Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 16 2017

Is it over already?

It feels like a good trip

when you get far away from Korea.

It feels like a paradise.

- Right. / - It's not something around us.

It's a long way away...

The colors of the sun,

sky and sea are different.

I'm sorry but I have to ask this.

Was it really 38 minutes?

- It was like... / - It felt like 5 minutes.

It felt like only 5 minutes.

It felt like an hour to me.

It was very long.

That's because you're hungover.

I have a question.

The barge looks even better now.

I went there in 1997.

The boat is totally upgraded.

It didn't have a slide back then.

The barge is called the pontoon.


The area has beautiful coral.

So to protect the coral reefs,

they move the barge every 4 to 5 years.

- That's why. / - To protect the coral reefs.

If you go there 4 years later, you'll visit a new area.

- You'll see other coral reefs. / - You don't sleep...

- You have to return, right? / - You're right.

- That's nice. / - So nice that the fish approach you.

When you go snorkeling,

fish usually swim away from you.

That's disappointing.

- They come to you. / - They act friendly.

It was my first time getting into the sea

but it was beautiful.

So I decided to learn scuba diving from next month.

- I'm serious. / - Alright then.

Let's cast a vote then.

Would you like to go on to trip to Cairns

to see the fish

and tour in a helicopter?

If you would like to follow in their itinerary,

please cast your votes.

(AuCair AuCair Tour went to Cairns)

(What will the judges choose?)

- It's here. / - It came from the sea.

It's here.

I bet they got a lot of votes.

I know. I'm sure about that.

- Gosh. / - What?

He's acting.

- Sikyung is acting. / - Sikyung.

This is weird. Why?

- You seemed to like it very much. / - Gosh.

- I'm sure it's high. / - I think so.

- We got a lot of votes. / - Don't you like the sea?

You did a good job though.

- You did all that for nothing. / - Okay.

Just show it to the viewers.

This is what you've done.

Make sure to act.

Thank you so much.

Some of them were looking the other way.

- We're so happy. / - This is like...

- The judges must have felt it too. / - Sure.

Hyeoksoo, how many votes do you expect?

- It is meaningless. / - Some of you who are afraid...

Of water might not have pressed the button.

But don't worry. I went in.

It was my first time.

I think they really hate water.

So how many votes do you expect?

- Out of 100... / - 97?


I got goose bumps.

- I'm sure. / - I got goose bumps too.

I really did.

- You have a good sense. / - Is it 79?

- I really had goose bumps. / - I think it's around that.

- Okay. Fine. / - So you think you got a lot?

Alright. Now,

let's move on to the second half.

Introduce it with an impersonation, Hyeoksoo.

We don't travel to win.

We travel for fun. Don't you think so?

Okay. Let's watch it together.

(The eventful second day in Cairns has passed)

It doesn't look like the countryside.

Good morning, Cairns.

- Look at the sky. / - Good day, mate.

That's why they don't quarrel.

Everyone is good-looking there.

- Because they're smiling brightly. / - Lots of exercise.

Cairns is a very small city.

- So... / - Is it?

It takes only 15 to 20 minutes

to look around the entire city by bike.

Well, now...

Well, now my stomach is empty

and we have to bike for 15 to 20 minutes?


I prepared amazing things for today.

Are you going to ride a bicycle?

They should tour the city.



What is that?

(If you enjoyed the jump from 13m height)

(Why don't you jump from the sky too?)

- I really want to do that. / - Jinwoon!

(Shouting Jinwoon's name)

(Something feels bad)

- There is a place we should go. / - Where?

You'll see when we get there. There are animals...

- And plants. / - That sounds nice.

- It'll be cool there. / - Is it a zoo or garden?

- It's an indoor place. / - Just view?

- Yes. Let's go. / - Okay. Go.

You speak English only when you two are alone.

- Indoors... / - They do.

You want to speak with someone you know.

I've saved the map.

I'm a little worried.

It costs only $10 to rent a bicycle...

- For 24 hours. / - It's really cheap.

- You can enjoy it all day. / - You're right.

Let's go. Just follow me.


This is nice. AuCair, AuCair, AuCair, go!

I feel relaxed indeed.

Actually, I'm sweating in my armpits

but I feel quite good.

It's because of the breeze.

Riding a bicycle in a foreign country is...

- Very different. / - It was great.

It's so relaxing.

- I think the weather plays a big part. / - Yes.


(Try to go a little faster)

(The open view of Cairns with fresh air)



I feel so relaxed.

This is nice.

There it is.

It's Cairns Zoom. We're here.

- We are? / - Yes. We're at Cairns Zoom.

Let's get inside.

- Okay. Let's go in. / - Alright.

- Look, Hyeoksoo. / - That was very amazing.

When you go in, a bird greets you.

(Who are you?)

- It welcomes us. / - What is that?

- It's a bird. / - Oh, that one.

- Hi. / - Thank you.

Let's go in.

- The birds are flying freely. / - They are.

It's in the middle of the city.

- What is that place? / - A zoo and botanical garden.

- Is this their house? / - Gosh.

Didn't you see a bird flying by us?

There are birds up there too.

They are just let loose.

It's amazing that there is no bird poop

even though there are so many birds.

How can that be possible?

- This whole room is their house. / - Exactly.

So they're flying wherever they want.

Now, we'll begin indoor activities there.

- Indoors? / - Yes. You can enjoy it indoors.


(A crocodile!)

- What's that? / - It's a real crocodile.

- Is it real? / - Is it?

(Watch out, it's not a stuffed animal)

- Is it a koala? / - Koala?

- Look at that. / - It's a koala.

- It's so cute. / - The koala is really cute.

It's really cute.

Let's call it with woman's voice.

- Nellie. / - Nellie.

- Nellie. / - Nellie.

- It woke up. / - Its ears moved.

It heard us.

- Her name is Nellie. / - Hi, Nellie.

- Nellie. / - It's adorable.

Nice to meet you.

It's so cute.

- Jinwoon looks like a koala. / - I think so too.

He looks like it.

(The ordinary zoo tour stops here)

- What's going on? / - What is it?


I'm scared, mommy.

- That's inside the zoo? / - Yes.

I can't believe it.

While we were doing the activities, birds were flying by.

- I can't believe it. / - It's 12m high.


That looks fun.

No way.

- It looks so fun to me. / - It's thrilling.

- You pass over the crocodile? / - Yes.

I must be crazy to do this.

You're passing while watching...

- The animals in the zoo, right? / - Yes.

There's a lot to see.

To be honest, you can't look at animals

when you're doing that.

I was a little scared.

Jinwoon, can I go up too?



I'm going.

(A zig zag stepping bridge)

- That was scary. / - But you're linked to a rope.

- Yes. / - Sure.

(I'm great at doing physical things)

- Jinwoon. / - Yeah?

You're struggling more than I thought.

Well... I'm...

This is... Very...

Well... I'm...

This is... Very... I mean...

It's because the camera keeps getting stuck.

- The camera. / - Linked to a rope from the ceiling.

- It got caught in the rope. / - That made it scarier.

In case something goes wrong.

This isn't something you should do in the morning.

I feel hungrier.

The audience looks very bored now.

It's like guerrilla training and I like it.

It'll be fun to do it yourself.

- It is fun if you do it yourself. / - Yes, it is.

This sway a lot.

- Hey. / - Huh?

It's you who insisted on doing this, okay?

Hyeoksoo is not afraid of heights though.

I'm not.

I thought you were a good person.

I didn't know I would do this here.

It looks easy...

- But once you are up there... / - Right.

Your legs shake. You can't move.

What is that?

What's wrong?

- Wow. / - They have to go over the crocodile.

What if you fall down while passing over?

- It has its mouth open. / - You won't fall down.

- Where are you running away to? / - I'll go back.

Are you telling me you're going back because of that?

Because of that?

You pushed me.

- Why did you push me? / - I didn't.

- There is a camera over there. / - I think...

What expression do you want to make?

Since we haven't had breakfast yet,

the face you'd make when you see your meal.

- Okay. I'll go to eat breakfast. / - Okay.

The course we did is difficult

but there are also easy ones for children.

- There are different levels. / - They take your picture?

That looks too easy.

Here I go.

- Go ahead. / - I'm coming. You're sweating a lot.

♪ Let's run to eat breakfast ♪

He is doing an impersonation in the middle of that.

- He looks terrified. / - It will probably hurt.


I feel sorry for him.

- Gosh. / - It is huge.

It doesn't move. It looks like a stuffed animal.

Why is it opening its mouth?

- To control its body temperature. / - Right.

It's not over yet, Hyeoksoo.

Look at his face.

- What is that? / - What is it?

I really hate this.

Is this the one that is 13m high?

(Terrifying bungee jump from 13m above)

Jinwoon is afraid of heights.

I hate the feeling when I fall.

It's hard to fall backwards.

- How do you do that? / - How can I jump from here?

I don't know.

They all fall backwards.

Isn't it less scary when you fall backwards?

Like that?

You go first this time, Hyeoksoo.

- Jump? / - Yes.

Okay, he's first.

- 13m. / - Jump?

Backwards. Upside down.

- Come on. / - You want me to go first?

It's okay. Go.

He's scared.

- How should I do this? / - Okay. That's it.

Fall. Fall backwards.

This is insane.

- The rope is... / - It must be scary.

It's fun.

- Go! / - It's a great feeling of relief.

Once you're in the air, you might be alright.

How is it, Hyeoksoo?

Hey, Jinwoon.

Let's go eat.

I don't think I can go down.


- Do it backwards. / - What a scary height.

- And... / - Backwards, Jinwoon.

(Feeling the shivers)

- Looking scared doesn't suit you. / - It's so scary.

I've done the world's tallest bungee jump.

Perhaps that's why this place doesn't seem scary.

That was such a bluff.

That's what I really thought.

I must have been crazy to agree to this.

I think I was crazy.

Who is he imitating this time?

Is this a monologue from some play?

Are you rehearsing?

I must've been crazy.

Oh, I'm scared, mommy.

- He's sweating. / - Okay.

Go, go, go.

- Backwards. / - Women can do it better.

You're right.

I don't like it.

Isn't it exciting?

- You should've let go. / - I know.

Isn't it exciting?

I hate it.

That was fun.


I think I'm going crazy. My legs are trembling.

Can't we go eat?

Let's go eat now.

For more infomation >> Jin Woon & Hyuk Soo go to indoor zoo with activities [Battle Trip/2017.10.15] - Duration: 14:21.


Kwon Hyuk Soo's food tour begins with in-flight meal! [Battle Trip/2017.10.15] - Duration: 14:35.

(Numerous great tips on trips)

(Lee Hwijae, special host, Sam Hammington)

(Kim Sook, Sung Sikyung)

Travel is war!

Battle Trip!

Everyone, it's Chuseok.

We have invited a special guest for the occasion.

- Sam Hammington. / - Welcome.


- This is his second time here. / - Right.

Last time, you went around Seoul with Sam Okyere.

- That's right. / - I did.

We had beer in Ikseon and visited Yeonhui.

We went to a barbecue restaurant in Itaewon.

- Did you hear it got so popular? / - Isn't it strange...

To hear Ikseon from him?

I heard that there's always a line there.

- That's how famous it got. / - So...

All the places that were on our show got so famous

that people have to line up.

Actually, we didn't want to introduce that restaurant.

We wanted to avoid introducing it.

Afterwards, we couldn't eat there because of the line.

- To be honest... / - But a lot of people...

- Right. / - Got to know the place so that's great.

- These days, William is so popular. / - That's right.

I don't know if he's a doll or a real person.

- How is it? / - You should've brought him too.

William wasn't invited though.

The appearance fee for William wasn't transferred.

Now, we have to cast them separately.

If he brings his kid, he won't be able to do the show.

The reason why Sam is joining us for the second time

must be something to do with today's theme.

- This is so obvious. / - I'm sure you can guess.

- This is an easy guess. / - Yes.

Let's meet our client for today.

Hello. I live Melbourne, Australia.

- She lives in Australia? / - I'm Seo Boram, age 30.

- Melbourne is great. / - Instead of Melbourne...

And Sydney, with lots of Koreans...

I'd like to visit tourist locations around Australia

that aren't very well known.

Please recommend me new travel spots in Australia

and plan my trip with a lot of activities.

- Gosh. / - This is a new kind of request.

The theme was Australia as expected.

But which part of Australia are you from?

I'm from Melbourne.

- Have you traveled around Australia? / - No.

I've only traveled around the eastern coast.

- Gold Coast? / - Eastern coast...

- Sydney? / - So you haven't been to Perth?

No, I haven't.

I mean Australia is very big.

- I should go other places. / - In Australia...

There's this really famous place.

It's my dream to go there someday.

- That big rock? / - Ayers Rock.

- Uluru. / - Uluru.

It's known as Australia's belly button. It's a desert.

Great. We're going to see trips to Australia.

I wonder who will join us today.

- Let's bring in our trip designers. / - Come out.

(Kwon Hyeoksoo, Jeong Jinwoon)

(Hyoyeon, Sunny of Girls' Generation)

I have a question.

There are others in your group. Why just you two?

We are close friends and lived together for a long time.

There wasn't a time when just the two of us

went on a trip.

People say that going on trips with friends...

- Is the ultimate thing two friends can do. / - Right.

We wanted to know how compatible we were.

Just how well we fit. We wanted to test that.

A test to see if this is the end of our friendship.

You guys went on trips in groups a lot.

But this is the first time going just the two of you.

- Yes, it is. / - Since you're here together...

It means the trip was great.

- That's right. / - It was very good.

After the trip, our friendship grew stronger.

- We wanted to go again. / - We kept talking about it.

- After we came back. / - That's right.

- Great. / - This is nice.

Members of Girls' Generation are joining us.

But, Hyeoksoo...

Some people say that you go on a diet for money.

You recently lost a lot of weight.

Many people feel betrayed by you.

But you guys are getting the wrong idea about this.

There was never a time that I wasn't on a diet.

But the face loses its fat first.

You're looking at me who only lost fat in the face.

- What about the rest? / - It's all the same.

My body hasn't lost weight.

- I'm surprised. / - My clothes are hiding my fat.

Did you watch your weight in Australia or not?

- How could he? / - There are so many things to eat.

I couldn't.

- You couldn't? / - No, I couldn't.

- We need to watch you eat. / - You'll get to see that.

- I know Jinwoon likes to eat too. / - That's right.

I think all I did there was eat.

- Right? / - We just ate and drank, ate and drank.

What's famous in Australia? Is beer famous?

Beer and wine are both famous.

It's most famous for barbecue.

Is there kangaroo meat?

- Come on. / - Goodness, of course.

Alright. You went to Australia.

Hyeoksoo, Jinwoon, where did you go?

We went to Cairns.

It was breathtakingly beautiful.

The city had a lot of fun things to do.

Is Cairns similar to Jeju-do in Korea?

It does have a similar feel to it.

The weather in Cairns is fantastic.

It doesn't rain for over 200 days there.

The beach there is spectacular.

And the fields were just amazing.

Did it make you feel like you wanted to go with a girl?

- Yes. Of course. / - Cairns.

- I really wanted to go with a lover. / - Right.

That's how beautiful it was.

But next to you...


What's so bad about him?

He looked pretty when he dressed up as a lady.

You did dress up like a woman a lot.

When you went to Cairns,

I heard you saw huge fish.

We had a fight with a huge fish.

- We had a fight with a huge fish. / - Huge fish?

- You fought with a fish? / - With a crocodile?

I've been there for a shoot.

I saw birds as big as this moving around.

- What were they called again? / - As big as this.

What bird is that?

You're good at this.

- That's the bird. / - But...

I know what it is now.

- You got it, right? / - Yes.

There were great flocks of them.

I'm a bit worried since everyone went to Australia

because the trips might look similar.

But it's a big country.

- Did you go to a different city? / - Where did you go?

- We did. / - You're right.

- Australia is famous for kangaroos. / - Kangaroos.

We danced with kangaroos.

- No way. / - You danced with them?

We were this close with kangaroos

and we danced with them.

- I'm sure they're stuffed animals. / - No. You'll see.

A city that's famous for its activities, food and views.

We went to Brisbane.

- Brisbane? / - Brisbane.

- Did you go to Gold Coast too? / - Yes.

No, no!

Is it our victory then?

- Did we win? / - We won?

My older sister has lived there for 10 years.


- She lived in Gold Coast. / - I see.

But that's the third best city to live in in the world.

- Thank you for your input. / - It's very beautiful.

- We... / - Right.

- We... / - Please edit this out.

Good job.

But we won't lose because...

Cairns is ranked 2nd by BBC

as the city to visit before you die.

But it's disappointing that BBC has selected the city.

- Right. / - That's the view of British people.

- Hwijae's sister... / - But it's global.

But your sister is Korean.

- From your sister's viewpoint... / - She lives there.

We should trust your sister.

- Of course. / - Don't bring my family into this.

- It must be so great that she lives there. / - Exactly.

Sam, you're from Australia.

Which city is more beautiful from what you've heard?

- Be honest. / - Be honest.

- Honest opinion. / - From Melbourne residents view...

- Brisbane is a bit too country. / - Really?

Then is Cairns an urban city?

No, when you go to Cairns...

- You see many foreign backpackers. / - Right.

- There are so many of them. / - But no Koreans.

- There are. / - There are.

The city isn't good for Koreans. Only BBC likes it.

There are Korean tourists.

Everyone, please...

- Be objective. / - Expect Brisbane to win.

But let's check where the cities are located first.

- It's such a big country. / - Show us the map.

- It takes 11 hours from Seoul. / - It takes 11 hours.

- Right now... / - I see.

You can see Melbourne all the way in the south.

From Melbourne to Sydney...

It takes an hour by plane.

By car, it takes about 8 to 10 hours.

There isn't a direct flight to Cairns, is there?

I believe there are direct flights from Korea to Cairns.

- There are in December and January. / - There are.

December, January. During the peak season.

It's great.

Today's victory is up to you.

It doesn't matter who you vote for.

We have 100 judges with us.

- Welcome. / - Welcome.

Please be good to us.

Since this is a Chuseok special,

we have a hidden battle too.

You can't miss it.

They went all the way to Australia after all.

- So there's a bonus episode. / - Exactly.

So we'll know the winner after 3 weeks.

It means the winner can come from behind.

Which team should we start with today?

- How about we start with Cairns? / - Why?

We can enjoy nature and the rural areas first.

- Okay. / - Then we can see the urban city.

That sounds nice.

Tell us about the weather in Cairns.

We went there in the beginning of September.

It was winter in Cairns...

- But people wore singlets. / - Opposite to Korea.

In Australia, it's really hot during Christmas.

- Seasons are opposite from ours. / - It's so hot.

Jinwoon, did you take off your shirt for water sports?

We actually had to take off our clothes a lot.

Nice, nice. It's all over now.

- Jinwoon has a great body. / - It's game over.

The weather was great.

- He was virtually always shirtless. / - Right.

- That's cheating. / - That's not good.

- Great job. / - Is that what we should focus on?

- No. The focus is... / - There's another focus?

The beauty and cuisine of Australia.

You're such a cool guy.

Since it was near the sea,

there must've been a lot of seafood.

- I bet the sea looks fantastic. / - Everyone.

Tell us the name of your team.

What is it? 1, 2, 3.

AuCair, AuCair, AuCair, hoo!

- You got swag. / - That?

- It's got swag. / - Swag.

First up, AuCair AuCair, hoo!

Let's watch the first half.

I'm excited to make new memories with you.

We probably met for the first time on "SNL."

I really fell for him.

I asked him for his number first.

But then we don't call each other a lot.

And we don't need each other that much either.

- Our careers are so different. / - He's so honest.

- He's so frank. / - And from this trip...

We might come back as close friends or strangers.

One or the other.

- One or the other. / - Fortunately on Battle Trip...

People come back as best friends.

They get closer on the trip.

Tell me where you want to go.

Since I'm from Incheon,

I'm leaning toward the west side.

That's where rich people live.

- We can't go there. / - Perth is in the west.

- No wonder... / - Famous tourist spots.

It draws me in.

Are there any other famous locations?

"Mad Max."


It's in the desert.

I really enjoyed watching "Mad Max."

I know this place.

- You do, right? / - I saw it. I did.

- I saw it in "Mad Max." / - It's in the "Mad Max?"

- Yes. / - That's incredible.

Cairns is the perfect city to visit now though.

The water will be clearest now,

and the sky will be nicest.

It's the appropriate place to go.

- He's falling for it. / - Skydiving.

- Skydiving. / - Balloon ride, scuba diving.

Snorkeling, rafting.

I hate all of those activities.

I don't like water that much.

But once you see it, you can't resist going in.

But you like activities, Jinwoon.

I love them.

Hyeoksoo, let's try this. You can hold my hands.

You're already sweating.

I guess you really hate them. What is this?

It will be revealed later on.

- You really hate them? / - You'll see a surprise later.

- Right? / - Yes.

It looks even better on screen

- Check out the color. / - So mysterious.

- You even rode a helicopter? / - Yes.

- Oh, my God. / - Is this really happening?

The water is so clean.

- How beautiful. / - Seriously.

- What? / - Him, him!

I had the fight with him.

I heard it follows people around like a puppy.

There are so many things to eat there.

I like it.

Marine cities tend to eat meat and seafood together.

We can enjoy a variety of foods.

Gosh, I can't wait. The food...

We can do fun activities on land, air and water.

I have to live a bit longer.

- There's so much to do. / - They don't match.

But we get closer.

- You'll see the development later. / - Exactly.

- That's the twist. / - I love it.

You can be in charge of planning the activities.

- Activities? / - I think that's all you're thinking about.

- I'm only thinking about food. / - Okay.

- Right now, we... / - If we combine them, it's over.

I prepared great activities.

That was...

- What's this? / - What's that?

You went bungee jumping?

Jinwoon, let's go and eat.

Should we get this started?

Look at the food.

Why are they eating so much?

- Goodness, seriously? / - I want to eat more furiously.

Right. Forget about your diet.

(AuCair AuCair Tour schedule)

(Esplanade Lagoon, cartoon meat, Great Barrier Reef)

(Cairns indoor zoo, brunch, skydiving)

Hold on. There's this candy I've been saving.

I packed my precious and essential snacks.

He had tons of snacks.

If I only eat the in-flight meals...

- He has a snack drawer. / - I might collapse.


That's a whole bag.

I'm sorry but...

(Would this be enough?)

(Not enough)

- Goodness. / - Seriously?

- Low blood sugar. / - Do you really like sweets?

I didn't eat it all. I took them just in case.

(Already ate heaps on the way to the airport)

- Goodness. / - Incredible.

- I didn't have breakfast. / - You like snacks.

- Some people have to eat snacks. / - Right.

Jinwoon has to work a few more hours.

So we are taking separate flights.

- You didn't go together? / - We went separately.

I guess you two really don't get along.

But keep in mind that there's an element of surprise.

- Hello. / - Hi.

You will depart from Incheon and arrive in Cairns.

Your luggage will be transported directly to Cairns.

So you don't need to claim your luggage in Hong Kong.

So there's a direct flight from Hong Kong.


(Opens his snack bag as soon as flight takes off)

Right now, the snacks are feeling very excited.

- I must eat this snack quickly. / - They fill up with air.

- For the snacks? / - No in-flight meal?

In-flight meals have small portions.

Right, it's not enough.

- The portion is small. / - You do eat a lot.

The in-flight meal is being served.

Let me try the bulgogi with rice.

- I like all in-flight meals. / - He eats so well.

So clean.

- Nothing left. / - Wow.

He does eat a lot.

He eats and sleeps.

- You get drowsy right away. / - That's true.

- You're right. / - You get sleepy when you're full.

For more infomation >> Kwon Hyuk Soo's food tour begins with in-flight meal! [Battle Trip/2017.10.15] - Duration: 14:35.


Pork as big as Jeong Jin Woon's face tastes amazing! [Battle Trip/2017.10.15] - Duration: 15:32.


(3 hours 40 minutes to Hong Kong)

(7 hours 10 minutes to Cairns)

I have arrived in Cairns at last.

- The sky is so clear. / - I'm excited.


The weather is just amazing.

Isn't it supposed to be winter here?

- It's the beginning of winter. / - It's winter...

But the weather is fantastic.

- It's so sunny. / - This is amazing.

- I want to go again. / - I'm so envious.

- They have so many parks. / - With great weather...

There aren't many parks in Korea.

They go jogging in that weather.

- I'm so jealous. / - I must do something.

So I'm going...

To a market near here.

- I was feeling hungry. / - It was great.

You're hungry?

- After all that food on the plane? / - Look at the sky.

Being on a plane uses up a lot of calories.

Just being on the plane.

- Were you flying the plane? / - That's right.

(How to go downtown from the airport)

(The 1st option is the airport bus for $13)

(The 2nd option is the taxi for $18)

- Lagoon? / - Lagoon, yes.

- Lagoon? / - You hop in there.

- They take single passengers. / - This big taxi...

- How much was it? / - Wasn't that expensive?

All taxis cost the same. It wasn't expensive.

I wanted to travel in a spacious vehicle.

But it only takes 5 minutes.

I can't speak any English so until Jinwoon gets here...

I should eat something since I can't talk.

- It's spacious enough for five. / - Amazing weather.

- Exactly. It cost me $18. / - If it costs only $18...

This is nice.

Is this a convenience store?

I should buy something from here.

They sell a lot of fruit here.

It's fun to shop like that overseas.

- Right, that's the most fun. / - Drinks and snacks.

- Things you've never seen before. / - Right.

- Look at that. / - He bought all the tasty things.

- That jelly is really delicious. / - Excuse me but...

This is nice.

This is the place.

This is the man-made beach.

- Is this a man-made beach? / - Man-made pool?

They made a swimming pool right next to the beach.

- Is it for free? / - Yes.

That can't be.

It's like they made a little water park

right next to the ocean.

(People relaxing by the man-made beach)

This is nice.

I should organize all this trash.

These are new.

(Finished snacks, new snacks)

I know that this will taste good.

(The snack bag is refilled again)

Let's start eating

a simple breakfast.

That looks good.

It's simple.

- Is this simple? / - It really is.

I need to calculate the cost.

I should've calculated it before buying but I didn't.

Let's see.

Do you have eyesight issues already?

I traveled too far, I couldn't see for the moment.


I bought $50.40 worth of food.


- I bought too much. / - How much?

- You need to do that to start saving. / - $50...


This breakfast is fit for a king.


I'm going to eat a breakfast fit for a king.

The view is so picturesque

starting from early in the morning.

- It's really pretty. / - People are so relaxed here.

He must be shooting an eating show.

(Should we pay him for his eating show?)

- Is that condensed milk? / - Yes.

- That looks so good. / - It's like milk jam.

He knows how to enjoy his food.

(100 and 200 points for his eating show)

- It was so good. / - I've never seen anyone buy...

Condensed milk and pour it on their food like that.

- Look at that. / - He's the best.


Hyeoksoo, I'm here.

I just need to find him.

Where is Hyeoksoo?

(Where is Hyeoksoo?)

(He's eating something)

Look, he already ate everything.

Kwon Hyeoksoo.

Do you know Kwon Hyeoksoo?

You know Kwon Hyeoksoo?


Jinwoon is doing the comedy.

Just in case they know him.

- Kwon Hyeoksoo in Cairns? / - I'm so hungry.

I think that's him.

(The two are getting closer)

I'm so hungry.

(He's watching other people eat out of hunger)

(Hyeoksoo's location)

I can't leave my stuff here because I'm by myself.

(Can't leave these three things)



(That's Hyeoksoo's voice)

- Hey. / - Geez!

I found him.

You're happier when you meet people overseas.

It's like you've gone through struggle.

I haven't even eaten.

What did you say?

- He's lying. / - I didn't have rice.

I only ate sandwiches.

That's right. He didn't eat rice.

I believed him. We went to eat right after that.

I'm really hungry. I didn't eat anything at all.

They're enjoying the festival and having a good time.

Good day, mate.

- That's a mistake. / - Did you hear me?


Good day?


- Everyone knows this. / - Hey, these guys...

They just sent word immediately.

They're all gathering here.



This feels nice.

It's like they're paying their respects.

Thanks, boss.

We'll visit again.

We might have to think...

- About this location again. / - Wow.

They use local ingredients like

kangaroo, crocodiles and buffalo.

Do they even cook buffalo?

- Yes. / - I've had crocodile before.

- So... / - How was it?

It was really delicious.

- Really? / - Yes.

- Was it good? / - The crocodile was really good.

This place doesn't have ordinary steak.

They have steak shaped like a fist.

- You can grab it and eat it. / - That was amazing.

- Like in the cartoons? / - That really was amazing.

- I know what that is. / - You grab the bone and eat it.

- That's amazing. / - They eat it like this.

- That kind of meat. / - That's amazing.

They sell that meat.


It's even more amazing when you see it in real life.

I thought this was only in cartoons.

Look at this.

This? I thought it was a ketchup bottle.

I really thought it was ketchup bottle.

I think this is new.

- This is really new. / - Of course.

(It takes 6 minutes by walk from the lagoon)

This place is really famous.

I think you'll remember this place for a lifetime.

I really wanted to try crocodile meat and

meat that looks like the one in cartoons.

- Those. / - You grab it like this and eat it.

Let's eat that. Let's try everything.

- Let's enjoy. / - Won't kangaroo meat be tough?

I didn't eat because of this place.

Hyeoksoo already ate about 20,000 calories.

It's all in English.

- It's in English. / - I have to read it.


So many dishes.

Is crocodile a seafood?

I was planning to come here alone if you didn't come.

Aren't they river food?

I studied the menu.

(He did his best to translate in order to eat)

This is squirrel meat.

It has crunchy squid. It sounds good.

- What is this? / - Veal shank.

- We want veal. / - Sure.

- It's here. / - Wait a minute.

(Crocodile meat)

- It's crocodile. / - What does it taste like?

It's cruel to eat kangaroos.

- If you close your eyes... / - Is it cruel?

(Kangaroo meat)


- For your next dish. / - It's here!

- This... / - That was amazing.

- We have this. / - This is real.

It wasn't a lie.

- It's the same as the photos. / - Goodness.

- The cartoon meat? / - I normally don't...

But I took photos of food.

I want to grab it and eat it.

Wait a minute. Stay still.

- Goodness. / - How do you eat this?

Can't you take a photo of me like Thor?

- That's a good idea. / - That's so amazing.

Can a single person eat all of it?

- Like Thor. / - That looks nice.

- Let's eat. / - The reason why people eat more...

- Is because it's good. / - That's true.

They keep eating because it's good.

- It's crocodile meat. / - It's quite tender.



It's like a mix of

really chewy fish and chicken.

It's really unique.

- This is my favorite restaurant. / - Isn't it tough?

- Not at all. / - Not at all?

- It's really chewy. / - It tastes really clean.

- I like this. / - It's not even greasy.

Is it like chicken?

- Does it taste like chicken? / - It tastes similar.

But the texture is more firm and chewy.

This is so delicious.

- It's kangaroo. / - It's kangaroo.

- Kangaroo. / - I imagine kangaroo to be...

- A little tough. / - They eat so well anyway...

I think they would think everything is delicious.

We tell you if it doesn't taste good.

(Surprised first and admits the good taste later)

(He's smiling without any words)

It's aromatic.

The aroma of the meat

doesn't spread but lingers in my mouth.

It doesn't have a unique smell like lamb.

It doesn't have that gamey taste.

The texture is different to beef.

It's like the grains are like this.

- Not in one direction. / - You're right.

When you eat beef, it passes your throat like a wave.

Almost like SISTAR.

When you eat this...

(Euro dance!)

(He's the king of dance)

- Here we go. / - The dance king.

The kangaroo meat was really tender.

It was so good.

This reminds me of Park Myungsoo.

Myungsoo's dancing.

Is it good?

- What is this? / - Is it a pumpkin?

- I think it was sweet potatoes. / - Sweet potatoes?

- Aren't those sweet potatoes? / - What are those?

Australian sweet potatoes.

Australian sweet potatoes.

They really are sweet potatoes.

That's so funny.

- They're Australian sweet potatoes. / - He's so funny.

They're sweet potatoes.

- Let's try something new. / - That sounds good.

- My fist isn't that big. / - Same for me.

Let's compare.

- That's almost as big as my head. / - That's amazing.

- I think they were inspired... / - It's that big.

- What is that? / - Make that boat horn sound again.

Do it for me.

You're doing impersonations?

(He perfectly imitates the boat horn)

- What the? / - What are you doing?

So funny.

It suddenly became "Titanic."

It was the first time we've seen anything like that.

We were moved.

I can't continue because I don't know the lyrics.

- Sorry. / - I don't know the lyrics.

Beautiful, you're a very good singer.

- I can't express this with words. / - Hurry up and eat.

- It's getting cold, hurry. / - Yes, hurry up and eat.

(Meat in mashed potatoes)

- This is... / - That's amazing.

It's like pudding.

Have you ever seen meat that is like pudding?

- Look. / - It's really easy to cut.

It was my first time seeing something like that.

You just had to separate the meat, not cut it.

- Oh, my. / - The meat melted in our mouths.

It kind of looks like soy sauce braised beef.

- Is it expensive? / - I ate a similar dish in Germany.

- You can't forget it. / - That is crazy.

They cooked schweinshaxe

in sweet bulgogi sauce.

What is this?

- It feels like braised beef. / - Why didn't I eat that?

That was a work of art.

- It was sweet and kind of spicy. / - You're right.

Looks tasty.

I think I know why there are potatoes here.

If you eat it like this...

Without potatoes...

- It'd be a bit... / - There's no work for the jaw.

- It could be boring. / - It'd just melt.

The chef developed the dish for a long time.

- It just melts. / - Why didn't you eat with your hands?

- It melts. / - It's been cooked a lot.

♪ Calf ♪

- ♪ Pale calf ♪ / - What?

- What song is this? / - ♪ Next to the Aussie ocean ♪

♪ Pale calf ♪

Musicians are really different.

That song has no relation to that dish.

♪ This calf is so delicious ♪

- Isn't this song cruel? / - You're right.

It isn't.

- It's so good. / - This is it.

I'll compare it to beef again.

The calf wins.

- Does the calf taste better? / - Yes.

- The calf was good. / - Parents can't beat their kids.

Isn't that too cruel?

Let's say our slogan.

What they are saying is right though.

AuCair, AuCair, AuCair, hoo!

I think I did a good job this time.

For more infomation >> Pork as big as Jeong Jin Woon's face tastes amazing! [Battle Trip/2017.10.15] - Duration: 15:32.


Mother Nature at a glance! Breathtaking 50 seconds of Sky Diving[Battle Trip/2017.10.15] - Duration: 18:18.

- I'm hungry. / - I'm in a bit of a hurry.

There's a place I want to visit but it closes at 3.

It's a true brunch restaurant.

- Is it here? / - It's here.

They have a lamb meat brunch with a sizable portion.

That must be good.

- Isn't it too heavy for brunch? / - No...

- It's not even lunch yet. / - That's how good it must be.

The most important thing is their good portions.

- You and I both eat a lot. / - That's true.

- We can just share one. / - Got it.

- That's for one person. / - One person?

- Everything comes in doubles. / - That's just one.

One person.

It's totally...

- It'll be filling for two people. / - Gosh.

The lamb was so good though.

Normally, people come here when they skip breakfast.

What kind of absurdity is this now?

It hasn't been that long since we ate breakfast.

- What are you talking about? / - You ate breakfast.

I just ate that to wake up.

Breakfast should be lavish and fit for emperors.

Just because you didn't eat scrambled eggs and toast,

don't say that you didn't eat breakfast.

You ate everything except those two.

Hey, there was no soup.

- Lamb salad? / - Yes.

- The portion is incredible. / - That's for one person.

- It's no joke. / - Enjoy.

Gosh. This is it.

- That's right. / - This is...

What leisure means.

(This defines the true meaning of leisurely brunch)

- You seem to fit in well here. / - Sure.

(Now, it's my turn)

Shall we give it a taste?

Because of my glasses, I can't see what's on the plate.

It's a bit hard to tell, right?

- I can't tell. / - That's why I took mine off.

So, we have the eggs.

And the bread has been toasted with butter.

There is also bacon, sausages and grilled tomatoes.

The bacon is as thick as smoked duck.

You just place this right on top.

- You know how to eat. / - He sure does.


- I'm getting good vibes. / - Right.

The elasticity of the sausages is incredible.

Maybe it's because the portion is huge

but it feels like it should be paired with beer.

- It doesn't feel like brunch. / - That'd be so good.


we can eat like this at any hotel too.

But the size is completely different.

But this is different. For me...

Yours is lamb.

I have lamb and endless avocado.

- Avocado. / - It's so big.

- They give you that much? / - They don't hold back.

- Avocados are expensive. / - How is it?

- Doesn't it smell gamey? / - It doesn't.

- That must be healthy. / - Sunny, stay with us.

- You can't lose consciousness. / - I'm okay.

- I... / - Can I try some lamb?

- Sure, of course. / - Thank you.

Enjoy yourself.


It doesn't smell gamey, right?

- It really doesn't. / - See.

Told you.

(There is a reason why I'm so happy)

I was worried that I'd be turned off...

By the gaminess.

I don't think I've ever had lamb that's not gamey.

I've only tried lamb that's very well done.

Slightly rare lamb is really nice.

- Eating it medium rare is great. / - So much lamb.

It has a crunch on the outside but it's moist inside.

The grain of the meat isn't very fine.

You can feel it just tenderly separating in your mouth.

It's like tuna.

Right. You're absolutely right.

- Right? / - It makes sense.

It's so good.

I love the portion size.

Are you talking about the lamb or the portion?

Both. I like the lamb and the portion size.

They're both great.

(This is happiness)

This is just perfect for one person.

One meal per person.

But for two females...

It might be better for them to share the salad.

- This is just right for us. / - One plate per person.

You eat all of that?

- It just happened. / - Well, it is brunch.

After skipping over a crocodile, it became possible.

- Skipping breakfast was worth it. / - I agree.

But stop saying that you skipped breakfast.

That doesn't make any sense.

No matter what you say, once this airs,

the narrative will be that I didn't eat breakfast.

The truth does not lie.

You know how we're eating a lot, right?

After storing up energy, you'll be able to have fun.

I've prepared something great.

You'll never get tired.

You're in trouble if I get hungry.

- What? / - You're in trouble if I get hungry.

- All he thinks about is eating. / - I don't get angry.

But do you know when I get angry?


When hunger creeps up on me.

The onset of hunger.

Don't worry. That won't happen.

You just need to sit still.

Just be still and enjoy.

- I'm really not going to move. / - Okay.

- I'm going to be still. / - Okay.

Where are you sending him this time?

(What will require him to just stay put?)

- Is this the right way? / - Yes.

Cairns is small.

- But biking isn't a small feat. / - Of course.

Hyeoksoo, after we return these...

- I have something to tell you. / - What is it?

- This is where we rented these. / - Right.

Look over at the shop on its left.


Here we go.

- Who's been skydiving? / - Even 13m was scary.

- Have you ever? / - Me.

I'm jealous.

- We have to do that? / - That's what we're doing.

Just the thought of it makes me hungry.

It just happened to be right next door.

You planned very meticulously.

There's no room for escape, right?


- But aren't we late? / - We're late.

- Let's return these. / - Return.

We don't want a late fee.


(I can't do it)

I don't think I can do it either. It's too scary.

Where did he go?


- I was just practicing. / - Come on. Let's go.

What's this sound?

(This is the sound of)

(Hyeoksoo opening another snack)


- Why do you always eat? / - Eating again?

Do you eat when you're anxious?

- I guess so. / - I see.

I want to play basketball.

I want to eat.

- I want to eat furiously. / - You eat so much.

- I didn't eat enough. / - What if you throw up?

I didn't eat enough to throw up.

He locked his room in case I take his snacks.

I wish I had something to throw up.

I feel...

- What more do you need to eat? / - So empty inside.

(I have to eat all I can)

Ready? Come here.

(This is their second time putting on a safety harness)

- Those pants were very nice. / - This...

The jump suit.

- That's just... / - You just get right on?

- We depart right after. / - After receiving instructions.

Hyeoksoo makes a tandem jump with a trainer.

You got it.

- The dance god. / - He sure knows how to dance.

(King of dancing)

I couldn't say anything because he was so into it.

(Let's go)

Don't you dance well too?

Well, I can't dance as well as Jinwoon.

- He has dance pants on. / - Well, of course.

- Let's go. / - This is so...

(Skydiving is approximately $280)

I usually dance well, Hyeoksoo.

(He makes a random remark)

The sky is so clear.

It takes about 10 to 15 minutes by car.

Is this the place?

They're so cute.

They almost seem like toys.

Kind of like paper airplanes.

They're different.

Jumping off is intimidating.

But once you're on, nothing is under your control.

That's true.

That's why it's better to just stay calm.

- Just stay still. / - That's right.

Smile. Keep smiling. All the time.

That's my business smile.

But you all look impressive.

- Right? / - Kind of like "Top Gun."

I think it just might be the scariest thing in the world.

(Suddenly, they're asked to pose for a picture)

(For some reason, it seems like a memorial picture)

Actually, bungee jumping is the scariest.

Skydiving isn't scary at all.

- Really? / - Yes.

We're heading up.

I'm so nervous.

But I'm excited and my heart is pounding.

(Someone is a little scared)

It reminds me of Hawaii.

When you hit zero gravity...

It feels like paradise.

I knew this would happen.

Having to jump off with a guy on your back...

There's no time to think about such things.

Since it's so beautiful up there...

It's so beautiful.

It made me want to just jump into the clouds.

But it seems so terrifying.

It's surreal that such natural wonders lie...

- Just outside the city. / - Right?

We'll be jumping soon.

You sign the waver for liability release, right?

Yes, of course.

- That's when it feels odd. / - You need insurance.

(Almost at their target elevation of 15,000 feet)

- I'm ready. / - Have a great jump.

- Let's go. / - I'm so nervous.

This is no joke.

That's the scariest moment.

That's so frightening.

Look at the rear wheel.

That's the moment when your skin crawls.

(The person up front jumps first)

(This is an anxious moment)

(The next 50 breathtaking seconds are coming)

- 50 breathtaking seconds? / - That was incredible.

Is he falling with you to get the footage?

He's getting that feeling.

- Gosh. That's amazing. / - What's going on?

The clouds are below him.

We're getting the goose bumps just watching that.

(It's a view that you cannot get anywhere else)


- I was trying to stay calm. / - He's completely livid.

Aren't you leaning too much on him?

Aren't you leaning too much?

I pretty much gave up on everything.

50 seconds.

See the countdown?

- It's so short. / - It just felt like...

It was 5 seconds.


How scary.

- Right? / - Right.

If it was Sam Hammington, he'd go down fast.

- About 10 seconds. / - Like a jet.

- Hyoyeon would fall for longer. / - Right.

Since she's light.

(The emotions are incomparable)


Gosh. That's amazing.

So, that's why people do this.

Can you hold here?

Hold here?

(The instructor helps him feel the emotions)

Hold here.

- It was so scary. / - I piloted the parachute down.

- So, you were driving it? / - Yes.

That's really...

- That must be so fun. / - They look like birds.

Hey, Jinwoon.

My God.

I've never felt this way in my life before.

(Sugar canes line the fields where they land)

- Very good. / - Yeah?

I want to go one more time.

Let's keep going.

Go, go, go!

We just made an unforgettable memory.

If I'm asked about

my life's shortest and most intense moment...

- I can give this as the answer. / - I agree.

It was short but intense.

(It's fleeting but tremendous)

I was having a dilemma.

But let's go bungee jump.

- Let's go. / - I think we can do it.

We skydived.

Bungee jumping is a fraction of the height.

Let's go, go, go.

(The trip to Cairns is not over yet)

(A hidden secret finds them)

(In the middle of a tropical forest)

(The biggest fear of their lives awaits)

You have to ride that.

(Constant shrieks are heard)

(Bungee jumping in the forest)

- I don't think I can jump. / - Hold on.

(If this piques your curiosity, see you next week)

That's bungee jumping.

- They tie it to your ankles. / - What was that?

That's right.

Is it over for now?

But I'm so envious. Aside from winning or losing,

enjoying that kind of weather

with all those activities seem so nice.

- You two. / - It'll be therapeutic.

Was that your first time skydiving?

Yes, it was my first time.

- You too, Hyeoksoo? / - How was it?

I'm thinking about giving it a go after watching that.

Do you prefer scuba diving or skydiving?


It's like asking you to pick between your parents.

They're so different. But of this, I'm sure.

My brief encounter with skydiving

was the most intense rush I've ever had.

- It's because of adrenaline. / - That's right.

- Would you do it again? / - Of course.

- I'd do it every day. / - I can go right now.

- Really? / - Want to go?

- That's how it is. / - Shall we go?

Shall we show what it's like falling towards Yeouido?

We can go right now.

- Really? / - But I'm a bit worried...

Skydiving must have...

- Cost quite a bit. / - It's a sport.

There was that cruise and scuba diving too.

I feel like the expense will be very high.

I'm a bit worried.

And the total expense is...

- Per person it was... / - Per person.

We win.


- That figure... / - They're not very happy.

- No, hold on. / - Didn't you spend too much?

- You never know. / - No...

- We have to compare. / - It could be more.

- They spent too much. / - No, but...

- They spent way too much. / - If I go traveling...

With someone that'd come,

I'd cover that person's expenses.

- That's how good it was. / - AuCair Rich Man Tour.

But I think if that's the final expense after all that...

- I'd say it's reasonable. / - In my opinion...

I think they could've kept it below $800.

But Hyeoksoo kept eating.

He ate too much.

- Snacks can pile up. / - I know.

That's not a sin.

We'll take a stand and get the full tally.

Please give us a closing statement.

Cairns is a place that can really oil your engine

when life has you burned out.

That's a good expression.

He speaks well.

Everyone, it's time to make a decision.

Will you go on a trip according to AuCair AuCair Tour?

I'd definitely go.

Please cast your votes.

(AuCair AuCair Tour enjoyed food and adventure)

(What will the judges choose?)

But the more I think about it...

- I'm envious. / - Me too.

I wish I could go. The weather is so nice too.

The weather is just splendid.

I really want to go to Australia.

- Next week, on Battle Trip... / - I want to go too.

Brisbane will be featured.

We'll see you next Saturday at 9:15 p.m.

Look forward to it. Thank you.

For more infomation >> Mother Nature at a glance! Breathtaking 50 seconds of Sky Diving[Battle Trip/2017.10.15] - Duration: 18:18.


Energy Update – Blue Rays Currently Feeling Beyond Overwhelmed - Duration: 11:46.

Energy Update � Blue Rays Currently Feeling Beyond Overwhelmed

by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,

Blue Rays are finding the current energies extremely overwhelming and challenging right


Not feeling our �usual� selves due to so much flux going on with humanity with the

Gateway openings of 1/10, 11/11 and to come is 12/12.

As part of �who we are� in feeling and transmuting so much more than just ourselves.

And this has heightened more so recently as we are ALSO TRANSMUTING OUR FAMILY GENETIC/ANCESTRY

DNA energies.

Blue Rays do not �usually� share with others as over time one has learnt that others

don�t really �get us�.

As it takes another Blue Ray to �understand�, I mean really understand us and how we feel

as we do and who �we are�.

You are unique, strong, so much stronger than you realise!

You have weathered so many of life�s emotional �storms� over the years and not only for

yourself, this is very important to realise, feel and acknowledge.

As this can make ALL the difference in coping in knowing you are �not alone� in who

you are and how you feel and transmute all you do and have done so, for so very long.

It is very �natural� within us to �want� to help others, we are unable to �help this�,

it is a part of who we are.

Yet�.while we feel this so deeply as �part of us� we need to remember to �help ourselves�.

And by doing so now, this will then flow and filter to others energies we are transmuting

as part of our roles as Blue Rays.

A very powerful prayer to feel deeply through our whole being is: �Help me to help myself�

and the relief when one expresses this from their heart, soul and spirit, is a wave of

energy of relief that comes, even if briefly.

It is time to acknowledge and �come home to yourself�.

Of feeling into and owning if one resonates as a Blue Ray.

Read and feel the article shared below from Shekina Rose as only you can feel if this

resonates for you.

As this is such a �personal� discovery for oneself as you WILL know when you read,

feel and resonate to the guide/outline Shekina shares.

As there are many Blue Rays �around� and �out� now, more so than years ago as we

have become aware of others.

Do not �try� or attempt to fit yourself into a �box� of if you are a Blue Ray,

as I have read over the years many that do this.

As many Blue Rays �mis-take� themselves as Indigo�s or are not aware they are a

Blue Ray.

Be a seeker of your Soul and Spirit�read, feel and resonate as to your �origins�

of the Ancient.

When we own and accept what resonates for us in what ever that is for us, it allows

a recognition/resonation and with this comes relief and this can make all the difference

in what ever we are experiencing � that �Coming Home� feeling �like no other�.

Currently due to the expansion of humanities energy with the Triple Gateway energies, so

much has heightened for us Blue Rays.

Where we are feeling �something more� than what others are, due to who we are in

transmuting/transforming more than �just us�.

But who do we tell?

Who do we share this with, as others are feeling so much as well, yet they are not understanding

we are feeling this �differently�.

I understand what you are feeling without words, as to what this is for me as a Blue

Ray Elder, Trailblazer for and with humanity in service to the Divine and Gaia.

I feel you without words and I support and love you in all you are and what and how you

are feeling and transmuting right now and for in the future as well.

I know you are so very very strong and have endured so much and can endure what ever we

came here to experience and transmute.

Even though at times and many times you may not feel this.

But you do and will make it through, as you are so resilient and deep, oh so very deep.


All those years of us transmuting so much, we are and will be �rewarded� for.


One of our greatest challenges is to not give ourselves a �hard-time� as this also comes

with being a Blue Ray.

We can be so hard on ourselves and we need to stop and �put the stick down�.

You are picking up on and transmuting/transforming more than just you, feel this, take this in

and remember this!

As this has heightened recently due to the energies of late.

Let go of holding the space for others as you have whether you realised or knew one

was doing this, does not matter.

Let go of our �old role� in all we are as we are needing come home to yourself in

a very �brand new� way.

To surrender and release as we are part of a �bigger picture� that is Beyond just


This �Bigger Bigger Picture�, the Divine is �taking care of�.

We are so lovingly guided and supported, all the way.

And now it is time to love and support ourselves in who and all we are.

By coming home to ourselves, back to ourselves and a very new self that is.

I am with you all the way, I always have been and will be.

Just as you are also with me in Blue Ray Spirit.

As we are not alone.

I love you and �hang in there� in all you are going through, you will make it through

and I know you DO know this.

As we are so stubborn and independent as well and I love this about us.

It is time to break free from the restraints that you are alone and on your own, as we

may be so in the human, even when we are around others, yet you have many brothers and sisters

around the world and one here in Australia, that really understand what it means to be

a Blue Ray.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty


Blue Ray Elder

As a Blue Ray Being, you came to transform the damaged, mutated DNA of humanity, and

set the stage for the other rays to come.

You were not recognized for your unique divine light and had to recognize yourselves.

It was tricky spiritual business as you were super sensitive beings, though you had the

spiritual power tools to be victories in your mission.

For the last 100 years the Indigos, Rainbows, Crystals and you, the Blue Rays, have been

incarnating to create a vibrational shift to the higher dimensions.

You the Blue Ray Beings are the overlooked and forgotten ones, and have been essential

in clearing and setting the stage for humanities ascension.

Because of you, Blue Ray Beings, earth will be able to take her rightful place in the

galactic and universal councils of oneness and peace.

The Blue Ray Mission:

Infiltrate the system in a normal capacity, always remembering who you are and where you

came from, planting the seeds of peace, love, light and higher awareness.

No matter how painful, long or arduous the job was, it was your mission and you had the

spiritual tools, insight and divine light to see it through.

Blue Ray Traits:

� �Transformers�, using alchemy you naturally transmute lower energies.

� Average age range: Late 30�s to 50�s � Tend to be water and air signs: Pisces,

Scorpio, Cancer, Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra with Virgo influences.

� Have similarities with the Indigo, Crystals and Rainbows Beings.

Ultra sensitive, intuitive, can easily communicate with the higher realms.

You have sacred knowledge and wisdom.

� Often mistaken for an Indigo.

� Very adaptable and empathic.

� Blues are more reserved and quieter than the indigos and seem mystical in the way they


Old souls may appear to be more ethereal looking or star born.

� You are about communication and expression through the creative arts and spirit.

It is very important for you to express yourself.

It�s part of you mission.

� May have taken many years for you to be able to speak up and be seen.

� Have blue in your aura or have lots of blue around you.

You will also have violet to help with transmuting lower density.

Work with Archangel Michael, Saint Germain and the Violet Fire.

� Most are energy or spiritual healers as you wish to heal and help others.

� Are water types.

Flowing, emotional, not static and associated with the divine feminine traits and archetype.

Music, sound, movement, dance and nature is very important to you.

� Learned how to hide your supernatural abilities and gifts, stood in the background

waiting, watching, observing and always in the knowing.

� The Waiting, Star Seed Time Line Encodement, the blues have been preparing for when events

and an inner knowing will activate you to reset your course to take a higher path.

This activation will attuned you to your core essence and will affect your career, hobbies,

goals and relationships.

� Most of you were not born to enlightened consciousness spiritual parents.

You had to heal and transform much family, genetic damage, emotional trauma and dysfunction


� Feel connected to the terms Light Worker, Star Born and to Pleiades, Sirius and to the

esoteric studies and the evolved races of earth.

Are more energetic aligned to Lemurians then to the Atlantians.

� Have amazing latent spiritual gifts and talent that are not fully activated.

� Feel out of out place in your family, feel your biological family is not your true


Feel you are from the stars, another planet or evolved race.

� Are the peacemakers with your family and with friends.

� Have great inner long-term persistence.

You get to your destination.

� Very sensitive to foods, chemicals, the environment, noise and electricity.

� Need to drink lots of spring water that still has the life force in it, and be connected

to the deva of water.

Challenges for the Blue Ray

� Escape tendencies, being in the other realms or being alone to much, feeling lonely

and different.

� Addictions or addictive tendency in earlier years.

� Chronic fatigue from always transforming energies or leaving the body to often and

to long.

� Learning disabilities

� Difficulty and frustration in communicating.

� Were told: You were different.

You�re just imaging things.

Get real.

� Can have entities, spirit attachments and negative thought forms come to you, because

the Blue Ray transforms and shows them the light.

� Had genetic damage to transform.

� Are very adaptable and empathic, and therefore can stay in a dysfunction relationship, situation

or environment too long.

� Need to maintain energetic boundaries and awareness and learn how to stay connected

in the body.

For more infomation >> Energy Update – Blue Rays Currently Feeling Beyond Overwhelmed - Duration: 11:46.


04. KICK - Tezero (Prod. LiveGian) [MELENA ESCARLATA Mixtape] (Nov 2016) - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> 04. KICK - Tezero (Prod. LiveGian) [MELENA ESCARLATA Mixtape] (Nov 2016) - Duration: 3:40.


COPA CER | PAIS VASCO vs Castilla Leon | CLASH ROYALE ESPORTS | DIRECTO - Duration: 1:56:16.

For more infomation >> COPA CER | PAIS VASCO vs Castilla Leon | CLASH ROYALE ESPORTS | DIRECTO - Duration: 1:56:16.


Música para Dormir Profundamente 🌸 Relaxamento Profundo, Musica para Relaxar, Paz Interior - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> Música para Dormir Profundamente 🌸 Relaxamento Profundo, Musica para Relaxar, Paz Interior - Duration: 1:00:01.


The pocket monkey keeps telling her mother that she is hungry - Duration: 4:11.

Are you unhappy?


What are you saying baby?

Are you hungry?


Wait a moment, Mummy is preparing milk for you.

Wow, now you can drink milk by yourself.

Slowly baby.

Site up baby.

Come on.

Are you squatting or standing?

You can stand up now, good job.

You are so cute.

For more infomation >> The pocket monkey keeps telling her mother that she is hungry - Duration: 4:11.


Roblox ll Gem Miners (Alpha Version) ll Livestream - Duration: 1:59:23.

For more infomation >> Roblox ll Gem Miners (Alpha Version) ll Livestream - Duration: 1:59:23.


INTP Personality Type [The Architect] - All You Need To Know About INTP - Duration: 7:26.

INTP Personality Type [The Architect]

Each personality type possesses unique gifts and inclinations that serve an important role

in the society; each personality is special in its own way.

People with INTP personality type, account for less than 5 percent of the general population

with some sources citing even lower numbers.

While it would be impractical to even attempt to find exact numbers, nobody will argue that

INTPs are rare.

INTP stands for "introverted" (I), "intuitive" (N), thinking (T), perceiving (P).

Introversion is a preference to focus internally and spend a good portion of your time alone

in quiet surroundings.

Being intuitive means that you pay more attention to general concepts, abstract ideas and interpretations;

facts and details are secondary to you.

Your inclination to use your thinking faculty instead of feelings makes you a highly rational

person who prioritizes logic and reason.

Having a perceiving style means you are a flexible and spontaneous person.

Just like other types, INTP has other names given by Myers-Briggs and those who later

expanded on their theory.

Authors of the official Myers-Briggs assessment tool refer to this type as "Objective Analyst".

David Keirsey in his books "Please Understand Me" and "Please Understand Me II" called

this type "The Architect", which is a little confusing because Myers-Briggs

used this nickname for INTJ, another personality type whom Keirsey called "The Mastermind".

In addition, he sometimes used the word "Engineers" when talking about INTPs.

Linda Berens in her book "The Sixteen Personality Types: Descriptions for Self-Discovery"

called this type "Designer Theoriser".

Alan Brownsword, the author of "It Takes All Types", called it "Builder of Theories".

Jonathan P Niednagel, the author of brain typing theory based on Jung's and Myer-Briggs's

works, called this personality type "Creative Logician".

Some online sources made up their own names for INTP: Logician, Rational Philosopher,

and The Inventive Logician.

INTP is the equivalent of Phlegmatic-Choleric temperament (primary: Phlegmatic, secondary:

Choleric) in four temperaments model.

Now, let's look a bit more about INTP Personality Type.


How to Recognize an INTP

People with INTP personality type often appear lost in their own intellectual world.

Although they are great at organizing thoughts and concepts, they usually neglect the physical

world, which may make them seem messy and disorganized.

Just like other introverts, they dislike the superficial and don't bother with small


On the other hand, they enjoy talking about abstract concepts, science, technology, mathematics,

which usually results in technical and complex speech that cannot be easily understood by


Another important INTP trait is that they are more interested in underlying structures

of things and principles that seem to govern these things, rather than the things themselves.

Because INTP's thoughts are precise and organized, their language is precise too.

They pick up on inconsistencies in others' speech very quickly and can be truly devastating

in debate.

Because they believe that one of their primary functions is the search for understanding,

they will typically point out logical flaws, no matter the opponent.

Debates aside, INTPs often appear shy due to their preference to work quietly and alone.

Their natural reserve may be difficult to penetrate and, except for a few close friends,

INTPs don't really open up to anyone and are often underestimated.


INTP Interests, Hobbies and Learning Style

When talking about INTP, design is what first comes to mind.

These people possess fantastic spatial skills, and from an early age they are preoccupied

with concepts of space and orientation.

A typical INTP is obsessed with technology and will usually choose to study science.

INTPs enjoy studying broad theoretical concepts that stimulate their mind;

and although they regularly spend a great amount of time learning non-compulsory materials,

they prefer to study on their own pace with freedom to choose topics of interest on their



A Special Thing About INTP

People with INTP personality type look at the world a little differently than the rest

of us; they see the world as a raw material, something they could influence, change or

re-design according to their own mental sketch.

Masters of organization, not only INTP people design physical systems such as machines,

buildings and bridges, they also excel at building theoretical systems

such as corporations and curricula.

Although INTPs are keen for knowledge, they know how to concentrate on the issue at hand.

With this deep and narrow focus, they are often capable to reach a better understanding

of whatever they are trying to analyze than any other type.


INTP in Dating, Love and Relationships

INTPs make great and committed partners.

Although they take their relationship very seriously,

they sometimes may be forgetful of important anniversaries and appointments.

When an INTP person chooses to focus on her relationship, she may appear to have a relationship

chip on her shoulder, in a true INTP style she will analyze everything

about her partner and their relationship.

In general, INTP do not enjoy social activities in their homes and would rather live in their

own intellectual world.

Their partners must be prepared to arrange and schedule common social rituals themselves;

they may also have to pay courtesy visits to other people alone as their INTP partners

can't be bothered with this type of activities.

Another possible point of conflict is that INTP men and women tend to keep their emotions

to themselves, and may appear insensitive to feelings of other people.

Also, while being completely ignorant about their partners' emotions, they will usually

ask for a logical basis for their partners' words and actions.

it's important for their partners to realize that demanding for rationale is INTP's attempt

to understand them, and not an insult to their feelings.


INTP Decision-Making Style

When making a decision, INTP carefully evaluate the problem at hand and consider all available


Because they tend to see many alternative solutions to the same problem, they might

get caught up in analyzing the alternatives, and postpone making a decision until it's

too late.

In addition, INTPs should realize that sometimes their decisions affect lives of other people,

and, because INTPs are not very good at people reading, they might want to make sure that

these decisions do not affect anyone negatively.

Another potential problem with INTP decision-making is that they tend to get carried away in their

thinking, and might waste their time considering unrealistic options.

All in all, that's a little things about INTP Personality Type [or The Architect].

Really cool information isn't it!

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