Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 15 2017

every fall we take at least one trip to an apple orchard near us they have

family friendly activities wonderful local canned goods for sale and of

course apples today's video will discuss how to make apple cider vinegar at home

before you watch this video please take a moment to subscribe our YouTube

channel by clicking the subscribe button then tap the Bell icon so you will be

the first to know when we post new videos daily

don't waste apple cores and peels you can use the peels in the course to make

apple cider vinegar this way you have virtually no waste

it is also totally possible to make apple cider vinegar from the whole apple

so don't worry if you don't have leftover peels and cores from anything

how to make apple cider vinegar before starting to make apple cider vinegar

there are a few things you'll need to have on hand first supplies clean jar

you can use any size jar organic apples scraps enough to fill your jar 3/4 of

the way full organic cane sugar filtered water fermentation waiter small glass

jar cheesecloth or coffee filter rubber band how to make apple cider vinegar

with the mother easy way apple cider vinegar with the mother has many

benefits and it is simple to make at home with some organic apple scraps and

a little time here's how ingredients organic apple scraps enough to fill your

jar 3/4 of the way full organic cane sugar filtered water instructions 1

clean your jar very well and let air dry to fill jar 3/4 phone with apple scraps

if you are using whole apples roughly chop them up before you put them in the

jar 3 dissolve 1 tablespoon cane sugar into one cup of water you may need to

double or triple this depending on the size of your jar for you need to use

enough to completely cover the apples 5 pour sugar water over the apples and

they are completely submerged six went down the apples with a fermentation wait

or with a small glass jar any apples that are exposed to the air could mold

seven cover with the cheesecloth their coffee filter and secure with the rubber

band eight store in a dark place that stays pretty consistently it's room

temperature nine leave it for approximately three weeks check on it

every few days to make sure the apples are staying under the water and to make

sure no mold is growing 10 after three weeks it will still smell fairly sweet

strain the apples pieces out and return the liquid to the jar eleven recover and

put the jar back in a dark spot for another three to four weeks stirring

every few days 12 when the ACV has reached the tartness you like you can

put a lid on it or transfer it to a different jar with a lid and start using

it do you know any alternative to make apple cider vinegar at home let me know

in our comment section below if you liked this video give it a thumbs up and

share with your friends for more daily tips subscribe to our channel below

thank you

For more infomation >> How To Make Apple Cider Vinegar Drink At Home | Weight Loss Drink Recipe - Remedies One - Duration: 3:26.


Magnitude 5.4 quake hits Korea's southeastern coastal city of Pohang - Duration: 3:02.

Our starting point is once again the earthquake that shook up the nation.

It struck the nation's Southeastern city of Pohang earlier today, but the tremor and aftershocks

were so strong, even all the way here in Seoul, we could feel the earth rumble.

Our Lee Ji-won joins us on the line to give us the updates.

Ji-won what do we have so far.


It was a 5-point-4 magnitude quake that rocked the northern part of Pohang at around half-past-two

this afternoon.

The tremor was strong enough to make parts of buildings crack or fall off, and the tremor

was even felt here in the capital Seoul, which is more than 300 kilometers away from the

epicenter of the quake.

While no serious injuries or fatal casualties have been reported yet, of 4 in the afternoon,

seven people were reported to have been lightly wounded, and more than 40 people were rescued

from elevators and buildings.

Nuclear power plants in Gyeongju and the vicinities are reported to be safe and unaffected by

the earthquake.

Aftershocks, ranging from magnitude 2-point-1 to 4-point-3, are still continuing, with the

latest one occurring about an hour ago.

This is the second strongest seismic activity to have ever been recorded in Korea, after

a 5-point-8 magnitude earthquake hit Gyeongju, south of Pohang, last year.

The Japan Meteorological Agency said that the tremor was felt in Japan's western regions

of Fukuoka and Shimane Prefecture,... but it said the earthquake didn't trigger a tsunami


Just as if not more painful than the injuries and damages is the fact that this event forced

a change in date for that crucial exam that all high school seniors are now ready for.

Yes Daniel, the Ministry of Education announced a couple of hours ago, that it'll postpone

tomorrow's suneung by a week.

This is the first-time the test has been rescheduled due to a natural disaster since it was implemented

in 1993.

The education minister said that a number of test-sites have been damaged significantly.

Moreover, the ministry also considered possible aftershocks that could strike during the test,

as at least 46 aftershocks were recorded on the following day a magnitude 5.8 earthquake

hit Gyeongju last year.

(Korean) "Considering the students' safety as top priority,...

as well as the importance of keeping a fair and balanced environment for the test takers,

the Ministry of Education has decided to postpone the exam by a week,... and hold it on November


The minister added that a special team will be organized to manage any ripple effect stemming

from the test delay,... including rearranging college application dates.

The ministry will also carry out safety checks in test-venues around Pohang to relocate students

to new facilities that are deemed safe and stable.

Back to you Daniel.

For more infomation >> Magnitude 5.4 quake hits Korea's southeastern coastal city of Pohang - Duration: 3:02.


5 SOORTEN LEERLINGEN!!👤 - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> 5 SOORTEN LEERLINGEN!!👤 - Duration: 5:33.


Forgotten Realms Pantheon - Auril and Azuth - Duration: 6:41.

Hello everybody Jorphdan here the PH is silent.

Let's continue down the list of the Faerun Pantheon.

Today we'll talk about Auril and Azuth.

Auril is a neutral evil goddess with many


Also known as the Cold Goddess, The Frostmaiden, Icedawn, Lady Frostkiss, and the Goddess of


Her symbol is a six-pointed snowflake.

She is the merciless goddess of cold and winter and is mainly worshiped in areas that experience

a deep winter.

Most of her worship comes in the forms of pleas.

People offer her prayers and offerings in hope she is merciful that particular winter.

They worship out of fear rather than respect, which hey it works for some deities.

The Temples of Auril exist mainly in the north.

There is a large one in Luskan for example called the Winter Palace.

It's a roofless area with large pillars in the center carved out of white stone.

The forms of worship seem to revolve around suffering in the cold.

Wearing clothing covered in ice and marching from Pillar to pillar in freezing temperatures.

All while chanting prayers to The Frostmaiden.

Frostbite and even death are not that uncommon during these ceremonies.

Auril is a member of the Deities of Fury.

Along with other deities such as Malar, Umberlee and Talos.

Umberlee being the goddess of the sea, gets along and cooperates with Auril on occasion.

But Malar the god of evil lycanthropes hated Auril and the two despised one another.

Auril is currently siphoning off power from the sleeping Ulutiu who was the father of

the Giant-kin races.

I've spoke about him in an earlier video; Ulutiu began an affair with Othea who was

wife of Annam the All-Father.

A god of giants.

Their affair gave birth to giant-kin races such as the firbolg, fomorian, verbeeg and


When his affair was discovered he was exiled to the bottom of the ocean in the north sinking

with his magical amulet that froze the waters around him.

Creating the Great Glacier and the Endless Ice Sea.

Kossuth, and evil deity of fire, and Auril are mortal enemies.

Their followers seldom run into one another because Kossuth is found in southern hot areas

and Auril in northern cold ones.

Auril's clergy aren't that organized, like I said earlier a lot of her worship is

out of fear.

They try to appease the evil deity so they may have a light winter.

However she does have many secret temples all along the Spine of the World.

The main goals of her devout followers is to intimidate others into worship.

Demanding donations to the church which in turn could be offered to Auril.

Sacrifices to Auril are not uncommon, especially in the North.

Auril commands her faithful to blanket the land in snow and put chill in every bone.

If one wanted to know more about the rituals and services for the church of Auril they

need only look in "The Codicil of White."

A magical book that contained all the information on faith in Auril.

Wizards and Sorcerers that follow Auril seek this book as well because it contains several

pages on the Arcane magics favored by the goddess.

Dragon Magazine 312 had some interesting spells related to a cleric of Auril.

Unique ice spells that could be fun for a Villain or a player character in your future


Azuth is a lawful neutral god of wizards.

Known as the Lord of Spells he is a lesser deity of spellcasting.

Where Mystra is the goddess of magic, Azuth's followers focus on the art of magic, the science

of it.

Which is why he is worshiped by wizards primarily.

Mystra and Azuth share an amicable relationship, akin to that of a tutor and favorite student.

Azuth started out as a mortal human.

He was a very power hungry individual and sought magical secrets long lost from the


His knowledge and love of magic did not go unnoticed by Mystra who granted him the title

of Magister.

Now a Magister was a personal champion of Mystra, existing to promote the Art in her


He later passed the title on when he became a Chosen of Mystra.

Which isn't a title but more of a blessing from a particular god or goddess.

In the case of Mystra it granted Azuth (the chosen) unprecedented magical power in order

to combat the evil against, and imbalances in, the Weave.

Azuth concerns himself with the advancement and preservation of the magical arts.

Azuth has a series of creatures that aid in the discovery of magic known as the Favored.

The Favored are magical constructs of Azuth's subconscious mind.

They further the development and channeling of the Weave through written formulas, and

magical scientific achievements.

The Favored are a presence on Faerun that directly ties to Azuth.

These Favored possess uncanny abilities such as telekinesis and flight.

They deliver important messages to Azuth's followers and herald new developments in the

magical sciences.

Because Azuth seeks only the advancement of magic, and scientific truths his followers

take a very neutral stance on matters of morality.

His church has come under criticism by the more proactive cults of Mystra.

It was after the Dawn Cataclysm that Azuth attempted to ascend to divinity by stealing

a portion of the demigod's Savras' power.

The attempt failed and led to a series of battles between Azuth and Savras.

This culminated in a huge fight between the two superpowers.

The lesser deity Savras vs Azuth a chosen of mystra fighting it out in an open area.

The duel shattered a mountain and created a deep lake.

Sounds like a DBZ Wizard fight.

Azuth won the battle by hitting Savaras with a magical scepter he created that would imprison

entities inside of it.

Savras became imprisoned in the staff and thus it was known thereafter as the Scepter

of Savras.

The scepter itself is a +5 quarterstaff topped with a bright blue gem.

It is this gem that can cast the imprisonment spell and capture a creature within it.

Now since the Time of Troubles Azuth has been struggling to reconcile the old Mystra with

the new.

The Weave changed with the new Mystra and it's only been a few hundred years to get

used to these changes.

The majority of Azuth's clergy are wizards and monks.

Some multiclassed clerics hold positions of power within the hierarchy.

Kind of interesting though you won't find a lot of pure clerics that worship Azuth.

Almost everyone as a result of worshiping Azuth dip into levels of Wizard.

However if you wanted to play a straight cleric of Azuth I bet the Arcana Domain from Sword

Coast Adventurer's guide would fit nicely.

Finally as I stated in my last video, during the spellplague Azuth fell into the Nine Hells

when Dweomerheart was destroyed and was devoured by Asmodeus.

The two inhabited the same body with Asmodeus winning control for the most part.

This gave Asmodeus the divine spark he needed to become a full fledged deity.

But Azuth was released during the Sundering when a deal was struck and Asmodeus was able

to gain a divine spark without combatting Azuth for control of their shared body.

Azuth was restored to the Faerun Pantheon much to the relief of his followers.

And that's it for today, man I do like Azuth.

I really like wizards so a deity focused on just being a sweet wizard is cool to me.

I hope you, the internet, found this video informative.

Consider giving it a like and a share.

Likes help YouTube know the video should be seen and shares help me out directly!

Thanks again everyone and I'll see you next Wed for another video on the gods of Faerun!

For more infomation >> Forgotten Realms Pantheon - Auril and Azuth - Duration: 6:41.


Watch YouTube Videos in Picture in Picture Mode (Pop out / Floating window) - Duration: 2:08.


_________ LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE ________

Hey guys it me Rahul and today we are gonna be taking a look at an awesome trick to watch

youtube videos in picture in picture mode or pop out window mode or floating mode.

With android 8.0 and YouTube red, YouTube officially enables you to watch videos in

picture in picture mode, but not everyone has access to YouTube Red, so this is a nice

way to get that feature for free.

I'm gonna be showing you guys 2 ways, one is using a dedicated app and other one is

using telegram.

If you use telegram, you know that... it is a very powerful messenger app than any other

, and one of the unique features of it... is bots, so this is how you can watch YouTube

videos in picture in picture mode,

open telegram search youtube , select youtube bot, then type @youtube followed by the search

phrase, then tap on the video that you want to watch then, tap on the thumbnail of that

video and then tap on this little icon here, this UI might be different for you.

so in that case you will have a small icon right here, tap on it, which will open the

video in picture in picture mode, now you can watch youtube videos while doing something

else on your phone, pretty neat huh ?

So the other way is to use a dedicated app for it.I like "Floating tube" ,The links

are down below, it's free, open the app….

search for the video … the video, then tap on this icon here which will pop

out the video and that's it, I like this method more because i can resize the video,

so i can view the video better, that's pretty much it

For more infomation >> Watch YouTube Videos in Picture in Picture Mode (Pop out / Floating window) - Duration: 2:08.


The Most Inspiring Jim Carrey Speech THE MEANING OF LIFE | MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO - Duration: 26:13.



please welcome to speak to us the

funniest man on earth a performer of

legendary cum comic genius a children's

book author of profound depth an

individual of enormous compassion who is

doing so much to make our world a better

place the great Jim Carrey

what are you sitting down for

I was gonna melt that for a while you

guys can stretch that out in post right

you can make that longer in the Edit

Thank You Bevin thank you all Jai


I brought one of my paintings to show

you today I hope you guys are gonna be

able to see it okay it's not one of my

bigger pieces so you might want to move

down front get a good look at it

faculty parents friends dignified guests

graduating class of 2014 and all the

dead baseball players coming out of the

corn to be with us today

after the harbor's there's no place for

them to hide fields are empty

there's no cover there I'm here to plant

the seed today a seed that will inspire

you to move forward in life with

enthusiastic hearts and a clearer sense

of wholeness the question is will that

seed have a chance to take root or will

I be sued by Monsanto and forced to use

their seed

which may not be totally Ayurvedic

excuse me if I seem a little bit

low-energy tonight today whatever this

is I slept with my head to the north

last night oh man oh man

you know how that is right kids

yeah woke up right in the middle of

Pitta couldn't get back to sleep dobot I

rode around crazy

but I didn't freak out you know I used

that time to eat a large meal connect

with someone special on tinder because

life doesn't happen to you it happens

for you how do I know this I don't but

I'm making sound and that's the

important thing that's what I'm here to


sometimes I think that's the only thing

that's important really you know it's

just letting each other know we're here

reminding each other that we're part of

a larger self I used to think Jim Carrey

is all that I was just a flickering

light a dancing shadow

the great nothing masquerading is

something you can name seeking shelter

in caves and foxholes dug out hastily an

archer searching for his target in the

mirror wounded only by my own arrows

begging to be enslaved pleading for my

chains wounded by longing and tripping

over paradise




you didn't think it could be serious did

you I don't think you understand who

you're dealing with

I have no limits

I cannot be contained because I'm the

container you can't contain the

container man you can't contain the

container I used to believe that who I

was ended at the edge of my skin that I

had been given this little vehicle

called a body from which to experience

creation and though I couldn't have

asked for a sporty or model it was after

all a loner and would have to be

returned then I learned that everything

outside the vehicle was part of me too

and now I Drive a convertible

and then top down win to my hair

I am elated and truly truly truly

excited to be present and fully

connected to you at this important

moment in your journey I hope you're

ready to open the roof and take it all

in okay four more years then they're

obviously not ready this needs more

cooking I want to thank the trustees the

administrators the Faculty of M um for

creating an institution worthy of

maharishis ideals of Education a place

that teaches knowledge and experience

the knowledge and experience necessary

to be productive in life as well as

enabling the students through

Transcendental Meditation and ancient

Vedic knowledge to slack off twice a day

for an hour to half

don't think you're fooling me but I

guess it has some benefits it does allow

you to separate who you truly are and

what's real from the stories that run

through your head you have given them

that them the ability to walk behind the

minds elaborate set decoration and to

see that there's a huge difference

between a dog that is going to eat you

in your mind and an actual dog that is

going to eat you

that may sound like no big deal but many

never learn that distinction and they

spend a great deal of their lives living

in fight-or-flight response I'd like to

acknowledge all of you wonderful parents

way to go you've done for your tireless

dedication your love your support most

of all for the attention that you paid

to your children I have a saying beware

the unloved because they will eventually

hurt themselves or me when I look at

this group here you know I feel really

safe I do I'm just gonna say it my room

is not locked my room is not locked no

doubt some of you will turn out to be

crooks but white-collar stuff you know

Wall Street that type of thing you know

crimes committed by people with


stuff parents can still be proud of in a

weird way into the graduating class of

2017 - three you didn't let me finish



yes give yourself a round of applause



you are the vanguard of knowledge and

consciousness a new wave in a vast ocean

of possibilities on the other side of

that door there's a world starving for

new ideas new leadership I've been out

there for 30 years she's a wildcat

she'll rub up against your leg and purr

until you pick her up and stop petting

her and then out of nowhere she'll slap

in the face it can be rough out there

but that's okay because there's

soft-serve ice cream with sprinkles I

guess that's what I'm really trying to

say here today sometimes it's okay to

eat your feelings

now fear is going to be a player in your

life you get to decide how much you can

spend your whole life imagining ghosts

worrying about the pathway to the future

but all there will ever be is what's

happening here in the decisions we make

in this moment which are based in either

love or fear so many of us choose our

path out of fear disguised as

practicality what we really want seems

impossibly out of reach and ridiculous

to expect so we never dare to ask the

universe for it I'm saying I'm the proof

that you can ask the universe for it


and if it doesn't happen for you right

away it's only because the universe is

so busy fulfilling my order


party-size my father could have been a

great comedian but he didn't believe

that that was possible for him and so he

made a conservative choice instead he

got a safe job as an accountant and when

I was 12 years old he was let go from

that safe job and our family had to do

whatever we could to survive I learned

many great lessons from my father not

the least of which was that you can fail

at what you don't want so you might as

well take a chance on doing what you


it's not the only thing he taught me

though you know I watched the effect of

my father's love and humor and how it

altered the world around me and I

thought that's something to do that's

something worth my time it wasn't long

before I started acting up you know

people would come over to the house and

they'd be greeted by a seven-year-old

throwing himself down a large flight of

stairs they would say what happened and

I would say I don't know let's check the

replay I'd go back to the top of the

stairs and come back down in slow motion

it was a very strange household

my father used to brag that I wasn't a

ham I was the whole pig and he treated

my talent as if it was his second chance

when I was about 28 after a decade as a

professional comedian I realized one

night in LA that the purpose of my life

had always been to free people from

concern just like my dad

and when I realized this I dubbed my new

devotion the Church of freedom from

concern the Church of FFC


and I dedicated myself to that ministry

what's yours

how will you serve the world what do

they need that your talent can provide

that's all you have to figure out as

someone who's done what you're about to

go and do I can tell you from experience

the effect you have on others is the

most valuable currency there is


because everything you gain in life will

rot and fall apart and all that would be

left of you is what was in your heart am

i choosing to free people am i choosing

to free people from concern got me to

the top of a mountain look where I am

look what I get to do everywhere I go

look this I'm gonna get emotional

because when I tap into this it really

is extraordinary to me I did something

that made people present their best

selves to me wherever I go

I am at the top of the mountain and I

was and I the only the only one I hadn't

freed was myself and that's when my

search for identity deepened I wondered

who I'd be without my fame who would I

be if I said things that people didn't

want to hear or if I defied their

expectations of me what if I showed up

to the party without my Mardi Gras bat

mask and refused to flash my breasts for

a handful of beans I'll give you a

moment to wipe that image out of your

mind but you guys are so ahead of the

game you already know who you are

and that piece that piece that we're

after lies somewhere beyond personality

beyond the perception of others beyond

invention and disguise even beyond

effort itself you can join the game

fight the wars play with form all you

want but to find real peace you have to

let the armor go your need for

acceptance can make you invisible in

this world don't let anything stand in

the way of the light that shines through

this form risk being seen in all of your



it's not big enough this painting is big

for a reason it's called high visibility

it's about picking up the light and

daring to be seen here's the tricky part

everyone is attracted to the light the

party hosts up at the top who thinks

unconsciousness is bliss and is always

offering to drink from the bottles that

empty you misery below her despises the

light can't stand when you're doing well

wishes you nothing but the worst the

queen of diamonds under him needs a king

to build her house of cards and the

hollow one down bottom there will cling

to your leg and say please don't leave

me behind

for I have abandoned myself even those

who are closest to you and most in love

with you the people you love most in the

world will find clarity confronting at

times this painting took me thousands of

hours to complete and when I was


thank you house thousands of hours I'll

never get him back

I'll never get them back I was I worked

on this for so long I was weeks and

weeks like the madman alone on the

scaffolding and when I was finished one

of my friends said this would be a cool

black light painting so I started over



welcome to Burning Man

some pretty crazy characters up there

but better up there than in here you

know painting is one of the ways thank


painting is one of the ways I free

myself from concern a way to stop the

world through total mental spiritual and

physical involvement but even with that

comes a feeling of divine

dissatisfaction because ultimately we're

not the avatars we create we're not the

pictures on the film stock we are the

light that shines through all else is

just smoke and mirrors distracting but

not truly compelling I've often said

that I wished people could realize all

their dreams and wealth and fame and so

that they could see that it's not where

you're going to find your sense of

completion like many of you I was

concerned about going out into the world

and doing something bigger than myself

until someone smarter than myself made

me realize that there is nothing bigger

than myself

my soul is not contained within limits

of my body my body is contained within

the limitlessness of my soul one unified

field one unified field of nothing

dancing for no particular reason except

maybe to comfort and entertain itself

as that shift happens in you you won't

be feeling the world to be felt by it

you'll be embraced by it now I'm always

at the beginning I have a reset button

and I ride that button constantly

once that button is functioning in your

life there's no story that the mind

could create that will be as compelling

the imagination is always manufacturing

scenarios both good and bad and the ego

tries to keep you trapped in the

multiplex of the mind

our eyes are not viewers they are also

projectors that are running a second

story over the picture that we see in

front of us all the time

fear is writing that script and the

working title is I'll never be enough

they're gonna look at a person like me

and say how could we ever hope to reach

those kind of heights Jim how can we

make a painting that's too big from our

home how do you fly so high without a

special breathing apparatus this is the

voice of the ego and if you listen to it

there will always be someone who's doing

better than you no matter what you gain

ego will not let you rest it will tell

you that you cannot stop until you've

left an indelible mark on the earth

until you've achieved immortality how

tricky is this ego that it would tempt

us with the promise of something we

already possess

so I just want you to relax you know

that's my job

relax and dream up a good life I had a

substitute teacher from Ireland in the

second grade they told my class during

morning prayer that when she wants

something anything at all she prays for

it and promises something in return and

she always gets what she wants

well I'm sitting at the back of the

classroom you know thinking wow my

family can't afford a bike you know so I

went home and I prayed for him and I

promised I would recite the rosary every

night in exchange broke it broke that

promise but two weeks later I got home

from school to find a brand-new Mustang

bike with a banana seat and Easy Rider

handlebars yeah from fool to cool my

family informed me that I had won the

bike in a raffle that a friend of mine

had entered my name in without any proof

of my knowledge whatsoever so that type

of thing has been happening to me ever

since as far as I can tell it's just

about letting the universe know what you

want and working toward it while letting

go of how it comes to pass

your job is not to figure out how it's

gonna happen for you but to open the

door in your head and when the door

opens in real life just walk through it

and don't worry if you miss your cue

because there's always doors opening

they keep opening and when I say life

doesn't happen to you

it happens for you I really don't know

if that's true

I'm just making a conscious choice to

perceive challenges as something

beneficial so that I can deal with them

in the most productive way you'll come

up with your own style that's part of

the fun oh and why not take a chance on

faith as well


take a chance on faith not religion but

faith not hope but faith I don't believe

in hope

hope is the beggar hope walks through

the fire and faith leaps over it

you are ready and able to do beautiful

things in this world and after you walk

through those doors today you will only

ever have two choices love or fear

choose love and don't ever let fear turn

you against your playful heart thank you

so much


For more infomation >> The Most Inspiring Jim Carrey Speech THE MEANING OF LIFE | MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO - Duration: 26:13.


Star War: Az utolsó Jedik - TV Spot - A Sötétség felemelkedik - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Star War: Az utolsó Jedik - TV Spot - A Sötétség felemelkedik - Duration: 2:41.


WHY DON'T I MAKE VIDEOS IN FINNISH?! | Finnish video - Duration: 3:40.

All right...

How do I start this in Finnish?

Hi, hello, hey everyone

Welcome to a Finnish language video!

Now it finally happens!

I thought I'd today do a video in Finnish.

I think one of you said that it would be kinda cool...

I did a video in Finnish perhaps a year and a half ago

but I took it off my channel quite shortly after - I didn't really like it, it felt somehow so forced.

-- maybe because I had a that point gotten so many Finnish speaking subscribers through Dave

and this was when I had perhaps 5,000 subscribers and maybe 3,000 of them were Finnish speakers

and it felt like everyone was just like "make videos in Finnish, do it, do it, do it!"

So, yeah... That's why it felt kind of forced.

And... I mean seriously, someone asks in the comments almost daily why I don't make videos in Finnish as well,

-- since I'm from Finland. Why on earth am I only making videos in Swedish and English

And the answer to that is... why on earth would I make videos in Finnish?

I'm a Finno-Swede, I'm a Swedish speaker, completely Swedish speaking

I've lived in London now for over nine years and...

I mean I speak Finnish so seldom that, as you can hear, my Finnish is really bad. So, that's probably why...

Anyway, I thought if our American friend Luke Bland who lives in Finland can make videos in Finnish every week

-- then I can do on video in Finnish. So here we are. Hmm.. What else?

So I thought I could tell you a bit about how I at least try to keep up my Finnish

As I mentioned I speak so seldom Finnish and here in London I of course don't speak Finnish at all

but I think it's nice and important that I try to keep it up to some degree.

So I read quite a lot in Finnish, almost always crime novels

I don't really know why or how it started but maybe it was that my grandma used to always buy some

Outi Pakkanen book for Christmas or something like that.

Then I watch quite a lot of Eetu's (Eeddspeaks) and Ville's (Vinkare) videos

I think that's really good that I get to hear Finnish, I mean that someone speaks Finnish

and then I can always tell Dave what they're doing or what they're saying

since they don't have English subtitles

Umm, what else... Then I've also maybe two months ago started listening to Finnish podcasts online

For example After Work is quite fun, that's on a website called wecast. And then there's another quite good one

Was it... Terveys Edellä or something like that. That one's quite good as well

Podcasts and vlogs are in my mind good to listen to because they speak the way people normally speak

where as in books it's more written language...? I don't know...

So it works better for, so to say, my needs.

All right, that was it. This was short but sweet. Hopefully you enjoyed this video. Sorry it was so short

But... I at least survived so that's at least a good thing.

Thanks for watching I'll see you again in a few days. Bye!

For more infomation >> WHY DON'T I MAKE VIDEOS IN FINNISH?! | Finnish video - Duration: 3:40.


How to change an interface language in VSDC Free Video Editor - Duration: 0:57.

Go to the 'Options' in the top-right corner

In the 'Used language' field select a required one from the drop-down menu

For example, Chinese

Click 'OK'


For more infomation >> How to change an interface language in VSDC Free Video Editor - Duration: 0:57.


O que são as ondas cerebrais? | Minuto da Terra - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> O que são as ondas cerebrais? | Minuto da Terra - Duration: 2:44.


Was ist in DIESER Box?! - EXTREM - Duration: 14:29.

For more infomation >> Was ist in DIESER Box?! - EXTREM - Duration: 14:29.


This Is Us - They Just Cheer (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> This Is Us - They Just Cheer (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:34.


10 Countries Where You Can Legally Get High - Duration: 11:46.

In 1936, the film Reefer Madness depicted the terrible consequences of just a single

toke of marijuana; a psychotic rampage that can only end in murder, suicide, or lifelong


Well, we better be ready for a whole lotta killer sex rampages in the near-future.

Pot is starting to become big business.

Multiple states and countries are relaxing their anti-weed laws, and 4 a.m. pizza orders

are about to hit an all-time high.

But even as the heavy fog of prohibition lifts on the green fog of legalization, pot is still

a niche pursuit.

Draconian laws mean it's still painfully illegal in many parts of the world, and very

few nations tolerate it the way they do alcohol.

So, where can you legally hold that Big Lebowski smoke-a-long you've been planning?

Try any of the following 10 countries.


India (some states)

If you thought Rastafarians liked to spend their spare time getting baked, you should

check out some branches of Hinduism.

In parts of India, cannabis is considered a gift from Lord Shiva, who supposedly once

chilled out after a family argument by eating a ton of the stuff.

As a result, various forms of getting high have been around for centuries.

The most popular of all is probably bhang, made from the leaves and turned into a milkshake,

which is either the best or worst idea for a McDonald's product anyone has ever had.

Thanks to its religious connotations, Bhang has long been tolerated in parts of India,

even during the darkest days of global prohibition.

But some states haven't just stopped at Bhang.

In cities like Varanasi and states like Odisha, cannabis is effectively decriminalized.

You can buy ganja from state-sponsored shops in the former, while in the latter it is so

openly used that local politician Tathagata Satpathy once took to Twitter to explain how

to score some.

Weed is also decriminalized in Gujurat and recently became totally legal in Goa.

Despite this, cannabis remains illegal at a Federal level in India, although Satpathy

and other green-fingered politicians are hoping to change this.


Australia (some states and territories)

The guys down under have been at the forefront of medical marijuana since a mass-legalization

of cultivating weed came through in 2016.

However, this article is about personal use, and the new law specifically didn't give

any Tom, Dick, or Sheila the right to start growing in their backyard.

But fear not, lovable Aussie stoners.

While pot may very well be illegal, it has been decriminalized in three areas: specifically,

South Australia, Australian Capital Territory, and the Northern Territory.

This might not sound like much, but when you consider Australia only has 6 states and 2

territories, it starts to look pretty impressive.

And, thanks to the distribution of Australia's various regions, it effectively means there's

a big fat line right down the middle of the country, stretching for thousands of miles,

where it's totally cool to get baked.

In some cases, decriminalization goes up to some fairly hefty amounts.

South Australia considers it a non-criminal offense to be caught with 100 grams of pot.

The Northern and Capital Territories let you keep two non-hydroponic plants each.


The United States (some states)

Eight states out of 50.

That's where the legalization of recreational marijuana stands in the good ol' USA (plus

Washington, DC).

Pretty much all of these have come to pass because voters get a say on these issues,

and have plumped to put pot on a level with alcohol.

But that doesn't mean the state legislatures are onboard with it.

In some states, the legal pot crusade is still being played out after legalization has supposedly


Massachusetts is a good example.

After weed became legal in December 2016, plans were put in place to install a regulatory

framework by January 2018.

But GOP lawmakers nixed it, and now summer 2018 will probably see the first pot dispensaries


Meanwhile, in Oregon, cannabis laws are left up to local government.

That means that what's legal on the coast is often super-illegal out in mountain country.

Nonetheless, the US is still teetering towards full legalization.

Colorado, California, and Washington State have recreational dispensaries, while Nevada

is working on making pot into a pastime to rival their other institutionalized vices

of gambling and prostitution.


The Czech Republic

A quick dip into the Library of Congress's website tells us that the Czech Republic (also

known as Czechia to people who love terrible names) is the only former Soviet country to

have reduced the Eastern bloc's harsh drug use penalties.

They don't mean slightly, either.

Since its mutual divorce from Slovakia in 1993, Czech Republic has had fairly liberal

pot laws.

In 2010, they liberalized even further.

Fast forward to today, and getting high is so routine that many barmen in Prague will

happily sell you some chronic along with your beer.

Before you go galivanting off to Bohemia (or, indeed, Moravia), a quick reality check.

Marijuana is still illegal in the Czech Republic, with only "small amounts" for personal

use being decriminalized.

Since the law doesn't specify what a small amount is, it's up to cops, bouncers, and

courts to decide on a case-by-case basis.

Luckily, almost everyone seems to have decided it's code for "sensible amounts for personal

use, provided the stoner in question isn't being a total jerk with it and annoying everybody."


The Netherlands

Here's something you might not know about pot and the Netherlands.

Actually, two somethings.

One is that weed is totally illegal over there.

The other is that coffeeshops are legally required to only sell to Dutch citizens.

"But wait," we hear you cry, "my bro Chester totally got baked in Amsterdam last

spring break, yo."

Well, for that, he should seriously be thanking Eberhard van der Laan.

Mayor of Amsterdam since 2010, it was van der Laan's public spat with the government

that led to implementing the citizenship requirement being made optional.

Amsterdam, predictably, chose not to enforce it.

The upshot is that getting high is de-facto legal for the Dutch in the whole country,

and legal for tourists in Amsterdam.

Stray outside of the capital with only your American or British passport, and you'll

need official papers to purchase the herb; papers you probably don't stand a cat in

heck's chance of getting.

Not that this is a problem for the vast majority of visitors.

Every year, Amsterdam receives over 1.5 million cannabis tourists, equivalent to over half

the city's metro population.

Most of them barely leave their favorite coffeeshop, never mind leaving the city.



Talk about doing the right thing for the wrong reasons.

While Germany started 2017 by legalizing medical marijuana and paving the way for weed sales

in pharmacies, it still considers pot illegal, and transporting or distributing it can see

you hit with a fine or even a prison sentence.

So what on God's green, green Earth is it doing all the way down here at number five?

Well, there's an interesting answer to that one.

See, weed may be illegal in Germany, but consumption of it isn't.

The reason?

Germany considers smoking (or eating) cannabis to be an act of monumental self-harm.

And, since German law doesn't legislate against acts of self-harm, that means smoking

dope is no more illegal, and far more pleasant, than slashing your arms while listening to

Joy Division.

The actual amounts considered to come under "personal use" vary wildly by state.

The average is 6 grams, but Berlin will let you get away with carrying a hefty 15 grams.

For those who are caught with higher amounts, the courts generally focus on rehabilitation

and treatment rather than custodial sentences.


South Africa

Ask most Americans to name the greatest government document ever produced, and they'll probably

answer with the US Constitution.

For a small number of stateside potheads, though, the South African constitution may

well hold more allure.

That's because in 2017, the Western Cape High Court ruled that making marijuana illegal

was unconstitutional.

Their ruling effectively legalized cannabis for personal use within the home.

But don't go racing to Pretoria with your bong in tow just yet.

The ruling came in March 2017.

As a result, things are still moving at a lightning-fast pace, and may yet change once


For one, the (fittingly named, for these purposes) High Court could be overturned by the Constitutional


For another, the High Court ruling gave the government a two year grace period to rewrite

the statutes, a period of time in which the old laws technically still apply.

Finally, just a week ago on July 31, a prosecution case against a weed-smoking couple started,

during which the judge is expected to rule on the legality of marijuana prohibition.

Things may well be looking up for South African herb smokers, or the tide may yet turn again

in prohibition's favor.



Spain is less a country than it is a collection of autonomous provinces, at least two of which

actively want to be out of even this loose confederation.

Still, there are some things all 17 regions agree on, one of which is the pressing need

to do absolutely nothing about their citizens getting high.

Growing small amounts, smoking in private, and selling cannabis seeds are all legal in

every single region.

On top of that, most regions also allow Cannabis Clubs, where members presumably don velvet

smoking jackets, then proceed to blaze the ever-loving God outta their pooled supply.

But there's one region where even this super hands-off approach is considered the height

of nanny state intervention.

Catalonia – the region of which Barcelona is the capital – officially legalized pot

completely on June 30, 2017, although anyone wanting to get high will still need to prove

they're a member of a cannabis club, a move effectively meant to discourage Amsterdam-style

cannabis tourism.

Of course, this is assuming Spain's constitutional court doesn't strike Catalonia's full

legalization down, or that Catalonia doesn't unilaterally declare independence and force

us to rewrite this whole darn list (sigh).



When many Americans hear the word 'Colombia', they immediately think of three things: violence,

Escobar, and drugs.

While Pablo Escobar may be long dead, the other two are certainly still a part of Colombian


But in the case of 'drugs', maybe not in the way you're thinking.

After a 2012 vote in Congress, Colombia completely decriminalized growing, buying, and smoking


You can now carry 22 grams of pot, or own 20 plants without the Man hassling you.

Even crazier, you can't be prosecuted for carrying over 22 grams, provided you can reasonably

prove its for your personal use.

Whoever the Colombian Cheech and Chong are, we're guessing they're still celebrating.

It's not just decriminalization where Colombia has embraced the plant, either.

The government has been investing heavily in medical marijuana since 2016.

Rather than set up new cannabis fields to satisfy demands, they've just started buying

pot off the peasants who used to sell it to the recently-disarmed drug pedaling Marxist

rebel group FARC.

There's even a group of vocal senators who want to completely legalize pot in the same

way as alcohol.

But no country would ever go that far, right?




This is it.

The only country on Earth where pot is completely legal in every region; where there are no

penalties for possession or cultivation or buying; and where the state itself has started

growing and selling its own varieties of weed.

Yes, Uruguay is the heaven all good stoners go to when they die, a tiny Latin American

nation around the size of Florida, where the food is good, the living standards high, and

the cannabis flows freely.

You can smoke in public, buy grass over the counter, and the government is your dealer.


The story of how Uruguay got here is the stuff legends are made of.

In 2011, police raided the apartment of 66-year-old grandma Alicia Castilla, confiscated her cannabis

plants, and threw her in prison.

The idea of locking up a granny over something as harmless as pot shocked Uruguayan society,

sparking protests, petitions and outrage in the press.

The government responded by totally legalizing cannabis in 2014.

Castilla was released, the case against her dropped.

By 2017, Uruguay had even begun selling the stuff in government-run stores.

For the visiting tourist, though, it's actually harder to get legally high in Montevideo than

it is in Amsterdam.

This is because Uruguay currently only sells to Uruguayan citizens who have registered

with the government.

So maybe don't cancel those flights to Holland just yet.

For more infomation >> 10 Countries Where You Can Legally Get High - Duration: 11:46.


جناح مرسيدس - معرض دبي الدولي للسيارت 2017 - Duration: 8:56.

For more infomation >> جناح مرسيدس - معرض دبي الدولي للسيارت 2017 - Duration: 8:56.


Identity Politics Must Come to an End - Duration: 3:23.

One of the themes we consistently talk about here at The Rubin Report is why it is important

to judge people as individuals and not as a collective.

You as an individual are much more than your immutable characteristics, be it your skin

color, religion or sexuality.

To judge you on those characteristics is actually what the essence prejudice really is.

Prejudice, of course, means to pre-judge, so if you look at a Black person, or a Muslim

person, or a gay person, and think you what they think, or more importantly how they should

think, based on those characteristics, then you are actually being prejudiced.

Sadly, many of the people who accuse others of bigotry and racism these days are often

the people who practice this brand of prejudice the most without even realizing they're doing


Just look at some of the things my friends Larry Elder, Maajid Nawaz, and Ayaan Hirsi

Ali are called by the so-called tolerant side.

When you look at a group of people and think you know what they should think or what's

best for them based on those outward characteristics and not what's going on in their own mind

you not only lock people into your preconceived notions of what they are, but stifle the voices

of the minorities within these minorities.

This is why the voices of black conservatives and gay Muslims are so relevant and interesting.

If you really listen to these minorities within the minority, you will judge these people

on their thoughts, their logic, and their reason, instead of simply how they look or

who they love.

In a way, the very existence of these free thinkers within these minority communities

flips identity politics on its head, showing the flaws of this post modern intersectional

way of thinking.

Just see how quickly those who preach identity politics turn on black or latino people who

have conservative political beliefs or how easily they dismiss gays or women who talk

about how they are poorly treated in Islamic societies.

Identity politics only works if you believe the most important quality about each of us

are the attributes we are born with, thus cannot change, rather than the ideas which

we come to learn.

I view this twisted ideology as a true existential danger for the tolerant and liberal, albeit

flawed country that America is.

Martin Luther King Jr's desire for his children to be judged by the content of their character

and not the color of their skin is being pushed back on, but it's being done by the people

who purport to be the tolerant ones.

We're continuing our partnership with Learn Liberty today and joining me is the CEO of

the Thurgood Marshall College Fund, Johnny C. Taylor.

The organization represents nearly 300,000 students who attend the 47 historically black

colleges in America today.

I heard Johnny speak at an event in Dallas a couple months ago and was blown away by

his passion and commitment to educating young people and his desire to move past identity


We're going to talk about politics, race and much more.

Has the role of the black college changed as we've become a more fair and just society?

That's one of many questions I'll ask Johnny, and I'll only judge him by the content of

his answers, not the color of his skin...

For more infomation >> Identity Politics Must Come to an End - Duration: 3:23.


EASY FALL DESSERT! | Little Wanders: Corbin & Kelsey - Duration: 3:02.

-Hi you guys! You're watching Little Wanders on BabyLeague.

Today we're making an easy fall treat: baked pears.

So these are probably the easiest thing to bring to

a Fall party, to a Thanksgiving party, whatever you want to bring them to.

This is easy. They taste delicious. And we're gonna show you how you can make them.

You're gonna need pears, melted butter, cinnamon, sugar,

old-fashioned rolled oats, finely chopped almonds; but we're using walnuts; brown sugar,

ground cinnamon, and salt to taste. -First preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

Then have all the pears, and scoop out some of the center. Enough to fit the

oatmeal crumble. Then place all the pears on a baking sheet. We've lined ours with

parchment paper to help manage the mess. Next you're gonna brush the insides of

the pears with some of the melted butter. Now we're gonna make the oatmeal crumble.

In a medium bowl, combine all the dry ingredients and the rest of the

remaining melted butter, in a bowl. And combine until fully coated. Then we're

gonna spoon the oatmeal mixture into the pears. Now all that's left to do is bake

the pears until they're soft. About 35 to 40 minutes.

Okay it's time for Judge Juny to test out pear.

Hmm. I'm not sure. I think the ruling for this one is an A+ for texture and feeling,

but not sure she actually likes it or not.

What do you think Bug? Is it nap time?

All right you guys, so that was our easy Fall treat. As you can see it was so easy.

It's perfect for a last-minute treat if you're heading out the door to a party

or just for your own family. -It also doubles as a baby led weaning baby food

with the pear, and if you add a scoop of vanilla ice cream this is gold.

-Definitely leave a comment down below. What is your super fast, easy go-to

dessert recipe when you're craving something sweet. And be sure to subscribe

to BabyLeague so you don't miss any of these Little Wanders recipe videos.

We're doing them every week. Every Wednesday. And we'll see you next week!

Thanks for watching. Bye!

For more infomation >> EASY FALL DESSERT! | Little Wanders: Corbin & Kelsey - Duration: 3:02.


Hidden Things You Missed On Taylor Swift's Reputation - Duration: 4:24.

Taylor Swift refused to do any press leading up to the release of her sixth album, Reputation,

but like most of her previous work, there are a whole lotta secret messages tucked into

these tracks.

So, who's she singing about this time around?

Here are our best guesses.

Calling out Kanye

Swift dedicates pretty much the entirety of "This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things" to

her feud with Yeezy and Kim Kardashian.

She sings a few lines about the second chance she gave to West after that 2009 VMA speech


She also references the now-famous leaked phone call in which Swift appears to give

West permission to use controversial lyrics about her, in his song "Famous," something

Swift had previously denied.

Then, perhaps nodding to Yeezus' beef with Jay-Z, Swift warns,

"I'm not the only friend you lost lately."


Reputation is rife with references to alcohol.

Take "Delicate," for example, in which she tells the subject of her track to make her

a drink, and mentions meeting her lover at a neighborhood bar.

There's also "Getaway Car," in which Swift laments that it was over after the first drink...

or maybe drinks?

Or how about "Dress," in which Swift's story gets messy when she spills wine in the tub

and has a drunk make-out sesh.

But, even when she's tipsy, Swift is totally relatable!

Fitz fan

In "This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things," Swift sings about how she was,

"Feeling so Gatsby for that whole year."

She references F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby again in "Don't Blame Me," singing

about how she's on better terms with her crush.

For those who haven't read the book (or seen the movie), Daisy is Jay Gatsby's love interest.

Admitting to cheating?

In "Getaway Car," Swift confesses to being in the center of a love triangle and stepping

out on a boyfriend, which may have been a reference to her messy breakup with Calvin

Harris and rebound with Tom Hiddleston.

One can't help but wonder whether she's singing about meeting Hiddleston at the Met Gala in

May 2016 while she was still dating Harris.

This is driven home when she later sings of her relationship's demise, and essentially

of Hiddleston being her "getaway car" from Harris.

Things take yet another turn by the end of the song, when she sings goodbye to that "getaway

car" (aka Hiddleston) implying she moved on to, say, her current beau, Joe Alwyn.

Sore about Calvin

Swift likely has some bad blood with ex Harris — if her track "I Did Something Bad" is

any indicator.

Her line about name-dropping could be a reference to Harris dropping her name from the songwriting

credits of his track "This Is What You Came For."

Or it could be a reference to Harris talking about Swift in interviews and ranting about

their messy breakup via Twitter.

Proving it's likely both things, she also sings about all the bad karma headed toward

Harris, for taking advantage of his former squeeze.

Counting cars

On "King Of My Heart," Swift insists she's no longer impressed by fancy things, like

Range Rovers.

But it's not a random mention.

As it turns out, Harris has a Range Rover and Hiddleston was spotted carting Swift around

in a Jaguar — he even starred in commercials for the brand in 2014.

Necklaces for days

In "So It Goes…"

Swift tells her lover she clears up the weather, and wears him like a necklace, likely referring

to her boyfriend, Joe Alwyn, who's from foggy ole England.

In "Call It What You Want," Swift croons about wanting to wear her guy's initial on a chain

— probably referring to the Tiffany "letter J" necklace she's been wearing since dating


And while she sings about a locket in "Dancing With Our Hands Tied," it just so happens Calvin

Harris gave Swift a gold locket for their anniversary in March 2016.

Pint-sized cameo

The liner notes of Reputation revealed that Swift squad member Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds'

daughter, James, is the baby voice saying "gorgeous" in the opening of the track "Gorgeous."

Ed Sheeran's shout out

In "Endgame," Ed Sheeran ends his verse rapping about his girlfriend, Cherry Seaborn.

The couple's anniversary is July 4th, and they celebrated at one of Swift's legendary

parties in Rhode Island — which, Sheeran told People, was also where they had their

very first date.

The "four words" to which Sheeran refers are likely "Will you marry me," since he's made

it clear that Seaborn is The One.

He told Rolling Stone in March 2017,

"I know the one person that's going to remain constant is Cherry."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

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