Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 15 2017

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For more infomation >> 🤑Tutorial // AFK Cobble generator // Skyblock😱 - Duration: 11:12.


Fitness Workout Motivation - GET READY FOR 2018! - Workout Motivation 2018 - Duration: 3:14.

Fitness Workout Motivation - GET READY FOR 2018! - Workout Motivation 2018

For more infomation >> Fitness Workout Motivation - GET READY FOR 2018! - Workout Motivation 2018 - Duration: 3:14.


Reversing Type 2 Diabetes — And Reversing Heart Disease — Don Avoided 6 Bypasses — Food as Medicine! - Duration: 12:19.

This has made such a big difference in the way that I see my food and in the way

that I eat, and the way that I feel.

The last usage went down to 35 -- from 110 to 35.

Because I was starting to

go low and even though I was eating 250 carbs a day, my weight -- I weigh 165


I haven't weighed this since high school and

I'm 55.

I've always though -- been told -- once you

pass 40 you can forget about losing weight.

Never in a million years would I have thought how

much weight I would lose doing this or I would have done this a long time ago.

This is the way to go.

If you're diabetic, it's definitely the way to go because of how much

help you're going to get with your numbers and with your diabetes.

It can be reversed.

It's just amazing.

I'm 55 years olf.

Most of my adult life I weighed over 215 pounds.

Tried all kinds of fad diets,

exercise, diet pills, shakes, Weight Watchers, you name it.

I could lose about 10 - 15 pounds and

then I would just gain it right back.

Back in 1998 when I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes,

probably very similar to what they do now, the doctor put me on Metformin, 500

milligrams to try to get it to come down.

Then he sent me to a diabetes education class where

the main topic that they taught was how to count your carbs,

read the labels, and limit your carb intake to 60

grams per meal, no more than 15%.

Not once did they refer to anything that had to do with fat and diabetes, which

after seeing the online summit really opened my eyes.

My A1c would range anywhere from 10.7 to 7.9.

I went up on my Metformin usage because I wasn't

really maintaining control of what I was eating and

my diet.

And I was under a little bit of stress too.

Around 2013 is when my primary care

physician decided that it was now time for me to start taking Lantis, so he

started me on 25 units.

Well that took me about a year to get up to where I was actually taking

10 units of it.

My blood glucose wasn't under control and I was

still heavy.

My cholesterol was still high.

My triglycerides, blood pressure, everything.

Now I've also been living with heart disease since 1994.

I got 9 stents.

The last heart procedure

that I had done was in February of this year.

Prior to that in December of 2016 my cardiologist

had me come in to do a nuclear stress test which is something that I've been

doing every year.

He saw an area that looked like the blood supply was low, so he decided I needed

to have a heart cath done to see what was going on.

Okay, my experience had been stress test, heart

cath, 1 or 2 stents, and go home, do 12 weeks of cardio rehab and start all over


Well, that didn't happen this time.

This time, the cardiologist came out of the cath

lab a lot quicker than he ever has and was telling my wife and

myself that I had extensive blockages in my heart,

which I don't think he was really surprised to see.

This is the same one that's been putting my

stents in.

And he was like you need to actually get with your regular


He said because what I see is you need to have 6 bybasses.

I said okay.

And it just so happened that it was on February 3 that I had the heart cath


And the online summit -- the Mastering Diabetes online summit

that y'all did was during that same time frame.

So that Saturday and Sunday my wife sat and watched every one of those people on

the summit.

And we were amazed at what we were hearing and seeing.

We were like, okay.

On one hand, you go in the hospital and you get these

6 bypasses done.

On the other hand, listening to

some of this information on the Mastering Diabetes Summit, it can be reversed.

You don't have to do this.

And that's when I decided I didn't really want my chest cracked open

like an egg, and have my plumbing rerouted so I was like okay,

we're gonna do this.

My wife was onboard with it.

It was just fantastic.

We became members of the Mastering


Everything that we've been doing is plant-based whole food.

I have not had any meat,


And when I say meat, chicken was my big thing.

I loved chicken.

And I could eat chicken


You know, breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Not any more.

After seeing just all the stuff

that I've seen and the information that I've gotten from you guys has made such

a big difference.

Big difference in the way that I see my food, in the way that I eat, and the way

that I feel.

It was nothing for me to sit down and eat 5 pieces

of fried chicken.

And you'd wanna just sit back and

take a nap.

Not do anything.

And I'm sure it did affect my thinking also.

You know it clouded


It wasn't good, but I didn't realize how good it could be.

It was just a way of life.

The transition process was so much easier than

my wife and I both expected.

And it all mostly

stemmed from the information that we had, that we got from y'all.

You know, again it was like

bypass or lifestyle change.

Because we weren't looking at this as a diet.

This wasn't going to be

a diet.

This was going to be a lifestyle change.

That's exactly what we did.

First it was a little scary because nutritionists and doctors are

always telling you especially if you're diabetic,

"Watch your carbs.

You can't eat the fruits.

You can't eat the potatoes.

You have to watch the


Going and seeing what a plant based and whole food was I can eat a cup

of grapes.

I could eat like I do for my breakfast now,

I kindof do what Robby does and I'll eat 4 fruits.

Now I'll cut up an apple, a banana, a pear, and

I'll throw a cup of blueberries in on top of all that.

I'll take cinnamon like Cyrus.

I love cinnamon.

I mean I douse it in cinnamon.

I'll throw chia seeds

on there and I've gotten where I every time I eat something for a meal, it's

gonna have either fresh or cooked spinach on it.

I've gotten to where I love spinach.

So the transition was easier than we thought, easier than we expected because of

the frame of mind that we were in.

We were in.

We were all in.

We knew this is what we were gonna do and

we were gonna watch and see what happened.

And it's just been amazing to see the difference

in the way that I feel, the way that I eat, the way that I even act.

My moods, my temperament,

it's's better.

It's just all around better.

Baseline numbers, insulin usage, things like that were high.

Average A1c was around 8.2.

And again I was still taking 100 units of Lantis.

My blood pressure was high, my cholesterol was 230,

my triglycerides were above 150.

And I was still on the Lantis, I was still on 2

different types of blood pressure medicine -- 1 which was a beta

blocker, which reduced your heart rate.

I got to the point of thinking well why am I doing

that because my heart is not getting any stronger if

I'm keeping the rate of it down all the time.

I was just not doing too well with my health.

And that was all before I started.

Now when I went to the plant based whole food diet, I gradually got off my

Varsilia, my Lantis usage went down like the first week down to

like 35.

From 110 to 35.

Because I was starting to

go low.

And even though I was eating 250 carbs a day, and it was all the fruit

and the potatoes.

I was like, this is working.

This is good.

So I was anxious to see what it was going to do with my


At one point my cholesterol was down to 99 and then it went back up

to 121.

My HDL stayed up at a decent level, but my LDL

was always really high and the triglycerides were


Cholesterol was way down.

The last A1c that I had done was 6.1, so it's way down.

My weight -- I weigh 165 pounds.

I haven't weighed this since high school.

And I'm 55.

I've always thought -- been told -- once you get past

40 you can forget about losing weight.

Never in a million years would I have thought how much

weight I would lose doing this or I would have

done this a long time ago.

It's just fantastic to see the difference from 8

months ago.

From back in February to where I'm at now.

Just to give you another little idea.

When we came out to California, when you go through the

TSA line you present your driver's license and boarding pass.

The guy looked at my driver's

license and was like, "You've lost a lot of weight haven't you?"


This is the way to go.

If you're a diabetic, it's definitely the way

to go because of how much help you're going to get

with your numbers and with your diabetes.

It can be reversed.

It's just amazing to see the

changes that have happened in my body and knowing that it's not me.

It's what I'm putting in

my body.

I've been doing the best I can to anybody that I find to talk them in

to try this.

Try it for 10 days.

You will see a major difference and you won't want to go back to

eating this other stuff.

Do not hesitate.

Go at it as a lifestyle change.

Don't go at it as a diet.

It's not a diet.

It is a lifestyle change.

You will be amazed how much better you feel eating this way.

The one key that my wife and I found that was very helpful

when we started was to focus on what we could eat -

- not what we shouldn't eat -- but what we could eat.

Mastering Diabetes.

Don't hesitate.

Even if you're not diabetic, if you wanna keep

from becoming a diabetic, do this.

And you'll just be

amazed at how much better you'll feel, how much the food tastes better, and all

the options that you actually have.

For more infomation >> Reversing Type 2 Diabetes — And Reversing Heart Disease — Don Avoided 6 Bypasses — Food as Medicine! - Duration: 12:19.


Real Life Truman Show | Susunu! Denpa Shōnen - Duration: 6:35.

We all know the Japanese love crazy shit. Weird-ass candies, tentacles and

ridiculous game shows. But there was one game show that took their batshit love

of batshit insane games do a whole new batshit level. It made The Truman Show

who looked like a morally pure experiment where nobody was hurt.

The star; Nasubi. The game Susunu! Denpa Shonen. Let's dig a little deeper,

you and I. Sununu! Denpa Shonen featured a 22 year old comedian

nicknamed Nasubi. His nickname meant eggplant, a reference to his long face,

and he was hoping the show would kick-start his comic career. Well it

didn't fuckin' do that let me tell you. After he'd auditioned producers told

Nasubi that he would appear in a segment but may or may not air but if it did air

it would make him a star. The young man was then blindfolded and taken to a room

that was empty aside from a radio, a cooker, and a coffee table. There was

essential plumbing, a small cushion, a piles of magazines. Other than that the

room was bare. Then the producers told Nasubi to strip. That's when producers

explained he was in a contest called Sweepstakes Life. If you wanted clothes,

food or anything at all he'd have to win his supplies by entering sweepstakes.

That's why there were so many magazines. Once he reached to ten thousand dollars

worth of prizes he'd be free to leave the room and begin his life as a

celebrity. Until then you have to stay in the room, cut off from the world, living

on only what he won. Oh and he had to change the tapes in the video camera.

Tapes that may or may not end up on TV someday. So yeah he was in a tiny room,

pretty much nothing in it, fairly naked and he had to fill out those

shitty postcards you get on the backs of magazines to win prizes. Sounds awesome!

Of course the kicker is he can only get food by winning prizes so Nasubi got to

work, filling in post cards and entering nearly 300 contests a day. Of course it

takes a while to win a sweepstakes and soon Nasubi was losing a lot of weight.

Thankfully the crew gave him bread and water but when he finally won

a few sodas two weeks in the free food stopped. Four weeks later he won a bag

of rice but since he didn't have a pot he had to cook his food in a soda can. He

also won crazy prizes like Spice Girls tickets and a TV. I mean he can't eat a

TV, you just you just can't. And he never won any clothing that fit so he was

naked the entire time. How long did the contest last? Well Nasubi was shut in

the room for about a year it took him ten months to win any toilet paper. As you

might expect the isolation took a toll on Nasubi and soon he stopped grooming

and started taking advice from toys he'd won. He was literally going crazy.

But what Nasubi didn't know is that he was already famous. The producers had

lied. His crazy antics were already all over the TV and 16 million people were

watching him run around naked, barely making it on rice and beating off.

Beating off the boredom by talking to his penis. Of course producers covered up

no Nasubi's groin with an illustrated eggplant and the show was enhanced with

silly sound effects and bizarre graphics. So tasteless. Strangely the show was so

popular that Nasubi was already popping up in commercials and on magazines

Unknowingly, the whole time. People watched him on a

24-hour live feed, read his diaries which producers had published, Nasubi's

entire life was on display. Once Nasubi reached his $10,000 goal the producers

gave him clothes and flew him to South Korea. He spent the day enjoying the

scenery but that night they snuck him in a Korean apartment that looked just like

his old one, they ordered him to strip and said if you wanted plane tickets

back to Japan you'd have to play the game all over

again. Frustrated and tired Nasubi obeyed and spent four months in Korea living

off only what he won in magazines. Again, when that was finally over the producers

took him back to Japan and they let him go. Sike! Of course they didn't, they're

Japanese. They took him back to Japan put him in an entirely new apartment and

told him to play the game again. Assuming he had to play another round, Nasubi took

off his clothes. And that's when the walls fell down.

Suddenly he found himself surrounded by the audience, laughing, clapping and

cheering. That's when the hosts of Sunsunu! Denpa Shonen informed the

bewildered comedian that he was already a star, and that he'd won the game.

Now it's fair to say his life was ruined by the experience, he had trouble talking

and wearing clothes for years. He'd been on public display for quite some time.

The entire thing lasted fifteen months but I mean some good must have come out

of it right? Wrong. His comedian career, the entire reason

why he did it, basically kind of flatlined after he got out of the show

because it's hard to make jokes when you've been held prisoner for fifteen

months. The kicker? Nasubi could have actually left the

apartment any time he wanted, the doors were never locked. When asked why he

stayed, he simply replied "I said I'd do it

and I do what I say". Okay well at least he says it's given him a better outlook

on life and he's not in the room anymore. Not like me I'm in the same room every

fucking day. Thanks for watching, Mike out.

For more infomation >> Real Life Truman Show | Susunu! Denpa Shōnen - Duration: 6:35.


[4k] BMW M Performance 340i Touring xDrive 360 HP 500 Nm BMW M Performance Power and Sound Kit - Duration: 15:14.

English from 4 m 34 s in this clip

For more infomation >> [4k] BMW M Performance 340i Touring xDrive 360 HP 500 Nm BMW M Performance Power and Sound Kit - Duration: 15:14.





The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian / Narnia Günlükleri 2 (2008) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian / Narnia Günlükleri 2 (2008) - Türkçe Altyazılı 1. Fragman - Duration: 2:25.



hi guys I'm Sol Ballard from and today we are

manifesting an insane amount of success with three journaling prompts

journaling to manifest success is so simple that a lot of the times people

ignore it but I feel like they're leaving a lot of power on the table

because what you're doing when you're journaling these three prompts that I'm

about to give you you're signaling to the mind what you want it to do you're

pretty much communicating subconsciously and you're saying this is what I want to

bring about alright let's get started journaling prompt number one journal for

clarity because you can't hit a target you can't see right oh so how are you

going to get where you don't know where you're going here is how journaling for

clarity speeds up your success here is an example so say that you want to go

eat somewhere right but you don't know what you want you don't you don't have

anything in mind so you start driving you get on the road and you're like oh

it's how them sounds nice if you'd own the side of the road you stop there oh

wait no that's not what I wanted I don't see anything that I wanted menu oh you

know what there's a really good burger place across town let me drive it thirty

minutes to get there you're driving you're almost there twenty minutes in

you realize I really want a burger think it's kind of feeling something like

Mexican let me turn around let me do this u-turn

and all the way to the other side of town where this Mexican place is and

what you're doing is that you're using all of your brain power and your energy

to try to get somewhere but you don't know where you're going so how are you

going to get there so we need journal for clarity you're giving your mind

clear and concise directions of where you want it to go not to be confused

with the how a lot of the times I see people say well I want to do this but I

don't know how I'm gonna get there so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna write about

that the hell will come once clarity is set right now just focus on where you

want to be you have that business you have that dream how do you want it to

look like how does how you want it to feel what do you want to see what do you

want to bring about this is what you're putting down in your journal when I'm

unclear about what I want to bring a bow in my business or in life I write it all

down let myself be confused and I just start

writing like this is what I would want I'm a little bit confused about this and

then the inside start flowing in ideas start flowing in action steps reveal

themselves to me and now I have a more concrete vision of what it is I'm trying

to manifest and I'm not wasting time going across town for this or driving

through here looking at that I know exactly what I want and I know exactly

where I'm going by journaling what I want every single day I'm creating a

habit and I know exactly what I want I create this assertiveness around my

vision and what I can do that I start communicating to my mind what it is I

want to create when I journal for clarity every single day I start

creating a habit of what I want I know and I'm assertive about what I want

to create I can say with conviction what I want to bring about and this

assertiveness communicates not only to my mind but the energy around me of what

it is I want to attain so every day when you wake up in the morning start writing

that vision down write down exactly what it is that you want it doesn't have to

be this long drawn-out vision but you can start writing exactly what your

dream is or what your goals look like what they feel like what you see around

you what you want to bring about so every morning when you wake up start

reminding your mind by writing down clarity what it is that you're trying to

attain remind the energy around you what your intentions are this is a goal of

journaling for clarity journaling prompt number two journal away limiting beliefs

you know that voice that voice it says you can't do something that voice that

stops you every time you're going to do something scary we're gonna drown it out

here's the thing success that any capacity is less about achieving a

certain outcome and more about the person you become who can achieve that

certain outcome so here's what I want you to do I want you to look at all the

limiting beliefs I want you to listen to that voice and start jotting down and

good thing I'm too small I'm too big I'm too skinny I'm too fat and ugly I'm too

poor whatever is stopping you from achieving what you want I want you to

write it all down a common one that I hear all the time is that nobody wants

what I have to offer whether it's a business or something about their dream

they feel like nobody wants it so I want you to shift your focus whenever you

write down your limiting belief it's something more empowering because here's

the thing if your heart wants something it's because a world needs that the

universe does not make any mistakes so I want you to think about it in a more

empowering way like the world needs us the world needs and wants what I have to

offer so then I want you to write underneath your let me believe I want

you to write the world needs and wants what I had to offer then I want you to

scratch off the limiting belief scratch off the limb leave that alone to

scratching out the limb believe let your mind know that that is not true

discredits I believe just by scratching it out and what just circle the

empowering truth then what I want you to do is go about your day and start

repeating this empowering truth to yourself every single day with emotion

with conviction the world needs and wants what I have to offer

the world needs and want what I have to offer and this is how you start

reprogramming your minds into a new set of thinking but you have to do this

every single day you start to see that this now begins to be an automatic

response eventually with time if you stay consistent with it you will start

automatically believing this about yourself and with that you start

radiating a different energy and you start attracting things that match that

energy you start thinking and acting differently because you are being

differently journaling prompt number three manufacture your dream daily

here's the thing your dream what you want to manifest it's not real right now

in this physical realm right now it's something that exists in your mind and

the first step to bring it to life is to start writing down your dreams start

getting big but they're very detailed with it now

that you know you're very clear on what you want you've cut out any little

beliefs from getting you from achieving this dream I want you to start writing

down your dream with emotion I want you to start feeling that dream bringing it

to life on this piece of paper every single day because feeling my friend is

power feeling expresses to your body your mind your emotions what it wants to

produce more of and feelings are emotions and emotions are energy in motion and

energy creates this momentum you start pushing the limits of what it's possible

for you you start conditioning yourself to

believe that you can become this person that can produce this desired result

this energy and the momentum changes who you are it changes how you act it

changes how you think and feel and it helps you become the person that can

create a desired outcome you prime your mind to be open and ready to receive

commands from you to get you where you want to go do these deaths and start

taking action and watch your entire life change it will feel like magic but it's

science believe in it trust in it most importantly do it every single day there

you have it guys 3 journaling prompts that'll program your mind to manifest

success to get more guidance on these success attracting journaling prompts I

created a bring your dreams to life faster journaling kit I put the link in

the description below if you like this video make sure that you hit like if you

think that this video can help somebody else share with the friends

see you in the next video

For more infomation >> HOW TO JOURNAL TO MANIFEST SUCCESS - Duration: 8:07.


Mack Trucks WRONG HAULERS video with Color Trucks for Kids, Disney Cars Colour Trucks for Children - Duration: 10:05.

Mack Trucks WRONG HAULERS video with Color Trucks for Kids, Disney Cars Colour Trucks for Children

For more infomation >> Mack Trucks WRONG HAULERS video with Color Trucks for Kids, Disney Cars Colour Trucks for Children - Duration: 10:05.


German Stories Read Slowly | Der Erlkönig by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Get Germanized | #3 - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> German Stories Read Slowly | Der Erlkönig by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | Get Germanized | #3 - Duration: 3:26.


🔴🔵 [Afro-House] - Júnior Beatz JB & Power Music Beatz - FEIJOADA - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> 🔴🔵 [Afro-House] - Júnior Beatz JB & Power Music Beatz - FEIJOADA - Duration: 3:12.


S.C. State House seat winner announced - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> S.C. State House seat winner announced - Duration: 0:51.


Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 308 - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 308 - Duration: 5:09.



For more infomation >> KNOW YOURSELF - CALL TO BUSINESS - - Duration: 0:32.


সরাসরি আজকের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বাংলা খবর বাংলাভিশন সংবাদ ১৬ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ Bangla Vision News Today - Duration: 20:55.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বাংলা খবর বাংলাভিশন সংবাদ ১৬ নভেম্বর ২০১৭ Bangla Vision News Today - Duration: 20:55.


President's chief of staff: Donald Trump helped UCLA 'knuckleheads'. - Duration: 2:44.

President's chief of staff: Donald Trump helped UCLA 'knuckleheads'.

President Donald Trump asked on Twitter whether the three UCLA basketball players released

from detention in China on Tuesday will thank him for his help.

UCLA freshmen LiAngelo Ball, Cody Riley and Jalen Hill, who had been detained in China

for the past week on suspicion of shoplifting, landed in Los Angeles on Tuesday evening and

boarded a van to return to campus.

Trump, who returned late Tuesday from a trip through Asia, said he raised their case with

President Xi Jinping of China during a visit to Beijing last week.

The players were questioned last week about allegedly stealing sunglasses from a Louis

Vuitton store next to the team's hotel in Hangzhou, where the Bruins had been staying

before leaving for Shanghai to face Georgia Tech on Friday.

They were released on bail early Nov. 8 and had been staying at a lakeside hotel in Hangzhou

prior to flying home.

"Our president said to Xi, 'Do you know anything about these knuckleheads that got caught allegedly


John Kelly, the president's chief of staff, told The New York Times.

"The president was saying, 'It's not too serious.

We'd love to see this taken care of in an expeditious way.'"

A source told ESPN's Arash Markazi that there is surveillance footage of the players shoplifting

from three stores inside a high-end shopping center, which houses Louis Vuitton, Gucci,

Yves Saint Laurent and Salvatore Ferragamo stores.

It's not yet clear what the players were charged with or what penalty they faced in China,

but Kelly said a felony conviction related to the value of the items that they allegedly

took could have resulted in a prison sentence of five to 10 years.

Kelly told the Times that he talked to UCLA associate athletic director Chris Carlson

in person and to the players by phone while in China, and he told them that President

Trump had put in a word to help them.

"To say the least, they were very apologetic," Kelly told the Times.

"They were just profuse in their apologies for embarrassing the country and embarrassing

the team.


"I bet they learned a lesson in their lives."

UCLA chancellor Gene D. Block, while saying he was "grateful" the players were headed

home, issued a statement Tuesday saying the school will look into the matter and decide

what action will be taken.

Ball, Riley, Hill, UCLA coach Steve Alford and Bruins athletic director Dan Guerrero

will hold a news conference Wednesday.

Pac-12 conference commissioner Larry Scott also thanked Trump, the White House and the

State Department for their efforts.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> President's chief of staff: Donald Trump helped UCLA 'knuckleheads'. - Duration: 2:44.


বাংলাদেশ এর সাদা বক পাখির খাবার সংগ্রহের একটি অসাধারন লাইভ ভিডিও | White Heron birds in bangladesh - Duration: 4:37.

White Heron birds in Bangladesh

For more infomation >> বাংলাদেশ এর সাদা বক পাখির খাবার সংগ্রহের একটি অসাধারন লাইভ ভিডিও | White Heron birds in bangladesh - Duration: 4:37.


Best Carrot Cake Recipe and Cream Cheese Frosting - Duration: 5:32.

Hi everyone today I'm gonna show you how to make a very classic cake and it's

carrot. As a matter of fact it's my dad's favorite, let me show the cupcakes.

These are the carrot cakes and I decorated it with cream cheese and just

a little decoration for fall. I used like leaves, these are made with fondant and

I'm going to show you also how to how to make them. On a bowl I'm gonna add the flour

sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt cinnamon and we're gonna mix all together.

I'm gonna add that oil, add the eggs and we're gonna mix all this together again.

Add the pineapple, coconut, raisins and the pecans and we're gonna mix all this together.

I forgot to add the carrot so here we go.

OK, now we can use this batter to bake a cake

or to make cupcakes and that's what I'm gonna be doing.

I'm gonna be doing some cupcakes.

I'm gonna start adding the batter and I'm gonna be using this ice cream scoop

And they are ready, they bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes

And this is the cream cheese frosting we're gonna need the butter we're gonna

put it on the mixing bowl, add the cream cheese and I'm gonna cream them together.

Add the sugar and I'm gonna start mixing on a slow setting so I don't

get all the powdered sugar in my kitchen. For flavor I'm gonna add 1/2 teaspoon of

lemon half a teaspoon of vanilla extract

Add another 1/2 a teaspoon of lemon. This is a basic cream cheese frosting

now we're gonna use it on the carrot cake cupcakes.

After I baked the cupcakes, that's when I'm gonna use these, these are not meant to be

baking the cupcakes on these ones. These are more like for decoration

Then I have a 2A round tip, put the cupcake liner on the color you want

then you put the cupcake and we're gonna decorate and we're just gonna go

around the cupcake pushing the the cream cheese out

Roll out some orange fondant, and I am going to use this cutter

then just put it on the side , against the table press the plunger

And it is going to stamp it for you.

Now all I have to do with this is to let them dry. Now that they are a little bit dry I'm gonna

apply some powder colors. I'm gonna leave the description of these powdered colors in the

description box below so you can check them out.

I used some green, red and brown just to give it the different colors of the fall. you can

You can add this leafs to the top of the cupcakes and they are ready.

And this is how you made the carrot cake. I hope you

enjoy watching this video and you actually make these cupcakes for this

coming Thanksgiving and if you do please share it on my Facebook page which is

@behindthecake1 and since this tutorial was to share with you the

cupcakes for specially for this Thanksgiving, today I just like right now

I just received some great news for me and it is that my son he plays the

saxophone and he made it second chair on the all city for the saxophone so I'm

so proud of him this is this is my son and.. I'm so proud of you man - Thanks I I

didn't think I'd make it. - You know and it's it's difficult because sometimes

I'm right behind him and I'm just telling him that he needs to try his

best and work hard, work hard and work hard and it did pay off right?

How are you feeling? - Proud! Proud of yourself ?

So this Thanksgiving you and I'm so so thankful for for him and for his hard work.

So if you enjoyed the video please

give me a thumbs up share with your friends and subscribe, also check out

the information on the description box below, excuse me

and also if you want to receive the notification

don't forget to click on the little bell right next to the

subscribe button. Thank you very much and thank you for helping me in this journey

on blogging and also making the tutorials for you. If you have any comments just

leave it over here down below and I will see you next time thank you bye bye.

Oh! and have a blessed Thanksgiving, enjoy it, bye.

For more infomation >> Best Carrot Cake Recipe and Cream Cheese Frosting - Duration: 5:32.


Ephixa & Laura Brehm - Deja Vu (Lyric / Lyrics Video) - Duration: 4:01.

📝 Ephixa & Laura Brehm - Deja Vu Lyrics

I'm walking into the desert night This heartache is a familiar sight

Make believe that you are by my side Can't see what's right in front of my

eyes Oh, it feels like I've been here a thousand

times Caught within a lullaby

Drifting off Am I laying next to you?

This is deja vu

This heartache

Staring into the open sky Sleepless, you're running through my mind

Make believe that you are by my side Am I laying next to you?

This is deja vu

Drifting off Am I laying next to you?

This is deja vu

For more infomation >> Ephixa & Laura Brehm - Deja Vu (Lyric / Lyrics Video) - Duration: 4:01.


Why China Will Never Allow a Free Tibet | China Uncensored - Duration: 6:54.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

why are Tibetans in China this happy?

Because they have to be.

Welcome back to China Uncensored,

I'm Chris Chappell.

As you may know,

Tibet has been part of China since ancient times.

Which is why, in the 1950s,

the Chinese authorities had to liberate Tibet.

From being part of China... already?

Yeah, it's complicated.

But at the time,

Tibet was in a perilous state,

and had been for decades—

because it was controlled by a cruel,

oppressive dictator.

Fortunately, in 1959 it was finally liberated

by a benevolent, democratic leader—

Sure, Mao Zedong did kill an estimated 1 million Tibetans.

But he also believed in fairness.

Mao killed millions of people in other parts of China, too.

But anyway,

Tibetans are definitely happier now that they're free...

to be part of the People's Republic of China forever.

And in all seriousness,

as long as the Chinese Communist Party rules China,

they will never allow Tibet be an independent country.

But you might be wondering—why?

Why would the Party bother sending troops to Tibet,

subjugating its population,

and dealing with the decades of international backlash

for its occupation there?

I mean, the issue comes up every time

the Dalai Lama meets a world leader.

And it's so embarrassing.

Well it turns out the CCP's interest in Tibet

is about more than just making sure

the citizens there are happy.

I know, you're shocked.

In the CCP's view,

controlling Tibet is part of China's national security.

And there are three main parts:

Borders, minerals, and water.

You'll notice that "people"

did not make it into the top three.

People are disposable.

It's the land that's precious.

So Borders.

This is Tibet.

It's huge.

It accounts for about 13% of all the landmass of China.

And that's just the arbitrarily drawn Tibet Autonomous Region.

Historical Tibet was twice as big,

and there are Tibetan people living in these areas today.

These are the Himalayan mountains.

They divide China from India, Nepal, and Bhutan.

And it's this natural border that makes Tibet so valuable.

The steep mountains and harsh climate

make travel across the border next to impossible.

A three-week death hike across the Himalayas stops

way more intruders than a concrete border wall.

Especially if you were, say, an invading Indian army.

China and India have been rivals for a long time.

They've fought wars over the border

between Tibet and India.

If Tibet were its own, independent country,

which neighbor do you think it would prefer to trade with,

and do military drills with,

and go out to dinner and a movie with:

China or India?

And while Tibet has this impregnable mountain

border wall on one side,

....the other side is, well, still rugged,

but it's no Mount Everest.

Also now there are several good roads

and even a rail line connecting Tibet to China.

So not exactly impenetrable.

China has understood the border issue for a long time.

"When British forces began making inroads into Tibet from India

in the early 1900s",

...The ruling Qing Dynasty freaked out

because they knew exactly what that could mean.

And today, the CCP does not want some allied Indian army

hanging out in Tibet,

next to some completely useless border.

After all,

good mountain ranges make good neighbors.

And there's another important reason

the CCP wants to control Tibet:


The Tibetan plateau stores an estimated

$130 billion dollars worth of mineral reserves.

Those include key manufacturing ingredients,

like iron to make steel,

gold to make electronics,

and lead to make bullets.

I mean, batteries.

There are also rarer metals,

like lithium, mercury, and uranium.

For decades,

the CCP has been importing a lot of minerals

from foreign countries to supply its manufacturing industries.

For example,

right now it's cheaper for China to import copper from Chile

than to mine it in Tibet.

But that's changing,

because the CCP is incentivizing companies

to mine in Tibet.

They do this by, for example,

giving mining companies exemptions

from cumbersome environmental rules.

That's why parts of Tibet are becoming

environmental disaster zones,

with polluted air, water and soil.

But the CCP wants to make sure that it can

mine important minerals in house—

in case, I don't know,

other countries decide that the CCP is sucking them dry

and put export tariffs on their minerals.

The third major reason the CCP wants to control Tibet

is water.

Tibet is the giant peach-shaped water tower of Asia.

Most of the major river systems in Asia originate in Tibet

or from the larger Tibetan plateau.

Those include the two main rivers

that have sustained most of China's population

for millennia:

The Yellow River and the Yangtze River.

Imagine if Tibet were independent,

and Tibet decided to somehow dam up those rivers,

or re-route them!

It would be a disaster for China.

I know that sounds far-fetched.

How could the CCP ever think that Tibet

would do that to them?

Well, because the CCP is currently doing that

to other countries.

This is the Yarlung Zangbo River in Tibet.

It's also called the Brahmaputra River

as it flows down through eastern India and Bangladesh.

It's a really important river for those two countries.

And the CCP is in the process of damming it up.

It already built this,

the Zangmu hydroelectric power station.

It has plans for as many as two dozen more dams

along the same river.

The CCP also has plans to divert some of this river

to dry parts of northern China.

That sounds great to the CCP,

but it means the people of India and Bangladesh

will get less water,

and there's nothing they can do about it

because the CCP controls the source.

The CCP also controls the headwaters of rivers

that flow to Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia,

Thailand, and Vietnam.

So you can understand,

that with so much power over China's water

and other countries' water,

Tibet is a precious strategic resource.

That's why the Chinese Communist Party

will never allow a free Tibet.

The only hope is a future China controlled by

a not terrible, brutal, manipulative regime.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell,

see you next time.

Want to learn more about Tibet?

Go to

There you'll see more great episodes

about everything you want to know

about China today.

Once again that's

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