Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 15 2017

Bachion ki shadi k liye dua | Bachon ka naseeba khol dene wala wazifa

For more infomation >> Bachion ki shadi k liye dua | Bachon ka naseeba khol dene wala wazifa - Duration: 3:29.


TIMOTHÉE VA À L'ÉCOLE - Des monstres effrayants - Duration: 24:58.

For more infomation >> TIMOTHÉE VA À L'ÉCOLE - Des monstres effrayants - Duration: 24:58.


Icelandic Magical Staves #3 - Duration: 11:54.

Hello friends my name is Arith Härger and today i'm going to talk about icelandic Rune Staves

or Icelandic magical staves

this is the third part of these series

and the last one, and I hope you have enjoyed the previous videos

Now with no more delay let's delve into the knowledge of the Icelandic rune staves

Óttastafur (terror stave) carve this stave on an oaken staff or smal oak plate

and throw it at the feet of your foe to frighten him

the stave should be carved with a steel knife

the Icelandic word "ótti" which means "fear" / "dread"

can be compared semantically to the word "ægir" from which ægishjálmur is derived

so we continue to have the same sort of ideas, constructing a single word

that by itself already invokes fear, and carved on a piece of oak

as we have seen before, certain trees and their magical properties enhance the power of the rune staves

you will most likely find this rune stave throughout the Internet

as you can see here in the second example

it's called Skelkunarstafur which roughly translated is to put your enemy with a sickening fear of you

it's not that the first example is much more accurate

although it's the one we see with a better representation on the manuscripts of recorded spells

through history we see many similar symbols

some with the exact same names, others with variations of the same names

but their purposes virtual remain the same

spells evolve not only through failure and success

but also with the knowledge gained through time and also adding new religious elements

as you have already seen in the previous videos

Dreprún - here's a good example of what I've just told you

a rune stave with the exact same name as the one I've shown you in the first video

also very similar in its physical construction

from the first video the stave was to kill your enemy's cattle

and this one is the same principle

if you want your enemy to lose his livestock and possessions

then lay this sign in the hoofprint of his horse

these are two rune-staves from two different manuscripts

so it is rare to find this close correspondence between staves

as I've said before, farming fishing and trade have always been the main activities of Iceland's economy

so it's not surprising that a great portion of the spells in the manuscripts

focus on these activities

there are spells designed to heal livestock ,to protect them and curing them of the effects of evil magic

Feingur - a fertility rune stave

this is what is written in the manuscript:

if you want a girl to become pregnant by you, cut this sign in a piece of cheese

and give it to her to eat

I'm sure it wasn't just the cheese that would do the trick

but of course, first creating a link with fertility

before the sexual intercourse

Feingur may be one of the names of Óðinn, miswritten from Fengur

Óðinn in this aspect is very similar to the Greek god Zeus

wherever he goes he can't keep it in his pants and yet another child is born

at some point Óðinn might have also been related to fertility

do to so many mythological accounts we have of him having sexual intercourse with every woman he encounters during his wanderings

these mythological accounts might be

remnants of tales when this deity was first related to fertility even before

being considered the god of death and war

Feingur may also be related to the Icelandic Feigur

a kind of spirit, elf, a fey, related to death, to be bound to death

fated to die

the relation between this rune stave and this sort of spirit

may be linked to the fear of stillborn children and the rune stave is to prevent that

so maybe it's not just about fertility but also to ensure the woman successfully gives birth to an healthy child

Lásabrjótur (lock-breaker)

lay this sign on the lock and blow into it

you will most likely find this rune stave throughout the internet without the runic inscription

but I wanted to show you the entire rune stave because as we have seen before

incantations are very important to imbue the rune staves with power and invoke that power

the rune staves read :

"Tröll öll taki í mellu, taki í djöfu so braki."

Which can be translated to "All trolls reach into the lock, the Devil reach into it, so that it will break."

so probably the sign was carved on a lock and the part it says you blow into the lock it's probably to

recite this incantation into it

Þjófastafur (thief-stave)

again another example of the exactly same name as we have seen in other rune staves on previous videos

but a different design

Put this sign under the threshold of your enemy and he will collapse when he steps over it if he has committed an act of thievery against you

there are many rune staves with this same name and all to catch thieves

although the designs and the methods are different

Þjófastafir (thief-staves)

speaking of catching thieves

here are two other examples

the first example:

to see a thief carve these staves in so-called manslaughter oak and have it under your arm

Manslaughter oak, or mandrepeik, "man-killing-" or "manslaughter-" oak

The exact botanical identity of this type of oak is unknown

it may be referring to a kind of oak used to hang criminals

the second example: carve these staves in maple wood (Valbjörk)

and lay them under your head and you will see the thief in your sleep

thievery and thieves was so common during medieval and modern Iceland that people even dreamt with them

Anyway, Valbjörk, "birch of the slain", is a kind of birch or maple tree unknown in Iceland

probably the remnants of spells using the wood of trees from mainland Europe

possibly from Norway from which Icelandic settlers came from

here we have two examples of two types of trees related to death or the killing of criminals

we have to take in mind that-

in ancient Scandinavian societies even in terms of the law there was a big difference between murder and killing

if a killing was performed in stealth, the person was considered a murderer

but if the killing was done and the killer publicly announced his deed

it was manslaughter an offence that could be atoned with wergild

which comes from the anglo-saxon and its money paid to the relatives of a murder victim

in composition for the loss and to prevent a blood feud

manslaughter was usually the killing of someone who was a criminal but had been banished and was an outlaw

beyond the reach of the law and was a Vargr - a wolf

and as such, anyone could kill and hunt on sight this person

because the outlaw was considered to be a beast and not a person

to have success-

have this sign on grey paper under your left arm when you are talking to somebody

it's not specific if the intention is to succeed in a business conversation or any other type of conversation

but speaking of business deals here's a rune stave to have victory in business with all people

draw this sign on blotting paper

and wear it under your left arm and let no one know that you have it

as I've told you before, trading was one of the main activities in Iceland's economy

and success in business was what guarantee a person's survival and to be financially stable

Dúnfaxi (down-mane) if you want to win a law case carry this sign with you

if you believe in it, it should be on a piece of new oak

this one is so that you will not die in the water

wear this sign under your left arm

living on an island such as Iceland I'm sure people would fear drowning

but this fear probably came from a remote past when the Norse started to venture into open waters

unknown seas

since most Scandinavians had been farmers and with little contact with the sea before the Viking Age

I'm sure many of the sea-adventurers didn't even know how to swim

and a shipwreck even near the coast would be the death of many

also, during the witch trials of Iceland

men convicted of witchery and sorcery were burned at the stake

but unlike mainland Europe

in Iceland women were drowned, bound with ropes in the rocks or something else

waiting for the tide to slowly crawl and drown them

a slow agonizing death, enhancing the fear of drowning

for protection against sorcery

carry this sign with you, it protects from all sorcery

t he formula appears to be the Christian IHS

this is either a Greek monogram

or abbreviation of the name Jesus, or it might stand for the Latin phrase:

"in hoc signo"

"in this sign" or in other words - in the sign of the Cross

just like other examples in previous videos we have yet again a mixture

between the pagan and the Catholic

to return "sendings"

in the Icelandic history of witchcraft and sorcery we have many accounts of neighbors in sorcery battles

inflicting curses to one another, making their livestock sick or killing them

thievery, murder, even afflicting with great farting and other inconvenient and uncomfortable situations

if you have seen the three videos I've made

you already know what these people were up to

so . . . obviously . . .

there was the need for protection and counter-attack

this rune stave was carved on calfskin and placed in front of one's breasts

if you wanted to send back to the other person that which the person sent to you, but only harmful spells

and now just like the previous videos finishing this one we the rune stave against sleeplessness and bad dreams

I'm sure after so many sorcery battles and curses, great pain, suffering, plus the trials of life and the religious persecutions

people had a lot of sleepless nights and nightmares

this rune stave was carved with magnetised iron on a piece of coal

and just like the previous rune staves for sleeping, this piece of coal was probably placed-

either under the pillow or near the place where one would sleep

alright my dear friends I hope you have enjoyed these series of Icelandic magical staves

all the links to my social media are down below in the description so you can contact me

or just leave a comment and I'll answer as soon as I can

thank you so much for watching, see you on the next video and . . .

tack för idag! (Thank you for today!)

For more infomation >> Icelandic Magical Staves #3 - Duration: 11:54.


Jon Stewart Crashes Late Night with Seth Meyers - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> Jon Stewart Crashes Late Night with Seth Meyers - Duration: 5:45.


Magnitude 5.4 quake hits Korea's southeastern coastal city of Pohang - Duration: 1:38.

A 5-point-4 magnitude earthquake... hit the southeastern Korean city of Pohang early Wednesday


For more, we have our Lee Ji-won on the line.

Ji-won, what's the latest on the quake and the aftershocks?

Devin, like you said the 5-point-4 magnitude quake hit the northern region of Korea's coastal

city of Pohang at around half-past-two this afternoon.

People say the tremor was strong enough to have parts of buildings crack or fall off,

and could even be felt by residents in the capital Seoul, which is more than 300 kilometers


While no casualties have been reported yet,... seven people have been lightly wounded, with

over 40 people rescued.

Nuclear power plants in Gyeongju and the surrounding areas are reported to be safe and unaffected

by the earthquake.

The Korea Meteorological Administration says there were smaller tremors of magnitudes of

2-point-2 and 2-point-6 just a few minutes before the main earthquake.

Six aftershocks followed for about 30 minutes... ranging from magnitude 2-point-4 to 3-point-6.

And just over an hour ago, another aftershock with a magnitude of 4-point-6 was reported

in the area.

This is the second strongest quake to have ever been recorded in Korea, after a 5-point-8

magnitude earthquake hit Gyeongju, south of Pohang, last year.

As the government is working to rescue residents in the affected areas,...

President Moon Jae-in, who came back from his 8-day tour of Southeast Asia this afternoon,

just finished holding an emergency meeting on the situation with his top aides.

We'll have the latest on that and more in our later newscast.

For more infomation >> Magnitude 5.4 quake hits Korea's southeastern coastal city of Pohang - Duration: 1:38.


YAP10 II "FADA FLOW 3" (REMIX || GOLDBeatz || BASS Boosted) - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> YAP10 II "FADA FLOW 3" (REMIX || GOLDBeatz || BASS Boosted) - Duration: 3:26.


No countries reconsidering competing in PyeongChang Winter Olympics: Minister - Duration: 0:33.

South Korean Culture Minister Do Jong-hwan says no countries are having second thoughts

about sending their athletes to compete at the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

There had been worries that a handful of European countries could decide not to participate

due to safety concerns over the tensions on the Korean peninsula.

However the minister explained that after visiting each of those countries, it was confirmed

that none of them are reconsidering.

He was also confident that North Korea will participate in the Games, although that decision

could be made at the last minute.

For more infomation >> No countries reconsidering competing in PyeongChang Winter Olympics: Minister - Duration: 0:33.


029: I Did A Thing.......(cc) - Duration: 7:24.

For more infomation >> 029: I Did A Thing.......(cc) - Duration: 7:24.


Old man sleeping in chair at roadside . - Duration: 0:56.


For more infomation >> Old man sleeping in chair at roadside . - Duration: 0:56.


business life VÙNG ĐẤT LỞ MIỀN QUÊ | cuộc sống huế - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> business life VÙNG ĐẤT LỞ MIỀN QUÊ | cuộc sống huế - Duration: 10:08.


Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer | Christmas Songs For Babies | Nursery Rhymes For Kids by Farmees - Duration: 1:08:55.

"Hey Farmees! Look at Rudolf, the red nosed reindeer!"

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer had a very shiny nose

And if you ever saw it you would even say it glows

All of the other reindeer Used to laugh and call him names

They never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games

Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say,

Rudolph with your nose so bright, won't you guide my sleigh tonight

Then all the reindeer loved him as they shouted out with glee

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer you'll go down in history

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer had a very shiny nose

And if you ever saw it you would even say it glows

All of the other reindeer Used to laugh and call him names

They never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games

Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say,

Rudolph with your nose so bright, won't you guide my sleigh tonight

Then all the reindeer loved him as they shouted out with glee

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer you'll go down in history

For more infomation >> Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer | Christmas Songs For Babies | Nursery Rhymes For Kids by Farmees - Duration: 1:08:55.


FILO Project - Duration: 3:25.

Our daycare takes place in hosts homes in the community across Devon. Groups are

only ever five in number as a maximum but typically four to five is

the preferred number. It differs from conventional daycare in that people have

time to gel together to get to know each other, and the essence of our days I

think is in friendship and social interaction. Because we work out of hosts

own homes it's a normal environment, and I think that's the key

difference that people feel coming to us that, in a world that's very un-normal or

abnormal with dementia, you need to feel grounded in your context and

coming to somewhere that is normal is a home environment. The routine's

familiar; the the host is the same host each week; the clients are the same each

time; and you get that sense of normality coming through.

The reason I really enjoy it here's because everybody's so nice and good too, and we have such a happy time.

Well she's been coming about 12 months I would think now, and she didn't want to

come to start with but now she thoroughly enjoys it. She started on

two days a week and now she comes three days a week, and I can really really see

a big difference in her. When she first started she was all sort of worried

about meeting other people and things like that but now she's a lot more

relaxed and it's nice for me because I know she's being well looked after two

or three days a week and she's not just cooped up in her little bungalow with four

walls to talk to and nothing else which is what was happening. But now she's got

used to everything, she thoroughly enjoys it, and I've got time now to do things

that I would like to do with my husband. It's given us that little bit of freedom.

The thing I most enjoy is to join in with all the people here,

because I'm home alone and it's lovely to come here. I just look forward to it every time.

I've been working for FILO for a year and a half now. I wanted to

join the FILO project because I want to make a difference to people's lives. I

want to be part of the community and to help people that need somewhere to go.

Previously I worked in 'care', working with (people with) special needs, so this fitted in with the role I had before really.

Sitting around a lunch table putting the

world to rights, not rushing, is what we all do in our ordinary lives, and I

don't see why that shouldn't be the same for older people who have challenges

that they face every single moment of every single day.

They are just so happy to be here and, interacting with each other every week, they just really

really enjoy their day. So if they're a happy person, then I'm a happy

person, and it's fantastic.

For more infomation >> FILO Project - Duration: 3:25.


Animated Funny Cartoon - Frozen Elsa Baby Ghost Prank Stop Motion / Nursery Rhymes for Children - Duration: 12:03.

Frozen Elsa

For more infomation >> Animated Funny Cartoon - Frozen Elsa Baby Ghost Prank Stop Motion / Nursery Rhymes for Children - Duration: 12:03.


メイク変えてみた!【IT】ペニーワイズメイク方法(化粧)Pennywise Makeup Tutorial - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> メイク変えてみた!【IT】ペニーワイズメイク方法(化粧)Pennywise Makeup Tutorial - Duration: 6:12.


Jeff Sessions Testifies, Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks - Monologue - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Jeff Sessions Testifies, Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks - Monologue - Duration: 2:45.



For more infomation >> РОНАЛДУ ИЗМЕНИЛ СВОЕЙ ДЕВУШКЕ? - Duration: 2:06.



For more infomation >> 10 САМЫХ НЕЛОВКИХ МОМЕНТОВ В ПРЯМОМ ЭФИРЕ - Duration: 4:45.


S. Korea and Japan at odds over 'comfort women' deal - Duration: 0:48.

South Korea and Japan got into a dispute Tuesday at the UN Human Rights Council... over a deal

struck two years ago concerning the victims of Japan's World War Two sexual enslavement

of Korean women.

According to Japanese media, the two countries' delegates clashed over whether the deal does

enough for the victims, the so-called "comfort women" -- most South Koreans think it doesn't.

Under the agreement, Japan agreed to pay 1 billion yen, or about 9 billion U.S. dollars,

to a foundation to support the victims, now all very elderly.

The Japanese side said the two countries were working together to restore the honor and

dignity of the victims and that much is being done to heal the wounds.

The Chinese delegation also chimed in to demand that Japan apologize.

For more infomation >> S. Korea and Japan at odds over 'comfort women' deal - Duration: 0:48.


Global financial Stability Conference 2017 - Duration: 2:34.

Back in 1997, East Asia was gripped by a financial crisis that pulled the rug out from under

the region's stock markets and currencies.

To discuss the best ways of preventing another such crisis, Seoul is hosting a conference

for economists, researchers and officials from the region... who made several recommendations

for a financial safety net.

Won Jung-hwan has more.

The Ministry of Strategy and Finance and Korea Development Institute jointly hosted the 2017

Global Financial Stability Conference in Seoul on Wednesday, looking into ways to improve

global financial market stability amid the current trend of trade protectionism and slowing



"Korea advanced the global financial safety net agenda at the 2010 G20 Summit, and this

is the only global financial stability conference on a regular basis".

Under the theme of 'The Asian Crisis 20 Years Later', the conference provided an opportunity

to revisit the policy environments of Asian countries during the crisis.


"Twenty years have passed since the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis.

At the time, the Korean economy experienced unprecedented difficulties, watching its foreign

debt-to-GDP ratio rise from 13-percent to 21-percent and then as high as 40-percent."

The conditions of the International Monetary Fund's bailout package meant Seoul had to

carry out tough structural reform, leading to the collapse of many banks and businesses.

According to a survey released by the KDI on Tuesday, almost 60-percent of the one thousand

respondents said the financial crisis was the most difficult period for Korea in its


And, more than half the respondents think the 1997 Asian financial crisis had an adverse

impact on the economy, society and their daily lives,... with only 8-percent saying it had

a positive impact.

In order to prevent a repeat of the 1997 Asian financial crisis, the experts at the conference

recommended measures such as avoiding currency overvaluation, keeping adequate foreign reserves,

and securing access to regional and global financial safety nets.

Twenty years have passed since the crisis, but this conference shows the efforts economies

in the region are making in order to maintain financial stability.

Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Global financial Stability Conference 2017 - Duration: 2:34.


China's special envoy to visit N. Korea on Friday - Duration: 2:28.

China will reportedly send a special envoy to North Korea on Friday... to talk about

the the recent Chinese Communist Party's recent Congress.

But because the visit comes after a series of bilateral and multilateral meetings among

world leaders,... experts think the main focus will be Pyongyang's nuclear and missile programs.

Oh Jung-hee reports.

Chinese President Xi Jinping's special envoy will visit North Korea on Friday... and is

expected to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

That's according to both Beijing-based Xinhua News Agency and North Korea's state-run Korean

Central News Agency on Wednesday.

The envoy, Song Tao,... is currently head of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee's

department for international affairs.

It's the first time since October last year... that Beijing's high-level official will visit


(Korean) "The head of the International Department

of the Chinese Communist Party is a very senior, high-level official.

Also, Song Tao is pro-Pyongyang.

Sending him means that China wants to recover its party-to-party interactions with North

Korea... in contrast to how their interactions until now have mostly been carried out via

low-level channels."

China usually sends special envoys to communist states immediately after concluding the Party


But, after this year's 19th Party Congress,...

Beijing sent Song Tao as an envoy only to Vietnam and Laos,... excluding North Korea.

Xinhua reports...

Song will inform Pyongyang about the 19th Party Congress that took place in mid-October.

But experts believe... as the envoy's visit to Pyongyang comes after U.S. President Trump's

visit to China,...

Beijing may be looking for an in-depth discussion with the regime... on its nuclear and missile


(English) "North Korea and the U.S. had very different

ideas on how to enter into dialogue from the start.

So the Chinese government has been trying to mediate with both of them.

I think the Chinese government will probably reaffirm to North Korea that Beijing prefers

dialogue over any other measures to denuclearize North Korea."

The experts added... that China might have wanted to show the world that it's still proactively

taking part in the North Korea issue,... after it seemed for a few months that China couldn't...

or was not willing... to exert influence on North Korea.

Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.

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