Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 15 2017

BREAKING: Bill Clinton Gets Horrific News, He Deserves This.

With the numerous allegations of sexual harassment following the Harvey Weinstein revelations,

others have been caught up in scandals of their own.

According to The Daily Caller, the media has made a surprising move.

They've decided to address the numerous sexual harassment allegations facing former

President Bill Clinton.

The bold accusations from supposed victims of sexual harassment has inspired others to

come forward with their own stories, encouraged by the acknowledgment and attention others

have received.

Alleged victims of former President Clinton's advances have found themselves going unheard

and unacknowledged given the power and influence he held.

Now that he and Hillary Clinton have lost some of their political might after the failed

2016 election, and in the wake of other accusations, some journalists and members of the media

are finally putting a light on their stories.

Most prominent among the accusations leveled at Mr. Clinton comes from Paula Jones, Kathleen

Wiley, and Juanita Broaddrick.

Women who have long fought for their voices to be heard and the crimes against them acknowledged,

only to be silenced by the Democrat Party or Mrs. Clinton.

Paula Jones said she was harassed by Mr. Clinton at a hotel room in Arkansas where she worked.

Apparently, Mr. Clinton had made numerous, albeit unsuccessful, advances towards her

before he exposed himself and solicited oral sex.

Kathleen Wiley says Mr. Clinton had made numerous advances to her and groped her a number of

times within the Oval Office — a place where he infamously received oral sex from the young

intern, Monica Lewinsky.

As bad as these allegations are, the worst comes from Juanita Broaddrick, who says she

was raped by Mr. Clinton while he was serving as Arkansas's Attorney General.

On Twitter in early 2016, she stated, "I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark.

Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me.

I am now 73….it never goes away."

All three women's stories have been disregarded and ignored by the media.

Following the many other allegations against notable individuals, some have decided to

revisit their stories.

MSNBC host, Chris Hayes, said on Friday "…that Democrats and the center left are overdue

for a real reckoning with the allegations against [Bill Clinton]"

Editor of The Atlantic, Caitlin Flanagan, wrote an article titled "Bill Clinton: A

Reckoning" where she stated that those individuals who defended Mr. Clinton were "on the wrong

side of history."

She also said that "The Democratic Party needs to make its own reckoning of the way

it protected Bill Clinton," particularly attacking feminists who were quick to defend

Mr. Clinton and reject the allegations.

The sudden support and acknowledgment of these accusations from members of the media have

left Juanita Broaddrick stunned.

On Monday she posted on Twitter, "New York Times opinion 'I Believe Juanita'.

Hell has definitely frozen over."

Now that the drama of the 2016 elections has finally settled and sexual harassers are being

held accountable for their crimes, perhaps these women can finally have their stories

heard fairly without political agendas getting in the way.

If Mr. Clinton abused these women, he should be held accountable for his actions and brought

to justice.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Bill Clinton Gets Horrific News, He Deserves This. - Duration: 3:26.


模様編みA-26【かぎ針編み初心者さん】編み図・字幕解説 Double Crochet Pattern / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 15:29.

For more infomation >> 模様編みA-26【かぎ針編み初心者さん】編み図・字幕解説 Double Crochet Pattern / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 15:29.


MunchPak Review ⎮ ASL Stew Life - Duration: 17:56.

[JE] I'm Jenna... [JI] ...and I'm Jill.

[JE] This is ASL Stew Life!

(cat meow... ♪♪♪)

[JI] Today, we're going to be doing a review.

It's almost dinner time, so what are we gonna do for dinner?


So, this is from MunchPak.

They sent us a box to review for free.

I'm not sure how many snacks are included with this one,

however you have a few options if you're interested in this.

They have a small box, which is 5 - 6 snacks.

They have a 10 snack pack and a 20 snack pack.

The 5 - 6 costs about $10 a month.

The 10 snacks is about $20 a month.

The 20 snacks is approximately $40 a month.

You can either do once a week, biweekly, or monthly.

Also, you can customize what's in your box.

Like for example, this box

we asked them for no meat, try to be as vegan as possible.

I'm not eating fully vegan, but I'm trying to eat more.

So they can do that. They can take out things if you have allergies, no dairy or whatever.

So I will leave all of that information down below

but let's open the box and see what's inside. [JE] Yeah I'm curious. We haven't seen it yet.

So who knows. Let's open it up for the first time.

[JI] Yeah we got it two days ago and I haven't looked.

(drum roll... honk)

So it says... oh we got a sticker.

It says you can download their app if you want

and... this is nice.

You can enter for a free family pack.

I think that's the largest one.

So... yeah there's that.

And interesting...

it says who packed the box

and ours says it was packed by Roxanne.

Thank you Roxanne.

[JE] See what it looks like. Smells good!

It's a croissant, but it's just bread.

[JI] Looks like PB and J.

[JE] It's very bread-y.

[JI] I like it. [JE] It's not bad.

[JI] Just tastes like peanut butter and jelly but a croissant.

It says Great Lakes Chips and Buffalo Wings.

It's from Traverse City, Michigan and I'm originally from Michigan. Woo hoo!

[JE] Home state food! [JI] Hopefully it's good.

Smells like a chip.

Woo, spicy! [JE] Definitely spicy.

[JI] But they're good!

Little spicy. [JE] Very flavorful.

[JI] Yeah, not bad.

One more... for science.

[JE] Yep, testing them... [JI] ...for you!

[JE] Good, very good. [JI] I like it.

I feel like these are gonna be good for dinner.

[JE] These are from South Dakota.


[JI] Smells like lemons. [JE] (mouthing) I don't smell much.


[JI] Very light lemon flavor.

[JE] Almost like a very sweet flavor. Like a little hint of lemon taste in there.

But, yeah not bad.

[JI] I like em.


[JI] Looks like Fritos.

[JE] Probably is, just a different flavor.

Very lime!

[JI] Yeah, lime isn't my favorite, but it's not bad.

[JE] It's just Fritos but with lime. [JI] I mean I'm not a big lime fan.

It's just lime flavored Fritos pretty much. I'm fine with that.

[JI] It's good, I just don't like lime that much.


[JE] It has weird flavors.

Oh, I was looking at the back. I'm like what?!

[JI] She was reading the other language like "those are weird flavors", but no.



[JE] I like em.

[JI] I like em, but they have a strong flavor.

[JE] Yeah, they're not like Tic Tacs at all.

[JI] No, yeah they taste like fruity flavored.

[JE] Yeah, it's just like candy.... [JI] Reminds me of

the concept of Tic Tacs, but not.

[JE] You know the little Runts candy?

It's the same concept as that, but a different shape.

[JI] They're good. [JE] I approve.


[JI] It says enjoy cold, but it's fine.

Whoa, it's strong peach smell.

I'll try it first.


It's not bad.

I don't like tea that much. [JE] I'm not crazy about peach, but we'll see.


If I liked peach, it's good.

[JI] Yeah, I mean it's very peach flavored.

It's not strong tea flavored. I liked it. It's good.

I like it.


[JI] Ohhhh [JE] Whoa, I love those!


[JI] Don't eat the whole thing!


(ukelele ♪♪♪)

Yeah, this is not going to make it until 3 minutes after this video.

It'll be gone.

So I'm gonna put it here so she doesn't eat it while I'm not looking.

You will.


Let's find out!


I think it's chocolate.


Yup chocolate! [JE] That's all yours, I'm good.

[JI] She's not a big fan of chocolate, but I am.

This is just like candy coated chocolate. Looks like rocks.

It's good.

[JE] You don't want these to run out too fast.

[JI] Gonna eat them all.


It's apple cider. I don't like this flavor.

Yeah I'm not a big mango person anyways. [JE] Same

[JI] But for science??


It's like a Fruit Roll-up but Mexican.


Looks brown.

[JE] It's probably more natural. I'm assuming. [JI] Maybe


[JI] (whispering) It's not natural.

Not natural.



Sorry Mexico, you are a great country, but this Ticky Roll is not great. No

You can keep that.


Alright, I think these are gonna be great! [JE] I'm sure they're good.

Can't go wrong with that.

[JI] I mean, they're cookies.

[JE] And they're pineapple.

It's broken.

[JE] Smell pineapple!

[JI] Whoa!

[JE] Smell strong like pineapple. [JI] My body is ready.


These are good.

Yeah, India, good job.


Yep, good job.

[JE] Yeah, they're good.

[JI] Dinner's not going to be healthy tonight.


If you're from Poland, can you explain why this is here?

Why, why?


They're like little orange balls or something.

[JE] No smell.

[JI] I don't known what they are, but they're really good.

[JE] They're like powdery inside. Like when it breaks open.

[JI] But they're more of an orange candy.

[JE] Yeah, sort of, but when you crack it open, there's powder that comes out.


[JI] I mean, last one from Turkey was good.

[JE] Oh, chocolate. You can try it.

[JI] Yeah, she doesn't like it. I'll try it.

I have to try it by myself... aw so sad.

Oh, this is what it is.


It's like...

it's like chocolate covered Twinkies,

but it has banana inside.

That's yummy!


Oh it smells good!

[JE] Oh sour!

Oh sour (slow mo)!

Good, but sour.

[JI] Yeah, ooh!

My jaw hurts. My face hurts!

Really good flavor, but it hurts my face.

[JE] You can have em.

[JI] I did not expect that.

But very tasty!

Okay, so that was our MunchPak.

I think it was really good!

Obviously we got a total of 12, so we got the... [JE] ... 10 plus.

[JI] 10 plus, so that's $20 a month or $19.95 a month.

For once a month I think that's really good. Good idea.

Try something fun, something new from around the world. Different types of food.

I think it's a cool idea.

[JE] Yeah, you can taste a lot of different things.

Not exactly healthy, but still treat yo self!

[JI] Really it's not healthy, but still...

like I said, for once a month that's fine.

Understand, we tried all of the candies right now,

but you don't have to do that.

So you can get it once a month and try them over time.

Something fun, like festive in your day.

Put something in your lunch or something like that. It's fun!

Except this... no.

Ticky Roll is not good.

[JE] Yeah, but one out of twelve.

Eleven others were great.

So seems a pretty safe bet. You'll find something or most that you like.

[JI] Yeah, and remember, you can customize your box.

So you can put down whatever...

I mean I informed them through email,

but you can take out whatever you want.

If you don't want candy or whatever.

So yeah, I think it was great!

And, I will leave that information down below...

ummm... yeah I forgot to ask for a discount code,

but I'll see if I can get one and if I do, I'll leave that down below

and if not, it's still worth the full price for sure!

And thank you Roxanne for packing our box.

[JE] Yup, did a great job. [JI] Yes, good job Roxanne.

Okay, so that is it.

Hopefully you enjoyed the video.

[JE] Yeah, I'm gonna get a drink...

[JI] While she is eating the rest of that.

You better save me some.

She's not.

[JI] Anyways... [JE] I'll save a little bit.

[JI] Anyways...

hopefully you enjoyed the video,

if you did, click LIKE and remember to subscribe.

Press the notification bell to make sure you get notified when new videos come out.

Maybe we'll do another cool review of things like this.

What do you want to see us do? Let us know.

If you want to support our channel, we have a few options.

We have ASL Stew Merch Store.

There you can get a shirt or stickers.

Also, we have Patreon for a monthly donation

or Ko-fi for a one time donation.

We really appreciate all of your support.

We'll see you in the next video. Bye!


For more infomation >> MunchPak Review ⎮ ASL Stew Life - Duration: 17:56.


Hoodrich Pablo Juan Type Beat 2017 "DrugRixh" | (Prod. By @101DaExclusive) - Duration: 3:48.

Hoodrich Pablo Juan Type Beat 2017 "DrugRixh" | (Prod. By @101DaExclusive)

For more infomation >> Hoodrich Pablo Juan Type Beat 2017 "DrugRixh" | (Prod. By @101DaExclusive) - Duration: 3:48.


Computer Vision: Crash Course Computer Science #35 - Duration: 11:10.

Hi, I'm Carrie Anne, and welcome to Crash Course Computer Science!

Today, let's start by thinking about how important vision can be.

Most people rely on it to prepare food, walk around obstacles, read street signs, watch

videos like this, and do hundreds of other tasks.

Vision is the highest bandwidth sense, and it provides a firehose of information about

the state of the world and how to act on it.

For this reason, computer scientists have been trying to give computers vision for half

a century, birthing the sub-field of computer vision.

Its goal is to give computers the ability to extract high-level understanding from digital

images and videos.

As everyone with a digital camera or smartphone knows, computers are already really good at

capturing photos with incredible fidelity and detail – much better than humans in fact.

But as computer vision professor Fei-Fei Li recently said, "Just like to hear is the

not the same as to listen.

To take pictures is not the same as to see."


As a refresher, images on computers are most often stored as big grids of pixels.

Each pixel is defined by a color, stored as a combination of three additive primary colors:

red, green and blue.

By combining different intensities of these three colors, what's called a RGB value,

we can represent any color.

Perhaps the simplest computer vision algorithm – and a good place to start – is to track

a colored object, like a bright pink ball.

The first thing we need to do is record the ball's color.

For that, we'll take the RGB value of the centermost pixel.

With that value saved, we can give a computer program an image, and ask it to find the pixel

with the closest color match.

An algorithm like this might start in the upper right corner, and check each pixel,

one at time, calculating the difference from our target color.

Now, having looked at every pixel, the best match is very likely a pixel from our ball.

We're not limited to running this algorithm on a single photo; we can do it for every

frame in a video, allowing us to track the ball over time.

Of course, due to variations in lighting, shadows, and other effects, the ball on the

field is almost certainly not going to be the exact same RGB value as our target color,

but merely the closest match.

In more extreme cases, like at a game at night, the tracking might be poor.

And if one of the team's jerseys used the same color as the ball, our algorithm would

get totally confused.

For these reasons, color marker tracking and similar algorithms are rarely used, unless

the environment can be tightly controlled.

This color tracking example was able to search pixel-by-pixel, because colors are stored

inside of single pixels.

But this approach doesn't work for features larger than a single pixel, like edges of

objects, which are inherently made up of many pixels.

To identify these types of features in images, computer vision algorithms have to consider

small regions of pixels, called patches.

As an example, let's talk about an algorithm that finds vertical edges in a scene, let's

say to help a drone navigate safely through a field of obstacles.

To keep things simple, we're going to convert our image into grayscale, although most algorithms

can handle color.

Now let's zoom into one of these poles to see what an edge looks like up close.

We can easily see where the left edge of the pole starts, because there's a change in

color that persists across many pixels vertically.

We can define this behavior more formally by creating a rule that says the likelihood

of a pixel being a vertical edge is the magnitude of the difference in color between some pixels

to its left and some pixels to its right.

The bigger the color difference between these two sets of pixels, the more likely the pixel

is on an edge.

If the color difference is small, it's probably not an edge at all.

The mathematical notation for this operation looks like this – it's called a kernel

or filter.

It contains the values for a pixel-wise multiplication, the sum of which is saved into the center pixel.

Let's see how this works for our example pixel.

I've gone ahead and labeled all of the pixels with their grayscale values.

Now, we take our kernel, and center it over our pixel of interest.

This specifies what each pixel value underneath should be multiplied by.

Then, we just add up all those numbers.

In this example, that gives us 147.

That becomes our new pixel value.

This operation, of applying a kernel to a patch of pixels, is call a convolution.

Now let's apply our kernel to another pixel.

In this case, the result is 1.

Just 1.

In other words, it's a very small color difference, and not an edge.

If we apply our kernel to every pixel in the photo, the result looks like this, where the

highest pixel values are where there are strong vertical edges.

Note that horizontal edges, like those platforms in the background, are almost invisible.

If we wanted to highlight those features, we'd have to use a different kernel – one

that's sensitive to horizontal edges.

Both of these edge enhancing kernels are called Prewitt Operators, named after their inventor.

These are just two examples of a huge variety of kernels, able to perform many different

image transformations.

For example, here's a kernel that sharpens images.

And here's a kernel that blurs them.

Kernels can also be used like little image cookie cutters that match only certain shapes.

So, our edge kernels looked for image patches with strong differences from right to left

or up and down.

But we could also make kernels that are good at finding lines, with edges on both sides.

And even islands of pixels surrounded by contrasting colors.

These types of kernels can begin to characterize simple shapes.

For example, on faces, the bridge of the nose tends to be brighter than the sides of the

nose, resulting in higher values for line-sensitive kernels.

Eyes are also distinctive – a dark circle sounded by lighter pixels – a pattern other

kernels are sensitive to.

When a computer scans through an image, most often by sliding around a search window, it

can look for combinations of features indicative of a human face.

Although each kernel is a weak face detector by itself, combined, they can be quite accurate.

It's unlikely that a bunch of face-like features will cluster together if they're

not a face.

This was the basis of an early and influential algorithm called Viola-Jones Face Detection.

Today, the hot new algorithms on the block are Convolutional Neural Networks.

We talked about neural nets last episode, if you need a primer.

In short, an artificial neuron – which is the building block of a neural network – takes

a series of inputs, and multiplies each by a specified weight, and then sums those values

all together.

This should sound vaguely familiar, because it's a lot like a convolution.

In fact, if we pass a neuron 2D pixel data, rather than a one-dimensional list of inputs,

it's exactly like a convolution.

The input weights are equivalent to kernel values, but unlike a predefined kernel, neural

networks can learn their own useful kernels that are able to recognize interesting features

in images.

Convolutional Neural Networks use banks of these neurons to process image data, each

outputting a new image, essentially digested by different learned kernels.

These outputs are then processed by subsequent layers of neurons, allowing for convolutions

on convolutions on convolutions.

The very first convolutional layer might find things like edges, as that's what a single

convolution can recognize, as we've already discussed.

The next layer might have neurons that convolve on those edge features to recognize simple

shapes, comprised of edges, like corners.

A layer beyond that might convolve on those corner features, and contain neurons that

can recognize simple objects, like mouths and eyebrows.

And this keeps going, building up in complexity, until there's a layer that does a convolution

that puts it together: eyes, ears, mouth, nose, the whole nine yards, and says "ah

ha, it's a face!"

Convolutional neural networks aren't required to be many layers deep, but they usually are,

in order to recognize complex objects and scenes.

That's why the technique is considered deep learning.

Both Viola-Jones and Convolutional Neural Networks can be applied to many image recognition

problems, beyond faces, like recognizing handwritten text, spotting tumors in CT scans and monitoring

traffic flow on roads.

But we're going to stick with faces.

Regardless of what algorithm was used, once we've isolated a face in a photo, we can

apply more specialized computer vision algorithms to pinpoint facial landmarks, like the tip

of the nose and corners of the mouth.

This data can be used for determining things like if the eyes are open, which is pretty

easy once you have the landmarks – it's just the distance between points.

We can also track the position of the eyebrows; their relative position to the eyes can be

an indicator of surprise, or delight.

Smiles are also pretty straightforward to detect based on the shape of mouth landmarks.

All of this information can be interpreted by emotion recognition algorithms, giving

computers the ability to infer when you're happy, sad, frustrated, confused and so on.

In turn, that could allow computers to intelligently adapt their behavior... maybe offer tips when

you're confused, and not ask to install updates when you're frustrated.

This is just one example of how vision can give computers the ability to be context sensitive,

that is, aware of their surroundings.

And not just the physical surroundings – like if you're at work or on a train – but also

your social surroundings – like if you're in a formal business meeting versus a friend's

birthday party.

You behave differently in those surroundings, and so should computing devices, if they're smart.

Facial landmarks also capture the geometry of your face, like the distance between your

eyes and the height of your forehead.

This is one form of biometric data, and it allows computers with cameras to recognize


Whether it's your smartphone automatically unlocking itself when it sees you, or governments

tracking people using CCTV cameras, the applications of face recognition seem limitless.

There have also been recent breakthroughs in landmark tracking for hands and whole bodies,

giving computers the ability to interpret a user's body language, and what hand gestures

they're frantically waving at their internet connected microwave.

As we've talked about many times in this series, abstraction is the key to building

complex systems, and the same is true in computer vision.

At the hardware level, you have engineers building better and better cameras, giving

computers improved sight with each passing year, which I can't say for myself.

Using that camera data, you have computer vision algorithms crunching pixels to find

things like faces and hands.

And then, using output from those algorithms, you have even more specialized algorithms

for interpreting things like user facial expression and hand gestures.

On top of that, there are people building novel interactive experiences, like smart

TVs and intelligent tutoring systems, that respond to hand gestures and emotion.

Each of these levels are active areas of research, with breakthroughs happening every year.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Today, computer vision is everywhere – whether it's barcodes being scanned at stores, self-driving

cars waiting at red lights, or snapchat filters superimposing mustaches.

And, the most exciting thing is that computer scientists are really just getting started,

enabled by recent advances in computing, like super fast GPUs.

Computers with human-like ability to see is going to totally change how we interact with them.

Of course, it'd also be nice if they could hear and speak, which we'll discuss next


I'll see you then.

For more infomation >> Computer Vision: Crash Course Computer Science #35 - Duration: 11:10.


Justice League NEWS How Superman Is RESURRECTED In Justice League REVEALED? & Embargo LIFTED? - Duration: 6:21.

what is good youtube warstu here with Justice League news video so happy

Justice League week let's go so the Justice League embargo has been

released now so if you don't want spoilers please stay off the internet as

reviews and clickbait articles will be coming out the left right and center

from today but the biggest mystery for me isn't the post-credits scenes I

couldn't care less about them because they have nothing to do with the main

narrative the biggest thing for me is how and when is Superman Clark Kent

Henry Cavill but I think it's Cavell I'm just gonna call him cavil because that's

how everyone else pronouncing it how's he gonna return in the Justice League

movie for me this is gonna be the biggest what the moment and it's the

biggest moment I can't wait for I'm gonna be watching just sleek today

thanks to all my subscribers and due to the traction I'll be killing this video

Warner was Dial invited me to watch an early screen of the movie which is

awesome so in this video we're gonna go over some scenarios of how Superman

could actually return obviously we know because of the Battle of us man

nightmare sequence that Lois is key she's always here Lois is the person

that keeps him Dumon and keeps him grounded if he lost Lois then he'd

literally go evil enter and destroy the whole world that was basically the

meaning of the nightmare scene when he's underground in the chamber and he says

to Batman you took my world she was my everything and then it looks like

Superman was about to kill Batman and then he woke up so there's so many ways

he could come back the biggest theory that's not gonna be true is he never

really died there's been lots of theories that the ending about the vs

Superman when we see the grave seen a lot of people said the grave was shaken

which device I don't think he's dead but he's just steam powered so they're gonna

make it look like he dead because Superman didn't technically die

but I hope they don't spin off in such a way that it's like he was falling

like you had a really long nap and just needed some sunlight because as we know

sunlight will heal him so we all know henry cavill did pose tweet instagram an

image of the black suit so that's the second biggest question is he gonna

return with a similar kind of storyline to the death of Superman story art from

the comic books where he had the black suit and had the mullet I'm hoping we do

get back but it would be quite obvious if that was to happen evil Superman is

the biggest conspiracy theory going around

everyone says that the steppenwolf is going to control him because obviously

the Justice League could defeat Steppenwolf just with one one demigod by

herself to be honest so it would be interesting if we could get an evil

Superman then Lois Lane would really be key because obviously Steppenwolf would

manipulate Superman and tell him that Lois is dead and that would make him

join make him go evil now an interesting theory that I put out a while ago was

that the flash is going to run back in a time and save him so he never actually

died in Batman vs Superman when he shoved the Kryptonite into Tuesday and

essentially killed the bug for them that would be interesting but seeing as the

version of Flash were getting in this movie apparently hasn't even developed

his abilities and that much and then he hasn't even been called the flash I

don't think he's going to have the ability to run back in time and also the

whole flashpoint thing would really make sense if you refused to run back in time

in a Justice League movie and then have a flashpoint kind of story like after or

at least that's what I think so I think the most logical reasoning would be that

the fortress of solitude will be involved and also the Eradicator

possibly but obviously Lex Luthor did study all of the Kryptonian information

in Batman vs Superman so if Lex Luthor is in this movie Lex

Luthor could tell them that the key to bringing him back is in

the fortress of solitude with the codex and everything all that have to do is

study the information and find out that he just needs a bit of sunlight

he just needs a bit of a suntan so there are most likely options of how Superman

will actually return but I hope I'm wrong it could be absolutely wrong but I

wanted to put a video out because Superman's return is gonna be epic and I

think that's the reason why Warner Brothers have tried to keep house

Superman Returns a big mystery because no one really knows how he's going to

return a lot of people seem bothered about the post-credits scenes but how

Superman Returns will define the whole movie because we've seen in the endless

trailers Batman says the world needs Superman soo-man restored the faith back

into Batman to be a better person and to be a better vigilante of that superhero

I guess you could say I've got a bit of cold so my voice may sound a bit

different I'm gonna try and edit it out so it sounds normal but it's going to be

interesting so please guys if you've watched me no sport is below um just let

me know how do you think Superman will be resurrected I will title this video

Superman how he is how Superman Returns revealed but as you know from the start

a video is just a theory of you guys so don't troll me down below anyway guys

please like scrub and comment that would be awesome hit that red belly button

down below and I will catch you in another video most likely tomorrow which

will actually be my Justice League review if I don't do a quick reaction

review once I see it facecam maybe depends how epic it actually was anyway

guys have a nice day and I will see you soon catch ya later

For more infomation >> Justice League NEWS How Superman Is RESURRECTED In Justice League REVEALED? & Embargo LIFTED? - Duration: 6:21.


Royal Dress Codes Prohibit Meghan Markle From Wearing This Anymore - Duration: 1:19.

It's not easy dating royalty.

While Suits actress Meghan Markle's never been one to shy away from a chic ensemble,

she may have to start reconsidering her fashion choices from now on.

At least, if she wants in with the British royal family, that is.

According to Footwear News, Markle, whose romance with Prince Harry has been heating

up, may soon have to follow a few new style rules.

As dictated by the strict style standards, Markle will reportedly have to give up her

love of leggy shorts and skirts and instead adopt the "no knees" policy that Kate Middleton

typically has to follow.

And while Markle is certainly under no obligation to follow these supposed rules, it looks like

she may have already started, which has led many to suspect that Markle and Harry are

inching their way closer to an engagement.

Considering that Markle is said to be leaving her USA Network series Suits, a royal wedding

could certainly be in the works.

In the meantime, get used to seeing the 36-year-old wear fewer ripped jeans and short dresses

and more modest gowns and covered-up ensembles.

The former lifestyle blogger has also begun incorporating more British brands into her

wardrobe, including Burberry and Hunter.

So it'd seem that Markle's making all the right moves to be welcomed in by the royal

family and their country.

In the meantime, we can't wait to see the rest of Markle's style transformation.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Royal Dress Codes Prohibit Meghan Markle From Wearing This Anymore - Duration: 1:19.


[TV - Giải Trí Official] Nonstop 2018 - Đẳng cấp phòng bay - Đưa gái lên mây - Zin mix . - Duration: 1:16:23.

For more infomation >> [TV - Giải Trí Official] Nonstop 2018 - Đẳng cấp phòng bay - Đưa gái lên mây - Zin mix . - Duration: 1:16:23.


BEYOND A YEAR IN SPACE | Scott Kelly Returns to Earth | PBS - Duration: 2:44.


SCOTT: Right before the chute opens

is when you start really hearing the air outside,

really hitting the atmosphere hard.

When it opens, it definitely gets your attention.


Feels like you've kind of lost control.



[radio chatter]

NASA REPORTER: The SAR teams do have visual of the capsule,

Soyuz craft descending under parachutes.

Search and recovery forces

moving in on the Russian MI-8 helicopters,

as well as all-terrain vehicles.

[applause and cheering]

NASA REPORTER: All the recovery personnel

from NASA and Roscosmos

converging out there in Kazakhstan

around the capsule.

[men speaking Russian]

[breathing deeply]

SCOTT: The crisp coldness of the air is quite refreshing.

Not only fresh,

but not space station smell to it.


KLUGER: The 340 days

Scott Kelly and Misha Kornienko spent in space

is less than 50%

of what an even brief mission to Mars would be.

[man speaking Russian]

The one-year mission will not end

with Scott and Misha Kornienko's landing.

They will be studied closely and in depth

for the next year.

For more infomation >> BEYOND A YEAR IN SPACE | Scott Kelly Returns to Earth | PBS - Duration: 2:44.


Argentina vs Nigeria: Mikel reveals why La Albiceleste chose to play Super Eagles|NVS News - Duration: 1:43.

Argentina vs Nigeria: Mikel reveals why La Albiceleste chose to play Super Eagles

Super Eagles captain, John Obi Mikel has said that Argentina chose to face Nigeria in a pre-World Cup friendly because the three-time African champions have become stronger.

Mikel, who is set to mark his 80th cap for Nigeria, disclosed this while speaking at a pre-match press conference Monday evening ahead of Tuesday's clash with the La Albiceleste in Krasnodar, Russia.

Its good for us to hold a match with Argentina.

We met repeatedly, its a very good indicator that they chose us.

It shows that we have become stronger, our style of play has changed; we have achieved a number of successes.

This is also seen and thats why they chose us as a sparring partner, which will be a good test for both teams, Mikel said.

For more infomation >> Argentina vs Nigeria: Mikel reveals why La Albiceleste chose to play Super Eagles|NVS News - Duration: 1:43.


Argentina vs Nigeria: Sergio Aguero collapsed, rushed to hospital|NVS News|News Entertaiment| - Duration: 1:52.

Argentina vs Nigeria: Sergio Aguero collapsed, rushed to hospital

Argentina forward Sergio Aguero collapsed during the half time of the grade one friendly game against Nigeria and was rushed to the medical center.

Aguero who netted La Albicelestes second goal in the first half lost consciousness in the middle of the match.

Aguero became Argentinas third-highest scorer in history when he netted in the first half to put the Albiceleste 2-0 ahead.

At the break, however, the Manchester City man suffered a yet unknown problem and was forced to leave the Stadion FK in Krasnodar and seek medical treatment.

TyC Sports later reported that the forward later recovered consciousness and underwent tests in hospital, while Dario Benedetto replaced him on the field.

Argentina explained on their official twitter handle, Aguero suffered a collapse and was therefore taken to carry out routine studies merely as a precaution.

Argentina fell to a 4-2 defeat, with three of Nigerias goals coming after half time.

For more infomation >> Argentina vs Nigeria: Sergio Aguero collapsed, rushed to hospital|NVS News|News Entertaiment| - Duration: 1:52.


(EP-4) Trixz play NightCry - Duration: 5:10:16.

For more infomation >> (EP-4) Trixz play NightCry - Duration: 5:10:16.


Driver Wanted: PennDOT seeking plow drivers - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Driver Wanted: PennDOT seeking plow drivers - Duration: 1:05.


Learn Colors Nursery Rhymes Color Song Baby Doll Bath Time Video BDTKSE - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Learn Colors Nursery Rhymes Color Song Baby Doll Bath Time Video BDTKSE - Duration: 4:54.


ASMR WITH A CONDOM (SUB ESP) - Duration: 15:26.

For more infomation >> ASMR WITH A CONDOM (SUB ESP) - Duration: 15:26.


Wig Encounters| Indian Remy Beachy Wave Full Lace Human Hair Wig| Beginner Friendly Wig Review - Duration: 7:59.

Hey YouTube family! Its ya girl Lia back again with another

video and as you can tell from the wig cap it's a wig about to be on my head

soon. So don't get don't get confused with the wig cap on right now a wig is

about to be on my head and it is a wig from a company that I am super stoked to

try. Now I'm only super stoked to try this wig because my crochet hair muva.

Where Jackie Aina is my makeup mother my crochet hair and wig mother is Taste

Pink. And she has done a couple of videos on Wig Encounters. So when Wig Encounters

reached out to me and said they would want to send me a wig. I was like

me. Little ole me. I don't know if I can do your wig justice like Queen Muva Taste

Pink does the wig justice but I said go ahead sit in my way.

This is how my box came but I didn't put it on wig encounters I put it on FedEx.

FedEx didn't do it right but that doesn't mean what's on the inside can't

be good. So when I open up the package the hair is still intact. So this is how

it comes. It comes with a little card that tells me and reminds me what I

actually ordered because I although I was contacted by wig encounters

maybe it was like three weeks ago. They shipped the wigs two weeks after we had our

first exchange because they put their heart and soul in making the wigs for

me. They told me after I chose which wig I wanted that it would be five to seven

working days before the wig was made and then shipped. So I was like okay so this

ain't just some rigmarole thing. They let me know after I chose the Indian remy

hair. I got the 18 inches. I got the color 1b. The density is 130 in the hairline

and in the back the density is 150 percent. I have baby hair around the

perimeter and it has a natural pre plucked hairline. So they customize they

put everything and then it's not just for me. It's not because I have a channel

that they did this specially for me. No they customize everything that you get. Um

it has three combs in the front. Oh look at the wave of this. This wave is what

drew me to it. I'll insert a picture right now of what the model looks like.

So what drew me to it and made me want to choose his wig this is the look. This

is the look and I was like let me find out. Let me put it on before I cut the lace

just so I can get an idea of do I need to switch my wig cap when I go upstairs.

It does have adjustable straps because on me right now it being on not

adjusted it's super loose. I have a small head as pre usual but of course I

can adjust the strap. So if you have a bigger head like a way bigger head this

cap is gonna fit you perfectly. But this is what it feels like on me unadjusted

un-anything very very much so loose so average could fit a very large head size.

Let me go cut the lace. I'm gonna cut the lace all over the lace off. You guys

don't need to see me do that. Sometimes you guys ask I want to see you cut

the lace but I'm just literally cutting the lace. I'm not gonna have to cut into

the hairline or I'm gonna try my hardest not to so I don't mess up them baby hairs. So

I'll be right back. So now I'm back I went upstairs and I hooked up this unit.

I'm getting new. I even though I've been part of that synthetic wig game I'm new

and jumping into the human hair wig game so I know what to look for in terms of

what I like and these human hair unit so far. And I'm loving this. I was

right in doing this look dark look no I knew it was gonna be something that's

gonna give me something different. A little different Lia Lavon

loving it what I'm loving specifically though is this hairline. Can we get into

it right now. Can you not tell me this does not look like it's not this look

like it's coming out of my head. Like look at that part my god it's my hair

like it's the who what are you talking about somebody actually is that your

hair this time I'm really gonna say yes look at it in terms of that indian remy

feel that's exactly how it's feeling right now. In terms of that one of the

type of color is this one be absolutely it looks exactly like it it doesn't look

too - ish sometimes has that little hint of brown in it I'm not seeing it too too

heavy in that in this hair and I'm loving that I'm loving a darker look as

we're going it's a farm we're stepping into fall trying to serve you fall looks

right now I would we love to see how this hair feels

straight and inven cold which is the look I've been going for with some of my

human hair wigs lately so I'll definitely be interested in seeing that

this is what they ate him it just looks like on me now remember your girl is

shorty make short short I am five two and a half let's give myself that half

almost five three let's just call it by three I'm five three and this is where

it falls on me I'm typically a 14 inch I love her that's my inch of choice and

any hair I normally love a 14 inch but isn't it beautiful to be in its 18 inch

state and be right here now if I straightened it I feel like it could

come a little bit longer not too much longer because this curl isn't that you

know much of a curls go a wee bit longer but not that much longer so what you see

what you get and I love that about this here I think this is a wig like if I'm

gonna say what weeks I think are beginner-friendly I know I tried a human

hair wig in the past Eva wig wig I don't know if that's beginner-friendly I think

this wig this wig no it's like you you don't have that's probably why I could

hook it up so easily cuz I'm no expert here but this is definitely like can you

see how this is flowing the baby hairs that they talk about I blended them a

little bit with here they're not the shortest baby hairs I don't know why I

thought they were gonna be like super short they're kind of like this length

in terms of baby here so they did kind of blend well with my edges wise but

they weren't the shortest baby here I know I know this is gonna be my go-to

wig of this week so I know I'm gonna play around with it I already knew I was

so excited to unbox this today on this Saturday because I was like next week is

my last week before I put prochaine hair back in and I need a wig that's gonna do

me right and I think this wig is gonna do me right after I tighten it up like I

said I first put this wig on I was like skirt um why is it so loose but I fear

tighten it up it does fit me securely now so I definitely feel like it's a

small head cap even if you get averaged and you have a larger head I think you

can get away with it I really do like this wig I'm not gonna say it's my

favorite but I do enjoy this wig so much this hair has

been incredible look at it like get into this hair I think I'm gonna do a date

night look inspired by this hair I know I'm gonna do a date night look inspired

by this hair stay tuned for more looks of me creating looks makeup beauty looks

with this hair because there on the horizon I'll leave all the specs for wig

encounters thank you so much wig encounter for sending me this wig and

exposing me getting me more used to the human ear wig I'm not a human hair snob

I'm not somebody who's only doing human hair of course I love my synthetic

limits but it's nice to have a human hair wig up upon your head sometimes

it's a different feel it's a definite good way to switch things up so if you

guys are interested in seeing anything wig encounters has I think they pride

themselves on being very beginner friendly in their wig human hair if

you're gonna step into that human hair wig family where should you go I think

you should definitely check them out add them to your list wig encounters calm

I'll leave their information and their site and the links of this unit

specifically down below if you're not following me on Instagram why are you

not follow me on Instagram Atlee Levada a man if you're not following me on

snapchat why are you not follow me on snapchat at Miss Thalia 89 and make sure

you subscribe to me if you haven't already why how'd you make it miss

alright not subscribe to me subscribe to me come front of my family we want you

here thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you in my next video bye

For more infomation >> Wig Encounters| Indian Remy Beachy Wave Full Lace Human Hair Wig| Beginner Friendly Wig Review - Duration: 7:59.


La Liga: Ronaldo reject new Real Madrid contract, wants exist|NVS News|News Entertaiment| - Duration: 1:47.

La Liga: Ronaldo reject new Real Madrid contract, wants exist

Real Madrid superstar, Cristiano Ronaldo has reportedly told his club that he wants to quit the Los Blancos at the end of the season.

According to Spanish TV station, El Chiringuito, Ronaldo has rejected the terms and told Florentino Perez of his desire to depart.

The 32-year-old is said to be angered by the deal on the table and believes he should be allowed to leave Madrid for a reasonable price.

The Portuguese international, who has another three years to his contract, was thought to be eyeing a move last summer following his tax evasion charge.

Real Madrid were determined to extend his stay beyond 2021, despite the player not being interested in a new deal.

Ronaldo, who celebrated the birth of his fourth child earlier this week, has endured a tough start to the season, particularly in La Liga, scoring just once.

For more infomation >> La Liga: Ronaldo reject new Real Madrid contract, wants exist|NVS News|News Entertaiment| - Duration: 1:47.


BEYOND A YEAR IN SPACE | The Twin Study | PBS - Duration: 2:54.

CHRISTOPHER MASON: The twin study's

an extraordinary opportunity.

Working with twins gives you a perfect genetic experiment.

As a geneticist, I wish everyone had a twin on Earth or in space,

but in this case, we were just lucky.

KLUGER: Two men with identical genomes,

identical careers.

You send one man to space for one year.

SCOTT: I just did my saliva samples.


Saliva bag number 2.


KLUGER: You track the other man

living an earthly life for that same one year.

Subtract the differences...

that's what space did.

SCOTT: These are ice bricks to keep our samples cold

when we return 'em back to Earth.

So we're clear.

JOHN CHARLES: By analyzing the samples

that have come back from the space station,

we hope to understand where spaceflight has

its most fundamental effects on astronauts.

KLUGER: This will be an experiment

that will go on in depth for a year,

and in further research forever,

for the life of both astronauts.

WOMAN: And close your eyes.

MASON: In this study, we actually will be examining

every aspect you can possibly look at

so far in physiology.

MARK: Do some MRIs and ultrasounds.

They did a stand-up MRI yesterday.

It was like torture.


You know, we figured out

I've spent 40 hours in that machine.

I have to give urine and stool samples.

Here's this. That's done.

One of my favorite things to do in the world:

collect one of those samples.

SCOTT: I got to go do some science in the bathroom.

I'll be right back.

MARK: So what are we looking at there on my eyeball?

WOMAN: Your retinal artery and vein.

MARK: How's it look?

WOMAN: Looks like the eye of an American hero, sir.

MARK: As long as it looks better than my brother's eye.

His is probably, after a year in space,

it's probably all shriveled up and decaying.

WOMAN: Blink, blink.

SCOTT: Yeah, you don't want to get to Mars and be, be blind.

That wouldn't be good.

[crinkling paper]

I did this so many times in space,

it's not even funny.

MAN: So, uh, does the blood

still flow the same way in space?

SCOTT: Uh, no. Fluid behaves differently.

MAN: Does it come faster or slower?

SCOTT: Uh, I don't know.


MAN: Is that enough light?

SCOTT: Yeah.

There we go.

They have more genetic information on my brother and I

than they do of any other people.


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