Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 15 2017




As Nikola Tesla said, �The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make

more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of it existence.� And

truly, we are living in the beginning stages of a second scientific revolution, one where

scientists from all over the world are coming together to emphasize something that has tremendous

implications for us all � that physical matter is NOT the only reality.

It�s called non-material science, and despite what skeptics might think, it�s a field

full of published studies just as rigorously researched as those in the �hard� sciences.

As the American Institutes for Research (AIR) has concluded:

The statistical results of the studies examined are far beyond what is expected by chance.

Arguments that these results could be due to methodological flaws in the experiments

are soundly refuted. Effects of similar magnitude to those found in government-sponsored research

at SRI and SAIC have been replicated at a number of laboratories across the world. Such

consistency cannot be readily explained by claims of flaws or fraud.

The statement above is more than two decades old, written in the same year the U.S. government

declassified parts of their STARGATE program, through which they investigated and used psi

concepts such as telepathy and remote viewing.

The modern scientific worldview has been predicated on assumptions derived from classical physics.

Many of these assumptions turned into scientific dogma, dogma that most people rely upon and

accept as fact today. It was the introduction of quantum mechanics that brought the non-material

world to reality, and our subsequent recognition that consciousness plays a huge role in understanding

the nature of what we call our physical material world.

Below is a snippet of our recent interview with Dr. Natalie Leigh Trent, a Postdoctoral

Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School and Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, where

she investigates the mind-body practices of yoga and mindfulness for health and wellbeing.

She obtained her Bachelor of Science from the University of Toronto in 2006 and her

Doctorate in neuroscience from Queen�s University in 2012.

She was the first signee of the Manifesto for a Post-Materialist Science, a document

put together by an internationally recognized group of 200 scientists that explores this

subject in depth.

In the interview, Dr. Trent explains �non-material science� and whether or not consciousness

is produced by the brain. She also offers a few facts that show what makes this branch

of science so interesting.

You can view the entire interview here.



Se Primo Levi avesse avuto un canale YouTube - Saviano a YouTube Pulse 2017 - Duration: 13:44.

Here we go.

I've decided to set up a YouTube channel

I wanted to try something different

Although the written word has always been my one true love

video is like a secret lover for me and I can't help coming back for more.

Recently, I've been obsessed with the idea of starting a YouTube channel

so I can tell my stories

with no filters at all.

"Do you know why in movies, especially American movies, people shoot like this?"

"If you don't read… you don't live. "

Whether we're talking about the mafia, books

religion or music

"Today we're talking about music, then about religion"

or about religion and music together

I want to be talking with you

I can't hide the fact that I'm nervous and I need to get used to doing this

I'm still not quite sure how

but as I said earlier, I want to try something different.

I'm happy to be starting this

but at the same time I'm a little scared

As the old quote goes

"Fear knocked at man's door, but when man is wise

and opens the door, the fear has vanished completely."

See you soon

Thank you

I'm excited to be here to, in a way, launch the Gomorra Channel.

This is the latest in a long string of adventures

that I am very glad to dive into


Because for me, it also means getting revenge in a way

people want me to be closed up

I have almost no room to move and the horrible situation I find myself

in often leads to isolation

but if there are doors, if there are windows

I can escape from that isolation

This is really what YouTube has represented for me especially

over the years I have been using it

It offers accessibility

information and music

Perfect for me and my nomadic lifestyle

wherever I have an Internet connection is my home

And it's my home because I can get access to information

and so

that is what Gomorra Channel means to me

Being able to have somewhere to share

and by doing so, break free

from my constraints

I am particularly happy to be here


over the years I have had the chance to observe

the dynamics of YouTube

The dynamics of the content

Yes, because YouTube is always seen as something in the present

whereas in reality, it has already become a memory

We access YouTube to find out about what has already happened, to catch up on the news

entertain ourselves

and then there's another element: views

The power—you know better than I do

that investors must have some sort of alchemy

the power of knowing how to read the numbers

because just reading the amounts the numbers state is very easy

Anyone could do it

Lots of views, I'll invest in that

But in reality, the true magic that I've learnt from you

is how to read the quality of the numbers over time

Investing in content

that is, building it

building everything that makes up YouTube

YouTube is direct

it's easy

it's accessible

it's complex

What do I mean by complex? It goes to the heart of things

it gives you time

you can go when you have time, you can come back again and again

and when you have a moment, you can be there

And what does this mean?

Developing the complexity

that is, the ability to go deeper. So?

That means that reading the numbers

means being able to see

what kind of talent is behind a video

what kinds of opportunities are behind a video. Huge numbers

as we see coming from music , for example, go in one direction

And then there are smaller numbers

medium-sized numbers

that fill YouTube

and in this wilderness

we need to understand why these numbers are like that

Numbers are not all equal, it would be a mistake to think so

a very serious mistake indeed

Let me give you an example

A little while ago

this sort of comparative metaphor came to me

and it was this

when Primo Levi first published "If This Is A Man"

it was rejected by the major publishers and eventually picked up by a small publisher in Turin

And I started to wonder

if Primo Levi had had a YouTube channel

and decided to tell

tell the story of the hell he had gone through

and was willing to expose it, if he had told his story there

how many clicks would he have got?

So I used a number: 1900

as that was the number of copies that were printed in the first edition

600 copies of the first edition of "If This Is A Man" were left in stock


would what a smart investor have done?

Looked at those numbers

and realized that they were extremely high!

What do you mean extremely high? 1900. That's a huge number!

Because in Italy at that time

nobody wanted to tell those stories

because in Italy at that time

nobody wanted to look that part of history square in the eye

because that voice, Primo Levi's voice, was new

and a new voice needs time

time and space

So those numbers really were huge! And, they were starting to attract attention

Who believed in it? Obviously who believed in books and paper

now, in Italy alone, there are over 3 million hard copies of the book

There are those who believed in it

and saw a trace of something in those initial numbers

And as we carry on

with these examples

we can find a whole lot more, all very interesting

take this professor, this historian, Alessandro Barbero

who made a video that I believe someone else posted online

a video of him at a festival talking about the Battle of Waterloo, for an hour

For an hour!

There are no pictures, just a single fixed camera, and at a certain point the light goes, it even goes into shadow


What are 70,000 views compared to, for example, music or pranks or games?

It may very well blow over

you almost think it's not worth mentioning. 70,000 views

from people listening to an hour-and-a-half-long lecture on Waterloo

That's a revolution!

YouTube brought a lesson on Waterloo into the homes of 70,000 people

That's a bombshell

that's a true transformation

Adrian, who we saw before, the popular science guy, a kid from Romania

just ups and decides to make a video

about astronomy

30,000 views in two hours

And you'll say, yeah, so?

You'll get ripped to shreds in the news for only

getting 6 million views on the first day it's posted

30,000 for a popular science video on astronomy?

That's world-changing stuff!

That's why you always have to look

at the quality of the numbers

Now careful here, I'm not talking about their moral quality

it's not that getting loads of views is depressing, quite the contrary

and that's simply because there are different genres of video

and because whatever speaks to your gut tends to go viral

If I send you a video

a jokey, cute or musical video

you can share it immediately, you like it right away

If I send you something to think about

you have to spend some time on it

some of your very own time. If I recommend a book to you

or I tell you a story

before you can share it

or before you can talk about it, you have to listen to it

you have to feel it, or you have to read that book

and so virality takes on a different timeframe! But an investor

knows that virality built upon awareness

is truly priceless

That's exactly what you have to bring home

The volume? It's as quick and easy to make

as it's quick and easy to lose everything

YouTube spreads talent far and wide

I'm happy to

- I must say - to have stumbled upon a video of a talent

Yes, because

a while ago

I posted a video on my page

a video

of a dancer

a dancer who happens to be on the street


and there's a violinist, Ivo, and they don't know each other

and Ivo is playing

a piece that became famous as it was part of the soundtrack for the movie Amélie

The Fabulous Destiny of Amélie

and Rima's dad

is saying: "Yallah, yallah", come on, dance!

A little shy, she starts to twirl

then, at a certain point, completely overcome by the music, she starts to dance

and her dad is filming her, other tourists are filming her

they uploaded it

Then an year after they uploaded it, I bring it to Italy, and boom!

Millions of views

Millions of views that don't just represent the pleasure

of seeing a girl dance, but rather the talent

that you just come across, quite by chance

changing the fate of a whole day

And I am happy to show you this wonderful talent that YouTube has allowed us

to share with the world.

Thank you

For more infomation >> Se Primo Levi avesse avuto un canale YouTube - Saviano a YouTube Pulse 2017 - Duration: 13:44.


The Number FWC Auto Rifle In-Depth Review! - Duration: 3:29.

The Number is the fantastic auto rifle from the Future War Cult that sits in the energy

weapon slot.

This auto rifle is similar to the Origin Story and Uriel's Gift which all belong to the 450

rounds per minute auto rifle archetype which are currently dominating in the current meta.

Before we talk about the performance let's have a look at the perks.

The Number has the precision Frame

Candle PS And the Flash HS5 sights

Extended Mag Ricochet Rounds and

High-impact reserves, where the bottom part of the mag deals more damage

I like to use the Flash Sight and Ricochet rounds to max out the range, which is such

an important stat for auto rifles.

If you have used an Origin Story or Uriel's Gift before you will feel very familiar with

this gun, it has very similar stats and they behave similar as well because they all belong

to the same 450 rounds per minute archetype and all have the precision frame.

This auto rifle archetype is very present in the crucible and used by all top players

because they are very consistent in their performance.

These guns are relatively stable over the max range of auto rifles and overall just

very easy to use.

And the number is the same, it is surprisingly stable and I have no problem controlling the

predictable recoil of the gun over a pretty long range.

This is just a great workhorse for any situation whether you take it to the crucible or to

pve, it just does its job well which is pumping damage into the enemy in a consistent manner.

It has enough bullets to engage in pvp against multiple enemies and you can increase this

as well with extended mag, although I would only recommend extended mag for PVE.

For Pvp you really want to increase the consistency of this gun with Ricochet rounds.

The final perk high-impact reserves is not the best perk to have , in Pvp and Pve the

increase in damage is almost not noticeable at all.

It jumps only a couple of damage points up when you reach the final bullet in the mag.

So don't rely on this to increase your DPS.

So will the number replace your Origin Story or Uriel's gift, that really depends on what

you value the most.

I prefer the Origin Story for PVE because it is so easy to proc the rampage perk because

of the vast amount of adds in PVE.

For PVP I usually use Uriel's Gift because of High Caliber Rounds, but I want to start

using a different weapon and that is where the Number comes into play.

Depending on how much you value high caliber rounds, the Number is actually a really good

replacement for the Uriel's Gift.

Sure High Caliber Rounds is the most popular perk in the Crucible, but that does not mean

that the Number is not a potent weapon to use.

Personally I will use the number more often now because I just want to use a different

gun other than the Uriel's Gift in my energy slot.

The number is a great weapon and it has everything you need in an auto rifle, it has good stability

and good range and it packs a punch, what do you want more!?

Because this gun is such a good workhorse in both Pve and PVP, I am going to give the

Number a B.

Thank you so much for watch this video.

If you enjoyed this, have a look at my origin story an Uriel's gift review videos I am sure

you will like it.

Let me know which gun you want me to review next.

With the Osiris DLC coming up there will be a lot to cover soon, so subscribe to stay

up to date on that.

And as always I will see you in the next video guardians.

For more infomation >> The Number FWC Auto Rifle In-Depth Review! - Duration: 3:29.


Самоделки, Изобретения и Удивительная техника #32 #Amazing Homemade Inventions #Made By Hands - Duration: 6:04.

100 000 toothpicks, 35 years of work and all this for the soul

And there are things that are done only for the soul

And if the soul wants an extreme without experimentation not enough

And when the soul is toned to your service, the robot Titan

But the best for the soul is that made by people and for people

Thank you for watching!

And if you liked the video do not forget to put like,

and to not miss the new video click on the bell.

And of course if you are not subscribing to the channel yet!

For more infomation >> Самоделки, Изобретения и Удивительная техника #32 #Amazing Homemade Inventions #Made By Hands - Duration: 6:04.


Primitive Technology: Making the Spear and Spear Thrower - Duration: 6:10.

Primitive Technology: Making the Spear and Spear Thrower

For more infomation >> Primitive Technology: Making the Spear and Spear Thrower - Duration: 6:10.



Hey guys.

Today I'm here to teach you how to stand for ballet.

This is something that takes years to perfect

and our teachers still remind us every single day.

So, me and my friends are going to show you

some of the basic points.

Alright dancers, we're going to start today

by going through basic posture for ballet.

Let's start by taking your supporting leg

and then your working leg.

Be sure to really feel your muscles engaging

from the beginning.

You're going to now feel that we're lengthened

on a vertical line through the body

with the shoulders down, a long lifted neck,

with the eye gaze looking just slightly higher

than your normal position.

Now we want to feel that the shoulders are down

and the stomach muscles are lifted and engaged.

And that the arms are rounded with the elbows side.

Palms should be upward toward the ceiling

with the thumb toward the middle finger.

And then you also want to stay lifted through the hip

and engage the muscles of the leg all the way down.

When you get to the floor your feet should be open

into a nice position, rotated

and that there should be no tension at the leg.

You want to be sure not to roll in,

nor to roll out and that nowhere in the body

are you holding tension.

That's a lot of things you need to know

for something as simple as standing.

Right Ms.Elaine.

That's right.

It takes constant reminders.

Right everybody.


So until next time.

Make sure to like this video.

Subscribe to the justice channel.

And my other ballet met videos.


For more infomation >> HOW TO STAND FOR BALLET 💗 JUSTICE - Duration: 1:50.


Oni są nago?- Vlog #4 - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> Oni są nago?- Vlog #4 - Duration: 7:32.


Muhammad Al-Muqit - Radiant Sun (Subtitle Indonesia) - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Muhammad Al-Muqit - Radiant Sun (Subtitle Indonesia) - Duration: 3:19.


UC Browser Banned, Gionee M7, Lenovo Tab 7, Whatsapp, Infinix Zero 5, +375 call - Duration: 10:29.

Latest Technolgy Video

For more infomation >> UC Browser Banned, Gionee M7, Lenovo Tab 7, Whatsapp, Infinix Zero 5, +375 call - Duration: 10:29.


Reversing Type 2 Diabetes — And Reversing Heart Disease — Don Avoided 6 Bypasses — Food as Medicine! - Duration: 12:19.

This has made such a big difference in the way that I see my food and in the way

that I eat, and the way that I feel.

The last usage went down to 35 -- from 110 to 35.

Because I was starting to

go low and even though I was eating 250 carbs a day, my weight -- I weigh 165


I haven't weighed this since high school and

I'm 55.

I've always though -- been told -- once you

pass 40 you can forget about losing weight.

Never in a million years would I have thought how

much weight I would lose doing this or I would have done this a long time ago.

This is the way to go.

If you're diabetic, it's definitely the way to go because of how much

help you're going to get with your numbers and with your diabetes.

It can be reversed.

It's just amazing.

I'm 55 years olf.

Most of my adult life I weighed over 215 pounds.

Tried all kinds of fad diets,

exercise, diet pills, shakes, Weight Watchers, you name it.

I could lose about 10 - 15 pounds and

then I would just gain it right back.

Back in 1998 when I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes,

probably very similar to what they do now, the doctor put me on Metformin, 500

milligrams to try to get it to come down.

Then he sent me to a diabetes education class where

the main topic that they taught was how to count your carbs,

read the labels, and limit your carb intake to 60

grams per meal, no more than 15%.

Not once did they refer to anything that had to do with fat and diabetes, which

after seeing the online summit really opened my eyes.

My A1c would range anywhere from 10.7 to 7.9.

I went up on my Metformin usage because I wasn't

really maintaining control of what I was eating and

my diet.

And I was under a little bit of stress too.

Around 2013 is when my primary care

physician decided that it was now time for me to start taking Lantis, so he

started me on 25 units.

Well that took me about a year to get up to where I was actually taking

10 units of it.

My blood glucose wasn't under control and I was

still heavy.

My cholesterol was still high.

My triglycerides, blood pressure, everything.

Now I've also been living with heart disease since 1994.

I got 9 stents.

The last heart procedure

that I had done was in February of this year.

Prior to that in December of 2016 my cardiologist

had me come in to do a nuclear stress test which is something that I've been

doing every year.

He saw an area that looked like the blood supply was low, so he decided I needed

to have a heart cath done to see what was going on.

Okay, my experience had been stress test, heart

cath, 1 or 2 stents, and go home, do 12 weeks of cardio rehab and start all over


Well, that didn't happen this time.

This time, the cardiologist came out of the cath

lab a lot quicker than he ever has and was telling my wife and

myself that I had extensive blockages in my heart,

which I don't think he was really surprised to see.

This is the same one that's been putting my

stents in.

And he was like you need to actually get with your regular


He said because what I see is you need to have 6 bybasses.

I said okay.

And it just so happened that it was on February 3 that I had the heart cath


And the online summit -- the Mastering Diabetes online summit

that y'all did was during that same time frame.

So that Saturday and Sunday my wife sat and watched every one of those people on

the summit.

And we were amazed at what we were hearing and seeing.

We were like, okay.

On one hand, you go in the hospital and you get these

6 bypasses done.

On the other hand, listening to

some of this information on the Mastering Diabetes Summit, it can be reversed.

You don't have to do this.

And that's when I decided I didn't really want my chest cracked open

like an egg, and have my plumbing rerouted so I was like okay,

we're gonna do this.

My wife was onboard with it.

It was just fantastic.

We became members of the Mastering


Everything that we've been doing is plant-based whole food.

I have not had any meat,


And when I say meat, chicken was my big thing.

I loved chicken.

And I could eat chicken


You know, breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Not any more.

After seeing just all the stuff

that I've seen and the information that I've gotten from you guys has made such

a big difference.

Big difference in the way that I see my food, in the way that I eat, and the way

that I feel.

It was nothing for me to sit down and eat 5 pieces

of fried chicken.

And you'd wanna just sit back and

take a nap.

Not do anything.

And I'm sure it did affect my thinking also.

You know it clouded


It wasn't good, but I didn't realize how good it could be.

It was just a way of life.

The transition process was so much easier than

my wife and I both expected.

And it all mostly

stemmed from the information that we had, that we got from y'all.

You know, again it was like

bypass or lifestyle change.

Because we weren't looking at this as a diet.

This wasn't going to be

a diet.

This was going to be a lifestyle change.

That's exactly what we did.

First it was a little scary because nutritionists and doctors are

always telling you especially if you're diabetic,

"Watch your carbs.

You can't eat the fruits.

You can't eat the potatoes.

You have to watch the


Going and seeing what a plant based and whole food was I can eat a cup

of grapes.

I could eat like I do for my breakfast now,

I kindof do what Robby does and I'll eat 4 fruits.

Now I'll cut up an apple, a banana, a pear, and

I'll throw a cup of blueberries in on top of all that.

I'll take cinnamon like Cyrus.

I love cinnamon.

I mean I douse it in cinnamon.

I'll throw chia seeds

on there and I've gotten where I every time I eat something for a meal, it's

gonna have either fresh or cooked spinach on it.

I've gotten to where I love spinach.

So the transition was easier than we thought, easier than we expected because of

the frame of mind that we were in.

We were in.

We were all in.

We knew this is what we were gonna do and

we were gonna watch and see what happened.

And it's just been amazing to see the difference

in the way that I feel, the way that I eat, the way that I even act.

My moods, my temperament,

it's's better.

It's just all around better.

Baseline numbers, insulin usage, things like that were high.

Average A1c was around 8.2.

And again I was still taking 100 units of Lantis.

My blood pressure was high, my cholesterol was 230,

my triglycerides were above 150.

And I was still on the Lantis, I was still on 2

different types of blood pressure medicine -- 1 which was a beta

blocker, which reduced your heart rate.

I got to the point of thinking well why am I doing

that because my heart is not getting any stronger if

I'm keeping the rate of it down all the time.

I was just not doing too well with my health.

And that was all before I started.

Now when I went to the plant based whole food diet, I gradually got off my

Varsilia, my Lantis usage went down like the first week down to

like 35.

From 110 to 35.

Because I was starting to

go low.

And even though I was eating 250 carbs a day, and it was all the fruit

and the potatoes.

I was like, this is working.

This is good.

So I was anxious to see what it was going to do with my


At one point my cholesterol was down to 99 and then it went back up

to 121.

My HDL stayed up at a decent level, but my LDL

was always really high and the triglycerides were


Cholesterol was way down.

The last A1c that I had done was 6.1, so it's way down.

My weight -- I weigh 165 pounds.

I haven't weighed this since high school.

And I'm 55.

I've always thought -- been told -- once you get past

40 you can forget about losing weight.

Never in a million years would I have thought how much

weight I would lose doing this or I would have

done this a long time ago.

It's just fantastic to see the difference from 8

months ago.

From back in February to where I'm at now.

Just to give you another little idea.

When we came out to California, when you go through the

TSA line you present your driver's license and boarding pass.

The guy looked at my driver's

license and was like, "You've lost a lot of weight haven't you?"


This is the way to go.

If you're a diabetic, it's definitely the way

to go because of how much help you're going to get

with your numbers and with your diabetes.

It can be reversed.

It's just amazing to see the

changes that have happened in my body and knowing that it's not me.

It's what I'm putting in

my body.

I've been doing the best I can to anybody that I find to talk them in

to try this.

Try it for 10 days.

You will see a major difference and you won't want to go back to

eating this other stuff.

Do not hesitate.

Go at it as a lifestyle change.

Don't go at it as a diet.

It's not a diet.

It is a lifestyle change.

You will be amazed how much better you feel eating this way.

The one key that my wife and I found that was very helpful

when we started was to focus on what we could eat -

- not what we shouldn't eat -- but what we could eat.

Mastering Diabetes.

Don't hesitate.

Even if you're not diabetic, if you wanna keep

from becoming a diabetic, do this.

And you'll just be

amazed at how much better you'll feel, how much the food tastes better, and all

the options that you actually have.

For more infomation >> Reversing Type 2 Diabetes — And Reversing Heart Disease — Don Avoided 6 Bypasses — Food as Medicine! - Duration: 12:19.




You can't actually stop autonomous weapons.

They are pretty much guaranteed at this point.

And for anyone who thinks little drones like these are not possible... machine learning

has already helped small drones teach themselves to perform aerial maneuvers that human controllers

cannot possibly perform.

Slaughterbots is a disturbing short film by the group the "Campaign to Stop Killer Robots".

Please see the video clip. the link is below in our description.

For more infomation >> SLAUGHTERBOTS THEY CANNOT BE STOPPED - Duration: 1:08.


Baby Coloring book and drawing for Kids | Youtube videos for kids #61 - Duration: 10:24.

For more infomation >> Baby Coloring book and drawing for Kids | Youtube videos for kids #61 - Duration: 10:24.


Праздничная Закуска "СЫРНЫЕ ШАРИКИ" ТОП-5 Рецептов - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Праздничная Закуска "СЫРНЫЕ ШАРИКИ" ТОП-5 Рецептов - Duration: 2:49.


Video Serie. Bijzonder! Aflevering 5 – Tjeerd - Duration: 12:13.

Most people associate frisbee with relaxation and holiday

Ultimate frisbee shows a different side: frisbee as topsports


Welcome! Welcome at 'Bijzonder!'

So excited...This is going to be a wonderful weekend... -Great weather for a tournament..

We are at Windmill right now. This is the biggest outdoor tournament of Europe

Hey man! -Yo! How are you doing?

So excited.. This is going to be a wonderful weekend.. -Haha great weather for a tournament..

It always rains one day at windmill and we are already having that one

So it will probably be dry tomorrow..

-This is the first day right? Did your teammates sleep here?

Yes they have set up camp over here

We have a team with players from different parts of Holland

A few from Amsterdam, but also from Utrecht, Veenendaal, Arhnem..

so they slept here

Haha a hammock! Look at this, a hammock with a tarp

Camping is normal here, but you always see a few hammocks like this as well

-Over there is a hammock without any cover. Someone has slept in the rain

-Probably did not checked the weather forecast..

Next to the field is a tent where the entire team has assembled

This is team GRUT (get rekt ultimate team)

The players know each other from a former Dutch youth team and come together for tournaments like this

at this point the youngest player is 15 years old

After a short speech the team is ready to begin

The first match ends well for GRUT, they win with 15 against 9

After the win, something striking is happening at the field

Tjeerd already told me about this beforehand

We always do this at the end of a game. The two teams come together

and talk about what went well and not during the game

just to have a check-in, especially about fair play of the game

we do this because we don't have a referee

so you give the other team a compliment about something they did good

and if you want to, you can give a point of approvement, but it is not neccecary

-How did you end up in ultimate frisbee?

-Because of my brother

He invited me for a beginners training and I have been addicted ever since

-Where does the addiction come from? What do you like so much?

-The stamina you need, the explosive character of the game

no long jogs, but short and full sprints, as hard as you can

and on the other side the atmosphere. It is so chill!

We already talked about the fair play

I like that there is no bashing. I don't like the pushing and pulling

we don't have that here, that's great. -You mean the mentality of the sport?

-Exactly! Wanting to play hard, but never at the expense of the opponent

Never at the expense of mutual respect. We are at Windmill right now

This is the biggest outdoor tournament of Europe

You have got three divisions. A men- and a woman division, who are playing right now

and a mixed division where men and woman play together

I am joining a mixed team right now. And we are going to win!

-There is a lot of enthousiasm in this team -It is a great team!

There is a lot of energy, both with the boys and the girls. Really nice to see

Are you the coach of this team? -Yes. They also play without me sometimes

but if they are being coached, it is by me

What I love most is the fact that the game is played without a referee

So you have to find solutions together, inside the team and with the opponent

Another aspect is that it is a real teamsport. A lot of other teamsports can also be played solo

but with ultimate frisbee you can only move the frisbee by throwing to others

You must play together, you cannot run to the endzone by yourself

-So you are obligated to cooperate?

-Yes! You cannot dribble the the endzone or to the goal, you must throw the frisbee

Most important thing is to play and have a lot of fun together

But secretly I am counting on a half-finale or maybe even the finale

The next game they play is against the American 'Hammertime'

And you can try to guess how 'Hammertime' is doing their warming-up

After the victory the teams come together again. Not only to talk about the game..

the Dutch also receive a invitation

The team asked us if we want to learn their dance. If we want to do the 'Hammertime'

eehm.. you can't say no actually.. but it's nice of them..

-And we are kind of obligated right now -Are you joining as well?

-Ofcourse I will join! Absolutely!

GRUT is playing a great tournament and play their way into the big finale

On the main field, filled with professional camera equipment, I get send away rather quickly

'Why don't you take a sit boy, with your simple everyday camera'

'Let the big boys take it from here' Okay..

And at the end of the finale, it looks like we are ending up in a lame family movie

The biggest cliché possible appears: we have come to the last moments of the finale

the score is equal and both teams can still make the winning point

You don't make this out!

And with such a beautiful ending I have little to add..

So for now: thank you for watching and see you at the next 'Bijzonder!'

And in the next 'Bijzonder!' we are getting a unique behind the scenes..

at the biggest Halloween event of Europe. See you then!

For more infomation >> Video Serie. Bijzonder! Aflevering 5 – Tjeerd - Duration: 12:13.


Comment Ecrire un Script Vidéo Pour YouTube - Duration: 8:36.

For more infomation >> Comment Ecrire un Script Vidéo Pour YouTube - Duration: 8:36.


Горный Алтай. Тюнгурская тропа: дорога из Ини в Тюнгур - Duration: 5:46.

Siberia, the Altai Mountains. The Tyungur trail: the road from the village of Inya to the Tyungur village

For more infomation >> Горный Алтай. Тюнгурская тропа: дорога из Ини в Тюнгур - Duration: 5:46.


GVC Minute Challenge: John - Duration: 1:39.

My name is John Kirk. I'm the chief of compliance officer here at GVC Mortgage

and I'm doing the GVC minute challenge.

[Ryan] You ready to get started with your GVC Minute Challenge?

[John] Yep!

[Ryan] Alright! How are you feeling about it?

[John] Pretty good.

[Ryan] Okay, are you gonna beat everyone else?

[John] Absolutely!

[Ryan] Okay, let's do it.


Favorite ice cream flavor?


Favorite song?

"Free Bird".

What do you do first thing in the morning?

Get coffee.

Favorite color?


What's your shoe size?


Eggs or oatmeal?


Favorite school subject?

Uh, history.

How many keys are on your keychain?


Pork or chicken?


Favorite season?


Juice or water?


Bacon or sausage?


Last book you read?

Um..."The Martian".

Coffee or tea?


Soda of choice?


Favorite meat?


Favorite fast food?


What topping on your pizza?


Favorite movie?

Um... "Good Will Hunting".

Do you have any pets?


How do you like your coffee?


Favorite dessert?


Corn or peas?


How many siblings do you have?


Green beans or broccoli?

Green beans.

How do you like your steak?


Favorite food?


Cake or pie?


Favorite holiday?


Favorite type of music?


I nominate Rob Green.


For more infomation >> GVC Minute Challenge: John - Duration: 1:39.


DEADPOOL 2 (2018) - Türkçe Altyazılı 2. Resmi "Bob Ross" Teaser Fragmanı / Ryan Reynolds Filmi - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> DEADPOOL 2 (2018) - Türkçe Altyazılı 2. Resmi "Bob Ross" Teaser Fragmanı / Ryan Reynolds Filmi - Duration: 2:10.


How to Draw Pizza for Kids🍕 Step by Step Art. Drawing Lessons. DIY Coloring Pages for Children - Duration: 6:50.

How to Draw Pizza for Kids🍕 Step by Step Art. Drawing Lessons. DIY Coloring Pages for Children

For more infomation >> How to Draw Pizza for Kids🍕 Step by Step Art. Drawing Lessons. DIY Coloring Pages for Children - Duration: 6:50.


How To Make Oven Baked BBQ Beef-Back Ribs(Ghetto Gourmet)Free Style Recipes - Duration: 3:54.

Yeah buddy we got another one let's make some beef ribs all right first things

first we're gonna get this pack of beef back ribs open and get them cleaned off

and remove the silver skin because we don't want to be chewing like a cow

after we are done with our ribs leave that silver skin on there man it's like

chewing on taffy what's worse than taffy I don't know

anyway let's be careful we're using this very sharp paring knife to remove the

silver skin so I'll cut your hand off just get up underneath that first layer

of skin and start ganking man sometimes it's hard sometimes it's easy but I

don't give up there's well worth it you know fingers on deeper hair just work it

away work it away go to the other side because it came apart just start on the

other side when they age and start working it off work it out work it out

work it out and I like saving it you know silver skiing because there's a lot

of fat on it and sometimes I wrap it around you know broccoli I'm making some

type of green or something I want to ask you fat to it just say that silver skin

so I didn't plan for the well render it now and believe me it is a delicious

beef flavor so any vegetable or it's pretty much anything you want add it to

so we'll get that cleaned off and super skin remove check it out all right on

second step we're going to put a few slices in the back of that back rib and

just heat up the flavor so can get ready to start adding our spices and barbecue

gleans use whatever you like no specifics to my

recipes you know freestyle recipe so never feel like you tied down to one

spine so I'm one flavor you gotta go or your taste buds take you so we got black

pepper we got salt we gotta tell you blend and this is an organic whole foods

barbecue spice Lee and my sister gave me been saving it for well bust a tie one

day on it you just smacking okay stick this other side seasoned up great toss

these babies in that oven they're gonna be eating in no time and this is perfect

for the grill - so you're a barbecue legend don't throw these bad boys on the

grill oh yeah all right here's what they look like

when they're all seasoned up wrap you a pan and for you

you're ready to stick them in the stove oh yeah and here's my little secret to

the method and it's adding a bowl of water to the bottom of the stove to keep

the meat very moist all right 45 minutes later at 400 degrees here is our

finished product all right here we have it all plate it

up and if you would like to see the candied apples I'm a check out the next

video thanks for checking out to get over our legs freeze their recipe

barbecue beef back ribs for more please like and subscribe

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