Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 15 2017

• How did a dying woman knock 6 hospital workers unconscious without moving a muscle?

How did a woman live in a man's closet for a year without him even knowing about it?

These are 10 of the most brutal and shocking urban legend stories… that are actually


10 – Cooked alive • Being cooked alive in a factory oven is

something that sounds like it would be from a horror movie.

• But for 54-year-old Alan Catterall, it was sadly one of his last memories.

• Catterall was inside the oven to clean it, because there had been a problem that


But another man – coincidentally the man engaged to Catterall's daughter – turn

the oven on.

• Catterall had no way to escape from inside the locked oven, and nobody heard him call

for help until it was too late.

Nobody even realized there was a problem until smoke started seeping from the oven.

9 – Man Bites Dog • You think you've been in a toxic relationship


Try this one on for size.

In 2014, a woman fled her apartment after being physically assaulted.

That's bad enough to start.

• But when she came back, she thought he had cooked her a meal to apologize.

But for some reason, her dog – a Pomeranian – was gone.

• That was explained when the man sent her a text message saying, "How's your dog


I thought it was better with BBQ and those Hawaiian buns.

I guess you could bury what you didn't eat."

• The next morning, he left a bag outside the door with two dog paws in it and a note

telling her to burn in hell – with a smiley face.

• He was arrested on counts of domestic violence and animal cruelty, but even the

police in the case were shocked.

8 – Elevator amputation • Being trapped in an elevator is a fear

of many claustrophobics.

But this is story about the other way to get "trapped" by an elevator.

• In Dallas, Texas, a doctor walking into the elevator had the doors close on his shoulders.

• Normally, an elevator would stop and open the doors back up when it felt something block

it like that.

But this elevator was apparently faulty, and started going up with the doctor still stuck,

decapitating the doctor in the process.

• Ironically, that elevator was on the second floor of the hospital he worked in.

But the doctor died instantly, so even being in a hospital, there was no saving him.

7 – "Haunted" baby monitor • The sounds coming out of a Canadian couple's

video camera were something out of nightmares.

• The couple had a baby monitor camera installed to watch their son in his crib.

But one day, the man heard creepy music coming from the camera, along with a man's voice

saying, "as he rocks his son to sleep."

• The father took his son into the other room and disconnected the camera immediately.

• It turns out the family was the target of a hacking prank.

They have no idea how long they were being watched through that camera.

6 – Killer Wedgie • The Wedgie is a staple of schoolyard bullies,

but it's unusual to see anyone over the age of 12 actually try to use it in a fist


• Don't tell that to 33-year-old Brad Lee Davis, who used the Atomic Wedgie on his

stepfather – and KILLED HIM.

• For those not familiar, the Atomic Wedgie is when you pull someone's underwear up

from behind then, and wrap it over their head.

• Davis did exactly this – getting the band of his stepfather's underwear wrapped

around his neck, which cut off his air supply and suffocated him.

5 – The Library Murder • An unsolved murder is also a good urban

legend, especially when it happens in a library.

• There aren't any well-known stories about Penn State's library being haunted,

but after Betsy Aardsma died in 1969, there could have been.

• She was stabbed to death in the Penn State library with no witnesses or records of it

happening, and her murder was never solved.

In fact, there was never enough evidence to even accuse anyone.

• The man investigators believed was the most likely suspect, a friend of Aardsma,

died in 2002 without ever being charged.

4 – Toxic lady • In 1994, a woman posed a medical mystery

that still hasn't been solved.

• Six weeks after being diagnosed with cervical cancer, she came to the emergency room with

severe stomach and chest pains.

• She died that day in the emergency room, but that isn't the weird part.

Her body started emitting some sort of unidentified toxic fumes as she died, that caused six emergency

room workers to collapse, two of which were hospitalized.

• Nobody could figure out what was happening to her, and because they couldn't identify

the cause, she was not even allowed to have an open-casket funeral without biohazard suits.

3 – Call from inside the house • The stalker calling from inside the house

is basically an internet meme more than something scary at this point.

• But it was also someone's real-life nightmare.

• 18-year-old Kyle Ravenscroft texted his 16-year-old victim that he was "standing

in the grounds" of her house.

• The text messages continued all day with him texting ominous messages like, "I'm

watching you."

Eventually, the girl found him under her bed and asked what he was doing there.

• Luckily, it wasn't actually a slasher movie, so he just ran away and later pled

guilty to stalking to avoid jail time.

2 – Halloween hanging • Around Halloween, nobody thinks anything

of bodies hanging from trees.

It's probably the ONLY time of year people don't think anything of bodies hanging from


• So in October of 2005, when a human-shaped object was seen hanging from a tree, everybody

assumed it was just a Halloween decoration.

• But it wasn't.

It was the actual dead body of a 42-year old woman who had committed suicide.

• Her body was easily visible to passing cars on the road, but it took more than three

hours before anybody actually noticed and called the police.

1 – The "Monster" in the Closet • A 57-year old man in the small town of

Kasuya, Japan, started noticing that food and various materials were going missing from

his home on a regular basis.

• Assuming there was a burglar sneaking in while he was at work, the man installed

security cameras.

• But what he found wasn't a burglar breaking in from outside, but rather a 58-year-old

homeless woman living on the top shelf of his closet.

• She had even moved a mattress into the space to sleep on, and took regular showers

while the man was gone, so he wouldn't smell her.

• Police came to remove the woman her from the home.

She told them she had snuck into the house about a year ago because she had no place

to go, and the man had left the door unlocked one day.

For more infomation >> 10 Shocking Urban Legends That Turned Out To Be TRUE - Duration: 8:12.


Royal Dress Codes Prohibit Meghan Markle From Wearing This Anymore - Duration: 1:19.

It's not easy dating royalty.

While Suits actress Meghan Markle's never been one to shy away from a chic ensemble,

she may have to start reconsidering her fashion choices from now on.

At least, if she wants in with the British royal family, that is.

According to Footwear News, Markle, whose romance with Prince Harry has been heating

up, may soon have to follow a few new style rules.

As dictated by the strict style standards, Markle will reportedly have to give up her

love of leggy shorts and skirts and instead adopt the "no knees" policy that Kate Middleton

typically has to follow.

And while Markle is certainly under no obligation to follow these supposed rules, it looks like

she may have already started, which has led many to suspect that Markle and Harry are

inching their way closer to an engagement.

Considering that Markle is said to be leaving her USA Network series Suits, a royal wedding

could certainly be in the works.

In the meantime, get used to seeing the 36-year-old wear fewer ripped jeans and short dresses

and more modest gowns and covered-up ensembles.

The former lifestyle blogger has also begun incorporating more British brands into her

wardrobe, including Burberry and Hunter.

So it'd seem that Markle's making all the right moves to be welcomed in by the royal

family and their country.

In the meantime, we can't wait to see the rest of Markle's style transformation.

Thanks for watching!

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