Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 15 2017

Media Silent as a Record 1 Million Protesters March in Spain to End Gov�t Corruption

Close to 1 million people took to the streets in Spain to call for the release of Catalan

political prisoners�but this historic gathering has fallen in line with a series of unprecedented

protests in Spain, which have been virtually ignored by the mainstream media.

by Rachel Blevins,

�Look at all the people here!

The independence movement is still going strong,� Pep Morales, a 63-year-old protester told

reporters as he marched with Catalonia�s main grassroots independence groups and called

for the release of their movement�s leaders from prison.

As a report from The Guardian noted in October, the Spanish government �took control of

Catalonia, dissolved its parliament and announced new elections after secessionist Catalan MPs

voted to establish an independent republic.� Then in November, a judge ordered eight members

of the deposed Catalan government to be arrested pending charges for their involvement in the

declaration of independence.

The blatant and ongoing corruption within Spain�s government has been both ignored

and even justified by the mainstream media.

As WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange noted, while the crowd of protesters reached nearly

1 million people, it was portrayed by the local media as an insignificant, regular protest.

�Watch this video of last night�s protest of around a million people calling for Spain

to release Catalan political prisoners,� Assange wrote.

�Then follow this link to see how this vast crowd was depicted on the front pages of Spain�s

biggest �newspapers.��

In addition to using photos that failed to show the sheer magnitude of the crowd, the

Spanish newspapers referenced by Assange also used titles such as �Catalonia Must Recover

the Law, Coexistence and Truth,��End of the Process,� �The Decapitated Separatism,�

and �Most Catalans Support the Advancement of Elections.�

When one Twitter user questioned how there could possibly have been 1 million protesters,

another user responded with a map showing where the protests occurred and wrote, �Yes�

More than a million.�

While the protest did not make headlines as it should have, multiple outlets were quick

to report on the latest comments from deposed Catalonian President Carles Puigdemont, who

reportedly is now saying �a solution other than independence is possible.�

Another Twitter user documented the hypocrisy by sharing a photo of the streets filled with

protesters, next to a photo of the front page of a local newspaper, which documented just

a small number of the protesters.

While mainstream media outlets in the United States focused on anything but the massive

protest, it is should be noted that if such a protest had occurred in Syria, with citizens

protesting the actions of President Bashar al-Assad, both CNN and Fox News would have

provided relentless 24/7 coverage.

As was shown with the latest protest, the more the citizens of Catalonia stand up against

their government, the more the government will attempt to oppress them, and the mainstream

media will work to cover it up.

The fact that the media continues to do the bidding of the government, even when it is

supposed to act as a �Fourth Estate� holding the government accountable for its actions,

is nothing new.

But with the prevalence of social media, regular citizens have the ability to make their voices

heard and to raise awareness about the blatant hypocrisy shown by governments such as

the one in Spain.

For more infomation >> Media Silent as a Record 1 Million Protesters March in Spain to End Gov't Corruption - Duration: 4:11.


Ramo Maxilar: 2º Divisão do Trigêmeo | Nervo Trigêmeo - Anatomia Prática - VídeoAula - Duration: 9:45.

For more infomation >> Ramo Maxilar: 2º Divisão do Trigêmeo | Nervo Trigêmeo - Anatomia Prática - VídeoAula - Duration: 9:45.


OBS Studio 125 - How to set up Stream Alerts in OBS (for Twitch & YouTube) - StreamLabs Tutorial - Duration: 4:49.

One key to an engaging and interesting live stream is utilizing "Stream Alerts" to

indicate on stream when someone follows, subscribes, donates, and so on.

This creates a sort of "instant gratification" that feels very rewarding for some viewers

and incentivizes them to stick around.

In this video, I'll show you how to set that up in OBS Studio.

The Elgato Cam Link takes your mirrorless, DSLR, GoPro, or camcorder and turns it into

a higher-quality facecam than any webcam could ever provide - without the hassle and headache

of normal USB webcam drivers or their terrible settings configuration.

Get an uncompressed, low-latency 1080p60 signal from your camera straight to your stream with

this little device right here.

Buy one via the link in the video description.

I'm EposVox, here to make tech easier and more fun, and welcome back to my OBS Studio

tutorial course.

I have many, many more videos on the software in the playlist linked in the description.

Check that before asking questions, and check the introduction video to learn how this course

works, if you get confused.

There are a few different platforms that can provide alerts for your live stream, but the

overall setup process on OBS's side is the same.

I'll be covering StreamLabs (formerly called "TwitchAlerts") in this video, though

I can cover more options in future episodes if needed.

Alerts are integrated using the Browser Source plugin built into OBS Studio to load a web

page which gets green screened out and whatever shows up gets overlaid on top of your stream.

It sounds complicated, but OBS Studio makes it easy to implement.

Head on over to and log in with your Twitch or YouTube Gaming account

- whichever you plan on streaming to and need alerts for.

Once logged in, choose "AlertBox" from the left hand side bar.

This is where you can customize the alerts to your heart's content.

You can add your own gifs to show on screen, unique sound effects, and customize the text

a bit.

To test your customization, you can click the Widget URL box at the top and hit "Launch"

to open a pop up alerts window.

Then click one of the test buttons to test your alert and see if it's configured appropriately.

Ignore the green background; OBS Studio will remove this on its own.

To add the alerts to a scene in OBS Studio, click to add a new source, and choose Browser


Give it a name and hit OK.

Next to "URL", paste in the URL from the widget URL box on StreamLabs.

Click "OK".

It should just kind of show up as the red bounding box around nothing on your stream.

This is fine - the green background gets automatically keyed out.

You can hit one of the "Test" buttons on the StreamLabs website and make sure they

show up overtop your scene.

Keep in mind that the sound effect plays through your desktop audio device so you will hear

it on your computer, and that device needs to be added to your audio devices or your

audience won't hear the alerts.

On the StreamLabs site, you can use the checkboxes above the URL to customize which alerts show

- for example if you don't want to show every new follower, just subscribers, or you

only want to showcase donations, and so on.

As I said before, there are other sites that can give you stream alerts, but they work

mostly in this same way via browser source.

Hopefully this gives you a better idea of how to set them up for your stream.

A nice trick I like to use is to make a dedicated scene just for your alerts and overlays.

Make a new scene, call it "overlays" and set up your various overlays that you use

across multiple scenes within this scene.

Position and resize them as desired.

Now, you can go to each scene and just add this scene as a source to add them all at


Then any changes to the "overlays" scene will affect all scenes with that nested scene

as a source.

This is a lot more convenient than trying to set it up on each individual scene.

I hope this episode of my OBS Studio tutorial course has been helpful for you.

If it was, drop-kick that like button and subscribe for awesome tech videos.

If you like game streaming, come follow me on Twitch and drop a message in chat.

Until next time, I'm EposVox, Happy Streaming!

Thanks for watching this episode of my OBS Studio tutorial course.

More videos like this and a full master class are linked in the playlist in the video description.

Click to learn more.

Also consider joining us on Patreon to help keep tech education free.

Go to to sign up.

For more infomation >> OBS Studio 125 - How to set up Stream Alerts in OBS (for Twitch & YouTube) - StreamLabs Tutorial - Duration: 4:49.


How to make MMD Videos #04 How to make complex animations - Duration: 16:29.

Hello everyone I am Gigi Miu!

Today I will show you how to make complex movements with MMD.

Mind that this is not the only way to make complex animations. It's just one possible way to do them.

The method I will show you today is to use a reference video to use as base for your movements.

One of the common mistakes I often see is that people try to "imagine" a movement in their head, but without having a reference they fail to replicate it.

The easiest way to get a reference movement video that matches the movement you want to make it is to shoot it yourself using your mobile phone.

Like I am doing here.

One thing that you have to consider that you do not need to do these movements at the same speed you plan to use in your video.

You can shoot it on a different speed (usually slower) and then adjust it in MMD. Also you do no t need to make one long shooting.

You can split it in different videos according on how many movements you want to recreate.

Now that i think about it I could have at least smiled while i was shooting this... I look really scary here lol

At least I am wearing a tshirt that I sell on my online shop at Spreadshirt lol.

Back on topic, you can also find a reference movement on the net, if you do not want or simply can't shoot one.

This is especially true if you want to replicate an existing dance.

Once you have the video put it into a video editing software.

Once imported it into the software i usually put some markers on the poses i think i will need to replicate the movement.

To put it simple I am searching references for what will be my keyframes (do you remember? we talked about keyframes last lesson) inside MMD.

I usually mark the start and the end of the desired movement and I also count how many frames are needed to do that movement.

For instance the movement I am analyzing here lasts 18 frames.

Once i have found inside the video all the references you need it is time to replicate them inside MMD.

As I said each movement has a start position and a end position, so it is usually easier to start replicating the start position first.

Put the desired bone in position and check if it matches the video

Then you rinse and repeat, going back and froth between MMD and the video until you have put all the bones in the desired position

Take your time in understanding which bone you need to move.

If you think you have replicated the correct position for that bone, do not forget to REGISTER the keyframe for that bone.

Keep going back and forth between the video and MMD.

and REGISTER all the bones needed to replicate that movement in its entirely.

Once you think you got the starting position is time to move in the timeline where the movement is supposed to end, and replicate there the ending position.

Once you manage to replicate the ending position too, REGISTER again all the needed bones.

Then press PLAY and check if the model is moving as it does in the video.

If the model is not moving like the video, you probably have registered the bone in a wrong position, probably due to you not understanding correctly what is the movement.

If this happens try do small edits to the bones and keyframes and see if the movement is getting better or worse. IF is getting better you are on the right track. If not try a different setting.

FROM NOW TILL THE END I AM JUST REPLICATING THE MOVEMENT. NO THEORY IS DISCUSSED, FEEL FREE TO SKIP IT. I hope you enjoyed this method, I suggest you to try it and see if it works for you.

For more infomation >> How to make MMD Videos #04 How to make complex animations - Duration: 16:29.


Learn colors with Mack Color Trucks & Color Haulers, a lot of Mack Haulers Disney Cars McQueen - Duration: 10:23.

Learn colors with Mack Color Trucks & Color Haulers, a lot of Mack Haulers Disney Cars McQueen

For more infomation >> Learn colors with Mack Color Trucks & Color Haulers, a lot of Mack Haulers Disney Cars McQueen - Duration: 10:23.


menkää tilaa henkka ja eukka ja nosse ja mummmmo !!!!!!!!!!!!! - Duration: 0:21.

go subscribe henkka

and nosse

and eukka

For more infomation >> menkää tilaa henkka ja eukka ja nosse ja mummmmo !!!!!!!!!!!!! - Duration: 0:21.


Gigi Miu Diary #15 About Hatsune Miku MMD model - Duration: 6:33.

Hello everyone! I am Gigi Miu!

Today I have released an original Hatsune Miku model for MikuMikuDance.

You can find it into my uploaded videos or the dedicated MMD model video playlist.

The model is completely original, made from scratch

Even if we have used as reference another original model that I made in the past for my Mitsume Temo project.

I really loved the proportions and the face of that model, specially because there is no other model with that head to body ratio proportion or with that particular face.

So i really wanted to make an Hatsune Miku version based on that head to body ration and with a similar taste in design.

The model was made with a famous MMD modeler, called PolygonCount. He is quite famous in DeviantArt and in the MMD model community.

And if things keep going as I imagine you can expect other models as well made with him with a similar model shape and form.

So we start with Miku! She is the first of this new MMD model series.

I really hope you like the model. Oh my god, this is such an obvious statement from me...

Who will ever want that you DO NOT like it? Lol I am a little bit out of focus today, sorry...

Anyway, even if it is an obvious statement I hope you will use it, because there are several benefits in using it.

First of all, it's completely original, so we haven't steam any single polygon, nor vertex, nor texture to anyone.

So no one would ever come you saying that you stole his model or if some crazy retarded should come say such a thing, please send him to me I will take care of him.

Knowing this will surely put you in a more relaxed condition since you are completely aware that it is an original model.

Mind that the same applies for me. I feel much relaxed in making videos with a model that I have made rather than with someone else one.

The only one who could eventually complain is Crypton, but this model have been made accordingly to PCL (Piapro Character License) so there shouldn't be any problem.

All of this is really important for a creator. Respecting all the copyright laws and licenses is really important.

I couldn't stress it enough! Always respect copyright laws and licenses!

In particular being in able to get in touch whenever you want with the copyright holder is another layer of safety.

So, while I am not the creator of Hatsune Miku, I have created this 3d model, so you can always refer to me for certain kind of issues related to the model.

So if you ever have doubts on the usage of the model you can contact me whenever you want.

So, feel free to use it and do not forget to check PolygonCount DeviantArt page!

If you ever make a video with it please contact me and send me a link I would love to see it!

For more infomation >> Gigi Miu Diary #15 About Hatsune Miku MMD model - Duration: 6:33.


عااجل: كارفاخال يطلق تصريحا مدويا عن مرضه | راموس يواسي بوفون | هذا هو خليفة نافاس ! - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> عااجل: كارفاخال يطلق تصريحا مدويا عن مرضه | راموس يواسي بوفون | هذا هو خليفة نافاس ! - Duration: 4:21.


HoN & The Future of Stream & Youtube - Duration: 22:43.

For more infomation >> HoN & The Future of Stream & Youtube - Duration: 22:43.


Страшилки на Хеллоуин: Растения против Зомби (Plants vs. Zombies: Halloween) Мультфильм (3+) - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Страшилки на Хеллоуин: Растения против Зомби (Plants vs. Zombies: Halloween) Мультфильм (3+) - Duration: 2:22.


Аниме приколы под музыку #30 | Анкорд жжет |anime crack |Аниме моменты |Аниме музыка (Specially) +18 - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Аниме приколы под музыку #30 | Анкорд жжет |anime crack |Аниме моменты |Аниме музыка (Specially) +18 - Duration: 4:49.


Knives Out -Terminator 2 Rules Of Survival PUBG Mobile - Duration: 17:18.

For more infomation >> Knives Out -Terminator 2 Rules Of Survival PUBG Mobile - Duration: 17:18.


Эльза ТОЛСТАЯ🍩🍩🍩Принцесса Зефирка мультики для девочек - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Эльза ТОЛСТАЯ🍩🍩🍩Принцесса Зефирка мультики для девочек - Duration: 3:51.


Tochter erwischt Mutter beim fremdgehen [subtitled] | Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill - Duration: 2:11.

hello darling

I didn't expect you here so early

I thought you had your school trip today

What's going on here?

Nothing, why are you asking?

did you paint?


with whom?

Alone, darling

I can not breathe anymore

it is not what it looks like

who is this?

that doesn't matter

What is she doing here?

I am also just a human

I have needs too

Everyday I have to sit here alone and wait for you

recently you go twice a week to your violin lessons

we hardly do nothing together anymore

I don't remember when we play the last time with your dolls

You do your own thing

I'm just your cleaning lady

how long has it been?

not long


at the most 6

10 months

Next week I will learn how to ride a bicycle

then I'm gone

you know what?

the chestnut figure I take with me

No not the chesnut figure!!

I probably should go now

For more infomation >> Tochter erwischt Mutter beim fremdgehen [subtitled] | Knallerfrauen mit Martina Hill - Duration: 2:11.


What The Justice League Cast Looked Like As Kids - Duration: 5:35.

With Justice League smashing onto our screens, DC is upping the stakes with an epic, bust-'em-up

brawl featuring the heavyweights of the comic book line-up.

But life wasn't always teamwork and spandex for the cast of Justice League.

In our universe, there was a time when Flash sang opera, Aquaman studied marine biology,

and Batman grew up just outside of Boston … with parents.

Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck took his first acting role at the age of 7, and he acted regularly from

that first role all the way through his teens, despite moving with his family often.

When the Affleck clan finally settled down in Massachusetts, 8-year-old Ben Affleck became

friends with an older kid who lived two blocks away in the same neighborhood: Matt Damon,

who he's still friends with today.

"Or you could learn about things that are actually true, like how incredibly short Matt

Damon is."

"Or the fact that Ben's left eye twitches every time you say the word Gigli."

They were both interested in acting, and Ben Affleck still credits Matt Damon and their

childhood friendship as the reason he decided to become a "real" actor.

These days, he's obviously looking a little older, which is exactly what the new Batman

needed to be.

"This guy, he's like.. he's is older... he's really f----- up and he's really broken down.

And he's on the edge of moral bankruptcy.

I'm clearly your man!"]

Jason Momoa

Most people were probably introduced to Jason Momoa as Khal Drogo, but the Hawaiian-born

actor has gained acclaim for more than his role in Game of Thrones.

Before leading the Dothraki, Momoa traveled the galaxy as the dreadlocked Ronon Dex in

Stargate: Atlantis and destroyed hordes of magical monsters in the 2011 remake of Conan

the Barbarian.

And it's safe to say that he's changed a lot over the years.

Momoa originally went to school to study marine biology, an education which may come in handy

now that he's donning the scaled armor of Aquaman.

Plans are also in development for a standalone Aquaman film to be released in 2018.

Gal Gadot

The decision to cast Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman seemed to come out of left field for a lot

of people, but the Israeli-born model definitely has the background to pull off a superpowered


Gadot grew up in Israel and was crowned Miss Israel in 2004 before spending her next two

years in the Israeli Defense Forces.

"You were trained in the Israeli Army."

" Yeah, that's probably where it all began."

"I was a girl scout."

Gadot went on to star in four Fast & Furious films, then immediately transitioned to the

DC film universe as our favorite Amazon warrior princess.

She claims that when she auditioned for Batman v Superman, she didn't know she was trying

out for Wonder Woman.

All she knew was that it was a Zack Snyder film, and her first guess was that it was

an audition for a new Catwoman.

Judging by her standalone film's ratings, Gadot seems to be shaping up to be a solid

Wonder Woman for the 21st century.

Ezra Miller

Born in Wyckoff, a small town in northern New Jersey, Ezra Miller grew up in a family

that was all about the arts.

A lot of that must have rubbed off on the young boy, who first sang on stage at the

age of 6 and went on to study at the New York Metropolitan Opera.

In 2008, the 16-year-old starred in his debut film, Afterschool, but the movie that brought

Ezra Miller into the public eye was definitely 2011's We Need to Talk About Kevin.

He's since starred in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and it's looking like

he's got a long run as the Flash ahead of him.

Amy Adams

Amy Adams never wanted to be an actress as a child—she wanted to be a dancer.

But even that dream wasn't entirely likely.

When she was 18, she found herself working at Hooters just to pay for a car.

"You used to be a Hooters waitress, which I can see… why."

"As you can see.."

I'd be proud of that, I'd be like, 'I had the body people.'"

By chance, she happened to be in Minnesota in 1999 when a casting crew came through looking

to fill parts in the Kirsten Dunst film Drop Dead Gorgeous.

She nailed the audition and snagged her first film role in the process.

Amy Adams' first major role was as Leonardo DiCaprio's love interest in 2002's Catch Me

If You Can, directed by Steven Spielberg, but her breakout hit didn't come until 2007,

when she starred in Disney's Enchanted.

Since then, Amy Adams has been nominated for five Oscars, won two Golden Globes, and moved

well past the status of "rising" star.

And somehow that smile hasn't changed a bit since high school.

Ray Fisher

Born and raised in New Jersey, Ray Fisher started acting early in high school musicals,

but he only applied to drama school on a bet.

To his surprise, he was accepted, and he's since worked mostly with the Shakespeare Theatre

of New Jersey.

In 2013, he played Muhammad Ali in the off-Broadway show "Fetch Clay, Make Man," a role which

finally caught the attention of Hollywood.

Except for his brief cameo in Batman v Superman, Justice League will be Ray Fisher's first


Fisher has definitely shown his skills on stage, and hopefully he'll bring the same

enthusiasm to the role of Cyborg.

He's already slated to star in a standalone Cyborg film, rumored to be coming out in 2020.

And after Justice League, there's no doubt that the 29-year-old will be getting more

movie offers than ever.

Henry Cavill

Believe it or not, Man of Steel wasn't Henry Cavill's first time in blue spandex and a

red cape.

He was originally cast as Superman in 2006's Superman Returns, but due to a director change

and subsequent recasting, Cavill lost the role to Brandon Routh.

According to MTV, Cavill had gone so far into the casting process that he'd even tried on

the Supes cape.

The DC universe seemed determined to keep Cavill out, but he finally got his chance

to fly with 2013's Man of Steel.

Now, Cavill has finally pushed his way into pop culture as the modern face of Clark Kent.

It must feel good after so many near-hits: in addition to missing out on Superman Returns,

Cavill almost became James Bond and was Stephanie Meyers' first choice for Edward in Twilight,

although that was probably more of a near-miss for Cavill.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> What The Justice League Cast Looked Like As Kids - Duration: 5:35.


Como eliminar o mau cheiro do calçado com 5 remédio caseiros - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> Como eliminar o mau cheiro do calçado com 5 remédio caseiros - Duration: 7:43.


Top 7 Open Secret Affairs Of Famous Bollywood Celebrities | You Didn't Know - Duration: 4:38.

Top 7 Open Secret Affairs Of Famous Bollywood Celebrities | You Didn't Know

For more infomation >> Top 7 Open Secret Affairs Of Famous Bollywood Celebrities | You Didn't Know - Duration: 4:38.


7 'Secrets and Lies' T H E Y Would Rather You Not Find Out - Duration: 12:06.

7 'Secrets and Lies' T.H.E.Y Would Rather You Not Find Out

Since time-immemorial T.H.E.Y (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) owning the banks and mega-corporations,

while secretly controlling their corrupt governments in the global corporatocracy have relied heavily

on a few crucial falling dominoes in the chain of cause and effect.

However, these crucial dominoes are seriously under threat through a rise in perception

by the consciously awakened making up the world�s critical mass consciousness needed

for change:

T.H.E.Y are well aware of this vulnerability, threatening their loss of power.

T.H.E.Y realize that their underworld with all its �secrets and lies� could be further

exposed by the growing awakened to the extent of having the effect of removing those crucial


Without which would lead to changing humanity�s downward spiral to an upward one by raising

the vibration for world transformation.

In light of this, here are 7 �secrets and lies� T.H.E.Y would rather you not find


�If the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the

street and lynch us.� � George HW Bush 1.

You�re not living in the land of the free

If ever there�s an example of how T.H.E.Y are covertly screwing us all over it�s in

the case of the masses buying into the deeply ingrained lie that we�re living in the land

of the free.

It beggars belief how the sleeping masses can�t see that we are not:

Wage slavery, 40-hour working week obligation, debt, censorship and free speech suppression,

increasing mandates, ordinances, rules and regulations creating the illusion of dependence

on government.

Then there�s even the criminalizing of goodwill, a disturbing growing trend.

Like the recent case of Californian authorities demanding that a church in Malibu, California

stops giving free meals to the homeless.

Those are just some of the things that clearly show we�re not living in the land of the



The political �isms � Enslavement masquerading as �freedom�

Alternative media frequenters know that T.H.E.Y will not allow anything that has any real

value to the people.

All their owned and controlled political parties are there to create the illusion of freedom,

hope, choice and democracy, or to divide and rule, to maintain the stranglehold on humanity.

Thus, it follows that all the political �isms (idealisms) serve the same purpose:

Communism and Karl Marx (1818 � 1883)

One underlying principle you�ll not have learnt in school or college is that all proletarian

movements including communism have acted out of moneyed interests.

Communism has been secretly owned, controlled and funded by elite corporatists.

The much revered Karl Marx, so-called �liberator of the proletariat� was in actuality a mere

front man financed by the Rothschild family to enslave the people.

He was also related to the Rothschild�s.

Contrary to common belief, Marx was not the founder of communism for world communist revolution.

The real founder was Adam Weishaupt, father of the Illuminati Freemasons.

During his lengthy political career, Marx had all the support and supervision he needed

from the Jesuits as well as the Freemasons to bring the communist manifesto and communism

into being with the world at large.

Socialism � nothing more than opiates for the masses

It may come as a shock for many socialists that socialism was essentially created by

the Rockefeller elite funded CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) in conjunction with

the Trilateral Commission.

With its wafer-thin, leftist, political propaganda rhetoric, socialism has managed to con the

na�ve masses into believing in the fuzzy notion that one day, an idealistic utopian

society based on equality and social justice can be formed, providing governments could

be purged of its bad guys and made clean.

Played by the system, followers have no idea that socialism is a cover for the New World

Order takeover.

Put simply, it has allowed the elite to carry on controlling; lying, cheating and stealing

from the people.

For more on this go here.

Capitalism � and a world not working

Not money, it is love that makes the world go around.

But we know that money has taken precedence over love, with its soulless bankers, greed-machine

corporations in a parasitical system.

Further, apathy, disconnection and narcissism in a self-centred consumerist society have,

in a number of cases, taken precedence over love in humans: No wonder the world isn�t


To summarize: Whether its communism, socialism or capitalism, the left/right political paradigm

has no value for the people, as all these roads lead to the same place, tyranny.

These false paradigms need to be dispelled.

It�s time for us to go back to our roots again.

Go back to focusing on what the American Founding Fathers stood for.


The Internet of Things (IoS) is effectively the New World Order

Forget for a while about the perceived �benefits� that T.H.E.Y and their associates have tried

to deceive you with in order to get your approval.

Blinded by consumerist greed and the desire for control, here are 4 things seriously not

right about the smart grid system and its wireless technology in the IoT:

a) The electromagnetic frequencies used in the EMF�s (electromagnetic fields) are harmful

to life and seriously threaten entire populations.

The new 5G technology planned to roll out has a higher frequency than 4G.

Pulsing more frequently, omnipresent 5G will attack our immune systems much faster.

Smart meter testing for radiation makes meter readings go off-scale.

These radiation levels have been found to be much higher than those reported by the

Federal Communications Commission and World Health Organization� Allowed to go ahead,the

technology seriously threatens entire populations.

b) Controlling surveillance

T.H.E.Y want to have a God�s-eye view of us all and intend having it in the IoT.

The IoT will therefore be nothing more than an electronic concentration camp.

Consider the abuse of power used by authorities in this system.

Powerful spiritual human beings will be reduced to nameless ciphers; controllable �nodal

points� in a control cloud.

c) Hack-ability

The IoT is much more vulnerable to hacking than we�ve been led to believe.

Because the system will be so heavily relied on it could bring unimaginable chaos if it

breaks down.

d) Transhumanist dangers

The IoT is part of the transhumanist agenda in the much sought after �singularity�

by the elite seeking immortality.

Mass exploitation where only the elite few will benefit, loss of spirituality and humanity�

are just some of the disturbing aspects related to the transhumanist agenda.

In short, in all 4 cases, T.H.E.Y have tried to bury their �secrets and lies,� hidden

ulterior motives, under the guises of �beneficial,� �convenience� or keeping us �safe.�


T.H.E.Y have no intention of paying back national debts

Imagine explaining the lunacy of this to a bunch of advanced ET visitors:

After having explained that the worldwide monetary system is a massive scam, you go

on to say: ��Our countries have national debts.

One country is in debt to another.

No country has any intention of paying back its national debt.

Taking the case of the U.S.A, it owes over 20 trillion dollars.

�As it continues its reckless spending, it will lead to more and more poverty and

slavery for the American people.

The same applies for other countries.

This is allowed to happen because debt leads to the creation of money.�

Yes, having no intention of paying back the national debts allows more money to be printed

out like confetti, as T.H.E.Y advance their worldwide monetary domination.


T.H.E.Y don�t want your children to grow up and be creative

Creativity is perceived as a big threat to the world�s enslavers.

It can be used in a powerful way, especially by the people en masse to manifest an outcome

different to the enslavers� planned doom and gloom scenarios.

So the enslavers have put in a number of things to try and make us dumber to quash our creativity.

It has been said that many children are being born into the world to produce world change.

To stop these children the enslavers are trying to make them dumber by subjecting them to

increased toxicity; increased toxic food, and the use of mass medication based on untruths.

For examples: Daydreaming = ADHD, Hormonal changes = Bipolar, Loner = Depression� Further

toxic overload also includes rising unnecessary vaccinations, fluoridation, EMF�s�

The narrow education curriculum designed to programme and brainwash, i.e. make children

or young people not think for them self is another one made to quash creativity.

Then there�s the prohibition of free speech and absurd political correctness serving to

stop critical thinking.

All have the hidden ulterior motives to make our children or young people less creative

and less effective in producing world change by making them dumber.


Joining the dots

T.H.E.Y don�t want you joining the dots: Finding out that their secrets and lies expose

the fact that everything is connected.

For example, secretly manufactured wars, food toxicity, toxic or addictive medicine, environmental

toxins, infertility from EMF�s or chemical sterilization, gender confusion, weather manipulation�

etc are all connected.

They all contribute to their world depopulation agenda.

In turn, the depopulation agenda interconnects with other agendas in the planned new world


In light of this vigilance and protection is needed at all times.


The laws of attraction

Noam Chomsky aptly describes how clueless the masses are about what�s really going

on in the world by saying in so many words that they don�t know what they don�t know�

Therefore, a step in the right direction for the masses would be to �know what they don�t

know.� Not merely in the context of vagueness, but in terms of empowerment.

For instance, in a �know what we don�t know� context it is empowering for us to

realize that possibility is not something to be fully comprehended, as that would limit

our access to power over what�s really possible.

T.H.E.Y don�t want us to know about the application of the �Laws of Attraction.�

How our deeds, thoughts, feelings and emotions� can be used in conjunction with the willingness

to embrace possibility.

Something that is vitally needed for us as conscious co-creators to produce world transformation.

In short, and above all, T.H.E.Y don�t want us to wake up and realize our power.

That concludes just 7 �secrets and lies� that T.H.E.Y would rather you not find out

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