, but it's super compliance. It's close enough

That's still pretty good back and forth um so it's crazy Pete a Dottie excited

Oh, we're gonna be weak when there's a million dollars on the line

There's a million dollars right there. You have to walk and grab it if you think some caffeine lack of sleep, but it's there

All right sky back working webinar again is almost a clock night

Four to five hours left to give us puppy-dog because tomorrow morning. We're start early and the texts that we've got

six thousand registered

250 BC. It's just on the book up so just on the upsell self-degrading offer

We'd like to spend twenty six thousand dollars in ads to give these people and have been free so the funnels I guess the funnels

Almost two o'clock and slides are done. Would yeah, I guess villain

You know the caffeine is wearing off but under ninety slides we ended up with

The offers awesome we have having Billy Madison references do we have?

Okay, start the pee pants like yeah sure transition without the girls the host transition play

Massa peeing we got three there one two three there we go

Him laughing for we got five


Seven these are all animated by the way, so it's not just eight nine ten goo comes back eleven

Eleven douche we and we should end with one mo fear tomorrow, no see you tomorrow

More everybody we're back three hours of sleep. Just can I think with five a little bit more?

Anyway, we were starting I about ninety minutes so right here

This was the webinar plans the blueprint of what we created so now we're gonna race in fear we got left

All right freaking out all right five minutes work started. Here's nervous

I mean Johnson zoomed actually work

It's a whiteboard software you that why everybody suffer mind mapping software project manager software team chat helped us reporting to an analytics and

Finally freelancer service late upward to go to get your software credit

The webinar is done. I'm going to go home pack my bags jump in a car and drive Anita. I'm gonna bring my camera

I'm done for a little bit turns off, so thanks

everyone is you success software secrets is officially launched Garen Scott and Z strove home and

It's a wrap so


For more infomation >> That One Where We Made Software That Made Software ... Funnel Hacker TV Episode 65 - Duration: 12:36.



what is going on guys how you guys doing welcome back to a brand new video on

this channel today I want to talk to you guys about is now a good time to buy

Bitcoin is now the right time do you guys remember a few days ago you're like

two days ago there's the whole thing with Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash and which

was gonna be the real Bitcoin bitcoins price was plummeting bitcoins cash price

was skyrocketing all this crazy stuff is going on and so people genuinely thought

that this might be the end for Bitcoin it might and now we're here today if we

look at here here they bitcoins at 109 basically 110 billion dollar market cap

Bitcoin cash is at a twenty two billion dollar market cap aetherium SATA 31

billion dollar market cap bitcoins up two point four six percent and Bitcoin

cash is down two point one seven percent so basically where we're at right now um

actually before we get started let me open that what is it B th its B th is

Bitcoin cash no no B CH alright so um yeah should you buy Bitcoin right now

before we get into the end I'm gonna save my yes or no answer to the end

right so I'm gonna first we're gonna talk about what's going on

we're gonna talk about the situation we're gonna look at some graphs and

they're gonna come to a conclusion basically together hopefully at the end

this video you guys reach the same conclusion as I did all right if you

guys didn't though leave that in the comment section and we can have a little

bit of a discussion obviously friendly debate on what you guys think if you

guys think it's the right time I think I think it's not the right time whatever

um yes so you guys remember Bitcoin cash was at like a 28 and billion dollar

market cap like two days ago a theory on was that a 28 and they were basically

like six hundred million dollars apart basically battling for who was gonna be

you know second place and then that person would be right up to challenge

Bitcoin now the reason everyone was uh concern is cuz Bitcoin cash was going up

so fast and Bitcoin was going down like Bitcoin you guys can see here's the top

here's the bottom Bitcoin was doing this so it was going down and so it's market

cap was like 90-something billion it's like getting close to hit 90-89 stuff

like that and Bitcoin cash went from 20 billion to 30 birds to 28 billion in LA

a few minutes right it was crazy so everyone's just like

this could be this could be the end but thankfully everything leveled off you

guys know there was a lot of talk around about um about Bitcoin cash a lot of

people think there was a conspiracy behind it a lot of people saying it was

market manipulation um I don't know you you you take a look at the graph and you

tell me what you think right look at that one spike got into $2,800 guys I

mean if you got in at 300 almost like 200 here three 320 you sold it here good

job almost ten xed you know I think eight

and a half extra money Congrats it is down here now is it

probably gonna keep going down you know probably it I don't think it deserves to

be at one point three basically was that one one yeah one point three K it's to

come now at one point two ninety-two so basically one point three K I don't

think it deserves to be there I think's gonna go down I think it was um a very

successful big coin pump-and-dump honestly I think it was a big coin pump

and dump like this is the third we're talking about the third coin in terms of

market cap and it just got pump it dumped all right so the this doesn't

mean in the long run it might still take over Bitcoin guys I don't know I don't

know no one knows but currently it just got pumping them so hard after the whole

segment to X thing he's got pumped up so hard that it's sad to watch a lot of

people guys probably like bought in here think you know we're going to the moon

we're going to the Oh back to earth back to earth back to earth

yeah then if you guys look at the Bitcoin chart everyone was scared like

this right here this drop is normal guys it's a correction look at that Bitcoin

goes up too fast it corrects Bitcoin went up too fast it corrects pick one

went up too fast it corrects even here went up corrects

went up correct you it always it's just how things work the reason

everyone was scared is because this was correcting and this was going to the

roof right they this is why people were scared like this went from like almost

seven almost 8,000 all the way to like five thousand five hundred um so fast

what is this a span of like two days yeah like one day it basically did that

and this guy in the same two days went from like 500 all the way to 2800 so

that's why people are getting scared now when we stop we look at it look at that

what's the difference it shut up it corrected and now it's green again and

what's probably gonna happen is we're gonna see something a little bit like

this again gonna kinda you know gradually go up up up up up and we'll go

up over here so if that didn't explain my thoughts on the whole situation yes I

think now's a good time to buy a Bitcoin I think here was a good time to buy

Bitcoin I think here is a good time to buy a Bitcoin I think here is a good

time to buy a Bitcoin I think here was a good time to buy a Bitcoin but we're

talking about here so I think yes get into Bitcoin as soon as you can if you

guys don't know how to get into Bitcoin have a link to coinbase down below

coinbase is where I buy my bitcoins where I know a lot of people buy theirs

everyone has their own preference I use I choose to use coinbase it's very easy

very safe I haven't had an issue that's where I use yeah that's where I get my

Bitcoin from you can get Bitcoin aetherium and litecoin from there but

yeah I choose to get my Bitcoin from there and yeah guys it's really there's

like if this has happened every single time every single time right like here

we corrected here we had a big correction look at that

what was this we were at 4,900 this job all the way down to 3,000 basically I

remember getting in I got in that like here 3.2 on the way back up

I bought some more Bitcoin neither wasn't the first time like I bought some

more Bitcoin here and rode it all the way up

and all the way up and then I wrote it down and now I'm still holding it

because I do expect it to go up so much higher guys don't forget people are

saying Bitcoin 10k before the end of the year before the end of 2017 so if you

guys are on that bandwagon you guys believe that to be true and to be

possible you know six thousand five hundred is a steal you still got three

thousand five hundred profit per coin to make so hopefully that cleared up a

little bit um yeah basically now we're gonna end the end the video with you

know like this should do I think you should buy a Bitcoin yes or no before I

say give an answer this is not financial advice I'm just saying do I think now is

a good time to buy Bitcoin and would I buy Bitcoin right now yes yes I would

yes yes yes I would I think there's a lot of up up words to go and yeah it's

six thousand five hundred guys we are almost at eight thousand like three days

ago four days ago so um we'll say a week but where I like I'm almost 8,000 a week

in coats at 6,500 come on but yeah guys obviously the the cat the

end of the video I have to say don't invest more than you're willing to lose

every investments risky I know it seems like bitcoins just gonna go up but every

investments risky right yeah don't don't invest more than you're okay losing and

do your own research before you invest don't just take my word for it I guess

um I don't want to be in trouble if anything happens but I can safely say I

have Bitcoin and I'm I believe bitcoins going up so hopefully that helped you

guys out a little bit if it did smash that thumbs up one greatly appreciate it

really helps the channel out also subscribe if you guys are new and you

haven't subscribed already we do cryptocurrency videos every other day

here so hopefully we can help you guys stay up to date and make sure you know

give you guys information help you stay up to date help you make decisions um

kind of give you all the information all the tools you need to make correct

decisions that way you can make some money online cryptocurrency guys so

thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys tomorrow for another video



Eixos (Axis) Webseries - Episode 1 - Duration: 8:14.


the city that represents the dearest aspirations of our people,

outshines in grandeur and sense,

all of its creators and builders.

As mere instruments of Destiny,

they were interpreters of the centuries old desire

of a people enslaved to the sea shores,

exploding with contagious and unstoppable impetus

into the final conquest of the west.

- Mother Obá?

- You have to be strong, child.

The Ifá are warning us.

The time is coming.


- Well this one is ripe, eh?

Here, have this one.

Much obliged.

Hey there girl!

I was starting to think you weren't coming today.

- Hi, Chico.

I went beyond the armadillo tunnel this time.

- Sure!

Who doesn't enjoy walking under the scorching sun.

Did you bring any more of those batteries for me?

- Same as usual, isn't it?

You never want the books I bring you.

- Nah! You'd bug me like a mosquito,

bugging me for those books back.


I still want to find out how you do these things.

- Ah, you know I just picked it up somewhere.

- What I do remember is Igor hoarding all that trash

until you showed up and finally turned it into something remotely useful.

It's what your learned in your travels

that finally helped with all that stuff.

- Who are they?

- Them?

It's Mother Obá!

I know you haven't been here long,

and you've all over Igor's wild ideas

but it is the Terreiro.

- Maybe I heard of it but...

- Cássia, that's why I keep telling you,

stop living only in that head of yours.

Mother Obá is the Mother over at the Terreiro,

you know, they're around here every day.

She's the wisest woman I know,

and you know I know every single person in the area.

You're thinking maybe she can help, aren't you?

- I don't know if I really believe in any of that stuff, Chico.

Divination and all, you know?

- Look, there's a lot you don't understand yet.

At the very least, she knows this entire town.

It might be worth just asking, you know.

- You haven't heard anything?

From Igor?

- Nothing... You know I haven't, Cassia.

- Yeah, I figured.

- Are you going already?

- Yeah, I gotta go.

- Cássia, you've searched the entire city,

Igor's not coming back. No one ever comes back.

- I'm leaving, Chico.

- Better not, you can get yourself sick

and it's dangerous out there! - Bye, Chico.

- Take care of yourself, girl!

For more infomation >> Eixos (Axis) Webseries - Episode 1 - Duration: 8:14.


【MMD KH】Axel Can't Sing | Kingdom Hearts - Duration: 0:06.

- B*tch, I can sing.

-B*tch, sing somethin'.


- B*tch, you can't sing.

- B*tch, you're right. Sh*t...

For more infomation >> 【MMD KH】Axel Can't Sing | Kingdom Hearts - Duration: 0:06.


Get The Look: Selena Gomez | Umusic - Duration: 6:09.

Hey guys, my name is Hayley

and today I'm going to show you

how to get this quick, easy, natural

Selena Gomez inspired makeup look.

If you'd like to see how I do this,

then just keep on watching.

♪ Take it or leave ♪

♪ Baby take it or leave it ♪

♪ But I know you won't leave it ♪

♪ Because I know that you need it ♪

♪ Look in the mirror ♪

♪ Look in the mirror ♪

♪ Baby I see you clearer ♪

So to start off our Selena Gomez inspired makeup look,

we're going to first moisturize our face.

So now we're going to prime our face

and we're going to use our Milk blur stick

to give ourselves that blurred effect

that Selena Gomez always has.

To get Selena's glowy skin

we're going to be using the naked skin

Urban Decay one and done hybrid complexion perfecter.

I'm using the light shade.

This is going to give us a nice glowy finish

like Selena has.

So now to conceal and brighten,

we're gonna be using the Makeup Forever ultra HD concealer.

And now to set everything we got laid down,

we're going to use the Kat Von D Lock It

translucent setting powder.

To get Selena's more natural eyebrows,

we're going to be using the Nyx micro brow pencil

in ash brown to fill them in.

Now to conceal and fix around the brows,

I'm gonna be taking my Kat Von D Lock It concealer cream.

Now to finish the brows we'll take our Nyx Control Freak

clear brow gel to add some more dimension

and give them a little bit more life again.

This will give them that nice, natural,

fluffy look again.

Selena Gomez has been doing

a lot more natural makeup lately,

so to kind of add a little bit more to the eyes

we're going to take our Tartlet In Bloom palette,

and the shade that we're gonna be taking

is called Funny Girl,

which is just this new shimmer shade

in the corner down here.

Now we're gonna be moving onto lashes.

It looks like Selena's been wearing

more minimal lashes lately.

It also could be that she's got

beautiful eyelashes, and I don't.

So I'm gonna do some mascara

and some fake eyelashes, this is completely optional

though if you already have really long eyelashes.

This part is completely optional

but I'm going to add a pair of natural looking

fake eyelashes just to add a little bit more to mine.

So now what you're gonna wanna do

is just squeeze your natural lashes

with the fake ones just to to get rid of that little space.

Now to just merge the real and fake lashes,

we're gonna add another layer of our mascara

just so nothing peaks through.

And we're also gonna add a little bit

of mascara to the lower lashes as well.

All right, so now we're going to move onto the face

and we're just going to warm it up a bit.

So what we're gonna take is our Benefit hoola bronzer.

I like to apply this along the cheekbones

and I'm also gonna take it along the temples

and the forehead just to warm up the rest

of the face as well.

And now for my favorite part,

we're going to highlight the skin.

Selena has the most beautiful, dewy, glowy skin,

so we're going to try to replicate that

with a couple of different highlighters.

First I'm going to start with a liquid highlighter

as a base to give a really natural kind of dewy look

and then we're going to add a powder over top.

So the liquid highlight that we're gonna add

is the Nyx Way we Glow highlight.

I'm using the shade Crystal Glare.

Now for the powder highlight,

what I'm going to be using

is the Becca pressed moonstone highlight

all over the area that we've put that liquid highlight.

It looks like Selena Gomez's makeup artist

has been adding some slight fake freckles,

so that's what we're going to do today

with actually a cream contour palette.

And what we're going to use to apply it

is just like stippling sponge.

So what I'm going to take are a couple of different tones

just to get it as realistic looking as possible.

So I'm going to take a lighter tone,

go along that and buff it out,

and then use a darker tone to kind of mix in with that.

Now to press those into the skin

and make it look a little more natural,

we're going to go back in with our beauty blender,

and just kind of lightly press those in.

You can stop there if you'd like,

but I am going to add a little bit

of a darker, more cool tone shade,

just to add a little bit more dimension to them.

Now that we're done with the face,

I'm going to add a very natural looking lip.

It looks like her make up artist

is adding like a nice highlight over her lips,

something very natural looking.

So what I'm going to be taking today

is the NARS orgasm lipstick,

has a nice little natural gold reflect to that,

so I'm hoping this can kind of mimic what she's had.

All right, so there you have it.

Here's your Selena Gomez inspired makeup tutorial.

And I hope you guys enjoy it.

For more infomation >> Get The Look: Selena Gomez | Umusic - Duration: 6:09.


FREE Game Alert - Plants vs Zombies GOTY (Origin) - Duration: 1:12.

hello and welcome to low-budget gaming and welcome to another free game alert

and today's free game is plants vs. zombies Game of the Year Edition and

this is free from origin and they give away games from time to time so normally

they're giveaways last for a long time so if you see this right now this should

be there for at least a couple of months well normally they give away about five

or six games every year maybe four or five so yeah this is this is plants vs.

zombies this is a very famous well known game s is the original game and this is

a lot of fun it's a very simple game I think it came out in two thousand eight

maybe nine and yeah I already had it on Steam by it's a lot of fun I've put in a

lot of hours it's a very casual strategy type game you basically have to defend

your house against zombies by using different types of plants and it's a fun

little game definitely worth playing if you haven't so yeah so pick it up and

yeah it should be there for a few months so yeah head over to origin you need a

free account and just claim the game thank you for watching and I'll see you

in my next video

For more infomation >> FREE Game Alert - Plants vs Zombies GOTY (Origin) - Duration: 1:12.



For more infomation >> A ASCENSÃO UNIVERSAL ESTÁ MAIS ACELERADA - Duration: 17:52.


Passaporte Américas | Claro - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Passaporte Américas | Claro - Duration: 0:31.


Chance 2x08 Promo "An Infant, a Brute or a Wild Beast" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Chance 2x08 Promo "An Infant, a Brute or a Wild Beast" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.


OOPSIE BREAD • Low Carb Bread #10 - Duration: 1:34.

OOPSIE BREAD • Easy Low Carb Bread •

To start let's use 3 eggs.

Which then we'll separate the egg whites from the egg yolks.

Placing them in two different bowls.

Now whip the egg whites with a pinch of salt, until very stiff.

You'll know when it's done if you can flip the bowl upside down without any mess. :)

In another bowl, let's mix the egg yolks with 120 grams of cream cheese.

Then add in 1/2 teaspoon of psyllium husk

And 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder.

Now, gently fold the egg whites into the egg yolks mixture.

Try to keep the air in for a fluffy bread!

Now, on a baking tray covered with parchment paper...

Pour the mixture making 6 large circles. (only showing 2 here)

Bake it at 150°C (300°F) for 25 minutes. ⏰

Or until golden!

It's DONE! 🎉

Each bread has 1.5 grams of net carbs!


For more infomation >> OOPSIE BREAD • Low Carb Bread #10 - Duration: 1:34.


How Girls Act Around Boys! - Duration: 2:34.

Hey guys! It's Hashtag Zoe!

Hey guys! It's Hashtag Zoe!

and welcome back to my channel!

so for today's video I have, my friends here with me!

anyway, for today's video I have, how girls act around guys!

so without further ado, let's go ahead and get started with the video!

how girls act around boys!

Hashtag Zoe

Guys, he's so cute!

For more infomation >> How Girls Act Around Boys! - Duration: 2:34.


The Elder scrolls Online - PVP - Войны альянсов - Duration: 1:49:43.

For more infomation >> The Elder scrolls Online - PVP - Войны альянсов - Duration: 1:49:43.


BROMA A MI NOVIO "ESTOY EMBARAZADA" (Reaccion inesperada) - Duration: 8:53.

For more infomation >> BROMA A MI NOVIO "ESTOY EMBARAZADA" (Reaccion inesperada) - Duration: 8:53.


La finale la plus intense de ma vie | Phobia UHC S11E8 - Duration: 21:04.

Salut a tous !

Aujourd'hui épisode un peu différent, vu qu'il sera sous titré en anglais !

Soyez indulgent avec nous !

For the english viewers, be nice, this is the first time we do reverse translation !

Let's hope you'll enjoy that !

Fastened your seatbelt for an insane episode ! ( Attachez os ceintures pour épisode de folie ! )

Et on est de retour !

Si on sépare les épisodes..

Je pourrais aussi commenter en français mais bon..

Vous savez quoi ? Je vais passer en Francais et..

il y aura des sous titres en anglais a partir de maintenant..

We're gonna switch to french...

Eu ? Why does he say Eu ?

We're like... 1, 2.. We are only 2 Eu...

Why then ? I don't get it.

Ho, i don"t know who it was but...

That was really close.

We're gonna run.

We're gonna run the other way

I don't wanna fight Flouze & Kass because..

I'm just gonna die.

And not even do enough damage to..

to prevent them from winning.

I think they are the only one to still have healing.

And the cleverest thing to do would be to all focus them.

I don't see why you wouldn't focus them..

Except if you just wanna get some kills...

Like, i could just shot Micale once...

and get another kill on the scoreboard but...

It won't help me..

Well, to win.

Wow, that's lucky!

Can I craft it? And eat it?

Hum, wait...

Do I really want to keep this?


Let's keep it, in case i'm doing some melee.

Hurry, I have to craft a crafting table.

And eat this gapple.

You know what?

Let's take a look around.

We'll try to go back where I killed Crimson.

And try to take the high ground as much as possible

It's obviously where Micale is.

Nobody's fighting against Flouze and Kass.

I really don't want to...

...throw myself into the lion's mouth.


I don't know where Micale is.

If I see him, I'm not sure that I'll kill him.

I don't know. It will depend of the situation I guess.

Honestly, I don't want it. But...

Well, he's one heart.

Oh no, who's burning?

Ok, think they're fighting.

Think they're fighting!

That's the moment where I help them.

Well, only if Flouze and Kass are fighting.

I don't know where is Micale. I'm afraid that...

he backstab me.

Who's shooting at them? It maybe Micale.

Ok I... I see them!

It's good. Now, I'm suppose to shoot at them.

Oh fuck!

Oh but if they do that...

It will be complicated.

And the 2 teams are shooting at me. Come on...

Stop it!

Oh no, that was Flouze.

Huuuum, should I try to go around or not?

And try to climb on the thing behind them?

I don't know.

Once again, I don't know where Micale is so...

It's also something that scares me.

Ok, I see them.

They didn't see me.

They're separated. If only the endermen dropped a pearl.

I could have enderpearl in !

Oh, they were kicked out.

They're not on their mountain anymore.

Or they...

They're coming!

Oh no they killed him.

Wasn't necessary.

And their life's lower then before.

I have... I have to kill Flouze or Kass.

I have to go i have to go !

I have to help them !

We're gonna let the water here..

Ok i got Flouze.

I don't know where Kass is, but i'm on half a heart...

I hope that i looted some interesting stuff.

Sorry Flouz! GG.

I didn't loot anything!

Nope, nothing interesting.

I don't know if Kass was following me.

Holy sh*t!

Ok, Leon healed himself.


I don't know if this move saved me.

I'm not sure if i would have taken some fall damages.

Okay, Kass has 9% of life.

Which means the blue team might win the game.

I might have to help Kass now.

Not like earlier.

From where she came, she must have loot Flouz's body so..

anyway, i've 4% life..

and i'm pretty sure that Flouz didn't have any healing.

Which means.. *i'm f*cked*


However, i've got 31 gold.

It can be useful!

Come on!

If only i could heal once so i won't get one shoted, it would be so great!

Please don't kill her (Kass)

Come on Kass, i believe in you!

An apple, please!

Did i loot an apple ? Nono, i'm checking just in case.

I just want an apple, please!

Dammit, it's unbelievable!

They spotted me.

He mustn't kill me! f*ck

Otherwise, they will loot my gold, and if they have some apples, it's over.





Nope *almost die*


Let's get out of here!

Let's do a full circle around the map.

I don't want them to kill while i'm carrying 31 golds!


Not happening!

Oh my second boat came back, he glitched!





Come on!

I can do it!

I'm scared because i don't know where they are.

i can't believe i survived this..

Ok, are they back on the mountain ?

Seems not, or i just don't see them.

Come on, an apple!

Come on apple!

It's not like i don't want to fight them but..

i'm gonna die!

Moreover, i don't know where they are.

I have no clue where is anyone.

Oh no! *Kass is dead*

Oh no!

Oh nooo!


Ok, they were behind me.

Oh, they are upthere!

Are they here ?


Oh really ?

Yeah, sorry guys, but..

You are cute and everything but..

They really want me to fight like this ?

Are you crazy ? I won't!

I don't even know where they are. Oh nevermind i see one.

Yup, but he will kill me, i can't do anything!

He is jumpshooting.

There is some stuff over here.

Damn, the apple's drop chance is terrible.

Why, why, whyyyyy?

A tree has growned inside me.

He just spawned on me! wtf


Okay, GG!

I don't know where he is.

Is he still up there ?

Where is he ?

I'm scared!

I don't know where he is!

If he is up there, he's not moving at all!

Oh! There he is!



Bien joué!

Comment ai je réussi à gagner?

C'est MON FUKA ça!

Fukano, je ne pariais pas sur toi, mais je vais prétendre que si! YEAAAH


Vraiment, j'étais de tout coeur avec toi!

Je ne t'entends pas à cause..

des feux d'artifices.

Je vais baisser le son.

Oh mon dieu !

J'ai eu 4 kills !

GG mec.

Mon dieu, c'était le plus long meet up au monde, définition des games européenes, sous vos yeux.

Oh ça oui!

C'était ultra intense par contre!

-Fukano: c'était tellement intense! - Je pense que personne ne sera déçu de cette fin.

Merci d'avoir regardé les gens!

Il est 4h du matin!

Yup, pour moi aussi!

Merci d'avoir regardé les gens et..

on se voit pour Phobia 12 je suppose !

Hey, il n'y aura pas de blagues aujourd'hui..

mais comme je suis gentil je vais vous faire une énigme..

Un homme est retrouvé pendu au milieu d'une grange. La corde est attaché une poutre principale à 6 mètres de haut, et est environ a 10 mètres de distances de chaque murs. L'homme est suspendu à 50cm du sol.

Il n'y a bien évidemment aucunes traces de meuble ou d'accessoires.

Comment s'est il pendu ? Des bisous de la team Trad.

For more infomation >> La finale la plus intense de ma vie | Phobia UHC S11E8 - Duration: 21:04.


Why I risked my life to expose a government massacre | Anjan Sundaram - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> Why I risked my life to expose a government massacre | Anjan Sundaram - Duration: 7:35.


Paige Backstage Heat At WWE Raw ALREADY?! | WrestleTalk News Nov. 2017 - Duration: 4:14.

Hello and welcome to the WrestleTalk News - I'm Oli Davis.

New Day Vs The Shield I don't know if anyone mentioned this on

last night's Raw, but just in case they didn't, this Sunday's Survivor Series

is the one time a year when Raw and Smackdown go head-to-head.

Apart from the India tour dates next month.

And several live events on last week's European tour.

And the October 23rd Raw.

And TLC the night before that.

And Payback in May.

And media!

Following The Shield challenging The New Day on last night's Raw to a match at Survivor

Series, all three members of the Smackdown team accepted on Twitter - with Big E posting:

"Suffering succotash!

We, The New Day, accept the Shield's challenge at Survivor Series but request that all shock-absorbing

body armor including (but not limited to) protective vests, shoulder pads, and heavy

wool sweaters be disallowed for competitive use."

Kofi adding: Every 26 secs a dog is domesticated in America.

Survivor Series will be no different.

Also Roman was gone because he got sick from eating his own poop.

These dogs...🐶 #WelcomeBack And Xavier Woods following up on the faeces

n eating theme with: Unicorns🦄 vs. Hounds 🐶. One is magical and brings happiness

to all.

The other drinks out of the toilet and eats it's own excrement.

We'll totally fight you, we just ask that you don't breathe in our general direction

🤢 But while The New Day's social media antics

helped promote this Sunday's pay-per-view, Paige's might've gotten her taken off

the show.

Paige Backstage Heat At Raw Already?

PWInsider broke late last week that Paige would be returning to WWE TV on this Monday's

Raw after over a year out with a neck injury.

She was spotted in Atlanta on Sunday night, where Raw was taking place, and was even photographed

entering the arena the day of the show.

Despite the previously announced qualifying match of Mickie James vs Bayley vs Dana Brooke

- PWInsider noted that plans might call for Paige to end up getting the fifth women's

Team Raw Survivor Series spot.

But Bayley won that place instead, and Paige was nowhere to be seen on the show.

She was, however, to be seen all over social media, posting a video to Instagram with Renee

Young backstage at Raw wearing POO EMOJIS on their heads, and an image with Team Raw

captain Alicia Fox.

Wrestling news reports and set photos leaking your WWE return are one thing, but, as PWInsider

points out, you doing it yourself on social media won't do you any favours backstage.

"One talent pointed out to me that Paige posting on Instagram she was back on the road

for the company was probably the worst idea she could have had if she was trying to stay

under the radar and just get back to work."

While there's no confirmation Paige's Instagram posts caused WWE to scrap her Survivor

Series plans, that's certainly the talk backstage.

Paige and The New Day aren't the only ones with noteworthy social media posts, though.

Eddie Guerrero 12 Years On Eddie Guerrero passed away 12 years ago yesterday,

which his close friend Rey Mysterio remembered on Instagram:

"12 yrs of not being able to see you, wrestle against or with you, or just BS & smile!

But this Tattoo made me realize that your soul is more alive than ever & it made me

smile from ear to ear!"

While Kurt Angle posted: "12 years ago we lost the most entertaining

athlete I've ever known.

I️' had a Love/hate relationship with Eddie.

One night, we were laughing and joking, and the next night, we were fist fighting.

But that's what brothers do.

I️' miss you Eddie.

You will live on forever.

#itsdamntrue" Which huge WWE star is returning for Survivor


And what's the latest on Neville leaving WWE?

Click the videos to the left to find out more, press subscribe and support WrestleTalk - order

issue 1 of the WrestleTalk Magazine now.

I've been Oli Davis, and that was wrestling.

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