Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 15 2017

Media Silent as a Record 1 Million Protesters March in Spain to End Gov�t Corruption

Close to 1 million people took to the streets in Spain to call for the release of Catalan

political prisoners�but this historic gathering has fallen in line with a series of unprecedented

protests in Spain, which have been virtually ignored by the mainstream media.

by Rachel Blevins,

�Look at all the people here!

The independence movement is still going strong,� Pep Morales, a 63-year-old protester told

reporters as he marched with Catalonia�s main grassroots independence groups and called

for the release of their movement�s leaders from prison.

As a report from The Guardian noted in October, the Spanish government �took control of

Catalonia, dissolved its parliament and announced new elections after secessionist Catalan MPs

voted to establish an independent republic.� Then in November, a judge ordered eight members

of the deposed Catalan government to be arrested pending charges for their involvement in the

declaration of independence.

The blatant and ongoing corruption within Spain�s government has been both ignored

and even justified by the mainstream media.

As WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange noted, while the crowd of protesters reached nearly

1 million people, it was portrayed by the local media as an insignificant, regular protest.

�Watch this video of last night�s protest of around a million people calling for Spain

to release Catalan political prisoners,� Assange wrote.

�Then follow this link to see how this vast crowd was depicted on the front pages of Spain�s

biggest �newspapers.��

In addition to using photos that failed to show the sheer magnitude of the crowd, the

Spanish newspapers referenced by Assange also used titles such as �Catalonia Must Recover

the Law, Coexistence and Truth,��End of the Process,� �The Decapitated Separatism,�

and �Most Catalans Support the Advancement of Elections.�

When one Twitter user questioned how there could possibly have been 1 million protesters,

another user responded with a map showing where the protests occurred and wrote, �Yes�

More than a million.�

While the protest did not make headlines as it should have, multiple outlets were quick

to report on the latest comments from deposed Catalonian President Carles Puigdemont, who

reportedly is now saying �a solution other than independence is possible.�

Another Twitter user documented the hypocrisy by sharing a photo of the streets filled with

protesters, next to a photo of the front page of a local newspaper, which documented just

a small number of the protesters.

While mainstream media outlets in the United States focused on anything but the massive

protest, it is should be noted that if such a protest had occurred in Syria, with citizens

protesting the actions of President Bashar al-Assad, both CNN and Fox News would have

provided relentless 24/7 coverage.

As was shown with the latest protest, the more the citizens of Catalonia stand up against

their government, the more the government will attempt to oppress them, and the mainstream

media will work to cover it up.

The fact that the media continues to do the bidding of the government, even when it is

supposed to act as a �Fourth Estate� holding the government accountable for its actions,

is nothing new.

But with the prevalence of social media, regular citizens have the ability to make their voices

heard and to raise awareness about the blatant hypocrisy shown by governments such as

the one in Spain.

For more infomation >> Media Silent as a Record 1 Million Protesters March in Spain to End Gov't Corruption - Duration: 4:11.


Bobby's Parker House Rolls | Food Network - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Bobby's Parker House Rolls | Food Network - Duration: 3:27.


Ramo Maxilar: 2º Divisão do Trigêmeo | Nervo Trigêmeo - Anatomia Prática - VídeoAula - Duration: 9:45.

For more infomation >> Ramo Maxilar: 2º Divisão do Trigêmeo | Nervo Trigêmeo - Anatomia Prática - VídeoAula - Duration: 9:45.


Skye Boat Song from Outlander Soundtrack with Irish bagpipes - Lyrics - Rapalje Celtic Folk Music - Duration: 3:05.

Sing me a song

of a lad that is gone

Say, could that lad be I?

Merry of soul he sailed on a day

Over the sea to Skye

Mull was astem, Rum on the port

Eigg on the starboard bow

Glory of youth shone in his soul

Where is that glory now?

Sing me a song of the lad that is gone

Say, could that lad be I?

Merry of soul he sailed on a day

Over the sea to Skye

Give me again all that was there

Give me the sun that shone

Give me the eyes, give me the soul

Give me the lad that's gone

Sing me a song of the lad that is gone

Say, could that lad be I?

Merry of soul he sailed on a day

Over the sea to Skye

Billow and breeze, islands and seas

Mountains of rain and sun

All that was good, all that was fair

All that was me has gone..

For more infomation >> Skye Boat Song from Outlander Soundtrack with Irish bagpipes - Lyrics - Rapalje Celtic Folk Music - Duration: 3:05.


Пикабу Майка Тайсона СТИЛЬ vs СТОЙКА - Duration: 9:58.

For more infomation >> Пикабу Майка Тайсона СТИЛЬ vs СТОЙКА - Duration: 9:58.


Economic Update: Socialism Past, Present, and Future [CLIP] - Duration: 3:22.

The socialists of the past focused too exclusively, too much on who owned the means of production,

and how distribution of goods and services was to be worked out.

What they didn't focus on, was how production itself was organized.

What happens in the workplace, the factory, the office, the store?

What happens there among people as we produce the goods and services without which we can't


And that's what socialism didn't attend to!

Because in capitalism what's crucial about the organization of production, has been and

is, that a tiny group of people, the major shareholders who own the company, and the board

of directors, usually 15 people elected by those shareholders, that tiny group of people

in enterprise after enterprise, makes all the decisions: what to produce, how to produce,

where to produce, and what to do with the profits that everybody's work helped to produce.

And to no one's surprise, say the socialists, the tiny group of people who own and operate

the enterprises, make those enterprises work first and foremost for them.

That's why they are rich, that's why they are powerful, that's why they can buy politicians,

etc. etc etc.

Therefore, if you want to do better than capitalism, if you want to project an image of a future

socialism, that will not repeat the mistakes of the past, then you have to go beyond private

versus public ownership of the means of production, and you have to go beyond markets versus planning,


You have to add to those conversations something the old socialists didn't do: the transformation

of the workplace.

It has to become the core of what a future society that's socialist would be.

And what does that mean?

That everybody at the workplace, one person one vote, together and democratically decide

what the enterprise is going to do, what it produces, how it produces, where it produces

and what is done with the profits they have all worked hard to produce.

If you transform the workplace and in the process transform the people working there,

because they will all have a new set of relationships amongst themselves, then you can expect and

hope that the decisions made by democratic workplaces will be fundamentally different

from the decisions made by the capitalist organization of enterprises which puts such

a small number of people in such a powerful position and is in the end why the system

hasn't worked better for the mass of people.

For more infomation >> Economic Update: Socialism Past, Present, and Future [CLIP] - Duration: 3:22.


How to make awesome design in cmd using notepad - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> How to make awesome design in cmd using notepad - Duration: 3:46.


How to make MMD Videos #04 How to make complex animations - Duration: 16:29.

Hello everyone I am Gigi Miu!

Today I will show you how to make complex movements with MMD.

Mind that this is not the only way to make complex animations. It's just one possible way to do them.

The method I will show you today is to use a reference video to use as base for your movements.

One of the common mistakes I often see is that people try to "imagine" a movement in their head, but without having a reference they fail to replicate it.

The easiest way to get a reference movement video that matches the movement you want to make it is to shoot it yourself using your mobile phone.

Like I am doing here.

One thing that you have to consider that you do not need to do these movements at the same speed you plan to use in your video.

You can shoot it on a different speed (usually slower) and then adjust it in MMD. Also you do no t need to make one long shooting.

You can split it in different videos according on how many movements you want to recreate.

Now that i think about it I could have at least smiled while i was shooting this... I look really scary here lol

At least I am wearing a tshirt that I sell on my online shop at Spreadshirt lol.

Back on topic, you can also find a reference movement on the net, if you do not want or simply can't shoot one.

This is especially true if you want to replicate an existing dance.

Once you have the video put it into a video editing software.

Once imported it into the software i usually put some markers on the poses i think i will need to replicate the movement.

To put it simple I am searching references for what will be my keyframes (do you remember? we talked about keyframes last lesson) inside MMD.

I usually mark the start and the end of the desired movement and I also count how many frames are needed to do that movement.

For instance the movement I am analyzing here lasts 18 frames.

Once i have found inside the video all the references you need it is time to replicate them inside MMD.

As I said each movement has a start position and a end position, so it is usually easier to start replicating the start position first.

Put the desired bone in position and check if it matches the video

Then you rinse and repeat, going back and froth between MMD and the video until you have put all the bones in the desired position

Take your time in understanding which bone you need to move.

If you think you have replicated the correct position for that bone, do not forget to REGISTER the keyframe for that bone.

Keep going back and forth between the video and MMD.

and REGISTER all the bones needed to replicate that movement in its entirely.

Once you think you got the starting position is time to move in the timeline where the movement is supposed to end, and replicate there the ending position.

Once you manage to replicate the ending position too, REGISTER again all the needed bones.

Then press PLAY and check if the model is moving as it does in the video.

If the model is not moving like the video, you probably have registered the bone in a wrong position, probably due to you not understanding correctly what is the movement.

If this happens try do small edits to the bones and keyframes and see if the movement is getting better or worse. IF is getting better you are on the right track. If not try a different setting.

FROM NOW TILL THE END I AM JUST REPLICATING THE MOVEMENT. NO THEORY IS DISCUSSED, FEEL FREE TO SKIP IT. I hope you enjoyed this method, I suggest you to try it and see if it works for you.

For more infomation >> How to make MMD Videos #04 How to make complex animations - Duration: 16:29.


عاجل.. الجيش يتمكن من إنزال "عدو المغاربة" في الإقامة الجبرية - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> عاجل.. الجيش يتمكن من إنزال "عدو المغاربة" في الإقامة الجبرية - Duration: 2:39.


What to do after you bring your adopted dog home. - Duration: 7:09.

in this video I'm gonna talk about what you do after you bring your newly

adopted dog home the steps that you need to take what you need to do and what you

don't have to do all that and more in this video coming up hello lover my name

is Saro I'm a dog trainer also coach dog owners welcome if this is your first

time here and you want to become an educated dog lover and have a

well-behaved obedient healthy and happy dog make sure to subscribe to my channel

and hit the bell icon as well so you won't miss anything so you've gone

through the process of selecting and adopting a dog and you're all excited

and you want to bring your dog home and probably you're not sure what the steps

are what you need to do and what you don't have to do don't worry I'm gonna

explain it all in this video but before that make sure that you have watched my

previous video I'm going to link those videos right here you can go ahead and

watch those as well so one of the first things that I suggest as soon as you

bring a dog home any dog home any adopted dog or any puppy or anything

like that first thing is don't give too much freedom to that dog what that means

is you got to keep your dog on leash under control and don't just let the dog

go free in the house and start exploring the whole house thinking that if you do

that you're allowing your dog to introduce itself to the house and get to

know the house and also you feel like that's the first thing that you

want to do you're gonna share that house with your dog that's actually the worst

thing that you can do giving too much freedom too fast and too soon to your

dog keeping your dog on leash and under control will eventually reduces its

stress level if you have a backyard and you live in a house first thing that you

want to do is introduce the backyard to your dog this is the first place that

your dog should visit probably your dog is going to be marking it gonna sniff

around and get to know the outside of the house first the next thing that you

want to do is introduce the inside of the house so what you want to do is keep

your dog on leash and introduce one room at the time if

possible you don't have to introduce the whole house to your dog

maybe just the living room that's where you're gonna be mostly be I'll recommend

to introduce one room or one area every other day

don't rush so this brings me to the next point you want to create an area that

your dog is going to be staying for the next few days or a few months this is

the area that is either near to your office desk at home or anywhere that you

can be visually supervising your dog at all time so whether it would be the

crate or the bed or an area that you have surrounded by pen ex-pen where you

have made a division anywhere that your dog can be without distracting you and

you can have a clear view of your dog so focus on your dog's five essential needs

what are those five essential needs exercise training socialization care and

then affection make sure to watch my video that I talked about these five

essential right here start creating a new and predictable routine for your dog

your dog needs a routine needs to know that this is what's going to happen

now and tomorrow and next day and the next day if you provide everything for

your dog your dog is gonna have a better and less stressful time in the first few

days at least expect to see some strange behaviors from your dog your dog has

been to different shelters or different homes and different situations and this

is not a new experience for your dog so your dog is going to give you some weird

strange behaviors so expect to have those behaviors and know how to deal

with them be prepared to spend 24/7 with your dog for the next week or so

maybe even a month it's a good idea to take some time off so you can focus on

your newly adopted dog think about providing a good healthy balanced diet

for your dog if you want to learn about that diet I'm gonna link a video that I

have made right here can go ahead and watch that with you you may also think

that your dog really a good dog it's a really good boy

or a girl and you're really lucky but take advantage of that and make your dog

even better focus on starting to train your dogs right away as soon as you can

you can watch some of the videos that I teach you how to start the basic

obedience training and that's the first step that you want to take to teach your

dog the basic obedience you can watch those videos and I'm gonna link them

right here start socializing your dog but very slowly

and have a controlled socialization with your dog you don't know your dog your

dog doesn't know you doesn't know your lifestyle doesn't know what you're

involved with it might not be familiar with the things that you are involved at

the moment so all these things can cause stress in your dog so you want to slowly

introduce your dog to things that you do usually let's see how your dog reacts to

them this is why you don't off-leash your dog because you don't know you

never know what your dog is gonna be reacting to I highly suggest to keep a

daily diary of your dogs just write down what that day was like and what did you

see that was strange what did you see that was great what did you see that

needs work on at the end of the week you can go back and see what you need to

work on and I know you're dying to share affection with your dog but

unfortunately this is not the right time to share a affection with your dog if you

know me you know I focus on mainly exercise training socialization care and

then affection affection is the last thing a dog especially a dog who's unbalanced

has just been adopted it's a puppy these are dogs who are unbalanced and they

don't need affection at this stage of their lives not saying don't share

affection I'm saying share affection at the right time at the right state of

mind but don't focus on that focus on providing exercise training

socialization and great diet first and also focus on getting your dog a leash

with the proper color bed toys harness and basically all the basic things that

your dog needs I hope these tips are gonna help you to

settle in with your dog properly got any questions leave those questions in the

comment area I'll address them as soon as I can or I'll address them in my

future videos if you like this video give it a thumbs up share and comment

I'll see you next time and until next time have fun with your dog

For more infomation >> What to do after you bring your adopted dog home. - Duration: 7:09.


Learn colors with Mack Color Trucks & Color Haulers, a lot of Mack Haulers Disney Cars McQueen - Duration: 10:23.

Learn colors with Mack Color Trucks & Color Haulers, a lot of Mack Haulers Disney Cars McQueen

For more infomation >> Learn colors with Mack Color Trucks & Color Haulers, a lot of Mack Haulers Disney Cars McQueen - Duration: 10:23.


menkää tilaa henkka ja eukka ja nosse ja mummmmo !!!!!!!!!!!!! - Duration: 0:21.

go subscribe henkka

and nosse

and eukka

For more infomation >> menkää tilaa henkka ja eukka ja nosse ja mummmmo !!!!!!!!!!!!! - Duration: 0:21.


Gigi Miu Diary #15 About Hatsune Miku MMD model - Duration: 6:33.

Hello everyone! I am Gigi Miu!

Today I have released an original Hatsune Miku model for MikuMikuDance.

You can find it into my uploaded videos or the dedicated MMD model video playlist.

The model is completely original, made from scratch

Even if we have used as reference another original model that I made in the past for my Mitsume Temo project.

I really loved the proportions and the face of that model, specially because there is no other model with that head to body ratio proportion or with that particular face.

So i really wanted to make an Hatsune Miku version based on that head to body ration and with a similar taste in design.

The model was made with a famous MMD modeler, called PolygonCount. He is quite famous in DeviantArt and in the MMD model community.

And if things keep going as I imagine you can expect other models as well made with him with a similar model shape and form.

So we start with Miku! She is the first of this new MMD model series.

I really hope you like the model. Oh my god, this is such an obvious statement from me...

Who will ever want that you DO NOT like it? Lol I am a little bit out of focus today, sorry...

Anyway, even if it is an obvious statement I hope you will use it, because there are several benefits in using it.

First of all, it's completely original, so we haven't steam any single polygon, nor vertex, nor texture to anyone.

So no one would ever come you saying that you stole his model or if some crazy retarded should come say such a thing, please send him to me I will take care of him.

Knowing this will surely put you in a more relaxed condition since you are completely aware that it is an original model.

Mind that the same applies for me. I feel much relaxed in making videos with a model that I have made rather than with someone else one.

The only one who could eventually complain is Crypton, but this model have been made accordingly to PCL (Piapro Character License) so there shouldn't be any problem.

All of this is really important for a creator. Respecting all the copyright laws and licenses is really important.

I couldn't stress it enough! Always respect copyright laws and licenses!

In particular being in able to get in touch whenever you want with the copyright holder is another layer of safety.

So, while I am not the creator of Hatsune Miku, I have created this 3d model, so you can always refer to me for certain kind of issues related to the model.

So if you ever have doubts on the usage of the model you can contact me whenever you want.

So, feel free to use it and do not forget to check PolygonCount DeviantArt page!

If you ever make a video with it please contact me and send me a link I would love to see it!

For more infomation >> Gigi Miu Diary #15 About Hatsune Miku MMD model - Duration: 6:33.


[Eng sub] DIY planner design 2018 الفكيرة 207 | تصميم بلانر و أجندة العام الجديد - Duration: 11:41.

Welcome to Fokaira channel

Soon it will be a new year

and it's time for the planner

for the new year

The last two years I showed you

planners which I love so much

I will leave a link to them in the description box

This year I was in a dilemma

which kind of planners should I use

I enjoy so much

to shop for planners

to see what is in the market

and I also enjoy so much to make the planner

by myself

so this year I was in a dilemma

what to do , do I buy

ready made or make it by myself

and finally I made something

totally different

This is the planner of the new year

as you can see

simple and the what is new about it

is that I combined in it between the enjoyment of shopping

and the enjoyment of the DIY

that has creativity

I will take you on a tour and how I made it step by step

It is inspired by something called

Travel journal

where the person needs a folder

or a cover to put inside

the travel tickets, the flyers he may get

during his trip, the map

and many other stuff

and travel with it

This is the same idea

It is a cover, I will make by myself


and what is inside the notebooks, I will buy ready made

it is closed at the end

with elastic band as you can see

and to make it

first thing I needed a notebook

specially for the monthly schedule

with weeks and days

to save my goals and my appointments

so I found this is very suitable

each notebook is enough for 6 months, that's why I bought two

The second notebook: I needed something

to write the to do list

After specifying my goals for the month or the week

I begin to divide them into a list of tasks

so this is the to do list notebook

I needed another notebook

to put down my ideas, my feelings

so I chose this cute Japanese notebook

you see now

It has drawings and quotes

in some of the pages

all links of what I bought

or the tools I used

I will leave in the description box

now for the cover where

I will put inside all these notebooks

I thought to make it from fabrics

I kept looking in the materials left over I have

and finally I chose

the curtain fabric

I had to specify the size

the size had to be a bit bigger than the notebooks

so I thought 20 X 11 when closed

so 20 X 21 when open

I brought carton any kind

from a box, from a notebook cover

and cut it to the required size

I must leave in the middle a space for the holes

where the elastic band will go

which will hold the notebooks

I will show you this later

but what is important is to leave 2 or 3 cm in the middle

with the glue gun

we glue the fabric

The curtain fabric has holes so I used another fabric

white also to be from the inside

This curtain fabric is from the bedroom curtain

if you didn't watch the Bedroom decor video

you can go back and watch it

This was extra

from the length of the curtain

and also using the glue gun

I glued it all around the cover

As for the inside of the cover I used

this paper to cover it

and by using the glue

and also the glue gun for the fabric parts

I glued the internal cover

I wanted as this is the creativity part

of the notebook to put

tissues that has a design

to apply the decoupage

so by using white glue

I put the tissues on the cover

The next part is left for your creativity

you can do what you see right

I put some ribbons

some decoration items

so it is up to you

now we come to

fixing the elastic bands where

the notebooks will be held

I brought

golden elastic band

we should make holes

3 holes for the elastic band to go in

and go around

the cover

at the end I tie it in a simple way

I already have holes because

the curtain fabrics has holes

so I used the holes I have

but if you have a puncher you can make holes

in the cover

I had an old medal

which I am not using

but I liked the heart so I took it

to decorate the band that will go around the planner

in this case we will need a hole

I don't have a puncher so I used the cutter

and I used this tool to give it a professional finish

for the planner

we will only need to

make the band length to a size

that can go around the planner and close it

and I used a button

to tie it inside

you know that my favorite color is pink

so here is a pink clip

and we put the notebooks one by one

What is left is to make the plastic pockets

so I brought

documents cover

but its size was bigger than the notebook

so I cut it in the middle

and glued it with the glue gun

to become the size of my planner

Then I put the sticky notes, my business card

some stickers

and here is the planner

ready for the new year

I am so excited and can't wait

to use it

I hope the video is inspiring

and encourage you to get creative

with the new year planner

As I said if you didn't see the previous years planners

you can check them out

I will leave them in the description box

and I would like to tell you that I started a new group on Facebook

called Theresa Khalil

for people who are following me on Fokaira channel

or uniqueTV or gift unboxing channels

so we meet there

and exchange opinions

and get to know each other more

as in the group we have a bigger chance

for you to get to know each other

so see you there

For more infomation >> [Eng sub] DIY planner design 2018 الفكيرة 207 | تصميم بلانر و أجندة العام الجديد - Duration: 11:41.


How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster And Softer | Hair Regrowth - Remedies One - Duration: 3:14.

having beautiful hair begins with good basic care and good products then come

the little extras that do some good today's video will discuss four basics

for beautiful long hair before you watch this video please take a moment to

subscribe our YouTube channel by clicking the subscribe button then tap

the Bell icon so you will be the first to know when we post new videos daily

beautiful hair tips getting the basics right visitors stylists at least every

six weeks a lack of protein can cause dry dull and tired looking hair so eat

oily fish meat eggs and dairy products for naturally shiny hair as well as

enough fiber carbohydrates and fruit and vegetables drink plenty of water to

nourish you beautiful hair for essential beauty tips for hair 1 in the shower

damaged hair tips like split ends lose more protein than the roots this protein

lost leads to a cycle of damage as its hollows the hair repair and seal every

strand of hair reduce protein loss to stop the damage progression prevent

future split ends even in 3 months with regular use conditioner maintains hairs

moisture balance and helps to prevent tangles apply it to the ends and comb

your hair before rinsing with a wide toothed comb for the best results use a

conditioner that matches your shampoo finish your shower with a blast of cold

water which will revive your hair and close the hair cuticles 2 after

showering damp hair is more vulnerable after washing towel dry your hair gently

and if possible leave it to dry in the fresh air and also avoid going to bed

with damp hair if you apply out hair care product to make sure that it

penetrates your hair even more put it on towel dried hair and wrap a warm damp

towel around your head 3 star brush or comb your hair gently once or

twice a day if you have mid-length their long hair choose a brush with a soft

rubber base anti-static defect and mixture of nylon and bristle the finer

your hair the more natural the bristles should be for short hair use a wide

tooth comb or a small brush don't constantly use hair accessories such as

hair pins or hair bands that our two type can break the hair and don't forget

to wash your brush and comb every couple of months for at bedtime if you have

long with hair plaited loosely before going to bed your hair won't get messy

as quickly and you will avoid tangles when you wake up just before going to

bed apply a leave-in conditioner to the ends and wash your pillowcases regularly

how you get beautiful long hair let me know in our comment section below

if you liked this video give it a thumbs up and share with your friends for more

daily tips subscribe to our channel below thank you

For more infomation >> How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster And Softer | Hair Regrowth - Remedies One - Duration: 3:14.


life changes are good? - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> life changes are good? - Duration: 4:32.


Hitchhiking in Russia : Toughest day of my trip - Duration: 19:26.

Google Translate says - "The lady wants to meet me for 5 Nights...... "

What!! 5 NIGHTS or Minutes !!!

Sometimes Google Translate does blunder

the same thing happened when I was with Nicholai and Ira.

I was so embarrassed

His friend wants to meet me here because she wants to work in India.

Please share your feedback on the camera stabilization

After using the gimbal, do you really feel any difference?

If you don't like the quality then please suggest me where how can I make it better

Thats Katun river and there is a bridge

This seems to be a Restaurant

Thanks to Nadya who recommended the Altai Mountains, when I was in India

Thanks to Nicholai who recommended me to visit Chusky Tract

its 4:45 pm

I am here in Barangol for last 2 hours

Behind me is Barangol village

We have been talking about India and Russia

They have shared a lot of information about Chusky tract

They told me about TASHANTA, which is the last Russian village in this direction

After seeing the photographs of that place, I have gone crazy. Its so beautiful

Tonight I am going to stay in Barangol

They have made stay arrangements for me

Though I haven't seen that till now

Tomorrow I should leave early

As I have to travel around 400 kilometres

They said that they never saw any Indian tourist in this place

So its not popular among the Indian tourist

But Russian people often visit here

Many tourists use this highway to reach Mongolia and then to China

If you have a Mongolian visa you can cross this border overland

This is a offroader for local excursions

It has got a good ground clearance

its 6:45 pm

People are saying that the clothes I am wearing are not enough to protect me from the cold of Tashanta

But I have to go

I am feeling quite warm in these clothes

I am waiting to get a place to settle.

The girl and his boyfriend live on the other side of the river... she said that they are trying to accommodate me somewhere

They also wanted to know about India

So I thought of staying with them

but it seems the plan may change

They want me to stay somewhere else

Lets see... what happens !

Now they have expressed their inability to arrange a place for me

They are asking me to stay in a hotel... somewhere nearby

I actually wanted to stay with some local. I could have gone to some other place had I come to know about their decision earlier

its 7 pm

Now I have no place to stay

She said, there is a Buddhist temple in another village.

She came to know about that place from her friend

But she is not able to convey me that her friend has already made arrangements or I have to do on my own!

because of language barrier

She won't be able to go with me to convince the temple authorities.

She has to go back to her house situated in the Jungle

It would be a problem in jungle after it becomes dark

Lets see what happens now!

I can see that she is trying to help me

She is standing with me to ask for lift... talking with her friend on phone

Oh God! Sometimes it becomes so difficult

But yes! This is a challenge. I should accept this

Now I am tired.

Bags are getting so heavy for my shoulders

Please stop!

I am not getting any help at this time

At the same time, I am worried for here also

She said that she has to travel a distance to reach her place

Its dark now and she might face problem

I could have been here on the road for some more time, but now....

I can see she is trying her best to help me out

I really don't want her to land in a problem because of me

Its ok... It happens....

She has left now

Now I am paying 400 Ruble to stay for a night!

its 8 pm

Now everything is fine :)

all well that ends well

Now I am with Andrey and Zhenia

This is the dining place for tourists

I am going to have dinner with them

Now I am not going to stay in that room which you just saw

They have also offered me their place to stay

They have also offered this facility in half of the amount

Another great news !

Andrey said - Now you don't have to pay anything to stay here

I am really overwhelmed by such warm gestures of the Russians

I am having Tomtato salad

This is mamiyal

This is a present from them

I don't know how should I thank them

They have given me this to cure my cold and cough

This is a medicine

This is Shilajeet

I have seen people selling this in Manali, India

at Hidimba Temple

Shilajeet is a herb

I has got lots of medicinal values

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